The cow
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 7 November 2010, Vrndavana, India, Govardhan Puja Lecture)

Namo brahmanya devaya go brahmana hitaya ca. Srila Prabhupada explained ‘go brahmana’, first the cows and then the brahmanas. So much importance is given to the cows by Krsna that even before worshipping the brahmanas, we worship the cows.

kks vrndavan 2013In the Brahma Samhita, it is mentioned that in the spiritual world, the cows are wish-fulfilling – they are known as Surabhi cows. They are producing oceans of milk, ksirabdhi. Krsna is residing in his transcendental abode where there are unlimited cows. It is described that when Krsna was here in Vrndavana, Krsna would have unlimited cowherd boy associates and each of these associates would have a huge number of cows and calves. If we think about the numbers of cows in these pastimes, we sometimes wonder how they all fitted on the narrow pathways of Vrndavana – there must have been enormous traffic jams! But somehow or other, by Krsna’s arrangement everything is going on very smoothly.

The world where cows are protected is indeed Krsna’s arrangement; it is the natural way to exist. We are now living so far from that. We are here for a day to worship the cows so naturally we are having very warm feelings for the cows but our everyday way of life, is a life with machines – the result is that our lives are painful. It is difficult and in our lives, it is a struggle to do just about anything.

Here in Vrndavana, we can see how India is playing with modern technology and they don’t always understand it. Today, we saw some flames coming out of an electric box and it didn’t look good but everyone was like, “It is ok! It is ok!” Well, it didn’t look ok!

I remember how in India, you learn to pray in traffic. Two vehicles were approaching each other in the darkness of night and one of the drivers was nodding, was he asleep – it looked serious. The vehicles were coming closer and closer and a head on collision seemed unavoidable… if it would have been machines but because they were bullock carts, nothing happened!

Even when the driver falls asleep, the bullocks stay awake! In this way, the bullocks move around and I saw many times here in Vrndavana, in the night, the bullocks walking to the market and the owner sleeps in the back and when they get to the market, the bullocks sleep and the owner works! So, they work in shifts!

In another words, it is a very practical culture. A culture that is not inimical to being natural.



Subtleties of religion
→ Servant of the Servant

The scriptures such as the Puranas and Itihasas were written for mankind to follow the righteous path of Dharma free from vice thus gradually purifying one's heart of material desires. Even in the Judeo-Christian traditions, there are codes of morality given for mankind.

Despite abundant instructions on truth, justice and spiritual values in the scriptures, still, more than any sphere of existence today - the religious sphere encompasses violence and hatred. Why? The conclusion we can come to is in the interpretation of religion and not with religion itself. When a man with imperfections study and speak from scriptures it will only manifest in imperfections. Imperfections in the extreme sense can result in fanaticism. Therefore it is imperative that we seek guidance from a perfect person who is free from doubt. illusion and envy.

During the Kurukshetra war, there was an incident where Karna completely vanquished King Yudhistira in battle.  Karna did not kill King Yudhistira because of his promise to Queen Kunti. Retreating to his tent, Yudhistira was given medical treatment. At this time, Arjuna and Krishna entered the tent to check for Yudhistira's safety. Seeing Arjuna in the tent not avenging Karna made Yudhistira angry. He criticized Arjuna to give up his Gandiva and insulted him. As a kshatriya, insult is worse than death. Arjuna famous for keeping his vows had a vow that whoever tells him to give up his Gandiva will be killed. Seeing his predicament between fulfilling his vow and killing his brother, he turned to Krishna.

Krishna, in his response was shocked that Arjuna even considered killing his brother. Finally, Krishna had this to say to Arjuna about upholding religious vows "O Pārtha, your vow was made out of childishness. Now hear from me about the higher principles of religion....morality cannot be ascertained by logic, nor even in every case by a study of the scripture. One must seek the guidance of experienced and wise elders to learn its subtleties. All this I have heard from the ṛṣis, O Pārtha"

His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada is one such rsi or saintly person- If we submissively study his books, listen to his lectures and practice his instructions,  then we also will understand the subtleties of religion beyond logic and study of scripture.

Hare Krishna

The Appearance of Sri Radha Kunda, October 26, Goleta, California
Giriraj Swami

10.26.13bGiriraj Swami read and spoke from Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.36.11 – 16.

“After purifying Himself by bathing, Lord Hari became quite arrogant and said, ‘I have produced a pond containing all the various holy places, whereas you gopis must never have executed any religious duties on this earth for the pleasure of Lord Brahma.’ Then Srimati Radharani addressed Her girlfriends as follows.”

” ‘I must create an even more beautiful pond. So go to work!’ Having heard these words, the gopis saw that Arishtasura’s hooves had dug a shallow ditch just west of Sri Krishna’s pond.”

