(this blog is recorded on the full page: quick time player needed; works best with Firefox or Explorer)
Shri Nrisimhadeva's appearance is one of my favorite holy days. His lila is so illuminating and important. Though I wanted to prepare this offering by the actual day, it wasn't meant to be--occurrences and other duties diverted me--and yet, that is also part of the teaching: to see everything in relationship to God and to keep a humble service mood throughout. Whether pulling weeds and planting, or having one's car battery die--everything is instructive. In this case, reminding me to keep my devotional creeper free of "weeds", and that I must recharge my batteries with spiritual practice. May the fire of spiritual life burn brightly in our hearts and souls!
Unusual life events
intersect with special days
strange creatures prepare us
emerging from the ground
shedding their skins to fly
teaching us to transform
if we want to dwell in the sky
realizing our true self
keeping our purpose in mind
always vibrating the primal sound
the great chant for deliverance
17 year cicada’s ballad serenades
Lord Nrisimhadeva’s appearance.
Eerie sounds like alien starships
reminding us of the extraordinary
half man, half lion incarnation
(this blog is recorded on the full page: quick time player needed; works best with Firefox or Explorer)
Shri Nrisimhadeva's appearance is one of my favorite holy days. His lila is so illuminating and important. Though I wanted to prepare this offering by the actual day, it wasn't meant to be--occurrences and other duties diverted me--and yet, that is also part of the teaching: to see everything in relationship to God and to keep a humble service mood throughout. Whether pulling weeds and planting, or having one's car battery die--everything is instructive. In this case, reminding me to keep my devotional creeper free of "weeds", and that I must recharge my batteries with spiritual practice. May the fire of spiritual life burn brightly in our hearts and souls!
Unusual life events
intersect with special days
strange creatures prepare us
emerging from the ground
shedding their skins to fly
teaching us to transform
if we want to dwell in the sky
realizing our true self
keeping our purpose in mind
always vibrating the primal sound
the great chant for deliverance
17 year cicada’s ballad serenades
Lord Nrisimhadeva’s appearance.
Eerie sounds like alien starships
reminding us of the extraordinary
half man, half lion incarnation
INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS Founder-Ācārya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda Day 1 – Mid-morning Lecture Given By His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami – Uddhava-gītā Retreat – Gita-Nagari US, 30 May 2013 His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami: So everyone is nicely situated? Ready for the second session? Did you all have nice breakfast? […]
Our summer continues to get busier as we welcome Uttama and Partha prabhus to Toronto this week! Their visit is in a series from the Grihastha Vision Team (GVT) that is focused on educating and preparing members of the community towards spiritually married life as well as supporting strong family connections.
They will be facilitating seminars and events throughout the next week geared towards those entering married life as well as be available for private consultation.
Schedule (subject to change):
Saturday, June 1st:
1:00pm - 4:30pm: "How not to Marry a Jerk" Seminar ***Attendees: please bring your own notebook as you will need it for exercises!***
6:30pm - 8:30pm: Evening Event for Singles
Sunday, June 2nd:
6:30pm - 7:15pm: Sunday Feast Class
Monday, June 3rd: 6:30pm - 8:30pm: Man to Man/ Woman to Woman Sessions for Single Devotees
Wednesday, June 5th: 6:30pm - 8:30pm: Couples Evening - "The Five Love Languages"
Thursday, June 6th:
6:30pm - 8:30pm: Man to Man/ Woman to Woman Sessions for Everyone
For more information, please contact Yogendra das. We hope you can join us for what will be an informative week!
Our summer continues to get busier as we welcome Uttama and Partha prabhus to Toronto this week! Their visit is in a series from the Grihastha Vision Team (GVT) that is focused on educating and preparing members of the community towards spiritually married life as well as supporting strong family connections.
They will be facilitating seminars and events throughout the next week geared towards those entering married life as well as be available for private consultation.
Schedule (subject to change):
Saturday, June 1st:
1:00pm - 4:30pm: "How not to Marry a Jerk" Seminar ***Attendees: please bring your own notebook as you will need it for exercises!***
6:30pm - 8:30pm: Evening Event for Singles
Sunday, June 2nd:
6:30pm - 7:15pm: Sunday Feast Class
Monday, June 3rd: 6:30pm - 8:30pm: Man to Man/ Woman to Woman Sessions for Single Devotees
Wednesday, June 5th: 6:30pm - 8:30pm: Couples Evening - "The Five Love Languages"
Thursday, June 6th:
6:30pm - 8:30pm: Man to Man/ Woman to Woman Sessions for Everyone
For more information, please contact Yogendra das. We hope you can join us for what will be an informative week!
INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS Founder-Ācārya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda Day 1- Introduction Lecture on Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Canto 11, Chapter 7, Text 7 Given By His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami – Uddhava-gītā Retreat – Gita-Nagari US, 30 May 2013 His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami: Did you all have a good rest? Devotees: Yes. His […]
Death is literally and symbolically morbid meaning it represents cessation of everything we experience, hence people say death is cruel. The scriptures say there is only one way to conquer over death, and that is to take shelter of Krishna who is also referred as Ajita. Ajita means one who can never be conquered by anything including death. Krishna is also referred as Swarat which means He is supremely independent not subjected to death. So by taking shelter of such an individual, we also can conquer death.
I was listening to Prabhupada lecture and found the below narration highly inspirational hence sharing here.
So mrtyu, death, is stopped as soon as you take Krsna consciousness very seriously, immediately, from that moment, as soon as you are initiated. You promise before the spiritual master, "Yes, I am initiated, I shall act like this," and if you follow, then your death is stopped from that point. No more death. No more death. Simply an official business, just like you sleep and again you awake, similarly, a devotee's death is like that. It is like sleeping, and next moment in the spiritual kingdom, immediately. Immediately. When he will rise, he will see that "I am with Krsna." This is the fact!
Srila Prabhupada Lecture - Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.16.8 -- Los Angeles, January 5, 1974
Death is literally and symbolically morbid meaning it represents cessation of everything we experience, hence people say death is cruel. The scriptures say there is only one way to conquer over death, and that is to take shelter of Krishna who is also referred as Ajita. Ajita means one who can never be conquered by anything including death. Krishna is also referred as Swarat which means He is supremely independent not subjected to death. So by taking shelter of such an individual, we also can conquer death.
I was listening to Prabhupada lecture and found the below narration highly inspirational hence sharing here.
So mrtyu, death, is stopped as soon as you take Krsna consciousness very seriously, immediately, from that moment, as soon as you are initiated. You promise before the spiritual master, "Yes, I am initiated, I shall act like this," and if you follow, then your death is stopped from that point. No more death. No more death. Simply an official business, just like you sleep and again you awake, similarly, a devotee's death is like that. It is like sleeping, and next moment in the spiritual kingdom, immediately. Immediately. When he will rise, he will see that "I am with Krsna." This is the fact!
Srila Prabhupada Lecture - Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.16.8 -- Los Angeles, January 5, 1974
GITA COACHING: IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A NEW ...: What Would Your Future Look Like if You Spent Some Days Reinventing Your Life? If you’re looking for a new level of success and achieveme...
GITA COACHING: IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A NEW ...: What Would Your Future Look Like if You Spent Some Days Reinventing Your Life? If you’re looking for a new level of success and achieveme...
