18.58 – Empower your thoughts to break free from their tired and tiring avenues
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Life is never easy; every day brings new obstacles and some days bring major reversals.

We don’t have the power to make life problem-free, but we do have the power to maximize or minimize those problems. Often our thoughts become dominated by problems. We keep fretting over them without thinking constructively. Our energy gets dissipated in resenting the problems instead of in resolving them. Our thoughts keep going over again and again on the tired and tiring avenues of frustration, self-pity, resentment and the like.

The best way to avoid such unnecessary aggravation of our problems is to direct our thinking towards something constructive. Many constructive things may present themselves as potential candidates for engaging our mind. But the most constructive thing is fixing the mind on Krishna. That’s because remembrance of Krishna is infused with a mystical power that not only redirects but also rejuvenates our thinking. Krishna is our greatest well-wisher, he is supremely powerful and he is the wisest of all – and he is fully and perennially accessible through his remembrance. By cultivating devotional remembrance of Krishna, we connect with the benediction, the power and the wisdom of Krishna.

Do problems magically disappear by thinking about Krishna?

What magically disappears is not the problem but our negativity that makes the problems seem so menacing and overwhelming. The Bhagavad-gita (18.58) specifically states that we cross over problems when we become conscious of Krishna. The precise word tarishyasi conveys the idea of floating over, as in an ocean or scaling across, as in a hurdle race.

Understanding this frees us from the disempowering delusion that remembrance of Krishna is irrelevant to our pressing concerns. When we diligently cultivate the remembrance of Krishna, we gain his supreme empowerment and march confidently through life’s obstacles and reversals.


18.58 - If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditioned life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost.


Wednesday, September 4th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Fresh Cut Wheat

Cadillac, Saskatchewan

The smell of fresh cut wheat hits the nostrils as soon as I open the door to Daruka’s car and make my entrance to the highway. He drives me to the spot from where I left off on the previous day.

It’s a whole new world of exploration. Will I walk through communities that might socially be classified as ghost towns as in the case of some places I’ve been to? I’m referring to boarded up businesses, sometimes also homes that have fallen into the hands of creepers and bushes. I would say that I’ve not yet trekked through a full blown ghost town yet, but some of these places seem to be getting there. You can only imagine the life that was once there. I guess job opportunities are better in the city so these once thriving communities start to fall into decline. There is always the chance for action to spring back and for a place to blossom again. Hmmm… land must be dirt cheap here.

I proceeded on with today’s adventure and heard to my left side coyotes howling. Once they completed their chorus, a choir began to my right side, stereo. A second community of coyotes had vibrated their awesome sound. I was rather close to their proximity. The sun hadn’t really come up yet. The sound of the choir sent a shot of goose pimples up my back. I just chanted some mantras more intensely, I had to make my sound as meaningful as the coyotes.

Now the day was in full swing, the sun had come up. Greg and Lilly from the Boom Town Booster, came for an interview, and so did Matthew from the Prairie Post. And for presentations at schools now that the summer is over, Daruka and I drove our way east and then west along Highway 13 to meet our appointments in Assiniboia and Lafleche. The gymnasiums got filled up in no time. The kids were marvellous. Educators love it when we inspire kids to be more outdoors. And secondly, hearing about travel encourages kids to think outside of the box.

One thing that I wanted to share was, you know how churches often have a caption to read outside their building? Here is one that applies to attitudes:

“A pessimist needs a good kick in the cans.”

24 KM

Is Courses And Exam’s the Only Way?
→ simple thoughts


One thing about Janmastami is that it gives you an opportunity to catch up and see how devotees you know are getting on, although their for a short time before being admitted to hospital I did catch up with some who are relatively new to Krishna Consciousness.

Sadly some were speak in terms I’ve sadly heard before and one had indeed been initiated by a sampradaya other than ISKCON, the story was the same they love and are inspired by Srila Prabhupada have learnt much from reading his books but are disillusioned or feel that they do not have a place or have a chance of getting initiated within ISKCON.

There is also a perception that initiation within ISKCON is simply a money grading exercise, yes you can but first pay for these courses and then may be we will consider it; so seeing other’s who use Srila Prabhupada books and have a more open forum that they view fairer and more personal take shelter of them. Saying that they still keep some affection seeing that the first book and association was within ISKCON.

The problem is that we have a round hole and expect everyone to fit into it, there is no personal assessments so if your square, triangle or any other shape it’s never going to work. Their is a growing feeling that there is a greater emphasis on academic accomplishment rather than how the person is progressing in a more practical level; I’ve used the analogy before that for many it feel’s ISKCON has reduced initiation to nothing more than an impersonal tick box exercise.

A perception that some disagree with stating the need to make sure that there is a minimum standard and that these courses ensure that this is so; whilst acknowledging that given the time taken to bring people into an understanding of Krishna that many leave for other sampradaya’s.

We seem to have missed a small point, mentor-ship is good as long as it allows a more personal plan, that we look closely at individual circumstances; those of an academic inclination love courses live for courses it’s good and stimulating. But what if your not academic? Struggle in the class environment? Is the inability to do these courses mean instant disqualification? Or can we look at a more practical route, those who struggle in this area have much to offer that the devotee community will benefit from do we nurture this and progress them through first and second initiation without a course.

One thing that those who speak about their anxiety of loving Srila Prabhupada and some of the devotees they have met, is that they cannot find a place within the society; I wonder if we can through mentor-ship develop a more personal spiritual development plan rather than a single this is the route the only one.

I wonder what the thought’s are of others who have spent time listening and talking to those who have sadly left ISKCON and make it a home were everyone can feel they can make progress?

…the company one keeps
→ everyday gita

Verse 4.22: He who is satisfied with gain which comes of its own accord, who is free from duality and does not envy, who is steady in both success and failure, is never entangled, although performing actions.

One's desires and ambitions develop according to the company one keeps

For regular readers, you might recognize this phrase. It's one of my favorites and one that I quote often.

Today though, I viewed this phrase in a whole new light which caught me off guard. Ever feel like you've gotten all you can out of something? That you just can't learn anymore? Well...I definitely used to think that about the above mentioned phrase. So you can imagine my surprise when a new insight suddenly came to me.

I always used to think that "the company one keeps" referred to individuals. Reflecting upon the fact that lately I've been experiencing the words of the Gita come to life, suddenly a whole new context to the words "company" unveiled itself:

"The company one keeps is not only limited to the people we associate with; it also includes the books we read and the environments we expose ourselves to."

That's how subtle the soul is. When we are constantly exposed to something, we naturally become affected by it. Reading and writing about working without attachment has become such a constant fixture in my life, that I can't help but think about it more frequently!

I invite all of you to perform an experiment. Make the time for the next five days to absorb yourself in reading about one topic that uplifts you. Perhaps it can be on a quality that you hope to develop or a habit you would like to form. Spend ten minutes reading about it and at the end of the five days, take note of how often you think about it. You might be pleasantly surprised to find that you've already made some positive progress.

