The Mars Chronicles – with Michael Cremo
→ Dandavats

In this multi-episode discussion, Joshua Reid and David Whitehead (dwtruthwarrior) continue their journey exploring space, Mars and everything under the suns. One of the prominent themes introduced in Forbidden Archeology is the phenomenon of “knowledge filtration.” This is the process by which scientists & others routinely accept evidence that supports their preconceptions & theories whileRead More...
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What You Can Do on World Environment Day

On June 5, people from all over the world are expected to come together to celebrate World Environment Day, cleaning up beaches, planting trees, and marching in an effort to save a planet that experts fear is on the verge of extinction. Two days after the Stockholm+50 international gathering, the event will be remembered both […]

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ISKCON Gurugram Invited to Speak at Delhi University

Rambhadra Das, President of ISKCON Gurugram was invited to speak at the “Faculty Development Program” at Ambedkar University Delhi. The University, though only in the 15th year of its establishment, is already one of the top-ranked in India. Making in the top 150 ranked Universities in such a short span. It is renowned for its […]

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Easter Festival Graces New Zealand’s Garden City

For a number of years, ISKCON Christchurch in Te Waipounamu (New Zealand’s South Island) has held a combined padayatra (a walking journey) and boat festival. There are two small rivers running through the city, the Avon and Heathcote, that pass by beautiful forested gardens as well as the prominent urban centre, which is always an […]

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The Transcendental Qualities of Srimati Radharani
→ Dandavats

Srimati Radharani has twenty-five transcendental qualities. Her transcendental qualities are as follows: 1. She is sweetness personified 2. She is a fresh young girl 3. Her eyes are always moving 4. She is always brightly smiling 5. She possesses all auspicious marks on her body 6. She can agitate Krishna by the flavor of HerRead More...
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Sadhu Sanga 2022 Kirtans

From: Lotus Eyes Films   Sadhu Sanga Retreat was celebrated after a two-year break due to the pandemic. The festival took place in Spanish Fork, Utah on the gorgeous property of the Sri Sri Radha Krsna temple built by Charu Dās and Vaibhavi Dasi. Thousands of devotees were in attendance. Many world-famous Kirtaniyas performed. The […]

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The potency is penance only (video)
→ Dandavats

Translation I create this cosmos by such penance, I maintain it by the same energy, and I withdraw it all by the same energy. Therefore the potency is penance only. Purport In executing penance, one must be determined to return home, back to Godhead, and must decide to undergo all types of tribulations for thatRead More...
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The living entities in the material world can never have any happiness (video)
→ Dandavats

Translation O Father, O Lord, O Personality of Godhead, the living entities in the material world can never have any happiness because they are overwhelmed by the three kinds of miseries. Therefore they take shelter of the shade of Your lotus feet, which are full of knowledge, and we also thus take shelter of them.Read More...
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Sadhu Sanga 2022 Kirtan Videos (Playlist)
→ Dandavats

Kalpesh Patel: Below is a link to some of the ecstatic, melodious, joyful and soul stirring Hare Krishna Kirtan that was captured during the Sadhu Sanga 2022 Kirtan retreat in Spanish Fork, UT. The following Kirtaniyas are featured: Indradyumna Swami Kadamba Kanana Swami Sacinandana Swami BB Govinda Swami Vaisesika Dasa Bada Hari Prabhu MadhavaRead More...
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Gangamata Goswamini Appearance
→ Ramai Swami

From her childhood Princess Sachi devi, the daughter of King Naresh Narayana of Bengal, showed unalloyed devotion to Lord Sri Krishna. She even refused to marry on account of her genuine attachment to Krishna. After her father’s demise she ruled the kingdom. But she soon renounced it to find a bona fide spiritual master.

    Princess Sachi devi met Sri Haridasa Pandit, a leading guru in Vrndavana, and began performing devout bhajana to Govindaji. Although she became frail from undereating, she would always sleep on the Yamuna’s sandy bank, and rise before sunrise to clean Govindaji’s temple. Daily she would hear Bhagavata-katha, see Govindaji’s arotika, circumambulate Radha-Syamasundara’s lila sthanas (pastime places) such as Vamisivata, Seva Kunja, Nidhu vana, Rasa Sthali.

    Receiving encouragement from Sri Haridasa Pandit, Sachi devi completely dropped her false ego, put on rags, and went house-to-house in Vraja begging alms. The Vrajavasis were astonished by her severe renunciation. Taking her guru’s sugges­tion, she went to Radha-kunda to associate with Sri Laksmipriya devi dasi, a dear disciple of Sri Haridasa.

    Following Thakura Haridasa’s perfect example, Laksmipriya devi daily chanted 300,000 names (192 rounds) of Krishna. Everyday the two ladies would circumambulate Govardhana Hill and worship Krishna.

    On her guru’s order, Sachi devi went to the home of Sarvab-hauma Bhattacarya in Jagannatha Puri. Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya and most of Lord Gauranga-sundara’s eternal associates had al­ready returned to Goloka Vrndavana. Sachi devi restored Sarvabhauma’s house, and established first-class worship of Sri Shyama Raya, a Deity given to her by a Jaipur brahmana. Everyday she lectured on Srimad Bhagavatam. Her classes became popular attracting eager listeners from miles around. Many people, including brahmanas and King Mukunda Deva, took in­itiation from Sachi devi.

    In Sri Navadvipa Dhama Parikrama, Sripad B.V. Narayana Maharaja explains how Sachi devi got the name “Gangamata.”

    “On the day of Ganga Sagara Mela, Sachi devi, who was resid­ing in Jagannatha Puri, desired to bathe in the Ganges. That night the Ganges flowed from the lotus feet of Lord Jagannatha and came to Sachi’s ashrama. Entering Ganga Devi’s waters, Sachi floated to the lotus feet of Jagannatha Swami inside the temple.

    “After unlocking the doors the next morning the pujaris were surprised to find her inside the temple. Thinking she was a thief, they immeditately put Sachi devi in jail. Seeing this mistake, Lord Jagannatha appeared simultaneously in a dream to both the Puri King and the head pujari. The Lord ordered them to release Sachi devi dasi and take initiation from her. From then on she became famous as Gangamata Gosvamini.”

Baby Krishna is tenderness personified
→ Dandavats

Baby Krishna is tenderness personified The natural fragrance of Krishna’s body smelled just like musk. After the ladies bathed Krishna in sweet ambrosia, He looked cleansed and beautiful. Then they smeared His body with fragrant sandalwood pulp. The presiding deity of the house sent a campaka flower resembling the flame of a lamp into theRead More...
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Baltimore Ratha-yatra (video)
→ Dandavats

Mahavishnu Swami and Harinama Ruci chant Hare Krishna at Baltimore Ratha-yatra festival site, and passersby dance. May 28, 2022. Source: Mahavishnu Swami & Harinama Ruci Chant Hare Krishna at Baltimore Ratha-yatra Site & Passersby Dance (This post has been viewed 3 times so far)Read More...
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