Wednesday, September 21, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario



It was in two thousand fifteen

That Sally was happy to be seen

By those who admired her

At New Vrindavan it did occur

Known to be the special agent

The one so absolutely patient

In signing the fateful papers

For Swamiji to reach those skyscrapers

To New York all the way from Bharat

To tell us what we had forgot

I sat with her for an hour or so

When her pleasant words began to flow

When she put her name to submit

"I didn't think much would come of it

His picture looked quite intimidating"

But signing meant Gopal saw her participating

Sally felt Swamiji was so far away

But then he came to the door one day

Presenting an "oceanic smile"

From the 'Y' he walked daily for less than a mile

To cook lunch with pots on three tiers

Despite meat in the fridge he'd persevere

He was amazed to see clean frozen produce

Vacuum cleaner–a marvellous introduce

Acquainting himself with American culture

With a vision for improved future

With books, temples, and people

And blessed food, a weapon so lethal

A global conquest with humble beginnings

A challenge that will see an actual winning

It was Sally who opened that door

In gratitude for this alone, we underscore

-          Composed by Bhaktimarga Swami, The Walking Monk©


May the Source be with you!

4 km


Tuesday, September 20, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Wasaga Beach, Ontario

Last Day

It was the last day of summer and our intent was to squeeze in the few remaining hours by taking advantage of sun, water and sand with members of the Bhakti Academy. Our first destination for this outdoor bonding was in Wasaga where a kind Vaishnava, Jiva Mukta, lent us his beach house for the day. Thank you!

From this location our group of eleven drove south to Caledon, to a farm where ahimsa-milk is produced. Vishal and Yasomati own and run the place. Their son, Radesh, 16, took us around their state-of-the-art farm; a highly mechanized facility for tending to lovable bulls, cows and calves of the gir species. We listened and watched how when one has the funds and smarts an efficient job can be done to protect these giving animals. The family of five, with three generations on site, are an amazing workforce taking up this vital service. I am feeling an incredible reverence towards them.

Along with the Academy to accompany us was a new pujari priest, Durgan, and a new temple assistant, Giridhari Lila, from the Ukraine, we all indulged in the study of the Gita, chapter 3, text 27 and what we could consider to be a perfect definition of what is maya. This Sanskrit word, used amply by practitioners of bhakti-yogaculture, identifies the action of the ego and the three modes of nature. The idea, though, is to confront them.

May the Source be with you!

0 km


Monday, September 19, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Cleveland, Ohio

The Storm and After

Just as the sun was to greet us for the morning, Kaustubha and I could see clear over the horizon a mess of black coming our way. It was menacing in appearance though a regular stunt of nature. We were simply on a walkway by the lake when I felt cold drops from the sky strike my neck. Then polkadots appeared on the white cement surface; more and more came until it became a solid mass of wet.

Kaustubha and I darted for the Kiwanis’ Pavilion, a shelter. It became a hard rain and then seventy-three-year-old Mr. Patel joined us and shared his breakfast things with us. He became our new friend. And for a good while K and I paced back-and-forth chanting on our beads.

The rain subsided. K pointed to a bird, “There’s an American bald eagle.” And indeed the massive bird soared along to reach the peak of a tree. No longer than a minute later K pointed to a family of associates. “There are his buddies, the Canadian geese.” They had just landed now in the freshness of air.

These are some of my last impressions in Cleveland before taking the flight back to Canada.

Actually, it was with great joy that in these last days that I felt strongly the play of rhythm; whether through the waves of water lapping on the beach, the movement of clouds and, of course, walking, but most definitely the movement of warmth emanating from the devotees at the gatherings with kirtan.

May the Source be with you!

4 km


Sunday, September 18, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Cleveland, Ohio

The Times They Are A Changin’

As I’ve noticed, more and more Americans and Canadians upon greeting are offering pranams with their palms together in a slight bow. It seems to me that we Westerners are touching more on being Vedic/Hindu/Buddhist. The crossover of East meets West is taking hold and it’s interesting.

On one of the streets that I walked, near a red light, a vehicle with two fellows as passengers stopped and, as they did so, the driver looked towards me and offered a “Namaste.” This was not an Indian person, in fact, judging by his attire, demeanor and car, he was an unlikely individual to offer such a gesture. Pranams also came from our way when two older local males saw Kaustubha and I on a bench. And at Edgewater a woman apologized to me after she and companion came out of the beach water in training talking it up somewhat loudly. “I’m sorry we disturbed you. You look rather peaceful sitting there.”

“Think nothing of it.” I was just chanting japa and, as always, the robes gave it away that I’m some kind of ascetic.

