Srila Prabhupada on The Importance of ChantingRead More…
Author Archives: Dandavats
Srila Prabhupada on The Importance of Chanting
Śrimad Bhāgavatam 3.16.24 | HG Mahātma dāsa
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Please visit if you’d like to make a donation. Śrimad Bhāgavatam 3.16.24 | HG Mahātma dāsaRead More…
Śrimad Bhāgavatam 3.16.23 | HH Trivikrama Svāmī
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Śrimad Bhāgavatam 3.16.23 | HH Trivikrama SvāmīRead More…
HH Niranjana Swami – Interview for the North American Leaders
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November 5, 2022 – Interview by Anuttama dasa for the North American Leaders – English OnlyRead More…
H.G. Vayasakhi Prabhu_Damodarastakam Prayers_05.11.2022
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H.G. Vayasakhi Prabhu_Damodarastakam Prayers_05.11.2022Read More…
Forgiveness – the mother of compassion.
→ Dandavats
Powered by Restream #6 Forgiveness – the mother of compassion. Superpower #6 Forgiveness – the mother of compassion.Read More…
Search for the Fragrance – Kartik Inspirations 30
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Search for the Fragrance – Kartik Inspirations 30Read More…
Hare Krishna Harinama fireworks in London – literally!
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Hare Krishna fireworks – literally! 🧨 – 5.11.22Read More…
Jagarini Mataji – SB 3-9-21 – 11-5-22
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Jagarini Mataji – SB 3-9-21 – 11-5-22Read More…
Bhakti Vijnana Goswami – Deadly disease of envy and it’s cure
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Official english-language channel of HH Bhakti Vijnana Goswami Deadly disease of envy and it’s cure. Lecture 1 (London) PART 2Read More…
Understanding how lust allures men and women differently
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Understanding how lust allures men and women differentlyRead More…
Srimad Bhagavatam Class by Srila Prabhupada
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Srimad Bhagavatam Class by Srila Prabhupada, 29nd October 2022Read More…
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.1 – Ravindra Svarupa dasa
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Part 3 of Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu’s study of the First Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.1 – March 1, 2020 – Ravindra Svarupa dasaRead More…
HH Janananda Swami – ‘How to derive the Ultimate Benefit’
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link to audio recording: HH Janananda Maharaj Zoom Class – ‘How to derive the Ultimate Benefit’ – 6-11-22Read More…
Srimad Bhagavatam 02.01.29, Speaker – HG Pancaratna Das
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Srimad Bhagavatam 02.01.29, Speaker – HG Pancaratna DasRead More…
Srila Prabhupada Biography by H.G. Mandakini Mataji
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H.G.Mandakini Mataji_Prabhupad Biography(English)_06.11.2022Read More…
From a Drum ‘n’ Bass MC to a celibate monk (video)
→ Dandavats
Gurudas, a Hare Krishna monk from Leicester gives an extraordinary insight into how he went from being a Drum ‘n’ Bass MC to a celibate monk. After years on the gritty, buzzy urban music scene, Gurudas became inspired by spirituality. In this live int…
Harinama in Washington Square Park on Halloween & Astronauts Play Shakers & Dance
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Aravind chants Hare Krishna in Washington Square Park on Halloween and a lady and her kids, dressed as astronauts, play the shakers and dance. October 31, 2022. Aravind Chants Hare Krishna in Washington Square Park on Halloween & Astronauts Play S…
Nectar Talks – Living with Demigods with Mahavisnupriya Devi Dasi
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Nectar Talks EPISODE 26 Living with Demigods with Mahavisnupriya Devi DasiRead More…
Morning Rounds – How Habits Affect Consciousness
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Morning Rounds – 20 – How Habits Affect ConsciousnessRead More…
How to support the devotees who have been affected by the war in Ukrain
→ Dandavats
