Navadvipa Parikrama 2014

We are happy to invite devotees from all over the world to come and experience the Silver Jubilee celebration of Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama organized by ISKCON Mayapur. This unique event will take place from 5th to 11th March 2014. For the Parikrama in 2013, we had five parties with around 8,000 devotees led by HH Jayapataka Swami, HH Bhakti [...]

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Gaura Purnima Festival 2014

We are happy to announce the festival schedule for next year’s Gaura Purnima Festival, please stay tuned for more updates, and opportunities to donate for the festival. 24 -27 Feb  Sravna Utsava 27 Feb Devotee’s arrival, Kirtan Mela Adivas Ceremony 28 March  Festival Inaugural Flag Hoisting 28 to 4 March KIRTAN MELA 3 March Pancha-Tattva Maha-Abhishek 4 March [...]

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Srila Prabhupada’s seven purposes of ISKCON in reference to congregational development

When incorporating his worldwide mission dedicated to spreading Krishna consciousness all over the world, Srila Prabhupada outlined seven purposes which capsulized the essence of his mission. By analyzing these seven purposes, one can see how congregation development is aimed at fulfilling all of these seven purposes, when the congregation is properly organized and directed Read more ›

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Are You Looking For Directions?

Shaunavon, Saskatchewan

“Are you looking for directions?” asked the two young female students on their way to high school.

“No, I’m not lost, I’m walking across the country to celebrate the human body and what it’s capable of, to tap into the spiritual side of life.”

“That’s so cool! Can we get a photo with you?” And that’s how morning began and the interaction with people. One fellow was on this huge machine grating the gravel road which I took for 10 KMs, when he stopped his whole operation to talk. He relayed how he finds all kinds of people on these roads, including a guy lying in the ditch trying to sober up.

At the town of East End where Daruka and I did a presentation at the school (from K-12), the teacher asked, “Are you a quiet order of monks?”

“No, in fact, we make lots of noise with drums and songs – mantras.”

My favourite comment for the day coming from roadside folks in particular was when four bikers on their Harley’s pulled over. They stopped their engines, cut off their machines, pulled off their helmets and gloves and reached out one by one to offer a handshake of congratulations. The spokesperson said, “I guess we’re here to get some blessings.” Apparently the fellows saw me on their way into town when in town they picked up a newspaper, The Boom Town, saw and read the article about The Walking Monk. On their return journey they just had to stop and talk. They were great.

In addition to all the wonderful interactions, I was interviewed live at 6:45 AM on CBC Radio (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) from Regina with Sheila. Then we succeeded with a tape recording interview with Penny of CJSN Radio. The Standard Newspaper with Paul also came out to the highway to take a story. Finally it was with great satisfaction that Penelope booked Daruka and I for the library on Friday to speak on Tales From Trails.

We are quite set and are certainly not lost.

30 KM

Monday, September 9th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

The Day Began In T-Dot

Toronto/Calgary/Saskatoon/Swift Current

The day began in Toronto in the Yorkville district, one of the locations for TIFF, the Toronto International Film Festival. Just hours after the parties rolled up to honour Hollywood stars, including those red carpets, a small group of us robe clad monastics took to those streets for our morning spiritual workout, which is walking and softly chanting. Yes, chanting and moving your mechanism is always a great way to start any day.

Via West Jet, I flew to Saskatoon with a stopover in Calgary. From there, Daruka drove us (with both of our tummies saturated in lasagna compliments of Panchami and Kasyap) to Swift Current and to our rest stop. There was very little exposure to the elements today. I could see the rolling planes, the sun, the clouds, even drops from a sun shower made their way on to the windshield, but I couldn’t feel these features being confined to conveyances.

I had time to contemplate the recent past, such as the verbal exchange I had with the professional wrestlers of yesterday. We were in fact talking about the power of maya, the conglomerate illusions of the world, and to put its personification into a permanent headlock, maybe even cut off the circulation in the process in order for maya to have a long long sleep (apparently wrestlers sometimes press on a gland in the neck of their opponent to achieve this, sounds gruesome).

Well, it is also gruesome to see a soul fall prey to all the diverse hankerings. It’s a pity to be enslaved by the very senses that gratify. Our lack of fortitude permits this slavery. Our reluctance to taste the higher taste and to settle for cheap gratification shows that we don’t want to budge much. As monastics, we never condone the pleasures of life, we just regulate them.

