On October 10, 2024, Kalakantha Das, the GBC Minister of Cow Protection and Agriculture, delivered an impactful presentation at the Virtual C20 Conference, a side event focusing on food systems, hunger, and poverty. He emphasized that integrating spiri…
Category Archives: News
Kalakantha Das Explores Spirituality and Sustainability at C20 Conference
Nottingham Holds First-Ever Rathayatra Festival in Popular Market Square
On Sunday, September 29th, Nottingham’s Market Square witnessed its first-ever Rathayatra festival. Around 1,500 people gathered to take part in this joyous celebration, during which Lord Jagannatha, Lord Baladeva, and Lady Subhadra came to bless the c…
Italian Gurukula Alumni Return After 30+ Years for Healing Gathering
At the temple, finally back home! It had been more than 30 years since the alumni of the Italian Gurukula had met together in Villa Vrindavana. By our great fortune, thirty years later, the mysterious plans orchestrated by Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha…
The Sacred Observance of Kartik: A Month of Deep Devotion and Comedic Vows
University student learning how to offer a lamp WuSA House in South Africa. As the month of Kartika approaches, devotees of Krishna around the world are gearing up for one of the most spiritually potent times in the Vaishnava calendar. Taking place dur…
ISKCON Lenasia’s Rathayatra Festival Celebrates 25 Years of Devotion
On a freezing September 21st, 2024, the ISKCON Lenasia Rathayatra Festival reached a highly significant and noteworthy achievement that marks a pivotal moment in its journey—its 25th anniversary. What began as a small community event has grown into a l…
Bhakti Loft Opens in Historic ISKCON NYC Building
On September 28, 2004, Devotees gathered in NYC to celebrate the grand opening of the “Bhakti Loft” on the second floor of their iconic Brooklyn building. “Over the past year, we have been busy renovating our balcony space on the sec…
ISKCON Community Life Honors Three Vaishnavi “Healers”
ISKCON Community Life, a division of the ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry, recognized the outstanding contributions to devotee care of three very special individuals by giving them the following awards: Trailblazer in Community Wellness Award…
ISKCON Leaders Speak at North American Hindu Conference
The Hindu Mandirs Empowerment Council (formerly known as the Hindu Mandirs Executive Conference) held its annual gathering of North American Hindu Leaders representing all the various Hindu Mandirs and Organizations across the region. ISKCON leaders we…
ISKCON Sacramento Promotes Compassion with Devotee Care Course
ISKCON Sacramento recently held a Devotee Care Course from September 13th to 15th, 2024, facilitated by Radha Gopinath Das and Damodar Das. The event, which was attended by 15 participants, was designed to deepen their understanding of the role of devo…
The Sangha Initiative Builds Unity and Friendship at Their First West Coast Retreat
Sanga, service, and spiritual adventure awaited devotee youth in the sunny environment of San Diego. The inaugural West Coast summer retreat for The Sanga Initiative (TSI) saw 45 attendees from 24 cities across seven states join together at ISKCON San …
ISKCON Youth Forum Hosts Over 1000 in Gaya
Youth and leaders gathered at the successful event. The ISKCON Youth Forum (IYF) Gaya, hosted its grand annual Youth Festival, “VIPLAVA – Glories of Vedic India,” on September 15, 2024, at Gaya, Bihar. Over 1,000 enthusiastic young devotee …
ISKCON Patna Responds to Reports of Altercations at its Temple
ISKCON Patna released the following statement to the media, “A video of some altercation at ISKCON Patna surfaced yesterday night. It is unfortunate and painful that some differences between different members of the community escalated into somet…
CDM Highlights the Stunning Success of the Whitefield Bhakti Center
Popular Bhagavad-gita class. ISKCON’s Congregation Development Ministry is continually working to help temples and devotee communities grow and flourish by providing various preaching programs, such as Bhakti Vriksha, programs for children, and m…
North American Leaders Gather to Appreciate Malati Devi Dasi’s Service
