By Sanjay Krsnacandra das
Phase 1: Make a list of 10-15 very close people from your CoI contact, with whom you can freely talk. Call 3-5 people from that list daily. The list will be exhausted in 3-4 days. Phase 2: By now, you would have gained some confidence. Now increase the CoI list to be as exhaustive as possible. Do NOT discriminate or speculate if the person would be interested or not. Just list people whom you know. Call fixed number of people every day in the descending order of your comfort level. If some are not interested you may ask for references whom you can contact. This can create good leads. Phase 3: Identify the leaders in CoI contacts: Like chairman/secretary/president of any business, philanthropic, religious organizations, housing society, clubs, etc. Seek their guidance to increase Gita distribution within their circle of influence. They can give referrals, table space or stage time in their events, etc.