In fact, I came up with a line that I could use for people when they ask about my trekking, “I’m walking to celebrate the human body and the extraordinary things we can do with it such as connecting with our spiritual side. We all know our capacity to eat, sleep, mate, defend. What else are we, as humans, capable of? How about cultivating our true self awareness?”

By the time Daruka and I reached Swift Current I was overzealoused to put my feet on the ground. But sleep comes first, that was hard to do. Probably there’s too much adrenaline running through the machinery.

3 KM

Student Spotlight, Abhay
→ TKG Academy

Every month we will be interviewing students of TKG Academy gurukula.  Some of our students started school through TKG Academy preschool or kindergarten. Others moved to Dallas with their families and started in later grades. TKG Academy has students that come from Vaisnava families and others who are just being introduced to Krsna Consciousness through the gurukula. All of these students have one thing in common: parents that were searching for an educational alternative that included a tight knit, loving environment that teaches their children above standard academics from a dedicated staff of teachers that go above and beyond the  call of duty as educators.

Abhay is an 11 year old, 6th grader at TKG Academy. He is originally from Colorado. He entered into the gurukula in 5th grade when his family moved to Dallas, TX.

Q:What is your favorite food?                                                                                                                 

Abhay, 6th grade

Abhay, 6th grade

A: Pizza. Pizza….definitely pizza.

Q: What is your favorite pastime of Lord Krsna?

A: When the Boatman tricks the Gopis on Manasi Ganga.

Q: What’s your favorite school subject? Why?

A: I really like spelling because I’m a good speller.

Q: What do you like about TKG Academy?

A: I get more attention from my teachers because I’m in a smaller class.


Student Spotlight, Padayatra
→ TKG Academy

Every month we will be interviewing students of TKG Academy gurukula.  Some of our students started school through TKG Academy preschool or kindergarten. Others moved to Dallas with their families and started in later grades. TKG Academy has students that come from Vaisnava families and others who are just being introduced to Krsna Consciousness through the gurukula. All of these students have one thing in common: parents that were searching for an educational alternative that included a tight knit, loving environment that teaches their children above standard academics from a dedicated staff of teachers that go above and beyond the call of duty as educators.


Padayatra is an 8 year old, 3rd grade student at TKG Academy. He is originally from Hungary and is in his fourth year at the gurukula having entered in Kindergarten.

Q: What is your favorite food?


Padayatra, 3rd grade

A: Chickpeas with rice.

Q: What is your favorite pastime of Lord Krsna?

A: I like the Agasura story a lot.

Q: What’s your favorite school subject? Why?

A: Math. I like the times tables because they challenge my brain.

 Q: What do you like about TKG Academy?

A: The teachers are very nice.

Student Spotlight, Nanny
→ TKG Academy

Every month we will be interviewing students of TKG Academy gurukula.  Some of our students started school through TKG Academy preschool or kindergarten. Others moved to Dallas with their families and started in later grades. TKG Academy has students that come from Vaisnava families and others who are just being introduced to Krsna Consciousness through the gurukula. All of these students have one thing in common: parents that were searching for an educational alternative that included a tight knit, loving environment that teaches their children above standard academics from a dedicated staff of teachers that go above and beyond the  call of duty as educators.


Nanny is a 6 year old first grader at TKG Academy. She is originally from New York and entered into TKG Academy in Kindergarten.

Q: What is your favorite food?


Nanny, 1st grade

A: Veggie burgers with the works.

Q: What is your favorite pastime of Lord Krsna?

A: I like it when Krsna defeats Kaliya.

Q: What is your favorite school subject? Why?

A: Math because it’s fun.

Q: What do you like about TKG Academy?

A: I like to learn about Krsna!

Radharani ki jaya!
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 23 September 2012, Durban, South Africa)

Excerpts from Radhastami lectures


A divine appearance

Radharani_mayapurAs Krsna’s appearance was not an ordinary appearance, in the same way Srimati Radharani’s appearance was also not an ordinary appearance. One day, Maharaja Vrsabhanu was approaching the Yamuna and within the waters of the Yamuna there was one extremely effulgent lotus flower. The effulgence of that lotus flower was so attractive that Maharaja Vrsabhanu felt like taking that lotus flower. So he went into the water of the Yamuna, but then, he saw that in the whorl of that lotus flower, there was the cause of that effulgence. It was not just that lotus flower itself that was so effulgent but it was a little girl, golden in complexion, lying there in that lotus! He forgot all his ideas about taking that lotus and he just picked up that little girl with great joy in his heart and brought her home. In this way, Kirtida conceived a child – somewhat unusual but a divine appearance just like Krsna’s appearance.



