Garden Wish List
→ Plant and Be Happy

* A small greenhouse
Very helpful for starting plants in spring and fall. Materials = $300.

* A work area
A counter & sink for cleaning veggies, potting seeds, etc. Materials = $150.

* Some table-height garden beds for handicapped people
One grade-school class has a plot in the garden, and there is a student in a wheelchair who cannot […]

High Brix Gardening
→ Plant and Be Happy

Very few people even know about high brix gardening, what to speak of understanding the processes to achieve it. 

1) Get the soil tested – the Weak Acid test. (Don’t use County Extension Offices  as they generally use the Strong Acid test.) Get the microbial levels tested also (called a formazan test.)

2) Have the consultant that did […]

Community Garden Finances
→ Plant and Be Happy

Below are the finances for Kalachandji’s Community Garden for January – March.

Overall we’re doing pretty well. However, the income includes funds from all plots that have been reserved, whether the plot holder has paid or not. So when you look at the balance sheet you can see the total amount that we still have to collect from everyone, and you […]

Community Garden – soil test results
→ Plant and Be Happy

In the community garden, we are providing nutrients in specific amounts to replenish those nutrients lacking in unamended Dallas soil. We are following a high brix program. Based on the soil test, the foremost need is phosphorus. We are putting in 280 pounds of soft rock phosphate, which meets organic requirements.

There are a few other amendments being added but […]

Using Wood for Raised Beds
→ Plant and Be Happy

“Don’t use treated wood in your veggie garden!”

How many times have you heard this?

CCA (Chromated Copper Arsenate) wood has been off the market for seven years now, so there is no need to discuss that. The newer wood (ACQ) has copper and an ammonium compound, so the primary concern is the copper. The type available in the south […]

Visit to New Talavan!
→ Plant and Be Happy

Two weeks ago Kunti and I visited New Talavan for the very first time. It is a rural community about one hour northeast from New Orleans, in Mississippi.

We had a great time! Devotees were nice, Deities were nice, and I finally met a good online acquaintance, Adi Karta prabhu. He is moving to New Talavan from Alachua, and his mobile […]

Response from second senator on S-425
→ Plant and Be Happy

Below is the response I got from our other senator regarding the email I sent:

Dear Mrs. van Nus:

Thank you for contacting me regarding food safety. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this matter.

The United States’ food safety policy is rooted in sound science and is supervised by both the Food and Drug […]

Response from senator on S425
→ Plant and Be Happy

I got the response below from one of our senators on the emails I sent on S425 :

Dear Friend:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Food Safety and Tracking Improvement Act. I welcome your thoughts and comments.

Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) introduced the Food Safety and Tracking Improvement Act, which would establish a nationwide traceability system monitored […]