Wednesday, October 30th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

A Tenor

Toronto, Ontario

Dustin Hiles sings opera and has expressed an interest in going to India.  I told him I know a place where his voice could be well utilized.  He has sung for the Queen and other dignitaries.  Recently he played around with the maha mantra, applying it to the classic rendition, melody wise, to Ave Maria.

Dustin has also run for office for the political party, the Liberals.  He currently resides in the country’s capital, Ottawa, and had just made a stopover in Toronto.  He’s fond of our temple and ashram, the residents and the prasad (the blessed veggie food).

I took the opportunity to walk with him to meet his aunt Marilyn.  We went en route to the music conservatory.  Inside are exhibits of old time musical instruments.  One piano, Chopin had played. I was intrigued with a serpent flute as well as a walking stick flute, both from another era for sure.

Dustin was getting me updated on what’s going on with his life; quite positive.  He also inquired about how to advance spiritually.  I was eager to suggest the following:

“You have a great voice.  Why not learn some sacred Sanskrit mantras?  Chant mantras of hope, sing them out and deliver them to access the ears of the world. “

I also indicated that there is a super sacred place in India where the acoustics are likely very conducive for an opera voice.  Dustin has an incredible set of lungs as a tenor, and I personally believe that he could help with what is called the Pushpa Samadhi with stone ceiling, and offer an enhanced purposeful space.  Thousands of pilgrims come there every day.  It is a sublimely attractive place.  I go there every year and spend hours in the downstairs auditorium.  I do feel the samadhi itself could be more than what it is.  Instead of it being a seemingly museum type of space, if its ether is more regularly infused with meaningful sound, emphasis on voice rather than on musical instruments, it would be a magnet of a place.

The Earth could do with more sacred space and less factories, what do you think?

May the Source be with you!

7 KM

Monday, October 28th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Coming Down

Tel Aviv / Amsterdam / Toronto

Flight 462 on KLM was super intense. Coming in for a landing into Amsterdam was not easy. Powerful wind currents had struck before the cloud level. The English woman next to me seemed calm, cool and collected during this turbulence but I could see a host of people adjusting their individual vents from above, response to wooziness. The plane maneuvered in circles. Some passengers were poised with their disposal bag to their mouths. Any chatter going on had ceased while the pilot in the cockpit held his focus on what to be done.

The English woman said, "The pilot must be working up a sweat. I know because my husband was a pilot and an uncle as well."

For me, my fidgety legs that wanted to do no more than be on the ground, quieted by the upstaging of the wavering plane. I mention to the woman that as a kid I used to get motion sickness being in the car (one reason for me to sleep in them). Just looking at solid ground below seem to anchor my equilibrium somehow. Any moment that I set my eyes to the inside the shakiness within sent dizzy impulses.

Gradually with time, minutes, we landed which was also a rough one. But we made it! I had been up to my protective mantras during the process, which is the grace of the Guru. Perhaps I wasn't the only one praying. In my mind I thought, "this could be it."

It was just before the turbulence that I picked up the major story in the New York Times. It was about President John F Kennedy who himself encountered a fragile, shattered and perhaps heroic life. Soon to come will be the 50th anniversary of his assassination. Some 40,000 books have been published about the man whose death traumatized a generation. The article brought to light with one new book (I forgot the name and author now) that delta still lingers on the character and contribution of the person. Despite all written on him he remains a mystery.

I couldn't help but parallel a concept from the sound Gita. Krishna Explains that many people (seekers) give consideration to the nature of the soul. Gyanis, the wise, speculate as to its nature. They ponder its existence and are still left with questions.

This also can hold true for studying the nature of the Absolute. You can spend a lifetime --or lifetimes-- in attempting to penetrate the inconceivable. You may have reached an epiphany, but in the end the mystique prevails.

Whatever we may conclude with realization on life will be what they are. The question is tiered for leaving?

May the Source be with you!

2 KM

Sunday, October 27th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

See A Bigger World

Harish, Israel

The day started off with a few of us exploring a trail at Aeriels' perimeter. With fence and barbed wire top, it was assumed it's out-of-bounds, a security road only. But no, it was confirmed by a local body that it is a route that walkers generally take.

The view is pleasing to the eyes with valleys of cream-to-beige coloured rock. The vista reminds me of the backdrop of a Charlton Heston 50's film. The sun is ever present and air is dry while condensation, and morning dew, is prevalent on most services, a desert dynamic. Temperatures are in the mid 20's by midday.

Friday is the day for the Muslims. Saturday is the day for the Jews. Sunday, today, is the day for the Christians. And, of course, everyday is special if you see it from an enlightened perspective.

Radhikatma and I drove to Caesarea, a town of ancient Roman ruins by the sea where we dipped in before the ride to Harish. I have a theory that mid afternoon should meet with a splash, a quick one. It's a great wake-up to challenge the grogginess as the day wears on.

