Hare Krishna Questions and Answers website
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<p>I have created a proposal to create a new Question &amp; Answer website for Hare Krishna devotees and need your help.</p><p>The proposed website will be built on the same software as stackoverflow.com, a hugely popular site where over seven million computer programmers help each other with difficult programming problems. On Stack Overflow the audience votes for the best answer. Answers with the highest number of votes automatically rise to the top, to be read first. People answering questions gain reputation from each "up" vote for their answer, encouraging them to answer questions well. I can see this proposed site turning into an equally amazing resource. </p><p>We need a certain number of people "following" the proposal before the people who run StackExchange see it as important enough to make it into a real website. So, please help out and click the "Follow It" button on this website and enter your email address:</p><p>http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/10537/hare-krishna?referrer=oBZN-v_zajmdB6M--FAu3g2</p><p>Please forward this to all your devotee friends and get them involved, so we can get our Q&amp;A site launched very soon.</p><p><a href="http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/10537/hare-krishna"><img src="http://www.deltaflow.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/exchange.jpg" alt="StackExchange Hare Krishna Questions and Answers Site" title="exchange" width="313" height="148" class="size-full wp-image-515"/></a></p><p>Detailed information about what I'm trying to do here:</p><p>The primary aim of the site is to give devotees a way to get good answers to all kinds of questions, as well as for more learned devotees to share their knowledge. If an answer is online, then google can find it and it becomes a permanent record for the future. That is much better than a devotee answering the same question over and over again on various forums. It is also better for the person looking for the answer, because the voting highlights what the best answer is, placing it at the top.</p><p>I got the idea for this kind of website after a conversation with another devotee. We were talking about facebook and blog controversies and the inability of devotees to do much about them. I thought about this a lot and had the idea for a devotee Q&amp;A site that could address both local and global controversies in an authoritative way that doesn't look like it is just one person's biased opinion. A good answer on such a site will visibly have the stamp of approval from a whole group of devotees. Then, a few weeks ago, this StackExchange thing came along and did all the hard work of designing such a site for us. So, I'm very keen to take advantage of this opportunity.</p><p>To my knowledge every other devotee attempt at an online community either gets neglected over time, limited to a few hundred people, or has a confusing interface which is too bewildering. This is not any individual's fault. The fact is that building a website that people will use for valuable high-quality social interactions is very difficult. The best essay on the topic is this one "A Group is its own Worst Enemy"</p><p>http://shirky.com/writings/group_enemy.html</p><p>The author explains in great detail why so many social websites fail. The StackExchange model is exactly in line with the principles recommended to make a site successful. It is expertly designed with identity (once the site is launched, anyone that contributes needs to have an identity and is therefore accountable for what they write - no anonymous answering), voting (the community polices itself), reputation (a way to identify those members of the community that are in good standing) and a barrier to entry (you need a certain good reputation to be able to vote to determine what is a good answer). All this means that a website based on the StackExchange technology can still be useful and manageable with millions of users.</p><p>Please help make this amazing resource a reality by clicking "follow" on the proposal and writing some good and bad example questions to go on the site. Bad questions are those off-topic questions that we don't want appearing on the site to keep the site focused on topics related to Krishna consciousness. We need examples of such bad questions in the proposal stage to define what the site will be about.<br/>(sign up to the site using your Gmail or Yahoo email address - that is what is meant by OpenID).</p>

Hare Krishna Questions and Answers website
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I have created a proposal to create a new Question & Answer website for Hare Krishna devotees and need your help.

The proposed website will be built on the same software as stackoverflow.com, a hugely popular site where over seven million computer programmers help each other with difficult programming problems. On Stack Overflow the audience votes for the best answer. Answers with the highest number of votes automatically rise to the top, to be read first. People answering questions gain reputation from each "up" vote for their answer, encouraging them to answer questions well. I can see this proposed site turning into an equally amazing resource.

We need a certain number of people "following" the proposal before the people who run StackExchange see it as important enough to make it into a real website. So, please help out and click the "Follow It" button on this website and enter your email address:


Please forward this to all your devotee friends and get them involved, so we can get our Q&A site launched very soon.

StackExchange Hare Krishna Questions and Answers Site

Detailed information about what I'm trying to do here:

The primary aim of the site is to give devotees a way to get good answers to all kinds of questions, as well as for more learned devotees to share their knowledge. If an answer is online, then google can find it and it becomes a permanent record for the future. That is much better than a devotee answering the same question over and over again on various forums. It is also better for the person looking for the answer, because the voting highlights what the best answer is, placing it at the top.

I got the idea for this kind of website after a conversation with another devotee. We were talking about facebook and blog controversies and the inability of devotees to do much about them. I thought about this a lot and had the idea for a devotee Q&A site that could address both local and global controversies in an authoritative way that doesn't look like it is just one person's biased opinion. A good answer on such a site will visibly have the stamp of approval from a whole group of devotees. Then, a few weeks ago, this StackExchange thing came along and did all the hard work of designing such a site for us. So, I'm very keen to take advantage of this opportunity.

