Tribute to Her Grace Kripamayi Devi Dasi

Kripamayi Devi Dasi  was one of the first Hare Krishna devotees in Thailand. As a young girl, she would pray to Lord Buddha for guidance. Her Buddhist guru one day handed her a piece of paper with the maha-mantra written on it.
From then on, she started chanting the maha-mantra. By Krsna’s arrangement, she met a devotee who gave her the Bhagavad Gita wherein she found the same mantra she had been chanting. Following the address given in the book, she went to the temple, but the temple was closed because all the devotees had gone for a Dham yatra. Enthusiastic to meet someone, she regularly visited the temple until she met the devotees.
Being around her, it was difficult to miss her simplicity, humility, and loving nature. You would often find her rubbing some Chinese oil and massaging a devotee because they had some pain in some parts of their body. When on Sankirtan, she would talk to people and they would not want to say ‘No’ when offered a book. These wonderful qualities of hers attracted so many to appreciate Krishna Consciousness.
Her enthusiasm was something that was infectious. She would regularly cook for the Saturday feast despite having to take care of her elderly mother and carrying her around to wherever she went. On Sundays, we would go for Harinam together and it was such good fortune to hear her sing the holy names with so much dedication.
Every time I saw her, I always remember her smiling. Later on, I realized that she was always happy and smiling because she was always giving. Every time I met her, she would give me something; some fruits, some nuts, or some coconut water. Seeing me growing very thin, one day she gave few hundred Bhats (Thai Currency) and asked me to please buy more food. Those small gestures would touch the hearts of so many others like me.
Her singing for Krishna was simple and most opulent at the same time because they were filled with genuine devotion. So much could be described about her glorious life and it would still be incomplete. When I sit back and meditate on her wonderful qualities, I get the following realization very strongly: The more you give, the happier you are.
I thank her for the association that she gave us, for showing us what becoming a devotee actually means, what simplicity and humility looks like. I thank her for showing us what compassion and respect towards everyone looks like. Thank you.
Her Grace Kripamayi Devi Dasi Ki Jaya.

The post Tribute to Her Grace Kripamayi Devi Dasi appeared first on ISKCON News.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Queen’s Park, Toronto

January 11 – Special For Me

Today was my mother’s birthday. She has passed away, but I can’t forget her – ever. I was her first born and she had five more little rascals after me. That was quite a load for any two parents – six of us – but we looked after each other. We were lucky because she was the typical, honourable house-and-family-keeping person. We were happy to have a parent home when we arrived from school. Then dad came back from work after 5 p.m., only to do some chores in the barn until supper time, when we all sat together to discuss the affairs of the day. It was definitely a ’50s model of living.

During my walk today, being all bundled up for the cold winter dynamic, I thought about the warmth of the structure we were protected by. It was certainly God’s grace. I believe all of us felt a type of protection from God.

I never became an altar boy in the Catholic tradition, although my brothers did. Still, I did carry on with praying on the rosary during the time of Lent, when I meditated at the stations of the Cross.

These days you might catch me walking along the wall in the temple by the stations of Krishna. Adorning these walls are the pictures of Krishna Lila, or His pastimes, while I’m fingering on my japa beads. There’s not much difference between the practices. The only thing is Mum’s not around. I’m hoping she’s in heaven.

May the Source be with you!

4 km


News Brief: Remembering Kashmir on “Holocaust Day”

January 19 is not just another date on the calendar. It is observed globally as the ‘Holocaust Remembrance Day‘ by the Kashmiri Pandits.

Jammu, Jan 19 (PTI) Displaced Kashmiri Pandits on Wednesday observed January 19 as the ‘Holocaust Day’ to mark the exodus of their community members from the Valley in 1990.


Contemporary History:

The state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) was primarily Hindu until the 14th century. The state itself is named for an ancient Hindu sage Kashyap. The tutelary deity of classical Kashmir was Sharada, a manifestation of Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of wisdom, whose prayers refer to her as “Kashmira-pura-vasini” (she who resides in Kashmir). Over the last 500 years, its indigenous residents have been the subject to repeated persecution leading to the “Seven Exoduses of Kashmiri Hindus”. Kashmir is also well known as the birthplace of Shaivism.


A History of Remembrance:

Back on February 17th 2019,  more than 70 devotees of ISKCON Ahmedabad performed special harinam sankirtan on the streets of Ahmedabad in the morning for those who lost their lives in the attacks.

