Students Visit New Vrindaban
→ NY Times & Bhagavad Gita Sanga/ Sankirtana Das

I want to thank Tapapunja prabhu for organizing a stellar event for the visiting students (both college and high school) and some of their teachers. The day here included four break out sessions (lead by Jamuna dd, Jayasri dd, Rupanuga and Tapapunga), tours of the Palace by Bhakta Tom, a performance by Devananda and myself, and topped off with a fantastic feast.

The visitors came from all over the country as part of The Ignatian Solidarity Network’s spring Teach-In. The three day Teach-In was hosted by Wheeling Jesuit University with the focus on environmental justice and sustainability. (Hummm, maybe we could start hosting stuff like this.) Tapapunja was one of the speakers there and he inspired 55 students and teachers to make the drive up to New Vrindaban this last Sunday.

After the feast, I met with visitors in the lobby and gave them this inquiry: “Please offer a brief reflection of your visit. How were the presentations, the food, and the overall schedule of the day? Your comments will help us improve our presentations. Thanks.” Some told me they really appreciated their time here, while others gave the written responses below. Some suggested room for improvement. Overall, the devotees’ concerted effort made a lasting impression on the group. Kudos to all involved.

The preaching events and festivals are certainly the life of New Vrindaban. There will be at least two other student groups coming in April and one in May.


The music session was wonderful and I learned so much. The talk on food was interesting as well. I loved the tour of the Palace. It was beautiful. The food was delicious and all the people were so kind and informative. The only ‘complaint’ I have is that the group sessions weren’t organized well. Groups should have been informed when to switch.


The schedule of the day worked out really well. My friends and I loved the tour of the Palace (very informative). The food was excellent.


I thought it was very interesting to learn about the Indian culture and different religions. I had a lot of fun. Thank you.


I thought the tour of the Palace was very neat. For the short amount of time we had, it was cool to still be able to learn about the spiritual cooking, the music and the Palace. The food was excellent. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for your hospitality.


Wow! I had no idea what to expect when we signed up to come out. It was far and away an amazing experience. Everyone was so welcoming. The tours, presentations and food were all great.


It was educational. I learned a lot, and the atmosphere and all the music had a very tangible energy.


We were lost in one room for three sessions, but I loved the place and the people. Namaste.


Peaceful. Prayerful. Inspirational!


This was a wonderful experience. As a fellow resident of WV I feel empowered by knowing we share the beauty and spirituality of this wonderful land.


I came here unaware of the scale in which the Hare Krishna foundation was established in the area. It was truly a highly enjoyable day.


It is something wonderful to witness when a stranger opens his home to us - this is God welcoming us. To hear unfamiliar sounds crafted into music – this is God speaking to us. To taste unimaginable spices from the work of many hands – this is God sharing with us. Hare Krishna – many thanks.

Gaura Purnima / Golden Avatar Festival 2010 Photos
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<p>The Golden Avatar Festival (Gaura Purnima) 2010 was held in Wellington last week.</p><p>I have uploaded the photos from the event to the gallery on this website. (Note that the photos at the start of this album are from a previous Krishna Fest; actual Gaura Purnima photos being after the "Golden Avatar: Rhythm &amp; Dance!" display board photos).</p><p>View the photos <a href="">here</a>:</p><p><a href=""><img src="" alt="gaurapurnima2010" title="gaurapurnima2010" width="300" height="199" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-510"/></a></p>

Gaura Purnima / Golden Avatar Festival 2010 Photos
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The Golden Avatar Festival (Gaura Purnima) 2010 was held in Wellington last week.

I have uploaded the photos from the event to the gallery on this website. (Note that the photos at the start of this album are from a previous Krishna Fest; actual Gaura Purnima photos being after the "Golden Avatar: Rhythm & Dance!" display board photos).

View the photos here:


Gaura Purnima / Golden Avatar Festival 2010 Photos
→ Home

The Golden Avatar Festival (Gaura Purnima) 2010 was held in Wellington last week.

I have uploaded the photos from the event to the gallery on this website. (Note that the photos at the start of this album are from a previous Krishna Fest; actual Gaura Purnima photos being after the "Golden Avatar: Rhythm & Dance!" display board photos).

