All Glories to Mother Cow

Please view the following galleries: Darshan Festivities One week ago the devotees here in Mayapur, glorified mother cow with utmost respect, and devotion. There was a procession of cows, yajna, feeding the cows, and much more. “The eighth lunar day of the bright fortnight of the month of Kārttika is known by authorities as Gopāṣṭamī. From […]

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Your Beads Are Your Connection
→ Japa Group

  • Sacinandana Swami quotes Prabhupada as saying that 90% of our advancement is dependent on chanting.
  • All other processes of bhakti are contained in chanting.
  • Chanting is the most important of the nine processes.
  • Chanting is the pole that supports the other processes of bhakti.
  • The goal is to always remember Krsna. The best way to do this is by chanting.
From Japa Workshop Principles
by Mahatma dasa

Can our prescribed duties be changed according to our likes or dislikes?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From Sushant P

What is the correct definition of "prescribed duties" according to the Bhagavad gita?Can prescribed duties be changed according to our likings?For example,today I am doing my studies but tomorrow i may pursue a career in cricket if i begin to dislike my studies.

Please reply prabhuji as this doubt is continuously disturbing me.

Answer Podcast

Wednesday, November 13th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Touch The Trail!  Touch The Earth!

Alachua, Florida

A trail reveals much about life where there is life and death.  Maha Mantra and I took the one hour trek to the local temple from the residence of Ananta and Vaishnavi, a South Indian couple with two boys.  They are our hosts.

Along the sandy road we came upon the signs of passing, for instance, deer gets struck by truck (or a car).  You see remains of bones and dried hide.  We also spotted to the side of the road an Armadillo who just didn’t make it in his migration across the humble two lane width thoroughfare.  Smaller creatures stand little chance against the speedy giant, the automobile.

The class that I delivered today before a sizeable group of local devotees was based on the episode of Krishna rescuing his father, Nanda, from the waters of Varuna.  During the course of the delivery of my message, I could not help but say something about the hazardous nature of the car.  I can’t remember how it came about, something to do with the premise of fear.

Not only did I mention something there in the class about the car, but I perpetuated the topic when speaking to two groups of students at Bhaktivedanta Academy.  I believe that in this modern world, especially in America, the message of the precious conveyance, the automobile, needs to be spelled out.  The automobile is not necessarily our best friend.

Vaishnavi, not the other one I just mentioned, who orchestrated my going to the school, offered to say this, “There’s this whole movement going on called ‘grounding’, and it’s been found that when you touch the earth, it’s soil (she was also implying barefoot travel) that it has anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

Finally, in the evening, with a facilitation at a bhakti session at the home of our hosts, we touched on the topic of the use of footwear.  I strongly recommended to the group that the best shoes to wear are what allow you to feel the trail.  Get close to the earth as possible.  Even when you look at the shape of your soles, they seem to want a hug from the sand

So, my dear friend, trek a trail, feel the earth, and out of respect, be careful not to respect on a living entity’s bones.

May the Source be with you!

7 KM

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Wendy and I Talking

Gainesville, Florida

Wendy is a Lutheran, Christian based person, who is open enough to adapt to the policy of Darwin’s evolution.  It’s not usually a Christian option.  She also is open enough that the current Vatican Pope is a pleasant guy who walks his talk.

When I first began speaking to Wendy, she was obviously friendly.  She stated her name and said she looks after horses.  I asked her, “Now, where do horses originate from, from Arab countries?”

“Yes, I believe that’s where they first came from.”

“And zebras, being horse-like, how do they fit into the picture?”  I asked.

“I’m not quite sure, but the speculation is that they once were the size of dogs that evolved.”

I didn’t really let Wendy know that I personally don’t prescribe to Darwin’s doctrine.  I did, however, speak on the Vedic perspective on evolution.

“The individual self takes on a body beginning from a one-celled creature.  And each successive life thereafter is a slightly more progressed form of existence.  Finally, one reaches the stage of having a human form, and from there, demonstrates his/her uniqueness through inquiry beyond food tasting, sexual pursuits, defense and sleep.”

Wendy and I also talked about the three forces of nature as outlined in the text spoken by Krishna in the Gita.  You have these three powers called gunas, referred to as sattva, raja and tama.  They impact us all positively and negatively and through self discipline, one can overcome them.

Wendy and I were on American Airlines en route to Gainesville.  No, I didn’t meet her on the road.  Foot travel was to happen later on in the day at the sandy soils of Alachua.  Just before pre-boarding, all passengers waiting heard a very annoyed woman speaking to someone on the other side of the phone.  She exuded a wrath that could raise hell.  The volume of voice and intensity of emotions were such that she had everyone’s eyebrow upraised, including Wendy’s.

“I could feel the woman’s negative energy,” Wendy remarked.

I invited Wendy to our Alachua community nearby and I said, “If you see me walking in the area, if you’re in a car, please honk.  If you’re galloping on a horse, please let the horse neigh.”  She expressed that she would definitely do that.  I was glad to have made a friend and I left her with the great mantra that makes a person shine more, “Hare Krishna”, and I did offer my salutations to her with the remark, “May the Source be with you!”

