Radhakunda Seva – November 2013 Photos and Updates (Album 71 photos)
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The post Avoiding committing violence to others and practicing seeing things as they are (Part 2) appeared first on SivaramaSwami.com.
by Madhava Smullen
With its new Protected Cow Dairy Initiative, ISKCON New Vrindaban is carefully taking one step at a time back towards dairy self-sufficiency.
Nityodita Das,who spearheaded the Initiative, fondly remembers the early days of New Vrindaban, when ISKCON Founder Acharya Srila Prabhupada was still physically present.
“I remember living at the old Vrindaban farm in 1974 and occasionally milking the cows with Radhanath Swami, then a brahmachari,” he says. “At that time we didn’t buy milk or milk products, except maybe rarely for big festivals. We used to have these big barrels full of ghee, and the Deities were getting opulent offerings.”
Srila Prabhupada, of course, envisioned New Vrindaban as a sacred place known worldwide for five things: loving Krishna, spiritual education, holy pilgrimage, self-sufficiency and cow protection.
“Krishna by His practical example taught us to give all protection to the cows and that should be the main business of New Vrindaban,” Prabhupada wrote to his disciple Hayagriva in June 1968.
Over the years after Srila Prabhupada’s passing in 1977, New Vrindaban residents continued to drink milk from their own cows, but eventually reverted to buying butter and other dairy products from local stores.
Recently however, there has been a renewed focus on Srila Prabhupada’s vision for New Vrindaban. In the past two years, devotees have added eight new cows to the herd—four each year—as a major step towards becoming independent from store-bought milk products produced by cow-slaughtering commercial dairies.
In May 2013, the Protected Cow Dairy Initiative, supported by ISKCON New Vrindaban and sponsored by non-profit Eco-Vrindaban, was launched.
“The idea is to revive a program wherein all food offerings for the Deities are made with dairy products coming from cows cared for by New Vrindaban residents,” says ECOV board member Chaitanya Mangala Das.
New Vrindaban has a herd of 47 cows, with six milking cows. In contrast to the cows tortured and slaughtered at commercial dairies, they are all treated with love and care as family members by program overseer Ranaka Das and daily caretaker Chaitanya Bhagavat Das.
All the cows, of course, live out their natural lives. During the summer, they graze upon hundreds of acres of lush, green pastures. During the winter, hundreds of bales of hay are harvested for them to eat. They are protected from the cold in a cosy, clean and spacious barn. And the calves, like three-month old bull Pundarikaksa, are not separated from their mothers as in commercial dairies but are kept close.
“They are given time together throughout the day,” says Ananda-Vidya Das, who milks the cows along with his wife Lalita-Gopi Dasi and heads up production for the Dairy Initiative. “And twice a day, during milking times, we give the calves a quarter of the milk to drink from their mothers.”
Every morning at 7:00 am, Ananda-Vidya makes his way to the milking barn across the street from the temple. It takes him up to two hours to set up, milk Punya, Malati, Yamuna, Anjali, Shankari, and Surabhi, and clean up afterwards.
To develop a personal connection with each cow, Ananda-Vidya milks at least one or two of them by hand every day. As he does so, the others are milked with vacuum bucket milkers, the most subtle type of milking machine on the market today.
“The suction feels pretty much how a calf would,” he says, adding, “When I have help from other devotees, often we can milk them all by hand.”
After milking, Ananda-Vidya brings the milk to the temple. He then warms up the leftover milk from the previous day, brings it back to the barn, and runs it through a cream separator. This machine produces cream from one spout, and skimmed milk from another.
“I boil the cream, and add a culture to make it into yoghurt,” says Ananda-Vidya. “After the yoghurt process is started, I leave it until the next day. Then in the afternoon, I put the yoghurt from the previous day into an electric blender and churn it into butter. It makes around three or four pounds of butter — it comes out really nice.”
Finally, Ananda-Vidya milks the cows again for a second time at six o’clock in the evening, often with his wife Lalita-Gopi.
Ananda-Viyda’s service takes five or six hours a day, and yields fourteen to fifteen gallons of milk. This is used to make milk sweets, curd, ghee and other dairy products for New Vrindaban’s presiding Deities, Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra.
The Dairy Initiative recently successfully completed its five-month trial period. Now, it’s ready to gear up for a second, experimental phase.
During the quieter winter months, there will be a test-run expansion of the program so that meals served to devotees at the temple will also be made only with dairy from protected cows.
This will not involve an increase in milk production. Rather, kitchen staff, cow protection staff, and New Vrindaban management will work together to make sure that the available milk is used wisely.
Ananda Vidya separates cream for the Deities.
There are different ways that this can be done. For example, cooking of excessively dairy-filled dishes can be regulated. And skimmed milk, rather than whole milk, can be used to create delicious curd or yogurt. Of course, whole milk will always be offered to the Deities and be honored later by devotees as maha-prasad.