To my knowledge every other devotee attempt at an online community either gets neglected over time, limited to a few hundred people, or has a confusing interface which is too bewildering. This is not any individual's fault. The fact is that building a website that people will use for valuable high-quality social interactions is very difficult. The best essay on the topic is this one "A Group is its own Worst Enemy"


The author explains in great detail why so many social websites fail. The StackExchange model is exactly in line with the principles recommended to make a site successful. It is expertly designed with identity (once the site is launched, anyone that contributes needs to have an identity and is therefore accountable for what they write - no anonymous answering), voting (the community polices itself), reputation (a way to identify those members of the community that are in good standing) and a barrier to entry (you need a certain good reputation to be able to vote to determine what is a good answer). All this means that a website based on the StackExchange technology can still be useful and manageable with millions of users.

Please help make this amazing resource a reality by clicking "follow" on the proposal and writing some good and bad example questions to go on the site. Bad questions are those off-topic questions that we don't want appearing on the site to keep the site focused on topics related to Krishna consciousness. We need examples of such bad questions in the proposal stage to define what the site will be about.
(sign up to the site using your Gmail or Yahoo email address - that is what is meant by OpenID).

Hare Krishna Questions and Answers website
→ Home

I have created a proposal to create a new Question & Answer website for Hare Krishna devotees and need your help.

The proposed website will be built on the same software as stackoverflow.com, a hugely popular site where over seven million computer programmers help each other with difficult programming problems. On Stack Overflow the audience votes for the best answer. Answers with the highest number of votes automatically rise to the top, to be read first. People answering questions gain reputation from each "up" vote for their answer, encouraging them to answer questions well. I can see this proposed site turning into an equally amazing resource.

We need a certain number of people "following" the proposal before the people who run StackExchange see it as important enough to make it into a real website. So, please help out and click the "Follow It" button on this website and enter your email address:


Please forward this to all your devotee friends and get them involved, so we can get our Q&A site launched very soon.

StackExchange Hare Krishna Questions and Answers Site

Detailed information about what I'm trying to do here:

The primary aim of the site is to give devotees a way to get good answers to all kinds of questions, as well as for more learned devotees to share their knowledge. If an answer is online, then google can find it and it becomes a permanent record for the future. That is much better than a devotee answering the same question over and over again on various forums. It is also better for the person looking for the answer, because the voting highlights what the best answer is, placing it at the top.

I got the idea for this kind of website after a conversation with another devotee. We were talking about facebook and blog controversies and the inability of devotees to do much about them. I thought about this a lot and had the idea for a devotee Q&A site that could address both local and global controversies in an authoritative way that doesn't look like it is just one person's biased opinion. A good answer on such a site will visibly have the stamp of approval from a whole group of devotees. Then, a few weeks ago, this StackExchange thing came along and did all the hard work of designing such a site for us. So, I'm very keen to take advantage of this opportunity.

To my knowledge every other devotee attempt at an online community either gets neglected over time, limited to a few hundred people, or has a confusing interface which is too bewildering. This is not any individual's fault. The fact is that building a website that people will use for valuable high-quality social interactions is very difficult. The best essay on the topic is this one "A Group is its own Worst Enemy"


The author explains in great detail why so many social websites fail. The StackExchange model is exactly in line with the principles recommended to make a site successful. It is expertly designed with identity (once the site is launched, anyone that contributes needs to have an identity and is therefore accountable for what they write - no anonymous answering), voting (the community polices itself), reputation (a way to identify those members of the community that are in good standing) and a barrier to entry (you need a certain good reputation to be able to vote to determine what is a good answer). All this means that a website based on the StackExchange technology can still be useful and manageable with millions of users.

Please help make this amazing resource a reality by clicking "follow" on the proposal and writing some good and bad example questions to go on the site. Bad questions are those off-topic questions that we don't want appearing on the site to keep the site focused on topics related to Krishna consciousness. We need examples of such bad questions in the proposal stage to define what the site will be about.
(sign up to the site using your Gmail or Yahoo email address - that is what is meant by OpenID).

What a Wonderful World
→ the world i know

We took a morning walk along Lake Ontario and these were some thoughts running through my head...

