Surf’s up
→ Unplugged Ice

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My body is a year older. If I were ambitious I would be worried about this. After all, if I were ambitious, my precious body would be the vehicle to take me to my ambitions and, once arrived there, also carry them. If this were the case then I would most certainly squirm at my increasing number of gray hairs and receding hairline. I would be over self-conscious of the extra baggage I carry around my waist. I would be intolerant of the ever increasing wrinkles and other youth destroying phenomena. I would find it difficult to bear my decreasing endurance levels. I would find it hard to accept my limited allotted time available here. I would find it impossible to think that I am starting to get a glimpse of my inevitable twighlight years. I would have to be illusioned to continue.

On the other hand, my present state of little ambition makes a statement to the world that this person is to be strictly avoided. Fair enough, since confidence takes a while to build up and can so easily be deflated. The fact is that it is unfortunately a struggle to work against gravity. This struggle is not a natural phenomenon and therefore precautions are taken to make the struggle as easy as possible. One of these precautions is to avoid looking down the slope of our demise and instead create a Technicolor illusion of a world full of positive people potentially gliding gracefully towards their personal ambitions. Anyone not fitting that particular job-description takes energy away from our upward motion and should be kept at a distance.

My train of thought here is inevitably hurtling towards a slight brush with the self-help genre of people. What on earth to do with self-help? It seems that every self-help technique is a subtle system of keeping those precious ambitions from slipping out of our grasps. We writhe and squirm at losing pace with the pack, but our self-help gurus tell us that these downtimes are not blemishes but beautiful ways to increasing our enchanting ambitions. Oh yes, you can turn failure into success with a simple shuffle of your thoughts – just like the iPod shuffle makes your playlist of songs ever-fresh and exciting by a simple random re-arranging of their order.

The world is hell-bent on keeping its ambitions in motion by making it well known that they are absolutely worth the extra endeavor to keep. But what happens when a spanner gets thrown in the works and it all starts to seem so futile? What happens when we look at things for what they really are, temporary? The illusion crumbles and with it any ambition to keep rolling with it. Then we are faced with a new world, one that is not as rosy as it seemed before. Self-aggrandizement becomes sickening. Gloating and obsequious individuals don't have their uses in any master plan hatched from a truckload of lust and desire marinated in raw sewage. All those pleasantries we once saw as part of our life-force shrivel into nothing, and then turn to dust.

At this point we either take the blue pill and go down and out, unfortunately remaining on the same coin but on the opposite side (this could regurgitate another wave of written thought that I will try my best to restrain), or we take the red pill and do something radical and join the Hare Krishnas or something.

Ahh, here it is finally, the part of this indeterminable muse that gets spiritual, and it looks like it's going to be one of those "wonders of spiritual life" versus "the folly of materialistic society" type bashes. But alas, on the contrary, what happens next is quite a twist to the plot, for forays into spiritual seeking can oft be surface encounters with something unknown, which then tends to lead to accidents on the royal road.

No doubt about it, spiritual life is where it's at. I'm not going to back that up with a hundred lines of stuff that you already know (the main audience here is adept at understanding this as fact since we all have – in want of, but unable to find a better word than the clichéd Californian pretext to reality – experience). But how is it that a wannabe spiritualist, replete with all spiritual motivations and an intrinsic material aversion, can again fall into the same traps as before his revolution against mundane ambition. We know that ambition cannot be taken away from us as it's part of our being, and we know that selfless ambition in loving connection with the Supreme and His devotees is a good place to build from, but ambition is ambition and the premise of doing it selflessly can be so easily and unconsciously flipped over into doing it selfishly. Comfort, subtle intoxication, unheeding the subtle approaches of lust, anger, avarice, and illusion, missing the spiritual beat whether it be hearing, chanting, remembering – all these simply rock the boat and are ready to sink us in the same motivations and ambitions we were previously illusioned by

I admit it; I'm sunk, ambitiously. I'm one of those derelicts washed up on the shore of the Hare Krishna movement – almost a beach bum for Krishna. But I must also admit that though I am unable to do anything about it, the present ambitions within the society of devotees worries me.

No point in getting worked up about it all. In the mean time... surf's up!

Washington Post story on ISKCON’s response to Hindu Prayer Disruption
→ ISKCON Communications

This story appeared in the Washington Post, page A4, on Friday, July 27. I had worked with the reporter, Michelle Boorstein to help communicate ISKCON's response to the disruption of Hindu prayer. The article focuses on that fact that ISKCON Communications was one of the groups who wrote to political leaders to encourage them to support the Hindu community and condemn the bigotry.

Here is the article:

Hindu Groups Ask '08 Hopefuls to Criticize Protest

Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, July 27, 2007; Page A04

U.S. Hindu organizations are urging presidential candidates to denounce the protesters who disrupted the Senate as the first-ever Hindu opening prayer was being delivered this month.

Ante Nedlko Pavkovic, Katherine Lynn Pavkovic and Christan Renee Sugar -- identified in the Christian media as a couple and their daughter -- were removed from the Senate floor and arrested by Capitol Police on July 12 after they began shouting, "This is an abomination," and asking for forgiveness from God.

The three, from Davidson, N.C., were arrested and charged with disrupting Congress, a misdemeanor.

A brief prayer was then delivered by Rajan Zed, a chaplain from Reno who was invited by Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.).

Several Christian organizations spoke out against the prayer, before and after it was delivered. The American Family Association circulated a petition, urging its members to contact their senator to protest the prayer. "This is not a religion that has produced great things in the world," it read. The Rev. Flip Benham of Operation Rescue/Operation Save America issued a statement saying the prayer placed "the false god of Hinduism on a level playing field with the One True God, Jesus Christ."

Although the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington issued a statement July 17 saying its members were "deeply saddened" by the interruption, no senators present spoke out against it publicly, according to the Hindu American Foundation and the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).

Both organizations said they are disappointed with the legislators, and they sent letters this week to presidential candidates and senators, asking them to condemn the incident.

"We call on you to follow the example set by [Reid] and take a stance in defense of religious freedom and equality, in the face of opposition from extremists and fundamentalists," the ISKCON letter said.

A focus of the Christian organizations was the perception that Hindus are polytheistic. "Our national motto isn't 'In gods we trust,' " Janet L. Folger, president of Faith2Action, said the day before the Senate prayer.

However, the U.S. Hindu groups say this criticism reflects ignorance of the monotheistic underpinnings of their faith. Hinduism has many deities, all manifestations of one god.

Although there were only three protesters, said Ishani Chowdhury, executive director of the Hindu American Foundation, "if you look at it as a reflection of a larger number of people . . . we need people to condemn what happened and highlight the need for dialogue."

According to the foundation, there are 2 million Hindus in the United States.


Washington Post story on ISKCON’s response to Hindu Prayer Disruption
→ ISKCON Communications

This story appeared in the Washington Post, page A4, on Friday, July 27. I had worked with the reporter, Michelle Boorstein to help communicate ISKCON's response to the disruption of Hindu prayer. The article focuses on that fact that ISKCON Communications was one of the groups who wrote to political leaders to encourage them to support the Hindu community and condemn the bigotry.

Here is the article:

Hindu Groups Ask '08 Hopefuls to Criticize Protest

Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, July 27, 2007; Page A04

U.S. Hindu organizations are urging presidential candidates to denounce the protesters who disrupted the Senate as the first-ever Hindu opening prayer was being delivered this month.

Ante Nedlko Pavkovic, Katherine Lynn Pavkovic and Christan Renee Sugar -- identified in the Christian media as a couple and their daughter -- were removed from the Senate floor and arrested by Capitol Police on July 12 after they began shouting, "This is an abomination," and asking for forgiveness from God.

The three, from Davidson, N.C., were arrested and charged with disrupting Congress, a misdemeanor.

A brief prayer was then delivered by Rajan Zed, a chaplain from Reno who was invited by Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.).

Several Christian organizations spoke out against the prayer, before and after it was delivered. The American Family Association circulated a petition, urging its members to contact their senator to protest the prayer. "This is not a religion that has produced great things in the world," it read. The Rev. Flip Benham of Operation Rescue/Operation Save America issued a statement saying the prayer placed "the false god of Hinduism on a level playing field with the One True God, Jesus Christ."

Although the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington issued a statement July 17 saying its members were "deeply saddened" by the interruption, no senators present spoke out against it publicly, according to the Hindu American Foundation and the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).

Both organizations said they are disappointed with the legislators, and they sent letters this week to presidential candidates and senators, asking them to condemn the incident.

"We call on you to follow the example set by [Reid] and take a stance in defense of religious freedom and equality, in the face of opposition from extremists and fundamentalists," the ISKCON letter said.

A focus of the Christian organizations was the perception that Hindus are polytheistic. "Our national motto isn't 'In gods we trust,' " Janet L. Folger, president of Faith2Action, said the day before the Senate prayer.

However, the U.S. Hindu groups say this criticism reflects ignorance of the monotheistic underpinnings of their faith. Hinduism has many deities, all manifestations of one god.

Although there were only three protesters, said Ishani Chowdhury, executive director of the Hindu American Foundation, "if you look at it as a reflection of a larger number of people . . . we need people to condemn what happened and highlight the need for dialogue."

According to the foundation, there are 2 million Hindus in the United States.


Srila Prabhupada: “This Krishna consciousness movement is not a concocted idea…”
→ ISKCON Communications

With Hindu prayers in the Senate, and the Hindu American Foundation including the persecution of devotees in Kazakhstan in their Human Rights report... some may wonder about ISKCON's relationship with the Hindu world.

That's a big subject, but one aspect of it is that sometimes devotees use Hinduism as a context to help others appreciate that Krishna consciousness is rooted in an ancient tradition, not a new-fangled cult. For instance, for years at the American Academy of Religion (AAR, the yearly convention of religion scholars) ISKCON and Caitanya Vaisnavism was discussed mostly in the "New Religious Movements" category. Today, due to the work of devotees in this area, the Hare Krishna movement is more likely to be discussed in the Hindu Studies or Eastern Religions section.

In this letter published in the Los Angeles Times, Srila Prabhupada refutes a claim (made by a professor at UCLA) that Krishna consciousness is a new concoction or a syncretic blending of Hindu and Christian traditions. Instead, Prabhupada points out, the worship of a personal Godhead (Krishna or Vishnu) has existed in the Hindu religion for thousands of years. Interestingly, here Prabhupada uses the context of Hinduism to help others (especially those in the academic community) better appreciate that Krishna worship is an authentic faith:

January 14, 1970
Los Angeles Times

Dear Sir:

With reference to your article in the Los Angeles Times dated Sunday, January 11, 1970, under the heading "Krishna Chant," I beg to point out that the Hindu religion is perfectly based on the personal conception of God, or Vishnu. The impersonal conception of God is a side issue, or one of the three features of God. The Absolute Truth is ultimately the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Paramatma conception is the localized aspect of His omnipresence, and the impersonal conception is the aspect of His greatness and eternity. But all these combined together make the Complete Whole. Dr. J. F. Staal's statement that the Krishna cult is a combination of Christian and Hindu religion, as if something manufactured by concoction, is not correct. If Christian, Muhammadan, or Buddhist religions are personal, that is quite welcome. But the Krishna religion has been personal from a time long, long ago when Christian, Muhammadan, and Buddhist religions had not yet come into existence. According to the Vedic conception, religion is basically made by the personal God as His laws. Religion cannot be manufactured by man or anyone except God superior to man. Religion is the law of God only.