View the photos here:


Organic and High Brix
→ Plant and Be Happy

Organic gardening is focused on the inputs – what you put into the soil and on the plants – with the expectation of better nutrition as a result. High brix gardening is focused directly on the end result – the nutrition levels – and providing specific inputs necessary to obtain this. The methodologies are therefore [...]

the ism of monotheism
→ Unplugged Ice

My tendency has been to emphasize "monotheism" whenever i explain KC to anyone new to or ignorant of Vaisnava culture and philosophy. I'm not saying that this is wrong but i do wonder whether my use of the word is due to my being overly influenced by my Christian roots and Christianity's absolute abhorrence of anything other than that particular ism. So i checked the Vedabase and noticed that "monotheism", "monotheistic", "monotheist" and "monotheists" only have 7 hits in SP's writings, lectures, conversations, and letters....

SB 2.1.3 - as an explanation of what the verse talks about
Renunciation Through Wisdom - in regard to one religion and one creed
Lecture: Bg 9.15-18 NY Dec 2, 1966 - as an ism
Lecture NY Sept 8, 1966 - in regard to different types of philosophers seeing pantheism and monotheism
3 times in a letter to Prof Staal 30 Jan - in reference to Western monotheism

Srila Prabhupada didn't seem to bother too much with the ism of monotheism. He was more interested in connecting with Krsna in loving and personal service. There are so many isms and they do more to confuse than they do to enlighten. Once you label something you can easily put it aside and forget it. It's almost as if it has been conquered. So my emphasis on monotheism is ok, but it's not the essence of what Prabhupada taught. It's more the essence of what Christians and atheists have taught me.

the ism of monotheism
→ Unplugged Ice

My tendency has been to emphasize "monotheism" whenever i explain KC to anyone new to or ignorant of Vaisnava culture and philosophy. I'm not saying that this is wrong but i do wonder whether my use of the word is due to my being overly influenced by my Christian roots and Christianity's absolute abhorrence of anything other than that particular ism. So i checked the Vedabase and noticed that "monotheism", "monotheistic", "monotheist" and "monotheists" only have 7 hits in SP's writings, lectures, conversations, and letters....

SB 2.1.3 - as an explanation of what the verse talks about
Renunciation Through Wisdom - in regard to one religion and one creed
Lecture: Bg 9.15-18 NY Dec 2, 1966 - as an ism
Lecture NY Sept 8, 1966 - in regard to different types of philosophers seeing pantheism and monotheism
3 times in a letter to Prof Staal 30 Jan - in reference to Western monotheism

Srila Prabhupada didn't seem to bother too much with the ism of monotheism. He was more interested in connecting with Krsna in loving and personal service. There are so many isms and they do more to confuse than they do to enlighten. Once you label something you can easily put it aside and forget it. It's almost as if it has been conquered. So my emphasis on monotheism is ok, but it's not the essence of what Prabhupada taught. It's more the essence of what Christians and atheists have taught me.

Community Garden – soil test results
→ Plant and Be Happy

In the community garden, we are providing nutrients in specific amounts to replenish those nutrients lacking in unamended Dallas soil. We are following a high brix program. Based on the soil test, the foremost need is phosphorus. We are putting in 280 pounds of soft rock phosphate, which meets organic requirements.

There are a few other amendments being added but [...]

→ the world i know

Our six hour flight from Mumbai was quite an easy one and Jet lag was practically nonexistent. After 16 years I was back in Africa, this time with a mission and a vision. Although I had never been to Kenya certain scenes are similar- the marketplace, the colorful dress etc etc. Nairobi is a full blown city and our temple is smack in the middle of it with various programs for teaching Krsna consciousness. Many locals came to our Saturday programs and the gathering stayed alive with amazing questions from the students. Getting my visa to South Africa occupied a lot of my time and so I didn't get to explore as I wanted to. I especially hoped to visit Masai communities. They are known as the most intelligent tribe of people in Africa. Next time maybe. Four days later we flew to Kisumu to visit our other temple there- So beautiful and cozy with garden, fountains and much more. We took a drive to our property on Lake Victoria, green fertile land, beautiful Lake Victoria to the west, Papyrus reeds everywhere and as we learned, Hippos graze there every night! If you see a hip hip hippo pot a mus!
As we drove by I lifted my head just in time to see a cherished site- a Masai! He was dressed in Saffron cloth wrapped around his waist, a blue and purple shawl, and he carried a stick wrapped in yellow cloth. So regal! I've wanted to see these people since I was a weee weeeeee one, and there, going to Lake Victoria was a Masai. Next morning we drove to Kampala Uganda, passing some baboons on the way, The Nile river and other natural sights.