I like beaches, fresh ocean, well, lake air, Wine Bottle from a dark nights rendezvous, McDonald's bags, 1, 2 few, many- all over. Cigarette butts, tissues, newspapers, coffee cups, other things monks shouldn't mention by name, etc.
 "This is a place of Pilgrimage you know, Srila Prabhupada walked here in the Summer of 75 when he visited Toronto."
How advanced we've become, few years later. If the Mayans, or the Aryans do come back, what would they think of us? We've  redefined ruins. Back then, they left ruins we still flock to see today.
But why, I ask myself? Why?
Well, my self started to say, we've done it to ourselves. We've created a culture of packaging; no matter how significant or insignificant the product, just package it nicely and you'll make money :)   :)    :)
But I promise you you won't be satisfied with the 3.0 version, so I'll make you a 3.1 version next season. And the package, throw it away- wherever. Caution, its hot, take it for a nice walk along the ocean shore; and when you're done, just throw it somewhere, the Government will clean it up.
So we go on day after day enjoying what we think might be the best drink, smoke, night of our lives, and when we're through, still lacking inner satisfaction, throw the package down.
'Xcuse me sir, I a monk-- " aw shut it, we don't wanna hear that God crap. We want equal rights for everone"
Well, then how about that seagull? you just dropped your cig butt and he thought it was food, so he just dove and chucked it right in. Oh, and that bag you just threw out after emptying your evening snack number 15 carried a nice scent with it, so the cow came and at the bag. Yup. Ate the bag. Now the doctors say lots of cows in Krsna's holy land are suffering from junk, like plastic bags and cups in their stomachs. Sounds cuddly.

But what if you did stop for a minute and looked around and see whats going down? What if you could live more peacefully without all the noise? Maybe in your own little house on the prairie and not in your pigeon hole apartment in the city?   How bout that?

So yah, as I walked this morning, my alter ego, super monk wanted to burst out and smash everything and everyone, but deeper inside me is a place that still needs cleaning too, so I'll just keep working on me, working on you working on we :)

What a Wonderful World
→ the world i know

We took a morning walk along Lake Ontario and these were some thoughts running through my head...

I like beaches, fresh ocean, well, lake air, Wine Bottle from a dark nights rendezvous, McDonald's bags, 1, 2 few, many- all over. Cigarette butts, tissues, newspapers, coffee cups, other things monks shouldn't mention by name, etc.
 "This is a place of Pilgrimage you know, Srila Prabhupada walked here in the Summer of 75 when he visited Toronto."
How advanced we've become, few years later. If the Mayans, or the Aryans do come back, what would they think of us? We've  redefined ruins. Back then, they left ruins we still flock to see today.
But why, I ask myself? Why?
Well, my self started to say, we've done it to ourselves. We've created a culture of packaging; no matter how significant or insignificant the product, just package it nicely and you'll make money :)   :)    :)
But I promise you you won't be satisfied with the 3.0 version, so I'll make you a 3.1 version next season. And the package, throw it away- wherever. Caution, its hot, take it for a nice walk along the ocean shore; and when you're done, just throw it somewhere, the Government will clean it up.
So we go on day after day enjoying what we think might be the best drink, smoke, night of our lives, and when we're through, still lacking inner satisfaction, throw the package down.
'Xcuse me sir, I a monk-- " aw shut it, we don't wanna hear that God crap. We want equal rights for everone"
Well, then how about that seagull? you just dropped your cig butt and he thought it was food, so he just dove and chucked it right in. Oh, and that bag you just threw out after emptying your evening snack number 15 carried a nice scent with it, so the cow came and at the bag. Yup. Ate the bag. Now the doctors say lots of cows in Krsna's holy land are suffering from junk, like plastic bags and cups in their stomachs. Sounds cuddly.

But what if you did stop for a minute and looked around and see whats going down? What if you could live more peacefully without all the noise? Maybe in your own little house on the prairie and not in your pigeon hole apartment in the city?   How bout that?

So yah, as I walked this morning, my alter ego, super monk wanted to burst out and smash everything and everyone, but deeper inside me is a place that still needs cleaning too, so I'll just keep working on me, working on you working on we :)

→ the world i know

Another day in my internal little world.

Today I contemplate the phrase "being convinced that Krsna is there"
Really, that's quite embarrassing for a spirit soul. I mean have we really dug that deep into illusion to now have to ask ourselves does God exist? And then write big big books and articles on it? Especially when you write a book that tells people, go find the answers for yourself, don't listen to anyone but your inner instinct or inner child. Then the first class "idiom", so as not to use the other word, tells you, well this book I read said that you shouldn't listen to anyone and you should go find things out yourself.... contradiction bells ring for me.
You get the picture, don't listen to any one, but listen to me- its called blind leading the blind and you know they're gonna fall into a ditch.

Knowledge comes through an authoritative system, and when applied according to the instructions and culture that system provides, I guarantee you a result; or at least a glimpse of one. Still don't get it, ok- a doctor learns medicine from another doctor, not a lawyer, a mice learns to flee cats and other creatures by watching its parents flee cats and other creatures. So in this world, every species of life learns to carry on a culture by learning from higher authorities. Except God realization- that you have to do yourself, by reading my self help book for only $24.99 wherein I tell you not to listen to me; but too late, you can't get your full money back, so join the cheater race by selling that book to a used book store or at a yard sale.
If a person has a fever, how does he know the pill he just took worked? Well, he followed the label that said take two with water, and after sometime he feels a normal temperature. Or if he's over zealous, and wants to get well immediately,  he takes six or ten,which then puts him in another state known as high.
Ok, back to does God exist or not.....
Well, there's a book written by some guy these Hares claim to be an incarnation of God, it has instrucitons on how to understand God, and stay on the platform so that even when you're having the worse or hair days, you're not moved from the truth. Which means the truth must be something you're experiencing, not something you're fantasizing about. Yes bad hair days can be quite draining emotionally and you fell like Rumpelstiltskin instead of prince charming. But you know there's always a comb, a brush or a buzzer somewhere to fix it.
So am I convinced that Krsna is there?
Wouldn't you like to know. Come traveling and giving out this knowledge and see some incidences. Then we'll compare notes.
(thats as far as I got in my mental class today :) )

→ the world i know

Another day in my internal little world.

