Receiving Guests/visitors On Regular Basis
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Hare KrishnaBy Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir

How to receive guests on Sunday: After the announcements are made it very important to focus on newcomers and later one can deal with regular visitors and congregational devotees. Following points should be considered while dealing with newcomers. 1. TEMPLE – PAMPHLET Giving daily pamphlets while giving Welcome pamphlets, explain about Temple timings, Sunday program timings Invite them graciously to attend our programs. Do not insist them if they are not interested. Just encourage them While dealing with them, one should try to fan the spark of interest within them. Daily temple schedule. Sunday festival (GAUR-ARATI, KIRTAN, PRAVACHAN, PRASADAM.) Deities. Festivals (Vaishnav Calendar.) Various Congregational Programs. Gurukul/Orphanage Audio CDs, VCDs, MP3 CDs, Audio tapes/books library. (Refer the topic ‘important documents’ at the end of this manual for ‘Temple pamphlet’.)

ISKCON 50: Festival @ ISKCON Punjabi Bagh to mark anniversary of Srila Prabhupada arriving at Boston
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Hare KrishnaBy Premanjana Das

Program consisted of an elephant procession, “Reliving Prabhupada at Boston(Performance by Gauranga Band)” , “Bigwig in conversation with Srila Prabhupada(Puppet Show)”, Govindam Prayers(Yoga Acrobatics by students from blind school) and Prabhupada Katha by his three senior disciples: HG Pancagauda Pr, HG Hamsrupa Pr & HG RadhaKunda Mj. The program began by carrying the deity of Srila Prabhupada on a decorated elephant accompanied by hundreds of devotees who were joyfully chanting and dancing in a procession from temple to the nearby venue. The stage program was initiated by suitable invocation, lamp lighting and a short address by HG Rukmini Krishna Das(Temple Co-President). Many devotees were mesmerized when students from a blind school put up a Yoga Acrobatics show on different pastimes of Lord Krishna. Gauranaga Rock Band sang the poem composed by Srila Prabhupada on Jalduta a day before arriving at Boston.

Dealing With Different Categories Of Visitors
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Hare KrishnaBy Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir

Every guest coming to the temple is warmly welcomed with folded palms and cordially received. Since our movement is a preaching mission, in the International Society for Krishna consciousness (ISKCON), the proper reception of guests is very important. As followers of Srila Prabhupada, the founder Acharya of ISKCON, we should consider any guest in the temple to be his guest. Proper reception of a guest can make a difference between a person coming once to the temple and never returning, or becoming a regular visitor & ultimately becoming a devotee of Krishna. Therefore each and every guest should be dealt with great care and hospitality. Their names and addresses should be collected. They should be sent some gift and relevant information about the temple.

How to enhance our Outreach through the Press-Media and the Luminaries
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Hare KrishnaBy Daamodara Dhananjaya Das

Today, one of the best avenues to reach out, not just to the masses, but also to the upper most class of people, is through the Press or the Print Media (Newspapers) and the Electronic Media (TV News & Entertainment Channels and Radio Channels). Reading newspapers and watching TV News Channels, is now one of the preeminent necessities of life. These days apparently oxygen seems to be of the secondary importance, as compared to the need of the Media. So much so that the preachers too, in order to keep up with the pace, sometimes are forced to surrender to this bewitching incarnation of Mayadevi. Hence, at ISKCON Ahmedabad, somewhere around 2007, we too decided to cultivate our relationship with the Media, so as to spread the Holy Name to each and every dwelling, where Mayadevi has her encroachment through them.

