HH Prahladananda Swami / CC Adi 17.139
The deterioration of religion, truth and cleanliness
→ SivaramaSwami.com
The Kali Yuga series No 3.
The post The deterioration of religion, truth and cleanliness appeared first on SivaramaSwami.com.
Srila Prabhupada Shobha Yatra @ LUDHIANA (Album 21photos)
→ Dandavats.com

Christmas is. . .Not on Vaishnava Calendar – Lyrics and previews
→ Dandavats.com

Jagannath Kirtan dasa leading New Vrindaban’s 24 Hour Kirtan – June 15th, 2013
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
Video of Jagannath Kirtan dasa leading New Vrindaban’s 24 Hour Kirtan – June 15th, 2013.
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-12-14 06:57:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1967
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-12-14 06:52:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-12-14 06:45:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-12-14 06:43:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-12-14 06:42:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-12-14 06:36:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-12-14 06:32:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1973
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-12-14 06:31:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1973
Darshan of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath ,ISKCON Temple,Chowpatty,Mumbai; on 6th December 2013
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
Darshan of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath ,ISKCON Temple,Chowpatty,Mumbai; on 6th December 2013
Walking Dead Carrot – Prahladananda Swami
→ Nityananda Chandra Das' Blog, ISKCON Dallas
Wednesday, December 11th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk
pavitram idam uttamam
pratyakṣāvagamaṁ dharmyaṁ
su-sukhaṁ kartum avyayam
Dec 12th – Lounge in temple during remodel.
→ Krishna Lounge
December 14th, 2013 – Darshan
→ Mayapur.com
The post December 14th, 2013 – Darshan appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Lecture – BG 2.13 Is God Dead? – The Darshan Room – 12/4/2013
→ Prahladananda Swami
BG 02.13 Is God Dead? 2013-12-04
Lecture – Bhagavad Gita 2.13 Is God Dead? – The Darshan Room – 12/4/2013
Lecture – SB 10.51.32-45 Intelligently Modified Desire 12/4/2013
→ Prahladananda Swami
SB 10.51.32-45 Intelligently Modified Desire 2013-12-04
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 10.51.32-45 Intelligently Modified Desire 12/4/2013 Dallas
Join us this Sunday for the association of Her Grace Prema Manjari Devi Dasi
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Thoroughly Convinced Of The Power
→ Japa Group
Letter to Damodara
January 10, 1971
Humble Service
→ Seed of Devotion
On that note, this morning I was really accepting that in this lifetime I have a perplexed mind. I have struggled with many heavy issues in my mind that deal with my bodily features, weight, or how I have had issues with leaders, men, family, friends. I've been embracing that these perplexities aren't good or bad. When I dovetail these perplexities for Krishna, my condition can actually be sublime. So many powerful realizations come when I surrender to the pain. I grow.
Then, when I share these realizations with others, they can relate with my struggles. Yes, I'm not alone. Then they can experience some hope and strength to overcome and transcend those struggles, too. If I can share my heart and offer this small service, then truly my weaknesses have become my strengths.
Sunday Feast – Gita Jayanti – The appearance day celebration of Srimad Bhagavad Gita
→ Welcome to the official site of ISKCON Perth
Dear Devotees & Friends,
We would like to invite you all for the Sunday Feast Program on 15 December.
As part of Gita Jayanti celebration we will be having a special program this Sunday with a children presentation and a special class by HH Bhakti Vinod Swami who will be visiting Perth First time on 15 December till Tuesday 17 December.
4.00 pm Kirtan
4.30 pm Japa
4.45 pm Tulasi Arati
5.00pm Special Class On Bhagavad Gita and its application in daily life by HH Bhakti Vinod Swami.
5.30 pm Japa
5.50 pm Announcements
6.00 pm Special program by Sunday school chlidren – Sloka recitation and a skit from Bhagavad Gita
6.15 pm Arati
6.30 pm Prasadam feast
7.00 pm Clean up
You can sponsor a Bhagavad Gita on this special occasion
A humble request:
“Drivers, please be aware of children and drive safely on temple grounds.
Parents, please ensure children are supervised at all times. “
Syama Sarana das(0439969002) or
Sitaram Lakshmana das(0422045525)
Attend such a wonderful feast and receive the Lord’s mercy of full spiritual benefits with Kirtan, Aarti and Spiritual Discourse.
Hare Krishna.
The great philosopher Uddhava
→ KKSBlog
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 21 November 2012, Cape Town, South Africa, Evening Talk)
One maybe, or may not be, a great philosopher like Uddhava. Uddhava was a great devotee from Dwarka and Uddhava was a disciple of Brihaspati who is the spiritual master of the demigods. Uddhava was very, very learned and he was also a great, loving devotee of Krsna but he had a bit of slant towards learning, so he was always philosophizing. Krnsa sent him to Vrndavan and then he realized that he is not a devotee at all. When Uddhava saw Mother Yasoda, when he saw the gopis, he realized. He tried to preach them, “Do you know that Krsna is the Supreme Lord?”
I mean (laughing), they couldn’t even hear it, “Huh? What are you talking about?”
“Krsna is all pervading.”
“All pervading? No! He’s gone to Mathura! We’re suffering, we’re suffering like anything. Krsna left Vrndavan, you know, he left Vrndavan and you’re telling us that he’s all pervading? When is he coming back? Please, you know, after you’ve finished with all that, that Krsna’s all pervading, do you have any news of Krsna? Tell us something about Krsna. How is he doing? Is he sometimes thinking of this mother?”
Like this, they did not care about jnana (knowledge); they couldn’t care less but Uddhava had a bit of that interest in the opulence of Krsna. So it is interesting. In the beginning, philosophy is very important because it keeps us on the path. Otherwise we go here, we go there, we go everywhere. In this way,
yadā te moha-kalilambuddhir vyatitarisyati
tadā gantāsi nirvedam
śrotavyasya śrutasya ca (Bhagavad-gita 2.52)
When your intelligence has passed out of the dense forest of delusion, you shall become indifferent to all that has been heard and all that is to be heard. Only Krsna and that stage we want.
Mayapur Chandra’s Parikrama
→ Mayapur.com
We cannot even begin to describe what a wonderful experience we had on the1st Kartik Navadwipa Mandal Parikrama with the Mayapur Chandra’s. It was one of the most ecstatic, enlivening experiences we have had. What we really appreciated about the parikrama, was the thoughtfulness of the Mayapur Chandra’s in lovingly facilitating those devotees who are […]
The post Mayapur Chandra’s Parikrama appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Notice for all ISKCON Artists and Entertainers
→ Mayapur.com
Mayapur, ISKCON Leadership Sanga (ILS) Gaura Purnima Festival Entertainment Feb 16 – March 18, 2014 From February 16 – 20, ISKCON Mayapur will host the ISKCON Leadership Sanga (ILS). Over 800 temple presidents, GBC members and sanyasis are expected to attend. Following the ILS is the annual Mayapur Gaura Purnima Festival which will run from […]
The post Notice for all ISKCON Artists and Entertainers appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Navadwip Parikrama 2014
→ Mayapur.com
Silver Jubilee Celebration of Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama We are happy to invite devotees from all over the world to come and experience the Silver Jubilee celebration of Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama organized by ISKCON Mayapur. This unique event will take place from 5th to 11th March 2014. Please watch our invitation, because images can say more than thousands words. […]
The post Navadwip Parikrama 2014 appeared first on Mayapur.com.
HH Prahladananda Swami / BG 15.05 Be humble? But I am so great 12/6/2013
→ Kalachandji's Audio Archive
TEXAS FAITH 114: Did JFK have a greater impact on religion than any modern president?
→ Nityananda Chandra Das' Blog, ISKCON Dallas
Dallas Morning News,
Each week we will post a question to a panel of about two dozen clergy, laity and theologians, all of whom are based in Texas or are from Texas. They will chime in with their responses to the question of the week. And you, readers, will be able to respond to their answers through the comment box.
The nation and certainly the city of Dallas are coming upon the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination. There are many parts of his presidency and death that our paper and others are starting to examine, from the legacy of his foreign policy to his imprint on civil rights to his use of television to communicate.
One area that hasn’t gotten much coverage is John F. Kennedy’s impact on religion in America. Often, we read about how Jimmy Carter and then Ronald Reagan awakened evangelicals and changed the face of religion in America, particularly in politics.
But did JFK have a greater effect than perhaps any modern president on religion in America?
NITYANANDA CHANDRA DAS, minister of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), Dallas
Yes he did, but how so? He was a young, attractive man with an attractive wife and nice children. He had wealth, fame, power, and presidency. He had many people protecting him and his wellbeing. He worked hard to achieve all this but lost it all in just a second.
This predicament affected the lives of many and some that I know began to inquire if life had more to offer than just wealth, fame, power, family, and comforts. Will these temporary things truly fulfill the heart of an eternal being?
Some wise souls began to ask, "Should I be investing in the temporary, am I am actually eternal?" Likewise, they asked, "If the President could lose all that he had worked for throughout his life in a second then what about me?"
For these rare souls his untimely departure was more profound than the works of his life. -Nityananda Chandra Das
To see all responses of the TEXAS Faith panel click here.
Govardhana Retreat, Govardhana Arati, December 5, Govardhana Hill
Giriraj Swami
Introduction by Mukunda Datta dasa
Kirtan by Sacinandana Swami
HH Prahladananda Swami / SB 10.51.47 Please be honest with this bounty 12/6/2013
→ Kalachandji's Audio Archive
New Preaching Centre in Sri Lanka
→ Dandavats.com

