“The heavenly planets are more celebrated than the earth. But the celebrity of earth has defeated that of the heavenly planets because of Dwarka where Lord Sri Krsna reigned as a king. Three places, mainly Vrindavan, Mathura and Dwarka, are more important than the famous planets within the universe. These places are perpetually sanctified because […]
Author Archives: H.H. Indradyumna Swami
Serving the Lord in Dwarka
Entering Dwarka
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As soon as our bus arrived in the sacred abode of Dwarka we all jumped out and began harinam through the town. Chanting and dancing for hours we finally ended up in front of the 2,500 year-old Rukmini Dwarkadish Temple. As we continued kirtan many of t…
Festivals in Krishna Consciousness
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When we come to festivals and give our heart to the festival, listen with a desire to advance, apply the knowledge the speaker has spoken in our lives, chant from the heart and dance in kirtan we make a quantum leap in our devotional lives.
8,000 And Counting
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This evening at our festival in Rajkot, Gujarat people came in by the droves. At one point I turned to a security guard and asked, “Sir, how many people are here?” Not taking his eyes off the entrance to the field he replied, “Eight thousand and counting.” As I walked onto the stage to give […]
One Who Leaves The Battlefield
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Yesterday we went on harinam in Dakor, home to the famous deity of Ranchor. In sanskrit Ranchor signifies a coward or, “one who leaves the battlefield.” Krsna, however, is glorified and is famous amongst His devotees as Ranchor because He left the battlefield to rescue Rukmini, His first queen in Dwarka. People were stunned seeing […]
Bliss In Bliss
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Yesterday we held a festival program in the center of Anand, Gujarat. Over 4,000 people attended. Anand translates as ‘bliss’ in sanskrit. It was certainly blissful reminding the local people of their original culture of Krsna consciousness.Today we will have harinam in Dakor and visit the famous deity of Ranchor-raya.
At the Moment of Death
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What we call death is the death of the outward dress – the body. Where does the Soul go at the moment of death…Where are we going? Bhagavad Gita also answers this question.
What Is Dear To Our Master
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I spoke to the crowd of 1,500 people at this evenings festival in Ahmedabad and then drove quickly to the airport to catch my flight Australia. I’ll bring good tidings to my dear friend Bimal Prasad who is leaving this world and then with his blessings return to India to continue the preaching that is […]
Drumming It Up
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This morning we went on harinama samkirtan in Ahmedabad to drum up publicity for this evening’s festival program. People were fascinated to see so many western devotees along with their blissful Gujarati brothers and sisters chanting and dancing in great happiness through the streets of the city. Srila Prabhupada once called ISKCON the, “United Nations […]
Speaking To The Masses
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Due to unusually cold weather attendance was down at our first festival in Ahmedabad last night. But we made up for it with our preaching on a popular talk show the same evening. Several million people watched “G Television” as myself, Sri Prahlad das and Syama Premi dasi spoke for 40 minutes about Srila Prabhupada […]
Preaching in India
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Srila Prabhupada wanted his disciples to preach Krishna Consciousness in India.
Letter to Shyamlal
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Today is my close friend Shyamlal prabhu’s funeral. I wrote this letter to him to be read at the ceremony: My dear friend Shyamlal, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I was happy to hear of your departure the other day. It was very difficult seeing you in a painful condition […]
In Mystic Slumber
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Yesterday evening we took darsan of Lord Padmanabha. Like many other temples in this region of India the Lord is lying down in a mystic slumber. Western, non-Hindu people are forbidden to enter the temple, but ISKCON devotees ( from anywhere in the wor…
North Through The Jungle
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Yesterday we traveled north through the jungle to the famous Adi-kesava temple which Lord Caitanya visited 500 years ago during His journey through South India. It was in the Adi-kesava temple that Mahaprabhu found a copy of the 5th chapter of the Brah…
Rich With Ancient Culture
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Today in Thiruvananthapuram we visited a temple of Lord Parasurama, a 1,300 year old Siva temple and a Krishna temple built by Bhima 5,000 years ago. The state of Kerala is rich with the ancient culture of India. [ Photos by myself and 5 by Narottam da…
Miss You
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My good friend Shyamlal das, who was born in Navadwip and served most of his life in South Africa, has passed away. Srila Prabhupada personally encouraged Shyamlal a number of times in his preaching activities and gave him several small gifts in apprec…
I Prayed
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Today we drove 80 kilometers through a jungle area to the temple of Sri Janardana which was visited by Lord Caitanya 500 years ago. The temple architecture was unlike any other I have seen in India. Sri Caitanya Caritamrita describes how Mahaprabhu cha…
Big Scale Preaching
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This festival travelling program is a modern day pastime of Lord Caitanya because it’s the result of the desire of all the previous acaryas and of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself.
Along The Way
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Today myself and Sri Prahlada, who is visiting me from Australia, went on a short parikrama of Vrindavan. Along the way we met my parikrama guru, Deena Bandhu prabhu, who we followed to the Radha Gokulananda temple. His love for Vrindavan is contagious!
