Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2013-07-22 13:43:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1973
Websites from the ISKCON Universe
Saturday, September 14th, 2013 (11am – 7pm)
The world’s happiest event is just around the corner! On Sat. Sept. 14 2013, the Palace of Gold will host its 2nd annual Festival of Colors. Come and join the fun with hundreds of other lively color-throwing participants. The festival is an exuberant gathering of people united in the desire to celebrate life, where everyone is invited to join in!
Festivities include eight hours of continuous music and jamming, with hourly color throwings. Last year one guest appreciated that “those people at the Festival of Colors sure know how to throw a party!”
The event is perfect for all ages, as witnessed by one father, who confirmed, “My family and I had a great time, and look forward to coming back year after year to ‘celebrate life’ in this special way.”
So mark the date – Saturday, September 14th, 2013 – and invite your friends to come ‘Color your life and throw your worries to the wind!’
More info @
Consciousness: The Missing Link by Radhanath Swami, Talks at Google
Heart attack. Recession. Earthquake. All of us have our fears. Fears that check even choke our energy, making things far more difficult than they need to be.
How do we deal with fear?
Some people increase their wealth or power, hoping that one day they will become so big that no fear will intimidate them. Sadly however, that day never comes. No matter how big they become, their bigness is derived from, even dependent upon, external possessions and positions that they can never fully control. So in a tragic paradox, the bigger they become, the bigger their anxieties become.
To become fear-free, Gita wisdom urges us to become aware of a presence that dwarfs fear – the supreme presence of Krishna.
The Bhagavad-gita (16.01) states that fearlessness is the first characteristic of the godly. This fearlessness is a direct result of their godliness or God consciousness. Krishna presides as the supreme reality in a blissful arena beyond the fear-filled arena of matter. He is bigger than everything – even the biggest problem that life presents. And he makes available his supreme intelligence and grace to all those who seek it by becoming conscious of their eternal loving relationship with him.
By prayerful daily meditation and regular scriptural study, we too can tune our consciousness to become aware of the divine presence of Krishna within and without. This doesn't cause problems to disappear, but it takes away the power of problems send us on flights of nightmarish fantasy. Our emotions instead of being agitated by the problem’s presence become reassured by awareness of Krishna’s presence. Thus we become free to tackle the situation intelligently and productively.
Thus, even while living in a fearful world with a fear-prone, we can live fearlessly.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Fearlessness; purification of one’s existence; cultivation of spiritual knowledge; charity; self-control; performance of sacrifice; study of the Vedas; austerity – these transcendental qualities, O son of Bharata, belong to godly men endowed with divine nature.
Last Chance The last chance to hear from Devamrita swami this visit will be this Sunday 18th August at 5pm. So make it a date. As a world traveller & international author, Devamrita swami is the kind of person to hear from if you really want to gain wisdom & strength to pursue “out of the box” goals [...]
The post INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER appeared first on The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland.
From Saipriya
Does Lord Krishna help devotees when they face challenges in school with teachers, bullying by classmates and friends?
To hear the answer podcast, please click here
From Jacob P
One place Srila Prabhupada is saying that sahajias are much much better than mayavadis and that they are devotees.
To hear the answer podcast, please click here
From Jacob P
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 29 April 2013, Radhadesh, Belgium, Caitanya Caritamrta, Adi Lila 9.46)
Not only are we taking shelter of Krsna, but we also let Krsna lead our way. Krsna has placed us in a particular position
karmaṇā daiva-netreṇa
jantur dehopapattaye
We are not only taking birth by our karma, but also by divine arrangement. Karmaṇā daiva-netreṇa – it is also by the arrangement of Krsna that we find ourselves in a particular situation. And a certain amount of acceptance of our destiny is required.
“Well, you know, this is what came my way, and I’ll just roll with it. I will not get into too much of anxiety about my condition of life. I don’t need to turn everything upside down to try and make some sort of arrangement by which I will get a better life.”
All that energy should not go towards the material arrangement. All that energy should go towards our service for Krsna. In so far as our material arrangement is concerned, we accept what comes naturally, what comes …karmaṇā daiva-netreṇa .. by karma and by divine arrangement.