I'll be writing more soon :) No fun just giving all away here, plus I'm jet lagged having just landed in Johannesburg!

→ the world i know

Our six hour flight from Mumbai was quite an easy one and Jet lag was practically nonexistent. After 16 years I was back in Africa, this time with a mission and a vision. Although I had never been to Kenya certain scenes are similar- the marketplace, the colorful dress etc etc. Nairobi is a full blown city and our temple is smack in the middle of it with various programs for teaching Krsna consciousness. Many locals came to our Saturday programs and the gathering stayed alive with amazing questions from the students. Getting my visa to South Africa occupied a lot of my time and so I didn't get to explore as I wanted to. I especially hoped to visit Masai communities. They are known as the most intelligent tribe of people in Africa. Next time maybe. Four days later we flew to Kisumu to visit our other temple there- So beautiful and cozy with garden, fountains and much more. We took a drive to our property on Lake Victoria, green fertile land, beautiful Lake Victoria to the west, Papyrus reeds everywhere and as we learned, Hippos graze there every night! If you see a hip hip hippo pot a mus!
As we drove by I lifted my head just in time to see a cherished site- a Masai! He was dressed in Saffron cloth wrapped around his waist, a blue and purple shawl, and he carried a stick wrapped in yellow cloth. So regal! I've wanted to see these people since I was a weee weeeeee one, and there, going to Lake Victoria was a Masai. Next morning we drove to Kampala Uganda, passing some baboons on the way, The Nile river and other natural sights.

I'll be writing more soon :) No fun just giving all away here, plus I'm jet lagged having just landed in Johannesburg!

Spiritual Recharge Festival 2009/2010
→ blog

<p>Every year Hare Krishna devotees from around Australia and New Zealand get together for an 11-day Spiritual Recharge Festival. Lots of feasting, chanting, seminars and association (and my wedding - see previous post). This year there were 130 guests at the retreat. The biggest ever! So much opportunity to meet many wonderful souls. </p><p>At this festival I also got Brahminical-initiation (the day before the wedding). So, I am now a Brahmana (teacher/intellectual) by Varna (occupation) and a Grihastra (householder) by Ashram (stage of life/shelter).</p><p>I took so many photos. It took quite a while to narrow them down to the 280 best pictures. But that process is now complete ... and here they are. Please browse them to your hearts' content:</p><p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Spiritual Recharge Retreat Festival 2009 2010" title="Spiritual Recharge Retreat Festival 2009 2010" width="199" height="300" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-503"/></a></p>

Gaura Haven photos
→ blog

<p>Have you heard of Gaura Haven? It is in the Otaki gorge region (1 hour's drive North of Wellington, NZ). Lots of work has gone into the place over the past year. It is very beautiful and many new crops have been planted in the garden. I took a bunch of pictures of Gaura Haven and its surroundings.</p><p>Take a look at the wonderful natural beauty:</p><p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Gaura Haven January 2010" title="Gaura Haven January 2010" width="300" height="199" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-499"/></a></p>

Rotorua (and Huka Falls) vacation
→ blog

<p>After my wedding my parents, wife and I headed up to Rotorua for a vacation. We toured the powerful Huka Waterfalls and visited the strange and wonderful volcanic landscapes of Rotorua (and had some fun riding down the "Luge".</p><p>Lots of photos of all that. Check them out here:<br/><a href=""><img src="" alt="Huka falls and rotorua" title="Huka falls and rotorua" width="300" height="199" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-496"/></a></p>

Spiritual Recharge Festival 2009/2010
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Every year Hare Krishna devotees from around Australia and New Zealand get together for an 11-day Spiritual Recharge Festival. Lots of feasting, chanting, seminars and association (and my wedding - see previous post). This year there were 130 guests at the retreat. The biggest ever! So much opportunity to meet many wonderful souls.

At this festival I also got Brahminical-initiation (the day before the wedding). So, I am now a Brahmana (teacher/intellectual) by Varna (occupation) and a Grihastra (householder) by Ashram (stage of life/shelter).