Most outstanding

Radharani_vrindavanKrsna says in Bhagavad-Gita, ye yatha mam prapadyante tama tathaiva bhajamy aham, ‘As you surrender unto Me, I will reward you accordingly.’ But with the gopis Krsna says, ‘I don’t know what to give them! With them, my promise falls short because I have nothing to give them in exchange for their service.’  If I give you something very valuable, you also have to give back something valuable. So Krsna was thinking, ‘I have nothing in my possession that can match the value of what the gopis are offering. Therefore let your own service stand as your reward and speak of your glory.’In this way, we remember how Krsna is just taken by surprise! He does not know how to deal with these gopis. They show a level of love, which goes beyond what he can comprehend. It bewilders his mind! And of all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is the most outstanding!



Most compassionate 

Radharani_dbnIf we want some deeper understanding of the aim of life, it is possible by the mercy of Srimati Radharani, who is most compassionate. She is more compassionate than Krsna. We can easily attract that mercy by doing some service. That is the key! We should think about her service. She did everything for Krsna’s pleasure. What are we going to do today for Krsna’s pleasure? Maybe someone will put a lakh in the box! Or ten or more! Maybe someone will really try to do something extraordinary today – maybe one fortunate soul! ‘Out of many thousands of men, hardly one endeavors for perfection. Out of so many, hardly one endeavors for perfection! And out of those who endeavor for perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.’

So this Radhastami is a day of soul searching, a day for us to realize, ‘I have to raise up. It’s time that I make a real sacrifice for Krsna’s pleasure.’ That is the inner meaning of Radhastami.

Radharani ki jaya!
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 23 September 2012, Durban, South Africa)

Excerpts from Radhastami lectures


A divine appearance

Radharani_mayapurAs Krsna’s appearance was not an ordinary appearance, in the same way Srimati Radharani’s appearance was also not an ordinary appearance. One day, Maharaja Vrsabhanu was approaching the Yamuna and within the waters of the Yamuna there was one extremely effulgent lotus flower. The effulgence of that lotus flower was so attractive that Maharaja Vrsabhanu felt like taking that lotus flower. So he went into the water of the Yamuna, but then, he saw that in the whorl of that lotus flower, there was the cause of that effulgence. It was not just that lotus flower itself that was so effulgent but it was a little girl, golden in complexion, lying there in that lotus! He forgot all his ideas about taking that lotus and he just picked up that little girl with great joy in his heart and brought her home. In this way, Kirtida conceived a child – somewhat unusual but a divine appearance just like Krsna’s appearance.



Most outstanding

Radharani_vrindavanKrsna says in Bhagavad-Gita, ye yatha mam prapadyante tama tathaiva bhajamy aham, ‘As you surrender unto Me, I will reward you accordingly.’ But with the gopis Krsna says, ‘I don’t know what to give them! With them, my promise falls short because I have nothing to give them in exchange for their service.’  If I give you something very valuable, you also have to give back something valuable. So Krsna was thinking, ‘I have nothing in my possession that can match the value of what the gopis are offering. Therefore let your own service stand as your reward and speak of your glory.’In this way, we remember how Krsna is just taken by surprise! He does not know how to deal with these gopis. They show a level of love, which goes beyond what he can comprehend. It bewilders his mind! And of all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is the most outstanding!



Most compassionate 

Radharani_dbnIf we want some deeper understanding of the aim of life, it is possible by the mercy of Srimati Radharani, who is most compassionate. She is more compassionate than Krsna. We can easily attract that mercy by doing some service. That is the key! We should think about her service. She did everything for Krsna’s pleasure. What are we going to do today for Krsna’s pleasure? Maybe someone will put a lakh in the box! Or ten or more! Maybe someone will really try to do something extraordinary today – maybe one fortunate soul! ‘Out of many thousands of men, hardly one endeavors for perfection. Out of so many, hardly one endeavors for perfection! And out of those who endeavor for perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.’

So this Radhastami is a day of soul searching, a day for us to realize, ‘I have to rise up. It’s time that I make a real sacrifice for Krsna’s pleasure.’ That is the inner meaning of Radhastami.