We see that the tree is a symbol of acceptance and we must also accept our destiny. A tree has no choice – it cannot run away. We also must accept, must be tolerant and generous
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 29 April 2013, Radhadesh, Belgium, Caitanya Caritamrta, Adi Lila 9.46)
Not only are we taking shelter of Krsna, but we also let Krsna lead our way. Krsna has placed us in a particular position
karmaṇā daiva-netreṇa
jantur dehopapattaye
We are not only taking birth by our karma, but also by divine arrangement. Karmaṇā daiva-netreṇa – it is also by the arrangement of Krsna that we find ourselves in a particular situation. And a certain amount of acceptance of our destiny is required.
“Well, you know, this is what came my way, and I’ll just roll with it. I will not get into too much of anxiety about my condition of life. I don’t need to turn everything upside down to try and make some sort of arrangement by which I will get a better life.”
All that energy should not go towards the material arrangement. All that energy should go towards our service for Krsna. In so far as our material arrangement is concerned, we accept what comes naturally, what comes …karmaṇā daiva-netreṇa .. by karma and by divine arrangement.
We see that the tree is a symbol of acceptance and we must also accept our destiny. A tree has no choice – it cannot run away. We also must accept, must be tolerant and generous
From His kingdom the Personality of Godhead sends His bona fide servants to propagate this message by which one can return to Godhead, and sometimes the Lord comes Himself to do this work. Since all living beings are His beloved sons, His parts and parcels, God is more sorry than we ourselves to see the sufferings we are constantly undergoing in this material condition.
In 1969 I bought the Radha Krishna record and a year later a book from a devotee in London. In 1973 I got a job in the British Museum and started going to Bury Place regularly for lunch. This was the original London temple before Soho St. My boyfriend and I went to stay at Bhaktivedanta Manor in November 1973. By wonderful arrangement Srila Prabhupada was there. I remember the first morning he came in, as the Govinda prayers started playing, the curtains opened and we all bowed down in front of the Deities with him. It was so overwhelming that I cried. We attended his morning lectures, gave him flowers and went to the airport with him when he had to leave and sat by his feet chanting.
Soon after that we moved to Lancaster and for a year distributed books and had Sunday programmes. We stayed with Ranchor Das Prabhu in Manchester a couple of times, and Rebatinandana Swami and several devotees stayed with us for a few days. In late 1974 I became the first English girl to become a life member and had a meeting with Srila Prabhupada in his room at the Manor with other life members.
Moving back to Essex, I met then married Martin in 1979. We had three children (Ross, Joseph and Lauren) and run a small farm together. We couldn’t get to the temple much for the next few years till my eldest son Ross learnt to drive and was able to take us to the Manor regularly, which we still do. We have made many dear friends there, and appreciate their precious association. We also go to Soho Street temple when we can, and also have lovely friends there. The devotees at both temples have always made us most welcome and inspire us to progress in Krishna Consciousness.
I joined the Mayapur TV online Morning Program in November 2007 and have hardly missed a day since and really consider it an important part of our lives. Ross, Lauren and my two grandchildren (Mia and Samuel) also attend the programs. Lauren and I log in at 4:30am so have 4 hours association with devotees each day which has helped our spiritual progress greatly. The relationships we have developed with the devotees who come online regularly are deep, loving and also great fun! It is a life-line for people like us who are far from the temples.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all the devotees!
My two brothers and I grew up learning about Krishna and going to the Manor occasionally. My mother had been going there since 1973 but we couldn’t get there often. Her friend Jagatam and her son Nimai came to visit us and I loved being with them.
It wasn’t till my older brother Ross began to drive and take us there every other week and for festivals that I really got to learn more and make lots of friends and now I love going there more than anything.
Mum and I go on the Morning Programme each day from 4:30 am till the end of class at 8:30 and that is the most important time of the day for us.
Hari bol!
Left to right starting from the back: Joseph, Martin, Ross, Sam, Julia, Mia, Lauren.
If you wish to contribute your story, please try to limit it to 2 pages as Julia and others have done. Thanks. Ed.