In the evening of 2/17/19, devotees of ISKCON led kirtan, and lamps were offered before the deities of Sri Sri Radha Govindaji. Thousands of visitors joined the devotees in expressing their sorrow.

All the devotees and visitors prayed for peace for the souls of the soldiers and prayed to the Lord to give strength to thier families. By Haresh Govinda Das

ISKCON Ahmedabad holds kirtan and offered lamps for the martyred soldiers of Jammu and Kashmir Terrorist attack.    Source: Dandavats



ISKCON in Kashmir

ISKCON has temples and centers throughout Kashmir; ISKCON, Srinagar, Sri Sri Gaur Radha Krishna Mandir, Jammu, and Srila Prabhupada Ashram (ISKCON), Udhampur.

The post News Brief: Remembering Kashmir on “Holocaust Day” appeared first on ISKCON News.

The TOVP Celebrates the Prabhupada Paschatya Desha Tarine Centennial, 1922-2022: Receiving the Order to Preach

Many devotees may not be aware that this year commemorates the 100th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada receiving the order to preach in the West from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati (see the story below). This highly important and significant event and its eventual fulfilment should be the subject of our deepest contemplations. The words paschatya desha tarine are found in Prabhupada’s pranam mantra and literally mean he has come to deliver the Western countries:

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracharine

Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant of Sarasvati Gosvami. You are kindly preaching the message of Lord Chaitanyadeva and delivering the Western countries, which are filled with impersonalism and voidism.

Where would we be right now and what would the world be like had Srila Prabhupada not come to preach Krishna consciousness. At the advanced age of seventy when most Vaishnavas retire to perform their bhajan, he left the divine abode of Sri Vrindavan, traveled across the ocean suffering two heart attacks, struggled to establish his movement, and sacrificed his health to travel across the earth a dozen times to preach the message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. We cannot estimate or repay our indebtedness to him for saving us from the perpetual cycle of birth and death and bringing us to the lotus feet of the Lord.

To celebrate this centennial year, the TOVP has created the Paschatya Desha Tarine Campaign. Srila Prabhupada brought to the entire world, not just the West, the three most important angas of bhakti: Harinam, Bhagavatam and Archa Murti. We have custom designed three unique and exceptionally beautiful 3.5″ sized medallions, one for each of the three angas, that can be sponsored to show our love and express our gratitude to our Founder-Acharya, and also help fulfill his desire to build the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. These medallions are modeled after the 2021 Olympic medallions, including the ribbon, to represent the TOVP Now Marathon to open the TOVP by 2024.

To sponsor a medallion go to the Paschatya Desha Tarine page on the TOVP website and help win the race to open the TOVP by 2024.

This celebration is also part of the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5 commemorating four other anniversaries coinciding this year:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Installation
  • 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari

Find out more about this festival a WWW.TOVP.ORG.

Receiving the Order to Preach

Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Disappearance Day Lecture, December 13, 1973 – Los Angeles

Prabhupada: So, when I met Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Ṭhakura… It is a long story, how I met him. One of my friends, he dragged me. [laughing] [laughter] I was at that time Nationalist, and manager in a big chemical factory. My age was about twenty-four years. So, one of my friends, he asked me that “There is a nice sadhu, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Ṭhakura. He has come in Calcutta. So, let us go and see.” So, I was reluctant. I thought just like so, “There are so many sadhus. So, I am not very much…” Because I had very bad experience; not very good. So, I said, “Oh, these kind of sadhus, there are many.” You’ll be glad to know that even my in young age or early age—it was Kṛishṇa’s grace—even amongst my young friends, I was considered the leader. [laughing] [laughter] In my school days, in my college days, in my private friendship, some way or other I became their leader. And one astrologer, sometimes he read my hands. He said in Hindi, kukum chale na[?]. Kukum chale na means “Your hand speaks that your order will be executed.”

Devotees: Jaya!

