Bhaktivedanta Archives releases 2013 VedaBase update and 1976 audio
→ Jayadvaita Swami

On Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance day, November 6, the Bhaktivedanta Archives released the latest update of the Bhaktivedanta VedaBase. The update is available for download here.

At the same time, the Archives released the 1976 audio recordings of Srila Prabhupada.

For details of the new releases, see the Archives blog.

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The Merciful Supreme Lord and the Merciful Acharyas Help the Aspiring Devotee, November 8, Bhaktivedanta Manor, London
Giriraj Swami

2013-11-08Bhaktivedanta Manor’s week-long celebrations of Srila Prabhupada continued with Giriraj Swami reading and speaking from Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.2.31 in the morning class.

“Srutakirti prabhu asked Srila Prabhupada, ‘We know that you have preserved basic principles that have come to us through scripture and parampara and made adjustments only in the details. Now, how do we distinguish what is a principle and what is a detail?’ Srila Prabhupada paused and replied, ‘That requires some intelligence.’ It is not so easy, and it is not for us to do. It is for empowered acharyas like Srila Prabhupada to do.”

Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.2.31 Class

Mayapuris at YogaMaya NYC – 11/08/13

Mayapuris at YogaMaya NYC
Friday, November 8, 2013
8:30pm - $25 - All Ages Buy Tickets
135 West 20th Street (Between 6th & 7th Aves.)
Other Info
as always, Mayapuris are eager to return to our favorite kirtan venue in NYC, YogaMaya studio, where the very wall vibrate with all the amazing chanting that goes on there. Please join us for an ecstatic evening of chanting and dancing!

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Becoming an assistant
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 13 September 2013, Durban, South Africa, Radhastami)


Srimati Radharani is the perfect answer to all of Krsna’s desires. Only she can fully satisfy the desires of Krsna. We cannot do so, even though we may come to a point of pure dedication, even when we come to that point, still, we are better off in the role of assistants of the assistants of Srimati Radharani, gopī-bhartu pada-kamalayor dāsa-dāsānudāsaḥ (CC Madhya 13.80). The pure devotees understand that they don’t have the same capacity to please Krsna as Srimati Radharani has. That’s why they become the assistant of the assistant of Srimati Radharani.


Join us for the association of His Grace Utama Sloka Prabhu followed by the Devotional Service Committee meeting

Sunday Love Feast


Sunday, November 10th
Program starts at 11 am


6 George Street South
Brampton, Ontario
L6Y 1P3, Canada


For more information, please email us
We are pleased to invite you for this Sunday Feast with His Grace Uttama Sloka Prabhu. H.G. Uttama Sloka Das is a disciple of HH Indradyumna Swami and serves part time as Maharaja's traveling assistant, secretary and translator. Apart from his personal services to Indradyumna Swami, he spends his time conducting educational and training courses covering 20 countries on four continents. He is qualified as a Bhakti Shastri teacher, mediator and counselor.

The program consists of arati, kirtan (devotional chanting), philosophical discussion and prasadam.  Please come, get inspired and inspire others through your desire to share Krsna Consciousness!

Program Schedule:
11.00 – 11.15                Tulsi Puja                                          
11.15 - 11.30                  Guru Puja                                           
11:30 – 11:55                Aarti & Kirtan                                     
11.55 - 12.00                 Sri Nrsingadev Prayers                       
12.00 – 1:00                 Vedic Discourse by His Grace Uttama Sloka Prabhu
1:00 – 1:30                    Damodar Aarti & Closing Kirtan
2:00 - 3:00                    Devotional Service Committee Meeting

Please note that ISKCON Brampton is a nut free environment. 

Devotional Service Committee meeting
ISKCON Brampton would be having its next DSC meeting on after the Sunday Feast. If you are currently performing a regular service at the temple like cleaning, cooking, pujari, vedic discourse .... or are interested in doing so then please come out to find out how you can contribute.

