Today is Odana-sasti, the date on which Lord Jagannatha is given a winter shawl. One year when Lord Chaitanya and His associates celebrated this festival in Puri, Pundarika Vidyanidhi, who is Vrsabhanu Maharaja, Srimati Radharani’s father in krsna-lila, received some special mercy. His experience is instructive for us all. Srila Prabhupada explains, “At the beginning […]
Author Archives: H.H. Giriraj Swami
Happy Holidays
Giriraj Swami
In the West, this is the holiday season, with both Christmas and Hanukkah. As Srila Prabhupada explained, the Lord comes to this world to enlighten people with transcendental knowledge. Sometimes He comes personally, and sometimes He sends His son or His prophet or His representative, but they all come with the same message. They may […]
Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.7.26, Hosted by Hare Krishna Africa
Giriraj Swami
December Book Distribution
Giriraj Swami
My dear devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. In a letter to me dated December 1971, Srila Prabhupada wrote, “Go on increasing books and go on increasing my pleasure.” December is a special opportunity to focus on Srila Prabhupada’s desire that we distribute books—and thus increase his pleasure. As he […]
George Harrison’s Visit to Juhu—Remembering and Giving Thanks
Giriraj Swami
I will never forget the moment when I heard that George Harrison had passed away, one week after Thanksgiving in 2001. My strong feelings of separation surprised me—and made me think how important and dear George must have been to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krishna. And I remembered my own little experience with him. In […]
The Influence of Holy Places
Giriraj Swami
In the first verse of the Bhagavad-gita, the low-minded king Dhrtarastra asks his secretary, “O Sanjaya, after my sons and the sons of Pandu assembled in the place of pilgrimage at Kuruksetra, desiring to fight, what did they do?” Kim akurvata: “What did they do?” Srila Prabhupada says that this is a foolish question. The […]
Giriraj Swami Launches His Latest Book, *Dancing White Elephants: Traveling with Srila Prabhupada in India, August 1970 to March 1972*
Giriraj Swami
Vrindadevi’s Appearance Day
Giriraj Swami
According to Vrinda-kunda Baba, Srimati Vrindadevi appeared on the full-moon night at the end of Kartik, or Damodara. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, in Sri Vrndadevi-astaka (6-8), glorifies her: rasabhilaso vasatis ca vrnda- vane tvad-isanghri-saroja-seva labhya ca pumsam krpaya tavaiva vrnde namas te caranaravindam “By your mercy, people attain residence in Vrindavan, the desire to serve […]
Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji’s Disappearance Day
Giriraj Swami
Today is the disappearance day of Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja. Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji was a great devotee—a maha-bhagavata. He was a disciple of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and was very renounced. Earlier, he lived for many years in Vrindavan, roaming the twelve forests, chanting the holy names of Krishna, begging alms, and sleeping under […]
Gratitude for God’s Gifts: Reflections on Thanksgiving
Giriraj Swami
If we are at all aware of how dependent we are on God—for the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and our very ability to eat and drink and breathe, to think and feel and will, and to walk, talk, and sense—we will feel grateful and want to reciprocate God’s […]
Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.7.10, Hosted by Hare Krishna Africa
Giriraj Swami
Sri Gopastami
Giriraj Swami
Today is Gopastami, the day on which Krishna and Balarama and other boys Their age, who previously had tended the calves, were given charge of the cows. This event is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.15.1): tatas ca pauganda-vayah-sritau vraje babhuvatus tau pasu-pala-sammatau gas carayantau sakhibhih samam padair vrndavanam punyam ativa cakratuh “When Lord Rama […]
Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day, ISKCON Vrindavan
Giriraj Swami
Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day
Giriraj Swami
Once, on his guru maharaja’s disappearance day, Srila Prabhupada said, “On the absolute platform, there is no difference between the appearance and the disappearance of the spiritual master. Both are beautiful, just like the sunrise and the sunset.” So, although we feel separation, within that separation our remembrance of Srila Prabhupada is heightened, and thus […]
The Release of *Dancing White Elephants: Traveling with Srila Prabhupada in India, August 1970 to March 1972*, Reading from Chapter 12, Madras, November 27, 1971 to February 24, 1972
Giriraj Swami
Sri Govardhana-puja
Giriraj Swami
We shall read from Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto Two, Chapter Seven: “Scheduled Incarnations.” TEXT 32 gopair makhe pratihate vraja-viplavaya deve ’bhivarsati pasun krpaya riraksuh dhartocchilindhram iva sapta-dinani sapta- varso mahidhram anaghaika-kare salilam TRANSLATION When the cowherd men of Vrndavana, under instruction of Krsna, stopped offering sacrifice to the heavenly king, Indra, the whole tract of […]
Happy Diwali
Giriraj Swami
We wish you all a happy Diwali. Diwali, or Dipavali, marks the end of the year, and by the year’s end we want to pay our debts and rectify our relationships—and then try to do better the next year. The Vedic literatures inform us that in the present age, Kali-yuga, the recommended process for self-realization, […]
Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.3.35, Hosted Asia Vayragi
Giriraj Swami
Dhanvantari’s Appearance Day
Giriraj Swami
Today is the appearance day of Dhanvantari, who is described in the following verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.7.21): TEXT dhanvantaris ca bhagavan svayam eva kirtir namna nrnam puru-rujam ruja asu hanti yajne ca bhagam amrtayur-avavarundha ayusya-vedam anusasty avatirya loke TRANSLATION The Lord in His incarnation of Dhanvantari very quickly cures the diseases of the […]
Srila Prabhupada’s “Concluding Words” to Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, ISKCON Vrindavan