Prabhupada: So anyway, it was Kṛishṇa’s grace. I would not go, but their point of view was that unless I certified that sadhu, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Ṭhakura, he’ll not be accepted. Therefore, he dragged me. So, I went to see Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Ṭhakura on that day. On the first meeting, just we offer our obeisances. It is the practice. So immediately he began his talking that, “You are all educated young men. Why don’t you take up Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s cult and preach all over the English-knowing public? Why don’t you take up this matter?” So, I argued with him in so many… At that time I was Nationalist. So, I told that, “Who will accept our message? We are dependent nation. Nobody will care.” In this way, in my own way, in these younger days… But we belonged to the Vaisnava family, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda, Radha-Govinda. That is our worshipable duty…, er, worshipable Deity. So, I was very glad that Radha-Kṛishṇa cult, Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s…, this sadhu is trying to preach. It is very nice.

So, at that time we had some talks, and of course I was defeated by his argument, my argument. [laughter] And then, when we came out, we were offered prasadam, very nice treatment, the Gaudiya Maṭha. And when I came out on the street, this my friend asked me, “What is your opinion of this sadhu?” Then I said that, “Here is the right person who has taken up Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s message, and now it will be distributed.”

Devotees: Jaya!

Prabhupada: So, I was at that time a fool, but I opined like this. And I accepted him as my spiritual master immediately. Not officially, but in my heart. That was in 1922. Then, in 1923, I left Calcutta on my business tour, and I made my headquarter at Allahabad. Allahabad is about five hundred miles from Calcutta. So, I was thinking that “I met a very nice saintly person.” That was my thinking always. So, in this way, in 1928, there was a Kumbha-mela.

At that time, these Gaudiya Maṭha people came to Allahabad to establish a center there, and somebody else said, somebody informed them that “You go to that Prayag Pharmacy.” My drug shop was named as Prayag Pharmacy. My name was also there. “You go and see Abhay Babu. He is religiously… He will help you.” These Gaudiya Maṭha people, they came to see me. So, “Sir, we have come to you. We have heard your good name. So, we want to start a temple here. Please try to help us.” So, because I was thinking of these Gaudiya Maṭha people, that “I met a very nice, saintly person,” then as soon as I saw them, I was very much engladdened, “Oh, here are these persons. They have come again.”

So, in this way, gradually, I became attached to these Gaudiya Maṭha activities, and by the grace of Kṛishṇa, my business also was not going very well. [laughter] [laughs] Yes. Kṛishṇa says, yasyaham anughṛṇami harisye tad-dhanam sanaiḥ [SB 10.88.8], means if somebody wants to be actually devotee of Kṛishṇa, at the same time keeps his material attachment, then Kṛishṇa’s business is He takes away everything material, so that cent percent he becomes, I mean to say, dependent on Kṛishṇa. So that actually happened to my life. I was obliged to come to this movement to take up this very seriously. And I was dreaming that “Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Ṭhakura is calling me, ‘Please come out with me!’ ” [break] So, I was sometimes horrified, “Oh, what is this? I have to give up my family life? Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Ṭhakura is calling me? I have to take sannyasa?” Oh, I was horrified. But I saw several times, calling me.

So anyway, it is by his grace I was forced to give up my family life and so-called business life. And he brought me some way or other in preaching his gospel.

So, this is a memorable day. What he desired, I am trying little bit, and you are all helping me. So, I have to thank you more. You are actually representative of my Guru Maharaja [weeping] …because you are helping me in executing the order of my Guru Maharaja. Thank you very much.



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North American Leadership Conference Wrap Up

Empowering Leaders Across USA and Canada 

ISKCON North America Leadership Annual Conference


More than 140 leaders from across the US and Canada attended the weekend conference held last weekend January 14-16th to network, share resources and empower leaders to serve their respective communities.

The first day of the conference the mood was one of initiative and support. New projects were introduced from the work of the past two years “ISKCON 3.0” initiative that brought together next generation, senior devotees, and  and breakout sessions were helpd to learn more and support these projects. The projects introduced were:

  •  ISKCON’s 7 Purposes Realized: The Vision
  •  Prabhupada Foundation (Finances) 
  •  HEARTS (by Karuna Care Education)
  •  Hari N.A.M. (North American Mentorship) Program
  •  Umbrella Mountain – Bhakti Arts Collective
  •  Radical Personalism
  •  ISKCON’s Relevance

Additionally presentations by Kalakanta Das about the success that Krishna House projects are having and how to get further support in setting one up across the USA by his team, and a workshop on Social Media by Ajita Das for the basics. And to finalize the day off an exciting new project is being launched for a franchise opportunity for “Krishna Kitchen” food trucks being lead by Gopal Bhatta Das.

Mock-up of the food truck franchise plans for rolling out in 2023.

The following day the mood shifted a bit into protection and administration. A panel “Devotee Protection” covered a wide-variety of resources, insight and information about three offices that support. The next panel “Legal Awareness to Avert Schisms, Who Has Authority of a Temple” was about legal issues in ISKCON centers and understanding the by-laws and looking at any potential risk of the organization and board of directors role as crucial elements in protecting the temple, assests and properties. A workshop on understanding assumptions and how they are the leading cause of conflict in ISKCON and other soceity was held by ISKCON Resolve’s Vraj Vihari Das was held. The final panel looked towards the future and the role of the organizing group of the conference the North American Council (NAC) in helping support the future of the NA projects and activities moving forward. 


Future webinars and training sessions will be facilitated throughout the year hosted by the North American Council Support Office about the topics held in the conference.

The post North American Leadership Conference Wrap Up appeared first on ISKCON News.

Avast Torrents Assessment

Avast torrents is a popular and secure bit-torrent client software program. It helps P2P style downloads and boasts almost 8 private and protect P2P hosting space. Its free sample version enables you to test it before you order it. The free rendition is easy to download, however, you should be aware of feasible security dangers. This program might block unwelcome advertisements and monitor your web activities, and is downloaded from official internet site for a limited time.

The free download comes with a good background, a kill proceed to protect the real Internet protocol address and 8 devoted p2P hosting spaces. With Avast ruisseau, you can easily download torrents and never having to turn on your VPN. Furthermore, the bit-torrent application provides a separate case dedicated to p2P machines and does not store any kind of personal information about its storage space. Avast has a free trial variety, which can be utilized to determine whether this bit-torrent client is right for you.

Avast’s free of charge antivirus computer software does not support torrenting. It does, however , protect users from scam sites while offering dedicated p2P hosting hosts. This software program also maintains your IP address private and anonymous, so you can download endless files confidently. It is does avast keep logs worth mentioning that the demo of the ant-virus can protect you against infections, spyware, and adware. It can also be used to down load a variety of music, movies, and games.

The post Avast Torrents Assessment appeared first on ISKCON News.

Shyamasundar das’ interview with nation-wide Sirius radio Beatles channel on 1/12/22
→ Dandavats

By Shyamasundar Das

Well, this was Prabhupada’s, Bhaktivedanta Swami’s formula for action. He always said... If you’ve ever read Bhagavad-gita, on the battlefield where Arjuna is asking Krishna, the Supreme Person, “What should I do?” Krishna gives him the blueprint for action, that our actions should be for God and to aim for the highest thing, the best thing, the most powerful thing you can do for Him in your service. So that’s the theme. Continue reading "Shyamasundar das’ interview with nation-wide Sirius radio Beatles channel on 1/12/22
→ Dandavats"

News Brief: Shyamasundar das on Sirius Xm Beatles Radio

On January 12, 2020, Shyamasundar das was a guest on The Beatles Channel of Sirius XM for one of their Fab Forum interviews. The broadcast is exclusive to Sirius XM subscribers, but ISKCON News has been provided a recording from  Shyamasundar das that can be heard here.


A transcript of the interview can be viewed here:


The post News Brief: Shyamasundar das on Sirius Xm Beatles Radio appeared first on ISKCON News.

Trailer for Bhakti Shakti: Goddess of Divine Love

Join the book launch of Bhakti Shakti: Goddess of Divine Love, Sri Radha by award-winning author Pranada Comtois releases on 17 January on FaceBook/PranadaComtois at 11:00 am EST.

Zoom Login:
#882 2874 6166
Passcode: 16108

11:00 am EST Welcome & Introduction to Kirtan
11:05 Kirtan by Shyamala Kishori
11:30 Introduction to Bhakti Shakti
11:35 Reading from the Introduction
12:00 Q&As
12:15  Announce Winner of Bhakti Shakti Giveaway
12:20  “Divine Treasure” the official song of Bhakti Shakti
Read more here

The post Trailer for Bhakti Shakti: Goddess of Divine Love appeared first on ISKCON News.

Don’t Take This Movement as Something Cheap
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaSrutadeva das: But now, even though I am a temple president, I feel weaker than ever before. Maya seems to be attacking me very fiercely. At times I feel very discouraged and feel like leaving. Although I have attained a certain position in the Society my heart is still hard and cold. I feel very lonely and unhappy. Sometimes my mind seeks female companionship because I can’t seem to make contact with you or Krsna.


(This post has been viewed 3180 times so far)

ISKCON Scarborough – Online Class by HG Rohinipriya das – 16th Jan 2022- 11 am EST- Topic: Ego’s Ultimate Disappointment"
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!
Please accept our humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Date:16th Jan 2022
Day: Sunday
Time: 11 am to 12 noon
Speaker: HG Rohinipriya das
Topic: Ego's Ultimate Disappointment"

Link to join the class from your desktop or laptop:
HG Rohinipriya das
His Grace Rohinipriya Prabhu is a BACHELOR in MEDICINE & a BACHELOR in SURGERY (M.B.B.S) from BYRAMJEE JEEJEEBHOY GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE AND SASSOON GENERAL HOSPITALS (B.J.M.C), PUNE, INDIA. In the early 90s, he came in contact with ISKCON and consequently, joined the ISKCON Pune temple as a fulltime brahmacari. In 1995, he moved to ISKCON Chowpatty, Mumbai, India. He served as the Director of ISKCON YOUTH FORUM (IYF), ISKCON Chowpatty for many years. Then, he served as a Temple Management Committee(TMC) Member at ISKCON Chowpatty. He also served as a Member of the Committee for Spiritual Vision(CSV) at ISKCON Chowpatty. From 1996, he started travelling to Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India, in addition to his services in Mumbai. He fills the lives of people with the joy of Krishna Consciousness, by his practical, mesmerising, scriptural discourses. He also counsels & guides many people, specially, the youth. He currently serves as the General Manager at ISKCON Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. Under his able guidance ISKCON Aurangabad is a dynamic and flourishing offering & tribute to Srila Prabhupada’s legacy and glory.

He visits North America regularly, especially, the USA & Canada and shares the message of the Bhagavad Gita & the Srimad Bhagavatam. He, also, travels worldwide for serving the people of all denominations. He has been actively distributing the message of the Bhagavad Gita to 1000s of Engineering & Medical students and other professionals all over India. He is an inspiration to many professionals & youth all over the world. He presents the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita & the Shrimad Bhagavatam in a very attractive, eloquent and practical manner.

ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,
Scarborough, Ontario,
Canada, M1V4C7

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The post Thai Mail Order Brides appeared first on ISKCON News.

Sri Krsna Abhiseka
→ Ramai Swami

During the morning puja, or worship, the Deity or a salagrama is bathed in pure ghee. Srila Prabhupada once explained the festival this way: “Krishna was just a toy in the hands of the Gopis, so one day the Gopis decided that we shall decorate Him.

Pusya abhisheka means a ceremony to decorate the deity profusely with flowers, ornaments, cloths. After there should be lavish feasting and a procession through the streets, so that all the citizens should see how beautiful Krishna appears.

ISKCON Scarborough – Online Class by HG Rohinipriya das – 16th Jan 2022- 11 am EST
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Date:16th Jan 2022

Day: Sunday

Time: 11 am to 12 noon

Speaker: HG Rohinipriya das

Link to join the class from your desktop or laptop:

HG Rohinipriya das

His Grace Rohinipriya Prabhu is a BACHELOR in MEDICINE & a BACHELOR in SURGERY (M.B.B.S) from BYRAMJEE JEEJEEBHOY GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE AND SASSOON GENERAL HOSPITALS (B.J.M.C), PUNE, INDIA. In the early 90s, he came in contact with ISKCON and consequently, joined the ISKCON Pune temple as a fulltime brahmacari. In 1995, he moved to ISKCON Chowpatty, Mumbai, India. He served as the Director of ISKCON YOUTH FORUM (IYF), ISKCON Chowpatty for many years. Then, he served as a Temple Management Committee(TMC) Member at ISKCON Chowpatty. He also served as a Member of the Committee for Spiritual Vision(CSV) at ISKCON Chowpatty. From 1996, he started travelling to Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India, in addition to his services in Mumbai. He fills the lives of people with the joy of Krishna Consciousness, by his practical, mesmerising, scriptural discourses. He also counsels & guides many people, specially, the youth. He currently serves as the General Manager at ISKCON Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. Under his able guidance ISKCON Aurangabad is a dynamic and flourishing offering & tribute to Srila Prabhupada’s legacy and glory.

