WSN July 2022 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
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By Vijaya Dasa

July's book distribution will surprise many of us. South America was fired up. Among the Large Temples, Lima (Peru) had the highest increase: 2,002 book points, a 530% increase. The Medium temple, Curitiba (Brazil) had the highest increase, 561%, with 1,895 book points. Among the Small Temples, Wellington (New Zealand) increased the most: 5,907 book points, a 999% increase. Itajai (Brazil) did 2,661 book points, a 594% increase, placing second among the Small Temples. The Maha-Small temple Porto Alegre (Brazil) did 3,603 book points, an increase of 777%. It's so nice that in areas where we don't usually see so much book distribution, the books are going out big time. Continue reading "WSN July 2022 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
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The Appearance of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur and the TOVP, 2022

On September 8, 2022, Gaudiya Vaishnavas worldwide will celebrate the holy appearance day of His Divine Grace Srila Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakur, the pioneer of the Krishna consciousness movement in the modern world. We all owe an eternal debt of gratitude to this great acharya for bringing the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu into our lives.

Through his efforts in writing, promoting, preaching and establishing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s teachings, he planted the seed that eventually sprouted into the global Hare Krishna Movement through Srila Prabhupada. In his personal visions and heart Bhaktivinoda saw Krishna consciousness flourishing:

“The religion preached by [Chaitanya] Mahaprabhu is universal and not exclusive… The principle of kirtan as the future church of the world invites all classes of men, without distinction of caste or clan, to the highest cultivation of the spirit. This church, it appears, will extend all over the world and take the place of all sectarian churches, which exclude outsiders from the precincts of the mosque, church, or temple. Lord Chaitanya did not advent Himself to liberate only a few men of India. Rather, His main objective was to emancipate all living entities of all countries throughout the entire universe and preach the Eternal Religion. Lord Chaitanya says in the Chaitanya Bhagwat: “In every town, country, and village, My name will be sung.” There is no doubt that this unquestionable order will come to pass… Although there is still no pure society of Vaishnavas to be had, yet Lord Chaitanya’s prophetic words will in a few days come true, I am sure. Why not? Nothing is absolutely pure in the beginning. From imperfection, purity will come about. O, for that day when the fortunate English, French, Russian, German, and American people will take up banners, mridangas, and kartals and raise kirtan through their streets and towns. When will that day come?”


He also envisioned that ‘foreigners’ would come to Sridham Mayapur, the land of Lord Caitanya’s birthplace, and together with the Bengali Vaishnavas raise their arms in blissful kirtan of the name Jaya Sacinandana. That prediction has become a reality today:

“Very soon the chanting of Harinama sankirtana will be spread all over the world. Oh, when will that day come when people from America, England, France, Germany, Russia will take up karatals and mrdangas and chant Hare Krishna in their towns? When will that day come when the fair-skinned foreigners will come to Sri Mayapur-dhama and join with the Bengali Vaisnavas to chant, Jaya Sacinandana, Jaya Sacinandana. When will that day be?”

Sajjana Tosani

We who are followers of Bhaktivinoda Thakur are the most fortunate people in the universe. We are here on earth at this most auspicious time of Lord Brahma’s day, when Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has appeared, and are receiving an unimaginable opportunity to join in Lord Krishna’s eternal lila in Goloka Vrindaban. This rare window of time has given us an unprecedented door into the spiritual world never offered before.

The TOVP is a major element of Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s vision. It encompasses all his goals, teachings and missionary spirit. Srila Prabhupada knew that, as revealed to his disciple, Giriraja Swami:

In 1971, as a young devotee in Calcutta, Giriraja Swami approached Srila Prabhupada, “I have been trying to understand what your desire is, and two things seem to please you the most: distributing your books and building the big temple in Mayapur.” Prabhupada’s face lit up, his eyes opened wide, and he smiled, saying: “Yes, you have understood… If you all build this temple, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur will personally come and take you all back to Godhead.”

Please don’t miss chance to serve and please Bhaktivinoda Thakur. We are still in need of funds to complete and open the TOVP. A monumental, three-month long opening celebration is scheduled starting December, 2024 into Gaura Purnima, 2025. The TOVP 2024 Marathon is going on and we are all the winners who participate. Be a part of this historic milestone in Vaishnava history.

Even if you have already given, consider another offering during the Give To Nrsimha 2023 Campaign to open Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Wing in the TOVP in the Fall of 2023. Thank you.

Hare Krishna!

Read a full biography of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur.




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The Times of India Travel Section Directs Readers to the TOVP

On August 31, 2022 the Times of India travel section, TravelTimes, published information about the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. Although the Grand Opening dates are incorrect (the actual opening is scheduled for December 2024), it will certainly help get the word out and increase awareness about this historic ISKCON project.

You can read the article in full here.




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Parsva or Vamana Ekadasi and the TOVP 2022

The Ekadasi Tithi in the month of Bhadrapada, Shukla Paksha (bright phase of the Lunar cycle) is known as Parivartini Ekadasi or Parsva or Vamana Ekadasi. On this day, Lord Vishnu, who is in a state of yogic sleep (Yoga Nidra), changes his posture. Hence, it is referred to as Parivartini Ekadasi (which literally means the Ekadasi of change).

It is also observed as Vamana Ekadasi on account of recognizing the appearance of Vamandeva and His taking three steps of land from Bali Maharaja that covered the entire universe, as well as his head.

It’s recommended to chant extra rounds and stay up all night chanting and hearing the Lord’s glories. It is also auspicious to donate to Vaishnavas and Lord Krishna’s service on ekadasi and we invite our readers to consider this Annada ekadasi to donate towards the Give To Nrsimha 2023 Fundraiser. We are focusing on the completion and opening of the entire Nrsimhadeva hall and altar by the Fall of 2023 as a forerunner to the Grand Opening of the TOVP in 2024 when all the Deities will be relocated into Their new home. Please go to the Give To Give To Nrsimha 2023 Fundraiser page TODAY and help complete this offering to the Lord.

  NOTE: Parsva Ekadasi is observed on Sept. 6 in the U.S. and on Sept. 7 in India. Please refer to your local calendar through

  View, download and share the TOVP 2022 Calendar​.

The Glories of Parsva/Vamana Ekadasi

From the Brahma-vaivarta Purana

Sri Yudhishthira Maharaja asked of Lord Sri Krishna, “What is the name of that Ekadasi that occurs during the light fortnight (shukla paksha) of the month of Bhadrapada (August-September “Hrishikesha mass”), who is the worshipable Deity for this Ekadasi, and what merit does one attain in observing it? Kindly reveal all of this to me my Lord.”

The Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna addressed His devoted Yudhishthira as follows, “This Ekadasi, Oh Yudhishthira, is called Vamana Ekadasi, and it bestows upon those who observe it both great merit and ultimate liberation from material bondage. Therefore, because it removes all one’s sinful reactions, it is also called Jayanti Ekadasi. Just hearing of its glories frees one from all his past misdeeds. So auspicious is this fast that observing it bestows the same merit as that earned by performing a horse sacrifice. There is no better Ekadasi than this, because it awards liberation so easily. Thus, if one truly desires freedom from the punishing material world, one should fast on Vamana Ekadasi.

“While observing this holy fast, a Vaishnava should lovingly worship the Supreme Lord in His form as Vamandev, the dwarf incarnation, whose eyes are like lotus petals. By doing so, he worships all other Deities as well, including Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, and at death he undoubtedly goes to that abode of Sri Hari. In all the three worlds there is no fast that is more important to observe.The reason this Ekadasi is so auspicious is that it celebrates the day when the sleeping Lord Vishnu turns over on His other side; thus it is also known as Parivartini Ekadasi.”

Maharaja Yudhishthira then asked of the Lord, “Oh Janardana, please clear up a question I have. How is it that the Supreme Lord sleeps and then turns over on His side? Oh Lord, when You are asleep what happens to all the other living entities? Please also tell me how You bound the king of the demons, Bali Daityaraj (Bali Maharaja), as well as how one may please the brahmanas. How does one observe Chaturmasya, which You mention in the Chaturmasya-mahatmya of the Bhavishya Purana? Kindly be merciful to me and answer these questions.”

The Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna replied, “Oh Yudhishthira, lion among Kings, I will gladly narrate to you an historical event that, simply by hearing, eradicates all one’s sinful reactions. In the Treta-yuga there once was a king of the name Bali. Though born in a family dynasty of demons (daityas), he was very devoted to Me. He sang many Vedic hymns to Me and performed the homa rituals (fire sacrifices) just to satisfy Me. He respected the twice-born brahmins and engaged them in performing sacrifices daily.

This great soul had a quarrel with Indra, however, and eventually defeated him in battle. Bali took over his entire celestial kingdom, which I Myself had given to Indra. Therefore, Indra and all the other devas (demigods), along with many great sages, approached Me and complained about Bali Maharaja. Bowing their heads to the ground and offering many sacred prayers from the Vedas, they worshipped Me along with their spiritual master, Brihaspati. Thus, I agreed to appear on their behalf as a dwarf Vamanadev, My fifth incarnation.”

King Yudhishthira further enquired, “Oh Lord, how was it possible for You to conquer such a powerful demon, and only by coming in the form of a dwarf brahmin? Please explain this clearly, for I am Your faithful devotee.”

The Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna replied, “Though a dwarf, I was a brahmana, and I approached that pious king Bali to ask him for alms in the form of land. I said, ‘Oh Daityraj Bali, please give Me just three steps of land in charity. Such a small piece of land will be good as all the three worlds for Me.’ Bali agreed to grant My request without lengthy consideration. But as soon as he vowed to give Me the land, My body began to expand into a gigantic transcendental form. I covered the entire Earth with My feet, all the Bhuvarloka with My thighs, the Swarga heavens with My waist, Maharloka with My stomach, Janaloka with My chest, Tapoloka with My neck, and Satyaloka with My head and face. I covered the entire material creation. Indeed, all the planets of the universe, including the Sun and the Moon, were encompassed by My gigantic form.

“Seeing this astonishing pastime of Mine, all the demigods, including Indra and Shesha, the king of the snakes, began to sing Vedic hymns and offer prayers to Me. Then I took Bali by the hand and said to him, ‘Oh sinless one, I have covered the whole Earth with one step and all the heavenly planets with the second. Now where shall I place My foot to measure the third step of land you promised Me?’

“Upon hearing this, Bali Maharaja bowed down in humility and offered Me his head to place My third step. Oh Yudhishthira, I placed My foot on his head and sent him all the way to Patalaloka. Seeing him thus humbled, I became very pleased and told Bali that henceforth I would permanently reside in his palace. Thereafter, on Parivartinii Ekadasi, which occurs during the light part of the month of Bhadra (August-September), Bali, the son of Virochana, grandson of Prahlad, installed a Deity form of Me in his residence.

“Oh king, until Haribodhinii Ekadasi, which occurs during the light part of the month of Karttika, I continue to sleep in the ocean of milk. The merit one accumulates during this period is particularly powerful. One should therefore observe Parivartini Ekadasii carefully. Indeed, it is especially purifying and thus cleanses one of all sinful reactions. On this day the faithful devotee should worship Lord Trivikrama, Vamanadeva, who is the supreme father, because on this day I turn over to sleep on My other side.

“If possible, on this day one should give a qualified person some yogurt mixed with rice, as well as some silver, and then remain awake throughout the night. This simple observance will free one of all material conditioning. One who observes this sacred Parivartini Ekadasi in the way I have described will surely attain all kinds of happiness in this world and the kingdom of God in the hereafter. One who simply hears this narration with devotion will go to the abode of the demigods and shine there like the Moon itself, so powerful is observance of this Ekadasi. Indeed, this observance is as powerful as the performance of a thousand horse sacrifices.”

Thus ends the narration of the glories of Parivartini Ekadasi, or Vamana Ekadasi, which occurs during the light part of the month of Bhadrapada, from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana.

This article has been used courtesy of ISKCON Desire Tree




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Thursday, August 25, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Downtown, Toronto

Finishing With a Possum

After three years we have our invited guests, Vaisesika and Nirakula, to inspire us in the service to Krishna and His outstanding rep, our guru, Prabhupada.