Today I contemplate the phrase "being convinced that Krsna is there"
Really, that's quite embarrassing for a spirit soul. I mean have we really dug that deep into illusion to now have to ask ourselves does God exist? And then write big big books and articles on it? Especially when you write a book that tells people, go find the answers for yourself, don't listen to anyone but your inner instinct or inner child. Then the first class "idiom", so as not to use the other word, tells you, well this book I read said that you shouldn't listen to anyone and you should go find things out yourself.... contradiction bells ring for me.
You get the picture, don't listen to any one, but listen to me- its called blind leading the blind and you know they're gonna fall into a ditch.

Knowledge comes through an authoritative system, and when applied according to the instructions and culture that system provides, I guarantee you a result; or at least a glimpse of one. Still don't get it, ok- a doctor learns medicine from another doctor, not a lawyer, a mice learns to flee cats and other creatures by watching its parents flee cats and other creatures. So in this world, every species of life learns to carry on a culture by learning from higher authorities. Except God realization- that you have to do yourself, by reading my self help book for only $24.99 wherein I tell you not to listen to me; but too late, you can't get your full money back, so join the cheater race by selling that book to a used book store or at a yard sale.
If a person has a fever, how does he know the pill he just took worked? Well, he followed the label that said take two with water, and after sometime he feels a normal temperature. Or if he's over zealous, and wants to get well immediately,  he takes six or ten,which then puts him in another state known as high.
Ok, back to does God exist or not.....
Well, there's a book written by some guy these Hares claim to be an incarnation of God, it has instrucitons on how to understand God, and stay on the platform so that even when you're having the worse or hair days, you're not moved from the truth. Which means the truth must be something you're experiencing, not something you're fantasizing about. Yes bad hair days can be quite draining emotionally and you fell like Rumpelstiltskin instead of prince charming. But you know there's always a comb, a brush or a buzzer somewhere to fix it.
So am I convinced that Krsna is there?
Wouldn't you like to know. Come traveling and giving out this knowledge and see some incidences. Then we'll compare notes.
(thats as far as I got in my mental class today :) )

→ the world i know

I've been listening to various lectures on the intricacies of Karma and examining, various scenarios, personalities and situations and trying to understand the Karma concept better. A simple and sublime explanation I heard is as follows:
     A person works at a company from Monday to Friday, and each day he drives to work, stops at the gas station, goes for lunch, buys something- gift or groceries, and spends money in other ways. Now, the money he's spending this week for all these necessities aren't a result of this weeks work; he's spending last week's paycheck. And according to the amount and quality of work he  does this week, he'll be able to spend in the future. So whatever we have in this life is a result of past actions, and what we do now will determine our future enjoyment of suffering. (Karma in a nutshell, but more intricate as well)

Yesterday, the 25th of June was the 1 year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death and I couldn't help but ponder what Karma he had and how he used it. How many songs did he sing that poked your ego where you tried to protect it (man in the mirror, black or white, Human Nature...). In my opinion, I give the guy an A plus. When I look at celebrated people, especially those who are at the top of their game, I become intrigued as well as inspired as a monk to be a better representative of the order I serve in. I mean, someone like Michael could put on a show! I remember watching a few of his concerts where people are carried out on stretchers, or others crying and screaming and totally beside themselves.  So  what distinguishes such a performer from others? I figure it's not just the skill, but the emotion, the mood, the feeling that goes with the performance. I'm sure we all have a singer or actor we like because of the mood they bring to the screen (Johnny Depp, opening scene, Pirates : Curse of the Black Pearl). So these people in a previous life worked to get where they are, and how they use that talent gets them to another good round in the next life. Even better is if  they have some pious activity or cultivation about them.
I could write lots on Celebrities  and their umph they add to their work, but how does that Apply to a monk? Or anyone who looks at life through a more spiritual mirror? Well, I see many who just stay on the sidewalk of spiritual culture, neither walking on the green grass of eternal culture, nor walking on the concrete streets of the material world. As a monk I tell  myself to be more bold each day; suck out the meaning of spirituality, let the energy flow for others to experience also. Krsna culture is a deep culture with more and more to see the more you delve into the rich Literatures and culture given by our predecessors. As Krsna himself says, as one surrenders to him, he  rewards them accordingly. So its up to us; we can all take a look into our "abilities and qualities" closets and see how to use each gift we have. When we use those gifts for Krsna, or put in a deeper feeling for those gifts as we use them for Krsna, the benefit is that we get closer to Krsna.