Crossing the Ocean of Nescience, August 31, ISKCON Silicon Valley, Mountain View, California
Giriraj Swami

FirstRathaYatraPrabhupadaSittingGiriraj Swami read and spoke from Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.2.31 for the continuation of Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa-puja celebration, on Saturday morning.

“One could argue that the devotee should be equal to all. But Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains that if we examine the qualities of the preacher, the intermediate devotee, we find that he makes distinctions: he gives his love to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he makes friends with other devotees, he gives mercy to the innocent, and he neglects the envious. So, the function of giving mercy belongs to the preacher, and it is not exercised without discrimination: mercy is given specifically to the innocent. And then, when the devotee gives his mercy, the Lord gives His.                                                                                                                                                       .

brahmanda brahmite kona bhagyavan jiva
guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija

First the guru gives mercy and then Krishna gives mercy, and thus the candidate receives the seed of devotional service. Krishna is partial to His devotee; if the devotee gives mercy, Krishna gives His mercy, being partial to the desire of His devotee. But, Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains, Krishna’s partiality to His devotee is not a fault — dushanam —  but is Krishna’s most glorious quality— bushanam. This verse describes how the spiritual master gives mercy to the candidate and Krishna’s mercy follows.”

Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.2.31

SRI SIDDHA-BAKULA Bhajana Kutir of Namacarya Srila Haridasa Thakura at Sri Ksetra Jagannatha Puri Dhama
→ Dandavats.com

Sri Siddha-Bakula is located near Gambhira Temple on Bali Sahi road in Sri Jagannatha Puri Dhama. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally arranged for Srila Haridasa Thakura to reside at this place. This is the place where he performed his daily bhajana of chanting 192 rounds (3,00,000 names) of Hare Krishna maha-mantra Read more ›

Good News Update
→ Life With the Cows and Land

ISCOWP September 2013 E-newsletter

CONTENTS: Old Cows Sheltered, Cow Protection in Alachua, Garden Bounty, Clearing Pastures for the Cows

You can sign up to receive the e-newsletters in your mailbox here.

Old Cows Sheltered

John using his backhoe bucket as a work platform to install supports for the rafters.

The best price on lumber for us is to go directly to the sawmill where we can get rough cut lumber right off the blade. It is wet so it is heavy, but when it is dry it is very strong. On this building we used poplar. We had the option to use oak, but it was more expensive and the poplar would be just fine for our needs. All of the beams were fastened with lag bolts which gave added strength.

John and Mikey building the tin roof. 

Cow Protection in Alachua Keshihanta and Devaki have been taking care of the cows at ISKCON Alachua for 25 years. They have a program Save the Cow for the remaining seven cows.They are exemplary cowherds and an inspiration to all with their steadfast dedication to cow protection. With their extensive experience, they will help guide the ISKCON Alachua temple's proposed new endeavor to create an eco/village cow protection project. Mathura makes friends with a prospective member of Alachua's eco/village cow protection project.  
ISCOWP was sponsored by the ISKCON Alachua temple to go to Alachua to counsel the beginning development of their eco/village cow protection project. It was enlivening to hear of the concept of teaching the practical as well as the cultural and spiritual benefits of cow protection to the youth in the community which is the largest Hare Krsna community in the USA. All our best wishes to Chitralekha dasi who will be the project's main cowherd. 
    Krsna Bhakta saved a herd of Black Angus cows from slaughter on his farm near Alachua temple.
Krsna Bhakta and family bought a 30 acre farm close to Alachua temple. A herd of Black Angus cows were already on the farm. If Krsna Bhakta and family did not buy the herd, the owner would sell all the cows for slaughter. Compelled to save the cows, Krsna Bhakta and family bought the herd and are now caring for twenty-two cows!
  Garden Bounty
 A thirty pound watermelon grown in the ISCOWP garden was sweet.
Shelter for Old Cows Completed 

It has been a good growing season for watermelon. Last year all our melons were killed by some disease. Broccoli is also growing well whereas in previous years it would be ruined by bugs. Although a late harvest due to the weather patterns this growing season, our harvest is bountiful.

Broccoli, Bitter Melon, Kale, peppers, sunflowers,pole beans,marigolds and Brussels sprouts all grow well in cow manure as the only fertilizer.

A school project, this sunflower was grown from 1 seed in Balaji's classroom and then transplanted as a seedling into the cow manure fertilized earth in the ISCOWP garden.

 Big heads of broccoli on all the plants.

Clearing Pastures for the Cows
Thanks to your support we are able to mow hilly rough pastures without endangering the oxen. 

At the end of last year and the beginning of this year we had a campaign to help us purchase an ATV and brush hog attachment for the purpose of mowing the pastures regularly to keep the maximum grass growing for the cows by cutting the weeds before seed germination. Much of our land is hilly and rough. By rough we mean rocky and with holes from groundhogs and other critters. Balabhadra did not want to risk utilizing a team of oxen on this terrain.  Now we have found out that the equipment works really well and seems to cut all weeds down. It is a rough ride and we found that hills can not be mowed horizontally but mowed vertically and gone around in a circle formation. Even then there are some spots that have to be let alone as the ATV and brush hog almost tipped over when nearing them.

Travel Journal#9.16: Czech Woodstock, Prague, Berlin, and The North of England
→ Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk

Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 9, No. 16
By Krishna-kripa das
(August 2013, part two
Czech Woodstock, Prague, Berlin, The North of England
(Sent from Gainesville, Florida, on September 5, 2013)

Where I Went and What I Did

Upon leaving Bratislava I went to by bus to Vyskov via Brno to catch a ride to Trutnov with Dina Vatsala Prabhu. He showed us the temple his devotee friends are constructing in Nove Sady, where there is a community of several devotees. In Trutnov we did harinamas in the town and on the site and kirtanas on two stages during a period of three and a half days, encouraging the attendees to chant Hare Krishna and dance, and I had many nice experiences there. After Trutnov, I did harinama for a day each in Prague and Berlin. Then three days of harinama in the Newcastle area, and a weekend trip of harinamas and outreach programs in York on Saturday and Leeds on Sunday. Then four more days of harinama in the Newcastle area, including Janmastami and Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa-puja Day. Then off to do harinama and an outreach program in Liverpool and more harinama Manchester, thus ending the month, and my stay in the UK for the summer. Then I took an exhausting but inexpensive train and overnight ship from Manchester to Dublin for the Ratha-yatra on September 1.

Again I was in mostly in places without morning lectures or where I gave the lectures, but I have some nice quotes from Srila Prabhupada’s books, the writings of Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami, notes on Guru Dasa Prabhu’s talks at the Czech Woodstock, on classes from a Prabhupada disciple named Jagatatma Prabhu, who preaches in the Manchester area, and on the Newcastle lectures of Ananta Nitai Prabhu, my harinama partner in Ireland and the UK. I finish up the insights with heartfelt words of appreciation for Srila Prabhupada on his Vyasa Puja day, which were very ecstatic to hear, by the devotees from our temple in Newcastle upon Tyne in England, my home base in the summer.