Finally we made it to Harish, a moderate sized city where you will find a community of bhakti yoga adherents. This group is mostly of Israeli descent. I thought to conduct a Nine Devotions Workshop here. Part of the session involves an ice-breaking few minutes. "What's your favorite color?" for instance is a question asked. It was remarkable how many of these participants like "blue". Is it a Jewish trait? As the minutes rolled on we all could see Chaitanya's doctrine or principle that there's uniqueness and commonality in any sphere of existence. We are one and different at the same time.

We had a jolly good time making our way through the nine devotions that bring us closer to the Devine. I always ask for feedback after the sessions are over. I think it was put nicely by one of the women who said, "It Really helped me and the group to open up and see a big world."

May the Source be with you!

8 KM

Proud of a Personal Debt Burden
→ Devamrita Swami's Facebook notes

Who relishes drowning in debt? Held captive, whether financially or emotionally, chained and bound by outstanding payments, is not how we want our merry life to proceed. 

Soaking in the imaginary security of the illusory energy, conditioned souls cherish the maya consciousness of "born free and living easy—no holds on me." 

Debts of whatever type mean we are not in control—someone or something else has us under the gun. Fearing financial slavery as well as someone emotionally putting the screws on us, we want our life unfettered. Especially in the West, we have been trained to resist relationship blackmail. 

The Age of Darkness standard demands we think that our personal existence resides fully in our own hands: "I don't owe anyone anything—I'm not obligated to even tell you the time of the day!" The supposed peace formula: "You live your life, I live mine."

While visiting Shantipur, in the Gaura-mandala, a deeper realisation of my eternal indebtedness to our spiritual preceptors enveloped me. I am inalterably insolvent, permanently behind in payments.

Where Adwaita Acharya worshipped and begged for the descent of Lord Chaitanya, I now sit, partnering in reading and kirtan with HH Niranjana Swami, Acyuta-priya Prabhu, and a few other devotees. 

Here, at the site of Adwaita Acharya's house, immeasurably extraordinary personalities converged in full ecstasy of love of Krishna. Lord Chaitanya, Lord Nityananda, and their associates gathered here for chanting, dancing, and feasting. As described in Caitanya-caritamrta, at this spot Mother Sachi saw Lord Chaitanya for the first time after He accepted sannyasa.

The seed of ecstatic love of Krishna, Madhavendra Puri, visited this place too. That seed sprouted into the tree of ecstatic love, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Before leaving India to come to the West, Srila Prabhupada would take the train up from up Kolkata, to visit Adwaita Acarya's homesite and meditate on executing the order of his spiritual master.

Owing to all this superlative bhakti, this heritage of pure love of Krishna, my lowly self can chant the mahamantra today. With all the gravity and gratitude my lowly self can command, I wholeheartedly accept the burden of divine debt for which there will never be relief.

Govardhana Puja episode from the Little Krishna animated movie (3 min video)

The tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam relates many of Krishna’s amazing pastimes. Of these, “The Lifting of Govardhan Hill” is one of the devotees’ favourites. It tells the story of how Krishna lifted Govardhan Hill in Vrindavan for seven days and seven nights, balancing it on the tip of his small finger and thus providing a huge umbrella under which all the residents and animals of Vrindavan could find shelter from the devastating rainstorm sent by Lord Indra (god of rain and king of heaven) upon their village. When Lord Indra realized that only the Supreme Lord could defeat him in such a mystical way, he surrendered to Krishna. Read more ›

Invitation to Tour New Vrindaban – Saturday, November 9th!
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit



Event: Tour Of New Vrindaban
Date: Saturday, November 9th, 2013
Time: 10:00 am to 1:30 pm
Place: Starting at the Bahulaban Barn

Dear New Vrindaban residents and well-wishers,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

As you may be aware, the board members of ISKCON New Vrindaban and ECO-Vrindaban will gather for a bi-annual face to face joint boards’ meeting the weekend of November 8th – 10th, 2013.

On behalf of the board members, I invite you to join us on a tour through parts of New Vrindaban. We will start at Bahulaban and include stops at the original Vrindaban Farm, Srila Prabhupada’s Palace, Garden of Seven Gates and perhaps a few other locations as well.

Our goal is to visit each of these places before having more in depth discussions about them throughout the weekend.

We would be pleased if you accompany us and express your cares and concerns, ask questions and engage in open dialog along the way.

We appreciate your participation and look forward to seeing you!

Hare Krishna.

Your servant,

Jaya Krsna dasa
ISKCON New Vrindaban Community President

P.S. While this is a walking tour of each location, we will be driving from one place to the next. Please make sure to arrange your transportation ahead of time. Immediately afterwards we will partake in lunch Prasad at the Temple and you are welcome to join us then as well.