Prelude to Sri Radhastami 10
→ ISKCON Malaysia


KUALA LUMPUR - Radha's wonderful beauty

Srimati Radharani is fifteen years old and full of the luster of youth. Radha is expert in all the sixty-four fine arts and Her transcendental form is like an ocean of nectar. Radha’s splendid bodily luster is like molten gold or stationary lightning. Radha wears wonderfully beautiful blue garments, and She is decorated with various pearls and flowers. Gandharvika (Radha) is very beautiful, and has long, nicely braided hair. Radha’s splendid forehead is decorated with the red pigment, sindura, and with beautiful locks of curling hair.

Decorated with blue bangles, Sri Radha’s arms have defeated Cupid’s staff with their beauty. Decorated with black mascara, Radhika’s expanded lotus eyes are the most beautiful in all the three planetary systems.

Radhika’s nose if as beautiful as a sesame flower and the tip is nicely decorated with a pearl. Anointed with carious perfumes, Sri Radha is splendidly beautiful. Radha’s ears are decorated with wonderful earrings and Her nectarean lips defeat red lotus flowers. Srimati Radharani’s teeth are a row of pearls and Her tongue is very beautiful.

Decorated with a smile of pure love for Krishna, Radha’s beautiful face is as splendid as millions of moons. The beauty of Radhika’s chin has defeated and bewildered Cupid. Decorated with a drop of musk, Radha’s chin appears like a golden lotus flower with a bumblebee.

Bearing all the marks of wonderful beauty, Radha’s neck, back and sides are enchantingly gorgeous. Radhika’s breast is like splendid golden waterpots covered by a bodice decorated with a pearl necklace. Srimati Radharani’s beautiful enchanting arms are two red lotus flowers illuminated by the series of moons that are Her fingernails.

Jeweled rings decorate Radha’s splendidly beautiful fingers. Charming, full of sweet nectar, and decorated with a deep navel, Sri Radha’s beautiful waist enchants the three worlds. Radhika’s sloping hips lead to Her charmingly beautiful slender waist which is bound by a creeper of three beautiful folds of skin and decorated with a sash of tinkling bells.

As beautiful as two exquisite plantain trees, Sri Radha’s thighs enchant the mind of Cupid. Sri Radha’s beautiful knees are two reservoirs filled with the nectar of various transcendental pastimes. Radha’s beautiful feet are decorated with jeweled ankle-bells, and Her toes with toe rings as beautiful as the treasure of Varuna. (RKG)

Sri Radha’s Gold and Flower Ornaments

Srimati Radharani wears twelve different ornaments on Her transcendental form. These ornaments which include Radha’s crown, earrings, belt, ankle-bells, finger and toe rings, armlets, and jewel necklaces that look like strings of stars are all fashioned from pure gold; they appear like myriad shining suns. Sri Radha wears a locket containing a picture of Sri Krishna and a signet ring that is engraved with "Radha". Radha’s Syamantaka jewel is also known as Sankhacuda-siromani” (Sankhacuda’s crest jewel). Srimati Radhika’s ankle-bells stun Sri Krishna with their tinkling sounds.

Besides jewels and gold, Radha wears a variety of flower crowns, necklaces, armlets, sashes, earrings, bracelets, anklets and blouses. Radha taught Lalita-sakhi how to make these flower decorations, which Radharani prefers over the jeweled variety. Srimati Radhika’s favorite crown is made from flowers and buds of five colours arranged in five points. The gopis also artistically arrange flowers to create five different kinds of earrings; resembling objects like a peacock, lotus, shark or half-moon.

“The glaringly effulgent tiara’s shimmering halo; beautifully sports in all directs stretching to the horizon. Glistening, sleek armlets, bracelets and necklaces refract a collective, flickering of jewel-like coronas. Hip-spanning belt of softly tinkling bells. Anklets charming musical chimes embellishing the majesty of Her divine lotus feet. Oh, my dear mind! Just worship the effulgence known as ‘Radha’”.

“Srimati Radharani always keeps Her hand on the shoulders of Her friends and Radha always talks and thinks of the pastimes of Krishna. Radharani forever offers Krishna a kind of intoxication by Her sweet talks. Sri radha supplies all the demands of Sri Krishna, and Radharani possesses unique and uncommon qualities meant for Krishna’s satisfaction. Srimati Radhika is able to fulfill all the desires of Krishna. No one else can do so. Radha is so expert in all affairs that the damsels of Vraja come to learn the arts from her”. (TLC Chap.31)

Prelude to Sri Radhastami 9
→ ISKCON Malaysia



KUALA LUMPUR - Sri Krishna praised Srimati Radharani

"My dear Radha, Your curling locks of hair, long restless eyes, firm breasts, slender waist, shyly lowered head, creeper-like arms and jewel-like fingernails are all exquisitely beautiful. The jubilant festival of Your beauty makes the three worlds tremble in transcendental bliss".

"The beauty of Srimati Radharani’s eyes forcible devours the beauty of the newly grown blue lotus flower, and the beauty of Radha’s face surpasses that of an entire forest of fully blossomed lotuses. Radha’s bodily luster seems to place even gold in a painful situation. Thus the wonderful unprecedented beauty of Srimati Radharani is awakening in Vrindavana". (Vidagdha-madhava)

"Entwining this way and that with decorations of fresh forest flowers, and bound and tied up with jewel-threads; Adorned with jasmine garlands of exotic fragrance and hanging down very best of noble gemstones; Your hair style arranged by the hand of Hari, will I ever see it, Oh Radhe?

"Teeth like rows of pearls and lovely lips like bimba berries; Thin waist, wide hips and a deep navel like a whirlpool of newer youth; This indescribable lover – the very heart of the cleverest maidens – May Radha protect us!

"Oh moon-faced one! O doe-eyed one! O Goddess! Oh lovely-nosed one! O one with reddish lips! O sweet smiler! O Supreme Laksmi! O creeper-armed one! O lustrous one of conch shell-smooth neck! O one with plantain tree shaped thighs! Oh whose collection of lotus toenails brightly illuminates all directions! When, Oh Radhe, will You be worshipped by me?"

This Is The Greatest Gift
→ Japa Group

"Srila Prabhupada, please bless us with a taste for the nectar of the holy name. This is the greatest gift. If we can carry on without your personal presence, but be aware of the power of the name, then it will be good for the whole world. Then we could serve you as we should."

From Here is Srila Prabhupada
by Satsvarupa dasa Goswami

Govindas Sunday Program
→ Ramai Swami


As usual, Dvija Vara and Vrajadhama do a great job of overseeing the Brisbane Govinda’s Sunday feast program. Although they are both busy working in the restaurant 6 days a week, they still find time to come and lead kirtan, lecture and serve the feast.

The crowd is usually forty or fifty strong and is made up mostly of westerners but also includes some of our student friends from India.

Dvija Vara is a disciple of Indradyumna Maharaja and Vrajadhama a disciple of Devamrta Maharaja, so both are trained up and expert in the art of presenting Krsna Consciousness to a wide variety of people.
Fortunately, I also get the opportunity to attend the program a number of times throughout the year.


What is infinite from our perspective is insignificant from the perspective of eternity
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Four yugas, rotating a thousand times, comprise one day of Brahma, and the same number comprise one night. Brahma lives one hundred of such “years” and then dies. These “hundred years” by earth calculations total to 311 trillion and 40 billion earth years. By these calculations the life of Brahma seems fantastic and interminable, but from the viewpoint of eternity it is as brief as a lightning flash. In the Causal Ocean there are innumerable Brahmas rising and disappearing like bubbles in the Atlantic. Brahma and his creation are all part of the material universe, and therefore they are in constant flux.

Bhagavad Gita As It Is 8.17 purport 

A Day in PreK
→ TKG Academy

Preschoolers are working on learning how to take care of themselves and their environment. They are turning into a flower from a little bud. We start our day with “Om namo bhagvate vasudevaya” and then sing songs or listen to the story or color some beautiful picture, or play a game.

Later we start circle time where we discuss the days of the week through a song and also counting the days. We are working on first set of letters SMAT, which is introduced to children as a game where they learn what letter makes what sound,  how to write the letters, and some words from those sounds.They are allowed to choose the specific works created for them to learn phonics, numbers, motor skills , gross motor skills, prewrititng skills, sensorial skills, and practical life.

During snack time we put our placemats with our snack boxes open, we say a prayer to thank the Lord for giving us wonderful prasad and then honor the prasad. We go out and enjoy playing with everyone in the school.

When we come back we have math circle where we learn 1-10 enumeration, this work has been also presented to them in a game format where every child picks up numbers and then count that many bears and put on them. Later we try practicing writing those number on a apple tree or flower or car or some shape they wish.

After we sing our songs “Nursery Rhythms” Our favorite nursery rhythm is “Wheels on the bus go round and round…”. We have story telling time where teacher tells the story to all the children. We have special work time, where we learn yoga, PE, art, music, crafts etc.

It is time to go home…..

12.09 – Strive more for the gift of presence than the presence of gifts
→ The Spiritual Scientist

We express our love for others through gifts. In spiritual life too, we can express our devotion to Krishna through gifts – donations offered, contributions collected and books distributed, for example.

Krishna looks forward most to the gift of our presence. The Bhagavad-gita, while describing various levels of devotion, places the level of practicing to remember him (12.09) above the level of offering our work and its results to him (12.10).

Mantra meditation offers us the opportunity to offer our presence to Krishna, for he is non-different from his holy names. So the more attentive we are in our mantra meditation, the better is the quality of our gift of presence.

Of course, Krishna doesn’t need any gift from us. He is the Lord of the Goddess of Fortune; he already possesses everything, including whatever we may offer him. Yet being the Lord of love, he is ever eager for love. What pleases him is not our gifts, but the love we offer through those gifts.

From Krishna’s perspective, our presence is a purer expression of love than our other gifts. Because when we offer our service accomplishments to him, that offering is likely to be contaminated by the desire for glorification by others: “People should know how charitable I am.”

The offering of our presence through our attentiveness in meditation is less likely to be similarly contaminated because it’s not so visible in the eyes of the world. When he is pleased by our presence, he fills our heart with the enrichment of his love. This enrichment is far more fulfilling than any praise that our accomplishments may earn.

It is good to strive for offering gifts of any sort to Krishna. And it is best to strive most for offering him our presence.


12.09-10: My dear Arjuna, O winner of wealth, if you cannot fix your mind upon Me without deviation, then follow the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga. In this way develop a desire to attain Me. If you cannot practice the regulations of bhakti-yoga, then just try to work for Me, because by working for Me you will come to the perfect stage.


Sri Isopanisad Course at ISKCON Brampton starting on Sept 21st 2013

Sri Isopanisad one of the 108 principal Vedic scriptures known as the Upanisads. Sri Isopanisad is a conceptual text, rather than a description of the Lord’s pastimes.

Reading and studying this book is meant to advance one’s view of life; to teach one how to re-spiritualize every endeavor of one’s actions.

This is an interactive course where devotees are engaged in reading, learning slokas (verses) and presentations.

Registration and enrolment

This program can be attended without special requirements.

The Course begins Sept 21 - 7.30 am to 12 noon
Registration fees is $ 50.00

You are able to enroll by contacting Vaishnava Das or ISKCON Brampton Management:
Email: | Tel: 416.840.6587

Online Bhakti Shastri Course & Where to submit your story?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Dear Devotees

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Online Bhakti Shastri Course

Several devotees have asked me whether I plan to conduct an online Bhakti Shastri course. After consulting with and getting the blessings of senior devotees, I have decided to take up the service of conducting a series of online courses starting with Bhakti Shastri.

The Bhakti Shastri course will be conducted on behalf of BACE (Bhaktivedanta Academy for Culture and Education) and participants will get certificates from the ISKCON Board of Education. To know more about this course, you can visit and register at bhakticourses. com.

Where to submit your story?

In response to the recent article "Share your story," several devotees enquired where they can submit their "How I Came to Krishna consciousness" story.  Thank you for your enthusiastic response.

Please send your story to H G Vaishnava Seva Prabhu, the person behind the iskcondesirtree network of sites, at

Thanking you,

Your servant

Chaitanya Charan das

Here is my latest itinerary:…
→ Mahavishnu Swami

Here is my latest itinerary:

Latest Itinerary (11 September 2013)
11th - 14th September - Patna, Bihar, India 13th September - Radhastami Festival at ISKCON Patna   15th September - Birgunj   16th - 19th September - Kathmandu (GBC Meetings) Remainder of September - Continue reading

Lalita Sashti

Today is the appearance of Lalita-devi, the foremost of the eight sakhis. In Mayapur, we had a special darshan of Srimati Lalita-devi, decorated profusely with garlands and fragrant flowers. A colored display of description of the glories and prayers to Lalita devi adorned the sub-altar of Sri Radha-Madhava so that everyone could absorb themselves in [...]

The post Lalita Sashti appeared first on