“At that nearby spot, all the gopis began digging up lumps of soft mud with their hands, and in this way a divine pond manifested in the short span of an hour. Krishna was astonished to see the lake they produced.”

“He said, ‘Go ahead, lotus-eyed one. You and Your companions should fill this pond with water from Mine.’

“But Radha replied, ‘No, no, no, no! This is impossible, since the water of Your pond is contaminated by Your terrible sin of killing a cow.’ ”

” ‘I will have My countless gopi companions bring the pure water of the Manasa-ganga here in billions of pots. In this way I will fill this lake with My own water and thus make its renown unequaled in the entire world.’ ”

“Lord Krishna then gestured to a heavenly personality who was an intimate associate of all the holy places. Suddenly that person rose up out of Krishna’s pond and bowed down to the daughter of Sri Vrishabhanu [Radharani]. Then, with palms joined and tears pouring from his eyes, he began praying to Her in devotion.”

” ‘O goddess, even Lord Brahma himself, the knower of all scriptures, cannot understand Your glories, nor can Lord Siva or Lakshmi. Only Krishna, the supreme goal of all human endeavor, can understand them, and thus He feels obliged to personally make sure that You can wash away Your perspiration when You are fatigued.’ ”

” ‘He is always anointing Your lotus feet with nectarean caru and yavaka and decorating them with ankle bells, and He rejoices and feels most fortunate simply by satisfying the tips of the toes of Your lotus feet. On His order we have immediately come here to live in this most excellent pond, which He created by one stroke of His heel. But only if You now feel satisfied with us and bestow upon us Your merciful glance will the tree of our desire bear fruit.’ ”

“Hearing this prayer spoken by the representative of the full assembly of holy places, Sri Radha was pleased and said, ‘So, kindly tell Me your desire.’

“They then told Her plainly, ‘Our lives would be successful if we could come to Your pond. That is the benediction we desire.’ ”

“Glancing at Her beloved from the corners of Her eyes, the daughter of Vrishabhanu replied with a smile, ‘Please come.’ Her gopi companions all agreed with Her decision and became immersed in the ocean of happiness. Indeed, the beauty of all creatures, both mobile and stationary, was enhanced.”

“Thus gaining the grace of Srimati Radharani, the holy rivers and lakes in Sri Krishna-kunda forcibly broke through its boundary walls and swiftly filled Radha-kunda with their waters.” – From the Puranas, quoted in SB 10.36.16

The Appearance of Sri Radha Kunda

2013-10-28 Sunday night at the Coimbatore temple with Sivarama Swami (Album 34 photos)

The ISKCON Temple in Coimbatore is a well known pilgrimage centre located in the heart of the city. The ISKCON temple aims at spreading the science of Krishna consciousness with the help of Bhagavad Gita. Spread across an area of 20,000 sq ft, the temple has an array of beautiful deities belonging to Sri Radha Krishna, Sri Jagannath, Sri Baladev, Subhadra Devi and Sri Prabhupada Read more ›

The Real Success.
→ Matsya Avatar das adhikari

The  experiences of accomplishment that one can reach in her or his lifespan, sometimes can be conflicting with the self-image, possibly being the one of an unconfident person, a weak individual, too reliant on someone else’s opinions. If this self-image will not change, the outer accomplishment will be followed by inner troubles and unsteadiness. This is because the new higher equilibrium is such only when it is achieved with harmony and stability. To avoid this kind of situation one should conceive and support a self-image corresponding to what one would like to be and should be. If one will shape her or his personality in depth, then this person will be psychologically ready when an accomplishment or a better position will be achieved. Conversely, some individuals are afraid of their own success because they have not built yet an objective and positive self-image.
Powerful desires move things and alter reality. A person becomes what she or he craves to be. Egoistical ambitions do not lead to real accomplishment: the apparent success sooner or later will turn into calamity.
The immature management of resources and of desire's energy produces derangement and deep emotional troubles. Any waste and any improper use of the above is the cause of personal failure.
Anything we have: objects, affections, talents, must be employed to reconnect ourselves to the deep divine matrix, the raison d'être and foundation of our existence. If we do not do this, as explained by Shrila Rupa Gosvami, one of the greatest Vedic Tradition Master, anything gets contaminated and turns into poison. 
The perfection of existence (yukta vairagya) can be archived if we are closely connected to the Istha Devata and place all our resources to its service. Ambarisha Maharaja was the sovereign of the world, in spite of this he was not ruling it for his own egoistic enjoyment, but as a tool to serve God.  In order to run suitably that function maturity and awareness were needed, because who has so much energy can do great good things, but, if one is not cautious and do not have uncontaminated motivation in the way this energy is used, can cause great damages and bring harm to himself and everybody nearby. 
The most valuable resources, never to be neglected and never to be abused, are our fellow human beings, with their desires for advancement, their wishes for good, their projects, with their search for self-realization. We should not dare to waste even the smallest bit of their energy, we have to support instead their convergence, channeling, and sublimation toward elevated motivations of real good and real success. Sublimation will be possible if we encourage for taking a solid commitment for spiritual activities, with an active and energetic service offered with awareness and dedication to our spiritual Master and the Istha Devata. According to one of the most important and recurrent Shrila Prabhupada’s statements: "Bhakti Yoga is not just an idle meditation". Nor meditation means escaping from the world.
 Authentic meditation inspires and motivates actions in the world, and it is able to solve real problems, to disentangle knots that grew in the mind. Authentic meditation does not evade or remove practical problems: it resolves them. It is based on the consciousness of spiritual matrix of all things, and the understanding of the subtlest psychological phenomena: how minds get entangled or stuck, and how it is possible to jump-start them, reactivate them, and purify them.