Folded palms and “Hare Krishna” came natural when I attended the program at “Grand Power,” the location of the weekly Hare Krishna Sunday program in Cleveland. Though here everyone did much more than bow heads. We chanted and dance to a blissful end of the afternoon. Oh, it was so much delight after dwelling on verse 10.9, which is all about the joy of devotional practice. Bhakti is moving.

May the Source be with you!

4 km



Saturday, September 17, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Cleveland, Ohio

Kiss Your Face

“Let the sun kiss your face,” suggested Madhavananda, as we were in the water for a second day. The sun was bright. The water clean. Temperature perfect. We were catching that vitamin D from Surya (sun). Receiving a pat from Vayu (wind) — a soft one. Varuna (water) was circulating our blood and toning our muscles. All this at a place called Edgewater Park.

The real recreation, however, came from devotee-bonding in the form of a picnic. All the stalwarts of Cleveland that I know appeared on the scene under a designated tree with the best food that outdoors has ever seen. The seagulls were envious over the savories in the form of potato pakora, the famous nuggets from Agnihotra, and various salads.

More important was the kirtanto follow. Once fueled you have to discharge and do it right, so the drumming went on by Boris and others. I asked Dayal to take the lead in singing. After all he is the well-known Don Foose of straight-edge music. The whole group of us participated and it was a diverse one of Afro, Euro, and Indie background. So attractive. People came to stop, watch and join in. We were a community that drew the other recreationists toward us.

I had the blessing of talking to the group about Prabhupada’s significance to the world and, in particular, to the American people who were the first takers to Krishna Consciousness. Even for the talk some came to hear our message from a nearby picnic table. We all finally dispersed before the moon had a chance to kiss our face.

May the Source be with you!

3 km


Friday, September 16, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Port Clinton, Ohio

The Ship Docked

To commemorate the anniversary of the docking of our guru (Prabhupada) on American soil, I delivered a class, basically a reading of this event at Boston harbor in September, 1965. A group from the Harmony collective came to hear of this milestone. Seven years ago, I began my US walk at the pier and I followed, as best as possible, the old Lincoln Highway leading me to San Francisco. The theme of the track was “Walking for our Teachers.” For me, it was just a token of gratitude. Thank you Prabhupada for leading me on the safe path.

The prayer that he wrote “Markine Bhagavat” on the ship, Jaladuta, before disembarking is precious; carrying the spirit of dependence on Krishna. He had never been to the sea before, let alone gone anywhere over-seas. His mission was to teach a new perspective on life. In the prayer he appeals to Krishna to empower him to be able to convey the message of the Gita in a way that the American public can understand.

I would suggest that all those on the bhakti path ask for the blessings to empower us to make the philosophy appealing to others.

So, on this day, we meditated on the ship, the water and its passenger. So far as water is concerned, Madhavananda took me to the beach in the small community. Now this is not the salt water of the Atlantic but the freshwater of a great lake. I can’t consider the hour-long swim in this body of water as an act of sense gratification. I’m simply taking care of my machinery with it’s relaxing of the muscles and loosening of the joints before the long winter sets in. My body, after all, is a vessel used in God’s service.

May the Source be with you!

7 km


Thursday, September 15, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Ypsilanti, Michigan

A Day at Harmony Collective

Back to Lakewood Park, Kaustubha and I went for the sunrise. Unfortunately, from our viewpoint, the sun was peeking out behind the Cleveland skyline and not from the lake itself. All the same, it was a beautiful morning. Other admirers were doing as we were, and out of the lot three young “party animals” were curious about my sun-toned clothes.

“Would you be a monk?” said one, and my response was, “Yes, and you can be one too, for a day, a weekend, or a month. Or fifty years, like myself.” That little piece of information was a sequel to more words of encouragement on the path of progressive spiritualism.

A lovely couple from Cleveland drove me to Michigan, to the college town of Ypsilanti. Within the district is a farm with cows, bulls and greenhouses of hydroponic, vertical farming. The young people involved are very enlightened in the field of alternative agriculture. So inspiring!

The last of the evening became a presentation on “Tales from the Trails” followed by kirtan and dance. This was most engaging. Everyone was off the floor and on the floor. It became a joyful finish to a perfect day. Dance was legwork and not much happened in the way of walking which, as usual, I will try to make up for the lack of tomorrow.

May the Source be with you!

0 km


Weekend Shravanam Retreat & Cida Dahi Utsav in Bali
→ Dandavats

By Kadamba Kanana Das Please follow this link for more photos: Bali is a world-famous Indonesian tropical island paradise famed for its sandy, picturesque beaches, blue oceans, volcanic mountains, paddy fields and lush tropical greenery. Bali is also known as the “Island of the Gods”. Each home is adorned with temples of various sizes

TOVP in the Times of India: World’s Largest Religious Monument to Open in India

The Times of India recently published another article about the TOVP in the TIMESNOW section titled, ‘World’s Largest Religious Monument to Open in India’. Please read and share the article below.