In this episode H.H. Giriraj Swami talks about Stephen Covey‘s concept of maturity as the “balance between courage and consideration” (win-win). He shows how we need to look after ourselves if we want to keep helping others. To learn more about His Holiness Giriraja Swami visit: http://www.girirajswami.com/ Other topics in this episode: Hear more about […]
In this episode H.H. Giriraj Swami talks about Stephen Covey‘s concept of maturity as the “balance between courage and consideration” (win-win). He shows how we need to look after ourselves if we want to keep helping others.
To learn more about His Holiness Giriraja Swami visit:
A photo album of 4 days of ecstatic bliss chanting the holy names with 700 devotees at the Sadhu Sanga Retreat in Austin, Texas. With some of ISKCON’s best kirtaneers the Maha Mantra was flowing like an endless river of nectar.
Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 9, No. 8 By Krishna-kripa das (April 2013, part two)
New York City, London, Amsterdam (Sent from Newcastle upon Tyne, England, on May 28, 2013)
Where I Went and What I Did
I lot happened in the second half of April, and it is a challenge to recount it, what to speak of illustrating it!
After leaving Gainesville, Trevor and I flew from Jacksonville to New York. I did harinama in Brooklyn and Manhattan for several days, while Trevor joined the Manhattan party for what is turning out to be the entire summer! Each day, after chopping vegetables for Radha Govinda for two hours, I would chant with Nruhari Prabhu in Brooklyn for an hour in the morning and then chant with Rama Raya Prabhu’s harinama party at Union Square or different subway stations in Manhattan in the late afternoon for four hours. Our Rama-navami harinama in Manhattan was memorable, and I share pictures and videos of it. I also joined Atma Nivedana Prabhu and his wife and their team of devotees who chant and distribute books in their sankirtanafestival in Union Square one Saturday a month from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. I went to Albany for a day and a half, sharing maha sweets from Radha Govinda with the members of my Quaker meeting there, cooking a nice prasadam dinner with and for my family, and visiting Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami and his assistants the next day for lunch. On April 23, I flew to London where I did harinama and gave lectures for a few days before going with Parasurama Prabhu’s party to the Queen’s Day harinama, which was better than ever. While in the UK, I chanted with the Hare Krishna festival team in Reading and Slough, two new cities for me, and one day I attended record number of five harinamas in London. I also chanted on the ferry between England and France, which I hardly ever do.
I have great quotes from Srila Prabhupada’s books, a quote by Kavicandra Swami, and a few quotes from the blog and books of Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami. There are also some valuable realizations from devotees in the London Yatra, including some great quotes about dancing.
Thanks to Kavicandra Swami for his photos from Queen’s Day, Atma-Nivendana Prabhu, Rasika Gopi Devi Dasi, and Bhaktin Zina for their pictures of harinamas in New York City, and a very special thanks again to Srikar Prabhu, who bought me the camera I used to take the pictures in Europe and a few of the pictures and all the videos in New York. Thanks also to Matt Hollingsworth for putting his video of us chanting in the United Kingdom on YouTube.
Harinamas in New York
The very day we arrived from Florida, Trevor and I went out on harinama at Union Square. Trevor led some of the time, playing the harmonium.
There are always people attracted to participate in harinamas, especially in a big city like New York. This chap in the picture below sat on his skateboard as he grooved on the transcendental sound.
Another evening in Union Square, some kids danced in front of our party.
Below, in Grand Central Subway Station, a small girl danced in a circle with her father, as devotees and passersby smiled.
The devotees were so fired up on Rama Navami! Usually we chant from 4 to 8 p.m. but on that day we started before 4 p.m. and went on to 8:45 p.m., when many of us went to the Rama Navami celebration at Radha Govinda Mandir. Our venue for the harinama was the Delancey Street subway station where people wait for the uptown “F” train and where the party often chants on Fridays. There is a mural behind where the devotees sit of a more natural scene, a touch of goodness there amidst the dinginess of the subway station.
I would stand on the far side and dance,
ready to distribute a flyer to an interested person.
At the height, we had seventeen devotees chanting.
Some people would move with the music as they passed by.
Near the end about seven devotees were dancing, as you can see the video below:
Prominent was Ray who is known for dancing with the devotees on occasion and who seemed to be an impetus to get the others going.
She has a lot of natural dancing enthusiasm as you can see in the video below:
One new boy who is now a regular chanter invited a girl he knew to come for the first time, and she was telling me how much she liked it. Later that boy said she was a friend from high school that he rarely sees, and it was fortunate that she came on harinamaand liked it.
Saturday was the Monthly Sankirtana Festival organized by Atma-Nivedana Prabhu and his wife Subhangada Devi. They have a Bhagavad-gita class at 26 2ndAvenue every Saturday evening, and once a month their congregation gets together and chants and distributes Srila Prabhupada’s books at Union Square from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. You can see they get a good group of people participating. In the picture below, Kaliya Krishna Prabhu, who has helped greatly in funding my harinama trips to New York and other places and who sings lively tunes, is playing harmonium and leading.
In the picture below, Nruhari Prabhu, who has a summer harinama program based in Brooklyn, and who I chanted with there this time for an hour a day, is leading. During the thick of the summer he goes out in Brooklyn for two or three hours midday with a whole party of devotees.
So one who is ambitious could chant with Nruhari Prabhu and his party at midday and then join Rama Raya Prabhu and his party at Union Square in the late afternoon, and have a great program of seven hours of harinama per day, just like in ISKCON’s good old days.
You can see in the picture below, even on Saturday, there are quite a lot of people at Union Square.
Later Saturday night, my friend Michael Collins from Gainesville, who has a lot of musical talent and a powerful voice, came and led the singing. It it wonderful that activity of sharing the chanting brings us together a thousand miles from where we met.
One time on harinama in Brooklyn, one lady was very inquisitive about the blue person appearing on our invitation. She said He came to her in dreams and would take her places by flying. I explained that was Krishna, and I encouraged her to visit our temple where we had many paintings of Him on the walls, and a vegetarian restaurant. She gave a positive indication when I mentioned vegetarian food, and I hope she will come by the temple, which is just a block from where we were standing. It is rare to encounter people who are not devotees who have dreams of Krishna.
One day I was walking back to the temple after shopping, and an Afro American gentleman asked if we still had the place on Schermerhorn in Brooklyn and said that he remembered seeing Boy George there many years ago and that he was surprised by his great height. I explained that Boy George was indeed interested in Hare Krishna, although I did not know he visited the Brooklyn temple. Later that day on harinama in Manhattan someone else asked if we still had the temple in Brooklyn with its free Sunday and Wednesday programs, and I explained that we did, and we also had a restaurant Monday through Friday. It was nice to see there are fans of the Brooklyn temple wandering the streets of New York.
Harinamas in Great Britain
Although Sri Sri Radha-Londonisvara Temple, ISKCON Soho Street, already did more chanting on the street than most other temples, I found to my great surprise and delight that during the winter, they had increased the program. Now there is harinama between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. in addition to the usual afternoon harinama from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Besides this, Bhaktin Erzsebet, who has incredible enthusiasm for harinama and book distribution, often chants with her friends on the streets in the evenings. One time I went with Erzsebet and her friends, and some people videoed us and put it on YouTube. The title they gave for the video was “The Best Job in the World.” It reminded me of how Lord Caitanya describes the congregational chanting as “the prime benediction for humanity at large.” Certainly sharing the prime benediction for humanity at large is the best job in the world!
