Krishna Kshetra Swami – The Ethics of Divine PreferenceRead More…
Author Archives: Dandavats
Krishna Kshetra Swami – The Ethics of Divine Preference
“Contacting the Supersoul during Deep Sleep” with HH Sacinandana Swami
→ Dandavats
“Contacting the Supersoul during Deep Sleep” with HH Sacinandana SwamiRead More…
H.G. Panca Gauda Prabhu_SB-10.27.3-4_23.11.2022
→ Dandavats
H.G. Panca Gauda Prabhu_SB-10.27.3-4_23.11.2022Read More…
Alien Identities 1
→ Dandavats
Alien Identities 1Read More…
Marathon Warriors, Special Talk By Vaisesika Prabhu | Launch of the all India Book Distribution App
→ Dandavats
Marathon Warriors, Special Talk By Vaisesika Prabhu | Launch of the all India Book Distribution AppRead More…
Cricket Mania: A Bhagavad-gita perspective
→ Dandavats
Cricket Mania: A Bhagavad-gita perspective; Seeing Kishna everywhere as his vibhuti; Wellington 2022Read More…
Hare Krishna joy in London – 19.11.22
→ Dandavats
Jumping for Hare Krishna joy – 19.11.22Read More…
2022.11.19 – Gita Fest
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2022.11.19 – Gita Fest lect1Read More…
Exquisitely beautiful ISKCON set to Open at Gurugram, near Delhi
→ Dandavats
Iskcon Gurugram ISKCON Gurugram Temple near Badshahpur , on Sohna Road is gearing up for inauguration. The grand ceremony will take place from 26th to 27th November. Haryana Governor, Sri Bandaru Dattatreya, will be Chief Guest at the event. There will…
One Who Performs Devotional Service is Immediately Freed From All Sinful Desires
→ Dandavats
One Who Performs Devotional Service is Immediately Freed From All Sinful DesiresRead More…
The Seven Gosvami Temples in Vrindavan
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The Seven Gosvami Temples in Vrindavan | Vrindavan Vlogs | I love MayapurRead More…
Bharatanatyam Dance by Campakalata Dasi
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Bharatanatyam Dance Sri Guruvastaka, Guru Purnima 7-10-22, After Dance CampRead More…
The mood that a devotee should be in when doing service
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BCAIS Media The mood that a devotee should be in when doing serviceRead More…
Purpose Driven Yatra Seminar part 3 by HH Prahladananda Swami
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PDY Seminar-3.delRead More…
H.G. Nagapatni Mataji – Srila Prabhupada’s Biography – 20.11.2022
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#iskconvrindavan #iskcon #vrindavan #srilaprabhupada #srilaprabhupadaquotes #prabhupadakathaamrita #prabhupadalilamrita #prabhupadglories #prabhupada #katha H.G. Nagapatni Mataji_Prabhupada Biography_20.11.2022Read More…
H.G. Mukunda Datta Prabhu_SB-_22.11.2022
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H.G. Mukunda Datta Prabhu_SB-_22.11.2022Read More…
H.H. Giriraj Swami Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta_21.11.2022
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H.H. Giriraj Swami Maharaja_Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta_21.11.2022Read More…
Understanding dementia – A Bhagavad-gita perspective – Chaitanya Charan
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Understanding dementia – A Bhagavad-gita perspective – Chaitanya CharanRead More…
Full Live Stream (Part 2) – Visvambhar Sheth | Mayapur Mellows | 20.11.2022
→ Dandavats
Full Live Stream (Part 2) – Visvambhar Sheth | Mayapur Mellows | 20.11.2022Read More…
Full Live Stream (Part 1) – Mayapur Mellows | 20-11-2022
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Full Live Stream (Part 1) – Mayapur Mellows | 20-11-2022Read More…
After decades the brass relief work in Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi has been beautifully painted
→ Dandavats
After decades the brass relief work in Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi has been painted.Read More…
A Soul Calling out for Krishna – Hare Krishna Kirtan by Madhavas
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Ek Atma ki Pukar “Hey Krishna” – Hare Krishna Kirtan by Madhavas ft. @Gandharvika Lila @SitaRead More…
Harinama in Queens
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Trivikrama Swami chants Hare Krishna in Queens on the last day of Karttika. November 7, 2022. Trivikrama Swami Chants Hare Krishna in QueensRead More…
Live to Give – Prabhupada Marathon! | 2022-20-11
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Live to Give – Prabhupada Marathon! | 2022-20-11Read More…
Self-Care: The Most Overlooked Success Factor in Your Spiritual Practices and Japa | Mahatma Das
→ Dandavats
Online Self-Care Retreat with HG Mahatma PrabhuRegister here: Self-Care: The Most Overlooked Success Factor in Your Spiritual Practices and Japa | Mahatma DasRead More…
Memories Volume 5 Promo-2 min.
→ Dandavats Memories Volume 5 Promo-2 min.Read More…
Naikatma Prabhu – SB 3-9-32 – 11-18-22
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Naikatma Prabhu – SB 3-9-32 – 11-18-22Read More…
“Sri Dhama Mayapur ” Theme Song Titiksava Karunika Prabhu led kirtan
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“Sri Dhama Mayapur ” Theme Song Titiksava Karunika Prabhu led kirtanRead More…
Millet Festival by crop scientists and nutritionists | ISKCON Chowpatty
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Millet Festival by crop scientists and nutritionists | ISKCON Chowpatty#iskconchowpatty #millet #milletfestival #govardhanecovillage #iskcon Millet Festival by crop scientists and nutritionists | ISKCON ChowpattyRead More…
H H Bhakti Vijnana Goswami – 2022.11.18 – SB 3.17.2-4
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2022.11.18 – SB 3.17.2-4Read More…
Srimad Bhagavatam 2.2.2, Speaker – HH Bhanu Swami
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Srimad Bhagavatam 2.2.2, Speaker – HH Bhanu SwamiRead More…
Glimpses of the Holy Name retreat – (Album of photos)
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Read More…
2022-11-18 Success Sadhana – Seek Small Victories
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2022-11-18 Success Sadhana – Seek Small Victories 2022-11-18 Success Sadhana – Seek Small VictoriesRead More…
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Cleanliness In The Home
→ Dandavats
By the Minister of Deity worshipWhen articles are mildly contaminated through contact with impure items such as food remnants, they may be purified in the following ways: gold, silver, conch shells, jewels, stones, and spoons are purified by water; yaj…
→ Dandavats
A friend recently wrote to me looking for a solution to a dilemma he found himself in. One of his spiritual mentors was heavily pushing him that he should start chanting 64 rounds a day. Our friend obediently started doing that, but very quickly found …
Arcita Prabhu – SB 3-9-30 – 11-16-22
→ Dandavats
Arcita Prabhu – SB 3-9-30 – 11-16-22Read More…
Live to Give: – Assume It Can Be Done! Sell like …bananas!
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Live to Give: Tip#1- Assume It Can Be Done!Read More…
Nov 12h 2022 – ZOOM Conference
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Zoom meeting with HH Kadamba Kanana Swami from Vrindavan, 2022 Nov 12h 2022 || Weekly ZOOM MetingRead More…
H.H. Purushatraya Swami Maharaja_SB-10.26.17-24_17.11.2022
→ Dandavats
H.H. Purushatraya Swami Maharaja_SB-10.26.17-24_17.11.2022Read More…