I took so many photos. It took quite a while to narrow them down to the 280 best pictures. But that process is now complete ... and here they are. Please browse them to your hearts' content:

Spiritual Recharge Retreat Festival 2009 2010

Spiritual Recharge Festival 2009/2010
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Every year Hare Krishna devotees from around Australia and New Zealand get together for an 11-day Spiritual Recharge Festival. Lots of feasting, chanting, seminars and association (and my wedding - see previous post). This year there were 130 guests at the retreat. The biggest ever! So much opportunity to meet many wonderful souls.

At this festival I also got Brahminical-initiation (the day before the wedding). So, I am now a Brahmana (teacher/intellectual) by Varna (occupation) and a Grihastra (householder) by Ashram (stage of life/shelter).

I took so many photos. It took quite a while to narrow them down to the 280 best pictures. But that process is now complete ... and here they are. Please browse them to your hearts' content:

Spiritual Recharge Retreat Festival 2009 2010

My wedding (with photos)
→ blog

<p>It seems about time I posted something on this blog. I has been quite a while. News of the moment: I have gotten married. On the 1st of January 2010 I, Candidasa dasa, married the lovely Visnumaya devi dasi. Or, if you prefer, our western names: Julian Malik Seidenberg and Susan Elizabeth Burrows (now Seidenberg).</p><p>Lots of great pictures from the event (thanks to Thakur Saranga and Sukanthi Radha for taking the pictures):</p><p><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-491" src="" alt="Candidasa Visnumaya Wedding" title="candidasa-visnumaya-wedding33" width="300" height="169"/></a></p><p>The wedding was traditional Vedic/Hare Krishna style. Here are some of the fun traditions depicted in the photos:</p><ul><li>showering the deities with flowers (pushpa abhishek) and then showering those flowers over the audience and married couple to counteract any bad astrological influences</li><li>the groom leaving the wedding with his Bhagavad-Gita and umbrella to meditate in the forest as a celebrate monk (brahmacari) for the rest of his life (but being convinced otherwise by the spiritual master - representing the father of the bride)</li><li>exchanging garlands</li><li>tying the hands together with a flower garland and sealing it with water<br/> tying the couple's clothing together with a knot</li><li>a fire sacrifice (agni-hotra) where various grains, seeds and fruits are thrown into a fire to purify any bad karma reactions</li></ul>

Gaura Haven photos
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Have you heard of Gaura Haven? It is in the Otaki gorge region (1 hour's drive North of Wellington, NZ). Lots of work has gone into the place over the past year. It is very beautiful and many new crops have been planted in the garden. I took a bunch of pictures of Gaura Haven and its surroundings.

Take a look at the wonderful natural beauty:

Gaura Haven  January 2010

Gaura Haven photos
→ Home

Have you heard of Gaura Haven? It is in the Otaki gorge region (1 hour's drive North of Wellington, NZ). Lots of work has gone into the place over the past year. It is very beautiful and many new crops have been planted in the garden. I took a bunch of pictures of Gaura Haven and its surroundings.

Take a look at the wonderful natural beauty:

Gaura Haven  January 2010

Rotorua (and Huka Falls) vacation
→ Home

After my wedding my parents, wife and I headed up to Rotorua for a vacation. We toured the powerful Huka Waterfalls and visited the strange and wonderful volcanic landscapes of Rotorua (and had some fun riding down the "Luge".

Lots of photos of all that. Check them out here:
Huka falls and rotorua

Rotorua (and Huka Falls) vacation
→ Home

After my wedding my parents, wife and I headed up to Rotorua for a vacation. We toured the powerful Huka Waterfalls and visited the strange and wonderful volcanic landscapes of Rotorua (and had some fun riding down the "Luge".

Lots of photos of all that. Check them out here:
Huka falls and rotorua

My wedding (with photos)
→ Home

It seems about time I posted something on this blog. I has been quite a while. News of the moment: I have gotten married. On the 1st of January 2010 I, Candidasa dasa, married the lovely Visnumaya devi dasi. Or, if you prefer, our western names: Julian Malik Seidenberg and Susan Elizabeth Burrows (now Seidenberg).