London is great because you can easily do five or six hours of harinama each day in London just by participating in these existing programs. And all that without mentioning the super ecstatic Saturday night harinama!
In addition to the harinamas, London is a great place for speaking opportunities as well. Thursday I got to go on three harinamas and give two lectures. On Friday, I got to go on five harinamas and give a lecture about Lord Caitanya at the Matchless Gifts in King’s Cross. The kirtana at that program was very lively with one devotee playing a bass clarinet and a regular attender playing the saxophone. As I am not much of a musician, usually I do not so much appreciate the contributions of the additional instrumentalists, but in this case they seemed to add a lot to the kirtana and made the music sound more professional and more alive. On Saturday with the team who arranges Hare Krishna Festivals in different parts of the UK and advertises them, I went on two harinamas, one in Reading and one in Slough.
Then I joined the famous Saturday night harinama in downtown London where lots of people enjoy interacting with the Hare Krishnas. Let me show you some pictures of the people dancing with the devotees. See how happy they are:
On the boat to France enroute to Amsterdam for Queen’s Day, I took my harmonium out our van in case there were an opportunity to play it. During the journey, I went out on the no-smoking deck with my harmonium, and I was talking with my friends when a small Indian-looking girl asked if I could play her some music. I was overjoyed that Krishna had created an opportunity for me, and I chanted the Hare Krishna mantra five times, in the usual call and response fashion with my friends. The girl and her brothers and sisters, all older than her, smiled and clapped along. Her brother asked if I had met His Divine Grace Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. I explained that I met the Hare Krishnas in 1979 but Prabhupada left this world in 1977, so I had not. The young man explained how he had read Prabhupada’s Life Comes from Life and that he gained the conviction the theory of evolution is incorrect. The family was from The Hague in Holland and was originally from Surinam, the home of many Indian immigrants, including their forefathers. I told the brother about our book Forbidden Archeology which shows how much evidence contradicts the theory of human evolution and gave them my card so I could tell them of our programs in The Hague.
Queen’s Day Harinama
Kadamba Kanana Swami brought three buses of devotees from Radhadesh to attend the Queen’s Day harinama in Amsterdam this year, an increase from two in past years. We chanted from 11 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., or just over 6 hours on the streets and an additional hour and a quarter during our break for lunch, etc. There were lots of lively kirtana leaders, including Kadamba Kanana Swami himself.
Kavicandra Swami danced beautifully in the kirtana.
Parasurama Prabhu’s rickshaw, with his Gaura Nitai deities, and a great sound system added a lot.
Many, many onlookers danced with us, and some of them sang as well.
People were happier than I ever see people being.
Many took pictures.
Some clapped to the beat.
Many danced in pairs, swinging their partners.
The devotees formed an arch of paired devotees, and then passed through the arch from one end to the other. Many of the onlookers joined and had a great time.
One new devotee, Alexandra, who had met the devotees in Mayapur on a Indian tour by her yoga teacher Raghunatha, was visiting her relatives in Amsterdam and happened to see our Hare Krishna tent and join in the final harinama.
I think that of the six Queen’s Day harinamas I participated in, this was the best one because of the number of devotees and the enthusiasm of onlookers to participate. There was also plenty of prasadam for the devotees, which always helps.
As far as I understand, now that there is a King of the Netherlands, next year there will be a King’s Day instead, in April just a few days before the end of the month, and we hope we can get together and share the joy of chanting with thousands of people again then.
Devaprastha Prabhu made a video of Queen’s Day this year:
May 29 – Sheffield
May 30 – Preston
June 1–2 – London
June 2 – Leeds
June 3–5 – Newcastle
June 6–8 – Bhaktivedanta Manor
June 9 – London Ratha-yatra
June 10–13 – London
June 14–15 – Brighton
June 16 – Croydon Ratha-yatra, Crawley program
June 17–20 – Newcastle
June 21 – Stonehenge Solstice Festival
June 22–23 – Birmingham 24-hour kirtana
June 24–July 20 – mostly in the United Kingdom
July 21–26 – Lithuanian festival
July 30–August 4 – Polish Woodstock
August 10 – Bratislava
August 12–15 – German Kirtan Mela
August 15–18 – Czech Woodstock (Trutnov)
late August – London
September – New York City
October – November – Gainesville
December – New York City
Srila Prabhupada:
from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila 17.78, purport:
“The members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness cannot even call themselves brahma-bandhus. Therefore our only means for satisfying Krishna is to pursue the injunctions of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who says:
yare dekha, tare kaha ‘krishna’-upadesa
amara ajñaya guru hañatara’ ei desa
‘Whomever you meet, instruct him on the teachings of Krishna. In this way, on My order, become a spiritual master and deliver the people of this country.’ (Cc. Madhya 7.128) Simply trying to follow the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, we speak to the people of the world about Bhagavad-gita As It Is. This will make us qualified to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna.”
from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila 17.88, purport:
“On principle, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu would distribute prasadam at the end of kirtana performances. Similarly, the members of the Krishna consciousness movement must distribute some prasadam to the audience after performing kirtana.”
from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila 17.141, purport:
“The Krishna consciousness movement is not a sentimental religious movement; it is a movement for the reformation of all the anomalies of human society. If people take to it seriously, discharging this duty scientifically, as ordered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the world will see peace and prosperity instead of being confused and hopeless under useless governments.”
from The Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 48:
“It is to be understood that any person who is constantly engaged in chanting the holy names of the Lord—Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare—has attained a transcendental affection for Krishna, and as such, in any condition of life, he remains satisfied simply by remembering the Lord’s name in full affection and ecstatic love.”
from The Nectar of Devotion, Introduction:
“The author of Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu, Srila Rupa Gosvami, very humbly submits that he is just trying to spread Krishna consciousness all over the world, although he humbly thinks himself unfit for this work. That should be the attitude of all preachers of the Krishna consciousness movement, following in the footsteps of Srila Rupa Gosvami. We should never think of ourselves as great preachers, but should always consider that we are simply instrumental to the previous acaryas, and simply by following in their footsteps we may be able to do something for the benefit of suffering humanity.”
“From the date of initiation by the spiritual master, the connection between Krishna and a person cultivating Krishna consciousness is established. Without initiation by a bona fide spiritual master, the actual connection with Krishna consciousness is never performed.”
“As long as one identifies himself as belonging to a certain family, a certain society or a certain person, he is said to be covered with designations. When one is fully aware that he does not belong to any family, society or country, but is eternally related to Krishna, he then realizes that his energy should be employed not in the interests of so-called family, society or country, but in the interests of Krishna. This is purity of purpose and
the platform of pure devotional service in Krishna consciousness.”
from Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.28.12, purport:
“Now people are very busy trying to find petroleum in the midst of the ocean. They are very anxious to make provisions for the future petroleum supply, but they do not make any attempts to ameliorate the conditions of birth, old age, disease and death. Thus a person in ignorance, not knowing anything about his own future life, is certainly defeated in all his activities.”
from Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.28.16, purport:
“At the time of death both patient and physician still think of prolonging life, although all the constituents of the body are practically dead and gone.”
from Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.28.18, purport:
“If one thinks of his wife instead of Krishnaat the time of death, he will certainly not return home, back to Godhead, but will be forced to accept the body of a woman and thus begin another chapter of material existence.”
