ISKCON Chowpatty book marathon report
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Hare KrishnaBy Baladev das

2015 Prabhupad Book distribution marathon at ISKCON chowpatty began with H.H.Radhanath swami giving an inaugural talk on Sunday Nov 22nd. In his class, Radhanath swami spoke on how books are heritage of our entire Gaudiya sampradaya and Srila Prabhupad understanding the heart of his spiritual master brought out a revolution through his book distribution program. Maharaj also told that this was 500th year of Lord Chaitanya visiting Vrindavan and 50th year of Srila Prabhupad leaving Vrindavan. Prabhupad left Vrindavan to give Vrindavan to all of us. Finally Maharaj requested all to come together n cooperatively make this book distribution effort a big success. H.H. Radhanath swami’s talk on inaugurating book marathon is available below.

Pune Bhagavat katha by HH Lokanath Swami
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Hare KrishnaBy Subhang Balaram Das

25th December 2015, marked the first day of the 14th ‘Bhagavat-Katha Saptah’ in Pune with HH Lokanath Swami Maharaja. Every year devotees from all over the world set aside the last seven days of the year and join Maharaja for ‘nityam bhagavata-sevaya’. Surely there is no better way than this to not only end a year, but also begin a new one. This katha proved to be a very special one as there was glorification of one dhama each day.

It was a feast for devotees accompanying Lokanath Swami Maharaja who was wearing the spectacles of scriptures. The journey commenced in Badrikasarama and proceeded through Rameshwaram, Dwarka, Mayapur, Jagannath Puri and finally to Vrindavan.

‘Bhagavad Gita- As It Is’ gifted to Bihar state Health Minsiter.
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Hare KrishnaBy Padasevan Bhakta Das

Beginning with Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu himself, the leaders of Krsna Consciousness have always tried to share with and convince the leaders of states to accept this sublime science. By this as, Krsna mentions in Bhagvad Gita the common people are inspired to follow, and accept spirituality. Following in the same lines devotees at ISKCON Patna, received on the very first day of the year, the Health Minister of the state of Bihar Mr. Tej Pratap Yadav at the temple here. They gifted him the ‘Bhagvad Gita-As It Is’, which he gladly accepted. He was also given gifts like paintings and picture frames of Lord Krishna. On this occasion the ISKCON Youth Forum(IYF) director of the state , Rambhadra Das, Temple Vice- President, Jagadish Shyam Das and other senior devotees of temple were present.

Calling all devotees!
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Hare KrishnaBy Titiksu dasa

The European Leaders at their last meeting in Villa Vrindavan, Italy, put forward an idea for a 50th celebration event. They set up a committee to develop and implement it. Now we can announce that the details are all finalised and contained in this article. The ISKCON 50/50 Campaign is an initiative to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of ISKCON throughout 2016. Everyone is invited to join us and distribute 50 BBT books in 2016. That’s an average of just one a week. “For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada the GBC is most delighted to fully endorse the 50/50 Campaign. The GBC would like to invite all devotees to participate in this wonderful initiative in celebration of ISKCON’s 50th year”

Hare Krishna Movement Celebrates 50th Anniversary in 2016
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Hare KrishnaBy ISKCON Communications Ministry

Washington, D.C.—1966 was a significant year. Chairman Mao Tse-Tung’s “Little Red Book” was published for the first time. Despite mass protests, the United States began to bomb Hanoi, North Vietnam’s capital. The Soviet Union’s Luna 9 made the first soft landing on the Moon. Actor Ronald Reagan was elected governor of California. Indira Gandhi visited Washington. Walt Disney died. The Beatles performed their very last concert in San Francisco’s Candlestick Park. And, on New York City’s lower east side, surrounded by a handful of young followers in a small storefront temple on 2nd Avenue, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada incorporated a fledgling religious society. He named it the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, or ISKCON. On that hot summer day, the 13th of July, the Hare Krishna movement was born. Few noticed the event. Fewer still would have expected this 70-year old swami and his band of reformed hippies to be more than a blip in the avant-garde history of New York City. But, fifty years later the society Prabhupada created is arguably the largest and most influential of global Vedic (Hindu) organizations, and the 600 plus Hare Krishna temples around the world attract an estimated nine million worshippers per year.

