Bringing Krishna Conscious Culture to Albert Park College
→ ISKCON Melbourne, AU

By the blessings of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and Sri-Sri
Gaura-Nitai, amazing school preaching took place again this year at Albert Park College Multicultural Day.

ran workshops that not only gave insight into Indian culture but
insight into the finer aspects of our Vaishnava tradition. The workshops
included Yoga & Meditation, Henna Art, Indian Music and Dance, Indian Cooking, the Festivals and Culture of India, as well as Garland Making, Indian Weddings and Traditional Costumes.

lunchtime there was an ecstatic Harinama that ran for almost an hour.
You can see a 5 minute video here. Devotees, students and teachers all danced and chanted together and prasadam was distributed. You can see a slideshow here.

school in every suburb of Melbourne can taste the nectar of Krishna
Consciousness when you contribute to your child’s school’s Multicultural
events. For details and for support on how to share Krishna
Consciousness with your school community please contact Navadwipa Isvari
devi dasi (0417-594-475 or or Yamuna Lila devi dasi  (0400-502-806 or

Special Presentation: The Temple of The Vedic Planetarium
→ ISKCON Melbourne, AU

Next weekend His Grace Radha Jivan Das –
International Director of Fundraising for the Temple of the Vedic
Planetarium – will give a special presentation on this amazing project. The timings are Saturday August the 3rd and Sunday August the 4th

from 5 till 6pm.

The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) is not another preaching center, but is actually Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s home.

The fulfillment of the desire of visionaries, saints and incarnations
from Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu down to Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada, the TOVP is a unique and ambitious project to make the vast
culture and philosophy of the timeless Vedic tradition accessible to
everyone. It will be a shining beacon to all aspiring spiritualists who
are searching for answers to the questions of life.

Please join us on Saturday or Sunday to hear all about it.

Upcoming Janmastami Celebrations
→ ISKCON Melbourne, AU

This year Sri Krishna Janmastami falls on Thursday August the 29th.


Our program includes extended darshan; evening dramas, song and dance; a fire sacrifice and prasadam for all.

Some event-timings include:
4.00pm arati & kirtan
7.00pm arati & kirtan
7.30pm abhisheka & kirtan
9.00pm arati & kirtan
Midnight arati

Keep watching for more details when August arrives.

Savour the Bliss! Volunteer at Janmastami
→ ISKCON Melbourne, AU

Lord Sri Krishna – whose Appearance we glorify at Janmastami – was compelled to further expand His blissful Vrindavana pastimes. He incarnated with all His associates in Chaitanya-lila. Why?

“Desiring to understand the glory of Radharani’s love, the wonderful
qualities in Him that She alone relishes through Her love, and the
happiness She feels when She realizes the sweetness of His love, the
Supreme Lord Hari, richly endowed with Her emotions, appeared from the
womb of Srimati Saci-devi, as the moon appeared from the ocean.” (Chaitanya-caritamrita Adi-lila

When we offer service to Lord Krishna, we can each savour a drop of Radharani’s love – by Lord Chaitanya’s mercy. What is Sri Krishna Janmastami without serving together?

Your help is vital. To offer services – from cutting up vegetables for the Deities, to serving prasadam to guests or maintaining security – we need you. Don’t miss this very special chance to taste the bliss of giving transcendental pleasure to Lord Krishna and His devotees!

Volunteer at

Solve Your Janmastami Parking Problem
→ ISKCON Melbourne, AU

Avoid the fuss – take our bus:
• no cost
• no trouble
• no risk of a parking fine!


Take a free bus ride from Albert Park Lake and avoid parking congestion around the Temple.

From 6pm. – 11pm every 10 minutes two 25 seater buses will shuttle you from Lakeside Carpark in Aughtie Drive (Melways 2K E6) to the Mary Kehoe Centre (opposite the Temple in Danks St.) and return.

Parking at Lakeside Carpark costs $2.30 (flat rate) from 5-9pm., and then is free of charge.

Upcoming Balarama Purnima Celebrations
→ ISKCON Melbourne, AU

The Appearance Anniversary of Lord Balarama falls on Wednesday August the 21st.

Lord Balarama is the adi-guru, the original spiritual master.Therefore His appearance as the son of Rohini and Vasudeva is celebrated by devotees with great jubilation.

In Chaitanya-lila, Lord Balarama appears as Lord Nityananda, the bestower of mercy to even the most fallen conditioned soul.

Our schedule will be:
4.30pm Arati & Kirtan
5.00pm Class
6.00pm Feast
7.00pm Gaura Arati

Please join us.

Upcoming Seminar: Vaishnava Etiquette
→ ISKCON Melbourne, AU

Next Monday evening Keshava Prabhu will facilitate the sixth in a series of devotional seminars. We will examine the Vaishnava Etiquette.


Prabhupada writes: “It is the characteristic of a devotee to observe and protect Vaishnava etiquette…this is the ornament of a devotee.” (ISKCON Founder-Acharya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Cc. Antya 4.130).

Bhakti Charu Maharaja cites Srila Sanatana Goswami’s Hari-bhakti-vilasa: “Since nothing can be successful without sadachara or etiquette, every action should be performed with proper etiquette.” We must act according to proper etiquette. The heart of a saintly person is free from contamination. The way a saintly person acts is known as proper etiquette. A way a saintly person acts is know as sadachara…”If a person reads the six branches of the Vedas without practicing proper etiquette, he does not get purified, just as a bird flies away from the nest as soon as it grows wings, the Vedas leave him at the time of his death…Thus one can understand that Vaishnava etiquette purifies the heart and the consciousness.”

The time and venue for this seminar are: June the 22nd, 7:30pm in the
Temple Theatre. Everyone is welcome, so please join us.

Janmastami FOLK News Online Edition
→ ISKCON Melbourne, AU

You can catch Janmastami FOLK news online here. The printed magazine should arrive in your mailboxes this week.

In this issue we feature the major festivals of August and September and stories that expand their glories: Mahanidhi Swami describes the elixir of Srimati Radharani’s name and qualities. Our Founder-Acharya shares his appreciation of what Sri Krishna’s Appearance can mean for you and me today. And we hear how Srila Prabhupada’s desire to conserve, research and reveal the treasures of our historic Gaudiya texts is being expressed in the work of the Bhaktivedanta Research Centre.

In a few weeks we will celebrate Jhulana Yatra (Saturday August the 17th till Wednesday August the 21st), Balarama Purnima (August the 21st), then Janmastami (Thursday August the 29th), Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance (Friday August the 30th) and finally Radhastami (Friday September the 13th).

Don’t forget to mark these dates in your diary. See you then.

ABC TV: Whatever Happened To…The Hare Krishnas?
→ ISKCON Melbourne, AU

In Whatever Happened To…, ABC TV’s Compass program revisits radical religious and social movements in
Australia’s recent past, exploring their impact and legacy.

On Sunday July the 14th. at 6:30pm, episode 1 – Whatever Happened to…The Hare Krishnas – is screening.

The producers write:“The Hare Krishna movement arrived in the West in the 1960s, at the height of the youth revolution. Temples and farming communities soon sprang up around the world. Chandra and Dhara were raised communally on Australia’s biggest Hare Krishna farm in northern NSW, where – contrary to popular myth – devotees lead a highly disciplined life as strict vegetarians, abstaining from drugs, alcohol, gambling and illicit sex, while worshiping Krishna, their supreme God, through prolonged chanting. So, who joined the Hares and why? And, where are they now?”

You will see video shot on our Melbourne Temple campus last year.

I hear it is well-worth watching.