Kavicandra Swami:
If we stay alone we will not develop the good qualities like humility, tolerance, and compassion that are necessary for going back to Godhead. We will simply become proud and hard-hearted. Although Haridas Thakura chanted so much in seclusion, he also shared Krishna consciousness with others. If he had just chanted in a secluded place, the representatives of the king would not have taken the trouble to punish him.
Satsvarupa Dasa Gosvami:
from his journal, Viraha Bhavan, for April 15, 2013:
‘“Of all the orders of the spiritual master, the instruction to chant sixteen rounds is the most essential,’ wrote Prabhupada. We have taken a solemn vow at the time of our initiation. We learn to chant avoiding the ten offenses and then the whole panorama of Krishna’s fame, qualities, pastimes and Krishna Himself is revealed to us. Who is such a fool that he will not take to the chanting and hearing of the holy names?”
“I’ll go down and join the others for lunch today. Eating alone is good as occasional relief. I like to be with the devotees even if it causes a certain strain because it’s my duty to sit with them and hear the Bhagavatam and then personal conversations. I want to please and serve them by my presence.”
from CC Asraya:
“As the feeling of hunger is the sign of a healthy body, so a live desire to hear the holy word is the surest mark of a soul’s good health.”
“Our reading of scripture is not reading for the sake of reading. It is reading for the sake of listening to Him who loves us.”
“When we listen to someone we first of all have to pay attention to him, and not to whatever else may be going on around us.”
“Sitting in rows in the courtyard, the many Bengali devotees honored prasadam.Svarapa Damodara and other great devotees took charge of distributing the prasadam. Not that Svarupa Damodara insisted on eating first, alone with Lord Caitanya. Service.”
from One Hundred Prabhupada Poems:
“While talking to a roomful of devotees yesterday I discovered that Srila Prabhupada was a perfect psychologist. He assured us that we were fortunate and happy. We have given up sinful life and attained Krishna consciousness so no one should be despondent. But Prabhupada also made it clear we are not Vaisnavas but servants of the Vaisnavas. A pure devotee is very rare. He was expert and did it subtly so no one noticed how— giving us confidence and humility at the same time. And what he gave we accepted.”
from a Rama Navami lecture:
“In an allegory you have a story that has a higher meaning but with the pastimes of the Lord the Supreme Lord is the highest truth, so it is not allegory.”
Murli Manohara Prabhu:
Bhagavad-gita has been relevant, is presently relevant, and will continue to be relevant.
There is movie called Singing in the Rain, but who do you see singing in the rain? It is only the Hare Krishnas, isn’t?
Animals have more acute senses than we have, for example, an eagle can see its prey from a mile in the sky. You will not, however, see a group of penguins inquiring about the Absolute Truth. That is our human gift. Not that we have attained the human form to shop on Oxford Street.
Q: Why are the men and women separate in your temple?
A: Actually, formerly even in this country, in educational institutions, the sexes were separated because it helps people concentrate on their studies. So it the same reason for us.
Ram Caran Prabhu:
Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in His pastime of the cleaning of the Gundica temple, shows that a leader should work along with his subordinates to inspire them.
Comment by me: Sometimes at the Polish Woodstock festival, Indradyumna Swami picks up the trash and thus inspires everyone else to join him.
Cleaning the temple of the heart is a lifetime project.
We may have the intention to please our guru and the Lord, but we may not go about it in ways they approve of, so we have to be careful.
In ISKCON we are all meant to be leaders. For one thing, we have this advanced spiritual knowledge to offer people.
Jagat Palana Prabhu:
Sri Caitanya-caritamrita is blissful, but the dancing of the Lord during the Ratha-yatra is especially blissful. Where do you encounter such symptoms of love of God displayed in public?
The rasa dance is the most celebrated pastime of the Lord, and thus it could be said that dancing is Krishna’s favorite activity.
Ultimately we like dancing because God likes dancing.
Dancing can be see as a manifestation of happiness.
Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami glorifies the listeners of his Sri Caitanya-caritamrita because listening to the glories of the Lord is the ultimate activity.
comment: In our outreach, Sunder Nitai Prabhu suggested that we can ask other theists, “If you accept that God reveals Himself, why then has He not revealed to you His form and activities?” Then we may propose they may be interested in the Vedic revelations of these.
Kulasekhara Prabhu:
We are feeling dissatisfaction in this world and then we meet the spiritual master who confirms that we are not meant to live in this world but to go back to the spiritual world.
The soul does not become self-realized because the soul is always self-realized.
There is a tendency to think we are the body and to seek out the soul but actually we are the soul.
The neophyte goes to see the Deity or to chant his japa, and then goes on with his life.
comment by lady devotee whose name I did not know: When Krishna says, “Abandon all varieties of religion . . .” he does not mean to abandon bhagavata-dharma, but other kinds of dharma.
Tribhanga Prabhu:
from a conversation:
Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami explains in the spiritual world that one’s form follows one’s mentality. Because Yasoda has maternal affection for Krishna, she manifests the form of a motherly lady. In the material world, we externally acquire the dress and activities of a devotee, and gradually develop the mentally of a devotee.
patrapatra-vicara nahi, nahi sthanasthana
yei yanha paya, tanha kare prema-dana
“In distributing love of Godhead, Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates did not consider who was a fit candidate and who was not, nor where such distribution should or should not take place. They made no conditions. Wherever they got the opportunity, the members of the Pañca-tattva distributed love of Godhead.” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 7.23)
Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 9, No. 8 By Krishna-kripa das (April 2013, part two)
New York City, London, Amsterdam (Sent from Newcastle upon Tyne, England, on May 28, 2013)
Where I Went and What I Did
I lot happened in the second half of April, and it is a challenge to recount it, what to speak of illustrating it!
After leaving Gainesville, Trevor and I flew from Jacksonville to New York. I did harinama in Brooklyn and Manhattan for several days, while Trevor joined the Manhattan party for what is turning out to be the entire summer! Each day, after chopping vegetables for Radha Govinda for two hours, I would chant with Nruhari Prabhu in Brooklyn for an hour in the morning and then chant with Rama Raya Prabhu’s harinama party at Union Square or different subway stations in Manhattan in the late afternoon for four hours. Our Rama-navami harinama in Manhattan was memorable, and I share pictures and videos of it. I also joined Atma Nivedana Prabhu and his wife and their team of devotees who chant and distribute books in their sankirtanafestival in Union Square one Saturday a month from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. I went to Albany for a day and a half, sharing maha sweets from Radha Govinda with the members of my Quaker meeting there, cooking a nice prasadam dinner with and for my family, and visiting Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami and his assistants the next day for lunch. On April 23, I flew to London where I did harinama and gave lectures for a few days before going with Parasurama Prabhu’s party to the Queen’s Day harinama, which was better than ever. While in the UK, I chanted with the Hare Krishna festival team in Reading and Slough, two new cities for me, and one day I attended record number of five harinamas in London. I also chanted on the ferry between England and France, which I hardly ever do.
I have great quotes from Srila Prabhupada’s books, a quote by Kavicandra Swami, and a few quotes from the blog and books of Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami. There are also some valuable realizations from devotees in the London Yatra, including some great quotes about dancing.
Thanks to Kavicandra Swami for his photos from Queen’s Day, Atma-Nivendana Prabhu, Rasika Gopi Devi Dasi, and Bhaktin Zina for their pictures of harinamas in New York City, and a very special thanks again to Srikar Prabhu, who bought me the camera I used to take the pictures in Europe and a few of the pictures and all the videos in New York. Thanks also to Matt Hollingsworth for putting his video of us chanting in the United Kingdom on YouTube.
Harinamas in New York
The very day we arrived from Florida, Trevor and I went out on harinama at Union Square. Trevor led some of the time, playing the harmonium.
There are always people attracted to participate in harinamas, especially in a big city like New York. This chap in the picture below sat on his skateboard as he grooved on the transcendental sound.
Another evening in Union Square, some kids danced in front of our party.
Below, in Grand Central Subway Station, a small girl danced in a circle with her father, as devotees and passersby smiled.
The devotees were so fired up on Rama Navami! Usually we chant from 4 to 8 p.m. but on that day we started before 4 p.m. and went on to 8:45 p.m., when many of us went to the Rama Navami celebration at Radha Govinda Mandir. Our venue for the harinama was the Delancey Street subway station where people wait for the uptown “F” train and where the party often chants on Fridays. There is a mural behind where the devotees sit of a more natural scene, a touch of goodness there amidst the dinginess of the subway station.
I would stand on the far side and dance,
ready to distribute a flyer to an interested person.
At the height, we had seventeen devotees chanting.
Some people would move with the music as they passed by.
Near the end about seven devotees were dancing, as you can see the video below:
Prominent was Ray who is known for dancing with the devotees on occasion and who seemed to be an impetus to get the others going.
She has a lot of natural dancing enthusiasm as you can see in the video below:
One new boy who is now a regular chanter invited a girl he knew to come for the first time, and she was telling me how much she liked it. Later that boy said she was a friend from high school that he rarely sees, and it was fortunate that she came on harinamaand liked it.
Saturday was the Monthly Sankirtana Festival organized by Atma-Nivedana Prabhu and his wife Subhangada Devi. They have a Bhagavad-gita class at 26 2ndAvenue every Saturday evening, and once a month their congregation gets together and chants and distributes Srila Prabhupada’s books at Union Square from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. You can see they get a good group of people participating. In the picture below, Kaliya Krishna Prabhu, who has helped greatly in funding my harinama trips to New York and other places and who sings lively tunes, is playing harmonium and leading.
In the picture below, Nruhari Prabhu, who has a summer harinama program based in Brooklyn, and who I chanted with there this time for an hour a day, is leading. During the thick of the summer he goes out in Brooklyn for two or three hours midday with a whole party of devotees.
So one who is ambitious could chant with Nruhari Prabhu and his party at midday and then join Rama Raya Prabhu and his party at Union Square in the late afternoon, and have a great program of seven hours of harinama per day, just like in ISKCON’s good old days.
You can see in the picture below, even on Saturday, there are quite a lot of people at Union Square.
Later Saturday night, my friend Michael Collins from Gainesville, who has a lot of musical talent and a powerful voice, came and led the singing. It it wonderful that activity of sharing the chanting brings us together a thousand miles from where we met.
One time on harinama in Brooklyn, one lady was very inquisitive about the blue person appearing on our invitation. She said He came to her in dreams and would take her places by flying. I explained that was Krishna, and I encouraged her to visit our temple where we had many paintings of Him on the walls, and a vegetarian restaurant. She gave a positive indication when I mentioned vegetarian food, and I hope she will come by the temple, which is just a block from where we were standing. It is rare to encounter people who are not devotees who have dreams of Krishna.
One day I was walking back to the temple after shopping, and an Afro American gentleman asked if we still had the place on Schermerhorn in Brooklyn and said that he remembered seeing Boy George there many years ago and that he was surprised by his great height. I explained that Boy George was indeed interested in Hare Krishna, although I did not know he visited the Brooklyn temple. Later that day on harinama in Manhattan someone else asked if we still had the temple in Brooklyn with its free Sunday and Wednesday programs, and I explained that we did, and we also had a restaurant Monday through Friday. It was nice to see there are fans of the Brooklyn temple wandering the streets of New York.
Harinamas in Great Britain
Although Sri Sri Radha-Londonisvara Temple, ISKCON Soho Street, already did more chanting on the street than most other temples, I found to my great surprise and delight that during the winter, they had increased the program. Now there is harinama between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. in addition to the usual afternoon harinama from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Besides this, Bhaktin Erzsebet, who has incredible enthusiasm for harinama and book distribution, often chants with her friends on the streets in the evenings. One time I went with Erzsebet and her friends, and some people videoed us and put it on YouTube. The title they gave for the video was “The Best Job in the World.” It reminded me of how Lord Caitanya describes the congregational chanting as “the prime benediction for humanity at large.” Certainly sharing the prime benediction for humanity at large is the best job in the world!
London is great because you can easily do five or six hours of harinama each day in London just by participating in these existing programs. And all that without mentioning the super ecstatic Saturday night harinama!
In addition to the harinamas, London is a great place for speaking opportunities as well. Thursday I got to go on three harinamas and give two lectures. On Friday, I got to go on five harinamas and give a lecture about Lord Caitanya at the Matchless Gifts in King’s Cross. The kirtana at that program was very lively with one devotee playing a bass clarinet and a regular attender playing the saxophone. As I am not much of a musician, usually I do not so much appreciate the contributions of the additional instrumentalists, but in this case they seemed to add a lot to the kirtana and made the music sound more professional and more alive. On Saturday with the team who arranges Hare Krishna Festivals in different parts of the UK and advertises them, I went on two harinamas, one in Reading and one in Slough.
Then I joined the famous Saturday night harinama in downtown London where lots of people enjoy interacting with the Hare Krishnas. Let me show you some pictures of the people dancing with the devotees. See how happy they are:
On the boat to France enroute to Amsterdam for Queen’s Day, I took my harmonium out our van in case there were an opportunity to play it. During the journey, I went out on the no-smoking deck with my harmonium, and I was talking with my friends when a small Indian-looking girl asked if I could play her some music. I was overjoyed that Krishna had created an opportunity for me, and I chanted the Hare Krishna mantra five times, in the usual call and response fashion with my friends. The girl and her brothers and sisters, all older than her, smiled and clapped along. Her brother asked if I had met His Divine Grace Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. I explained that I met the Hare Krishnas in 1979 but Prabhupada left this world in 1977, so I had not. The young man explained how he had read Prabhupada’s Life Comes from Life and that he gained the conviction the theory of evolution is incorrect. The family was from The Hague in Holland and was originally from Surinam, the home of many Indian immigrants, including their forefathers. I told the brother about our book Forbidden Archeology which shows how much evidence contradicts the theory of human evolution and gave them my card so I could tell them of our programs in The Hague.
Queen’s Day Harinama
Kadamba Kanana Swami brought three buses of devotees from Radhadesh to attend the Queen’s Day harinama in Amsterdam this year, an increase from two in past years. We chanted from 11 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., or just over 6 hours on the streets and an additional hour and a quarter during our break for lunch, etc. There were lots of lively kirtana leaders, including Kadamba Kanana Swami himself.