To make this transition successfully, Nityodita Das notes that “there must be a raising of consciousness to understand that when we go out and buy milk products, we’re basically supporting the slaughter of cows.” The small amount of austerity required to change this, it follows, is worth it.
Of course, there are plans for some expansion of New Vrindaban’s herd and milk production in the future. But having learned from over-ambitious attempts that proved unmanageable in the past, this time devotees will expand in a very humble, careful and sustainable way.
There are plans to gradually grow the overall herd from 47 to approximately 70. And there is space in the current milking barn to expand the amount of milking cows to eight.
Beyond that, there are long range plans to build another barn on the pasture behind Srila Prabhupada’s Palace, which will be able to house up to ten milking cows. This will also be designed to function as a teaching farm, where guests can better observe and participate in the daily cow protection activities.
Behind all this is the cow care team, which meets regularly under Ranaka Das’s leadership to discuss overall improvements in cow care as well as required upgrades of the barn and pastures.
In the meantime, milking the cows at the temple barn in New Vrindaban, Ananda-Vidya Das doesn’t worry about any of this. Life is simple for him: it’s hard work, but serene, too.
“There’s some austerity,” he says. “You have to be regulated and on time. You have to lift heavy things and shovel manure. Sometimes it gets really cold, sitting there in an unheated building.”
“But it’s also meditative. Sunrise and sunset are peaceful times. There are not a lot of people around. You can listen to a lecture, or chant verses.”
Genuine fondness warms his tone. “And the cows are just really loveable creatures. They all have their unique characteristics and personalities. It’s nice being with them.”
“Most of all, it’s such a rewarding service,” he concludes, “Because it’s really at the heart of what Srila Prabhupada wants for New Vrindaban.”
Here’s the latest newsletter from BBT Africa (pdf 1.6 MB).
The post BBT Africa Newsletter, November-December 2013 appeared first on Jayadvaita Swami.
Here’s the latest newsletter from BBT Africa (pdf 1.6 MB).
Indradyumna Swami’s Parikrama 2013. Final part.
The post December 7th, 2013 – Darshan appeared first on Mayapur.com.
The question is based on this article:
Never lose heart on the path of the heart
I just have a faint feeling that there is intermixing of two concepts here:
1) Qualification to start on devotional path
2) Fall downs of someone traveling on this path
The main theme of the article is that we don’t need any prerequisites for zooming on the path of devotional service. In this way, this truly fulfills the communist slogan: from everyone according to his capacity, to everyone according to his needs. The verse quoted is on the same theme.
Then there is how we deal with fall downs. There are BG verses that deal with that: ksipram bhavati dharmatma, shashvat shantim nigacchati, verses around 6.35, etc. The basic theme being that there is no need of being disheartened on failure.
The question is based on this article:
Krishna focuses on where we want to go, not where we have been
Is Krishna's focus in this verse on the point that we surrender to him alone or on that our past doesn't matter?
From Chiranjeev
The question is based on this article:
We need to see intellectually before we can see visually
what about those people, who do Spiritual practices just as a tradition they learnt from their upbringing?? They don’t try to understand everything intellectually…
The question is based on this Gita-daily article:
Being unconscious of our faults is the worst unconsciousness and the biggest fault
Sacinandana Swami, Giriraj Swami, and Bhurijana dasa addressed the assembled devotees on the final day of the retreat.
“Every day you spend about two hours on retreat. You chant your rounds, and you do some reading. So every day each one of us goes on retreat. In that time—the time of your spiritual practice—take something that you have learned here and apply it. For example, some devotees have told me that they have taken the simple point of focusing on the first ‘Hare’ of each mantra with them and it has changed their chanting. Others take a memory—this works for me, as I will take the memory of sitting under the kadamba trees and chanting. When I chant my rounds in Munich or Berlin, I will remember the desire tree under which I sat. So my suggestion to you is to remember something essential that you learned here and practice it. And when you practice, it will start to come automatically, as you will have developed a new samskara in your heart. You live out of the suitcases of your samskaras—your karmic baggage. We live and react and think out of this baggage. Now let us create a new samskara, which can be done by taking one essential point with you. It is possible to change. Please never ever join the fatalists who think we are helpless victims of our habits. Create a new habit and break out of your personal prison.” —Sacinandana Swami
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, September 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.20.13)
It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, ‘One who does good will never be overcome by evil.’ That is a very important point because it sometimes seems that one who does good gets overcome by evil.
But it actually means is that if a person has done devotional service then it cannot be lost – it is not lost! Even when devotees die, even when devotees are killed, as we have sometimes seen, then Krsna will take are of that soul. Krsna takes care of the soul and never neglects the soul. That soul always continues on a glorious journey.
We cannot see that and therefore we sit here gloomy, have a terrible funeral and feel totally depressed. Actually, that soul continues on a glorious destination. We should never lose our faith in Krsna’s goodness and never lose our dedication.
Book knowledge is theoretical, whereas the arcana process is practical. Spiritual knowledge must be developed by a combination of theoretical and practical knowledge, and that is the guaranteed way for attainment of spiritual perfection.