Crying of the Soul with Natalie Cole
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Hare KrishnaBy Madhavananda das

Today in the news I noticed that this last Thursday the famous Jazz legend, Natalie Cole passed away. She was the daughter of the famous singer Nat King Cole. I had a short, but memorable, meeting with her some years ago at the airport in Zurich Switzerland. When Krishnakund and I were visiting Budapest Hungary (in 2012?) I noticed during some of our drives around town some posters advertising a concert by Natalie. I don’t usually notice such posters, but somehow these caught my eye. A few days later I had forgotten about it and we were on a flight to Zurich. I struck up a conversation with the man sitting next to me on the plane. It turned out that he was a professional piano player from America. He told me that he was playing and traveling with Natalie Cole. He pointed out someone in a seat behind us, “He is the drummer in the band.” Pointing a few seats ahead he said, “He is the guitar player.” And then gesturing towards the front of the plane, “And there is Natalie.” We had a very inspiring discussion about music, ragas and bhakti. He gave me his card and asked me to stay in touch. When the plane landed and we disembarked I lost sight of him. Following the crowd I went to the baggage carousel and retrieved our bags. I decided I should give him a gift of one of our magazines and got a copy out of issue 8 about Lord Shiva.

Vaishnava Etiquette and Culture (5)
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Hare KrishnaBy Bhaktividya Purna Swami

The concept is that everybody according to their varna has a particular way in which they work best and feel the most comfortable. But as there is anything, because when you’re dealing with the religious principles there’s a restriction, so the freedom is given where it will give rights to the manifestation of the best part of the nature and the restrictions are given where that will control your undesirable parts .If it’s done properly then you can get a proper blend of social interaction that works. The problem comes when somebody’s nature, the bad side comes out and the good side is repressed or misused. Then you have a problem. You find that character in everyone. Just like for children because they’re younger naturally they tend to be frivolous At the same time because they’re younger it’s very obvious for them that they are not to be senior persons. They’re not the most knowledgeable and most experienced. So if you bring out the side of them respecting others and learning to work with others and you restrict the frivolous part, just some time in the day they have for playing or some occasions, then you get a very nice child. While if you go the other way – they figure that they’re expert in whatever they do and they play whenever they like and don’t respect others, then it is a big problem.

Confessions of a Japa Retreat Junkie
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Hare KrishnaBy Mahatma Das

I admit it. I’m addicted. But it’s not my fault. Really, I am innocent. I was simply asked to co-facilitate some japa retreats and workshops and I innocently accepted. And now I’ve become a japa retreat addict. I drop whatever I am doing and go to the next retreat or workshop. The Holy Name is the Most Valuable Possession I Have Without the holy name I would practically have no spiritual life, no real happiness, no intimacy with Krsna, no peace of mind, and no ability to control my senses. My entire relationship with Krsna, the most important relationship in my life, is revealed through His holy name. Without the holy name I would be lost, miserable, spiritually weak and destitute. Yet sometimes I treat this most valuable relationship as a botheration, something that gets in the way of me doing “more important” things or “more desirable” things. What helps me in these times is to remember that I get to chant, that I want to chant, that I love to chant (deep down inside). To think I have to chant reinforces the idea that chanting Krsna’s lovely names is something I’d rather not be doing.

The Official Start Of The 50th Year!
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Hare KrishnaBy ISKCON 50 Global Office

The 50th anniversary year of ISKCON starts from 1st January 2016, with many historical events scheduled all over the world. The Global Office for the 50th Anniversary has requested temples all over the world to participate enthusiastically by holding local and national events that can accelerate the preaching mission of Srila Prabhupada. “The 50th Anniversary offers a once-in-a-life time opportunity that provides us a unique chance to get the public of every country in the world to recognise Prabhupada’s achievements and the growth and contribution of his society that changed the face of the planet,” said Anuttama Das, GBC Minister for Communications who is part of the International Executive Committee for the 50th Anniversary.

Vaishnava Etiquette and Culture (4)
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Hare KrishnaBy Bhaktividya Purna Swami

One has to be able to respect either that the senior or they’re another living entity or the junior. In other words the mood is service. Someone senior to you, you serve. Someone’s junior to you, it’s your service is to give them shelter and take care of them. That’s your service. In other words, as we brought out yesterday, the problem wasn’t that Vena was saying: “ The king is the Naradaivata and everyone should respects him, He’s a representative of the Supreme Lord all our respect goes to him.” – That’s the philosophy. The problem was that he’s saying it and thinking in this way, rather than the Brahmans saying it. He’s supposed to think, I am a servant of the Brahmans. I only under their protection, without guidance I am unable to do anything. I’m a fool. I’m absorbed in all these passions and attachments and therefore I cannot direct the society properly by the nice guidance of my advisors, my Brahminical advisors. I’m actually able to run the kingdom properly. And then the Brahmans just think: “Oh, no, it’s your duty. You’re the one who’s doing. We know what has to be done but cannot do. We don’t have the qualifications, you are doing therefore, you represent.” So it goes that way.

VIHE Holy Name Retreat – The wonders of chanting japa under guidance
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Hare KrishnaBy Prema Sindhu Gauranga dasa

From November 29 to December 4, around 200 devotees eagerly gathered in Govardhan for the 10th annual VIHE Holy Name Retreat–all the way from South and North America, Europe, Africa, Australia, Russia, Israel, India, and even China. Giriraj Govardhan, “Haridas varya,” the topmost among the devotees of Lord Krishna is the perfect spiritual abode to retreat from the relentless material anxieties and reconnect with our spiritual selves. His Holiness Sacinandana Swami and His Grace Bhurijana Prabhu are offering this inspiring Holy Name Retreat every year to help devotees progress on to another level in the chanting of Japa. The opening ceremony of the retreat started on the rooftop of an ashram overlooking the gracious form of Giri Govardhana bathed in the soft rays of the afternoon sun. The teachers, joined by
Her Grace Jagattarini Devi, pointed out our rare good fortune as we sat near Govardhana, who is a “mountain of blessings,” and chanted the holy names in the best devotional mood at our command.

Gita Jayanti at Bhaktivedanta Manor
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Hare KrishnaBy Zayani Bhatt

Hundreds of devotees from far and wide congregated at Bhativedanta Manor for a recitation of the Bhagavat Gita by the temple’s Managing Director HG Gauri Das and insightful commentary by His Holiness Sivarama Swami on Sunday 20th December. The devotional and ardent recitation of the Holy Scripture and a Gita yagna was to celebrate Gita Jayanti; the day Lord Shri Krishna spoke the Bhagavat Gita 5154 years ago. His holiness Sivarama Swami summarised each chapter in a beautiful, clear and succinct manner, communicating the core knowledge withheld in each, after which Gauri Das, along with the audience, read the Sanskrit shlokas of the chapter. As the temple president, Srutidharma Das explained; “Sivarama Swami’s presence today is auspicious because he started the first Gita Jayanti at the Manor in 1996 when there were just over 100 devotees present and today there are over 700 people in the temple with another 400 watching online on Mayapur TV.”

ISKCON Malaysia Sastra Dana & Anna Dana Program 2015
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Hare KrishnaBy Bhaktin Sanglisha

“One thing more, if we are successful in this program then my dream mission of life to spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world will be fulfilled. I wish to speak on the great philosophy of Bhagavata Dharma at least once in a week on television, so if arrangement is made by you for this, then you will be doing the highest service for Krishna.” (Srila Prabhupad’s letter to Karadhara – Bombay 22 March, 1972) During the month of Damodara, the Food For Life Society Malaysia and Bhaktivedanta Books Trading Sdn. Bhd jointly organised a famous project in Malaysia, the Sastra Dana and Anna Dana (food and books distribution) program. Multi racial volunteers and devotees around Kuala Lumpur and Klang joined the team and felt the joy of giving. Despite their busy schedule and hazy weather, the team has successfully distributed Srila Prabhupada’s books and Krishna prasadam to 11 schools, 1 college and other locations. The students offered ghee lights to Lord Damodara too.

World Harinama Map
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Hare KrishnaBy Lila-shuka das

This project was made with the sole purpose of inspiring all devotees to perform more Harinama Sankirtana. In addition, this project shows the activity of Harinama Sankirtana around the world. When you enter the website ( ) you can see the world map and the menu. Map shows the activity of Harinama Sankirtana around the world. Menu gives you some features of how to use the map. You can see 3 filters there… 1) By status 2) By team 3) By devotee By status: Upcoming – this shows upcoming Harinamas Old – this shows past Harinamas By team: Choose any team and you will see their activity By devotee: Particular devotee who puts Harinamas to the map on behalf of Yatra, team or temple. Choose any and you will see his/their yatra activity. In order to prevent chaos on the map, we don’t give for everyone rights to add Harinamas. We only give this to a person who we know as a responsible person for Harinamas in his city, yatra, team etc. By choosing any devotee from the list you can see which Harinamas he has put on the website.

Vaishnava Etiquette and Culture (3)
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Hare KrishnaBy Bhaktividya Purna Swami

We can use intelligence to do our own kind of activity, our own thing, make up our own process or we use our intelligence to see and understand what the Supreme Lord has given us, what the Acaryas has given us and then use our intelligence to do it in a very wonderful way. Just like we see. Lord Caitanya wants the preaching’s spread all over the world. And then we see that the Acaryas then take this instruction in a very amazing and special ways and apply it. And many times it’s very diverse. Narottama dasa Thakura is known for his songs, Bhaktivinoda Thakura is known for his particular work of re-establishing the credence of the Vaishnava tradition, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is known for establishing this preaching machinery of the Gaudiya mission. And Srila Prabhupada has taken so many of his teachings and spread them all over the world. And it’s in a very special way in which the mood and the flavor of the Vedic culture is kept intact.

New Apartments in New Vrindaban to be Ready in Spring 2016
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Hare KrishnaBy Madhava Smullen

Two new apartment buildings, consisting of three apartments each, are being erected next to New Vrindaban’s community garden and are expected to be ready to rent by spring 2016. According to ISKCON New Vrindaban president Jaya Krsna Das, they will fulfill an immediate need for more accommodation especially during the peak summer season. But the additional accommodation is also essential in helping along New Vrindaban’s current phase of growth — many devotees are now returning to the community or moving for the first time with their families. “If somebody moves to New Vrindaban,” Jaya Krsna says, “They need a place to stay while they work on buying land and building their own house.” The apartments aren’t just cheap temporary accommodation; ISKCON New Vrindaban is aiming for the highest construction quality within its budget.

Vaishnava Etiquette and Culture (2)
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Hare KrishnaBy Bhaktividya Purna Swami

Today, we’ll try to look at a different angle or go a step a little further in trying to understand the culture. If we’re accepting our premise that culture means following the Vedic rules and regulations with a desire to please the Lord and these rules and regulations then come to us in the form of this varnasrama culture –this dharma. Things become a little bit more easy to categorize if you have a framework to work in. Dealing with varnas and asramas. Now then the difficulty comes in. We have these varnas, we have these asramas and then were trying to establish our self within these. The asramas side is not so difficult, generally it’s quite easy. We’re either married or not married. If we’re not married, either we wanted to get married or did not want to get married or we’ve been married and now we’re through with being married, so it kind of comes quite easily and then if you’re through with being married, then you’re still either with the wife or you have not spent so much time together or once taken sannyasa or gone to Vrindavana, just living as a recluse, so that it becomes a little bit more obvious. But then when we’re dealing with varnas that’s generally where all the problem comes.

ISKCON 50’s Facebook page appeal
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Hare KrishnaBy ISKCON 50 Global Office

“We have just crossed 3000 likes this month, but that is just not enough,” said Romapada Das, International Coordinator for the 50th anniversary. “For a milestone of this magnitude, we should at least have 100,000 likes from the devotee community worldwide. Moreover, if you like the page, you will get regular updates about what is happening worldwide for the 50th. We appeal to all devotees to visit the Facebook page and like it. You should also urge your friends on Facebook to like this page.” The ISKCON 50 Global Office is planning to release a series of posters in time for the official start of the year-long celebrations from 1st January 2016.

Sydney Opera House to Host ISKCON 50th Celebration
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Hare KrishnaBy Madhava Smullen

A world-class show celebrating ISKCON’s 50th anniversary entitled “Transcendental Journey: Krishna 50 Years On” is set to play at the iconic Sydney Opera House in Australia on Saturday August 20th, 2016. Transcendental Journey will repeat twice, with a matinee performance at 2pm and an evening one at 7:30pm in one of the Sydney Opera House’s state-of-the art theaters, “The Studio.” With sophisticated sound and lighting systems, its comfortable crimson-red tiered seats will sit 350 each time for a total of 700. Organizers hope that about thirty per cent of the audience will be members of the general public attracted by a high-quality show, while ISKCON devotees and the wider Indian congregation will make up the rest. VIPs such as the Prime Minister of Australia Mr. Michael Turnbull and High Commissioner of India in Australia Mr. Navdeep Suri are being invited, along with other senior politicians and famous actors and musicians. One of Srila Prabhupada’s seniormost disciples and most renowned ISKCON pioneers, Mukunda Goswami, is expected to attend, health permitting. Australian kirtan singer Sri Prahlad Das has confirmed. And ISKCON gurus Radhanath Swami and Bhaktimarga Swami, as well as GBCs for Australia Ramai Swami and Devamrita Swami, are also being invited.