Kavicandra Swami danced beautifully in the kirtana.
Parasurama Prabhu’s rickshaw, with his Gaura Nitai deities, and a great sound system added a lot.
Many, many onlookers danced with us, and some of them sang as well.
People were happier than I ever see people being.
Many took pictures.
Some clapped to the beat.
Many danced in pairs, swinging their partners.
The devotees formed an arch of paired devotees, and then passed through the arch from one end to the other. Many of the onlookers joined and had a great time.
One new devotee, Alexandra, who had met the devotees in Mayapur on a Indian tour by her yoga teacher Raghunatha, was visiting her relatives in Amsterdam and happened to see our Hare Krishna tent and join in the final harinama.
I think that of the six Queen’s Day harinamas I participated in, this was the best one because of the number of devotees and the enthusiasm of onlookers to participate. There was also plenty of prasadam for the devotees, which always helps.
As far as I understand, now that there is a King of the Netherlands, next year there will be a King’s Day instead, in April just a few days before the end of the month, and we hope we can get together and share the joy of chanting with thousands of people again then.
Devaprastha Prabhu made a video of Queen’s Day this year:
May 29 – Sheffield
May 30 – Preston
June 1–2 – London
June 2 – Leeds
June 3–5 – Newcastle
June 6–8 – Bhaktivedanta Manor
June 9 – London Ratha-yatra
June 10–13 – London
June 14–15 – Brighton
June 16 – Croydon Ratha-yatra, Crawley program
June 17–20 – Newcastle
June 21 – Stonehenge Solstice Festival
June 22–23 – Birmingham 24-hour kirtana
June 24–July 20 – mostly in the United Kingdom
July 21–26 – Lithuanian festival
July 30–August 4 – Polish Woodstock
August 10 – Bratislava
August 12–15 – German Kirtan Mela
August 15–18 – Czech Woodstock (Trutnov)
late August – London
September – New York City
October – November – Gainesville
December – New York City
Srila Prabhupada:
from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila 17.78, purport:
“The members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness cannot even call themselves brahma-bandhus. Therefore our only means for satisfying Krishna is to pursue the injunctions of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who says:
yare dekha, tare kaha ‘krishna’-upadesa
amara ajñaya guru hañatara’ ei desa
‘Whomever you meet, instruct him on the teachings of Krishna. In this way, on My order, become a spiritual master and deliver the people of this country.’ (Cc. Madhya 7.128) Simply trying to follow the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, we speak to the people of the world about Bhagavad-gita As It Is. This will make us qualified to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna.”
from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila 17.88, purport:
“On principle, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu would distribute prasadam at the end of kirtana performances. Similarly, the members of the Krishna consciousness movement must distribute some prasadam to the audience after performing kirtana.”
from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila 17.141, purport:
“The Krishna consciousness movement is not a sentimental religious movement; it is a movement for the reformation of all the anomalies of human society. If people take to it seriously, discharging this duty scientifically, as ordered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the world will see peace and prosperity instead of being confused and hopeless under useless governments.”
from The Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 48:
“It is to be understood that any person who is constantly engaged in chanting the holy names of the Lord—Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare—has attained a transcendental affection for Krishna, and as such, in any condition of life, he remains satisfied simply by remembering the Lord’s name in full affection and ecstatic love.”
from The Nectar of Devotion, Introduction:
“The author of Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu, Srila Rupa Gosvami, very humbly submits that he is just trying to spread Krishna consciousness all over the world, although he humbly thinks himself unfit for this work. That should be the attitude of all preachers of the Krishna consciousness movement, following in the footsteps of Srila Rupa Gosvami. We should never think of ourselves as great preachers, but should always consider that we are simply instrumental to the previous acaryas, and simply by following in their footsteps we may be able to do something for the benefit of suffering humanity.”
“From the date of initiation by the spiritual master, the connection between Krishna and a person cultivating Krishna consciousness is established. Without initiation by a bona fide spiritual master, the actual connection with Krishna consciousness is never performed.”
“As long as one identifies himself as belonging to a certain family, a certain society or a certain person, he is said to be covered with designations. When one is fully aware that he does not belong to any family, society or country, but is eternally related to Krishna, he then realizes that his energy should be employed not in the interests of so-called family, society or country, but in the interests of Krishna. This is purity of purpose and
the platform of pure devotional service in Krishna consciousness.”
from Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.28.12, purport:
“Now people are very busy trying to find petroleum in the midst of the ocean. They are very anxious to make provisions for the future petroleum supply, but they do not make any attempts to ameliorate the conditions of birth, old age, disease and death. Thus a person in ignorance, not knowing anything about his own future life, is certainly defeated in all his activities.”
from Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.28.16, purport:
“At the time of death both patient and physician still think of prolonging life, although all the constituents of the body are practically dead and gone.”
from Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.28.18, purport:
“If one thinks of his wife instead of Krishnaat the time of death, he will certainly not return home, back to Godhead, but will be forced to accept the body of a woman and thus begin another chapter of material existence.”
Kavicandra Swami:
If we stay alone we will not develop the good qualities like humility, tolerance, and compassion that are necessary for going back to Godhead. We will simply become proud and hard-hearted. Although Haridas Thakura chanted so much in seclusion, he also shared Krishna consciousness with others. If he had just chanted in a secluded place, the representatives of the king would not have taken the trouble to punish him.
Satsvarupa Dasa Gosvami:
from his journal, Viraha Bhavan, for April 15, 2013:
‘“Of all the orders of the spiritual master, the instruction to chant sixteen rounds is the most essential,’ wrote Prabhupada. We have taken a solemn vow at the time of our initiation. We learn to chant avoiding the ten offenses and then the whole panorama of Krishna’s fame, qualities, pastimes and Krishna Himself is revealed to us. Who is such a fool that he will not take to the chanting and hearing of the holy names?”
“I’ll go down and join the others for lunch today. Eating alone is good as occasional relief. I like to be with the devotees even if it causes a certain strain because it’s my duty to sit with them and hear the Bhagavatam and then personal conversations. I want to please and serve them by my presence.”
from CC Asraya:
“As the feeling of hunger is the sign of a healthy body, so a live desire to hear the holy word is the surest mark of a soul’s good health.”
“Our reading of scripture is not reading for the sake of reading. It is reading for the sake of listening to Him who loves us.”
“When we listen to someone we first of all have to pay attention to him, and not to whatever else may be going on around us.”
“Sitting in rows in the courtyard, the many Bengali devotees honored prasadam.Svarapa Damodara and other great devotees took charge of distributing the prasadam. Not that Svarupa Damodara insisted on eating first, alone with Lord Caitanya. Service.”
from One Hundred Prabhupada Poems:
“While talking to a roomful of devotees yesterday I discovered that Srila Prabhupada was a perfect psychologist. He assured us that we were fortunate and happy. We have given up sinful life and attained Krishna consciousness so no one should be despondent. But Prabhupada also made it clear we are not Vaisnavas but servants of the Vaisnavas. A pure devotee is very rare. He was expert and did it subtly so no one noticed how— giving us confidence and humility at the same time. And what he gave we accepted.”
from a Rama Navami lecture:
“In an allegory you have a story that has a higher meaning but with the pastimes of the Lord the Supreme Lord is the highest truth, so it is not allegory.”