You can read the article in full here.




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Srila Prabhupada Nectar
→ Ramai Swami

Many devotees saw Srila Prabhupada drive away small and large dogs by raising his cane and crying out, “Hut!”  When Nanda Kumara was travelling with Prabhupada, he saw Prabhupada do this in a dangerous situation and later he had the opportunity to try the technique himself.

 While Prabhupada and the devotees were walking on the beach in California, a large Doberman pinscher dog approached them, snarling and baring his teeth.  Prabhupada continued walking peacefully, but Nanda Kumara stopped and tensely faced the dog.  This challenge only provoked the dog into more threatening and growling, until Nanda Kumara turned and ran to catch up to Prabhupada.  But as soon as he ran, the Doberman Pinscher pursued him, barking and threatening to attack.  

Before the dog reached them, however, Prabhupada suddenly turned.  He crouched with his feet somewhat apart, raised his cane high over his head and gave a loud “Hut!” – and made a growling sound at the dog.  At this display from Prabhupada the dog turned and retreated quickly back to his home.            

Months later Nanda Kumara recalled Prabhupada’s method and tried it on one large monkey in Jaipur.  While Srila Prabhupada was staying at the Radha-Govinda temple in Jaipur, he and his party were being harassed by the monkeys there, who stole food and clothes.  While the devotees were cooking, these monkeys would drop from the trees and steal chapatis off the stove.  Prabhupada had advised the devotees to take a neutral attitude toward the monkeys’ mischief.  

But one time, while with the devotees in Prabhupada’s room, Nanda Kumara heard a monkey rattling the kitchen door.  He suddenly remembered the technique Prabhupada had used on the beach with the large Doberman pinscher, and he decided to try it with the thieving monkey.  

Quietly excusing himself from the room, he picked up a club outside Prabhupada’s door and walked toward a large monkey, who had noticeably big biceps, growled back, bared its teeth, and advanced toward him.  Nanda Kumara turned and ran back into Prabhupada’s room, slamming the door behind him.  Prabhupada had seen the whole incident through the window and burst out laughing.  “You  do not know the process.”

ISKCON Puerto Rico Safe Amidst Hurricane Fiona

Image: Ananda Loka Das with plantains after Hurricane Fiona   Hurricane Fiona hit Puerto Rico hard on September 19th and many Puerto Ricans are still recovering from the destruction. As reported by NPR The category 1 storm devastated most of Puerto Rico’s plantain crops– a staple food. Puerto Rico has been severely impacted by Fiona, […]

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Archbishop Visits Prabhupada’s House- Argentina

Archbishop Eric Escala with garland   The voice of the Shepherd, Archbishop visits Prabhupada’s House.    This past Sunday I had the opportunity to visit the ISKCON temple in Buenos Aires, needless to say, it was a very nice experience. I had read many books of His Divine Grace Abhay Caranaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda “The […]

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Make It a Honey Society!
→ Dandavats

“Those words which do not describe the glories of the Lord, who alone can sanctify the atmosphere of the whole universe, are considered by saintly persons to be like unto a place of pilgrimage for crows. Since the all-perfect persons are inhabitants of the transcendental abode, they do not derive any pleasure there.”


The Spread Of The Lumpy Skin Disease In Cows

Image Source: Sri Mayapur Goshala   The viral infection has killed nearly 75,000 cattle in India and spread to more than 10 States and UTs, hitting Rajasthan the worst The lumpy skin disease outbreak continues to affect dairy farmers, especially small cultivators in India and South Asia. The infection, caused by the capripoxvirus, is spread […]

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Lord Jagannatha on University of Florida Campus

The 8th annual Orlando Rathayatra was held on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at the unique location on the campus of the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Orlando, Florida. The Rathayatra took over the beautiful UCF campus and despite it being a weekday, a good number of devotees were present as well as many UCF […]

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TOVP Publishes ‘Srila Prabhupada in Mayapur’

Recently the TOVP Communications Department released a new online flipbook, ‘The TOVP Story, 1971-2022’ for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and the Vaishnavas. We are happy to announce the publication of yet another flipbook, ‘Srila Prabhupada in Mayapur’. This flipbook is a compilation of most of the known quotes from Srila Prabhupada related to the […]

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Locals Embrace the Return of the Festival of Colors to West Virginia

After a three-year COVID-related hiatus, the hills of West Virginia were covered in colorful clouds again as locals returned to Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold for the 2022 Festival of Colors. Guests enjoyed the musical stylings of Devananda Prabhu, NamRock, Ananda Groove, and Malini devi dasi, who also led participants in dance and yoga. Local Sarah […]

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