(With apologies for late publication – Ed)
Please see the letter below from Govardhan devi dasi, Prabhupad disciple, about this new weekly group starting Saturday 13th April!
If you live in or near York and would like to do some service, please print, cut into four and distribute this leaflet, to counters in and around York.
Hare Krishna!
ISKCON Yorkshire has a new branch of Nama Hatta opening in York at the Quaker Meeting House, Friargate, York City Centre.
We’ll meet from 6 to 8pm every Saturday, after doing some Harinam in town each week.
Our first meeting is on Saturday 13th April, and on that day the Harinam will be headed up by His Holiness Dayananda Swami, meeting at 2.30pm in the Castle Car Park.
We hope to see many visitors and guest speakers – you will all be given a very warm welcome!
You can email us at
Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada,
Govardhan dd
Please click this link if you wish to print flyers york poster x4
Nottingham, 1st April 2013. A bunch of fools? No, a team of devotees and non-devotees run around like ants – sweeping, mopping, screwing tables together, and putting final licks of paint… you get the picture! In the background, leaflets are being distributed, Govinda’s is appearing on websites, word is getting around.
The decor’s gorgeous – clean, relaxing colours, Govinda pic on the left wall, a lovely one in front of the kitchen of Srila Prabhupada cooking. Other pics, banners – it’s all very tasteful.
2nd April, late morning: a few more finishing touches and hey presto, in walk the first two customers, Glenis and Mick. They laugh as someone asks if it’s ok to put them on the Internet and tuck in happily to plates piled high with prasadum from the all-you-can eat buffet. They’ve been walking by every day, waiting for Govinda’s to open.
Local vegans are on Cloud Nine: there was nowhere much for them to go, now look at all the vegan options! And Salendria, Prabhupad disciple and Head Cook, is happy to pop out of the kitchen and explain to those on special diets, in fact anyone who asks, what the ingredients are.
Trade is really good on day one and climbs daily. The friendly little team seem as happy as the customers and, a few days later, so are the Nama Hatta devotees, comparing notes and realising that Govinda’s has provided everyone with plenty of service this week.
Please see Govinda’s Nottingham Facebook site for pics and up-to-date information and comments.
Govinda’s Nottingham ki Jai!
Please see this site for details of upcoming Ekadasi dates:
and this one for lots and lots of information about Ekadasi:
Please send all submissions to
If you are sending your story, please try to keep it to 2 pages of A4. Thank you.
(A nudge when you are on MTV to remind me to check this email will ensure a quicker reply!)
KUALA LUMPUR - Led kirtan for the first time ever during Aindra prabhu's tribute yesterday in Sri Jagannatha Mandir, Kuala Lumpur :) Thank you Aindra prabhu, for giving us the incredible oppurtunity to relish in such awesome kirtans and for a wonderful experience like no other ! You're truly such an inspiration, and you'll always live on in your beautiful and amazing self-composed melodies of the Holy Name. All due to the mercy of studying in Mayapur.
Nrsimha Caturdasi in Mayapur - My blood-splattering partner-in-crime ! Had a blast working with the M-Yes crew for the Nrsimha Vijaya drama ! It was so fun being a demon/cliff/snake/guard lol. Oh and of course the highlight of it all, getting my mouth ripped apart by Nrsimhadev while vomitting blood and tumbling off stage to my death
Visit by mum during Gaura Purnima 2013 - My mother and I share a very close and initimate relationshop. Other than the obvious mother daughter relationship, we also tend to treat each other like best friends. We share and exchange personal stories and experiences about our lives with one another. She also helps me face my problems and give me good advice. She has been my pillar of strength and support through the ups and downs of my life. As a mum, she knows her duties of instilling moral values in me and always make sure I practice them. My mum always says that respect is earned when you learn to respect others and I think that is the basis of our relationship..
Acted as Krishna for Sri Mayapur International School's Open Day
Janmastami in Mayapur
The Monday night BHAJANS at Yamuna’s house will be combined, instead, with a home program at Gopa and Damodara’s house.
Guest Speaker: His Grace Bhakti Vasudeva Maharaja, from Nigeria, a disciple of His Holiness Bhaktitirtha Swami
at 6:00 PM