Murli Manohara Prabhu:
Bhagavad-gita has been relevant, is presently relevant, and will continue to be relevant.
There is movie called Singing in the Rain, but who do you see singing in the rain? It is only the Hare Krishnas, isn’t?
Animals have more acute senses than we have, for example, an eagle can see its prey from a mile in the sky. You will not, however, see a group of penguins inquiring about the Absolute Truth. That is our human gift. Not that we have attained the human form to shop on Oxford Street.
Q: Why are the men and women separate in your temple?
A: Actually, formerly even in this country, in educational institutions, the sexes were separated because it helps people concentrate on their studies. So it the same reason for us.
Ram Caran Prabhu:
Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in His pastime of the cleaning of the Gundica temple, shows that a leader should work along with his subordinates to inspire them.
Comment by me: Sometimes at the Polish Woodstock festival, Indradyumna Swami picks up the trash and thus inspires everyone else to join him.
Cleaning the temple of the heart is a lifetime project.
We may have the intention to please our guru and the Lord, but we may not go about it in ways they approve of, so we have to be careful.
In ISKCON we are all meant to be leaders. For one thing, we have this advanced spiritual knowledge to offer people.
Jagat Palana Prabhu:
Sri Caitanya-caritamrita is blissful, but the dancing of the Lord during the Ratha-yatra is especially blissful. Where do you encounter such symptoms of love of God displayed in public?
The rasa dance is the most celebrated pastime of the Lord, and thus it could be said that dancing is Krishna’s favorite activity.
Ultimately we like dancing because God likes dancing.
Dancing can be see as a manifestation of happiness.
Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami glorifies the listeners of his Sri Caitanya-caritamrita because listening to the glories of the Lord is the ultimate activity.
comment: In our outreach, Sunder Nitai Prabhu suggested that we can ask other theists, “If you accept that God reveals Himself, why then has He not revealed to you His form and activities?” Then we may propose they may be interested in the Vedic revelations of these.
Kulasekhara Prabhu:
We are feeling dissatisfaction in this world and then we meet the spiritual master who confirms that we are not meant to live in this world but to go back to the spiritual world.
The soul does not become self-realized because the soul is always self-realized.
There is a tendency to think we are the body and to seek out the soul but actually we are the soul.
The neophyte goes to see the Deity or to chant his japa, and then goes on with his life.
comment by lady devotee whose name I did not know: When Krishna says, “Abandon all varieties of religion . . .” he does not mean to abandon bhagavata-dharma, but other kinds of dharma.
Tribhanga Prabhu:
from a conversation:
Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami explains in the spiritual world that one’s form follows one’s mentality. Because Yasoda has maternal affection for Krishna, she manifests the form of a motherly lady. In the material world, we externally acquire the dress and activities of a devotee, and gradually develop the mentally of a devotee.
patrapatra-vicara nahi, nahi sthanasthana
yei yanha paya, tanha kare prema-dana
“In distributing love of Godhead, Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates did not consider who was a fit candidate and who was not, nor where such distribution should or should not take place. They made no conditions. Wherever they got the opportunity, the members of the Pañca-tattva distributed love of Godhead.” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 7.23)
It is extremely essential to associate with the spiritual master and with Vaisnavas who are fully surrendered to the spiritual master. Unless we associate with Vaisnavas, how will unqualified people like ourselves learn the proper code of conduct and come to serve Guru ? We always need ideal examples. If we don’t associate with Vaisnavas who are fixed at the spiritual master’s lotus feet, attached to chanting the holy name, and fixed in the Lord’s service, we cannot ourselves become fixed at guru’s feet. We cannot learn to consider the spiritual master our well-wisher. We cannot understand that the spiritual master is as good as God. We cannot develop the tendency to serve the spiritual master. If genuine devotees who are fixed at the Guru’s feet teach us neither how to serve the spiritual master nor how to behave when we are with him, then even after receiving a bona fide spiritual master we may lose him. We would be losing a coveted jewel if we were bereft of his service.
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur (Page No.17 and 18 of the book ‘Amrta Vani’)
It is extremely essential to associate with the spiritual master and with Vaisnavas who are fully surrendered to the spiritual master. Unless we associate with Vaisnavas, how will unqualified people like ourselves learn the proper code of conduct and come to serve Guru ? We always need ideal examples. If we don’t associate with Vaisnavas who are fixed at the spiritual master’s lotus feet, attached to chanting the holy name, and fixed in the Lord’s service, we cannot ourselves become fixed at guru’s feet. We cannot learn to consider the spiritual master our well-wisher. We cannot understand that the spiritual master is as good as God. We cannot develop the tendency to serve the spiritual master. If genuine devotees who are fixed at the Guru’s feet teach us neither how to serve the spiritual master nor how to behave when we are with him, then even after receiving a bona fide spiritual master we may lose him. We would be losing a coveted jewel if we were bereft of his service.
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur (Page No.17 and 18 of the book ‘Amrta Vani’)
SB 07.09.18 Sacinandana Swami Sum: Prahlada expresses his deep faith in the chanting the holy names of the Lord. Two minds sets for the this festival.
1. Let me see what is happening. 2. Or How can use the days to the best of my abilities how can I go deeper. As a neutral observer or an active participant.
Faith III Faith is the ground on which we walk. No faith no results. Two things in the beginning. Place. A resting place
Viśvanātha Cakravartī Thakura says it is sastra & process Śaraṇām gacah Faith and surrender Faith in the upaya, the sadhana, by which you reach your upeya, the goal. Gold nuggets in Alaska. Journey made on faith, so much austerities. As one attempts to find gold whether he is successful or not.
Jīva Goswami Virya strength comes from faith, no wobbly knees smriti remembrance, clarity Prajña realization of Krishna. Samadhi Nama samadhi
"Sanga is the birth place of faith" Therapeutic efforts. Prajña nuggets prospector
Story of Sumanasena Maharaja. Nārada Muni came, why depressed? Yes help me. Are youu Bahir Mukha or Antar Mukha. You body will have you smelly body go quickly down a river. Only thing permanent, Bhakti. When Kali Yuga come, Gauranga. Chanting Pancha Tattva But he wanted to see Lord Caitanya Then one night a dream A golden flash in a dark night.
QUESTIONS Question 1: the king he had no faith. He got he highest associating. Faith vs association. Answer: One make offenses & seal heart off Or Left me follow. - Viśvanātha Cakravartī Thakura Did not seal off. Open his heart.
Question 2: difference between intellectually understand. In the mind Vs movement of heart. Answer: How do we know the difference. When we get the fruit. A matti? Will arise. Leaning towards goal. Encouraged good, discouraged then did not work. Not to validated in our maya. No prajalpa
SB 07.09.18 Sacinandana Swami Sum: Prahlada expresses his deep faith in the chanting the holy names of the Lord. Two minds sets for the this festival.
1. Let me see what is happening. 2. Or How can use the days to the best of my abilities how can I go deeper. As a neutral observer or an active participant.
Faith III Faith is the ground on which we walk. No faith no results. Two things in the beginning. Place. A resting place
Viśvanātha Cakravartī Thakura says it is sastra & process Śaraṇām gacah Faith and surrender Faith in the upaya, the sadhana, by which you reach your upeya, the goal. Gold nuggets in Alaska. Journey made on faith, so much austerities. As one attempts to find gold whether he is successful or not.