5 KM

Kartik Navadwip Mandal Parikram (Album 447 photos)

The glories of Navadvipa Dham excel all the splendors of all other holy dhams. It is said that as Kali yuga progresses the majesty of other holy places will be more covered, hidden from view. But the spiritual excellences of Navadvip Dham will become more and more manifest. Navadvipa dham is audarya dham, or a most magnanimous dham. Anyone who visits Navadvip Dham will find his heart changed. His life will change and he will experience, and ultimately achieve, full love for Krishna. Read more ›

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 10-27-2013
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

ECOV Logo  

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 10-27-2013

Mission Statement: ECOV is dedicated to cow protection and self-sufficiency — all centered around loving Krishna, as envisioned by Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON New Vrindaban.

Participating Members of the Board of Directors:  Anuttama, Chaitanya Mangala, Krpamaya, Madhava Gosh, Navin Shyam, and Ranaka.

Advisors present: Jaya Krsna

1. Manure for Garden of Seven Gates

WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to promote the agricultural production of the New Vrindaban community.

RESOLVED: The Board authorizes up to a grant of up to $2400 for transporting approximately 30 loads of manure from the Valley Barn area to the Garden of Seven Gates, subject to the following conditions:

1)      The manure be spread in a timely manner;

2)      The project is approved by relevant INV management.

2. Grapple hook for temple firewood

WHEREAS:  The ECOV Board wishes to improve the efficiency with which we are able to perform heavy labor, including processing of the temple’s firewood.

RESOLVED: The Board authorizes up to $4K for the purchase of a tractor grapple hook, with the understanding that INV will contribute half of the cost, either in one lump sum or in installments over the next year.  Ownership, maintenance & operation will be with ECOV.

3.  Integrated auxiliary of ISKCON New Vrindaban

ECOV submitted an application to the IRS.  In about one year, we will either receive approval, or will be asked more questions.  Until that time, we can function as an integrated auxiliary.

4.  Flowers / Trees and berries

Flowering shrubs still need to be planted this season, as well as bulbs, which Mukunda Dasi will likely help with.  Work is also progressing on the meditation garden near the temple.

5.  Temple / Lodge foundation beds

The trench alongside the temple is finished.  Edgers need to be purchased.  Brikasanga, who was to help with this, is tied up for now dealing with securing the temple’s winter wood supply.

6. Solar Equipment

A reserve will be maintained for installing a small system at the G7G cabin.

WHEREAS:  The ECOV Board wishes to allocate funding for projects as needed, rather than tying up funds indefinitely.

RESOLVED: The Board reduces the budget allocated for solar equipment to $2K.

7. Valley barn roof repair

Expected to be completed in November.

8. Gopal’s Garden newsletter

A newsletter is still in progress.  Ranaka will remind Ruci that this does not have to be long or complex.  It is more important that it come out regularly to help make people more aware of the school in New Vrindaban.

9. Bottle Filling Stations

More than 19,000 bottles have been filled using the lobby station over the last 1 ½ years, and since May 2013, about 11,000 bottles have been filled at the lodge stations (8,000 at the one closer to the temple, and more than 3,000 at the other).

The water filling stations already approved for outside Govinda’s restaurant and at Srila Prabhupada’s Palace will be installed before next year’s peak pilgrim/tourist season begins.

10. Signs for water bottle distribution

A major remodeling occurred at the restaurant this past year so no bottle display was made, but one is potentially planned for next season.  Also next season, the lassi barn may begin operation again as a snack bar, in which case they would also make bottles available.  We will check back on both in April 2014.

11. Bahulaban pink building

Varsana Swami’s 100 hours of work were not originally detailed, but, upon request he itemized his time, and it was spent on preparing the field where the rubble would be dumped, creating a road for trucks to reach the site, and repairing the dam on the road to the old Vrindaban Farm, among other tasks.

12.  G7G cabin opening / Bahulaban barn closure ceremonies

About 20 devotees, many of them younger members of the community, attended a closure ceremony for the Bahulaban barn.  They shared stories, and were invited to take home parts of the barn as memorabilia.

A group of half a dozen people attended the grand opening of the G7G cabin.

13.  ECOV brochure

Gosh has seen a need for this for some time.  Jaya Krsna suggested that it could be part of a unified presentation of NV in that ECOV could highlight that it focuses on two of the five instructions Srila Prabhupada gave for NV, namely cow protection and self-sufficiency.

WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to publicize our projects and attract more support, financial and otherwise.

RESOLVED: The Board authorizes up to $2K for the design, layout, and writing of a brochure.

14. Bi-annual joint board meeting

The bi-annual joint board meetings will be held from November 8-10 in New Vrindaban.

Sweet Hill Festival
→ The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland

Tomorrow, Sunday 17th Nov is our annual sweet festival. This sweet festival includes an amazing presentation on yoga knowledge by international traveller and monk, Devamrita swami. Tomorrow nights topic will be all about the reality of reincarnation and changing bodies. Sounds cool … Sunday 5pm ..   Why a hill made of sweets? I hear [...]

The post Sweet Hill Festival appeared first on The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland.

Can Very Peacefully Chant
→ Japa Group

"A devotee can very peacefully chant the holy name of the Lord by behaving more humbly than the grass, being tolerant like a tree and offering respects to everyone, without expecting honor from anyone else. Such qualifications make it easier to chant the holy name of the Lord."

Srimad Bhagavatam 7.5.23-24