Lots of great pictures from the event (thanks to Thakur Saranga and Sukanthi Radha for taking the pictures):

Candidasa Visnumaya Wedding

The wedding was traditional Vedic/Hare Krishna style. Here are some of the fun traditions depicted in the photos:

  • showering the deities with flowers (pushpa abhishek) and then showering those flowers over the audience and married couple to counteract any bad astrological influences
  • the groom leaving the wedding with his Bhagavad-Gita and umbrella to meditate in the forest as a celebrate monk (brahmacari) for the rest of his life (but being convinced otherwise by the spiritual master - representing the father of the bride)
  • exchanging garlands
  • tying the hands together with a flower garland and sealing it with water
    tying the couple's clothing together with a knot
  • a fire sacrifice (agni-hotra) where various grains, seeds and fruits are thrown into a fire to purify any bad karma reactions

My wedding (with photos)
→ Home

It seems about time I posted something on this blog. I has been quite a while. News of the moment: I have gotten married. On the 1st of January 2010 I, Candidasa dasa, married the lovely Visnumaya devi dasi. Or, if you prefer, our western names: Julian Malik Seidenberg and Susan Elizabeth Burrows (now Seidenberg).

Lots of great pictures from the event (thanks to Thakur Saranga and Sukanthi Radha for taking the pictures):

Candidasa Visnumaya Wedding

The wedding was traditional Vedic/Hare Krishna style. Here are some of the fun traditions depicted in the photos:

  • showering the deities with flowers (pushpa abhishek) and then showering those flowers over the audience and married couple to counteract any bad astrological influences
  • the groom leaving the wedding with his Bhagavad-Gita and umbrella to meditate in the forest as a celebrate monk (brahmacari) for the rest of his life (but being convinced otherwise by the spiritual master - representing the father of the bride)
  • exchanging garlands
  • tying the hands together with a flower garland and sealing it with water
    tying the couple's clothing together with a knot
  • a fire sacrifice (agni-hotra) where various grains, seeds and fruits are thrown into a fire to purify any bad karma reactions

Visit to New Talavan!
→ Plant and Be Happy

Two weeks ago Kunti and I visited New Talavan for the very first time. It is a rural community about one hour northeast from New Orleans, in Mississippi.

We had a great time! Devotees were nice, Deities were nice, and I finally met a good online acquaintance, Adi Karta prabhu. He is moving to New Talavan from Alachua, and his mobile [...]

Response from senator on S425
→ Plant and Be Happy

I got the response below from one of our senators on the emails I sent on S425 :

Dear Friend:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Food Safety and Tracking Improvement Act. I welcome your thoughts and comments.

Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) introduced the Food Safety and Tracking Improvement Act, which would establish a nationwide traceability system monitored [...]

→ Arcanam: Worship of the Deity...

One of the advantages of living in a diverse metropolitan city is that exotic items are readily available for offering to their lordships. For some time I've wanted to offer nice fragrant flowers to my deities. However most of the commercially grown flowers available in the market are virtually scentless. So for Nityananda Trayodashi I wanted something different, luckily I was able to find a store that regularly gets fresh jasmine from India. The simple jasmine (mogra) buds made perfect garlands for Gaura Nitai, thier sweet fragrance filling the altar.

→ Arcanam: Worship of the Deity...

One of the advantages of living in a diverse metropolitan city is that exotic items are readily available for offering to their lordships. For some time I've wanted to offer nice fragrant flowers to my deities. However most of the commercially grown flowers available in the market are virtually scentless. So for Nityananda Trayodashi I wanted something different, luckily I was able to find a store that regularly gets fresh jasmine from India. The simple jasmine (mogra) buds made perfect garlands for Gaura Nitai, thier sweet fragrance filling the altar.

First and second loves.
→ Clouds.

It's funny how everyone here in Damodardesh associate Kirtans with me.

This was the scene in Atlanta:

It is Saturday around 9a.m after the morning program. Time for Mrdanga class with Vedasara.

"Where is Anuradha?"
"She is in the pujari making garlands..."

It is the Sunday feast night and you can see and hear all the smiles and 'haribols' going back and forth. It is 'socializing' time......that is prasadam time.

"Where is Anuradha"?
"Oh she is on the altar with Madhavi helping her do the evening service"

(Yup, Madhavi always maganged to lure me to help her on the altar even though it was not my day to do evening seva :) ......and i'll always be grateful for that!)

It is time for the Sunday night kirtans. And I would be scrubbing the altar or putting away necklaces, earrings as Uttam Prabhu drowned everyone in Mayapur mellows :) Oh I would also completely lose myself in UttamPrabhu's transcendental tunes......but I would be doing so in the pujari room as the holy names waft in through the doors.