HG Bhaktisuhrid Das Brahmacari

Disappearance Celebration of His Grace Bhaktisuhrid Das Brahmacari in Sridham Mayapur on 13 oct 2013 The appearance of a Vaishnava is auspicious and even his disappearance is also auspicious. The Vaisnavas are happy on the disappearance of a Vaishnava knowing that the departed Vaishnava soul is going back to Godhead and is happily engaged in […]

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ISKCON Scarborough devotees go to 40 homes in the Greater Toronto Area in Ontario to celebrate Kartik (Album 127 photos)

ISKCON Scarborough devotees go to different homes to narrate the Damodar Lila, Recite the Damodarastakam and perform arti for Lord Damodar during the Holy month of Kartik. Every year during the 30 days of Kartik, over 40 homes in the Greater Toronto Area in Ontario, Canada are visited by ISKCON Scarborough devotees. Read more ›

Our Only Strength Is Chanting
→ Japa Group

"Our only strength is chanting Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. So if we stick to the principle of chanting Hare Krishna Mantra, following the rules and regulations, that will give us strength to work on both sides - namely to enlighten people in Krishna Consciousness and cut down the bad government full of atheistic people."

Letter to Madhudvisa Maharaja
15 September, 1971

Beyond the mechanical level
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 18 July 2013, Sandton, South Africa, Krsna Balaram Youth Group Lecture)

One time, in Jagannath Puri, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked Advaita Acarya, “Acarya, where are you coming from?”

Caitanya-Mahaprabhu-29Advaita Acarya replied, “I’ve just come back from the temple. I took darshan of Lord Jagannath.”

“No, no, no, Acarya, what did you do? Where did you just come from?”

“I came back from the temple.”

“Yes, and then?”

“Well, then I took darshan of Lord Jagannath.”

“And then?”

“Then I did the parikrama. I circumambulated the deities.”

“Yes!” Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said. “Therefore I have defeated you.”

Advaita Acarya said,”Oh!”

Advaita Acarya is known as Advaita simha – like a lion, he roars very loudly. He has a very powerful voice, a very large, powerful personality, “You have defeated me? How have you defeated me?”

Lord Caitanya said, “When I go to the temple of Lord Jagannath, I stand in such a place that I can always see the deity at all times. But you, you go around the deity and turn your back on the deity. Therefore I have defeated you.”

In this way, Sri Caitanya .Mahaprabhu showed that devotional service goes beyond the mechanical level. That it actually comes to the point where the devotee develops such deep attachment to Krsna that even a moment of separation from Krsna appears like twelve years or more.

And therefore even such a thing as parikrama which is otherwise part of religions activities was rejected by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu who said that we should just full-time take as much darshan of the Lord as possible.

So this is the spirit that is coming to us again and again from the revealed Vaisnava sastra. Vaisnava sastra is never about materialistic performance. Vaisnava sastra is never about trying to obtain material blessings for any material purpose. Vaisnava sastra is simply about unalloyed pure devotional service to Krsna.


Today, Pundarikaksam das ACBSP passed from this world in the Bhaktivedanta Hospice in Vrindavan at 1:30 pm

Today, Pundarikaksam das, a loyal disciple of Srila Prabhupada, passed from this world in the Bhaktivedanta Hospice in Vrindavan at 1:30 pm. At his side was Radhanatha Swami and a small group of devotees chanting the holy names. A big thank you to all the devotees who sent him encouraging letters just days before his departure. May the Supreme Lord give him eternal shelter at His lotus feet Read more ›

What is the use of the highest royal pleasures if you reside in Vrindavana? (Album 249 photos)

" What is the use of the highest royal pleasures? What is the use of perfecting the yoga-system and travelling to the upper planets? What is the use of the great variety of material endeavors to attain useless ends? These things are insignificant in comparison to residence in Vrndavana. Simply by living in Vrndavana I will one day hear the sweet sound of Krsna’s flute, which brings the ultimate bliss. " Read more ›