ISKCON New Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes – 12/11/13.
ISKCON New Vrindaban (INV) Vision Statement: Founded in 1968, Srila Prabhupada boldly envisions New Vrindaban as a sacred place known worldwide for Cow Protection, Self-Sufficiency, Holy Pilgrimage, Spiritual Education, and, above all, Loving Krishna.
Participating Board Members: Jaya Krsna, Jamuna, Gopisa, Ranaka, Chaitanya Mangala & Dayavira.
Recording Secretary: Laxmi Honest
1. Financial report
Jaya Krsna explained that the accounting work is not yet ready for presentation. He needs approximately two weeks to finish and will send out financials at that time. A special meeting was suggested when the report is ready. This was approved by consensus.
2. INV appointee for ECOV board
The INV board is tasked with appointing a member to the ECOV board as per the IRS Integrated Auxiliary requirement. After some discussion, Ranaka was designated as the INV representative on the ECOV board.
3. New board candidates
This discussion focused on Keval Patel and Bhima Walker who had been invited to attend the Semi Annual Joint Board Meeting in consideration of membership on either board. Chaitanya Mangala reported that both remain interested and enthusiastic to participate. There is one open seat on the ECOV board and 2 on the INV board. It was suggested that Keval Patel could be inducted into the INV board and Bhima Walker could be considered by ECOV for membership on their board. Voting will take place in January 2014, at the annual meeting that specifically addresses board membership.
4. Healthcare
A representative from the Marshall County Health Department visited New Vrindaban recently to inform the devotees of requirements under the Affordable Care Act. Jaya Krsna pointed out that this is now the law, and while most devotees will qualify for Medicaid, others will need to purchase health insurance.
5. Advisory group
The proposed New Vrindaban Advisory Group has had two meetings. They are working on getting set up and establishing their goals and structures.
6. Clean up at Bahulaban
Clean-up at Bahulaban, especially around the heavy equipment area, is needed. The board agreed that this is a management issue, and Jaya Krsna suggested that spring would be the best time to approach this project.
7. Bulk food storage
Gopisa gave a report on the progress of the bulk food storage. Rice has been ordered through Dina Graves at Otis McAllister Inc. in California.