(Shhhh....but it also used to be my excuse.... "Can you help us wash these pots?", "Nope, sorry, have to do the evening arati!" :D )

It was quite hard for me in Dubai initially. No temple. No Deities. What seva would I do? Now I realize my immaturity during my 'depressed' days. My only solace was turning to my second love - Kirtans.

When I was talking to Mandali recently in Chowpatty, she expressed that one of her realizations when she wasn't able to do as much deity worship in India, was that it was an opportunity to internalize deity worship. Women can't be on the altar doing abhishek, but who can stop you offering a manasa abhishek to Krishna?! :)

And I realized another aspect of deity worship! What I was doing as my 'second' love in Damodardesh was really just another aspect of my first love. So now, I regularly peform deity worship in Damodardesh. I regularly serve the deities - the deities of the holy name. Kirtan is a beautiful way of internalizing worship. Getting absorbed in Kirtan, meditating on his form with the holy name just engulfing you.... Staying in Damodardesh has opened my eyes to another beautiful form of the Lord - his transcendental name....

"Nama-bhajana is not bound by any rule—the holy name is beyond all virtuous acts—He is spiritual—He is virility and luster in a person. All the Vedas have been manifested from this holy name. The holy name is bliss, the holy name is ananda. We can excellently be devoted to Him. The holy name is worship and is to be worshiped; Your feet are to be held in veneration. "
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, Hari Nama-cintamani

Kirtaniya sada hari... :)

First and second loves.
→ Clouds.

It's funny how everyone here in Damodardesh associate Kirtans with me.

This was the scene in Atlanta:

It is Saturday around 9a.m after the morning program. Time for Mrdanga class with Vedasara.

"Where is Anuradha?"
"She is in the pujari making garlands..."

It is the Sunday feast night and you can see and hear all the smiles and 'haribols' going back and forth. It is 'socializing' time......that is prasadam time.

"Where is Anuradha"?
"Oh she is on the altar with Madhavi helping her do the evening service"

(Yup, Madhavi always maganged to lure me to help her on the altar even though it was not my day to do evening seva :) ......and i'll always be grateful for that!)

It is time for the Sunday night kirtans. And I would be scrubbing the altar or putting away necklaces, earrings as Uttam Prabhu drowned everyone in Mayapur mellows :) Oh I would also completely lose myself in UttamPrabhu's transcendental tunes......but I would be doing so in the pujari room as the holy names waft in through the doors.

(Shhhh....but it also used to be my excuse.... "Can you help us wash these pots?", "Nope, sorry, have to do the evening arati!" :D )

It was quite hard for me in Dubai initially. No temple. No Deities. What seva would I do? Now I realize my immaturity during my 'depressed' days. My only solace was turning to my second love - Kirtans.

When I was talking to Mandali recently in Chowpatty, she expressed that one of her realizations when she wasn't able to do as much deity worship in India, was that it was an opportunity to internalize deity worship. Women can't be on the altar doing abhishek, but who can stop you offering a manasa abhishek to Krishna?! :)

And I realized another aspect of deity worship! What I was doing as my 'second' love in Damodardesh was really just another aspect of my first love. So now, I regularly peform deity worship in Damodardesh. I regularly serve the deities - the deities of the holy name. Kirtan is a beautiful way of internalizing worship. Getting absorbed in Kirtan, meditating on his form with the holy name just engulfing you.... Staying in Damodardesh has opened my eyes to another beautiful form of the Lord - his transcendental name....

"Nama-bhajana is not bound by any rule—the holy name is beyond all virtuous acts—He is spiritual—He is virility and luster in a person. All the Vedas have been manifested from this holy name. The holy name is bliss, the holy name is ananda. We can excellently be devoted to Him. The holy name is worship and is to be worshiped; Your feet are to be held in veneration. "
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, Hari Nama-cintamani

Kirtaniya sada hari... :)