Unfortunately, all the svamis who came before me in this country stressed the impersonal aspect of God, without sufficient knowledge of God's personal aspect. In the Bhagavad-gita, therefore, it is said that only less intelligent persons consider that God is originally impersonal but assumes a form when He incarnates. The Krishna philosophy, however, based on the authority of the Vedas, is that originally the Absolute Truth is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His plenary expansion is present in everyone's heart in His localized aspect, and the impersonal Brahman effulgence is the transcendental light and heat distributed everywhere. In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly said that the aim of the Vedic way of searching out the Absolute Truth is to find the personal God. One who is satisfied only with the other aspects of the Absolute Truth, namely the Paramatma feature or the Brahman feature, is to be considered possessed of a poor fund of knowledge. Recently we have published our Sri Isopanisad, a Vedic literature, and in this small booklet we have thoroughly discussed this point.

As far as the Hindu religion is concerned, there are millions of Krishna temples in India, and there is not a single Hindu who does not worship Krishna. Therefore, this Krishna consciousness movement is not a concocted idea. We invite all scholars, philosophers, religionists, and members of the general public to understand this movement by critical study. And if one does so seriously, one will understand the sublime position of this great movement. The chanting process is also authorized.

Professor Staal's feeling of disgust in the matter of constant chanting of the holy name of Krishna is a definite proof of his lack of knowledge in this authorized movement of Krishna consciousness. Instead of turning down the request to give Kary's course credit, he and all other learned professors of the University of California at Berkeley should patiently hear about the truth of this authorized movement so much needed at present in godless society. [Credit for the course was later established.]

This is the only movement which can save the confused younger generation. I shall invite all responsible guardians of this country to understand this transcendental movement and then give us all honest facilities to spread it for everyone's benefit.

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Spiritual Master of the Hare Krishna Movement

Srila Prabhupada: “This Krishna consciousness movement is not a concocted idea…”
→ ISKCON Communications

With Hindu prayers in the Senate, and the Hindu American Foundation including the persecution of devotees in Kazakhstan in their Human Rights report... some may wonder about ISKCON's relationship with the Hindu world.

That's a big subject, but one aspect of it is that sometimes devotees use Hinduism as a context to help others appreciate that Krishna consciousness is rooted in an ancient tradition, not a new-fangled cult. For instance, for years at the American Academy of Religion (AAR, the yearly convention of religion scholars) ISKCON and Caitanya Vaisnavism was discussed mostly in the "New Religious Movements" category. Today, due to the work of devotees in this area, the Hare Krishna movement is more likely to be discussed in the Hindu Studies or Eastern Religions section.

In this letter published in the Los Angeles Times, Srila Prabhupada refutes a claim (made by a professor at UCLA) that Krishna consciousness is a new concoction or a syncretic blending of Hindu and Christian traditions. Instead, Prabhupada points out, the worship of a personal Godhead (Krishna or Vishnu) has existed in the Hindu religion for thousands of years. Interestingly, here Prabhupada uses the context of Hinduism to help others (especially those in the academic community) better appreciate that Krishna worship is an authentic faith:

January 14, 1970
Los Angeles Times

Dear Sir:

With reference to your article in the Los Angeles Times dated Sunday, January 11, 1970, under the heading "Krishna Chant," I beg to point out that the Hindu religion is perfectly based on the personal conception of God, or Vishnu. The impersonal conception of God is a side issue, or one of the three features of God. The Absolute Truth is ultimately the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Paramatma conception is the localized aspect of His omnipresence, and the impersonal conception is the aspect of His greatness and eternity. But all these combined together make the Complete Whole. Dr. J. F. Staal's statement that the Krishna cult is a combination of Christian and Hindu religion, as if something manufactured by concoction, is not correct. If Christian, Muhammadan, or Buddhist religions are personal, that is quite welcome. But the Krishna religion has been personal from a time long, long ago when Christian, Muhammadan, and Buddhist religions had not yet come into existence. According to the Vedic conception, religion is basically made by the personal God as His laws. Religion cannot be manufactured by man or anyone except God superior to man. Religion is the law of God only.

Unfortunately, all the svamis who came before me in this country stressed the impersonal aspect of God, without sufficient knowledge of God's personal aspect. In the Bhagavad-gita, therefore, it is said that only less intelligent persons consider that God is originally impersonal but assumes a form when He incarnates. The Krishna philosophy, however, based on the authority of the Vedas, is that originally the Absolute Truth is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His plenary expansion is present in everyone's heart in His localized aspect, and the impersonal Brahman effulgence is the transcendental light and heat distributed everywhere. In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly said that the aim of the Vedic way of searching out the Absolute Truth is to find the personal God. One who is satisfied only with the other aspects of the Absolute Truth, namely the Paramatma feature or the Brahman feature, is to be considered possessed of a poor fund of knowledge. Recently we have published our Sri Isopanisad, a Vedic literature, and in this small booklet we have thoroughly discussed this point.

As far as the Hindu religion is concerned, there are millions of Krishna temples in India, and there is not a single Hindu who does not worship Krishna. Therefore, this Krishna consciousness movement is not a concocted idea. We invite all scholars, philosophers, religionists, and members of the general public to understand this movement by critical study. And if one does so seriously, one will understand the sublime position of this great movement. The chanting process is also authorized.

Professor Staal's feeling of disgust in the matter of constant chanting of the holy name of Krishna is a definite proof of his lack of knowledge in this authorized movement of Krishna consciousness. Instead of turning down the request to give Kary's course credit, he and all other learned professors of the University of California at Berkeley should patiently hear about the truth of this authorized movement so much needed at present in godless society. [Credit for the course was later established.]

This is the only movement which can save the confused younger generation. I shall invite all responsible guardians of this country to understand this transcendental movement and then give us all honest facilities to spread it for everyone's benefit.

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Spiritual Master of the Hare Krishna Movement

Turn the tables
→ Unplugged Ice

If i don't write on this journal it can mean one of only two things... i'm either busy or dead.

Since i'm neither of those right now...

I just got back to Taipei from a day in Hong Kong. While i was walking about Hong Kong island i was approached by two different Buddhist monks on two different occasions for donations. I declined both but checked to see their reactions to my refusals, which turned out to be more like scowls at the loss of a gullible westerner than sincerity. If they had been gracious i would have turned around and given them something. But because of the way they reacted, i didn't trust them.

This in turn led to self reflection... how do i react when someone rejects taking a book from me? I am trying to be detached and noble in defeat but sometimes i slip up and don't react in the right way. How do others perceive my reaction?

Detachment is far from being callous and uncaring towards humanity; a rocky outcrop as shelter in shark infested waters. It doesn't mean i don't see or want to see how others perceive me. It means that i am self-satisfied and offer whatever i offer without self motivation or reward. Those "others" that i may disdain or ridicule for not being on the same page as me are, in-fact, my guides. They react and i see how i should be.

If we're lucky, Krsna turns the tables on us so that we get a glimpse into who or what we are becoming.

Turn the tables
→ Unplugged Ice

If i don't write on this journal it can mean one of only two things... i'm either busy or dead.

Since i'm neither of those right now...

I just got back to Taipei from a day in Hong Kong. While i was walking about Hong Kong island i was approached by two different Buddhist monks on two different occasions for donations. I declined both but checked to see their reactions to my refusals, which turned out to be more like scowls at the loss of a gullible westerner than sincerity. If they had been gracious i would have turned around and given them something. But because of the way they reacted, i didn't trust them.

This in turn led to self reflection... how do i react when someone rejects taking a book from me? I am trying to be detached and noble in defeat but sometimes i slip up and don't react in the right way. How do others perceive my reaction?

Detachment is far from being callous and uncaring towards humanity; a rocky outcrop as shelter in shark infested waters. It doesn't mean i don't see or want to see how others perceive me. It means that i am self-satisfied and offer whatever i offer without self motivation or reward. Those "others" that i may disdain or ridicule for not being on the same page as me are, in-fact, my guides. They react and i see how i should be.

If we're lucky, Krsna turns the tables on us so that we get a glimpse into who or what we are becoming.

Connecting with God in Crisis
→ ISKCON Communications

I stumbled across some advice for dealing with crises of faith on Jewcy, a hipster Jewish community blog. I found it interesting for a few reasons:

  1. In advising Jews to not abandon their communities, the author begins with the blunt (actually, kind of rude) sentence: "Hare Krishna is not a good idea." Okay, so I'm tempted to be maha-offended, except that I try to understand it in context. First of all, the point being made (communicated cheekily, to be sure) is that in times of theological doubt don't be quick to jump ship and switch teams. Fair enough. And the fact that so many young Jews -- presumably some of whom went through theological crises beforehand -- did join ISKCON in the 1960s and 1970s makes it understandable why some Jewish people might harbor some particular mistrust toward us.
  2. A few paragraphs later, the author recommends that the crisis-faring Jew try yoga. Ring, ring, ring. What was that? I'm sorry I couldn't hear you, my irony alarm was ringing too loudly.
  3. Despite #1 and #2, it is the type of down-to-earth, simple, well-written advice that I'd like to see more of circulated within Krishna conscious circles.
Til then, I'm going to "Krishna-ize" this list. Yes, that means I will just jack the list and search replace KC terms for all of the Jewish ones. Bear with me.

(And if you'd like to see the list as it is, check it out here.) Okay, here it goes...

For a number of reasons I’m friends with a lot of people who are constantly being tormented by crises of faith. There are smart, educated, engaged Hare Krishnas who are passionate about Krishna consciousness most days-- until they find themselves rubbing up against the edges of acceptability within their own communities. Maybe they fall in love with someone who’s not a devotee. Maybe they become frustrated by a closed-minded understanding of sastric criticism. Maybe they have had a bad experience with a senior devotee, guru, or temple president. Maybe onion rings suddenly look really appealing. Whatever the impetus, the crisis it brings on is intense and frustrating. Men and women who have devoted years of their lives to Vaishnava study and education, who are active members of a community, who regularly pray, give donations to the temple, and are involved in various devotional programs, suddenly lose motivation, and feel alienated and angry. And for a few days, or a few weeks, or months, or years, they distance themselves from everything that they once used to identify themselves. Depending on their background, their families begin to freak out. Some of their friends edge away, suddenly uncomfortable with someone they’ve known for years.

Freak.  Out.: It's normal

Freak. Out.: It's normal

1. Don’t abandon your community
Chances are, this crisis is a temporary thing. Though you’re feeling tormented today, by next Wednesday, or a month from now, or next year, you’ll be over it. You might not end up in exactly the same place as you have been, but just in case, it’s important to maintain a connection to your community—whether it’s a temple, a bhakti vriksha group, a group of godbrothers and sisters, or the devotees in your neighborhood. You want to keep these people around for practical reasons . They will feed and comfort you in times of crisis, and cheer you on when things are going swimmingly. Alienating them will only end up badly. If you really can’t stand to attend Sunday Feasts anymore, or you’ve decided that gurukula ruined your life and you refuse to go back for a reunion, try to do something that keeps you in the loop—even if it means you’re consciously shifting yourself into a less public or involved position. Show up just for mangala arati on a weekday. Have prasadam with old devotee friends. Keep in mind that many of your friends have gone through similar ordeals, and they’re probably willing to be pretty tolerant of whatever you need to do or not do. As long as you don’t bring the onion rings to a home program, there’s no reason you can’t maintain your position in the community.

2. Don’t join another community right away
Returning to your Jewish roots is not a good idea. :-) Having a crisis at the Sunday Feast and then leaving Monday morning to run off with the circus is probably not going to turn out well. Respect the speed of your own transition, and accept that you may need some space from any kind of theological community for awhile.

3. Don’t use this time to experiment with new substances
Replacing a Krishna habit with a crack habit is probably not going to work out well for you.