Thanks to Tobi for the Berlin pictures and Klara for the Prague pictures. To see the over 400 pictures I did not include in this blog, click on the URL below:


September 5–6: Gainesville
September 6–10: Tallahassee
September 11–13: Jacksonville
September 14: Jacksonville Beach Ratha-yatra
September 15–26: Gainesville [except one day in Tampa]
September 27–30: Columbus, Ohio
October 1–November 25: Union Square harinama, New York City
November 26–February 19, 2014: Gainesville
[except with 5 days / month in Tallahassee, one day per month in Tampa]
February 25–April 20, 2014: Mayapur

Trutnov Open Air Music Festival (Czech Woodstock)

Like Przystanek Woodstock (or the Polish Woodstock), a much larger rock concert in Kostrzyn, Poland, the Trutnov Open Air Music Festival (Czech Woodstock) in Trutnov, Czech Republic, is also organized by someone who favors the Hare Krishna devotees by giving them place to set up a stage and distribute Krishna music and Krishna food. Martin, the main organizer, likes the face of Lord Jagannatha, who appears on the wrist bands, stages, and promotional material for the event. 

What I like about the Czech festival is that it is smaller, and you get to know the people who come to our camp each day. This year I made three Facebook friends, two who came to Govindas in Prague for the first time.

Punya Palaka Prabhu, the organizer of our Krishna Camp for many years, said the first day, before I came, that there were six girls who were chanting “Krishna-kripa.” I did not know that there were six girls who knew my name. It was a bit humorous to hear.

There are regulars who like the kirtana and come each year, coming into our tent two or three times a day, or even more. People seem to know if they get burned out by the rest of the festival, they can come to the Krishna camp to recover.

The first night many people enjoyed chanting with us.

Shari Beri (right, below), who lives in Trutnov came every year since 2009, the first time I went, and regularly brings her friends to our camp.

She came back one night at 2:45 a.m., upset that we ended the chanting earlier that night, and asking us to play later the final night.

One man from Pardubice was very inquisitive, and asked questions for quite awhile.

We did harinama in Trutnov the first full day of the festival, and passed the devotee restaurant there called Baladeva.

Ssome people sang, clapped, and/or danced with us.

Some followed our party.

One couple saw us on harinama in the town at noontime, and then again near the end of the evening kirtana, perhaps at 1 a.m., and then the young lady was really singing the mantra.

One girl made a gesture that the kirtana was really great, so I gestured back that she might come in our temple and dance, so she entered our tent, learning my dance step, and dancing for half an hour, chanting the whole time.

Later she said her name was Anna, and she introduced me to her friend, Dominik.

They had heard about the Hare Krishna restaurant, Govinda, but they had never been. I told them about the chanting programs Wednesday evening at the restaurant so they could continue their interest in the chanting. Later she wrote me on Facebook that she went to Govinda.

Another girl who danced for half an hour, smiling the whole time, told me she already knew about the restaurant Govinda, in fact, at the end of the day, she would distribute the leftover Govinda’s prasadam to the homeless.Seeing her attraction to the chanting, I invited her to the Wednesday evening program at Govinda, which I was very surprised that she had not heard of.

It was amazing to see one guy who was wearing a “Dead Kennedys” shirt chant continuously for two hours.

He also danced.

Later he thanked me, saying that he was so tired he wanted to leave but my chanting and dancing inspired him to chant and to stay for two more hours. He commented on how the chanting gives you energy. 

We do not have security persons to keep people off our stage, so sometime people from the crowd become inspired to join us on our stage during our chanting like the girl next to the mantra sign below. She was a regular who chanted every day.

These two horse headed personalities were also bold enough to join us on stage.

One man came in our tent, and began dancing, leaving his little girl sitting on the bench.

Klara felt sorry for the girl and danced with her.

At the end, when Klara left, both the man and daughter danced.

Guru Das Prabhu liked to talk about his relationship with George Harrison, George Harrison’s spiritual side, and his relationship with Hare Krishna. Drew, a musician friend of the devotees, played a few of the more spiritual George Harrison songs, like “Here Comes the Sun” and “My Sweet Lord.” I took some video of that.

Bhaktivaibhava Swami kindly came and sang for a couple hours on the last night, leaving the German kirtana mela to come there, which must have been a sacrifice for him. He sang great tunes to dance to.

We got more exposure being on the second stage three times this year instead of once or not at all.

Always a few fans would come up close.

Here is video of the last time we chanted on the second stage:

Over three-quarters of the people sitting on the grass listening to our music took temple/restaurant invitations with the mantra on them, some with great eagerness.

We would also do harinama to and from the stage, increasing our interactions with people even more. Here are some photos from those harinamas,

Some are from an outdoor pub we went through.

One lady joined us on the harinama, and returned to our camp to sing and dance.

We carried the Radha Krishna picture back from the stage.

Vendors appreciated the harinamas.

We would pass the devotee shops, one for the restaurant Govinda.

Another selling snacks made on the Czech Hare Krishna farm.

Here are some video clips I took of the chanting on our stage so you can get a feel for it.

Reflecting on the festival, I could see I was instrumental in some people at Trutnov happily participating in the chanting and also learning about more opportunities to connect with Krishna after it ended and that made me happy.

Prague Harinama

Antardwipa Prabhu, his wife, Klara, and Goura Karuna Prabhu did harinamawith me in Prague for two hours the final day, which was a sacrifice as we were tired from late nights at the music festival.

We followed the usual Prague harinama route through the tourist areas, including Old Town Square, where our Ratha-yatra is held.

Gaura Karuna Prabhu distributed books.

It rained, and we chanted under a covered section of a famous bridge. One guy danced with us.

Tour groups were stuck there listening to us because of the rain.

Between tunes I said a few words to them about the effect of the mantra. It was a memorable experience. My bus to Berlin was late, but I did not care as there is free wireless internet at Prague’s Florenc bus station.

I thank Klara, Antardwipa’s wife, who kindly took the pictures, as well as chanting the response, and once leading an attractive tune.

Berlin Harinama

I spent a day in Berlin, staying at the flat where Lord Jagannatha and His pujari, Hrdaya Gauranga Prabhu (on the left in the below picture) live, quite near the site of the old temple.

Hrdaya Gauranga Prabhu was happy to have another person to do the first half of the morning program with, and we were happy that Siddha Svarupa Prabhu joined us for the second half. In the class, I talked about Lord Balarama as it was His appearance day the next day, and I would miss it, because in England they observed it today. I told about how Balarama often plays the role of a mediator, and gave some examples such as when Duryodhana and Bhima were fighting and when the Kurus arrested Samba and the Yadus were upset. I also read Lord Balarama’s instructions on spiritual life which He gave to Queen Rukmini, His sister-in-law, on her wedding day.

The three of us went on harinama in the afternoon. After forty-five minutes, Paramatma Prabhu, along with a devotee boy, came and distributed books nearby for an hour or so, and then joined us for the end of the kirtana. When we had all five devotees chanting it was very dynamic. The little boy danced, jumping up and down, and attracting attention.

I was happy dancing and distributing invitations as usual.

One young photographer named Tobi who I later found was familiar with the devotees, stayed with us for an hour or so, taking pictures of us from time to time, especially when the kirtanabecame wild or when people interacted with us. I gave him my card, and asked him to send me the pictures which he did. Although the harinamawas a little slow in the beginning, it became a wonderful experience in the end.

Sunderland Harinama

Sunderland is one of the bigger cities around Newcastle, and we have developed a program of going there once a week and doing harinama, followed by prasadam and kirtana at Ramai and Vrinda Prabhus place there. 

Satya Medha Gauranga Prabhu, who works in Sunderland and who distributed books and chanted there as a brahmacari, took his lunch hour when we were chanting there so he could join us. Thus we were wearing dhotis, casual dress, and formal dress, altogether on harinama.

Some boys came and played the tambourines and the gong with such intensity that a shop owner complained, and we learned that you cannot allow kids to play the gong or it will be way to loud

York Harinama and Program

We had our Janmastami program in York the Saturday before, and had about seven people for the harinama in York beforehand. Govardhan Dasi sings in public there every Saturday for two hours along with her husband, who distributes invitations, and she was happy to have many more devotees.

The nama-hatta program for Janmastami had variety, including kirtana, two dramas, and a song about Krishna’s pastimes. I also gave the first of four lectures on Krishna’s appearance, the others being in Leeds, Newcastle, and Liverpool. Twenty-four people came although the program has not been going more than a few months. Govardhan Dasi did a great job organizing it, and Ganesh Prabhu, Dennis, and others helped greatly.

Leeds Harinama

Caru Candra Prabhu was there for almost the entire three-hour harinama, and a couple ladies came near the end so we had three people for the last hour and four people for the last twenty minutes. The last twenty minutes we walked to the car, exposing people along the way to the chanting.

Chester-le-Street Harinama

Ananta Nitai Prabhu, Prema Sankirtana Prabhu, Malvika, Atul, and I went on harinama in Chester-le-Street. I think the residents there must have decided that they liked us when we came last time because the people were so favorable. A friendly older lady praised our singing, gave us a pound, and said she had heard us in Newcastle too. As we often do now, we brought tambourines for interested kids to play. First a girl played.

Then a boy and girl happily played, and the mom was happy to watch them and gave a donation. 

People gave £22.63 ($35.28) in three hours, making probably it the most charitable place we have been in the Newcastle area, and we distributed about seven books.

Newcastle Harinamas

One day in Newcastle many people danced with us and/or played the instruments. It started out with a small girl who played tambourine for 10 or 15 minutes on two different occasions.

Her friend was not interested, but patiently waited on her bicycle, for her to finish. The girl played in time and seemed to have some taste for it.

Then one young lady came who was visiting from Leeds but had lived in Arab countries for many years. She loved to dance and play the tambourine, and stayed for an hour or so.

Then a boy danced.

And then a man.

Then a very energetic young lady.

It was inspiring to see the enthusiasm for participation in Lord Caitanya’s merciful sankirtana process.

During our Janmastami harinamain Newcastle, a jovial man gave us a pound, and accepted a Path of Perfection.Then he told a story: In the 1980s, when in his 20s, he was in Gainesville, Florida, and lost his passport, his green card, and his money. But the Hare Krishnas gave him something to eat, and he said he would never forget it! Krishna Lunch Gainesville ki, jaya!

Harinama on Vyasa Puja was a challenge for me. I am not used to living in temples where the Vyasa Puja feast is served at 5 p.m. so we had no choice but to try to do harinama from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Ananta Nitai Prabhu and I were ready to leave at 6:30 p.m., but we lost a lot of time waiting for people to take prasadam and then trying to convince them to come with us. We were unsuccessful in our attempts as many devotees either had still to complete their daily chanting on beads or needed to help with the cleanup, so we chanted by ourselves from 7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.! Most of the shops close at 8:00 p.m., but we chanted across from a McDonalds that is open 24 hours a day. A lot of young people were hanging out with their friends outside the McDonalds. Several people danced with us for awhile, especially the girls and those of African descent. One drunk middle-aged man spoke favorably about us and played the tambourine with us for about five minutes. A couple girls danced for a couple minutes. I am sure because of going out at a time when we never go out, we encountered people who had not seen the devotees before nor heard the kirtana, and that was Srila Prabhupada’s mercy on his auspicious appearance day.

Since I was leaving the next day for Manchester and would not return till next springwhen Ayan began to drive us downtown for harinama, the devotees chanted Hare Krishna as a going away blessing.

Prema Sankirtana Prabhu even blocked the car.

In general, harinama in Newcastle went nicely for me this year. Prema Sankirtana Prabhu, who is full of enthusiasm, and great at getting people to interact with our party, especially by dancing and also by playing the tambourines, would often come out. Malvika, who has a beautiful voice and lots of enthusiasm, would almost always come out. Bhakta Rasa Prabhu, who has been doing outreach in Newcastle for over twenty years, would try to come out once a week. Ananta Nitai Prabhu, who I had done many, many harinamas in Ireland, kindly came to Newcastle for two weeks and went out almost every day. Satya Medha Gauranga Prabhu is almost always willing to chant in Sunderland during his lunch break, and on Saturday in Newcastle. Also last, but not least, Vrinda and Vishnu Priya periodically invite the harinama parties over to their places for lunch or dinner to serve and to inspire the devotees, which we are always grateful for. Thus Krishna inspired me by giving me a good group of people to chant with there in Newcastle, and I look forward to returning next year and doing harinama with my friends.

A Double Harinama Day

The coach from Newcastle to Liverpool was too expensive so I booked one to Manchester and found an advance purchase ticket on the train from there to Liverpool for £4. I thought of leaving my bags and getting some prasadam at the Manchester temple, but later decided to do harinama for an hour and a half or so with my friend, Gaura Das Prabhu, who does book distribution in Manchester on Fridays. Then in Liverpool before the monthly nama-hatta, I chanted for two and a half hours there. Several people gave donations, most not taking books. A Polish lady who regularly attends the nama-hatta program happened by and bought an Isopanisad and a music CD giving £5. At one point I was so tired from staying up late on Janmastami and Vyasa Puja, I was falling asleep, and I prayed to Lord Caitanya to keep me awake so I could sing. It worked, and I was thus able to continue.

Unexpected Manchester Harinama

Usually the last Saturday of the month we chant in Bolton, but everyone was wiped out from Janmastami and Vyasa Puja or else had other engagements so there were just three of us. Since two of us lived in Manchester, we convinced Vrajendralal Prabhu, our leader from Bolton, to come into Manchester and chant with us there. He brought another devotee, and ultimately more came, and we had eight or nine devotees singing for almost two hours in Manchester on a very beautiful day in a city filled with many people.

Our leader said we passed out more invitations than ever before, although we gave them only to people who showed some signs of interest. A couple of Muslim girls Jagatatma Prabhu gave cards to, chanted the mantra and followed us for a few minutes, a rarity. A few people danced with us, like the ones below.

People at outside cafes showed their appreciation.

I felt that I was instrumental in saving the harinama, which could have easily been canceled due to too few participants.


Srila Prabhupada:

from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya 7.148, purport:

Although Vasudeva Vipra was a leper and had suffered greatly, still, after Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu cured him He instructed him to preach Krishna consciousness. Indeed, the only return the Lord wanted was that Väsudeva preach the instructions of Krishna and liberate all human beings. That is the process of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Each and every member of this Society was rescued from a very abominable condition, but now they are engaged in preaching the cult of Krishna consciousness. They are not only cured of the disease called materialism but are also living a very happy life. Everyone accepts them as great devotees of Krishna, and their qualities are manifest in their very faces. If one wants to be recognized as a devotee by Krishna, he should take to preaching work, following the advice of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Then one will undoubtedly attain the lotus feet of Sri Krishna Caitanya, Lord Krishna Himself, without delay.”

from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya 8.38, purport:

So-called followers of Vedic principles simply accept the Vedas formally, but they act against Vedic principles. This is symptomatic of this Age of Kali. People claim to follow a certain type of religion, saying formally, “I am Hindu,” “I am Muslim,” “I am Christian,” “I am this or that,” but actually no one follows the principles enunciated in religious scriptures. This is the disease of this age. Therefore the merciful Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has simply advised us to chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra:
harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam [Cc. Adi 17.21].
The Lord can deliver anyone and everyone, even though one may have
fallen from the injunctions of revealed scriptures. This is Sri Caitanya
Mahäprabhu’s special mercy. Consequently He is known as patitapavana,
the deliverer of all fallen souls.

from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya 8.83, purport:

Actually one can take shelter of such spiritual mellows only when one is completely uncontaminated by material attachment. When one is completely free from material attachment, the feelings of the transcendental mellows are awakened in the heart of the devotee. That is svarupa-siddhi, the perfection of one’s eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord. Svarupa-siddhi, the eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord, may be situated in any one of the transcendental mellows.

from The Nectar of Instruction, verse 3, purport:

One should not be impatient in Krishna consciousness. Indeed, this Krishna consciousness movement was started single-handedly, and in the beginning there was no response, but because we continued to execute our devotional activities with patience, people gradually began to understand the importance of this movement, and now they are eagerly participating. One should not be impatient in discharging devotional service, but should take instructions from the spiritual master and execute them with patience, depending on the mercy of guru and Krishna.

from The Nectar of Instruction, verse 4, purport:

. . . by chanting the holy names of the Lord we can actually convert many people throughout the world to Krishna consciousness. Contributing or distributing the holy name of the Lord is a sublime example of contributing or giving charity (the dadati principle).

Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami:

from his journal, Viraha Bhavan, “Poem for August 16”:

The Divine Couple
are intoxicated by
Their love for
one another, and their pure devotees
share that happiness through service.”

from Japa Reform Notebook:

"Regarding your question, there is no such requirement that japa should be silently and chanting should be done differently. Loudly or silently, everything is all right. There is no such restriction. Only thing is that we should chant very attentively, hearing the vibration very distinctly."
Letter from Srila Prabhupada to Satsvarupa March 8, 1969

Guru Das Prabhu:
from talks at Trutnov, the Czech Woodstock:
We chant in the spirit of not expecting some result. We chant with a desire to serve Krishna.
Srila Prabhupada wrote eighty books answering the questions, “Who am I?”
“Where am I doing?” and “What am I doing?” While we were sleeping, he was writing.
Those of you who have chanted are taking part in the process. You are interacting not just believing or listening.
We have an individual relationship with Krishna. We want to think of Krishna day and night. When we sing Hare Krishna, Krishna is dancing on our tongue, and Krishna enters our heart, along with the cowherd boys and girls and the peacocks, in His beautiful form.
There are so many things to do and see here, but somehow Krishna has entered your heart, and you have come hear. It is very peaceful here.
When Krishna’s love develops in our heart, we love others.
This is a world of duality, but in Krishna consciousness, we can harmonize the duality. We can become transcendental.
There is no coming down once you experience this. You do not have to look around the corner for some substance.
In the 1960s, some of the leaders understood there is more to music festivals than getting together, hearing music, and getting high. It is to make progress on a spiritual search.
John Lennon and George Harrison chanted Hare Krishna for three days enroute to Morocco.
There is a regulative stage and then a spontaneous stage where life becomes an adventure that will even blow your own mind.

In the 1960s, we were searching for wisdom, American Indian, Buddhist, etc., and when we found it, we would live it. In San Francisco, they would wear their search.
In San Francisco, we put flowers in the policemen’s guns.
The Diggers, who were next to our temple, had free cloths, and they had a coat soaked in LSD, and people who knew would cut pieces off of it and trip all day.
The Be-ins were a place you could be yourself. Everything was free.

Srila Prabhupada taught there is a way to be high from what you have inside. There is a way to be high from plain living and high thinking.
I met the leaders of the counterculture but none were so personally compassionate to me as Srila Prabhupada.

In London, every day we would send something to the Beatles, the story of Prahlada Maharaja, a wind-up apple with Hare Krishna written on it, an apple pie with Hare Krishna written on it. Nothing worked. The Hells Angels planned to break up the Beatles’ office. Then George saw us, and said that he was so glad to finally meet us. We had a friendly relationship with the Hells Angels, and so they decided to desist from causing disturbance when they saw the Beatles were friendly to us.
George was funny. He liked one Monty Python joke. Two people are talking. One says, “We were so poor we slept on the floor.” The other replies, “You had a floor?”
Once George played the Govinda song on a ukulele and it sounded like an orchestra.
The song “Something in the Way She Moves Me” by George Harrison was actually written referring to Krishna, but George thought if he said “Something in the Way He Moves Me” people would have thought he was homosexual. Frank Sinatra says that song was the best love song ever written.
Here the people are willing to make the choice to change. Krishna has guided you here. Thank you for choosing to come here.
Love is Krishna. You always see Krishna with cows, peacocks, trees, etc.
There are two types of love: love where you expect something and love where you do not expect something.
Srila Prabhupada came to share that pure love in his old age, suffering two heart attacks crossing the sea, but he was not discouraged.
I was schooled in the 1960s. We did not just accept what we heard. We wanted to experience it.

It is more effective if you chant in addition to hearing. It is a question of your heart reaching out to God.

How would you like to stay high forever?

When you do not identify yourself with your body, you can connect with everyone in the world.

You are hearing. Many act. Now you can be part of the act. We are not an act. When we were recording with the Beatles, we had to tell the people we are not just an act. We are monks. This is your chance to be a monk for a day.

Jagatatma Prabhu:

The materialists ask God for a way to make their life of hard work for illusory goals comfortable. The impersonalists want to stop the illusory work altogether because they do not know about the sweetness of working for the pleasure of the Lord.

Vaidhi bhaktiis forced, but you have to apply the force. This is voluntary.

The mode of ignorance is compared to wet fuel, the mode of passion is compared to damp fuel, the mode of goodness is compared to dry fuel.

We can help people who want to serve Krishna, but until the people decide themselves that that they really want to serve Krishna, we cannot help them.

I can help you start a fire, but if you are pouring water on it, what can I do?

One of the acaryas describes that Anukula is a name for Radharani and thus anukulyena means to become a servant of Radharani.

As devotees of Krishna, we do not want to go to Vaikunthaloka if Krishna is not there. And as followers of Lord Caitanya we do not want to go unless both Krishna and Radharani are there.

Lord Caitanya is giving us this information that Krishna is not attracted opulent worship but by intimacy. That gives him the most pleasure, and if we are interested in giving Krishna the most pleasure, we must aspire for it.

Krishna was amazed by the love of Radharani and wanting to experience it, He came as Lord Caitanya, and as Lord Caitanya after experiencing that, he wanted to experience the greater ecstasy of serving the gopis in their service of Radha and Krishna. This is described in the Caitanya-caritamrita when Lord Caitanya went into trance and experienced collecting flowers for Radha-Krishna under the direction of the gopis.

In the pastimes of Lord Caitanya, the devotees are always feeling separation from Krishna, and in the pastimes of Krishna, they are experiencing union with Krishna. Because the love in separation is more intense, Lord Caitanya is giving His associates even more love than before. Thus it is called audarya-lila because Lord Caitanya is giving more mercy.

To attain perfection we have to identify with our spiritual situation as a servant of the intimate servants of the Lord and not our situation as a resident of Manchester or wherever.

Acarya Prabhakar, Srila Prabhupada’s first disciple, told an amazing story of Srila Prabhupada at the temple in Chipawada. He heard Srila Prabhupada playing the mrdanga and loudly singing. He came up to Srila Prabhupada’s room, and saw he was wearing a garland of kadamba flowers down to his feet, and they were about four times bigger kadamba flowers than you find around Delhi and had a wonderful fragrance filling the room. And in addition to playing the drum and singing, he was dancing around the room like a madman. Acarya Prabhakar had to wait a while for him to settle down. Srila Prabhupada explained that Krishna had appeared, and had said Prabhupada would be successful in his preaching mission in the West, and that He would personally help him. Then Krishna took His garland and put it around Srila Prabhupada’s neck and disappeared.

Hanuman’s eternal position is servant of Lord Rama and Laksmi is the eternal consort of Lord Narayana. This cannot be changed. It is not that they should aspire to be maidservants of Radha Krishna.

It is described that Lord Narayana is all-pervading yet He does not enter Vrindavan or Dvaraka.

The original Krishna does not kill demons, His aspect as Vasudeva does that work and disappears when it is done.

Lord Caitanya gives even the eternal associates of Krishna something more. Ramananda Raya knew Radha Krishna but Gaura revealed that His form Gaura was a combination of both, which was a new experience for him.

Rasa and prema are not static but can be changed.

Ananta Nitai Prabhu:

If you were in complete control, you would never have an accident. There must be a controller beyond you.

The laws of physics are acting everywhere. It is not that there is just chaos.

Notes on Vyasa Puja Offerings in Newcastle

Krishna-kripa das:

On Vyasa Puja we worship the guru as the representative of Srila Vyasadeva, the compiler of the Vedic literature. It is hard to imagine a greater representative of Srila Vyasadeva than Srila Prabhupada, who translated Vyasa’s ultimate literature, Srimad-Bhagavatam, into English, with relevant commentaries for men of the present age, and who engaged his disciples in translating it to all the important languages of the world, and distributing it to the people in general.

We usually celebrate with offering of flowers (puspanjali), an arati, a feast, and homages.

I am inspired by Srila Prabhupada’s presenting Krishna consciousness as a clear spiritual science without the vagueness often there in other presentations of spiritual ideas.

From my traveling I appreciate how Srila Prabhupada has inspired people in devotion to Krishna all over the world.

I think any of us who have appreciated anything Srila Prabhupada has given should offer some words of appreciation on this day, and to facilitate this I will shut up to allow others time to speak.

Bhakti Rasa Prabhu:

Srila Prabhupada lived at 151 Harrison (Hari’s son) Road in Calcutta in his youth, and many Harrisons, most notably George, have since developed an interest in Krishna.

I was confused about who to accept as a spiritual master, so I prayed to you, Srila Prabhupada, at a guru-pujain Mayapur, “You know your disciples and you know me, please select the person who would be the best guru for me.” Then I came out of the temple, and a devotee was selling his guru’s books right in front of me. His guru was Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami, and I spent my whole brahmacari allowance on his books. By reading them I decided upon Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami as my guru, and I consider that was your direction, Srila Prabhupada.

Ananta Nitai Prabhu:

I had a dream in which Srila Prabhupada, at the top of some stairs, said to turn down the music and to distribute his books, and then at the end I embraced him as a child does his parents, as he came down the stairs. I was very much into mundane music before meeting the devotees and took it that Prabhupada was telling me to give that up. I was already distributing his books, but that sealed my commitment to Srila Prabhupada to keep doing that service.

The first day on the street I collected 34 pence. The next day was not much better, but I persevered, and things improved, and I ultimately found my niche, selling books door to door.

Tribhuvanatha Prabhu inspired me by telling me, “Your service is your lifeline to Krishna.”

If anyone seriously reads Srila Prabhupada’s books, he cannot ignore them.

We are all here because Srila Prabhupada came to give. He did not come to take.

Prema Sankirtana Prabhu:

I am so glad, Srila Prabhupada, that you invited us to be part of Lord Caitanya’s chanting and dancing party.

The bike shop lady who greets our chanting party when we pass her shop, came looking to buy our camper. She saw Jiya, my three-year old daughter, chanting on beads and asked Jiya what she was doing, and Jiya replied, “Japa.” “What’s in the bag?” the lady asked, and Jiya pulled out the beads, and Vishnu-priya, my wife, explained about chanting. The bike shop lady took a test drive of the vehicle, and then asked for five minutes to think about it. She decided to give the full asking price, but wanted one special favor, a set of japabeads. Harinama-sankirtana ki, jaya. Srila Prabhupada ki, jaya!

Ramai Prabhu:

Sometimes people ask me some spiritual doubt, and I remember something from your books, Srila Prabhupada, and I say that, and immediately they are satisfied.

Even your smallest book is fulfilled with unlimited spiritual truth.

That we were all celebrating Janmastami last night with such enthusiasm and happiness is an homage to you, for without you that would not be possible.

Ekacakranatha Prabhu:

Prabhupada, you are the greatest, and everything you are involved with is the greatest, such as the mission of Lord Caitanya and the chanting of the holy name, etc.

Whatever Krishna consciousness a person is able to take, he finds it benefits him.

Vrinda Mataji:

Everyone knows how great Srila Prabhupada is but I will tell one story from last night: One Indian couple came to our temple for the first time after visiting the local Hindu temple, where they had found not much happening on Janmastami. After awhile, they decided to see if anything had started to happen at the Hindu temple, but as they were leaving they asked some questions, like who the Panca-tattva was and why we had them and not Krishna on the altar. I explained about Lord Caitanya and His associates the best I could. Then they asked about the large murti of Srila Prabhupada, and when I told them the amazing story of Srila Prabhupada bringing Krishna consciousness to the West, they decided not to return to the Hindu temple, but stayed to midnight for the final kirtana and the feast after. Srila Prabhupada ki, jaya!

Ganesh Prabhu:

Thank you for allowing me to be an instrument in the development of our program in York, where we had a wonderful program for Janmastami last Saturday attended by 24 people, and during which I felt such ecstasy just by assisting in different ways.


Although I am from Asia, being born in India and living in Malaysia, I encountered Krishna consciousness in Newcastle (England) and thus I am also grateful to you, Srila Prabhupada, for bringing Krishna consciousness to the West.

I find reading books about Srila Prabhupada helps me in my appreciation of Srila Prabhupada’s books.

I began listening to Srila Prabhupada’s conversations while I was cooking, and I was feeling that I was in the room with the conversation.

Anna from Poland:

My mother heard Srila Prabhupada lecture in Poland during communist times, and she chanted Hare Krishna for many years but ultimately stopped. She did not tell me about her involvement with Hare Krishna until after I met the devotees myself. She said chanted when she was pregnant with me and that by the chanting I would calm down. Also when I was a baby, she said I would calm down and when she chanted. That explained why when I first encountered the Hare Krishnas in Poland that the mantra seemed very familiar to me.

One day I sat in the temple in front of Srila Prabhupada and prayed that if it was his desire that I go to India that I wanted to go, although I did not have the funds to go. Later my mom and my step-father told me they wanted to give me a present—a ticket to India. I am sure that was his mercy.

Bhakta Lauris:

I was amazed to hear there was this guy who came from India and spent twelve years in the West, and translated 60 books, and traveled around the world 14 times, and whose first disciples were hippies who were addicted to all kinds of intoxication. I did not see how it was possible, and I was attracted. Thank you for tricking us to become Krishna consciousness. May I always remain so tricked.


naca, gao, bhakta-sange kara sankirtana
krishna-nama upadesi’ tara’ sarva-jana

[Isvara Puri said to his disciple Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu:] ‘My dear child, continue dancing, chanting and performing the congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord] in association with devotees. Furthermore, go out and preach the value of chanting krishna-nama [the holy name of Krishna],for by this process You will be able to deliver all fallen souls.’” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 7.92)

Govinda Damodara Stotra
→ The Spiritual Scientist

09 - Let the tongue be a swan that feasts on the lotus of Krishna’s holy name

25 - Neglect the world for the sake of the Holy Name

56 - The holy name is the shelter beyond pleasure and pain

01 - Pray like Draupadi to replace the finite with the infinite

54 - Krishna is the only sustainably satisfying object of thought

52 - Happiness at our tongue-tips

38 - Chanting offers us an opportunity to reciprocate with Krishna’s expressions of love

Harer Namashtakam (8)
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Persevering till we get taste

Japa forces us to practice bhakti undistractedly

Transform respect for the spiritual master into service to the holy name

We have to make up for lost time, not lose more time

Access the holy name by the mercy of the Bhagavatas

The misfortune of missing the fortune

The fruit of service is the increased desire to serve

Let the world go to the background and let the holy name come the foreground of consciousness

Mukunda Mala Stotra (34)
→ The Spiritual Scientist

32 - Remembrance of Krishna is the greatest achievement and the greatest blessing

32 - The holy name takes us beyond sense control to mind control

32 - The holy name helps us see in life what we hear in scripture

32 - Pay back the tormentors of the mind in their own coin

32 - The holy name enables us to relish the ultimate purpose of existence in this very life

32 - The holy name frees us from fears worse than death

32 - The holy name empowers us to stick to our resolutions

32 - O mind, please drink the medicine of the holy name

32 - Return back to our real life by the grace of the holy name

31 - The mantra that destroys inner enemies

31 - The mantra that bypasses and surpasses the intellect

31 - The mantra that uproots material existence

31 - The spade that digs out the buried treasure

31 - Count the holy names as one counts money for the holy name offers the ultimate enrichment

31 - The mantra that relieves the snakebite of misery

31 - The mantra that brings success in this life and the next

47 - Although i am chanting why am i still suffering?

41 - Countering the poison of the enjoying mentality

38 - Why give up nectar for poison?

26 - Joyfully attain that which is transcendental to transcendence

40 - The holy name de-glamorizes the sense objects

15 - The holy name illuminates our inner landscape

29 - Neglecting the holy name is an invitation for disaster

10 - The remover of misfortune the bestower of fortune

10 - Krishna is competent and eager to reciprocate with us

08 - The lake that rescues from the desert

16 - The only rescue from the waves of material existence

09 - No better happiness than the remembrance of Krishna

17 - The holy name offers us employment with the ultimate master

21 - When scriptural study becomes like crying in the wilderness

21 - When fasting becomes a mere fat reducing exercise

21 - When prescribed duties become like oblations in ashes

21 - When bathing in holy places becomes like an elephant bathing

19 - Redefining our conceptions of greatness

Nector of Instruction (10)
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Preface - Understanding the right attitude for a sadhaka

Text 1 - The need and the means for authentic atonement

Text 1 - How to spiritualize anger in devotional service

Text 1 - The exalted level of the “sharira avidya jala” prayer

Text 2 - Sociological and philosophical reasons to avoid atyahara

Text 2 - Identifying over-endeavor in spiritual life

Text 2 - Three levels of contamination due to asat-sanga

Text 2-3 - Devotional service is not sentimental speculation or imaginative ecstasy

Text 3 - How neglect of regulative principles destroys bhakti

Text 3 - Three directions we may go on deviating from bhakti

Gita Study Pune 2013 (17)
→ The Spiritual Scientist

10.8-18 How the Chatur Shloki is the essence of the Gita

The Yoga Ladder Explained

15.16-16.8 Importance of Tri Shloki Bhagavad-Gita

15.6-15 Two ways to attain Jnana Cakshu

15.1-5 How the material world is comprehensible as well as incomprehensible

14.16-24 How the analysis of the modes leads to Bhakti

14.10-15 Examining the modes in today’s society

14.1-9 The background for the Gita’s discussion of the modes

13.20-35 The Bija Vakya of the Gitas last six chapters

13.8-19 Achintyabhedabheda in the Gita

12.12-20 – The last rung in the Gita’s downward ladder of love

12.1-11 Arjuna’s question refers to Brahmavada not Mayavada

11.47-55 – How Virat Rupa revelation ends in glorification of bhakti

11.28-46 The Frightening Virat Rupa – Kala Rupa

11.1-27 The Magnificent Virat Rupa

10.19-42 How the Vibhutis manifest Krishna’s glory

10.1-7 – Review of the first nine chapters of the Gita

What’s Your Word Worth?
→ TKG Academy

Traditional spelling is giving students lists each week and having them practice the spelling words until each list is memorized.  Newer schools of thought on spelling encourage spelling teachers to look for words that the student misspells in his/her own handwriting.  Yet even other educators have shown that dividing the words under specific rules will also help to re-inforce proper spelling in the oh-so-complicated English language.

In my classroom, I combine many of these practices.  In addition to the Sing Spell Read & Write spelling lists that students practice each week, we make cards of the spelling words they frequently miss in their own handwriting.  This individualizes their spelling instruction.  For kinesthetic and visual learners, we also have a myriad of spelling games to play.  Like anything, the more they see the word, use the word and play with the word, the more its proper spelling becomes concrete in their memory.

One such Spelling Game is “Whats’ Your Word Worth?”  It combines coin facts and simple math with spelling practice!  I just introduced this game to the students last week!   It has quickly become a favorite in the Word Work Section.

When workbook work is complete, the kids grab their list of missed spelling words and practice playing, “Whats Your Word Worth?”  Take a look!



Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

First Day Back

Pointex, Saskatchewan

It’s the first day back at school for elementary kids . After dropping off students, a bus driver pulled over when he saw me. He’s heard of Hare Krishna before. We agreed on mutually praying for each other, even though our approaches to faith are different.

Before the real cold sets in, all kinds of repairs go on. I met a group of workmen on the railway which runs next to Highway 13. Only a ditch lies between the two routes of travel.

“What’s going on?” Asked one of the dozen or so guys with hard hats and red safety jackets.

“It’s a walk, a pilgrimage, the fourth. I chose the quiet highway this time. Hey, do you guys ever sing together, ‘I’ve been working on the railroad’.” That gave a chuckle.

The jolly spokesman said, “We do it when we need to pump each other up.”

“I do a bit of singing, chanting mantras actually, along the way. I’m a Hare Krishna monk, and it’s one of the things we do. Out here in the prairies, you can sing to your hearts content (laughter).”

Down the road, as the late morning wore on, a young rancher in a pick up truck stopped. He had a cowboy hat and the works, “Are you a Hare Krishna?”

“Sure am.”

“Can I get a picture taken with you?”

“Sure.” He got out of his truck and it seemed a thrill for him, like a bronco bustin’ affair.

Another fellow stopped. I had seen him walking his German Sheppard when I walked through the village of Hazenmore. He was so busy keeping his pet at his leash’s control that he hardly had time for me then. Now, in the vehicle, he did.

“You want a ride?” he said in English accent (sorry, I’m the one with the accent being a North American).

I explained to him what I’m up to. He knew about Krishna Consciousness. He wasn’t sure whether to address me with a ‘Hari Hari’. He also expressed he didn’t believe in God, but in religion.

“To each his own,” I said, “but to me, when I see this vast prairie and the gorgeous sky, a beautiful creation, it’s my rationale that there’s some divine intelligence behind it all.”

“I believe in the ‘fohss of naycha’”.

“I also believe in the force of nature, and we call it Bhagavan, Krishna.” It was a pleasure speaking to a guy from England. Finally because it was the first day of school, Daruka, because he’s sharp on these things, contacted the local school in Pointex.

Yes, Chantal, the coordinator for the school said, “You and your monk friend can come in on the last period of the students’ day back.” The kids were adorable, they had questions unlimited.

39 KM

Monday, September 2nd, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Galaxy Trail

Meyronne, Saskatchewan

For starters today, I saw what seemed like a magical trail. My eyes seemed deceived. At 4:20 AM when I hit the pavement, there appeared a parallel route right above me, The Milky Way. It was directly above and it was welcoming.

If I could reach up far enough and thrust myself upside down, I might succeed to walk it. Then I would have a new perspective on things. I could see even better than now, being a small dot in the prairie, how tiny we really are, how insignificant we actually are.

As the sun slowly influenced my momentary dream to trek the heavens to the point of it dissolution, I took seriously to my dark trail again, the asphalt.

Something was moving in the grass, I approached it. A porcupine? No. A skunk. He raised his bushy tail and came forward, actually, right after me. Did I just stand there? No. I ran. He halted and finally retreated. The worst case scenario would be to receive a generous spray from a skunk. Wouldn’t Daruka love to have me in his car stinking like foul mustard oil. Sometime later in the course of the walk, a particularly large garter snake slithered his way toward the highway, to him, I was the skunk, the aggressor. He picked up speed and fled and disappeared into the grass.

Humans. They have standard questions once I explain I’m on a journey to promote pilgrimage.

“Where do you sleep? How do you eat?” Naturally the doubt is there because all they see of me is robes and a pouch for japa beads.

“Campsites mostly, in a tent,” I said. “Simple living, high thinking. Also I have a support person, Daruka, he comes and checks on me once in a while. We have our tent, cooking stove, clothes, and all of our belongings in his car.“ Once the practical concerns are met, the motorist or the person who’s questioning may want to penetrate more deeply and even get philosophical.

For the finale of the day, Daruka, Billy and I left for the home of Lynn from Ogema. There we enjoyed a potluck, discussions about natural living, reincarnation and a session of chanting. Chanting is calming, it always is when you apply yourself.

30 KM

06.32 – Cultivate compassion for the complete being of all living beings
→ The Spiritual Scientist

“Aren’t spiritualists self-centered, being concerned only about their own liberation and not about the elevation of others?” Some people get this question when they see spiritualists spending significant time pursuing their personal spiritual realization.
The Bhagavad-gita (06.32) indicates that the topmost yogis are compassionate – they want to share with everyone all the spiritual joys that have enriched their lives. Significantly, this statement comes at the conclusion of the Gita’s description of the process of ashtanga-yoga, wherein the seeker-yogi retreats from the world to a secluded place (06.10) to focus exclusively on spiritual growth. The context of this statement emphasizes that even for those who have renounced the world, the climax of their realization comes when they become concerned about the world.
The yogis’ concern arises naturally and spontaneously when they recognize that we are all spiritually related as members of the trans-universal family of the one Supreme Being Krishna. We naturally feel concerned about the well-being of our brethren. Spiritual realization expands our conception of our brethren to include all living beings. Without such spiritual realization, our concern for others even if sincerely felt and sensitively expressed, still fails to do the best good for them, for we minister only to their bodies and minds, not to their souls. With spiritual realization, our concern encompasses the complete being of all living beings – their bodies, minds and souls.
And bhakti-yoga, which the Gita endorses conclusively, doesn’t ask us to withdraw from the world, but to act in it to fulfill Krishna’s mission of compassion for all living beings. Additionally, bhakti-yoga doesn’t position compassion only at the peak of spiritual realization, but also integrates it into the process, as the Gita (18.68-69) indicates.
Thus the personal spiritual practices don’t diminish, but deepen, the compassion of the seekers