Vaishnava donated to the Library of Foreign Literature copy of the new edition of the famous works in English Jiva Goswami “Shatsandarbhi”
→ Dandavats.com
Websites from the ISKCON Universe
Conversation with Manjari d.d.
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Every mind has its own way of looking at things; so what one mind establishes, the other destroys, nay the same mind rejects today what it accepted yesterday.
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura, Vaishnavism – Real and Apparent
HG Chaturatma Prabhu’s class at Yavat Dham 21.10.2013
The post December 23rd, 2013 – Darshan appeared first on Mayapur.com.
In logic’s flashier moments, it tries to play with ideas like, ‘if God is all-powerful, can he make a rock too heavy for him to lift?’ A similar topic came up in a discussion between Nārada and Brahmā, recorded in Bhāgavata Purāṇa, 2.6.36. Here is a draft of an English rendition, from my soon-forthcoming Volume 2 of Beautiful Tales of the All-Attractive.
“Do you perfectly understand Hari?” Nārada probed.
“Who can perfectly understand him?” Brahmā exclaimed. “Despite my efforts, my unique qualification as the original being and the source of all other sources in this universe, and despite the exalted goal I achieved, I still cannot perfectly understand Hari. That is the nature of Hari. Even he does not perfectly understand himself!”
“But the he is omniscient,” Nārada inquired, “How can he not fully know himself?”
“Because he is unlimited!” Brahmā said.
“It seems like a contradiction,” Nārada said: “he is unlimited, but he cannot fully know himself.”
“Consider space,” Brahmā suggested. “Space is an unlimited substance – all other substances exist within it. Can we say space is not unlimited because it does not contain its own limit?”
It is meaningless to say something is not unlimited just because it lacks a limit. Hari lacks limitation – that is the very nature of being unlimited. A lack of limitation is not a “lack” in the common sense. The inability to exhaustively comprehend an unlimited topic is therefore not a flaw in the comprehension, it is the very nature of the comprehension. Perfection is a dynamic thing.
Here logic begins to fear that it will melt. But if we approach the topic humbly, respectfully, and carefully – the logic of it will shine with an unparalleled molten brightness and clarity.
Here’s quite a few rocks lifted rather easily ;)
A grain of devotion is more valuable than tons of faithlessness.
In October 2013, Kadamba Kanana Swami visited Australia. We previously have written an article with many classes and videos from all the places that he visited – click here to view this post. Russel from Melbourne has released more videos that he recorded and edited.
During the Melbourne visit, a special Saturday night gala was organized by the local bhakti vriksa groups. There was music, a class and a special theater piece.
Gala Night – Poem
View on youtube
Gala Night – Speech
View on youtube
Gala Night – Theater
View on youtube
Gala Night – Closing Kirtana
View on youtube
Kirtan Night – Melbourne Temple
View on youtube
Initiation Festival – Melbourne Temple
View on youtube
Initiation Festival – Bhajans
View on youtube
Giriraj Swami read and spoke from Srila Prabhupada’s “Concluding Words” in Sri Caitanya-caritamrta.
“I think that His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is always seeing my activities and guiding me within my heart by his words. As it is said in Srimad-Bhagavatam, tene brahma hrida ya adi-kavaye. Spiritual inspiration comes from within the heart, wherein the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His Paramatma feature, is always sitting with all His devotees and associates.” —”Concluding Words”
“There are two points here, how Srila Prabhupada was receiving instruction from his spiritual master within the heart. Often we hear that the Lord is within the heart, and certainly as the Paramatma He is. But here Srila Prabhupada says that the Lord is not in the heart alone: He is accompanied by His associates and servants—which includes the spiritual master. So when Srila Prabhupada says that he was guided by his spiritual master within his heart by his words—of course, he kept within his heart the words he received from his spiritual master when he was physically present—but he also received further instruction from his spiritual master seated within his heart. And how we can be eligible to receive instruction from within the heart is very important.”
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s Disappearance Anniversary
A letter from the production manager
Deadline: April 15, 2014
Dear Srila Prabhupada disciple,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
On behalf of the Tributes team, I’d like to invite you to submit your offering for Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa-puja Tributes book 2014.
The book accepts offerings from everyone directly initiated by Srila Prabhupada, regardless of their personal history, present circumstances, personal views, or institutional affiliation.
Last year we received 280 offerings and our hope this year is that we can increase that number. Every disciple who submits an offering will receive a free copy of the book courtesy of the sponsorships the book receives. Last year we received an anonymous contribution from Africa. For this years sponsorship opportunities, please visit our website www.sptributes.com for details.
The deadline for submitting an offering is 15th April 2014. To find out more — and, especially, for details on submitting your offering — please see www.sptributes.com.
We look forward to receiving your offering! And please spread the word!
Thank you.
Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!
Your servant,
Pradyumna Dasa
Production Manager
The post For disciples of Srila Prabhupada: Invitation to the Open Vyasa-puja book, 2014 appeared first on Jayadvaita Swami.
A letter from the production manager
Deadline: April 15, 2014
Dear Srila Prabhupada disciple,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
On behalf of the Tributes team, I’d like to invite you to submit your offering for Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa-puja Tributes book 2014.
The book accepts offerings from everyone directly initiated by Srila Prabhupada, regardless of their personal history, present circumstances, personal views, or institutional affiliation.
Last year we received 280 offerings and our hope this year is that we can increase that number. Every disciple who submits an offering will receive a free copy of the book courtesy of the sponsorships the book receives. Last year we received an anonymous contribution from Africa. For this years sponsorship opportunities, please visit our website www.sptributes.com for details.
The deadline for submitting an offering is 15th April 2014. To find out more — and, especially, for details on submitting your offering — please see www.sptributes.com.
We look forward to receiving your offering! And please spread the word!
Thank you.
Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!
Your servant,
Pradyumna Dasa
Production Manager
The post Recitation of the Gita with Hungarian introduction to each chapter appeared first on SivaramaSwami.com.
The post Scenes from Gita-jayanti in Budapest on Saturday appeared first on SivaramaSwami.com.