To conclude before I start to ramble more, All Spiritual and material worlds emanate from Krsna; the natures we have acquired and the ability to do what we do comes from Krsna. So for one who desires to enjoy in this world, worship Krsna. For one who desires to become free from the entanglements of this world, worship Krsna. Of course I must add that if a rich man told you he's give you whatever you asked for, and you only asked for some supply of bread, then you're pretty.... um,..... Pretty, but not so bright :)


→ the world i know

I've been listening to various lectures on the intricacies of Karma and examining, various scenarios, personalities and situations and trying to understand the Karma concept better. A simple and sublime explanation I heard is as follows:
     A person works at a company from Monday to Friday, and each day he drives to work, stops at the gas station, goes for lunch, buys something- gift or groceries, and spends money in other ways. Now, the money he's spending this week for all these necessities aren't a result of this weeks work; he's spending last week's paycheck. And according to the amount and quality of work he  does this week, he'll be able to spend in the future. So whatever we have in this life is a result of past actions, and what we do now will determine our future enjoyment of suffering. (Karma in a nutshell, but more intricate as well)

Yesterday, the 25th of June was the 1 year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death and I couldn't help but ponder what Karma he had and how he used it. How many songs did he sing that poked your ego where you tried to protect it (man in the mirror, black or white, Human Nature...). In my opinion, I give the guy an A plus. When I look at celebrated people, especially those who are at the top of their game, I become intrigued as well as inspired as a monk to be a better representative of the order I serve in. I mean, someone like Michael could put on a show! I remember watching a few of his concerts where people are carried out on stretchers, or others crying and screaming and totally beside themselves.  So  what distinguishes such a performer from others? I figure it's not just the skill, but the emotion, the mood, the feeling that goes with the performance. I'm sure we all have a singer or actor we like because of the mood they bring to the screen (Johnny Depp, opening scene, Pirates : Curse of the Black Pearl). So these people in a previous life worked to get where they are, and how they use that talent gets them to another good round in the next life. Even better is if  they have some pious activity or cultivation about them.
I could write lots on Celebrities  and their umph they add to their work, but how does that Apply to a monk? Or anyone who looks at life through a more spiritual mirror? Well, I see many who just stay on the sidewalk of spiritual culture, neither walking on the green grass of eternal culture, nor walking on the concrete streets of the material world. As a monk I tell  myself to be more bold each day; suck out the meaning of spirituality, let the energy flow for others to experience also. Krsna culture is a deep culture with more and more to see the more you delve into the rich Literatures and culture given by our predecessors. As Krsna himself says, as one surrenders to him, he  rewards them accordingly. So its up to us; we can all take a look into our "abilities and qualities" closets and see how to use each gift we have. When we use those gifts for Krsna, or put in a deeper feeling for those gifts as we use them for Krsna, the benefit is that we get closer to Krsna.

To conclude before I start to ramble more, All Spiritual and material worlds emanate from Krsna; the natures we have acquired and the ability to do what we do comes from Krsna. So for one who desires to enjoy in this world, worship Krsna. For one who desires to become free from the entanglements of this world, worship Krsna. Of course I must add that if a rich man told you he's give you whatever you asked for, and you only asked for some supply of bread, then you're pretty.... um,..... Pretty, but not so bright :)


Child, GOD,simple
→ the world i know

Inspired by a few devotees who do some power walking- HH Bhakti Marg Swami walking worldwide, or Vaisesika Prabhu walking around Govardhan in Kartik, etc etc, I've been walking an exploring Toronto a bit more lately.
On Sunday Morning the cutest scene occurred that made my japa a bit more conscious. While passing the rail system tracks there was this lady watching her two year old stand close to the wire fence as he waited for the train to pass. As it did, he kinda did this funny little dance move in excitement. It was heart warming and also reminded me of how the gopis would sometimes gather around little Krsna and sing to him. Krsna would then move his little feet rhythmically and clap to the music.
On another walk, this boy about five years old remarked to his mom after passing me, " he's the most different out here, he's cool". His mom then tells him " he looks like a monk I think".
Dina Bhandu Prabhu explained on a tour through Vrindavan that Krsna would take notice of everything, and ask Nanda Maharaj or Mother Yasoda what it was. Krsna would ask, " mother, what type of tree is this? The leaves have tails." "It's a peeple tree", mother Yasoda would respond.
The material world is a realm where as we grow under the influence of time we become "adult"erated by the need to compete, lord it over or defend. The inhibition, and sense of wonder and marvel we displayed in childhood become covered by familiarity and contempt.We become obsessed with original sin, and forget original innocence.
As we learn about Krsna, and watch his devotees interact, a hope reawakens that one can grow up and not become adulterated; that one can marvel at the cosmic manifestation knowing that standing right behind or beside him is Krsna, the eternal father, friend, master, child or lover.
Ok, now walk time,
lets see whats out there!