Seeking His Blessings
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I just came back from a 2-day trip to Jaipur. I wanted to get the blessings of Sri Sri Radha Govinda, the beloved deities of Srila Rupa Goswami, for our 6-week festival tour which begins on January 10 in Gujarat. I begged Radha Govinda to empower our c…
Following My Doctor’s Orders
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My doctor advised me to start exercising by taking short walks. So taking my camera I went with a small group of devotees by taxi to Radha Kunda and walked two times around the sacred lake. It took 30 minutes. By following the doctors orders hopefully …
Grow up in Spiritual Life
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We need to work hard and set higher and higher goals each time, so that we can achieve the highest goal – a clean heart in which we can cultivate real love for Radha and Krsna.
Entry with Post Format “Video”
→ Traveling Monk
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, […]
The best of Instructions
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“Srila Haridasa Thakur advised that we concentrate deeply on the holy names of Krishna. Lord Caitanya’s teachings on this matter are found in the Caitanya Bhagavata, Madhya 23.650 where it is stated: “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. The Lord said: ‘This is the maha-mantra. […]
The best of Instructions
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“Every day one must complete his prescribed number of rounds, according to his vow. One should chant sincerely being careful not to sacrifice his quality of chanting in his eagerness to complete his vow. One should strive to improve the quality of chanting, rather than increase his number of rounds for show. The name of […]
Striving for perfection in japa
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“Inattention arising from laziness prevents a person from relishing the nectar of the holy names while chanting japa. He is slow to chant and remember the holy names. Even after trying, he soon finds the effort unendurable and wants to sleep or otherwise engage himself in frivolity. “Advanced devotees are cautious against such an offense. […]
Holy Name Nectar
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A daily routine …. “One must make it a daily routine to chant for an hour in the company of saintly Vaisnavas in a sacred, undisturbed place. Noting the Vaisnavas devotional attitude and their relish for the holy names, the neophyte should emulate this mood and gradually rid himself of all apathy while chanting. Step […]
Holy Name
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While recuperating here in South Africa I am focusing on chanting the holy names – which are in and of themselves the best medicine. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur’s instructions in this regard are important: “Advanced Vaisnavas advise that chanting is best performed in the presence of Tulasi devi and in a place of Lord Krishna’s pastimes. […]
Shelter of the Holy Name
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As I convalesce after my recent illness here in South Africa I take shelter of the instructions of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur in his Harinam Cintamani: “The devotee should make it a regular practice to spend a little time alone in a quiet place and concentrate deeply on the holy name. He should utter and hear […]
Worship of Govardhana Sila
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We have been blessed that Giriraja has come to us so we should be very careful not to become familiar, not make offenses and follow all the rules of bhakti.
The Very Best Day of My life
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Volume 13, Chapter 13 Dec 6, 2013 Memorial Address for Nelson Mandela Delivered at Edison Power Group Memorial Function Durban,South Africa December 6, 2013 Dearest Madiba, It was with profound sadness that I learned of your departure from this world yesterday. Though all of us were aware that your demise was imminent, somehow we […]
Being Sober
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Srila Prabhupada always appeared very blissful and joyful but he was never frivolous. Every once in a while he used humour in his lectures but he was always sober. Preaching is a serious business, to convince people about futility of material life and …
A Lament
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“He who yearns to attain the sweetness of pure love in Vrindavan, but by destiny is forced to live elsewhere, laments and always remembers Vrindavan with it’s beautiful splendid groves where Radha and Krishna enjoy pastimes. He meditates on entering Vrindavan and thinks, ‘Now I am serving the Divine Couple.’” [ Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati, Sri […]
King Goodwill’s Visit
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Yesterday King Goodwill of the Zulu’s gave me some good advise after my hernia operation: “Swami, you must take advantage of this to finally get some good rest! ” He’s right. And I will
Process for this Age
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The easiest and most sublime process to awaken love for God is to chant his Holy Names.
Modern Day Pastimes Of The Samkirtan Movement
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Dear Sivarama Swami, Hare Krsna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I hope you do not mind my writing to you. I have never written to a spiritual master before. You do not know me. My name is Bhaktin Dora and I live in…
Saying Goodbye
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Today I went around Vrindavan to say goodbye to all my friends and everything that inspired me during my 5 week visit here. I paid a special visit to the Samadhi of Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami. I’ll be back in India in two weeks to begin preparations for our second Gujarat festival tour which will […]
Residing in Vrindavan
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To enter into Vrindavana we need to develop an intense desire to serve Radha and Krsna as They desire to be served. We should learn this from the brajavasis beginning with Srila Prabhupada.
So Enchanting!
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The deities of Radha-vallabha in downtown Vrindavan are amongst my favorites. Krsna’s dark eyes are so enchanting! Popular amongst the Vraja-vasis, the old temple is not so well known amongst ISKCON devotees. Srimati Radharani is present as Her crown to the left of Vallabha, like at the more famous Radha Raman temple.
The Pride Of Vraja
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Radha Raman is everyone’s favorite in Vrindavan, with crowds of people flocking to see Him each evening – for the last 500 years.