He visits North America regularly, especially, the USA & Canada and shares the message of the Bhagavad Gita & the Srimad Bhagavatam. He, also, travels worldwide for serving the people of all denominations. He has been actively distributing the message of the Bhagavad Gita to 1000s of Engineering & Medical students and other professionals all over India. He is an inspiration to many professionals & youth all over the world. He presents the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita & the Shrimad Bhagavatam in a very attractive, eloquent and practical manner.

ISKCON Scarborough

3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Scarborough, Ontario,

Canada, M1V4C7



UPDATE: Jayapataka Swami’s Health

Official Health Update on HH Jayapataka Maharaja, 16th January Chennai- 5pm
Dear God-family, disciples and well-wishers of H.H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaja,
Please accept our humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
Guru Maharaja underwent the procedure successfully. They found the artery that had caused the bleeding and had embolised it. This will prevent further bleeding.
Guru Maharaja was under sedation during the procedure. Now that the procedure is over, Guru Maharaja will come off the sedation and be in the ICU for continued monitoring.
They may do one more procedure over the next few days to remove the clot that had formed from the bleeding.
We request all of you to continue prayers for Guru Maharaja health
On behalf of the JPS Seva committee and the Health team,
Mahavaraha Das


Official Health Update on HH Jayapataka Maharaja, 16th January Kolkata – 2pm


Dear God-family, disciples, and well-wishers of H.H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaja,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada
After some delays at the airport due to procedural and security reasons the aircraft carrying Guru Maharaja has taken off a few minutes ago. Only Dr. Hari Guru Gaura das who has experience with handling GM previously and now over the last few days is onboard.
The aircraft will refuel at Vizag before heading to Chennai.
Mahavaraha pr and Dr. Acaryaratna pr are taking a commercial flight to reach Chennai.
Guru Maharaja is fine so far and we all should now just pray that he has a smooth safe trip to Chennai.
Dr. Shantirupa Mataji and Dr. Ramya Mataji are already in Chennai to receive Guru Maharaja along with Dr. Rela’s team and senior devotees from Chennai .

On behalf of the JPS Seva committee and the Health team,

Mahavaraha Das



Official Health Update on HH Jayapataka Maharaja, 16th January, 7.30 am Kolkata

Dear God-family, disciples and well-wishers of H.H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaja,

Please accept our humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Guru Maharaja’s doctors have been working non stop and have brought Guru Maharaja’s hemoglobin higher. This was necessary to enable Guru Maharaja to be airlifted in the air ambulance to Chennai.

Guru Maharaja is conscious and alert. He is now stable enough to be flown to Chennai. He will be accompanied by 2 of our devotees doctors and a doctor from the ambulance team. They have made all arrangements to carry the necessary medications and equipment to handle any emergency, if at all needed.

Once Guru Maharaja reaches Chennai further investigations and management will continue at Rela Institute.

All arrangements have been made to fly some servants to Chennai and the Chennai devotees are also ready to receive Guru Maharaja and servants and to assist all of them

We thank you all for your prayers which are certainly helping overcome challenges.

we request prayers to continue for Guru Maharaja’s safe travel to Chennai and quick recovery.

The flight is scheduled to take off around 8 am and we will keep all of you informed as and when there is more information

On behalf of the JPS Seva committee and the Health team,

Mahavaraha das


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Eating Meat Proven to Cause Cancer

An international committee advisory committee advocated that processed and red meat as high priorities for assessment by the IARC Monographs Programme. The endorsement was suggested due to epidemiological studies alluding to the possible risks of cancers associated with the ingestion of both red and processed meats. 

According to the Global Burden of Disease Project, an independent academic research organization, approximately 34,000 cancer deaths worldwide can be attributed to eating processed meats. While the link between eating meat and cancer has not been one hundred percent proven, estimates do show that diets high in red meat can be responsible for 50,000 cancer deaths annually. 

Red meat was classified as a 2A carcinogen which means that eating it almost certainly causes cancer. Processed meat was classified as a Group 1 carcinogen which means that there is substantial evidence to show that eating processed meats (bacon, salami, hotdogs, etc.) causes cancer. Consumption of processed meats significantly increases your risk of bowel and stomach cancers. 

While meat companies promote eating meat as part of a healthy diet, studies have shown that consumption of red meat leads to illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Not only are you at risk of contracting these diseases, but you are also at risk of dying from them once contracted. 

While both processed meat and cigarettes are listed as Group 1 carcinogens, the risks are drastically different. “To put this in perspective, according to the Global Disease Burden Project 2012, over 34,000 cancer deaths per year worldwide are attributable to high processed meat intake vs. 1 million deaths per year attributable to tobacco smoke.” (Staff Who report says eating processed meat is carcinogenic: Understanding the findings) The World Cancer Research Fund recommends treating meat as a special occasion dish, limiting it in your diet. Studies have shown that a vegetarian diet has an overall lower risk of colon cancer. (Michael J. Orlich Vegetarian diet and risk of colorectal cancers) A vegetarian diet also contributes to a lowered risk of diabetes, hypertension, and general mortality.



Michael J. Orlich, MD. “Vegetarian Diet and Risk of Colorectal Cancers.” JAMA Internal Medicine, JAMA Network, 1 May 2015, 
Staff. “Who Report Says Eating Processed Meat Is Carcinogenic: Understanding the Findings.” The Nutrition Source, Harvard School For Public Health, 3 Mar. 2021, 
WHO Team. “Cancer: Carcinogenicity of the Consumption of Red Meat and Processed Meat.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, 26 Oct. 2015, 

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Maya: The World as Virtual Reality

Maya: The World as Virtual Reality By Sadaputa Dasa (Dr. Richard L. Thompson)

In the world of modern science, consciousness is reduced to a fading epiphenomenon, leftover after the brain has been physically explained.

It seems to arise when matter is suitably organized, but scientists and philosophers have been unable to explain why complex organization should produce anything beyond complex physical behavior. Yet consciousness won’t go away. This groundbreaking book shows how conscious beings could interact with a physically realistic virtual world. It shows how paranormal phenomena can be reconciled in a natural way with the laws of physics, and it sheds light on paradoxes of time, on life beyond the body, and on cosmic and terrestrial evolution. In a sweeping synthesis, the ideas and data of modern science are used to illuminate the ancient theme of consciousness in a world of illusion.


Author: Sadaputa Dasa (Dr. Richard L. Thompson)
Published: May 27, 2018
File/Book size: 8038 KB / 304 pages
Formats: Kindle, Paperback

Available on Amazon

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Movies for Devotees: The Game Changers

Overwhelmingly, Srila Prabhupada preached that vegetarian or non-vegetarian was not the issue.*  He nearly always took the opportunity to preach Krishna bhakti no matter what food a person chose to eat.  At the same time, he indicated that eating foods in the mode of goodness helps one become wiser.

The effect of developing the mode of goodness in the material world is that one becomes wiser than those otherwise conditioned.

Bhagavad-gita, Purport Chapter 14, Text 6

As preachers, we are often challenged with the idea that a meat-centered diet is inherently more healthy.  Instead of engaging in a fruitless argument about the benefits of plant-based cuisine, let the non-devotees convince their own.  Produced in 2018,  the documentary, “Game Changers,” currently available on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu, blows away the ISKCON Television “Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise” vegetarian video produced in 1985 and the equally dated documentary, “A Vegetarian World.”  Krishna has arranged the ultimate preaching weapon to shut the mouths of those who proclaim meat as the best and necessary source of protein to grow bigger muscles and last the distance.  The elite athletes and Olympians, special ops soldiers, scientists, cultural icons, and everyday heroes prove conclusively that human beings perform far better on a plant-based diet and that mankind, even from the distorted perspective of evolution, was not physically designed for meat-eating.  Features the “Terminator,” Arnold Schwarzenegger, among many other well-known sports personalities, promoting vegetarianism/veganism.  The evidence that consuming meat lowers strength, recovery, and endurance is empirical and palpable.  But don’t take my word for it. Watch the trailer and make up your own mind:

Don’t waste your valuable time by debating the merits of a vegetarian diet; let the non-devotees slug it out.  We will just keep offering prasadam to the conditioned souls.

I am pleased to note your description of the increasing interest in vegetarian diet in this country. Actually, the practice of meat-eating is very detrimental to spiritual life, because in spiritual life the goal is to become free from all sinful reactions, and meat-eating means simply to force oneself to suffer the sinful reactions of killing our fellow living entities.

Letter to Krishna Devi, June 15, 1969

Śyāmasundara: Mr . . . Lord Brockway has been a vegetarian his life long.

Prabhupāda: Oh, that’s nice. That’s a good advancement for spiritual understanding.