Service Opportunity for Festivals Preparation in New Vrindaban
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
——Service Opportunity at ISKCON New Vrindaban——–
ISKCON New Vrindaban is looking for enthusiastic team members for our Festivals Dept.
We need friendly, co-operative, hard-working team players right away to come to New Vrindaban to help organize specifically for the well-known and inspiring Festival of Inspiration in May 2014 and the first of two fun Festival of Colors, in April 2014.
Great accommodations and sumptuous prasadam will, of course, be provided, along with honorarium.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Vrindavana Das at:
304 843 1600 ext 129 or vrindavanadas@gmail.com
Vrindavana Das
ISKCON New Vrindaban, Home Of The Palace of Gold
3759 McCrearys Ridge Road, Moundsville, WV 26041
Phone: 304-843-1600 Ext: 129
Mobile: 001 – 304 – 312 – 3665
Harinama six hours a day at Union Square in New York City
→ Dandavats.com

Silent Monks Singing Halleluia
→ View From a New Vrindaban Ridge
The symptoms of the four ages and of their residents
→ SivaramaSwami.com
The Kali Yuga series No 2.
The post The symptoms of the four ages and of their residents appeared first on SivaramaSwami.com.
A unique live experience!
→ Dandavats.com

Bhakti Caru Swami, Sri Ramanujacharya Disap. day
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
Bhakti Caru Swami, Sri Ramanujacharya Disap. day
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-12-13 05:35:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968: