By Nrsimha Krsna das
When spring comes we always get excited like most of the people. But reason our excitement is about trip to New Vraja Dham, Hungary. Every year we take Turkish devotees twice to New Vraja Dham festivals. With total of 10 devotees we went to New Vraja Dham for Nrsimha Caturdasi and HH Sivarama Swami Maharaja’s Vyasa Puja Festival. Festivals are always wonderful to be a part and always meant to do more sravanam, kirtanam and smaranam. Our devotees took part in kitchen services and chanted and danced in front of Sri Sri Radha Shyama for hours. Actually, the most important part of the festival for us was the initiation ceremony that took place on Nrsimha Caturdasi day. Our 3 devotees Bhakta Nezih, Bhakta Kaan and Bhaktin Gultekin took harinam initiation from HH Sivarama Maharaja and committed their lives in the service of Guru and Gauranga. Their new names are Nanda Kumar das, Krishna Candra das and Gaura Prema devi dasi. Nanda Kumar Prabhu and Krishna Candra Prabhu are brothers by birth and they are the youngest initiated members of our congregation. It is very encouraging to see development of our Turkish Congregation. Iskcon Turkey is expanding. Slowly but surely! It gives more strength and inspiration to do more & more services.