Govardhan puja 2013
→ Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir, Hare Krishna Temple. ISKCON Brooklyn New York

Please Join us to celebrate the festivals  of lights, or Diwali and Govardhana Puja at Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir.

Monday November 4, 2013

As Lord Krishna’s instructed us in Srimad Bhagavatam, we will be offering a mountain of foodstuffs, Annakuta-Mahotsava, to Sri Giri-Govardhan and Sri Sri Radha Govinda Dev.

On this day, Govardhan hill, considered to be the very form of Lord Krishna Himself is worshiped. It is believed that on this day, about 5000 thousands years ago, Lord Krishna instructed  Nanda Maharaja, to worship Govardhana Hill and honor cows, instead of Indra. Govardhan hill provids grass for cows and bulls, while cows provide milk and bulls plough land the land. Krishna thereafter instructed Nanda Maharaj to proceed with the Govardhan puja by preparing various foodstuffs to offer to Govardhan, give charity to brahmanas and decorate the cows and feed them. Outraged, Indra retaliated with terrifying thunderstorms. Krishna protected his village of Vrindavan from severe rain and floods by lifting the Govardhan hill balancing it on the tip of  his small finger for seven days and seven nights. Realizing the futility of his actions, Indra finally appeared before Sri Krishna with folded hands, offering prayers of supplication.In this way Lord Krishna demonstrated that he is Deva Deva, Lord of the demigods, and that the purposes for which demigods might be worshiped could easily be served simply by worshiping Him, the cause of all causes.Govardhan puja is celebrated annually in Krishna temples around the world with great fervor.

The Festivities are scheduled from 6:30 pm onward  including Arati, Bhajans and Kirtan,  Maha Abhiseka of  Sri Giri Govardhan, Damodarastakam (Offering of Lamp to Lord Damodar), Circumambulation of Govardhana Hill and Prasadam Distribution. Also their lordships will be offered a new dress.

If you would like to make an donation or an offering to offer to Sri Sri Radha Govinda, please contact Shobamayi Devi Dasi @ (718) 897-2267 or Satya Devi Dasi at the Temple.

Your servants,


Saturday, October 26th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Nice Touch

Tel Aviv, Israel

My main host in Israel is a bright 25 year old Russian-born Bala Krishna. As we made the drive to Tel Aviv for a walk, a swim and Kirtan with others he showed me a hard copy of an interesting graph. It was an EEG, electroencephalogram, of two people, quite avid practitioners of bhakti yoga and how the brain waves showed a beautiful solid reading of an exceptionally controlled mind when they chanted gayatri mantras.

It was an experiment conducted as part of academic research showing unseen ability to control brain-wave patterns. The whole world is becoming intrigued with the practice if meditation and how it brings about a positive sense of focus in people's lives. If science gets behind this ancient technique for making life tolerable then it will be rendering a great service, don't you think?

Since my last visit to Israel two years ago when I actually completed walking the country I see the efforts to improve the quality of life at least by the beachfront, the Mediterranean shoreline. A bicycle path, with north and south lanes, has been introduced with a bike rental system as you see in world-class cities. But what else can provide an enhanced way of being?

The kirtan that was lead by one other Russian devotee on harmonium with speakers and an entourage had many people spontaneously dancing and putting their effort out to take a crack at mantra meditation. The people here have a sense of rhythm and this was clearly demonstrated by passersby, tourists and such, who didn't just end up passing by but who stayed for a stretch to join in the fun. A lot of happy faces erupted as folks entered this domain.

The two young guys in particular remained with our male circle of dancers as they kept a simple but creative step for a good long while. Our female-formed circle also attracted women who stumbled upon a very festive side of a Saturday Night Fever. The more delicately demonstrated impressive hand moves.

I'm not sure what a graph would look like if all kirtan participants, including dancers and onlookers, were hooked up to a brain-wave machine. Judging by the joy on the faces I think that alone to be a good gauge. From what I gather the city of Tel Aviv is gracious to allow for this outdoor kirtan to go on for many years. This party of mantra chanters puts a nice touch to the the social landscape of the Mediterranean Sea side.

May the Source be with you!

5 KM

ISKCON Scarborough – Special class by HG Krsnadasa Kaviraja Prabhu tomorrow
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

We are very pleased to inform you that HG Krsnadasa Kaviraja prabhu will be giving a special class at ISKCON Scarborough tomorrow- Friday - Nov 1st 2013.

Prabhu was initiated by A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada in 1974 and has since been serving in the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

Program starts at 6.45 pm

We will also be celebrating Diwali, Damodar Lila and Swathi Natchatra in a grand manner on Sunday Oct 3rd 2013. Program starts at 10.30 am.

We welcome you and your family to ISKCON Scarborough for our programs on Friday, Saturday and Sunday where we can all offer the ghee lamp and sing Damodarastam for the pleasure of Lord Damodara.

With best wishes from,

ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Email Address:
