Yesterday we visited the ancestreal home of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Jajpur, Orissa. Mahaprabhu’s parents, Jagannatha Mirsa and Saci Mata lived there before migrating to Bengal. Their home no longer exists, but there is a temple on the grounds that has deities of Gaura Nitai that have been worshipped since the time of Lord Caitanya. […]
Author Archives: H.H. Indradyumna Swami
The Sacred Stone
Simple Living And High Thinking
This morning in our travels we came across an ashram of 6 sadhus living a simple life in the jungle. The ashram was near a small pond, where the sadhus get their water. They have a vegetable garden full of vegetables and a goshala with 10 cows and a bu…
The Lesser Known Pastimes
I am in the jungles of Orissa with a small group of devotees visiting some of the lesser known places of Lord Caitanya’s pastimes. I was inspired to come here by Srila Prabhupada’s purport in Caitanya Caritamrta, Antya-lila, 4.211 where he writes: “Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura writes in a song (Saranagati 31.3): gaura amara, ye saba […]
Passing Through
Myself and Bada Hari prabhu are passing through Vrindavan for just 2 days. Tomorrow we leave for Orissa. This morning I wandered around town, soaking up the mercy wherever I could. All glories to Sri Vrindavan Dhama!
Exchanges of Pure Love
The Lord has special affection to His devotees. Although He states in Bhagavad-gita that He is equal to everyone, still He has special affection for those who render loving devotional service to Him.
Forever and Forevermore
Yesterday we made one last pilgrimage to Muktinath, 3,710 meters above sea level at the foot of the Thorong La mountain pass. The air was so thin that we had to stop and catch our breath every few meters. There we had darshan of a lamp that Lord Brahma…
Her Sacred Waters
Kagbeni is one of the furthest places foreigners can journey in Nepal, as Tibet and China are not far away.Before leaving we took a walk around to see the ancient sites and meet the inhabitants of the village. We also took one last darshan of the Kali …
Bimal Prasad
Yesterday I placed the ashes of my dear friend Bimal Prasad das in the Kali Gandhaki river. It was his final request to me. As I watched the ashes flow down the sacred waters my heart was full of mixed emotions; sad that I would not see him again in th…
Reaching Our Destination
Yesterday we reached Kagbeni, our final destination on the Kali Gandhaki river. Tibet is only a few hours away. Kagbeni is over 9,000 feet above sea level so there is little, if any, vegetation or trees. Upon arriving in the village we began preparations to immerse Bimal Prasad’s ashes in the river the next morning.
On The Way To The Kali Gandhaki River
Yesterday we drove 7 hours from Pokhara to Tatopani. As we gradually entered the mountainous area the scenery was stunning. This was the very route that Gopal Bhatta Goswami walked on his way through Nepal 500 years ago in his search for salagrama-sila…
From Kathmandu To Pokhara
The first leg of our journey in Nepal took us from ISKCON’s temple in Kathmandu, to Pokhara in the foothills of the Himalayas.
Transcendental Identity of Lord Caitanya
The same personalities who appeared 5000 years ago in their original female forms as gopis, sakhis, and manjaris in Lord Krsna’s pastimes appeared 500 years ago in Lord Caitanya’s pastimes in male forms.
My Sacred Duty
We spent the first day of our travels in Nepal in Kathmandu in order to acclimatise for the higher altitudes we’ll reach near the Tibetan plateau later this week. We didn’t waste a moment though, for within a couple of hours we were out on harinam samkirtan with the local ISKCON devotees, chanting and dancing […]
Home Again
Pictured here is the Temple of Vedic Planatarium, under construction. Before entering Sridham Mayapura we visited the sacred home of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, from where he had a vision of a magnificent temple appearing one day in the future just across the Jalangi river. By Srila Prabhupada’s strong desire that temple is now beginning to […]
Laddu Mar Festival
The Laddu Mar festival takes place a day before the famous Holi festival at Varsana. The residents of Varsana have great fun throwing laddu sweets at each other from balconies, rooftops and inside the temples. Unknown to us, they also begin throwing co…
The Residents of Radha Kunda
“Even if I have the opportunity to bath in the ocean of pure love of Krsna, and even if I have the pure devotees of the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead as my associates, I will not consent to live for even for a single moment in any sacred place other than Vrajabhumi. Even if […]
Vrindavan! O Vrindavan!
The first thing I did today was walk around Vrindavan. It was so nice to see again the people and places that have become familiar to me over the years. Though I often go on parikrama it always feels like the ‘first time,’ due to Vrindavan’s being a transcendental abode. I took along my trusty […]
Meditations on Lord Caitanya
Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu wanted His followers to move all over the world to preach in every town and village.
Such Happiness
I have arrived back home in Sri Vrindavan Dhama and am happily taking shelter of the holy names: “My happiness is uninterrupted while serving You, worshiping You, offering prayers to You and chanting Your holy names. When these activities are finished, my happiness is also finished.” Lord Siva to Lord Krsna in the Brahma-vivarta purana […]
Nectar In New Zealand
Bada Haridas and myself are enjoying the association of devotees in Auckland, New Zealand. Yesterday Kalasamvara prabhu showed us around ISKCON’s beautiful New Varsana community in the countryside. In the afternoon we went on harinam in the city with all the devotees. Krsna consciousness is expanding rapidly in the country known as the ‘long white […]
Home Program
Home programs, with their simple formats of kirtan, class and prasadam, are a wonderful way for devotees of the Lord to associate. Here is one such program at the home of my disciples, Sakhi Rai das and Vraja Laksmi dasi. Devotees from Brisbane and the…
Be Here Now
We have to take proper advantage by chanting Hare Krsna as our Spiritual master instructs us, trains us and inspires us. We should also be very attentive to avoiding any offenses to the Holy Name.