Child, GOD,simple
→ the world i know

Inspired by a few devotees who do some power walking- HH Bhakti Marg Swami walking worldwide, or Vaisesika Prabhu walking around Govardhan in Kartik, etc etc, I've been walking an exploring Toronto a bit more lately.
On Sunday Morning the cutest scene occurred that made my japa a bit more conscious. While passing the rail system tracks there was this lady watching her two year old stand close to the wire fence as he waited for the train to pass. As it did, he kinda did this funny little dance move in excitement. It was heart warming and also reminded me of how the gopis would sometimes gather around little Krsna and sing to him. Krsna would then move his little feet rhythmically and clap to the music.
On another walk, this boy about five years old remarked to his mom after passing me, " he's the most different out here, he's cool". His mom then tells him " he looks like a monk I think".
Dina Bhandu Prabhu explained on a tour through Vrindavan that Krsna would take notice of everything, and ask Nanda Maharaj or Mother Yasoda what it was. Krsna would ask, " mother, what type of tree is this? The leaves have tails." "It's a peeple tree", mother Yasoda would respond.
The material world is a realm where as we grow under the influence of time we become "adult"erated by the need to compete, lord it over or defend. The inhibition, and sense of wonder and marvel we displayed in childhood become covered by familiarity and contempt.We become obsessed with original sin, and forget original innocence.
As we learn about Krsna, and watch his devotees interact, a hope reawakens that one can grow up and not become adulterated; that one can marvel at the cosmic manifestation knowing that standing right behind or beside him is Krsna, the eternal father, friend, master, child or lover.
Ok, now walk time,
lets see whats out there!

→ the world i know

... But I'm still here.
Actually sometimes there's writers block; I'm no writer but I write on here for purification. Some realizations lately:
Its hard to delete a Facebook account, an illusion within the illusion. We're that stuck in here. Imagine deleting our material desires account; the desire for honor one, the self loathing one, the etc etc one.

Association of like minded people is a must. Association of not so like minded people will lead to unfavorable circumstances.

When Srila Prabhupada says that Krsna wants us back in the Spiritual World more than we want to get back there, he means just that.

There's a time for love, a time for healing, we can't go back and undo whats been done. But we still have a movement to move, and fear of making more mistakes shouldn't stop us from moving- remember Krsna is also there- more there when we can't see how he is.

It's all downhill from here.

All the stuff in the newspapers and television was there before, in different dress. And when this era is over, it'll have another change of clothes and return for another performance.

Srila Prabhupada is trying to teach us something, but we're made up of rebel cells- do exactly the opposite of what will help you and then put a philosophy behind you.

Lord Caitanya's moon is high in the sky- reach out and touch faith.

If all else fails, chant Hare Krsna; that shouldn't fail. If that fails, eat tons of prasadam.
This process is so strong that once having begun, one is forcibly dragged to ultimate success, kicking and screaming.
Until we hit love of Krsna, we should be cautious of every time, place, and circumstance.

Give this one lifetime to Krsna, tell the mind to beat it, eat it, stuff it :) and if you lose your mind in the process, GOOD!
Just some ramblings... do not try any of this at home. Its just a blog

→ the world i know

... But I'm still here.
Actually sometimes there's writers block; I'm no writer but I write on here for purification. Some realizations lately:
Its hard to delete a Facebook account, an illusion within the illusion. We're that stuck in here. Imagine deleting our material desires account; the desire for honor one, the self loathing one, the etc etc one.

Association of like minded people is a must. Association of not so like minded people will lead to unfavorable circumstances.

When Srila Prabhupada says that Krsna wants us back in the Spiritual World more than we want to get back there, he means just that.

There's a time for love, a time for healing, we can't go back and undo whats been done. But we still have a movement to move, and fear of making more mistakes shouldn't stop us from moving- remember Krsna is also there- more there when we can't see how he is.

It's all downhill from here.

All the stuff in the newspapers and television was there before, in different dress. And when this era is over, it'll have another change of clothes and return for another performance.

Srila Prabhupada is trying to teach us something, but we're made up of rebel cells- do exactly the opposite of what will help you and then put a philosophy behind you.

Lord Caitanya's moon is high in the sky- reach out and touch faith.

If all else fails, chant Hare Krsna; that shouldn't fail. If that fails, eat tons of prasadam.
This process is so strong that once having begun, one is forcibly dragged to ultimate success, kicking and screaming.
Until we hit love of Krsna, we should be cautious of every time, place, and circumstance.

Give this one lifetime to Krsna, tell the mind to beat it, eat it, stuff it :) and if you lose your mind in the process, GOOD!
Just some ramblings... do not try any of this at home. Its just a blog

Facebook Group!
→ Arcanam: Worship of the Deity...

Who would have though Facebook of all places would be the perfect venue for devotees to share ideas and tips for deity sewing and jewellery. A few weeks ago I was invited to join the Home Deity Sewing and Jewelry Facebook Group. Since then the group has been a great source of inspiration for new projects as well as a nice venue to share pictures and ideas. I suggest everyone to check it out!