Malati Devi Dasi (to the right of Srila Prabhupada) gathered with her godsiblings. At the end of the year Malati Devi Dasi will officially resign as a GBC member. In New Vrindavan, at the North American Leadership Conference’s final day of events, a ce…
TOVP Team Visits Fire-Afflicted Saranagati, Bringing Surprise Gifts
After five months of intense traveling throughout North America to solicit support for the Mayapur Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP), the dedicated team of Jananivas Das, Sunanda Das, and Braja Vilas Das arrived last week on the Canadian West Coas…
Haribol Foods Makes Waves at World Food India 2024
During the prestigious World Food India 2024 event, held in New Delhi on September 19-22, 2024, Haribol Foods made a significant impact with its strong presence and innovative offerings. The event, known for attracting global leaders in the food indust…
VIHE Unveils Special Kartika Courses for Devotees
During the auspicious month of Kartik, from October 17, 2024, to November 15, 2024, the Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) is offering a special compilation of five courses titled ‘Kartika Vidya Sankalpa,’ which translates to &…
Seva Care: Creating a Culture of Conscious Caring in Alachua
In Alachua, Florida, a significant initiative called Seva Care, led by Madhuryalila Devi Dasi and Tamohara Dasa, is dedicated to providing practical and spiritual support through various programs to enhance the devotee community’s well-being. Whi…
GBC Statement on the Health of HH Giriraja Swami
Dear ISKCON Devotees, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We are deeply saddened to share the difficult news regarding the health of His Holiness Giriraja Swami. Maharaja has been diagnosed with Behavioral Variant Fron…
Kartik Navadvipa Mandal Parikrama 2024!!
→ Mayapur.com
Registration is going on!! It is our great pleasure to announce ISKCON MAYAPUR’s 12th annual six-day Kartik Navadwip Mandal Parikrama during the most auspicious month of Kartik (organized by the Mayapur Chandra’s). The Parikrama dates are 9…
Devotees Build Community and Foster Devotion in Seaside Village
Syama Gauri Devi Devi and Priya Kunda Das (third and fourth from right). Syama Gauri Devi Dasi, originally from Hungary, shared some of her spiritual journey in a recent interview with ISKCON News. Her service over the years has taken her around Europe…
Powerful Vaishnavi Panel Prompts Standing Ovation at the 2024 MAN-tra Retreat
MAN-tra Retreat men gather for kirtan in front of Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold. Men from across North America recently gathered for the annual MAN-tra Retreat at New Vrindaban, West Virginia. Filled with inspiring and challenging presentations, jo…
Celebrating Lord Jagannath’s Journey in Rose Belle: A Rathayatra Festival of Community and Devotion
Majestic Lord Jagannath blessing Rose Belle. On September 21, 2024, the streets of Rose Belle, Mauritius, hosted the Rathayatra Festival, an important festival on the Vaishnava calendar. The event featured a procession involving the deities Lord Jagann…
NA-RGB Announces “Fostering Effective Cooperation for a Unified Mission” Online Seminar
ISKCON Resolve and the North American Regional Governing Body (NA RGB) announced a new free online seminar entitled “Fostering Effective Cooperation for a Unified Mission” hosted by Vraj Vihari Das to be held on Saturday, October 12th, 10 …
ISKCON Communities Around the Globe Join World Cleanup Day
Youth from across Europe on retreat at Villa Vrindavana participating in World Cleanup Day. ISKCON congregations around the world contributed their part in caring for the Earth, Mother Bhumi, by picking up trash and removing unsightly litter along rive…
Giriraj Swami Health Update
Giriraj Swami has been diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia, a progressive neurological condition that affects his cognitive functions, including decision-making, emotional regulation, and social behavior. This diagnosis significantly impairs his abi…
Harikatha Studio Launches Animated Bhagavad-gita Web Series
On the auspicious occasion of Radhashtami, Harikatha Studio, an innovative initiative led by Raghavendra Bazari under the guidance of Kartikeya Das, Hariksetra Das, Acyuta Arjunasakha Das from ISKCON Whitefield, launched the first episode of their anim…