4. Consider Krishna
For some reason, most of my friends who struggle with the pulls of Krishna consciousness and modernity don’t consider their struggles to have much to do with Krishna at all. And that confuses me, because it seems like Krishna is at the center of Krishna consciousness, and if I’m having a problem with Krishna consciousness it’s because I’m having a problem with either my own or someone else’s interpretation of what Krishna wants. Think about where Krishna fits into your religious life, and think about allowing space for a God that trusts you to live your life the best way you can. Consider that you might let Krishna down without being cast to the Hellish Planets. Consider how much you care about letting Krishna down—if at all. (I don’t mean this in a pretentious way. I frequently decide that I just couldn't do whatever I think Krishna expected of me. And I’m sorry about it, but I accept it, and move on, and hope that next time I’m more up to the challenge). If you don’t believe in Krishna anymore, try and pin down why, and whether or not you still want to be around/involved with people who don’t feel the same way. Just because you have doubts, doesn't mean that you cannot stay within the shelter of a devotional community.

5. Work out
Okay, this is kind of cheesy, but I find that going to the gym makes me feel calmer and more able to deal with my problems no matter what kind of crap is going down in my religious, academic or personal life. If you’re not too intimidated or annoyed by the idea of a hatha yoga class, I highly recommend them. To find a yoga studio near you, try talking with devotees who are involved in the yoga scene -- many of them incorporate bhakti-yoga and can also provide a devotional mood.

6. State your needs
I’m big on just asking for what you want instead of beating around the bush. When your theology is falling apart, think about what you want from religion. Do you want a comforting picture of the afterlife? Do you want Vedic culture and no religion whatsoever? Do you want to chant in kirtan, but no sense of obligation to the rules and regulations? Do you want the advantages of being a member of a tight-knit community? When you can state clearly what you really want from Krishna consciousness, and what you don’t want, too, then you can start looking for ways to maintain your identity as a devotee without ignoring the problems that brought you to the edge of your faith.

7. Stop worrying about being a hypocrite
Everyone’s a hypocrite. You need to be honest and dignified with yourself, but it’s completely reasonable to say something along the lines of, “I think the Vedic standards are really important, and not something that I’m comfortable disregarding, but I’m in favor of gay rights, gay marriage, and gay pride.” Accepting that you’re going to struggle with something is a nice way of keeping your head from exploding.

8. Respect your own decisions, and everyone else’s, too
You might decide that you can’t participate in a community because of its position on women, homosexuality, social justice, how to follow ekadasi…whatever. Flaunting your new self in the faces of former friends and acquaintances is a quick and easy way to burn bridges and look like an idiot. Try to be cool with people whose journeys haven’t coincided with yours. If you need to, I recommend spewing hatred into a journal. Harmless, but highly effective.

9. Seriously, chill out
It happens to the best of us.

originally by Tamar Fox; conversion by VBD

Connecting with God in Crisis
→ ISKCON Communications

I stumbled across some advice for dealing with crises of faith on Jewcy, a hipster Jewish community blog. I found it interesting for a few reasons:

  1. In advising Jews to not abandon their communities, the author begins with the blunt (actually, kind of rude) sentence: "Hare Krishna is not a good idea." Okay, so I'm tempted to be maha-offended, except that I try to understand it in context. First of all, the point being made (communicated cheekily, to be sure) is that in times of theological doubt don't be quick to jump ship and switch teams. Fair enough. And the fact that so many young Jews -- presumably some of whom went through theological crises beforehand -- did join ISKCON in the 1960s and 1970s makes it understandable why some Jewish people might harbor some particular mistrust toward us.
  2. A few paragraphs later, the author recommends that the crisis-faring Jew try yoga. Ring, ring, ring. What was that? I'm sorry I couldn't hear you, my irony alarm was ringing too loudly.
  3. Despite #1 and #2, it is the type of down-to-earth, simple, well-written advice that I'd like to see more of circulated within Krishna conscious circles.
Til then, I'm going to "Krishna-ize" this list. Yes, that means I will just jack the list and search replace KC terms for all of the Jewish ones. Bear with me.

(And if you'd like to see the list as it is, check it out here.) Okay, here it goes...

For a number of reasons I’m friends with a lot of people who are constantly being tormented by crises of faith. There are smart, educated, engaged Hare Krishnas who are passionate about Krishna consciousness most days-- until they find themselves rubbing up against the edges of acceptability within their own communities. Maybe they fall in love with someone who’s not a devotee. Maybe they become frustrated by a closed-minded understanding of sastric criticism. Maybe they have had a bad experience with a senior devotee, guru, or temple president. Maybe onion rings suddenly look really appealing. Whatever the impetus, the crisis it brings on is intense and frustrating. Men and women who have devoted years of their lives to Vaishnava study and education, who are active members of a community, who regularly pray, give donations to the temple, and are involved in various devotional programs, suddenly lose motivation, and feel alienated and angry. And for a few days, or a few weeks, or months, or years, they distance themselves from everything that they once used to identify themselves. Depending on their background, their families begin to freak out. Some of their friends edge away, suddenly uncomfortable with someone they’ve known for years.

Freak.  Out.: It's normal

Freak. Out.: It's normal

1. Don’t abandon your community
Chances are, this crisis is a temporary thing. Though you’re feeling tormented today, by next Wednesday, or a month from now, or next year, you’ll be over it. You might not end up in exactly the same place as you have been, but just in case, it’s important to maintain a connection to your community—whether it’s a temple, a bhakti vriksha group, a group of godbrothers and sisters, or the devotees in your neighborhood. You want to keep these people around for practical reasons . They will feed and comfort you in times of crisis, and cheer you on when things are going swimmingly. Alienating them will only end up badly. If you really can’t stand to attend Sunday Feasts anymore, or you’ve decided that gurukula ruined your life and you refuse to go back for a reunion, try to do something that keeps you in the loop—even if it means you’re consciously shifting yourself into a less public or involved position. Show up just for mangala arati on a weekday. Have prasadam with old devotee friends. Keep in mind that many of your friends have gone through similar ordeals, and they’re probably willing to be pretty tolerant of whatever you need to do or not do. As long as you don’t bring the onion rings to a home program, there’s no reason you can’t maintain your position in the community.

2. Don’t join another community right away
Returning to your Jewish roots is not a good idea. :-) Having a crisis at the Sunday Feast and then leaving Monday morning to run off with the circus is probably not going to turn out well. Respect the speed of your own transition, and accept that you may need some space from any kind of theological community for awhile.

3. Don’t use this time to experiment with new substances
Replacing a Krishna habit with a crack habit is probably not going to work out well for you.

4. Consider Krishna
For some reason, most of my friends who struggle with the pulls of Krishna consciousness and modernity don’t consider their struggles to have much to do with Krishna at all. And that confuses me, because it seems like Krishna is at the center of Krishna consciousness, and if I’m having a problem with Krishna consciousness it’s because I’m having a problem with either my own or someone else’s interpretation of what Krishna wants. Think about where Krishna fits into your religious life, and think about allowing space for a God that trusts you to live your life the best way you can. Consider that you might let Krishna down without being cast to the Hellish Planets. Consider how much you care about letting Krishna down—if at all. (I don’t mean this in a pretentious way. I frequently decide that I just couldn't do whatever I think Krishna expected of me. And I’m sorry about it, but I accept it, and move on, and hope that next time I’m more up to the challenge). If you don’t believe in Krishna anymore, try and pin down why, and whether or not you still want to be around/involved with people who don’t feel the same way. Just because you have doubts, doesn't mean that you cannot stay within the shelter of a devotional community.

5. Work out
Okay, this is kind of cheesy, but I find that going to the gym makes me feel calmer and more able to deal with my problems no matter what kind of crap is going down in my religious, academic or personal life. If you’re not too intimidated or annoyed by the idea of a hatha yoga class, I highly recommend them. To find a yoga studio near you, try talking with devotees who are involved in the yoga scene -- many of them incorporate bhakti-yoga and can also provide a devotional mood.

6. State your needs
I’m big on just asking for what you want instead of beating around the bush. When your theology is falling apart, think about what you want from religion. Do you want a comforting picture of the afterlife? Do you want Vedic culture and no religion whatsoever? Do you want to chant in kirtan, but no sense of obligation to the rules and regulations? Do you want the advantages of being a member of a tight-knit community? When you can state clearly what you really want from Krishna consciousness, and what you don’t want, too, then you can start looking for ways to maintain your identity as a devotee without ignoring the problems that brought you to the edge of your faith.

7. Stop worrying about being a hypocrite
Everyone’s a hypocrite. You need to be honest and dignified with yourself, but it’s completely reasonable to say something along the lines of, “I think the Vedic standards are really important, and not something that I’m comfortable disregarding, but I’m in favor of gay rights, gay marriage, and gay pride.” Accepting that you’re going to struggle with something is a nice way of keeping your head from exploding.

8. Respect your own decisions, and everyone else’s, too
You might decide that you can’t participate in a community because of its position on women, homosexuality, social justice, how to follow ekadasi…whatever. Flaunting your new self in the faces of former friends and acquaintances is a quick and easy way to burn bridges and look like an idiot. Try to be cool with people whose journeys haven’t coincided with yours. If you need to, I recommend spewing hatred into a journal. Harmless, but highly effective.

9. Seriously, chill out
It happens to the best of us.

originally by Tamar Fox; conversion by VBD

Acupuncture (part 12): block
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In this visit of mine to Dr. Philip Weeks' clinic I was surprised by the number of people in the waiting room. A whole bunch of other doctors and health-care practitioners have moved into the practice with Philip. Their skills very much complement each other. They are now treating many, many patients.

First some good news: the lump that had been developing under my chest has greatly reduced. Dr. Phil's remedy worked.
Philip bought a new Vega testing machine. This new one is more automated than the last. So, after a brief initial discussion, Phil hooked me up and let the machine electrocute me for a few minutes (I believe it tests the state of bodily organs by running specific frequencies of low power electricity through the body).

The result: bad. Practically all my organs were blocked. My body had reasonably high vitality, for some strange reason, but otherwise almost every organ had extremely low energy.

So, the solution was some intense acupuncture to revitalize the damp and musky husk that was in the body. Phil stuck needles in the center of my chest, ankles, knees and wrists. He also did some moxibustion near my knees. That is: he burnt a Chinese herb on my skin, which increases the body's heat.

The herb smells a lot like cannabis (although it isn't). So, many people mistakenly assume Phil is a smoker. Phil explained how weed is really bad for people. Some people with strong constitutions can get away with smoking it, but most people's vitality is just drained away to nothing by the drug. Devotees are especially affected: former practitioners of Krishna consciousness are very quickly inhabited by ghosts, if they start smoking marijuana.

After a long acupuncture session, throughout which Phil racked his brain, trying to figure out how to bend my body's energies back to flow the way they were supposed to flow, he finally got my chi somewhat flowing again. He loaded me up with some vitamin B-complex and some Horopito leaf (pseudowintera colorata) to take, whatever that is (the stuff, ironically, is from New Zealand) and sent me on my way.

Update: here another tidbit of information from the doctor. He commented on some new glasses of mine. I had gotten a pair of new frame-less glasses. These, he said, were better than the ones with a full metal frame around the lenses. Such metal loops can interfere with the electricity flowing through nerve cells in the brain, causing mental disorders. Some autistic children, for example, can be cured simply by swapping their glasses.

Acupuncture (part 12): block
→ Home

In this visit of mine to Dr. Philip Weeks' clinic I was surprised by the number of people in the waiting room. A whole bunch of other doctors and health-care practitioners have moved into the practice with Philip. Their skills very much complement each other. They are now treating many, many patients.

First some good news: the lump that had been developing under my chest has greatly reduced. Dr. Phil's remedy worked.
Philip bought a new Vega testing machine. This new one is more automated than the last. So, after a brief initial discussion, Phil hooked me up and let the machine electrocute me for a few minutes (I believe it tests the state of bodily organs by running specific frequencies of low power electricity through the body).

The result: bad. Practically all my organs were blocked. My body had reasonably high vitality, for some strange reason, but otherwise almost every organ had extremely low energy.

So, the solution was some intense acupuncture to revitalize the damp and musky husk that was in the body. Phil stuck needles in the center of my chest, ankles, knees and wrists. He also did some moxibustion near my knees. That is: he burnt a Chinese herb on my skin, which increases the body's heat.

The herb smells a lot like cannabis (although it isn't). So, many people mistakenly assume Phil is a smoker. Phil explained how weed is really bad for people. Some people with strong constitutions can get away with smoking it, but most people's vitality is just drained away to nothing by the drug. Devotees are especially affected: former practitioners of Krishna consciousness are very quickly inhabited by ghosts, if they start smoking marijuana.

After a long acupuncture session, throughout which Phil racked his brain, trying to figure out how to bend my body's energies back to flow the way they were supposed to flow, he finally got my chi somewhat flowing again. He loaded me up with some vitamin B-complex and some Horopito leaf (pseudowintera colorata) to take, whatever that is (the stuff, ironically, is from New Zealand) and sent me on my way.

Update: here another tidbit of information from the doctor. He commented on some new glasses of mine. I had gotten a pair of new frame-less glasses. These, he said, were better than the ones with a full metal frame around the lenses. Such metal loops can interfere with the electricity flowing through nerve cells in the brain, causing mental disorders. Some autistic children, for example, can be cured simply by swapping their glasses.

HAF Human Rights report released
→ ISKCON Communications

The Hindu American Foundation's 2006 Human Rights report, detailing human rights violations against Hindus around the globe, was released this past week. This year's report includes a chapter written (by me) on the persecution of Krishna devotees in Kazakhstan.

From Ishani, the HAF executive director:
The 202 page, eleven country report more than doubles the country and region-specific coverage of our 2nd annual report released last year. It covers the areas of genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism, rape, murder, discrimination, temple destruction, socio-political ostracization, disenfranchisement, and forced conversions Hindus. The nations included are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Fiji, the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, and Trinidad and Tobago. The report is prefaced by a detailed executive summary that provides specific recommendations that the foundation is proposing to improve the human rights situation in each listed country.

The HAF report has also attracted some media attention, including this article from Argus, a Bay-Area publication. The Argus piece includes some of Ishani's comments on Kazakhstan:

Chowdhury said the third annual "Hindus in South Asia and the Diaspora: A Survey of Human Rights" doubles the number of countries scrutinized since last year, adding Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and others.

"Kazakhstan, that wasn't even on our radar until early last year," she said, noting that Hindus there are less than 1 percent of the population. "The government is pretty much not recognizing Hinduism as a religion. Even that amount is considered a threat."

The HAF Human Rights report is a great example of why ISKCON needs to develop and maintain relationships with others, and how we can do it. Whereas thirty years ago, many devotees may not have seen that need, today we must realize that the world around is becoming increasingly interdependent.

But don't we risk losing our identity or compromising our beliefs by mixing with others? Not necessarily.

We may not agree with everything that a group like the Hindu American Foundation does, just as we can't expect HAF to buy-in to every position we take. In the new world, however, we must come together on issues of shared concern while allowing space for disagreement or individual belief.

Check out the report here, at the HAF site.

Read ISKCON North America's endorsement of the report here.

HAF Human Rights report released
→ ISKCON Communications

The Hindu American Foundation's 2006 Human Rights report, detailing human rights violations against Hindus around the globe, was released this past week. This year's report includes a chapter written (by me) on the persecution of Krishna devotees in Kazakhstan.

From Ishani, the HAF executive director:
The 202 page, eleven country report more than doubles the country and region-specific coverage of our 2nd annual report released last year. It covers the areas of genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism, rape, murder, discrimination, temple destruction, socio-political ostracization, disenfranchisement, and forced conversions Hindus. The nations included are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Fiji, the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, and Trinidad and Tobago. The report is prefaced by a detailed executive summary that provides specific recommendations that the foundation is proposing to improve the human rights situation in each listed country.

The HAF report has also attracted some media attention, including this article from Argus, a Bay-Area publication. The Argus piece includes some of Ishani's comments on Kazakhstan:

Chowdhury said the third annual "Hindus in South Asia and the Diaspora: A Survey of Human Rights" doubles the number of countries scrutinized since last year, adding Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and others.

"Kazakhstan, that wasn't even on our radar until early last year," she said, noting that Hindus there are less than 1 percent of the population. "The government is pretty much not recognizing Hinduism as a religion. Even that amount is considered a threat."

The HAF Human Rights report is a great example of why ISKCON needs to develop and maintain relationships with others, and how we can do it. Whereas thirty years ago, many devotees may not have seen that need, today we must realize that the world around is becoming increasingly interdependent.

But don't we risk losing our identity or compromising our beliefs by mixing with others? Not necessarily.

We may not agree with everything that a group like the Hindu American Foundation does, just as we can't expect HAF to buy-in to every position we take. In the new world, however, we must come together on issues of shared concern while allowing space for disagreement or individual belief.

Check out the report here, at the HAF site.

Read ISKCON North America's endorsement of the report here.

Hindu in the Senate, Bigots in the crowd
→ ISKCON Communications

Aren't Hindu chants usually supposed to mellow people out? Apparently not. Breaking news today (thanks for the heads up, Sree) is that the first Hindu prayer opening the Senate in U.S. history... was disrupted by hecklers and protesters, who branded the Hindu prayer an "abomination."

I had blogged about some negative reaction to the Hindu prayer in an earlier post, but had opined that the voices of dissent were few and extremist. Sadly, I might have underestimated the power of prejudice.

This news report on the Raw Story reported that

Three people were arrested Thursday after staging a noisy protest as a Hindu chaplain read the opening prayer at the US Senate, branding his appearance an "abomination."

US Capitol Police said the protesters, apparently Christian religious activists, were ejected from the chamber and charged with an unlawful disruption of Congress.

As Hindu chaplain Rajan Zed started to recite his prayer, one protest or was heard chanting "Lord Jesus, forgive us father for allowing a prayer which is an abomination in your sight.

"You are the one, true living God."

Ugh. I especially like the last line. I can just imagine Hollywood's Old Bearded Man conception of God calling back down "Dude! Thanks for the reminder."

Occasionally, ISKCON devotees or Hindus opine that we ought to befriend the Religious Right, reasoning that -- like us -- they favor religion in the public square and a more faith-based approach to engaging with the world. Which is all well and good, except that there is a very ugly double standard at work that becomes glaringly obvious at times like this. The Raw Story post highlights this nicely:

The pressure group Americans United for Separation of Church and State condemned the protest.

"This shows the intolerance of many Religious Right activists," said the group's executive director, Reverend Barry Lynn.

"They say they want more religion in the public square, but it's clear they mean only their religion."

A press release from the Americans United for Separation of Church and State gives Lynn's whole statement, and also includes this juicy food for thought:

Religious Right groups have been agitating against the Hindu leader’s prayer since it was announced. The Rev. Donald Wildmon’s American Family Association has asked his members to complain to their senators about the invitation. The group’s news service reported that “Christian nation” activist David Barton said that Hinduism has few followers in the United States and that prayer to a “non-monotheistic god” is “outside the American paradigm.”
More than a few problems with Barton's enlightened view. For starters, there are anywhere from 1 to 2 million Hindus in the United States -- and possible more if you include followers of Hindu-based gurus and spiritual movements who are reticent to self-identify as an organized religion in the Western sense of the term. In any event, "few followers" is not quite an appropriate term. Secondly, how Barton can decide that Hindus pray to a "non-monotheistic god" (lower case g alert! lower case g alert!) is beyond me -- there are certainly Hindu monotheists (the list includes, but is not limited to me, Ramanujacharya, about 70% of all Hindus in North and South India). And finally, I wonder what "American paradigm" founding father Thomas Jefferson's leanings towards Deism fall under? Hmmmm.

Jesus promised that the meek shall inherit the earth, but til then a few self-righteous morons who claim to be His PR department had this to say:
WASHINGTON, July 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- Ante Pavkovic, Kathy Pavkovic, and Kristen Sugar were all arrested in the chambers of the United States Senate as that chamber was violated by a false Hindu god. The Senate was opened with a Hindu prayer placing the false god of Hinduism on a level playing field with the One True God, Jesus Christ. This would never have been allowed by our Founding Fathers.

"Not one Senator had the backbone to stand as our Founding Fathers stood. They stood on the Gospel of Jesus Christ! There were three in the audience with the courage to stand and proclaim, 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me.' They were immediately removed from the chambers, arrested, and are in jail now. God bless those who stand for Jesus as we know that He stands for them." Rev. Flip Benham, Director, Operation Save America/Operation Rescue

Again with the Founding Fathers being super-Christians? Cheese and rice!

I'll try to keep posting about this if there are any developments, especially since I am attending the SAJA convention in NYC right now. Til then, maybe we all need to say some prayers about the state of our "religiously plural" nation tonight.

(Read the SAJA Forum post on this subject here)

Hindu in the Senate, Bigots in the crowd
→ ISKCON Communications

Aren't Hindu chants usually supposed to mellow people out? Apparently not. Breaking news today (thanks for the heads up, Sree) is that the first Hindu prayer opening the Senate in U.S. history... was disrupted by hecklers and protesters, who branded the Hindu prayer an "abomination."

I had blogged about some negative reaction to the Hindu prayer in an earlier post, but had opined that the voices of dissent were few and extremist. Sadly, I might have underestimated the power of prejudice.

This news report on the Raw Story reported that

Three people were arrested Thursday after staging a noisy protest as a Hindu chaplain read the opening prayer at the US Senate, branding his appearance an "abomination."

US Capitol Police said the protesters, apparently Christian religious activists, were ejected from the chamber and charged with an unlawful disruption of Congress.

As Hindu chaplain Rajan Zed started to recite his prayer, one protest or was heard chanting "Lord Jesus, forgive us father for allowing a prayer which is an abomination in your sight.

"You are the one, true living God."

Ugh. I especially like the last line. I can just imagine Hollywood's Old Bearded Man conception of God calling back down "Dude! Thanks for the reminder."

Occasionally, ISKCON devotees or Hindus opine that we ought to befriend the Religious Right, reasoning that -- like us -- they favor religion in the public square and a more faith-based approach to engaging with the world. Which is all well and good, except that there is a very ugly double standard at work that becomes glaringly obvious at times like this. The Raw Story post highlights this nicely:

The pressure group Americans United for Separation of Church and State condemned the protest.

"This shows the intolerance of many Religious Right activists," said the group's executive director, Reverend Barry Lynn.

"They say they want more religion in the public square, but it's clear they mean only their religion."

A press release from the Americans United for Separation of Church and State gives Lynn's whole statement, and also includes this juicy food for thought:

Religious Right groups have been agitating against the Hindu leader’s prayer since it was announced. The Rev. Donald Wildmon’s American Family Association has asked his members to complain to their senators about the invitation. The group’s news service reported that “Christian nation” activist David Barton said that Hinduism has few followers in the United States and that prayer to a “non-monotheistic god” is “outside the American paradigm.”
More than a few problems with Barton's enlightened view. For starters, there are anywhere from 1 to 2 million Hindus in the United States -- and possible more if you include followers of Hindu-based gurus and spiritual movements who are reticent to self-identify as an organized religion in the Western sense of the term. In any event, "few followers" is not quite an appropriate term. Secondly, how Barton can decide that Hindus pray to a "non-monotheistic god" (lower case g alert! lower case g alert!) is beyond me -- there are certainly Hindu monotheists (the list includes, but is not limited to me, Ramanujacharya, about 70% of all Hindus in North and South India). And finally, I wonder what "American paradigm" founding father Thomas Jefferson's leanings towards Deism fall under? Hmmmm.

Jesus promised that the meek shall inherit the earth, but til then a few self-righteous morons who claim to be His PR department had this to say:
WASHINGTON, July 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- Ante Pavkovic, Kathy Pavkovic, and Kristen Sugar were all arrested in the chambers of the United States Senate as that chamber was violated by a false Hindu god. The Senate was opened with a Hindu prayer placing the false god of Hinduism on a level playing field with the One True God, Jesus Christ. This would never have been allowed by our Founding Fathers.

"Not one Senator had the backbone to stand as our Founding Fathers stood. They stood on the Gospel of Jesus Christ! There were three in the audience with the courage to stand and proclaim, 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me.' They were immediately removed from the chambers, arrested, and are in jail now. God bless those who stand for Jesus as we know that He stands for them." Rev. Flip Benham, Director, Operation Save America/Operation Rescue

Again with the Founding Fathers being super-Christians? Cheese and rice!

I'll try to keep posting about this if there are any developments, especially since I am attending the SAJA convention in NYC right now. Til then, maybe we all need to say some prayers about the state of our "religiously plural" nation tonight.

(Read the SAJA Forum post on this subject here)

festival as outreach
→ ISKCON Communications

I will be attending the Toronto Ratha Yatra,the biggest -- and rumored to be the best -- Ratha Yatra in North America, this weekend.

That got me thinking about the communications purpose of these festivals, and their significance for ISKCON.

A blogger in Montreal recently stumbled upon one such Ratha Yatra festival and wrote a short but nice observation. Here's the intro teaser:
Every year, I see colorful tents set up at the corner of Parc and Mont-Royal in Jeanne Mance Park for the Hare Krishna/Hindu festival. I've also seen the colorful chariot covered in flowers parade by. There's always free food given out and you would think that me being me - where there's food, I would be there - but oddly enough, I have never gone to check things out. This year, I decided to be more adventurous and went to visit the festival site...
(Read the whole thing here)

I think as devotees we sometimes take it for granted that these festivals -- as much as they are in need of repair, revamping, and re-strategizing -- are attractive and valuable gifts that ISKCON shares with the world. In a world where "preaching" usually means some holier-than-thou fanatic thumping on a ____ (insert your scripture of choice) and talking down to people, such events can be an effective and pleasing way of sharing the culture of God consciousness with others.

festival as outreach
→ ISKCON Communications

I will be attending the Toronto Ratha Yatra,the biggest -- and rumored to be the best -- Ratha Yatra in North America, this weekend.

That got me thinking about the communications purpose of these festivals, and their significance for ISKCON.

A blogger in Montreal recently stumbled upon one such Ratha Yatra festival and wrote a short but nice observation. Here's the intro teaser:
Every year, I see colorful tents set up at the corner of Parc and Mont-Royal in Jeanne Mance Park for the Hare Krishna/Hindu festival. I've also seen the colorful chariot covered in flowers parade by. There's always free food given out and you would think that me being me - where there's food, I would be there - but oddly enough, I have never gone to check things out. This year, I decided to be more adventurous and went to visit the festival site...
(Read the whole thing here)

I think as devotees we sometimes take it for granted that these festivals -- as much as they are in need of repair, revamping, and re-strategizing -- are attractive and valuable gifts that ISKCON shares with the world. In a world where "preaching" usually means some holier-than-thou fanatic thumping on a ____ (insert your scripture of choice) and talking down to people, such events can be an effective and pleasing way of sharing the culture of God consciousness with others.

Go Go Govinda’s!
→ ISKCON Communications

In case you missed it... a wonderful story on the Govinda's restuarant in St. Louis. Srila Prabhupada had a strong desire to see Krishna devotees open more and more vegetarian restaurants where people can be given an experience of Krishna consciousness through delicious prasadam, and a pleasant and spiritually uplifting atmosphere. Way to go, devotees of St. Louis!

Govinda's: Who knew Hare Krishnas have good vegetarian buffet?
By Stefanie Ellis

In this age of instant gratification, constant flux and a demand for bigger and better, sometimes there's nothing more satisfying than simplicity — particularly when it comes to food. While I love innovation in the kitchen, sometimes I feel as if one more blood orange-tomato-pea emulsion might just send me over the edge. Thankfully, when gustatory stimulation reaches an all-time high, I can find solace in the quiet embrace of my favorite Hare Krishna temple.

I don't go there to pray, though. I go there to eat.

Those who have never been to, nor heard of, the full vegetarian buffet you can get for $7 inside a temple in midtown St. Louis might be a bit confused. Let me explain. Govinda's is an extension of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). ISKCON followers (better known as the Hare Krishna movement) adhere to a strict vegetarian diet, which includes no meat, fish or eggs. Caffeine is avoided, as are onions, garlic and mushrooms due to their belief that those foods have adverse effects on the consciousness of the eater.

That said, no one at the temple has ever, in all my years of patronage, tried to lecture me on faith. That's not part of the deal.

Govinda's has a modest buffet, yet its offerings are full of flavor, making it impossible not to sample something from each of the categories — which typically include a lentil-based soup, savories such as pakora (vegetables dredged in chickpea flour and deep fried), salad, pappadum (dried crackers made of lentil flour), chapati (saucer-size rounds of soft wheat bread), brown and basmati rice, sabji (stew) and halva, a farina-based dessert made with butter, sugar, fruit and nuts.

The sabji on a recent visit was a sweet and slightly incendiary tomato sauce puréed with homemade cheese and laced with chunks of the same cheese and sweet peas. The cheese was firm and buttery like a very mild mozzarella, and did well to thicken up the sauce. A dish of thinly sliced green beans dusted with coconut was distinctly different. The coconut, though unsweetened, pulled the sweetness from the green beans, and when eaten with nutty basmati rice was an intoxicating combination.

The pakora, which I think of as tiny doughnuts made of chickpea flour, were too spicy for me. The salad is always my favorite — so long as they have the almond dressing. A simple blend of olive oil, puréed almonds and a bit of spices, it makes for a healthy alternative to traditional cream-based dressings. Fresh romaine lettuce is offered alongside toppings of peppers, olives, carrots, cucumbers and beets.

The orange, walnut and date halva was refreshing and owed most of its sweetness to the sugar in the dates. There were bits of orange zest throughout the dish, imparting a nice, mellow orange flavor that paired well with the dates. A chilled tea is always offered, and its flavor changes daily.

Perhaps to cool the fire from the sabji and pakora, the offering on my visit was chamomile with honey. It was wonderfully soothing, not to mention perfect for a hot St. Louis day. Of course, so much more about my day was perfect. It was just me, a plate of delicious food and a giant helping of peace. What a bargain.

Go Go Govinda’s!
→ ISKCON Communications

In case you missed it... a wonderful story on the Govinda's restuarant in St. Louis. Srila Prabhupada had a strong desire to see Krishna devotees open more and more vegetarian restaurants where people can be given an experience of Krishna consciousness through delicious prasadam, and a pleasant and spiritually uplifting atmosphere. Way to go, devotees of St. Louis!

Govinda's: Who knew Hare Krishnas have good vegetarian buffet?
By Stefanie Ellis

In this age of instant gratification, constant flux and a demand for bigger and better, sometimes there's nothing more satisfying than simplicity — particularly when it comes to food. While I love innovation in the kitchen, sometimes I feel as if one more blood orange-tomato-pea emulsion might just send me over the edge. Thankfully, when gustatory stimulation reaches an all-time high, I can find solace in the quiet embrace of my favorite Hare Krishna temple.

I don't go there to pray, though. I go there to eat.

Those who have never been to, nor heard of, the full vegetarian buffet you can get for $7 inside a temple in midtown St. Louis might be a bit confused. Let me explain. Govinda's is an extension of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). ISKCON followers (better known as the Hare Krishna movement) adhere to a strict vegetarian diet, which includes no meat, fish or eggs. Caffeine is avoided, as are onions, garlic and mushrooms due to their belief that those foods have adverse effects on the consciousness of the eater.

That said, no one at the temple has ever, in all my years of patronage, tried to lecture me on faith. That's not part of the deal.

Govinda's has a modest buffet, yet its offerings are full of flavor, making it impossible not to sample something from each of the categories — which typically include a lentil-based soup, savories such as pakora (vegetables dredged in chickpea flour and deep fried), salad, pappadum (dried crackers made of lentil flour), chapati (saucer-size rounds of soft wheat bread), brown and basmati rice, sabji (stew) and halva, a farina-based dessert made with butter, sugar, fruit and nuts.

The sabji on a recent visit was a sweet and slightly incendiary tomato sauce puréed with homemade cheese and laced with chunks of the same cheese and sweet peas. The cheese was firm and buttery like a very mild mozzarella, and did well to thicken up the sauce. A dish of thinly sliced green beans dusted with coconut was distinctly different. The coconut, though unsweetened, pulled the sweetness from the green beans, and when eaten with nutty basmati rice was an intoxicating combination.

The pakora, which I think of as tiny doughnuts made of chickpea flour, were too spicy for me. The salad is always my favorite — so long as they have the almond dressing. A simple blend of olive oil, puréed almonds and a bit of spices, it makes for a healthy alternative to traditional cream-based dressings. Fresh romaine lettuce is offered alongside toppings of peppers, olives, carrots, cucumbers and beets.

The orange, walnut and date halva was refreshing and owed most of its sweetness to the sugar in the dates. There were bits of orange zest throughout the dish, imparting a nice, mellow orange flavor that paired well with the dates. A chilled tea is always offered, and its flavor changes daily.

Perhaps to cool the fire from the sabji and pakora, the offering on my visit was chamomile with honey. It was wonderfully soothing, not to mention perfect for a hot St. Louis day. Of course, so much more about my day was perfect. It was just me, a plate of delicious food and a giant helping of peace. What a bargain.

5-second Siddhanta
→ ISKCON Communications

In his fantastic blog post about preparation and communication, Sita-pati Prabhu points out the need for devotees to become communicators:
You know, it's actually easier to give a longer presentation than a short one. The shorter the presentation, the more preparation you need. The ultimate is when someone sticks a camera and microphone in your face and says: "What do Hare Krishnas say about X". You have five seconds to give the siddhanta in a coherent, punchy sound bite. Are you ready for that?
The fact of the matter is that all devotees have an obligation to learn communications principles, work at honing these skills, and should be prepared to exercise them when appropriate. Communications is not just something for "those prabhus" in the PR department to whip out when a scandal hits -- it is the ability to effectively and accurately share the Krishna conscious perspective (the siddhanta) in a way that is faithful to the tradition and yet sensitive to time, place, and circumstance. And that is a task that we are charged with, by definition, if we are to be part of Lord Caitanya's mission.

Of course, that is not to say that everyone should take on the role of spokesperson for ISKCON. Like any other service, there will be some who will be better suited to do communications work than others. But -- and I think this is where Sita-pati prabhu's post really hits the nail on the head -- the lowest common denominator should be to prepare all devotees (at least theoretically) to deal with the camera and microphone five second scenario. That is to say, all devotees should be given the resources and skills to "preach effectively at a moment's notice or under any conditions or circumstances."

Sita-pati prabhu goes on to share an exciting idea for one such resource:
I have a desire to produce a book which presents all the commonly asked questions, along with soundbite answers, followed by more indepth explanations and supporting evidence, and advice on which one to use when. "Hare Krishna Frequently Asked Questions" is the working title. I got the idea for this by spending a couple of years hosting school pupils on their religious education investigations in a temple in Peru. They ask the same questions, over and over again. Finally I made a photo album with pictures of initiations, weddings, children, and so on, to help answer them nicely. In the same period of time I was interviewed by the media on several occasions, and really found out the dire necessity of having your sound bite brahmastras ready to roll.
At ISKCON Communications, we've done some FAQ's in the past -- particularly for media in North America -- but they are terribly out-dated and in need of revision. So, I'm psyched... and hope that Sita-pati prabhu will allow me to assist in this project in whatever way I can.

Read more from Sita-pati at Atma Yogi.

5-second Siddhanta
→ ISKCON Communications

In his fantastic blog post about preparation and communication, Sita-pati Prabhu points out the need for devotees to become communicators:
You know, it's actually easier to give a longer presentation than a short one. The shorter the presentation, the more preparation you need. The ultimate is when someone sticks a camera and microphone in your face and says: "What do Hare Krishnas say about X". You have five seconds to give the siddhanta in a coherent, punchy sound bite. Are you ready for that?
The fact of the matter is that all devotees have an obligation to learn communications principles, work at honing these skills, and should be prepared to exercise them when appropriate. Communications is not just something for "those prabhus" in the PR department to whip out when a scandal hits -- it is the ability to effectively and accurately share the Krishna conscious perspective (the siddhanta) in a way that is faithful to the tradition and yet sensitive to time, place, and circumstance. And that is a task that we are charged with, by definition, if we are to be part of Lord Caitanya's mission.

Of course, that is not to say that everyone should take on the role of spokesperson for ISKCON. Like any other service, there will be some who will be better suited to do communications work than others. But -- and I think this is where Sita-pati prabhu's post really hits the nail on the head -- the lowest common denominator should be to prepare all devotees (at least theoretically) to deal with the camera and microphone five second scenario. That is to say, all devotees should be given the resources and skills to "preach effectively at a moment's notice or under any conditions or circumstances."

Sita-pati prabhu goes on to share an exciting idea for one such resource:
I have a desire to produce a book which presents all the commonly asked questions, along with soundbite answers, followed by more indepth explanations and supporting evidence, and advice on which one to use when. "Hare Krishna Frequently Asked Questions" is the working title. I got the idea for this by spending a couple of years hosting school pupils on their religious education investigations in a temple in Peru. They ask the same questions, over and over again. Finally I made a photo album with pictures of initiations, weddings, children, and so on, to help answer them nicely. In the same period of time I was interviewed by the media on several occasions, and really found out the dire necessity of having your sound bite brahmastras ready to roll.
At ISKCON Communications, we've done some FAQ's in the past -- particularly for media in North America -- but they are terribly out-dated and in need of revision. So, I'm psyched... and hope that Sita-pati prabhu will allow me to assist in this project in whatever way I can.

Read more from Sita-pati at Atma Yogi.

more on the Vrindavan Widows
→ ISKCON Communications

from the SAJA forum blog:

MEDIA WATCH: Did CNN quietly change its story on India's widows?

Did CNN alter its questionable story on India's widows in response to criticism? That's what blogger and ISKCON member Vineet Chander suggests. He was one of many people, in and out of SAJA, who found generalizations and questionable assertions in the piece ("Shunned from Society, Widows flock to City to Die"), along the lines of what Arthur Dudney wrote in SAJAforum a few days ago ("The Western Press and its Blanket Statements"). On the SAJA Discussion list, a number of people across the political spectrum found that the story ascribed too much to 'tradition' rather than to more complex social realities.

Vineet noted the story in an item on his blog yesterday, then went back and looked at the CNN website again today. He found 2 examples of how the original piece had been changed. The first example is the opening sentence, while the second example is in the following graf:

Original Piece: "Ostracized by society, India's widows flock to the holy city of Vrindavan waiting to die..."

Changed to: "Ostracized by society, thousands of India's widows flock to the holy city of Vrindavan waiting to die...."

Original Piece: "Hindu widows are shunned from society when their husbands die, not for religious reasons, but because of tradition..."

Changed to: "These Hindu widows, the poorest of the poor, are shunned from society when their husbands die, not for religious reasons, but because of tradition -- and because they're seen as a financial drain on their families..."

After reading it further, I found this change as well:

Original Version: "There are an estimated 40 million widows in India, many of them shunned and stripped of the life they lived when they were married."

Changed to:
There are an estimated 40 million widows in India, the least fortunate of them shunned and stripped of the life they lived when they were married."

Another aspect of the story that was criticized, and not just by Hindu activists, was its failure to show how numerous groups in India are contending with this problem. Vineet told SAJAforum that foreign media outlets such as CNN need to work extra hard to grasp this, in order to avoid sensationalizing the issue or mis-representing it.

Like other groups within the Hindu fold, the organization that I work with (ISKCON) is reaching out to help the widows while being sensitive to the religious and cultural context of Vrindavan. Food for Life Vrindavan, an ISKCON affiliate dedicated to promoting grassroots sustainable development in the area, organizes a women’s empowerment program that includes everything from nutritious food distribution to adult education centers and micro crediting. The program collaborates with the National Bank for Rural & Agriculture Development (NABARD) and the Polytechnic Institute for Women in New Delhi. Unfortunately, whether because of ignorance or lack of space, we rarely hear of this kind of stuff in stories like the CNN one. That part of the story needs to be told.

Arthur Dudney left a comment on the story here, noting that while CNN was right to cover this very important issue, it failed to do a thorough job:

There is no attempt in this CNN piece to make it clear that it is not an ironclad rule of Hindu society that widows must be exiled to Vrindavan. The complex reasons for why a widow might be mistreated are dismissed in one graf. As usual, these generalizations wouldn't work if the article were about abuse of the elderly in American nursing homes.

more on the Vrindavan Widows
→ ISKCON Communications

from the SAJA forum blog:

MEDIA WATCH: Did CNN quietly change its story on India's widows?

Did CNN alter its questionable story on India's widows in response to criticism? That's what blogger and ISKCON member Vineet Chander suggests. He was one of many people, in and out of SAJA, who found generalizations and questionable assertions in the piece ("Shunned from Society, Widows flock to City to Die"), along the lines of what Arthur Dudney wrote in SAJAforum a few days ago ("The Western Press and its Blanket Statements"). On the SAJA Discussion list, a number of people across the political spectrum found that the story ascribed too much to 'tradition' rather than to more complex social realities.

Vineet noted the story in an item on his blog yesterday, then went back and looked at the CNN website again today. He found 2 examples of how the original piece had been changed. The first example is the opening sentence, while the second example is in the following graf:

Original Piece: "Ostracized by society, India's widows flock to the holy city of Vrindavan waiting to die..."

Changed to: "Ostracized by society, thousands of India's widows flock to the holy city of Vrindavan waiting to die...."

Original Piece: "Hindu widows are shunned from society when their husbands die, not for religious reasons, but because of tradition..."

Changed to: "These Hindu widows, the poorest of the poor, are shunned from society when their husbands die, not for religious reasons, but because of tradition -- and because they're seen as a financial drain on their families..."

After reading it further, I found this change as well:

Original Version: "There are an estimated 40 million widows in India, many of them shunned and stripped of the life they lived when they were married."

Changed to:
There are an estimated 40 million widows in India, the least fortunate of them shunned and stripped of the life they lived when they were married."

Another aspect of the story that was criticized, and not just by Hindu activists, was its failure to show how numerous groups in India are contending with this problem. Vineet told SAJAforum that foreign media outlets such as CNN need to work extra hard to grasp this, in order to avoid sensationalizing the issue or mis-representing it.

Like other groups within the Hindu fold, the organization that I work with (ISKCON) is reaching out to help the widows while being sensitive to the religious and cultural context of Vrindavan. Food for Life Vrindavan, an ISKCON affiliate dedicated to promoting grassroots sustainable development in the area, organizes a women’s empowerment program that includes everything from nutritious food distribution to adult education centers and micro crediting. The program collaborates with the National Bank for Rural & Agriculture Development (NABARD) and the Polytechnic Institute for Women in New Delhi. Unfortunately, whether because of ignorance or lack of space, we rarely hear of this kind of stuff in stories like the CNN one. That part of the story needs to be told.

Arthur Dudney left a comment on the story here, noting that while CNN was right to cover this very important issue, it failed to do a thorough job:

There is no attempt in this CNN piece to make it clear that it is not an ironclad rule of Hindu society that widows must be exiled to Vrindavan. The complex reasons for why a widow might be mistreated are dismissed in one graf. As usual, these generalizations wouldn't work if the article were about abuse of the elderly in American nursing homes.

US Senate to Open with Hindu Prayers
→ ISKCON Communications

According to the Times of India for the first time ever, the US Senate will open with Hindu prayers.

U.S. Senate to open with Hindu prayers

New York: History will be created when a Hindu prayer will be recited at the opening of the US Senate in Washington DC on July 12.

Rajan Zed, a Hindu chaplain, said that he had been officially asked to say the prayer. He said he believes this may be the first time any Hindu prayer is delivered in the Senate since its formation in 1789.

Zed is likely to choose the prayer from the Rig Veda, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad-Gita. He said he plans to start and end the prayer with 'Om', the mystical Hindu syllable. The full text of the prayer will be included in the Congressional Record.

There are an estimated two million Indian Americans in the US.

Followers of Hindu groups like ISKCON may add up to another one million.

Great news! Although opening the Senate with prayer is something of a perfunctory formality, the fact that a Hindus has been invited is a sign of increased diversity and the inclusion of religious minorities. And who would have a problem with that?

Oops, apparently there are some folks who do. The red-blooded love-it-or-leave-it Archie Bunker Americans at this blog think that the very idea of having Hindu prayers is "a slap in the face to the one true God, the Judeo Christian God."

(an aside: I've always thought the idea of a "Judeo-Christian God" was weird. It makes it seem like God is some old bearded man at a cocktail party introducing Himself by way of his dual-identity. "Hi, I'm the Judeo-Christian God. Yeah, My dad's side is Jewish, but My mom is a Catholic." A bit odd, but anyway...)

Fans of the charmingly fascist PC-Free Zone -- which also features a graphic that says "Allah Sucks" -- added equally bone-headed insights like:
America is a Christian country! Christian men and women, Christian morals and Christian values made America great. Quit trying to degrade our heritage.

Who invited this Turkey? In High Schools they are not allowed to pray before a football game but the Senate is allowed to have some second rate money changer saying a prayer.
Is it really 2007? All I can say is... we've got our work cut out for us.

US Senate to Open with Hindu Prayers
→ ISKCON Communications

According to the Times of India for the first time ever, the US Senate will open with Hindu prayers.

U.S. Senate to open with Hindu prayers

New York: History will be created when a Hindu prayer will be recited at the opening of the US Senate in Washington DC on July 12.

Rajan Zed, a Hindu chaplain, said that he had been officially asked to say the prayer. He said he believes this may be the first time any Hindu prayer is delivered in the Senate since its formation in 1789.

Zed is likely to choose the prayer from the Rig Veda, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad-Gita. He said he plans to start and end the prayer with 'Om', the mystical Hindu syllable. The full text of the prayer will be included in the Congressional Record.

There are an estimated two million Indian Americans in the US.

Followers of Hindu groups like ISKCON may add up to another one million.

Great news! Although opening the Senate with prayer is something of a perfunctory formality, the fact that a Hindus has been invited is a sign of increased diversity and the inclusion of religious minorities. And who would have a problem with that?

Oops, apparently there are some folks who do. The red-blooded love-it-or-leave-it Archie Bunker Americans at this blog think that the very idea of having Hindu prayers is "a slap in the face to the one true God, the Judeo Christian God."

(an aside: I've always thought the idea of a "Judeo-Christian God" was weird. It makes it seem like God is some old bearded man at a cocktail party introducing Himself by way of his dual-identity. "Hi, I'm the Judeo-Christian God. Yeah, My dad's side is Jewish, but My mom is a Catholic." A bit odd, but anyway...)

Fans of the charmingly fascist PC-Free Zone -- which also features a graphic that says "Allah Sucks" -- added equally bone-headed insights like:
America is a Christian country! Christian men and women, Christian morals and Christian values made America great. Quit trying to degrade our heritage.

Who invited this Turkey? In High Schools they are not allowed to pray before a football game but the Senate is allowed to have some second rate money changer saying a prayer.
Is it really 2007? All I can say is... we've got our work cut out for us.

Vrindavan’s Widows on CNN
→ ISKCON Communications

The top story on -- beating out the arrest of Al Gore's son and a new video from Al Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri -- is this story on shunned widows awaiting death in Vrindavan.

As expected, readers are horrified by the backwards and inhumane treatment of these women -- 40 million in India, and 15 thousand on the streets of Vrindavan. Some blame Hinduism or the Vedic scriptures for this cruel practice. Others say that it is all about money and greed.

As Gaudiya Vaisnavas we hold Vrindavan to be sacred ground -- Lord Krishna's own abode. How do we reconcile that belief with the adharmic treatment of thousands that is purportedly happening there? Can we or should we do something about it? Or is this just a case of a pro-Westernized, anti-Hindu media slant, hyping a story where there really is none? Is this an opportunity for ISKCON to be proactive and take a stance, or an embarrassment that we should hope just goes away?

In any event, one thing is clear: even if we don't have the answers on this one, we must be willing to face the questions.

Here is the beginning of the article:

Shunned from Society, Widows Flock to City to Die
by Arwa Damon; CNN

-- Ostracized by society, India's widows flock to the holy city of Vrindavan waiting to die. They are found on side streets, hunched over with walking canes, their heads shaved and their pain etched by hundreds of deep wrinkles in their faces.

Hindu widows are shunned from society when their husbands die, not for religious reasons, but because of tradition -- and because they're seen as a financial drain on their families.

They cannot remarry. They must not wear jewelry. They are forced to shave their heads and typically wear white. Even their shadows are considered bad luck.

Hindus have long believed that death in Vrindavan will free them from the cycle of life and death. For widows, they hope death will save them from being condemned to such a life again.

"Does it feel good?" says 70-year-old Rada Rani Biswas. "Now I have to loiter just for a bite to eat."

Biswas speaks with a strong voice, but her spirit is broken. When her husband of 50 years died, she was instantly ostracized by all those she thought loved her, including her son.

"My son tells me: 'You have grown old. Now who is going to feed you? Go away,' " she says, her eyes filling with tears. "What do I do? My pain had no limit."

As she speaks, she squats in front of one of Vrindavan's temples, her life reduced to begging for scraps of food.

There are an estimated 40 million widows in India, many of them shunned and stripped of the life they lived when they were married.

It's believed that 15,000 widows live on the streets of Vrindavan, a city of about 55,000 in northern India....

(read the whole story here, at

Video Watch how some widows are rebelling »

Vrindavan’s Widows on CNN
→ ISKCON Communications

The top story on -- beating out the arrest of Al Gore's son and a new video from Al Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri -- is this story on shunned widows awaiting death in Vrindavan.

As expected, readers are horrified by the backwards and inhumane treatment of these women -- 40 million in India, and 15 thousand on the streets of Vrindavan. Some blame Hinduism or the Vedic scriptures for this cruel practice. Others say that it is all about money and greed.

As Gaudiya Vaisnavas we hold Vrindavan to be sacred ground -- Lord Krishna's own abode. How do we reconcile that belief with the adharmic treatment of thousands that is purportedly happening there? Can we or should we do something about it? Or is this just a case of a pro-Westernized, anti-Hindu media slant, hyping a story where there really is none? Is this an opportunity for ISKCON to be proactive and take a stance, or an embarrassment that we should hope just goes away?

In any event, one thing is clear: even if we don't have the answers on this one, we must be willing to face the questions.

Here is the beginning of the article:

Shunned from Society, Widows Flock to City to Die
by Arwa Damon; CNN

-- Ostracized by society, India's widows flock to the holy city of Vrindavan waiting to die. They are found on side streets, hunched over with walking canes, their heads shaved and their pain etched by hundreds of deep wrinkles in their faces.

Hindu widows are shunned from society when their husbands die, not for religious reasons, but because of tradition -- and because they're seen as a financial drain on their families.

They cannot remarry. They must not wear jewelry. They are forced to shave their heads and typically wear white. Even their shadows are considered bad luck.

Hindus have long believed that death in Vrindavan will free them from the cycle of life and death. For widows, they hope death will save them from being condemned to such a life again.

"Does it feel good?" says 70-year-old Rada Rani Biswas. "Now I have to loiter just for a bite to eat."

Biswas speaks with a strong voice, but her spirit is broken. When her husband of 50 years died, she was instantly ostracized by all those she thought loved her, including her son.

"My son tells me: 'You have grown old. Now who is going to feed you? Go away,' " she says, her eyes filling with tears. "What do I do? My pain had no limit."

As she speaks, she squats in front of one of Vrindavan's temples, her life reduced to begging for scraps of food.

There are an estimated 40 million widows in India, many of them shunned and stripped of the life they lived when they were married.

It's believed that 15,000 widows live on the streets of Vrindavan, a city of about 55,000 in northern India....

(read the whole story here, at

Video Watch how some widows are rebelling »

inner space
→ ISKCON Communications

This article from the Austin American Statesman describes a bhakti yoga class that seems to present the teachings of Krishna consciousness in an innovative, relevant, and attractive way. I don't know if the devotee running the program described here is a member of ISKCON or not, but I think his approach is inspiring and dynamic, and can teach us all a thing or two about effectively communicating Srila Prabhupada's mission.

Finding Inner Space for Meditation:
a little yoga can go a long way

I didn't know quite what to expect when I crossed the threshold of the Austin Meditation Center for the first time. I slipped off my sandals and placed them neatly on the shelf available by the door for this purpose, then took a look around.

The best way to describe the center is also the most clichéd: It was peaceful. I was greeted by the yogi, an older Englishman with a wide smile on his face. Richard Davis seemed to radiate energy and life. We sat down and talked for a while as others trickled in.

After offering us water, organic cherries and whole wheat, sugar-free, homemade cookies, he led us into the next room, where seats and pillows formed a circle on the hardwood floor. The walls were lined with paintings of figures such as Krishna and Christ. We sat as he took his place in front, closing the circle.

Richard took time discussing the concept of mantra meditation with us beginners. He told us that there are two worlds — the material world, and that of the spirit — and that we are "in illusion" when we believe that we are our bodies, and that we are of this material world. We wear our bodies like we wear a T-shirt, he said. The T-shirt is not us; we only wear it. We are "atma," the spirit-soul, that divine spark that differentiates between a living body and a dead one.

He shared an analogy of a fish in the ocean. If you were to take such a fish and put him on the hot, sandy beach, would he be happy? No. He belongs in the ocean. Likewise we, as spiritual beings, can never find happiness in the material world, try as we may. We will only find happiness when we reconnect with our "atma." Happiness — pure bliss — is possible only through the sound vibrations of mantra. Mantra is the vehicle that takes us there, to that place within.

Richard then taught us three kinds of mantra meditation. The first, "breathing meditation," consisted of saying a one-word mantra, "Gauranga," upon exhaling our breath. We inhaled deeply and when we could inhale no more, we began to push out each syllable: "Gaur ... Ra ... Ang ... Ga." "Gauranga" means the "golden effulgence" or light that surrounds God, and can be used as a name for God Himself.

Next we learned "japa meditation." We chanted a phrase as we moved our fingers along wooden beads to keep track. "Gopala Govinda Rama Madana Mohana," we repeated, which I soon learned were other names for God.

Meditation and chanting form patterns similar to the worship I had experienced in Christian churches. The most striking similarity came when we did "kirtan," which was singing the names of God as Richard played guitar: "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare."

Despite the familiarity of the phrase from popular culture, to a Western woman who was raised within the Christian church, this was all so new and strange. Yet I had made a commitment to try it, and I wanted to see if it really did offer contentment.

And so, I did it each day in my home, breathing and chanting and counting the beads. I was surprised to find that mantra had sneaked into my subconscious and was pervading my life: It was in my head at work and I would chant it under my breath in the car. In addition, I felt peace envelop me, as if nothing could harm me any longer. When I heard bad news, it did not break me. I felt above it, able to handle anything. I felt my anxiety and even some of my customary road rage dissipate. This was quite welcome.

I am still new to meditation and to the doctrines of karma, reincarnation and the like that surround it, and I cannot honestly say that I believe every single one of these precepts. Maybe I will come to, and maybe I will not. I will, however, continue to make time and space for contemplation, silence and peace in my ever-whirling, ever-changing world.

April D. Boland is a writer and editor from New York City who currently works in marketing as she completes her English literature degree.

inner space
→ ISKCON Communications

This article from the Austin American Statesman describes a bhakti yoga class that seems to present the teachings of Krishna consciousness in an innovative, relevant, and attractive way. I don't know if the devotee running the program described here is a member of ISKCON or not, but I think his approach is inspiring and dynamic, and can teach us all a thing or two about effectively communicating Srila Prabhupada's mission.

Finding Inner Space for Meditation:
a little yoga can go a long way

I didn't know quite what to expect when I crossed the threshold of the Austin Meditation Center for the first time. I slipped off my sandals and placed them neatly on the shelf available by the door for this purpose, then took a look around.

The best way to describe the center is also the most clichéd: It was peaceful. I was greeted by the yogi, an older Englishman with a wide smile on his face. Richard Davis seemed to radiate energy and life. We sat down and talked for a while as others trickled in.

After offering us water, organic cherries and whole wheat, sugar-free, homemade cookies, he led us into the next room, where seats and pillows formed a circle on the hardwood floor. The walls were lined with paintings of figures such as Krishna and Christ. We sat as he took his place in front, closing the circle.

Richard took time discussing the concept of mantra meditation with us beginners. He told us that there are two worlds — the material world, and that of the spirit — and that we are "in illusion" when we believe that we are our bodies, and that we are of this material world. We wear our bodies like we wear a T-shirt, he said. The T-shirt is not us; we only wear it. We are "atma," the spirit-soul, that divine spark that differentiates between a living body and a dead one.

He shared an analogy of a fish in the ocean. If you were to take such a fish and put him on the hot, sandy beach, would he be happy? No. He belongs in the ocean. Likewise we, as spiritual beings, can never find happiness in the material world, try as we may. We will only find happiness when we reconnect with our "atma." Happiness — pure bliss — is possible only through the sound vibrations of mantra. Mantra is the vehicle that takes us there, to that place within.

Richard then taught us three kinds of mantra meditation. The first, "breathing meditation," consisted of saying a one-word mantra, "Gauranga," upon exhaling our breath. We inhaled deeply and when we could inhale no more, we began to push out each syllable: "Gaur ... Ra ... Ang ... Ga." "Gauranga" means the "golden effulgence" or light that surrounds God, and can be used as a name for God Himself.

