Contemplating Temporal and Eternal Family
→ Karnamrita.das's blog

Karnamrita Das

(this blog is recorded on the full page: quick time player is needed; works best with Firefox or Explorer; if you are using Google Chrome it will automatically play, so to not listen, mute your speakers.)
The Wedding Family photo 1233437_10151669161487321_40417007__zps6090b3d1.jpg
Family blood ties are impelling
we give them energy and attention—
whether they’re compatible or caustic
blissful or fairytale sounding to others—
we can’t change, or bring back, our history
or modify time we’ve spent together
so we tolerate or emphasis the best
though we may try to forget
or laugh at the pain of our shared issues
our experiences together still shape us
as our basic foundation in this life;

our past lives have created our present
which can soften bad feelings, or victimhood
since everything happens for a reason
and no one is completely innocent
in family dynamics and interactions.

For the purpose of a family reunion
we drive 12 hours to South Florida

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Harinama Sankirtana Festival in Bukit Beruntung
→ ISKCON Malaysia


KUALA LUMPUR - On 15th December Sri Jagannatha Mandir congregational preaching team under the direction of Kripa Sindhu Krishna and Krsna Candra prabhus organized a festival of Harinama Sakirtana, Palanquin procession, Book distribution, prasadam distribution in Jalan Teratai 10 section BB 11, Bukit Beruntung, Selangor, Malaysia.
50 congregation devotees from Sri Jagannatha Mandir Kuala Lumpur and 50 residents participated in this first ever Harinama at Bukit Beruntung . Devotees followed Sri Gaura Nitai and Srila Prabupada in the palanquin, singing along in harmony and dancing joyously on the streets.
Devotees distributed a total of 500 prasadam packets, 36 chanting beads were sold to individuals who were keen to partake in the chanting of the holy name. These people were introduced to the holy name and taught how to chant on the beads .It was a truly refreshing experience, especially in the knowledge that some, if not all of the above 36 may one day visit Sri Jagannatha Mandir to seek shelter from their Lordships .
They were also given the mantra cards, location maps to Sri Jagannatha Mandir Kuala Lumpur, reminded about the upcoming Ratra Yatra chariot festival on 4th of January 2014 and updated about our weekly Sunday feasts. A total of about 128 books and 16 Hare Krishna Calender were distributed.


Three pairs of devotees perform Vaishnava marriage in the temple of Dynamo, Moscow, Russia (Album 207 photos)

In the varanashram system, the grihastha ashram is the stomach of the social body in that it nourishes all others. Naturally, maximum devotees choose this ashram. Srila Prabhupada taught that the grihasta ashram was meant to create a happy situation to practice bhakti. With proper understanding and interdependence between the husband and wife, such householders can prove to be great examples to the society, which is ridden with conflicts especially with regard to family life. -- Read more ›

How life is filled with misery
→ The Spiritual Scientist

“Fie upon this wretched life which affords one only misery. To live is to experience nothing but disease and pain. Pursuing in turn religion, wealth and pleasure, one endeavors much but receives little happiness. While everything leads to salvation, that is an impossible goal to achieve.”

Ekachakra brahmin at whose house the Pandavas were residing, Mahabharata translated by Krishna Dharma Das

ISKCON New Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes – 12/11/13
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit


ISKCON New Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes – 12/11/13.

ISKCON New Vrindaban (INV) Vision Statement: Founded in 1968, Srila Prabhupada boldly envisions New Vrindaban as a sacred place known worldwide for Cow Protection, Self-Sufficiency, Holy Pilgrimage, Spiritual Education, and, above all, Loving Krishna.

Participating Board Members:  Jaya Krsna, Jamuna, Gopisa, Ranaka, Chaitanya Mangala & Dayavira.

Recording Secretary: Laxmi Honest

1. Financial report

Jaya Krsna explained that the accounting work is not yet ready for presentation.  He needs approximately two weeks to finish and will send out financials at that time. A special meeting was suggested when the report is ready. This was approved by consensus.

2. INV appointee for ECOV board

The INV board is tasked with appointing a member to the ECOV board as per the IRS Integrated Auxiliary requirement. After some discussion, Ranaka was designated as the INV representative on the ECOV board.

3. New board candidates

This discussion focused on Keval Patel and Bhima Walker who had been invited to attend the Semi Annual Joint Board Meeting in consideration of membership on either board.  Chaitanya Mangala reported that both remain interested and enthusiastic to participate.  There is one open seat on the ECOV board and 2 on the INV board.  It was suggested that Keval Patel could be inducted into the INV board and Bhima Walker could be considered by ECOV for membership on their board. Voting will take place in January 2014, at the annual meeting that specifically addresses board membership.

4. Healthcare

A representative from the Marshall County Health Department visited New Vrindaban recently to inform the devotees of requirements under the Affordable Care Act.  Jaya Krsna pointed out that this is now the law, and while most devotees will qualify for Medicaid, others will need to purchase health insurance.