What to Do When There’s too much Mercy
→ the world i know

First wrap the contents tight and store it in a blue box 6 meters high and 93 meters wide and 108 meters long. Click your feet four times- not three, learn to say abracadabra in Polish and then after you- oh wait! Wrong audience.
But the question still remains what to do, what to do...
I have heard, and dare to write it before verifying these statements, that magnanimity, a very rare gift is still more rare in the Spiritual world. Why? Well its like Never land up there where every being is seriously satisfied and is in danger of breaking sweat at any moment due to ever-increasing perfection.
Cows have way too much milk up there and so the land is soaked with milk ( when you're God, you can water your lawn- or sand- or touchstone particles with milk), H2O isn't enough either and so all water is nectar. And dare ask a mango tree for peaches; but I'm sorry you walked up to it and didn't dance, and you asked, not sang- you must be in the material world again. Still perfect is when that hippie in you can use your “be here now” skills when a new to town traveler asks you for the time: “ time”, you'd say, “ is now.” And yesterday? “ Still now.” While we're at it, your soul mate happens to be there, so is Mr. Right, Prince Charming and your knight in shining armor. And for the guys, you won't find damsels in distress, and the damsels I'm sorry to say belong to the Knight in shining.... Better yet, your knight and his shining Armor are non different! So magnanimity, although part of the spiritual world is sort of conspicuous by its absence.
On the other hand (are five fingers), down here Prince Charming might be found hanging out with Mr. Right, intimately... Your knight's armor may have been traded for some thick green cloth and yesterday means- yesterday. We could go into filtered H20 and scarce cow's milk, but I don't want to mirror my thoughts; so back to magnanimity.
When Krsna descends he needs a place to call base, just as when a king travels, at least in the old days, he went with an entourage for his utility. Mayapur, Vrindavan and other holy places are exact replicas of the eternal abode with equal potency available here to help us understand the nature of eternity, knowledge and bliss. Here in Mayapur that magnanimity factor can be perceived by anyone whether qualified to practice spirituality- and who is, or not. The atmosphere is so surcharged that mercy just flows even when a person is asleep. (Sleep is considered paying prostrated respects to the holy land)
But how to get this mercy an open secret expressed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu quoting the Mahabharat : dharmasya tattvam nihitam guhayam, true spiritual revelation lies within the hearts of great souls. One is advised to sincerely serve those great souls by following whatever instructions they may give; and also by intelligently staying away from what they stay away from. Each great soul is like a mercy station; a place where the matter of business is magnanimous blessings given for a little price- one's faith.
Srila Prabhupada has opened the doors to Mayapur for us and beckons us to come and experience real life everyday, and when we're satisfied beyond measure, go and give it to others. Even if we just take a drop and give it to another person, we'll find ourselves with two drops. The more we give the more we get. Like that ol
d saying, “the gift that keeps giving.”

What to Do When There’s too much Mercy
→ the world i know

First wrap the contents tight and store it in a blue box 6 meters high and 93 meters wide and 108 meters long. Click your feet four times- not three, learn to say abracadabra in Polish and then after you- oh wait! Wrong audience.
But the question still remains what to do, what to do...
I have heard, and dare to write it before verifying these statements, that magnanimity, a very rare gift is still more rare in the Spiritual world. Why? Well its like Never land up there where every being is seriously satisfied and is in danger of breaking sweat at any moment due to ever-increasing perfection.
Cows have way too much milk up there and so the land is soaked with milk ( when you're God, you can water your lawn- or sand- or touchstone particles with milk), H2O isn't enough either and so all water is nectar. And dare ask a mango tree for peaches; but I'm sorry you walked up to it and didn't dance, and you asked, not sang- you must be in the material world again. Still perfect is when that hippie in you can use your “be here now” skills when a new to town traveler asks you for the time: “ time”, you'd say, “ is now.” And yesterday? “ Still now.” While we're at it, your soul mate happens to be there, so is Mr. Right, Prince Charming and your knight in shining armor. And for the guys, you won't find damsels in distress, and the damsels I'm sorry to say belong to the Knight in shining.... Better yet, your knight and his shining Armor are non different! So magnanimity, although part of the spiritual world is sort of conspicuous by its absence.
On the other hand (are five fingers), down here Prince Charming might be found hanging out with Mr. Right, intimately... Your knight's armor may have been traded for some thick green cloth and yesterday means- yesterday. We could go into filtered H20 and scarce cow's milk, but I don't want to mirror my thoughts; so back to magnanimity.
When Krsna descends he needs a place to call base, just as when a king travels, at least in the old days, he went with an entourage for his utility. Mayapur, Vrindavan and other holy places are exact replicas of the eternal abode with equal potency available here to help us understand the nature of eternity, knowledge and bliss. Here in Mayapur that magnanimity factor can be perceived by anyone whether qualified to practice spirituality- and who is, or not. The atmosphere is so surcharged that mercy just flows even when a person is asleep. (Sleep is considered paying prostrated respects to the holy land)
But how to get this mercy an open secret expressed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu quoting the Mahabharat : dharmasya tattvam nihitam guhayam, true spiritual revelation lies within the hearts of great souls. One is advised to sincerely serve those great souls by following whatever instructions they may give; and also by intelligently staying away from what they stay away from. Each great soul is like a mercy station; a place where the matter of business is magnanimous blessings given for a little price- one's faith.
Srila Prabhupada has opened the doors to Mayapur for us and beckons us to come and experience real life everyday, and when we're satisfied beyond measure, go and give it to others. Even if we just take a drop and give it to another person, we'll find ourselves with two drops. The more we give the more we get. Like that ol
d saying, “the gift that keeps giving.”