Group Description:
This group is a place where devotees who enjoy sewing and making jewelry for their deities can get together and discuss creative ideas, new techniques or anything that may inspire others in their seva.

Facebook Group!
→ Arcanam: Worship of the Deity...

Who would have though Facebook of all places would be the perfect venue for devotees to share ideas and tips for deity sewing and jewellery. A few weeks ago I was invited to join the Home Deity Sewing and Jewelry Facebook Group. Since then the group has been a great source of inspiration for new projects as well as a nice venue to share pictures and ideas. I suggest everyone to check it out!

Group Description:
This group is a place where devotees who enjoy sewing and making jewelry for their deities can get together and discuss creative ideas, new techniques or anything that may inspire others in their seva.

A Pre-Conference Workshop
→ NY Times & Bhagavad Gita Sanga/ Sankirtana Das

If you're coming to the Festival of Inspiration you might consider arriving a day earlier for my workshop. Whether you’re in theater or interested in storytelling or are a workshop presenter or want to enhance your preaching, this workshop has something for you.

The Dramatic Edge
A workshop for those interested in utilizing the dramatic arts

Only $20

In this one day intensive participants will explore the essentials of the dramatic arts - voice, gesture, movement. You will walk away with some solid techniques for learning and improving your performance or presentations, making your points by strengthening the voice and pronunciation, engaging the imagination of the audience, and understanding the power of the age old art of storytelling. We’ll also discuss promoting yourself and your work. Five hours of personal and professional growth.

BIO: In college Sankirtana majored in Theater and Film. Since 1975 he engaged in writing, acting and directing scriptural dramas, taking productions to Off-B’way, colleges, temples and special events. In the past 15 years he has focused exclusively on offering dramatic storytelling programs and workshops to schools, colleges, churches, libraries, museums and conferences, including the 2006 National Storytelling Conference and 2000 Religious Communications Conference. He is also the recipient of a West Virginia Artist Fellowship Award.

Thursday, May 6
Morning session: 10:30 – 1 and continues after lunch: 2:30 - 5
To reserve a spot, contact me at story108@juno or 304 845 6840 and www.sacredvoices.com


“Sankirtana Das is my storytelling guru.” Sacinandana Swami

“Over the years, Sankirtana Das has coached me on a variety of pieces, that led to my landing parts and also getting into college, where I studied acting. More importantly, he was the first to introduce me to the concept of technique and stress its importance, in turn helping to shape my approach to all my work.” Halavah Sofsky, Actor/Filmmaker, NYC

“Sankirtana is a gold mine for anyone digging in the storytelling field. In addition, he is well equipped to provide the necessary tools for any prospector of tales. He has been my storytelling coach over the past ten years and has helped me tremendously. I have attended his workshops and have received private instruction as well. He offers a mix of humor, honest constructive criticism and knowledge of the art of storytelling. I enthusiastically recommend his services for anyone interested in developing their storytelling and writing skills.” Kripamaya Das, Musician/Storyteller, West Virginia

“Although I've been writing and periodically telling stories for years, Sankirtana’s expert guidance has taken my creative abilities to a whole other level. His mentorship has been invaluable. Over two decades of performing, writing, and teaching have given Andy the insight a master has of his subject, inside out and outside in. He recently helped this attached writer to learn to edit her work from an initially wordy and heavy script into an effective and fast moving tale that sacrificed none of the emotional content. What a difference this process has made in my ability to communicate in a compact and effective manner. THANK-YOU SANKIRTANA SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!” Harinam DD, Storyteller/Writer, Flordia

A Pre-Conference Workshop
→ NY Times & Bhagavad Gita Sanga/ Sankirtana Das

If you're coming to the Festival of Inspiration you might consider arriving a day earlier for my workshop. Whether you’re in theater or interested in storytelling or are a workshop presenter or want to enhance your preaching, this workshop has something for you.

The Dramatic Edge
A workshop for those interested in utilizing the dramatic arts

Only $20

In this one day intensive participants will explore the essentials of the dramatic arts - voice, gesture, movement. You will walk away with some solid techniques for learning and improving your performance or presentations, making your points by strengthening the voice and pronunciation, engaging the imagination of the audience, and understanding the power of the age old art of storytelling. We’ll also discuss promoting yourself and your work. Five hours of personal and professional growth.

BIO: In college Sankirtana majored in Theater and Film. Since 1975 he engaged in writing, acting and directing scriptural dramas, taking productions to Off-B’way, colleges, temples and special events. In the past 15 years he has focused exclusively on offering dramatic storytelling programs and workshops to schools, colleges, churches, libraries, museums and conferences, including the 2006 National Storytelling Conference and 2000 Religious Communications Conference. He is also the recipient of a West Virginia Artist Fellowship Award.