Jīva Goswami Virya strength comes from faith, no wobbly knees smriti remembrance, clarity Prajña realization of Krishna. Samadhi Nama samadhi
"Sanga is the birth place of faith" Therapeutic efforts. Prajña nuggets prospector
Story of Sumanasena Maharaja. Nārada Muni came, why depressed? Yes help me. Are youu Bahir Mukha or Antar Mukha. You body will have you smelly body go quickly down a river. Only thing permanent, Bhakti. When Kali Yuga come, Gauranga. Chanting Pancha Tattva But he wanted to see Lord Caitanya Then one night a dream A golden flash in a dark night.
QUESTIONS Question 1: the king he had no faith. He got he highest associating. Faith vs association. Answer: One make offenses & seal heart off Or Left me follow. - Viśvanātha Cakravartī Thakura Did not seal off. Open his heart.
Question 2: difference between intellectually understand. In the mind Vs movement of heart. Answer: How do we know the difference. When we get the fruit. A matti? Will arise. Leaning towards goal. Encouraged good, discouraged then did not work. Not to validated in our maya. No prajalpa
Mother Chandravali - amazing, I thought I had to go to India.
Braja Mandala Priya - only shelter, holy name,
Purushartha Prabhu - the bass player - saintly persons all leading kirtan, book distribution. Now a new wave, hours and hours of kirtan festivals.
Sudevi Sundari - my husbands name sake. Thanking all the helpers. Thanking Indradyumna Swami.
Mother Kosa Rupa - last year I thought that this was the best festival. This weekend was especially wonderful, I got to meet so many wonderful devotees, new devotees will chant all the way Back to Godhead.
Edhaniaswabhava - giving thanks
Devarsi - no anxiety, just come and chant.
Syamala Kisori - so many great devotees helped us to focus on the only name.
Lila suka - top most favorite gathering, even though I am from Alachua
Nityānanda Chandra Dās - dreams of Krishna
Kapil Patel - reflecting on Kirtans, this helped me chant deeper.
Lalita Madhavi - thank Maharaja and others
Sundara - cry out to the Holy Name,
Mother Guru Bhakti - so much better than last year. New people were blown away. What people are looking for.
List of thanks.
VIS Very Important Sadhus hospitality
Child care
Deity Sevaka
Clean up crew
Flight arrangement
CYJ Helpers
Indradyumna Swami - thanks Caturatma.
My heart of hearts is bringing Krishna to the public. I haven't been to a temple in months due travel festivals. But I feel that this festival is like a reward.
Memorial Day weekend there is a Prabhupada Festival in Los Angeles.
“I hope you can change your plans.” – Indradyumna Swami
Prabhupada's Sanskrit editor, Pradyumna Prabhu said a Striking statement.
Śrīla Prabhupāda took the same principles. That most acharyas take it for personal advancement to the advancement of the world.
Purport of this verse refers to Cetah Darpana marjanam.
It shows his inner mood. Śrīla Prabhupāda is telling us what is going on inside him. He wants the leaders of the world to take it. So Revolutionary
Reforming the world.
Tamal Krishna Goswami had a hernia operation. There was no phone.
America phone story with Śrīla Prabhupāda “Is this the time to inquire”
They decided to the hospital. Śrīla Prabhupāda was so concerned about Tamal Krishna Goswami.
When he was wheeled out, he said. “I just I had a dream. You were reporting to previous acharyas on your preaching mission, you said on Earth they have:
No good qualities.
No knowledge
No background
But one good quality
What ever I tell them they do.”
That is the what Śrīla Prabhupāda is saying in this purport.
Did not care even if they were not Indian.
Smartas say. Greatest disservice by giving sacred thread.
What is more powerful Paapa or Naaama. .?
Tree of Lord Caitanya
Rupa and Sanantan, the best of all.
They spread Krishna Consciousness in pascyamdesha.
How does Kaviraja Goswami describe such residents,no good behavior or well educated and etc
And trained them
When Śrīla Prabhupāda returned to India he went to a Sadhu Mela on the sands of Chowpatty
Long winded dry talks by impersonalist.
Śrīla Prabhupāda instead did kirtan
Malati then got everyone dancing.
"I don't wish to speak much" He said.
But these Americans. Sad achar
They had never seen white sadhus. Nor such enthusiasm.
One man said, "”I get people to chant Hare Krishna for health, can we join forces?”
“No! We serve Naama”
Our own worse enemy like the panic of a drowning man is his worse enemy
I just returned from one of the most amazingly inspiring events of my lifetime, the 2013 Sadhu Sanga Retreat… 3 days of nothing but kirtan, sadhu sanga & plenty of prasadam. Just when I had thought it couldn’t get any better than last years retreat, words can’t even describe by how far it did. More […]
All glories to Nrsimha-deva! All glories to Nrsimha-deva, who is the Lord of Prahlada Maharaja and, like a honeybee, is always engaged in beholding the lotus like face of the goddess of fortune.
Although very ferocious, the lioness is very kind to her cubs. Similarly,
although very ferocious to non-devotees like Hiranyakasipu, Lord
Nrsimha-deva is very, very soft and kind to devotees like Prahlada Maharaja.
The devotees gathered at the Brisbane temple in Jennifer Street to celebrate the auspicious appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva. It is said that anyone who hears the story of The Lord and His devotee Prahlada Maharaja, will be liberated from this material world and transferred to the spiritual abode very soon.
GITA COACHING: GITA AND COACHING: Dear Friends, The Bhagavad-gita As It Is is a powerful success book that shows you How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. ...
They say failures are stepping stones to success. Lately, however, I’ve been thinking how success can be a slipping stone to failure! Swami Prabhupada once commented how he faced two great tests in his life. At one point he was stripped of everything, left penniless and alone, an unknown mendicant with no fixed abode. Later in life, however, he achieved unimaginable success and recognition as a powerful spiritual leader of an international movement. He saw both as divine tests. Both required immense equanimity of mind. Both were opportunities to draw closer to God. Dealing with failure is no mean feat, but maintaining spiritual purity in times of achievement and prosperity is just as tough.
Success can divert our attention from the internal journey we are on. If success gives birth to pride and breeds a mentality of looking down on others, then what have we really achieved? If success instigates complacency, inattentiveness and a false sense of security, then how bright does the future look? If we become intoxicated by success, enjoying the limelight and fame instead of using it for a higher purpose, then how long before we are humbled? It’s interesting that we often identify external success as a sign of spiritual vibrancy. But maybe it’s not.
External success is surely a gift of God, but those achievements must be kept in perspective. Real success is internal success. Sincerity of purpose, purity of desire, dependence on divine grace, dutiful and determined effort – these are the components of internal success (not necessarily detectable by external signs). In 1965, upon arrival in America, Swami Prabhupada made an incredible prayer: “make me a success or failure as you wish”. For most of us the thought of failure is scary, demoralising and humiliating. Not something we’d welcome with open hands. Am I ready to try my best, be an outright failure, and still remain happy and satisfied? That complete detachment from external results, however, is unimaginably powerful. It comes from a heart which values internal purity and recognises divine grace in whatever form it may come. Will I ever be able to submit such a prayer with genuine feeling? It seems a long way away, but I sincerely hope so.