Nothing but devotional service
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 03 November 2013, Vrindavan, India, Lecture: Damodar Lila)

lamp offering_vrindavanKartik is the month of Urjja Vrata – the vow to offer the lamp to Krsna. But just the lamp, is that all? Obviously, when the lamp is offered, it gives us the opportunity to deeply meditate on the form of Krsna. We offer the lamp to his lotus feet, and then we circumambulate his waist with the lamp, then his face, and then his entire body. In this way, we can offer our lamp and in a very concentrated and in a focused way, drink-in the form of the Lord. Undoubtedly, in this way, we can go deeper into our resolve that there should be nothing but devotional service to Krsna. Nothing else – may that be our absorption.




Up River

The other day we visited a quiet and isolated place in Vraja up the Yamuna river. Nanda Ghat is where Krsna’s father was caught by a servant of Varuna for bathing too early in the morning. Devotees loved hearing the pastime how he was rescued by Krsna. The people of the village were curious seeing [...]

a case study
→ everyday gita

Verse 4.27: Others, who are interested in achieving self-realization through control of the mind and senses, offer the functions of all the senses, and of the life breath, as oblations into the fire of the controlled mind.

If you follow any major news outlet in North America, you've probably heard one name come up quite consistently in the past few weeks - Rob Ford. I bring up this personality today to use as a case study as to what could potentially happen when one does not control their mind and senses.

Mr. Ford, as many of you might know, is quite unbelievably still the mayor of Toronto. After repeated denials, he has finally admitted to binge drinking, smoking cocaine, buying illegal drugs and...well, I'll leave it at that as you can find out more by just Googling if you really want to.

One of the biggest lessons I've learned as an aspiring bhakti yoga practitioner is the fact that everything can serve as a lesson. In this instance, we can learn a great deal from the above-mentioned personality - specifically the consequences of leaving the mind and senses in charge.

One of the greatest benefits of practicing yoga, and specifically mantra yoga, is the increasing ability to control the mind, which is the leader of the senses. The mind, which is constantly accepting and rejecting ideas is perpetually active. That activity, however, needs to be harnessed. And that harnessing power can only come from the intelligence.

It's like a team. All members of a team may have great ideas and in their excitement may start talking over one another. But if the leader of the team is there to harness that energy and creativity, then great things can be accomplished. Without a capable leader, there is potential for frustration and disturbances to arise.

That's exactly what happens if the mind isn't controlled by the intelligence. It spins out of control. This is why discipline and regulation are foundational elements in the practice of yoga. They serve to keep us on track and when the mind starts to wander, the intelligence kicks in and reminds us of the greater goal - to truly connect with ourselves, each other and the Supreme.

For some of us, we've left the senses and mind play the leader for too long and neglected the intelligence. To reverse that situation takes great strength and determination. The key to keeping the inspiration to do so is not expecting results over night. Rather, by approaching every situation as an opportunity for practice, we start to become more aware of our habits and behaviour. It is that awareness that will help us put our intelligence back in control again.

The Honorable Mayor of Baroda grants ISKCON exemption from land increment laws (Album 10 photos)

The Honorable Mayor of Baroda, Sri Bharat Shah, Standing Committee Chairman, Dr. Hitendra Patel, and a number of Baroda (Vadodara) Municipal Corporation elected representatives visited us this past October on the night when the VMC unanimously passed a resolution "varying" TP scheme 14, granting ISKCON exemption from land increment laws (where we would have had to surrender more than an acre of our present property). Read more ›

As the world judges us by actions not dispositions how can we avoid the confusion caused by wrong judgments?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From Dilip Singh

For two different individuals ,different actions (but maintaining same disposition),creates confusion in their minds and to answer their confusion is again more difficult. World perceives the doer thru his actions & not disposition. Typical eg. is Bali and Sugriva. So prabhuji, need your explanation to get rid of this confusion.

Answer Podcast

A visit to Nanda Ghat, where Krsna’s father was caught by a servant of Varuna for bathing too early in the morning (Album 158 photos)

Indradyumna Swami: The other day we visited a quiet and isolated place in Vraja up the Yamuna river. Nanda Ghat is where Krsna's father was caught by a servant of Varuna for bathing too early in the morning. Devotees loved hearing the pastime how he was rescued by Krsna. The people of the village were curious seeing so many western devotees in their humble abode. They were kind to us and we so much appreciated their hospitality. Read more ›

Initiation Ceremony, November 13, Vrindavan, India
Giriraj Swami

11.13.13_24.VrindavanGiriraj Swami and Indradyumna Swami accepted disciples during a blissful initiation ceremony at the samadhi of Srila Srinivas Acharya in Vrindavan.

“It is a very joyful occasion because we are making the turnabout to go back home. But it is a serious affair as well; these are serious vows. Devavrata took a vow that he wouldn’t marry and would be celibate. And when he took that one vow, the devatas showered flowers from the sky. They called him Bhisma — how horrible a vow. These are difficult vows. But the guru reciprocates with our determination. When the disciple takes these vows, the guru also very seriously considers that his job is not over until his disciple goes back home to Godhead. Sometimes the guru has to come back to deliver the disciple if he or she doesn’t make it. So, there are some perks: we get some garlands, get a cushion for the feet, and get some donations; we ride in the car instead of the bus. But really it is a serious thing, and the disciple should understand that the guru is prepared to come back to deliver the disciple. And then even in the spiritual world we continue to serve our guru maharaja.” — Indradyumna Swami

Kirtan by Madhava dasa
Induction Talk by Indradymna Swami
Talk by Bhurijana dasa
Talk by Bada Haridas
Initiations and Talk by Giriraj Swami
Initiations and Talk by Indradymna Swami