By Iskcon staff Almost 49 years ago in 1967, the first Ratha yatra outside India was celebrated in the city of San Francisco by Srila Prabhupada’s Iskcon devotees. This Ratha Yatra survey, just published, of all the Ratha yatra celebrations held across…
Author Archives: Dandavats
Survey: 526 worldwide Ratha Yatras conducted by Iskcon yearly!
Can We Be Worse Now Than Before We Joined?
→ Dandavats
By Mahatma das
Many times Srila Prabhupada said “Love and trust.” I think we need a lot more of this. Vengeance, envy, anger,and discord are often higher within religious groups than elsewhere (“We have enough religion to hate, but not enough to love”). We need to be careful about this in Iskcon. Recently I came across this quote. “Religious people often become self righteous, judgmental, resentful, condemning, etc. as they see more faults in man than other’s see. Psychologists have noted that piety can easily become an unhealthy form of neurosis rather than a healthy form of religion.” As devotees we are given standards to follow, standards which can backfire by becoming a criteria upon which we judge others. This will make us more judgmental , critical and sarcastic than before we joined Iskcon. Of course, if we are advancing properly we will become more introspective about our own need to improve. But the judgment of others often happens before the introspection kicks in.
Back To Godhead, or Back To Serve?
→ Dandavats
By Kesava Krsna Dasa If a devotee were to ask, “Please bless me so that I’ll never take birth again in this horrible material world,” would this be asking for some kind of liberation? Hundreds of times, Srila Prabhupada encouraged us to “Go Back home,…
Functional freedom
→ Dandavats
By Kasya das Krishna selected banyan tree, the example of nature, to make easier our understanding how material entanglement is intricate. Banyan has one unique feature – from its branches grow secondary roots, which in time grow down to the ground to …
Renunciation In Royal Dress
→ Dandavats
By Bhurijana Dasa With the help of Krsna. who lives within everyone’s heart, all impediments to this pure consciousness will be overcome. If we are eager to hear about Krsna, well learn from the scriptures how to recognize His existence everywhere. Whi…
First Among Kings
→ Dandavats
By Drutakarma Dasa King Prthu and Queen Arci ascended to the spiritual world, Vaikuntha, in spiritual airplanes. They ascended in spiritual bodies, their material bodies having been consumed by the fire of the funeral pyre. The sage Maitreya, narrating…
Turning to Prayer
→ Dandavats
By Dvarakadhisa Devi Dasi PRAYER, OR vandanam, is the sixth of the nine processes of devotional service. An intensely personal process, it may also be the most universal, for prayers fill the traditions of religions and cultures of the world, creating …
10 Iconic Places Outside India Where Ratha Yatra Is Celebrated
→ Dandavats
By Pratik Mohapatra Ratha Jatra of Lord Jagannath being one of the largest religious festivals of India, is not just limited to its borders but also hugely celebrated outside India. Iconic cities like San Francisco, London, Los Angeles, Tokyo and even …
“Something Spiritual” – Srila Prabhupada Production
→ Dandavats
By Abhishek Joshi The process took 3-4 months including script writing and reviewing, soundtrack making, casting, promoting, rehearsing, organising, and many of the team members had sleepless nights just so that they could deliver an offering of real v…
ISKCON 50 Expo: exhibition panels released for your local 50th anniversary celebrations
→ Dandavats
By ISKCON 50 Global Office
ISKCON’s 50th Anniversary Committee has released an important resource for the year long celebrations of temples around the world: colourful and informative exhibition panels that showcase ISKCON’s achievements in the last 50 years and can be printed and displayed by temples locally. The ISKCON 50 Expo consists of 16 panels which measure 2.5 feet by 4 feet, and can be downloaded in print quality from the ISKCON 50 website. The panels describe the legacy of the Hare Krishna movement, Srila Prabhupada’s journey to America, the expansion and explosion of the Hare Krishna movement worldwide, and the multifarious achievements of ISKCON in areas such as book distribution, temples, prasadam distribution, festivals, farm communities, academia and community work.
Doyal (Merciful) Nitai
→ Dandavats
By Dwaipayan De The lotus feet of Lord Nityananda are a shelter where one will get the soothing moonlight not only of one,but of millions of moons. If the world wants to have real peace, it should take shelter of Lord Nityananda.Unless one takes shelte…
ISKCON Vancouver Participates in July 1st Canada Day Parade
→ Dandavats
By Jaya Govinda dasa
July 1st marked the 149th anniversary of the founding of the world’s second largest country; Canada. Towns and villages across the nation celebrated its birthday with fireworks, parades and a host of other joyful events. The city of Vancouver’s celebration was extra special as our ISKCON Hare Krishna temple was invited to participate in this year’s Canada Day parade. An estimated 300,000 people lining the route, and millions more on main stream news coverage were benefited with the vibration of the holy names, seeing ecstatic devotees dancing and being made aware that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of ISKCON and the Hare Krishna movement. Our participation was an offering to Srila Prabhupada on this special occasion. Wearing red & white saris, dhotis and kurtas, colours of the Canadian flag, the crowds smiled and waved at the enthusiastic dancing devotees who followed our main float.
Affirmation, repetition, contagion
→ Dandavats
By Anandini Padayachee For centuries man has been growing deluded by wealth and the material, but the disintegration and degeneration of society caused by this materiality is reaching a turning point. The plague of natural disasters, the growing number…
New law in Russia threatens the Sankirtan movement in that country
→ Dandavats
By various media
Lawmakers are eager to place new restrictions on Russia’s religious sphere, amending the legal definition of “missionary activity” as defined under the Constitution’s article on the freedom of conscience and religion. Yarovaya’s legislation defines as “missionary activity” any kind of religious practice that takes place outside special establishments, cemeteries, houses of worship, or religious schools. This applies to acts of worship, ceremonies, the distribution of literature, and preaching. “The dissemination of beliefs and religious convictions” through the mass media and the Internet is also considered to be “missionary activity.”
Help Rebuild the Hare Krsna Centre in Christchurch after Earthquake
→ Dandavats
By Mandira mani dasi
You might remember hearing about the Christchurch earthquakes in the news. What you might not know is that there were more earthquakes after the first big one—no fewer than 10,000 of them. There were sometimes seven or eight earthquakes a day. Everybody living in Christchurch was scared all the time because each earthquake had the potential to bring major destruction. Eventually one of them did: our temple survived the first earthquake, but the biggest of those 10,000 aftershocks brought it down. Five years later, the rebuild has finally begun. We have been very lucky to get an insurance payout–lucky because the insurance company went bankrupt after the earthquake.
The last instructions of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
→ Dandavats
By Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura No matter whenever and wherever I happen to take birth, let my loving affection and attachment remain unshaken throughout each and every lifetime for the following things: for my divine spiritual master, for Sri Gauranga, …
New look website launched for ISKCON 50
→ Dandavats
By ISKCON 50 Global Committee ISKCON’s 50th anniversary committee launched a new look website last week with the aim of making it more user-friendly and to make up-to-date information much more accessible. “The ISKCON 50 website acts like a communicat…
How to take darshan of Lord
→ Dandavats
Giriraj dasa: Srimad Bhagavatam instruct us how to take darshan of Lord.Read More…
Has your temple planned its Incoporation Day celebrations for the 50th Anniversary?
→ Dandavats
By Romapada Das The 50th anniversary of ISKCON’s incorporation falls on 13th July 2016. Although Srila Prabhupada signed the legal documents on 11th July, the actual certificate of Incorporation is dated the 13th July. Hence, it was from this day that …
The Many Facets of New Govardhana
→ Dandavats
By Carsani devi dasi
Overlooking some of the farm’s most picturesque countryside, eight new cabins provide comfortable accommodation consisting of a double bed, two single beds, a small kitchenette and en-suite bathroom. Two meals a day are also included in the price – breakfast and dinner. In addition, there are nine rooms available for visitors in the current Guesthouse Retreat located on the hill facing the temple. These are of various sizes, and are suitable for singles, couples and family groups. Other features of the guesthouse include a charming communal living room with space for yoga or meditation and shady verandas with spectacular views. If you have a special yoga event you want to host, it is available for hire.
The Apparent Paradox: Self-confidence and Humility
→ Dandavats
By Mahatma Das
How do we maintain self-confidence, yet feel ourselves a fool before our spiritual master? How can we be confident and simultaneously feel unqualified to serve Krishna? Aren’t self-confident people somewhat proud or arrogant? We are ordinary people engaged in an extraordinary process, a process that will make us extraordinary. Thus, our confidence lies not in ourselves, but in the power of the process of bhakti. With Krishna’s divine power and intelligence guiding us, we know we will succeed. In the Caitanya Caritamrita, a brahmana from Avantidesa confidently states, “I willcross over the ocean of nescience.” Why is he so confident? He believes he is assured of success because those who have already traveled the bhakti path have succeeded. His confidence is, “I am walking the same path, so I will also succeed.” I can feel lowly, even useless, yet still be confident that Krishna can use me to do wonderful service. It’s even possible, by the grace of the guru, that a disciple can do more than his spiritual master, even though feeling totally unqualified to serve (actually, he does so much because of feeling unqualified to serve). Externally, Prabhupada achieved more than his guru. Yet, he always gave credit to his spiritual master.