Seeking His Blessings
After our festival tour in Gujarat concluded I headed straight to Jaipur to report the success of our efforts to Sri Sri Radha Govinda, the beloved deities of Srila Rupa Goswami. Bowing down before Him, I recounted each event we held and how the crowds…
Our Humble Efforts
With a grand Ratha Yatra through the heart of Mumbai and a massive two-day festival in a large park we took our final bows in our 7-week festival tour of India. We pray that Srila Prabhupada has been pleased with our humble efforts to help spread Lord Caitanya’s movement in the land of dharma. With […]
Pure nectar!
Srila Prabhupada visited Surat, Gujarat with 25 western disciples in December, 1970. He spent 14 days giving lectures in various places throughout the city. Today in an old house here in Surat, I found an album of 30 black and white photos taken during…
A Recorded Conversation With Srila Prabhupada And Myself
My good friend, Visnu Murti dasa, who manages Vanipedia, kindly sent me this audio link from a ‘questions and answers’ session with Srila Prabhupada in New Mayapura, France on August 5, 1976, wherein I ask His Divine Grace a question. Srila Prabhupada’s response gives me great hope! The translation of the conversation is below. One […]
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→ Traveling Monk
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, […]
Goodbye Gujarat
On our last day in Gujarat we participated in Ratha Yatra in Surat and held a final festival program downtown in the evening. We are now on our way to Mumbai for yet another Ratha Yatra and our final two festivals of the tour.
Remembering Srila Prabhupada in Surat
The other day we visited the house where Srila Prabhupada stayed with his Western disciples during a visit to Surat in 1970. Many of the local people vividly remembered His Divine Grace. To celebrate our visit we chanted in the same streets that Srila …
He Was a Great Saintly Person
Volume 14, Chapter 1 Feb 8, 2014 In December of 1970 , Srila Prabhupada spent fourteen days in Surat, India, with twenty-five of his Western disciples. Five years earlier, he had traveled to the west on the order of his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, to spread Krsna Consciousness. ISCKON was still a fledgling […]
Он был великий святой
→ Traveling Monk
Глава 1 Сурат, Индия В декабре 1970-го Шрила Прабхупада провел с двадцатью пятью своими западными учениками четырнадцать дней в Сурате (Индия). Пятью годами ранее по указанию своего духовного учителя Шрилы Бхактисиддханты Сарасвати он уехал на запад, чтобы распространять сознание Кришны. ИСККОН ко времени его возвращения был совсем еще молодым движением, но у Прабхупады было […]
These are Ananta Vrindavan’s excellent photos of our festival program in Bharuch, a town of 400,000 people on the banks of the sacred Narmada river in Gujarat. The people of Bharuch were mesmerized by the show, reminding me of Srila Prabhupada’s statement that the Krsna consciousness movement would, “take the world over by culture.”
Miss you
Our last embrace. Hard to accept Bimal’s gone. I know Krsna’s instructions to Arjuna are not to grieve, but for the moment it’s all I can do. A friend like Bimal is hard to find. I miss you Mufasa.
Following In Their Footsteps
In December, 1970 Srila Prabhupada visited Surat, Gujarat for two weeks with 25 of his western disciples. Following in their illustrious footsteps we went on Ratha Yatra the very day we arrived in Surat. We could feel Srila Prabupada’s mercy as we chanted and danced through the streets. We will have 5 festival programs in […]
Bimal Prasad
Bimal Prasad das, a wonderful disciple of Srila Prabhupada and a good friend of mine, passed away a few hours ago. In Memoriam If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I’d walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again. Few farewell words were spoken, so little time to say goodbye, […]
Ananta’s Jewels
Ananta Vrindavan dasa from Australia arrived two days ago to spend a week with our festival tour here in Gujarat. His photography is a work of art. He perfectly captured the mood of our festival in Vadadora the other night.
Our Dependency on God
Just as a child is fully dependent on his mother whether he knows it or not, we are fully dependent on the Lord whether we accept it or not.
Into The Desert
This afternoon we again left the oasis of the temple and went with our camel caravan into the desert of material existence to distribute the refreshing nectar of Krsna’s sweet the holy names. Chanting and dancing along the hot pavement of Vadodara’s streets we invited the inhabitants of the city to our festival this evening. […]
Camel Caravan Kirtan
Srila Prabhupada once said, “Tax your brains how to spread this movement.” So today we loaded our devotees, puppets and musical instruments on carts drawn by camels and did harinam throughout the city of Vadodara, all the while announcing our festival tomorrow night. News of the extravaganza spread quickly and soon all local newspapers and […]
10,000 In The Oil City
Jamnagar, with a population of 600,000, is called the ‘Oil City of India.’ It has the the world’s largest oil refinery. We held our festival in an open field near the center of the town.To my surprise, 10,000 people showed up early for one of the best shows of our tour.