Giriraj Swami
Sri Rama-ekadasi
Giriraj Swami
We are gathered here in the auspicious month of Kartik, which is also known as Damodara. Srila Prabhupada wrote in The Nectar of Devotion that just as Lord Damodara is very dear to His devotees, so the month of Damodara is also dear to them. And in the month of Kartik, in the year 1974, […]
Sri Radha-kunda’s Appearance Day
Giriraj Swami
Kartik is very auspicious for spiritual advancement. Another name for Kartik is Urja-vrata. Urja means power. The supreme power, the original power, is Srimati Radharani. So, Urja-vrata, or Kartik-vrata, is for Srimati Radharani. Many important pastimes took place in the month of Kartik. On the full-moon night, Sri Krishna played His flute and enjoyed the […]
Reading from *Dancing White Elephants: Traveling with Srila Prabhupada in India, August 1970 to March 1972*, Indore, December 3-15, 1970, Hosted by VIHE, Vrindavan
Giriraj Swami
Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.47.32 and the Glories of Kartik, ISKCON-Vrindavan, Sunday, October 29
Giriraj Swami
Kartik and Sarat-purnima: Special Mercy and the Dance of Divine Love
Giriraj Swami
We welcome you to this most auspicious place, the temple of Sri Sri Radha-Radhanath, on the most auspicious occasion of the beginning of Kartik, in the most auspicious association of Lord Krishna’s devotees. Kartik is also known as the month of Damodara (dama means “ropes,” and udara means “abdomen”), or Krishna who allowed Himself to […]
Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami’s Disappearance Day
Giriraj Swami
Today is the auspicious disappearance day of three great acharyas in the Gaudiya-Vaishnava sampradaya: Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, and Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami. We shall read about Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami from Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja’s Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, Chapter Thirteen: “Pastimes with Jagadananda Pandita and Raghunatha Bhatta.” TEXT 89 etha tapana-misra-putra […]
Sri Rama-vijaya-dasami
Giriraj Swami
We read from Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto Nine, Chapter Ten: “The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra.” TEXT 20 te ’nikapa raghupater abhipatya sarve dvandvam varutham ibha-patti-rathasva-yodhaih jaghnur drumair giri-gadesubhir angadadyah sitabhimarsa-hata-mangala-ravanesan TRANSLATION Angada and the other commanders of the soldiers of Ramacandra faced the elephants, infantry, horses, and chariots of the enemy and hurled […]
Reading from *Dancing White Elephants: Traveling with Srila Prabhupada in India, August 1970 to March 1972*, about Surat, December 15, 1970, to January 3,1971, at ISKCON Juhu, Mumbai, Sunday, October 22
Giriraj Swami
Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.17, Govardhan EcoVillage, Wada, Maharashtra
Giriraj Swami
Giriraj Swami’s Arrival Address, ISKCON Juhu, Mumbai, October 10, 2023
Giriraj Swami
Bhagavad-gita 3.10, Bhaktivedanta Manor, England
Giriraj Swami
Meeting with Friends and Devotees, Questions and Answers, London, England
Giriraj Swami
Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival in America
Giriraj Swami
To commemorate the anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in America, we shall read and discuss the second poem that he wrote on the ship Jaladuta when he arrived in the Boston harbor on September 17, 1965. Poem [translation]: 1: My dear Lord Krishna, You are so kind upon this useless soul, but I do not […]
Visvarupa-mahotsava and Srila Prabhupada’s Acceptance of Sannyasa
Giriraj Swami
Visvarupa-mahotsava marks the occasion on which Lord Chaitanya’s older brother, Visvarupa, took sannyasa, the renounced order of life. And on the same date some four hundred and fifty years later, our own spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, also accepted sannyasa. According to Vedic literatures, Lord Chaitanya is Krishna Himself, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, come in […]
Srila Haridasa Thakura’s Disappearance Day
Giriraj Swami
Today is the divine disappearance day of Namacharya Haridasa Thakura. So we shall read from Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, Chapter Eleven: “The Passing of Haridasa Thakura.” INTRODUCTION The summary of this chapter is given by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his Amrta-pravaha-bhasya as follows. In this chapter it is described how Brahma Haridasa Thakura gave up his […]
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s Appearance Day
Giriraj Swami
Today we have gathered for the most auspicious celebration of the appearance day of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura was one of the most prominent acharyas in the disciplic succession after Lord Chaitanya, and his contribution to Gaudiya Vaishnavism and to the world is so great that one devotee called him the Seventh Gosvami. […]
Reading from my forthcoming book *Dancing White Elephants: Traveling with Srila Prabhupada in India, August 1970 to March 1972*, Delhi and Vrindavan, hosted by Nitai-Gaurasundara Dasa, Murfreesboro, TN
Giriraj Swami
Sri Vamana-dvadasi
Giriraj Swami
We shall read from Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto Eight, Chapter Twenty-two: “Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life.” We begin with the chapter summary: “The summary of this twenty-second chapter is as follows. The Supreme Personality of Godhead was pleased by the behavior of Bali Maharaja. Thus the Lord placed him on the planet Sutala, and there, after bestowing […]
Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.17, Sunday, September 24, Hosted by ISKCON Dallas, Texas
Giriraj Swami
Sri Radhastami
Giriraj Swami
For the most auspicious celebration of Sri Radhastami, we read from Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto Two, Chapter Three: “Pure Devotional Service.” TEXT 23 jivan chavo bhagavatanghri-renum na jatu martyo ’bhilabheta yas tu sri-visnu-padya manujas tulasyah svasan chavo yas tu na veda gandham TRANSLATION The person who has not at any time received the dust […]