Yamuna visits Chowpatty
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Hare KrishnaBy Dinatarini Devi Dasi

Yamuna and I had spoken about the devotees of the Chowpatty RadhaGopinatha Temple so often over the years that in a sense our young friends felt they knew them already. Yet, nothing can prepare one for the actual experience of being in the company of Radhanath Swami and the sincere and dedicated devotees there. We traveled by train, with the addition of Amala Harinama and Nadia to our group, and were received with such warmth and enthusiasm in Mumbai that it was both heartwarming and overwhelming. Because of her natural humility, Yamuna did not like to be distinguished or set apart from others, and she often commented that as much as she appreciated and respected the Chowpatty devotees, it was also difficult to be there because of how much they served and honored her. Of course, they follow the example of Radhanath Swami, who regularly welcomes guests and Prabhupada disciples to the temple with lengthy encomiums. Yamuna could not exalt that quality of Radhanath Swami enough—that he exemplified the importance of respecting Vaishnavas and taught his followers by his example. Yet, when she was the object of that respect, she was uncomfortable with it.

Vaishnava Etiquette and Culture
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Hare KrishnaBy Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami

So basically what we would like to discuss, with the blessings from the assembled devotees and Maharaja, is that in approaching or understanding the Sadhana or the culture of Krishna consciousness there’s some basic philosophical points on which it’s all based and by understanding those then the rest of it becomes quite easy. If one understands the principles, then the details underlining those principles become clear and very practical, because otherwise we get caught up in details and we think that the details is the important element. Details of course are important. But what is more important is applying the details. This way one knows how to apply a principle in so many different situations, otherwise we will find in one situation we are performing an activity and it works very nicely but then we do the same in another situation it doesn’t work. That is because the principle behind it is not understood. If we understand the principle then the details are very easily applied. So this subject can be approached in so many different angles. So we will try one of them now.

12500 Gitas distributed at 50th anniversary gala event in Ahmedabad
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Hare KrishnaBy ISKCON 50 Global Office

Supporters and well-wishers of ISKCON who attended a 50th Anniversary gala event in Ahmedabad on 19th December sponsored over 12,500 Bhagavad-gitas as part of the December marathon in India. Devotees at the Ahmedabad temple had organised an event to celebrate Gita Jayanti at Regenta Hotel, which was attended by over 200 business leaders. The event was hosted by Rajesh Karia, owner of Regenta Hotel, who is a member of the local congregation. While releasing a special souvenir on the occasion, titled ‘A legacy of 50 years: a tribute to Srila Prabhupada’, Jasomatinandan Das, a senior disciple of Prabhupada, and President of the Ahmedabad temple described why the Gita was the foremost of scriptures and said, “At the age of 69, when most people retire from active life, Srila Prabhupada left the comforts of India and traveled across half the globe to create a spiritual revolution that changed the face of the world.”

Some information on the author of “Sri Kevalastakam”
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Hare KrishnaBy Brijabasi das

There is a Sanskrit poem describing the glories of the holy name which is quite well-known in ISKCON by the name “Sri Kevalastakam”. Each verse of the poem ends with “harer namaiva kevalam” (“Only the holy name of Lord Hari”). It appears in the songbook called “More Songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas”. Its authorship has been a mystery and it was described as “An Anonymous Sanskrit Poem”. Recently, while reading one of the old “Sajjana-tosani” magazines published by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in the late 19th century, I came across one interesting item, where the Thakura reviews this very poem: We have received a small booklet entitled “Nama-kaivalya-sataka”, composed by Sriyuta Prabhu Nilakanta Gosvami. Each verse of the book ends with the line “harer namaiva kevalam”. To reveal the glories of the holy name in this way is the utmost duty of the descendants of the Lord. The composition is excellent. The mood is beautiful everywhere. The glories of the holy name are described in detail.

Happy Hare Krishnas
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Hare KrishnaBy Taraka das

Recently I have travelled to a number of ISKCON centres. The place that stood out for me as welcoming and warm was New Vrindavan. Every devotee that I encountered said, “Haribol. How are you?” or similar or just smiled. This really warmed my heart as I have often been to a new place and devotees did not acknowledge my presence At all. I know I am not alone in this experience, and may even be guilty of ignoring guests myself from time To time. The question to ask ourselves is – what impression do we give our guests? Devotees in our ranks are surrendering to distribute books on the street and are inviting people back to the temple for a festival or weekend program. Some Of the people they contact, actually take up the invitation. Some people read a book or go to one of our restaurants, or yoga classes, meet a devotee or read Something on the internet to find out about our temples. There are many ways people contact the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. So when they pluck up enough courage to visit a temple, and then they spend some money and time getting there and walk in the door, if they are ignored it may result in them never coming again. If they are met by a new devotee and told they should give up everything and move into the temple (I heard a new devotee tell an elderly couple this at his first meeting of them as the couple were putting on their shoes, oh so slowly.