Thursday, May 6
Morning session: 10:30 – 1 and continues after lunch: 2:30 - 5
To reserve a spot, contact me at story108@juno or 304 845 6840 and www.sacredvoices.com


“Sankirtana Das is my storytelling guru.” Sacinandana Swami

“Over the years, Sankirtana Das has coached me on a variety of pieces, that led to my landing parts and also getting into college, where I studied acting. More importantly, he was the first to introduce me to the concept of technique and stress its importance, in turn helping to shape my approach to all my work.” Halavah Sofsky, Actor/Filmmaker, NYC

“Sankirtana is a gold mine for anyone digging in the storytelling field. In addition, he is well equipped to provide the necessary tools for any prospector of tales. He has been my storytelling coach over the past ten years and has helped me tremendously. I have attended his workshops and have received private instruction as well. He offers a mix of humor, honest constructive criticism and knowledge of the art of storytelling. I enthusiastically recommend his services for anyone interested in developing their storytelling and writing skills.” Kripamaya Das, Musician/Storyteller, West Virginia

“Although I've been writing and periodically telling stories for years, Sankirtana’s expert guidance has taken my creative abilities to a whole other level. His mentorship has been invaluable. Over two decades of performing, writing, and teaching have given Andy the insight a master has of his subject, inside out and outside in. He recently helped this attached writer to learn to edit her work from an initially wordy and heavy script into an effective and fast moving tale that sacrificed none of the emotional content. What a difference this process has made in my ability to communicate in a compact and effective manner. THANK-YOU SANKIRTANA SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!” Harinam DD, Storyteller/Writer, Flordia

Community Garden Finances
→ Plant and Be Happy

Below are the finances for Kalachandji’s Community Garden for January – March.

Overall we’re doing pretty well. However, the income includes funds from all plots that have been reserved, whether the plot holder has paid or not. So when you look at the balance sheet you can see the total amount that we still have to collect from everyone, and you [...]

→ NY Times & Bhagavad Gita Sanga/ Sankirtana Das

I enjoyed reading Kaunteya’s clear and thoughtful comments on the topic of ISKCON membership.

Just want to interject a few additional thoughts.

Once upon a time, you had to move into the temple, give whatever you had to the temple, get initiated and serve the temple 24 hours a day to be considered a member. Obviously those standards have fallen away and the movement is continuing without that mindset and is actually florishing in many places. But I’d like to understand why now is there a need to define membership? What is the purpose?

In regards to the analogy of citizenship, Prabhupada always said that the trees, cows and other animals were also citizens and should be afforded the same rights of protection as any citizen. A citizen in good standing certainly abides by the rules of the land. As a citizen, one also has certain rights and privileges. What privileges will a members of ISKCON have? To vote? To receive an ISKCON pension? Healthcare? The children of citizens also have the same rights as their parents when they grow up. Citizenship is probably not a good analogy for membership because in most cases citizenship does not require a active decision by the citizen.

Here in New Vrindaban, as I’m sure at other temples, we have long time supporters who strongly identify with the efforts of the community. They might consider themselves members. Will the move to define membership alienate our supporters and well wishers? What category do they fit in? What privileges will ‘members’ that they don’t have?

Our supporters already naturally honor initiated devotees and temple residents. By doing so, they make advancement. Why artificially accentuate this distinction with member and non member status? Will we end up like to Mormons where only members in good standing can enter the Church?

→ NY Times & Bhagavad Gita Sanga/ Sankirtana Das

I enjoyed reading Kaunteya’s clear and thoughtful comments on the topic of ISKCON membership.

Just want to interject a few additional thoughts.

Once upon a time, you had to move into the temple, give whatever you had to the temple, get initiated and serve the temple 24 hours a day to be considered a member. Obviously those standards have fallen away and the movement is continuing without that mindset and is actually florishing in many places. But I’d like to understand why now is there a need to define membership? What is the purpose?

In regards to the analogy of citizenship, Prabhupada always said that the trees, cows and other animals were also citizens and should be afforded the same rights of protection as any citizen. A citizen in good standing certainly abides by the rules of the land. As a citizen, one also has certain rights and privileges. What privileges will a members of ISKCON have? To vote? To receive an ISKCON pension? Healthcare? The children of citizens also have the same rights as their parents when they grow up. Citizenship is probably not a good analogy for membership because in most cases citizenship does not require a active decision by the citizen.

Here in New Vrindaban, as I’m sure at other temples, we have long time supporters who strongly identify with the efforts of the community. They might consider themselves members. Will the move to define membership alienate our supporters and well wishers? What category do they fit in? What privileges will ‘members’ that they don’t have?

Our supporters already naturally honor initiated devotees and temple residents. By doing so, they make advancement. Why artificially accentuate this distinction with member and non member status? Will we end up like to Mormons where only members in good standing can enter the Church?

Gardening Seminar
→ Plant and Be Happy

Thank you to everyone who came to the meeting/seminar!

I know some were not able to attend. Everyone watched a video on Square Foot Gardening, practiced the spacing methods in several small boxes of sand, and learned how to use a refractometer by testing the Brix levels of some apples and carrots. In fact, someone bought [...]