Ratha Yatra and Jagannath Temple Opening, Medan, Indonesia
→ Dandavats
By Hari Narayana Das
People are all originally situated on the platform of Krsna consciousness in their eternal personal relationship of love of Krsna. But due to forgetfulness people become familiar with the material world or maya. To enhance the spirit of devotional service, Srila Prabhupada traveled around the world distributing nectar and spreading the glories of the Lord. He also introduced the ways of performing devotional service to the Lord. Rendering devotional service to Sri Krishna can be done in many ways. One of the activities is by celebrating festivals to remember the Lord’s pastimes. Desiring to serve the Lord in multifarious and special ways devotees in Medan organized the 3rd third ratha yatra festival and also opening of the new Jaganntha Mandir. “All activities, words, everything should be offered as service to the Deities, and this offering with remembering will gradually increase as you practice it.” (SPL to Prajapati dasa, 16th May, 1976)
The Kitchen of Lord Jagannath, Biggest in the World
→ Dandavats
By Saroj Kumar Panda Sri Jagannath is the Lord of the Universe. His Kitchen is considered as the largest and the biggest Kitchen in the world. It is situated south-east direction of the outer compound of Srimandir. The length of the Kitchen is 150 feet…
Inconvenient Foods: The Happy Facts
→ Dandavats
By Kesava Krsna Dasa We love to picnic, barbecue, celebrate birthdays and entertain guests. We may hesitate on what fast-foods are on offer. Here is some “Party-pooping” information, which should enhance our parties even more. So “let’s party,” as t…
Facing Our Reality, Living With Our Ideals
→ Dandavats
By Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami THE Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.29.11-12) states, “The manifestation of unadulterated devotional service is exhibited when one’s mind is at once attracted to hearing the transcendental name and qualities of the Supreme Personality o…
Where is the fault in ISKCON?
→ Dandavats
By Jatayu dasa ISKCON was formed by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada who is a perfect student of such literatures. So where is the fault? The fault lies in me, in my heart. Not in ISKCON. Look at it closely, whatever faults are found in ISKCON some …
ISKCON Begins!
→ Dandavats
By Mukunda Goswami
It was a hot, muggy day in lower Manhattan during the month of May 1966. I pedalled to 26 Second Avenue where I met the Swami, a friend named Carl and the rental agent, Paul Gardiner, a short, chunky man who was wearing blue denim trousers and a white, short-sleeved t-shirt. We hired the storefront at 26 Second Avenue for $100 per month and a first-storey flat in the same building for $85 per month. The storefront soon became a temple, and the Swami lectured there every day. By October he was hosting philosophical discussions in his small flat. On 13 July 1966 I signed a paper that became the Swami’s first corporation. It was called The International Society for Krishna Consciousness or ISKCON. I didn’t really think it very important at the time and really didn’t care. I thought that whatever the Swami wanted was okay.
Education At New Govardhana, Eungella, NSW, Australia
→ Dandavats
By Syama Sakhi devi dasi Situated in the idyllic mountain scenery of the ISKCON Hare Krishna community in Eungella, NSW, the Bhaktivedanta Swami Gurukula School is the only Hare Krishna school in Australia. It is a small but enthusiastic school with a …
Spritual Apathy…why?
→ Dandavats
Gadidas: Apathy flourishes in an environment of faultfinding and offences.Read More…
Fault-finding and Forgiveness
→ Dandavats
By Madhavananda Das
We have two choices as to which court we want to work in. The first court is that of the empowered demigod and mahājana devotee Sri Yamaraja. The second court is the court of Lord Nityananda. Working in Yamaraja’s court means assisting his chief lieutenant Citragupta, whose job it is to note down all of the mistakes and sinful acts of conditioned souls.
Holy Name Retreat in Canada
→ Dandavats
By Hayagriva Das On the 10th of June around 70 devotees coming from Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto assembled in the Buddhist Retreat Center Pho Da Son in Val-des-Monts, Canada – a perfect setting to go into seclusion for three days and dive deeply into a…
A week of preaching events in Istanbul, Turkey
→ Dandavats
By Nrsimha Krsna das
We had a small summer marathon last week with International Yoga Day Celebrations and HH Sivarama Swami’s visit to Istanbul. In Turkey we attended 2nd IYD Celebrations which was held in public in a campus of one of the most prestigious Universities of Turkey. Event was very well organized and Indian Consulate in Turkey also supported it as they do all over the world. You might know that Istanbul is a huge city. From one side to another city is 270 km long. So, there was many IYD events in different parts of Istanbul simultaneously. We participated in most organized one as Goranga Yoga and at the end of all yoga programs we introduced kirtan yoga to Turkish audience. Before kirtan we had a stand with books and devotional items and devotees were in devotional clothes blissfully preaching Krishna Consciousness, distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books & prasadam all day. Finally when we were at the stage for chanting Maha Mantra devotees got so excited. I made a small talk about consciousness, self-realization and the nature of soul.
Kirtan: Are there rules?
