Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-11-03 00:37:00 →

1970 November 3: "Your ability to present Bengal Gaudiya Vaisnavism in its proper perspective is very much welcome. We are trying to present Krishna Consciousness all over the world in a very scientific and philosophical way, and your help will be greatly valued. Immediately we can start a Bengali edition of Back to Godhead magazine under your expert editorship."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970

Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-11-03 00:33:00 →

1972 November 3: "You are one of my older disciples and I see that you are sincerely applying your knowledge to expand Krishna Consciousness movement with good result. That is very much appreciated by me. Now go on in this way, distributing my books profusely and preaching and making devotees, and that activity will be the perfection of your life."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972

Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-11-03 00:30:00 →

1974 November 3: "To an animal in the modes of ignorance, how can we preach? Then we are helpless. Our fundamental principle is the teaching of the Bhagavad-gita. Those persons who cannot understand this on account of particular modes of nature, such persons require further education, and until such time is fulfilled, we are helpless."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974

This Is It For Me
→ Japa Group

"I like chanting the maha-mantra. I’m familiar enough with the words ‘Hare,’ ‘Krishna,’ and ‘Rama.’ They please me as they pass through my mind and lips. I’ve been doing it so long it’s become a love and a deep attachment. I could never switch to another kind of prayer of another religion, or even another mantra in the Vedic religion. This is it for me."

From Japa Transformations
by Satsvarupa dasa Goswami

Beginning Of A Great Adventure
→ Load Film in Subdued Light

Camera: Polaroid Automatic 100 Film: Fuji FP-100C (reclaimed negative)

Camera: Polaroid Automatic 100
Film: Fuji FP-100C (reclaimed negative)

It’s basically winter now – clouds and rain. But more than anything it feels like it’s time to travel. Of course, traveling in the winter here isn’t so rewarding because of the weather. Also, as we discovered earlier this year, crossing the passes over the Cascades could be incredibly dangerous due to freak snowstorms and ice.

Maybe we’ll get another one in before the snow hits. If so, you’ll hear about it.


Jaipur! Part 1

The city of Jaipur is steeped in culture and history. Most important, it is the home of several important Gaudiya Vaisnava deities, including Radha Govindaji – the beloved deities of Srila Rupa Goswami. As our parikrama party visited the various temples and historic places in the Pink City we felt enriched in devotion and enlightened [...]

ISKCON New Dwarka Los Angeles: Preparation for Govardhana Puja in a time lapse video

In 1970, a distinguished and prominent center was established in Los Angeles, formerly known as ISKCON World Headquarters and now known as ISKCON Western World Headquarters. Srila Prabhupada spent months upon months in Los Angeles conducting festivals, instructing proper Deity worship, lecturing, transcribing his books, and so much more. Read more ›

ISKCON Orlando Preaching (Album 182 photos)

Lord Krishna has very mercifully given us a beautiful property in a very nice location - 2651 Rouse Road, Orlando 32817. The property is 7.2 acres total with a large house on it. The property is situated on the east side of the town and is well connected by the main roads (SR 50, 408 and 417). The house has been converted to a temporary temple structure, with a beautiful altar room in a large temple room, pujari room and pujari kitchen, a devotee kitchen with a prasadam hall and three rooms for temple devotees to stay. Read more ›

Preaching program in a school in Rajasthan with Bhakti Raghava Swami (Album 24 photos)

Rajasthan, known as "the land of kings", is the largest state of the Republic of India by area. It is located in the west of India. It comprises most of the area of the large, inhospitable Thar Desert, also known as the Great Indian Desert, which parallels the Sutlej-Indus river valley along its border with Pakistan to the west. Read more ›

Jaipur, a city steeped in culture and history! (Album 134 photos)

Indradyumna Swami: The city of Jaipur is steeped in culture and history. Most important, it is the home of several important Gaudiya Vaisnava deities, including Radha Govindaji - the beloved deities of Srila Rupa Goswami. As our parikrama party visited the various temples and historic places in the Pink City we felt enriched in devotion and enlightened in the understanding of our Vaisnava history Read more ›

How can we avoid isolation when people around us misunderstand our intentions and hurt us?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

I have a question– what if your genuine care and concern (and intentions) without any ulterior motive is misconstrued? Would the hurt of being misjudged not be the cause of isolation? How do you feel Krishna’s presence in midst of misinterpretations and misunderstandings that arise in a scenario like this?
Thanks and kind regards