→ the world i know

Many people I meet express their most difficult problem- too little time to actually relish, or absorb themselves in life. When you wake up the rush starts- class, work, cram!
Here's a small experience that I relish here in India and hope to really inspire people with in the near future. Do few things diligently, consciously and properly.
An example of my schedule in the last few months:
3:00 am wake up (shower, dress, chant japa, mangala arati, class.)
9:00 am wash laundry, eat.
10:30 bhakti sastri class (lunch also)
3:00 pm  one hour nap
4:30 study
6:30 return clean and folded laundry
7- 8: socialize
8:30 give massage
9:30 bed
as this happens, I perceive how the mind becomes calm. When the mind is calm, thinking about deeper topics is possible. Most people are interested in Spiritual life, but their

external world is a bit in disarray  and so a war between outside and inside leaves on between a rock and a hard place.
 I suggest association of people who do what challenges you most. So if you're trying to be more spiritual and its difficult, associate with spiritual people.
There's so much to learn in spirituality, but our very minds stop us.

After a few days in Mayapur, my Spiritual Teacher asked me how I was doing, so I explaind my schedule and he was very encouraging. He said, “ that is sadhu (spiritual) life; doing
the same thing over and over will steady the mind, when the mind is steady then one can proceed nicely in Krsna Consciousness”
Plus, you'll find you have so much time because everything starts to have its place and quality
tatata tatata tatata tatata tatata- steady

→ the world i know

Many people I meet express their most difficult problem- too little time to actually relish, or absorb themselves in life. When you wake up the rush starts- class, work, cram!
Here's a small experience that I relish here in India and hope to really inspire people with in the near future. Do few things diligently, consciously and properly.
An example of my schedule in the last few months:
3:00 am wake up (shower, dress, chant japa, mangala arati, class.)
9:00 am wash laundry, eat.
10:30 bhakti sastri class (lunch also)
3:00 pm  one hour nap
4:30 study
6:30 return clean and folded laundry
7- 8: socialize
8:30 give massage
9:30 bed
as this happens, I perceive how the mind becomes calm. When the mind is calm, thinking about deeper topics is possible. Most people are interested in Spiritual life, but their

external world is a bit in disarray  and so a war between outside and inside leaves on between a rock and a hard place.
 I suggest association of people who do what challenges you most. So if you're trying to be more spiritual and its difficult, associate with spiritual people.
There's so much to learn in spirituality, but our very minds stop us.

After a few days in Mayapur, my Spiritual Teacher asked me how I was doing, so I explaind my schedule and he was very encouraging. He said, “ that is sadhu (spiritual) life; doing
the same thing over and over will steady the mind, when the mind is steady then one can proceed nicely in Krsna Consciousness”
Plus, you'll find you have so much time because everything starts to have its place and quality
tatata tatata tatata tatata tatata- steady

→ Clouds.

Scent of rosewater making me heady
bathing your glowing white body
The silence of the altar
Hum of the mahamantra
It is just you and me
as I play with your skirts
Which earrings would you like today ?

The ache is back my dear Rani
Is some of that mercy saved for me?
One desire.
One day again....just to hold that brush
be absorbed in those patterns.......just to paint gopidots on your moonlike face.....When?

→ Clouds.

Scent of rosewater making me heady
bathing your glowing white body
The silence of the altar
Hum of the mahamantra
It is just you and me
as I play with your skirts
Which earrings would you like today ?

The ache is back my dear Rani
Is some of that mercy saved for me?
One desire.
One day again....just to hold that brush
be absorbed in those patterns.......just to paint gopidots on your moonlike face.....When?