→ Dandavats
By Rasananda das Proper sankirtan – a phrase used by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati in his Sri Sanmodana Bhasyam and by Lord Caitanya Himself – means certain tunes, certain instruments, a certain musical style, certain dress and certain kinds of danci…
Indian Government appoints Dr. Ravi Gomatam (Rasaraja Prabhu) to serve as a Visiting Professor
→ Dandavats
By Yudhistir Govinda Das You may be glad to learn that a week ago the Government of India appointed Rasaraja Prabhu (Dr. Ravi Gomatam) to serve as a Visiting Professor for the Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) for the academic year of 201…
Hare Krishna devotee addresses the Italian Parliament
→ Dandavats
By Madhavipriya Devi Dasi
At last, the ethics of compassion and non-violence, even at dinner, have made their way to the Italian Parliament! It happened on Friday, June 24, thanks to the intervention of Shriman Matsyavatara Prabhu (Marco Ferrini), invited by the deputees, who spoke about the theme of “Prevention and Education on Nourishment.” Many highly qualified speakers specialized in scientific disciplines participated at the conference and discussed the themes in terms of health and the environment. The intervention of Matsyavatar Prabhu introduced the fundamental, ethical aspects of Bhakti yoga’s spiritual vision. Within this tradition, Shriman Matsyavatar Prabhu explained, the person doesn’t doesn’t just absorb the nutrients of the food ingested, rather receives the psychic imprint in it contained, which affects his or her physical characteristics and spiritual awareness.
TOVP – Keeping in Touch – Expanding our outreach
→ Dandavats
By Braja Vilasa Das
In order to further the above purposes, and with Ambarisa prabhu’s full approval and inspiration, we have formed a TOVP communications team at our Mayapur office, staffed by several initiated and dedicated devotees. In order to reach devotees in different countries throughout the world, they will be actively making calls around the clock. In the years to come they will serve many functions in improving our service both to you and to the TOVP, such as: 1. Inspiring devotees around the world about this project 2. Providing you with construction updates 3. Helping you arrange your donations 4. Informing you of special events related to the TOVP 5. Maintaining and updating our donor database 6. Raising awareness and answering general questions about the TOVP
Beware! The fault-finders
→ Dandavats
By Kesava Krsna dasa
There exists an enormous market in the genre of gossip and rumour, which explains the great popularity of TV soap operas the world over. Repetitive themes of spiritual scandal, heresy, and deviation make for indulgent absorption, especially for one experiencing a dreary devotional continuation. Such curious excitement about the who’s who in spiritual circles issuing from suspect forums can be the stuff that kills the cat of the devotional creeper without even knowing it. Exercising the right for free speech and discrimination and disguising all manner of invectives and negativity with polished philosophy and zealous concern, these expressions are intended to destroy tender faith, and help harden the heart to repeat the abusive cycle of fault-finding in others. Faultfinders are fond of using various tactics to impose their superiority in argument, but when pitted against proper adherence to vaisnava culture these same tactics become their downfall. The use of certain types of logic though appealing to many, in fact lay bare the inner workings of a distressed condition, much like seeing an ugly tortoise without it’s shell.
OM Sri Surabhi Campaign reaches the Gulf shores
→ Dandavats
By Akincana Krishna das HH RP Bhakti Raghava Maharaja arrived at Damodardesh on 21st June after a brief stop at Balaramdesh. During his 4 days visit, Maharaja spoke at various house programs introducing the congregation to the Om Sri Surabhi Campaign a…
The Bhakti Tree, Newcastle Outreach Through Kirtan and Prasadam
→ Dandavats
By Amala Prema devi dasi
The Bhakti Tree has been serving prasadam and taking every opportunity to promote kirtan and prasadam through catering at Newcastle University, at public events and through its Friday kirtan evenings at the restaurant. This time, The Bhakti Tree hosted His Holiness Vedavyasapriya Swami on June 24th at its weekly Friday Fest evening. This was His Holiness Vedavyasapriya Swami’s second visit after a year. Maharaj led kirtan and gave a talk on the divinity of Supreme, the self and the Maha-mantra. Maharaj encouraged the congregational chanting of Hare Krishna to create a fast and powerful impact on our spiritual understanding. He also inspired everyone to personally practice chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. He made relevant points on the power and divinity of the maha-mantra, which is not subject to interpretation, but which can be experienced by personally taking the step to try and practice it. He gave the audience tips on how to practice mantra meditation and to practically balance daily routines and spiritual life by focusing on time management and developing the quality of being selfish for our own sadhana, especially japa.
500th Anniversary of Chida Dahi Festival 2016, ISKCON Panihati serves 20,000 pilgrims
→ Dandavats
By Radhapad Das The annual Panihati Chida Dahi Mahotsav (yogurt and chipped rice festival) or the famous Dandamahotsav is celebrated on the 13th day of bright moon in the month of Jyestha (May-June). This festival was first celebrated by Srila Raghunat…