Charudeshna Radhika Dasi

Answer Podcast

Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-11-02 01:25:00 →

1967 November 2: "Anyone following the order of Lord Caitanya under the guidance of His bonafide representative, can become a Spiritual Master and I wish that in my absence all my disciples become the bonafide Spiritual Master to spread Krishna Consciousness throughout the whole world. I want it but he was too much puffed up."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1967

Love Makes You Feel
→ Load Film in Subdued Light

Camera: Polaroid Automatic 100 Film: Fuji FP-100C (reclaimed negative)

Camera: Polaroid Automatic 100
Film: Fuji FP-100C (reclaimed negative)

I can’t get enough of odd buildings, what to speak of a cluster of them turned into a motel. This is a product of its time. If someone were to build something like this now, it would be marketed as some kind of hunting lodge for rich weirdos so to speak).

If you’re ever in Holbrook, Arizona, you owe it to yourself to stay in the Wigwam Motel.


Cows who eat together…
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 8 September 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa, Home Program)

red-cows-grazingOne time, we were in Durban and Giriraj Maharaj was there. We were taking prasadam with the devotees and Maharaja suddenly said, “Its been scientifically proven that cows who eat together with other cows, give more milk.”

Bhuńkte bhojayate caiva (Nectar of Instruction, verse 4) So, I remembered that. So yes, like that, taking prasadam in the association of devotees, in the prasadam room always, will create a bond; it will bring us together.

It is very nice because it is not only about what has been cooked but it had been offered to Krsna and therefore it gives us eternal spiritual benefit. To me this point is so important, that in spiritual life, everything has that eternal dimension and that makes it different.

I mean, you can go somewhere Italian and (starts Italian accent) eat some pizza and it may be very Italian and in that way it may be full of pomodoros, tomatoes and have lots of mozzarella. It may be first class, made very nice but if it’s not offered to Krsna, then you don’t get any eternal benefit!(laughing) Tastes good for the tongue but after that, you know it is just finished, it’s gone, the benefit, if you know what I mean to say! Maybe you become Italian in next life and then you talk like this! Very tiring, very tiring to be Italian, you know.

villa-vrindavanaSo what’s the benefit. (Italian accent) We want to become Italian, huh? It’s not so bad. But then you have to become an Italian devotee. Italian devotees are very nice. They’re very nice. This summer, you know, I was in Italy. It was recently summer in Italy and I was in Villa Vrndavana. Very nice, they have peacocks in the garden in Villa Vrndavana and we had very sweet kirtan there. It was very nice. Also, some pizza but it was offered to Krsna. So the best of both worlds, Italian pizza and prasadam. And that way one gets the eternal dimension. It makes everything meaningful.





→ Gita Coaching

Five brothers who were kings and their queen (this happened through a misunderstanding) after a long reign were embarking on their final journey - to heaven. To do so they had to trek up a mountain and along the way they were joined by a dog. The climb was so arduous they began to die off. Even the second oldest brother, the 'hercules' of his era, fell. However, the eldest, Yudhishthira and the

Join us this Saturday for the Grand Opening of the new location for ISKCON Brampton

ISKCON Brampton
Grand Opening of New Location

6 George Street South, Brampton, ON, L6Y 1P3
November 2nd, 2013
12pm - 6pm

Saturday November 2nd, 6 George Street is opening its doors to the residents of Brampton to join in the grand opening of ISKCON Brampton's Vedic Cultural Learning Centre. The opening celebration will run from 2pm till 6pm. Visitors will enjoy a free sumptuous vegetarian feast. Along with a ribbon cutting ceremony there will also be ecstatic performances from local GTA musical bands, a play based on Vedic History, authentic Odissi dances and much more! Lots of fun for the whole family!

In 1966, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness "ISKCON" in order to make Vedic teachings accessible to everyone across the globe. Today, ISKCON is comprised of more than 350 centres, 60 rural communities, 50 schools and 60 restaurants worldwide.

ISKCON Brampton will offer a wide array of learning opportunities for those throughout the Peel Region interested in Vedic Studies. The Learning Centre offers the following classes for children and adults: Yoga, Vegetarian Cooking, Dance, Vedic scripture study (Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhakti Sastri), Health and Well Being and Instrumental Music.

On Sundays the Centre is open to the public and provides a wonderful free vegetarian feast, kirtan, Vedic discourses by ISKCON guest speakers and a Sunday School for children (ages 5-15).

Please join us in celebrating the Grand Opening on Saturday, November 2nd at 2pm - 6pm. Lots of parking available, we are located beside Brampton City Hall.