5. Advisory group

The proposed New Vrindaban Advisory Group has had two meetings.  They are working on getting set up and establishing their goals and structures.

6. Clean up at Bahulaban

Clean-up at Bahulaban, especially around the heavy equipment area, is needed.  The board agreed that this is a management issue, and Jaya Krsna suggested that spring would be the best time to approach this project.

7. Bulk food storage

Gopisa gave a report on the progress of the bulk food storage. Rice has been ordered through Dina Graves at Otis McAllister Inc. in California.

→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

It was an eventful 57  hours, but the temple finally has power back in the building!  A collective cheer rang through the temple as the lights flicked on just before 12pm today!  Actually, the temple was just preparing to shut off the water in the building to help avoid the pipes from freezing and then bursting!  Luckily though, the power came on mere minutes before we were about to shut off the water !

Even though at times it was brutally cold in the temple and there was no hot water, lights or heat, spirits remained very high and all the devotees worked together to make the best of the situation.

From morning programs using flashlights to the unforgettable Candlelit Sunday Feast (pictures coming soon), it was a crazy 57 hours!  A HUGE thank you to all the devotees in our community who helped out during this difficult time.

If anyone in our devotee community still does not have power, heat and/or hot water at home, please feel free to contact the temple and we would be happy to help in any way possible.

We will still try to post updates on our Twitter feed (below); or you can check it out to relive some the moments during the power outage!

Touching Story
→ View From a New Vrindaban Ridge

This was recently shared with me via email.

Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life. As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper’s cemetery in the Nova Scotia back country.

As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost and, being a typical man, I didn’t stop for directions.

I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late.

I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn’t know what else to do, so I started to play.

The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I’ve never played before for this homeless man.

And as I played “Amazing Grace”, the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, we all wept together. When I finished, I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head was hung low, my heart was full.

As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, “I never seen nothing like that before and I’ve been putting in septic tanks for twenty years.”

Apparently I’m still lost….it’s a man thing.

Filed under: Jokes

We are not these bodies
→ Servant of the Servant

We are not these bodies - reincarnation is a law of nature. We are spiritual beings encased within these bodies. When we die, depending on our consciousness, we acquire another body.

Dr. Jim Tucker is a medical doctor & scientist studying past life memories of children using genuine scientific methods. He has written books on this subject matter clearly documenting the memories of children of their previous lives. From a spiritual perspective, it is a clear evidence to show that the consciousness survives the death of the body and moves on to other realities. Why then are we obsessed with our body? All social, economic, religious and political problems stem from a bodily concept of life.

For more information on Dr. Jim Tucker and reincarnation, please visit his site - Dr. Jim Tucker

Hare Krishna

New Vrindaban Daily Darsan @ 23 Dec 2013
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

May my eyes become overwhelmed with ecstasy by seeing the nectar waves of Vrindavana’s beauty. May my intelligence drown in the nectar ocean of Vrindavana’s glories. May my body become agitated by the swiftly moving currents of ecstatic bliss and thus roll about on the ground of Vrindavana. Falling down like a stick, may I offer my respectful obeisances to all the residents of Vrindavana. 01

Vaishnava donated to the Library of Foreign Literature copy of the new edition of the famous works in English Jiva Goswami “Shatsandarbhi”

The President of the Moscow Society for Krishna Consciousness and the head of public education project, "Vaishnava University" Sriman Radha-Damodar Prabhu donated to the famous All-Russian Library of Foreign Literature copy of the famous work outstanding Indian religious leader and educator Sri Jiva Goswami "Shatsandarbhi" in English. -- Read more ›

Congratulations to All the New Graduates of Iskcon Alachua!

Congratulations to all the new graduates in Iskcon Alachua community: Congratulations to Jahnavi Harris who just graduated with honors from the University of Florida with a degree in Environmental Engineering. Congratulations to Rajasana Wilhoit who graduated with honors from the University of Florida with a degree in Computer Science and was just hired by Congratulations to Naitaicharana Ely from the University of Florida with a degree in Psychology. Congratulations to Bhaktin Lacey from Krishna House Congratulations to Mukunda Rico, graduated from Evergreen College in natural healing We give these graduates all blessings to fulfill their goals and engage in devotional service with their many talents. -- Read more ›

Christmas Retreat by HH Romapada Swami on Dec 21 ( video)

During July of 1971 Romapada Swami received first initiation from Srila Prabhupada at the temple located on Henry Street in Brooklyn, New York. One year later, during the summer of '72, Romapada Swami received second initiation. At the time he was fully engaged as the Sankirtana Leader and the Temple Commander in a temple of 150 devotees. During that same summer, Their Most Beautiful Lordships, Sri Sri Radha Govinda, arrived in New York -- Read more ›