Gopal Patel on the Role of Spirituality in Climate Action During New York Climate Week
Gopal Patel (Gopal Lila Das), who hosted a multifaith meeting at the NYC Climate Week events last week, was also interviewed by Religion News Service (RNS) about the close relationship between religious faith and urgent environmental issues facing the …
Annamrita Foundation Honored with Prestigious Maharashtra Ratna Award
Sonali Kulkarni, Bollywoad actress, Gorakshanath Gambhire, COO, Annamrita Foundation, Dr RadhaKrishna prabhu, CEO & Founder, Annamrita Foundation, Dipak Kesarkar, Education Minister, Maharashtra, HBP Ausekar Maharaj, president, Vithhal Rukhmini san…
Avanti House Secondary School Among Top Finalists Nominated for World’s Best School 2024
Recently, several UK schools were nominated for “World’s Best School 2024.” Avanti House Secondary School was named one of the top three finalists for the coveted honor. It is part of the Avanti Schools Trust, a collection of state-fu…
ISKCON Houston Announces First Annual Festival of Bliss
In a recent press release, ISKCON of Houston, Texas, announced their first annual Festival of Bliss, the Sri Jagannath Ratha Yatra, to be held on Saturday, November 9th, at 10:30 AM at the American Legion Park. The festival procession will begin at noo…
Bhakti Sharan Shanta Swami: A Legacy of Devotion at New Govardhan Ashram
In the peaceful village of Pajieslys, Lithuania, New Govardhan Ashram stands as a spiritual haven built on the vision of Bhakti Sharan Shanta Swami. Although he has since left the body, his teachings and dreams live on through the local community of de…
50th Installation of Nitai Gaura-Nataraja Celebration: A Journey of Gratitude and Enthusiasm
(L-R) Chitralekha Devi Dasi, Vamanadeva Dasa, Romapada Swami, Anuttama Dasa, Chakri Das, and Shankar Pandit Das. This year marked a remarkable milestone for ISKCON St. Louis, which celebrated its 50th installation of Nitai-Gaura Nataraja Deities. The d…
September 29th Update – Devotees Confirm Hurricane Helene Leaves Devastating Path of Destruction
Photo courtesy of the Gainesville Sun. September 29th Update Several power poles and power lines (including phone lines which connects many residents to the Internet) are still down in parts of Alachua. Some devotees saw their power restored yesterday …
Youth Fest 2024: Building Unity and Empowerment Through Spirituality and Service
Youth Fest members Mellissa Munsami (far left), Bhaktin Sajana (in pink), Captain Cheryl Pillay (Head OF SAPS Communications Chatsworth – second left), Smita Krsna das (Programme Director- centre) with members of the Metro Police. The Youth Fest,…
Prasad Distributors are on the Scene Within Hours in Flood-devasted Czech Towns
Following devastating and deadly flooding across central and eastern Europe, thousands across the region have been left in difficult circumstances, many needing to flee their homes or huddle on higher floors. Young volunteers from Food for All-UK in Lo…
Mayapur Clean & Green Team Launches Second-Hand Shop to Promote Sustainability
Murari Mohini Devi Dasi (in white) with Vaishnavi and handloom goods (left), Julan Yatra Devi Dasi (right), the manager of the second hand store. The Mayapur Clean and Green Team, led by Murari Mohini Devi Dasi, has initiated a second-hand recycling st…
Highlights Report from September 18th GBC Meeting Released
The Governing Body Commission (GBC) has released its latest Meeting Highlights Report for September 18th, 2024. ISKCON GBC MEETING HIGHLIGHTS REPORT 18 September 2024 We are pleased to present the 18 September 2024 GBC Meeting Highlights Report. This r…
A Planted Seed: ISKCON of Richmond Hosts a Grand Opening
Sunday, September 1st, ISKCON of Richmond, located in the heart of Virginia, USA, celebrated its grand temple opening with a commemorative yajna, kirtan, cultural performances, and encouraging talks from devotees from all over the country. There has b…
September 30th Update – Urgent Prayer Request for Mahatma Das
9/30/24 Health Update Today, HG Mahatma Das is continuing with his healing and resting as much as possible. Despite experiencing a lot of bodily discomfort, he remains in good spirits and stable condition, making the best of a difficult recovery proces…