He, Vaisesika, is doing a series of talks on “Save the Earth,” based on the teachings of the Bhagavatam. Nirakula is presenting a workshop for female Vaishnavas. In the meantime, I had the pleasure to Zoom a class with our regular Thursday crew from the Gita, 13.8–12. This highlights attributes pertaining to knowledge and they begin with amanitvam adambhitvam, humility and pridelessness. How Prabhupada defines humility is very perceptive. “Humility means that one should not be anxious to have the satisfaction of being honored by others.”

And, if I might add, humility and pridelessness are true features of success in life. The key.

Today’s walk, beginning at 6 pm, brought me and companion, Omkar, to the Spadina and Richmond area where condo buildings tower and impose a kind of humility upon the pedestrians. There I went to the residence of Rasheshvar for a great meal on his extensive balcony. The walk back, a distance of 4.1 km, took me through Chinatown. A great walk there and back.

My last few breaths before turning in for the day was spent at our ashram’s front steps. Four feet away from me and climbing expertly on a cedar tree was a possum. He was rather small but determined to reach the top. In Canada we are not accustomed to having possums. They are now multiplying in the Great White North. A possum is awesome. It eats such things as ticks and cockroaches. It was my first sighting of one in Toronto.

May the Source be with you!

8 km


Wednesday, August 24, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Concord, Ontario

Weddings and Walkings

A wedding on Wednesday? It seems odd but it did happen on this very day. The bride’s dad had invited me months ago. He recalls how I last saw her, the bride, when she was six months. Abhiramy Was just a toddler then but is now thirty. She certainly doesn’t remember the occasion, which is understandable. Her new husband is Ricardo, Mexican born; nice guy. The priest who conducted the vivaha-yajna, marriage ceremony, asked him to smile but, from what I saw, Ricardo carried the biggest smile since he arrived on what’s usually a white horse by Vedic royal standards.

“I came in a horse poweredwhite horse,” said Ricardo, again with a smile. Ricardo’s folks were happy. So were Abhiramy’s parents. Her dad, Shati and I go way back to when he first arrived from Sri Lanka.

All went well with tying the knot. Then I paid a visit to Jivanuga (Jim Johnson) at the hospital’s rehab. This great hero suffered from an assault on the street which severely did damage to his skull and threatened his brain. Major surgery was done and with successful results. His recovery was quick.

Yes, fatalities, mishaps and accidents occur all the time. In fact, one of the couples attending the morning’s wedding asked for blessings because they were victims of a bad auto accident. Doesn’t it happen enough!? They are going through ongoing pain.

It was a second couple that came across the banquet hall to learn about my marathons and the safe way to travel. To them, and to the many folks I met, I offered my advice to get off one’s behind and walk as much as possible.

May the Source be with you!

5 km


Tuesday, August 23, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Light and Serious

I liked our discussion this morning at the Bhagavatam class, from Canto one, wherein two questions were posed by the last of the Yadus, King Pariksit. Question one lodged towards the sage, Sukadev: What should I be doing with my life despite any circumstances? The Second question gets more specific: What is the best way to spend the remaining days knowing I will die soon?

With our usual younger temple members, the Bhakti Academy, on a few days outing, I was in the company of a smaller mature group when we concluded based on the guru’s, Prabhupada’s, words, under all circumstances we are to get spiritual. One way is to immerse ourselves in the Absolute, in Krishna. The answer to the second question is the same as the first but, because it poses something more critical, it calls for even more intense meditation on the Lord.

So that discussion brought about a richness to the morning. By afternoon, I got a surprise from a visitor. Brian Gonzales came around. He was one of my first assistances on the first walk that I ventured on in 1996. I gave him a copy of The Saffron Path, where he became part of the content in the chapter where I speak about all the things that made me laugh on the road. Yes, there were a few occasions we got to knee-slapping sessions of joy. Spiritual life has its moments of gravity and its times for lightness.

May the Source be with you!

4 km


Monday, August 22, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Bracebridge, Ontario

Moving Through a Green Heaven

I do not know all my trees but I can pretty well identify the white pine on my walks and here in the near north, there are plenty of them. In Bracebridge you have awesome trees and in the greater Muskoka area in general, people love their trees. If you’re caught cutting down trees on your property or even what seems like an attempt at deforesting, the town authorities get on your case. I think that’s good.