How to support the devotees who have been affected by the war in Ukrain For more than 8 months war has been going on in Ukraine and devotees keep asking us for help. The devotees in the occupied cities and towns on the front line are facing the worst s…
Morning Class SB 6.17.30 – HG Aniruddha Prabhu – 4 November 2022
→ Dandavats
Morning Class SB 6.17.30 – HG Aniruddha Prabhu – 4 November 2022Read More…
The Yamadutas Described the History of Ajamila’s Life
→ Dandavats
The Yamadutas Described the History of Ajamila’s LifeRead More…
The Living Entity is Bound by Material Conditions Because of His Desire to Lord It Over Matter
→ Dandavats
The Living Entity is Bound by Material Conditions Because of His Desire to Lord It Over MatterRead More…
Gopastami & Srinivasa Acarya’s Disappearance Day – HG Nrsimha Kavacha Dasa – 01 November 2022
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Gopastami & Srinivasa Acarya’s Disappearance Day Class by HG Nrsimha Kavacha Dasa – 01 November 2022Read More…
Unity in Diversity
→ Dandavats
By Visakha Dasi When dissimilar individuals or concepts are harmonised, it’s called ‘unity in diversity.’ Such unity isn’t based on mere tolerance of psychological, personal, or ideological differences but is based on an understanding that differenc…
Ukraine Update with HH Niranjana Swami // 2022-11-05
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Read More…
Are You Existing Or Are You Living? (4 min. video)
→ Dandavats
Sacinandana Swami: Ask yourself the question: Am I just existing or have I already started to live? Living your dharma means more than a purpose, it’s the thing you are.Read More…
Lord Krishna’s greatness and His sweetness (playlist of videos)
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Lord Krishna childehood pastimesRead More…
When Srila Prabhupada was almost killed in a deadly riot
→ Dandavats
Srila Prabhupada: I had such experience. I had some experience in my childhood, in 1911. I was thirteen years old. There was a riot. So our house was there in Mahatma Gandhi Road, and all sides Muhammadans. The Mulliks and our house are simply some res…
Caring for the Leaders (video)
→ Dandavats
The global devotee care directorate is hosting weekly devotee care webinars to emphasize the culture of devotee care in ISKCON temples and communities worldwide. Join us to hear this week’s conversation with Devamrita Swami on “Caring for the Leaders”….
Divine Reciprocation – Kartik Inspirations 28
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Divine Reciprocation – Kartik Inspirations 28Read More…
H.G. Atmarama Prabhu_Damodarastakam Prayers_04.11.2022
→ Dandavats
H.G. Atmarama Prabhu_Damodarastakam Prayers_04.11.2022Read More…
Śrimad Bhāgavatam 3.16.20 | HH Candraśekhara Svāmī
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Please visit if you’d like to make a donation. Śrimad Bhāgavatam 3.16.20 | HH Candraśekhara SvāmīRead More…
Srimad Bhagavatam 3.3.23 – Ramai Swami – 02 Nov 2022.
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Srimad Bhagavatam class given by HH Ramai Swami at ISKCON New Govardhana Srimad Bhagavatam 3.3.23 – Ramai Swami – 02 Nov 2022.Read More…
Krishna Balaram’s Shobha Yatra 2022
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#iskconvrindavan #iskcon #vrindavan #srilaprabhupada #krishna #balaram #shobhayatra #kirtan #kartik2022 Krishna Balaram’s Shobha Yatra 2022Read More…
WSN September 2022 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
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By Vijaya Das September was a huge month for book distribution. Among the Large Temples, Chowpatti increased 988%, with 61,586 book points, but this was not even close to Mayapur, which was in first place with an astounding 316,250 book points. In seco…
H.G.Narayani Mataji_BG-6.41_02.11.2022
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H.G.Narayani Mataji_BG-6.41_02.11.2022Read More…
Gopastami Festival 2022 ISkcon Vrindavan
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Gopastami Festival 2022 ISkcon VrindavanRead More…
We Are Pure Spirit Souls
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We Are Pure Spirit SoulsRead More…