Next we learned "japa meditation." We chanted a phrase as we moved our fingers along wooden beads to keep track. "Gopala Govinda Rama Madana Mohana," we repeated, which I soon learned were other names for God.

Meditation and chanting form patterns similar to the worship I had experienced in Christian churches. The most striking similarity came when we did "kirtan," which was singing the names of God as Richard played guitar: "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare."

Despite the familiarity of the phrase from popular culture, to a Western woman who was raised within the Christian church, this was all so new and strange. Yet I had made a commitment to try it, and I wanted to see if it really did offer contentment.

And so, I did it each day in my home, breathing and chanting and counting the beads. I was surprised to find that mantra had sneaked into my subconscious and was pervading my life: It was in my head at work and I would chant it under my breath in the car. In addition, I felt peace envelop me, as if nothing could harm me any longer. When I heard bad news, it did not break me. I felt above it, able to handle anything. I felt my anxiety and even some of my customary road rage dissipate. This was quite welcome.

I am still new to meditation and to the doctrines of karma, reincarnation and the like that surround it, and I cannot honestly say that I believe every single one of these precepts. Maybe I will come to, and maybe I will not. I will, however, continue to make time and space for contemplation, silence and peace in my ever-whirling, ever-changing world.

April D. Boland is a writer and editor from New York City who currently works in marketing as she completes her English literature degree.

Practice makes perfect
→ ISKCON Communications

A week or two of not posting and I've (re-) discovered the obvious: blogging, like any other form of communication, is a type of sadhana, or a disciplined practice.

In the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition, sadhana is understood to come in two flavors: vaidhi (governed by rules and regulations) and raga (characterized by spontaneity).

As blogging sadhakas, we look to the day when writing will become like breathing; when the words will flow spontaneously and freely, and connection between the thoughts in the head, the feelings in the heart, and the words on the screen will be seamless. But that purity must be earned, and it is purchased through regularity, sincerity, and consistency.

Ultimately, it requires us to be enthusiastic (to embrace our practice and "just write"), patient (with ourselves and the process, humbled by writer's block, mismanaged time, and other indications of how much farther we have to go), and confident (that as long as we are committed to the practice, Krishna will carry us to our goal and use as His instruments).

Practice makes perfect
→ ISKCON Communications

A week or two of not posting and I've (re-) discovered the obvious: blogging, like any other form of communication, is a type of sadhana, or a disciplined practice.

In the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition, sadhana is understood to come in two flavors: vaidhi (governed by rules and regulations) and raga (characterized by spontaneity).

As blogging sadhakas, we look to the day when writing will become like breathing; when the words will flow spontaneously and freely, and connection between the thoughts in the head, the feelings in the heart, and the words on the screen will be seamless. But that purity must be earned, and it is purchased through regularity, sincerity, and consistency.

Ultimately, it requires us to be enthusiastic (to embrace our practice and "just write"), patient (with ourselves and the process, humbled by writer's block, mismanaged time, and other indications of how much farther we have to go), and confident (that as long as we are committed to the practice, Krishna will carry us to our goal and use as His instruments).

6 vedic atoms = 1 photon
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"The division of gross time is calculated as follows: two atoms make one double atom, and three double atoms make one hexatom. This hexatom is visible in the sunshine which enters through the holes of a window screen. One can clearly see that the hexatom goes up towards the sky." (SB3.11.05)

Scientists currently believe that the photon (also known as light) is the transmitter particle (gauge boson) for electromagnetic force. Photons supposedly have no mass and no electric charge. It is said that Einstein was the first person to theorize that these particles should exist (except he wasn't the first - not by a long shot!).

Photon (obviously) travel at the speed of light. They can be redirected by gravity (not because gravity attracts the photon like e.g. a magnet attracts iron, but because gravity bends the very space through which the photon flies).

Photons are strange because they behave both as waves and as particles at the same time (as demonstrated in the famous double-slit experiment).

Besides photons, which we "see" every day, there are supposedly a few other gauge bosons, or carrier particles for fundamental forces of nature. Specifically, there supposed to exist W and Z bosons (which supposedly cause the weak atomic interaction), gluons (which supposedly cause the strong atomic interaction) and the (totally speculative) gravitons (which supposedly cause gravity - although no one has ever detected a graviton).

Physicists are hard at work trying to figure out how these particles fit together in a grand unification theory. They believe that if they figure this out they will understand everything there is to know about the elegant universe with no need for primitive gods, deities and other "unscientific" stuff like that.

And here we have the Srimad Bhagavatam stating quite plainly and clearly, thousands of years before the advert of modern physics (or more precisely: the sage Maitreya speaking to Vidura sometime around the year 3102 B.C.), that the photon is actually made up of 6 (specifically 3 groups of 2) atomic particles. These Vedic Atoms (parama-anuh) are the true fundamental particles of nature. In different combinations these particles presumably also make up the other gauga bosons.

So, there we have the much vaunted unification theory.

Why do theoretical physicists not take notice?

Update: (disclaimer) My statements above are called into question by some good counter arguments in the comments to this post. This is not to say that the article is incorrect, but I nevertheless advise anyone reading this to read the comments and make up their own mind based upon what they think are the most reasonable assumptions.

6 vedic atoms = 1 photon
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"The division of gross time is calculated as follows: two atoms make one double atom, and three double atoms make one hexatom. This hexatom is visible in the sunshine which enters through the holes of a window screen. One can clearly see that the hexatom goes up towards the sky." (SB3.11.05)

Scientists currently believe that the photon (also known as light) is the transmitter particle (gauge boson) for electromagnetic force. Photons supposedly have no mass and no electric charge. It is said that Einstein was the first person to theorize that these particles should exist (except he wasn't the first - not by a long shot!).

Photon (obviously) travel at the speed of light. They can be redirected by gravity (not because gravity attracts the photon like e.g. a magnet attracts iron, but because gravity bends the very space through which the photon flies).

Photons are strange because they behave both as waves and as particles at the same time (as demonstrated in the famous double-slit experiment).

Besides photons, which we "see" every day, there are supposedly a few other gauge bosons, or carrier particles for fundamental forces of nature. Specifically, there supposed to exist W and Z bosons (which supposedly cause the weak atomic interaction), gluons (which supposedly cause the strong atomic interaction) and the (totally speculative) gravitons (which supposedly cause gravity - although no one has ever detected a graviton).

Physicists are hard at work trying to figure out how these particles fit together in a grand unification theory. They believe that if they figure this out they will understand everything there is to know about the elegant universe with no need for primitive gods, deities and other "unscientific" stuff like that.

And here we have the Srimad Bhagavatam stating quite plainly and clearly, thousands of years before the advert of modern physics (or more precisely: the sage Maitreya speaking to Vidura sometime around the year 3102 B.C.), that the photon is actually made up of 6 (specifically 3 groups of 2) atomic particles. These Vedic Atoms (parama-anuh) are the true fundamental particles of nature. In different combinations these particles presumably also make up the other gauga bosons.

So, there we have the much vaunted unification theory.

Why do theoretical physicists not take notice?

Update: (disclaimer) My statements above are called into question by some good counter arguments in the comments to this post. This is not to say that the article is incorrect, but I nevertheless advise anyone reading this to read the comments and make up their own mind based upon what they think are the most reasonable assumptions.

Please excuse me while i preach to myself
→ Unplugged Ice

Seek not to be respected but to be respectable. It's simple isn't it? But yet so elusive to the soul in search of some comfort in this world. Being respected is dearer to the living being than life itself. For one who has been honored, dishonor is worse than death. And yet we cannot please all the people all of the time. Someone will inevitably come into our life, for however brief a moment it may be, with the express reason of making our lives as miserable as possible by treating us like we were something nasty clinging to the inside of a toilet bowl. It's inevitable, and for some of us these moments are more frequent than not.

Being attached to some dignity and simultaneously watching someone's face turn from as bright as the sun to sour grapes, just because we walked into their line of sight, can have some adverse side effects in our resolve, especially if we have never met that person before. One reason for this unsolicited adversity could be outward appearance. It's funny how something as simple as clothing can summon up so much wrath amongst people. Generally we dress to be accepted in whatever we want to be accepted in. If we're in the high-powered business world it would be considered intelligent to own the best tailored suits in order to create a mark in others. If we're fashion conscious it would behoof us to be up with the times. If we're in a casual setting then acceptance lies with being causally adorned. But when one of these worlds, without warning, steps into another then there is undoubtedly discomfort. Borders are drawn, acceptance is sought amongst ones own kind, especially at the cost of ridiculing the other -- in other words, a natural selection takes place.

But if you are not at all affected by the results of such barriers and aggressions, then, even if you are ridiculed or abused, it will make no difference. You will have transcended the dress and gained access to a place where respect is given to everyone no matter who or what they are. As Srila Prabhupada points out, one life you may be a King, the next a dog. What is the use of identifying with our dress? It dosn't make us a better person -- a better dressed person maybe, but not one that has become unblemished like the cloth one wears.

Yet the unanswered question here is how, in the midst of so much adversity, do we become respectable rather than seek respect? In the same vein we could ask how do we become tolerant? Does tolerance get given to us or are we put into situations where we have an opportunity to practice tolerance? How can we give unless we are in a situation where we can understand the value of what we have to give? Similarly, how can we become respectable if we are never given a chance to not expect respect?

Please excuse me while i preach to myself
→ Unplugged Ice

Seek not to be respected but to be respectable. It's simple isn't it? But yet so elusive to the soul in search of some comfort in this world. Being respected is dearer to the living being than life itself. For one who has been honored, dishonor is worse than death. And yet we cannot please all the people all of the time. Someone will inevitably come into our life, for however brief a moment it may be, with the express reason of making our lives as miserable as possible by treating us like we were something nasty clinging to the inside of a toilet bowl. It's inevitable, and for some of us these moments are more frequent than not.

Being attached to some dignity and simultaneously watching someone's face turn from as bright as the sun to sour grapes, just because we walked into their line of sight, can have some adverse side effects in our resolve, especially if we have never met that person before. One reason for this unsolicited adversity could be outward appearance. It's funny how something as simple as clothing can summon up so much wrath amongst people. Generally we dress to be accepted in whatever we want to be accepted in. If we're in the high-powered business world it would be considered intelligent to own the best tailored suits in order to create a mark in others. If we're fashion conscious it would behoof us to be up with the times. If we're in a casual setting then acceptance lies with being causally adorned. But when one of these worlds, without warning, steps into another then there is undoubtedly discomfort. Borders are drawn, acceptance is sought amongst ones own kind, especially at the cost of ridiculing the other -- in other words, a natural selection takes place.

But if you are not at all affected by the results of such barriers and aggressions, then, even if you are ridiculed or abused, it will make no difference. You will have transcended the dress and gained access to a place where respect is given to everyone no matter who or what they are. As Srila Prabhupada points out, one life you may be a King, the next a dog. What is the use of identifying with our dress? It dosn't make us a better person -- a better dressed person maybe, but not one that has become unblemished like the cloth one wears.

Yet the unanswered question here is how, in the midst of so much adversity, do we become respectable rather than seek respect? In the same vein we could ask how do we become tolerant? Does tolerance get given to us or are we put into situations where we have an opportunity to practice tolerance? How can we give unless we are in a situation where we can understand the value of what we have to give? Similarly, how can we become respectable if we are never given a chance to not expect respect?

Paper accepted at K-CAP 2007
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I just had a paper accepted for publication at this year's Knowledge Capture conference (K-CAP 2007). My paper is "A Methodology for Asynchronous Multi-User Editing of Semantic Web Ontologies". It will serve as the basis of my upcoming PhD thesis.

You can download the paper here, or in the publication section of this website.

So, see you in Whistler, Canada in October.