In walking along Manitoba Rd, Vyasacharya, Jaya Gopal as well as Nimai and I noticed the trees edging the road are pine, maple, oak and more. It’s a diverse growth of green giants. And that’s natural; the way it should be.

This area is also blessed with lakes and rivers and waterfalls and some of the oldest rock in the world. After a fresh rainfall the fragrant emissions from the trees were so effervescent. It was really like Vaikuntha.

Most of my friends in Muskoka are actually my students (or disciples). They are business people in the hotel/motel industry so they are used to accommodating and caring for people. Devotionally they work together so well, like a team. That’s what I see with the trees. They are sharing space and are, in some way, accommodating each other. They appear to be so connected to their surroundings – the water, sky and rocks also appear to play a harmonious existence together.

May the Source be with you!

6 km


Sunday, August 21, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Barrie, Ontario

Barrie and Bracebridge

My flight back to Toronto was a blessed one because of some good fortune. I met someone special. His name is Nitai Ram, who was enroute to Toronto on Air Canada flight 126. Before boarding the redeye flight we had a good chat. He was on his way to see his parents in St. John, New Brunswick.

With about three minutes of rest on this overnight flight, I deplaned and got picked up by Chris and Amy from Hamilton. Ryan joined us as I needed his company and his good djembe planying. The venue for tonight’s program was the old train station (now renovated) on Lake Simcoe, in Barrie. Dignitaries came, including the deputy mayor, along with a host of loyal Krishna followers; many young families immigrated from India.

The chanting was led by Vrikodhara, from the Ukraine, and the receive-and-respond technique worked quite well. The Barrie group is a vibrant one and today’s program demonstrated that devotion. To a large extent it was a lively program for the kids. After all, many Krishna followers love to meditate on Him in His childhood. I have a preference to adoring Him in His adult stage, as the speaker of The Gita.

By evening I was driven to Bracebridge and there I was lucky enough to trek with a bunch of bhaktiguys along the tame but windy Muskoka River. The Patel clan, mostly motel owners, came together for Mexican prasadam. We closed the day with a kirtan.

May the Source be with you!

5 km


Saturday, August 20, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Burnaby, British Columbia

The Way It Is

Every year on two consecutive days there is this praise in memory of two individuals. Gaudiya Vaishnavas of the ISKCON world celebrate the birth of Lord Sri Krishna, and on the following day do the same for His pure devotee, Prabhupada. He is the person we focused on today.

Born in 1869, in the city of Calcutta (now Kolkata), he was raised in a Vaishnava family committed to serving Krishna. He credited his parents and extended family, in addition to the mercy of his guru, Bhaktisiddhanta, with his devotion to Krishna. Of course, something can also be said about his past life, or lives, and such commitment in this direction. This is often the case for those born in auspicious circumstances. What was done in the past, karmically, impacts the present situation.

The devotees here in the Vancouver area celebrate Prabhupada’s coming every year with devotion and sincerity. I had the good fortune to give an initial speech in his honour. A point I made is that, although I was formally initiated by His Divine Grace, I never had the chance to personally speak to him. I was at six locations where he delivered class and led kirtan chanting, but I did not see an opportunity to ask for personal guidance or blessings for that matter. I understood from my studies in the tradition that if personal exchange doesn’t occur then some merciful energy can be captured through the chain of representatives, his other students. That is the way it is.

May the Source be with you!

3 km


ISKCON News In a Minute: Aug 26th, 2022

Last week Janmastami & Prabhupada Vyasa Puja was celebrated all over the world. At Bhaktivedanta Manor, it was extra special with British Politician Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murthy joining the celebrations. In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent a written message to ISKCON on the occasion of Janmastami, quoting Bhagavad Gita & glorifying […]

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Considering Material Conditioning Without Identifying With It
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By Paramadayala Nityananda Dasa

We sometime use the term "conditioned soul" without full awareness of the mystery it denotes.The soul is ontologically distinct from matter, yet conditioning is a material phenomena. However, as preachers, we must consider an individual's conditioning in order to guide them in pursuing Krishna Consciousness. Therefore we must have sufficient intelligence to consider conditioning without identifying with it. Continue reading "Considering Material Conditioning Without Identifying With It
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