ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 12-08-2013
Mission Statement: ECO-Vrindaban (Earth, Cows, Opportunities & Vrindaban Villages) is dedicated to cow protection, sustainable agriculture, self-sufficiency and simple living — all centered around loving service to Sri Krishna, as envisioned by the ISKCON New Vrindaban Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Participating Board Members: Anuttama (first half of meeting), Chaitanya Mangala, Madhava Gosh, Navin Shyam, and Ranaka.
Advisors present: Jaya Krsna
1. Garden of Seven Gates (G7G) manager & ECOV responsibility
WHEREAS: In line with its mission, the ECOV Board wishes to actively promote the production and use of food grown locally in New Vrindaban.
RESOLVED: The Board hereby authorizes the creation of a new management position, the Food Production Manager (FPM), whose duties and salary will be determined by ECOV management.
The need for an ECOV President or other general manager to oversee projects and overall operations was also considered. Further discussion will resume after the FPM is found, but it was recognized that the first step is creating a job description.
2. Madhuban grove
WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to continue developing the Madhuban orchard.
RESOLVED: The Board authorizes up to $2,200 for continuing the maintenance of food-producing trees on the Madhuban site in 2014. The Food Production Manager will manage the project once that position is filled. In the interim, Rafael, the proponent of the project, will report to Ranaka and be advised by Madhava Gosh.
3. 2014 operating budget
This will be discussed at the Annual Meeting in January, along with review of the 2013 budget.
4. Bahulaban barn deconstruction
Gosh will follow up with an Amish group to get a quote.
5. Bahulaban utility building temporary repairs
Navin Shyam will contact Gopisa to ensure that this is moving forward.
6. Bahulaban pink building demolition
7. Deity flower garden
The $341.40 2013 budget overage will be taken out of the manager’s discretionary fund.
Gosh is currently acting as the Project Manager, with involvement from Vidya dasi.
8. Garden of Seven Gates related grants: Irrigation, greenhouses & pole barn
The Board deferred consideration of the high-tunnel greenhouse and pole barn projects pending the hiring of the FPM. The irrigation project is nearly complete, but more funding has been requested.
WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to maintain good relations in the greater Wheeling community, and to fairly compensate those who work on ECOV projects.
RESOLVED: The Board requests Ranaka to meet with Andy Reed of Apogee Design and authorizes him to offer Andy up to $1,100 for additional unanticipated labor performed on the Garden of Seven Gates irrigation project.
Payment will be contingent, however, on Andy providing the relevant ECOV and/or INV individuals with the following:
• Operator Manual with diagrams;
• Final field instructions;
• A list of spare parts;
• Names and locations of suppliers where we can obtain spare parts and materials required for any future expansion of the project;
• Any other training and/or documentation requested by INV or ECOV during the course of the project.
9. G7G prototype cabin
Varsana Swami will be engaged to do some backfilling. A gutter system also needs to be installed. The budget overage ($227.38 to date) will either be addressed using the management discretionary fund or an augmentation of the project budget itself.
10. Grain storage
Storage bin purchase and set up completed.
11. Valley barn roof repair
12. Bulk grain purchasing
INV has begun exploring suppliers for purchases of rice and various beans.
13. Legal research
Completed. There will be a need to further engage our attorney when we hear back from the IRS in regards to the integrated auxiliary application. We anticipate this to be in about a year and will allocate the necessary funds at that time.
14. New Vrindaban Master plan completion
WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to reallocate funds for any project that is not making regular progress.
RESOLVED: The Board hereby returns to the general fund the remaining $5K budget allocated for the completion of a New Vrindaban Master Plan.