Intellectual Simplicity
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By Kesava Krsna Dasa

It can sometimes be tough being an intellectual in Iskcon. The tendency to keep one foot in the empirical camp and the other in the devotional arena can cause incompatibilities of faith, especially when continuing to grapple with “oddities” like elephant sized mangoes, airborne mountains, talking hyenas and bodily exuded cosmic bubbles. Almost everything is interesting for an intellectual. How things work, or don’t. Statistics and comparisons, complex and more complicated, beyond comprehension and ridiculously out of bounds, all can pose challenges when faced with the “simplicity” of Krishna consciousness. And more so when fantastic and marvellous Vedic accounts remains fabulously beyond belief. Does “simple living” dull down our inquiring spirit to the point of unquestioning obedient acceptance of everything taught to us? Will “high thinking” allow us free reign to explore that which confounds the greatest material thinkers? “Prove that God exists,” Srila Prabhupada would say. This seems the most certain way of engaging a lively intellect. How many sprightly and bouncy intellectual devotees are convinced of this, especially when having to explain in terms of elephants and swans that do inter-planetary travel, and other faith shaking concepts?

A month of festivities at ISKCON Manipur
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Hare KrishnaBy Bhakta Bhusan

Deputy Chief Minister Shri Gaikhangam inaugurated Sri Sri Krishna Janmastami Celebration 2016 at ISKCON Manipur Sri Sri Radhakrishnachandra Manimandir as Chief Guest, Commerce and Industries Minister Govindas Konthoujam, Social welfare and cooperation Minister, Kumari A.K. Mirabai and His Holiness Bhaktivyasa Tirtha Swami as president. After the ministers had ‘darshan’ of Sri Sri Radhakrishnachandra, they were explained the posters given in by His Grace Barnamali Das and His grace Radhamohan Das. A four day Achintya youth festival was organised in commemoration of 50 years of ISKCON and Sri Sri Krishna Janmastami Celebration 2016 from 21st to 24th August. The inaugural function was presided by Dr. I.Ibohalbi Singh, member of Legislative Assembly and leader of opposition. As a prelude to the commemoration of the 50 years of ISKCON, Rath yatra Photography contest was organised during rath Yatra 2016 along with Manipur Photography Club. Nandotsava and Srila Prabhupada Vyasa puja was also observed and about 1100 devotees were served sumptuous Prasad of 9 different dishes.

Malaysia Padayatra Celebrates World Holy Name Week And Iskcon’s 50Th Anniversary
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Hare KrishnaBy Murali Vadhana Govinda Dasa

A small padayatra was held in Malaysia on August 14th. It was organized by ISKCON Teluk (Mayapur Baru) and commemorated ‘World Holy Name Week’ and ISKCON’s 50th anniversary. Srila Prabhupada visited the town of Teluk Intan located in the Hilir Perak district of Malaysia in 1970. He also visited the Mariamman Temple here. Now, years later it was decided that this temple would be the starting point of the commemorative padayatra. The padayatra was set to take place at 5:30 pm. There were around 50 devotees gathered at the Mariamman Temple. We also carried a murti i of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. We had organized some media coverage from a local newspaper, ‘Tamil Malar.’ They were meant to cover the event from the beginning but unfortunately, because they had arrived late, it didn’t work out. They did, however; agree to publish the event later after we had completed the walk.

New Vrindaban Prabhupada Festival to Awaken Sweet Service Mood
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Hare KrishnaBy Madhava Smullen

The festival is a revival of the historical Prabhupada Festivals that began in the West Virginia rural community with the opening of Srila Prabhupada’s Palace in 1979, and continued through to the mid 1980s. Lavish affairs, they saw devotees from around the world come together to serve Srila Prabhupada with processions, abishekhas and gift-giving, as well as 24-hour kirtans, dramas, sumptuous feasts, and elaborate fireworks displays. This year’s festival aims to not only bring back that tradition, but also to reconnect with previous residents who assisted in the gradual development of New Vrindaban; revive a spirit of giving special attention to Srila Prabhupada; and awaken the team spirit and sweet, sincere mood of service that the early devotees had for him.

Sri Lankan Government Minister attended the celebration of Sri Krishna Janmastami Festival
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Hare KrishnaBy Mahakarta das

Honourable Mano Ganesan – Minster of National Coexistence Dialogue and Official Languages, attended the Sri Krishna Janmastami celebration at Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple. He was offered Golden shawl, Prasadam and Garland. He gave a memento in honour of Srila Prabhupada for the 50th Anniversary of ISKCON.