The ISKCON Brampton Board have some exciting things planned and would like to share with everyone. Please contact Acharya Thakur Prabhu if you have any questions.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Chant and Be happy!

ISKCON Scarborough – Govardhan Puja celebrations – 108 different varieties of Bhoga to be offered
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

The devotees of ISKCON Scarborough will be celebrating Govardhana Puja tomorrow- Friday- 8th Nov 2013 starting at 6.45pm.

On this auspicious day, 108 different varieties of Bhoga will be offered to Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krsna in the form of Govardhana Hill.

The story behind Govardhan Puja 

Govardhana Puja, Go-Puja and Annakuta are all connected with the story of Lord Krishna lifting Govardhan Hill to protect the inhabitants of Vrindavan.

The day after Diwali is referred to as Annakuta, or Govardhan Puja. On this day the inhabitants of Vrindavan (Lord Krishna’s abode on Earth) would hold a harvest festival in honour of King Indra, the demigod who provided the rains essential for the harvest.

One day, however, Lord Krishna wanted to teach Indra a lesson. He convinced the inhabitants of Vrindavan to honour Govardhan Hill instead, whose fertile soil provided the grass upon which the cows and bulls grazed, and to honour the cows and bulls who provided milk and ploughed the lands. Outraged, Indra retaliated with terrifying thunderstorms. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, calmly lifted Govardhan Hill with the little finger of his left hand. For seven days and seven nights the Lord held up Govardhan Hill, providing a giant umbrella to shelter the inhabitants of Vrindavan from the torrential rain. Realizing the futility of his actions, King Indra bowed down before the Lord with folded hands and offered prayers of supplication. In this way, Lord Krishna demonstrated that He is Deva Deva, the lord of the demigods, and that any purpose for which demigods might be worshipped could easily be served by worshipping Him, the cause of all causes.

We warmly welcome you and your family to ISKCON Scarborough tomorrow to take part in the Govardhana puja.

With best wishes from,

ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Email Address:


How to Realize All This? (4th of the “4-Verse Bhāgavatam”)
→ The Enquirer

Continuing from the third verse, we conclude the four-verse Bhāgavatam-core with Canto Two, Chapter Nine, Text Thirty-Six

etāvad eva jijñāsyaḿ tattva-jijñāsunātmanaḥ | 
anvaya-vyatirekābhyāḿ yat syāt sarvatra sarvadā ||

Brahmā: How can I personally realize all these things?

Hari: You must certainly investigate them to the fullest extent!

Brahmā: How?

Hari: By inquiring.

Brahmā: From who?

Hari: From individuals who have themselves comprehended these truths.

Brahmā: How did they realize these truths?

Hari: By their own investigative inquiry.

Brahmā: From who?

Hari: From those who inquired before them.

Brahmā: Does this chain of inquiry have an origin?

Hari: I am the origin. It is only by my mercy that anyone can realize anything about me, who am beyond everyone. My mercy spreads out in the world through those who have already availed themselves of it.

To put it simply, I am saying that you will learn the method of realizing these truths by inquiring from one who has already realized, guru. Without receiving my mercy through this channel, it’s not possible to comprehend me by independent conjecture.

Brahmā: How should I inquire?

Hari: Always and everywhere, directly and indirectly.

Brahmā: Would you elaborate on “always and everywhere”?

Hari: There is no circumstance in which you cannot strive for me. No matter who you are, where you are, when you are, or what your condition is – pious or impious – you can always immediately strive for me via sincere inquiry and investigation.

Another implication is that the process of searching for me is itself transcendental and eternal. Even in perfection, the essence of this adventure does not cease.

Brahmā: Would you elaborate on “directly and indirectly.”

Hari: Inquire directly: “What am I?”, and indirectly: “What am I not?” Directly: “What is the Absolute Truth?” Indirectly: “What is ignorance of the Absolute Truth?” Inquire about the value of my love, and the worthlessness not having my love. Inquire about the direct taste of my love when united with me, and the indirect taste of my love when separated from me.