Lord Brockway: Yes, I became a vegetarian, oh, seventy years ago.

Prabhupāda: Oh, I see.

Lord Brockway: All from aesthetic ideas, humanitarian ideas. And I’ve proved one can be just as healthy.

Prabhupāda: Yes, you look very healthy.

Lord Brockway: Over eighty-five years. I’m very fortunate.

Prabhupāda: Yes, he’s older than me. Still, he looks very nice.

Conversation London, July 3, 1973

Pañcadraviḍa: “But even if I become vegetarian still, I will be . . .”

Prabhupāda: No, no, that is not questioned. God says that you shall not kill. But you are killing. Where is your love? You cannot argue with God. Then you do not love. You cannot put your argument, logic, “What God has said I must do.” That is love.

Pañcadraviḍa: “But God did not mean us not to eat. We must eat.”

Prabhupāda: God did not . . . that means you have to eat only meat? You have nothing to eat?

Pañcadraviḍa: But if I eat a plant, it is also killing.

Prabhupāda: That is your argument. But God says that, “Thou shall not kill.” You cannot argue. This is the first theory. Suppose if I say something to you, order, you cannot argue. That is not obedience. Obedience means without argument accepted. That is obedience. That is love.

Morning Walk, Hyderabad, April 22, 1974

Devotee (8): Śrīla Prabhupāda, if we’re performing devotional service and an insect is in the way, like if you’re painting the walls and you find this ant and you must paint this wall to please the spiritual master, what is the attitude?

Prabhupāda: I have already said. You cannot kill even an ant without permission. So if you want to kill, you should take permission of higher authorities.

Lecture Atlanta, March 2, 1975

The people of this country are gradually taking this idea very seriously for vegetarian diet and stopping cow killing in a practical way.

Letter to Krishna das Maheshvari, New York, July 11,1976

On the other hand, let us not squander precious time:

*So our business is, so far we are concerned, Kṛṣṇa conscious people, we are not advocates of vegetarian and nonvegetarian. Of course, vegetarianism is very good, even for health’s sake. But we do not take vegetables even, if it is not offered to Kṛṣṇa. That is our principle. If Kṛṣṇa said that, “You give Me nonvegetarian diet,” then we can eat also.

SB 1.2.06 Lecture Delhi, November 14, 1973.

*Sometimes this morning we were talking about Sometimes this morning we were talking about vegetarian and nonvegetarian. Our mission is not to make a nonvegetarian a Sometimes this morning we were talking about vegetarian and nonvegetarian. Our mission is not to make a nonvegetarian a vegetarian. No. Our mission is that “Either you are vegetarian or nonvegetarian, it doesn’t matter. You become Kṛṣṇa conscious.” That is our mission. To become vegetarian is not very good qualification. It is better than the nonvegetarian, but that is not the ultimate solution. The ultimate solution is when you become a lover of God. That is ultimate solution.. No. Our mission is that “Either you are vegetarian or nonvegetarian, it doesn’t matter. You become Kṛṣṇa conscious.” That is our mission. To become vegetarian is not very good qualification. It is better than the nonvegetarian, but that is not the ultimate solution. The ultimate solution is when you become a lover of God. That is ultimate solution. and nonvegetarian.

Lecture 6.1.2 Honolulu May 6, 1976

 Nrsimhananda das
Uplifting Cinema Pvt. Ltd. (India)
ISKCON Television, Inc. (USA
Note: Appropriate for 18 years and up due to a short study that includes adult content. Viewer discretion advised.

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A Return to Kindness

2020-21 It’s been a rough time. Brutal for some. Revelatory for others, especially that the leaders in the Kali-yuga (this age of quarrel, greed, and hypocrisy) are pretend leaders. There is no proper training on how to be a leader. This pretending has been going on for quite some time, and in recent years it has only become more evident. 

In Mahabharata, the teacher, Dronacarya, sent the two prime candidates for leadership into the city to perform a task. Duryodhana is sent to find someone better than himself. Yudhisthira is sent to find someone lower than himself. Duryodhana examines the people he encounters, but he can’t find anyone better. He thinks he himself is the best and greatest. Yudhisthira, on the other hand, sees the value in the various members of society: the brahmanas, the tenders of the cows, the merchants and workers. He concludes that he himself is the lowest. 

Later in the Mahabharata, the sage Narada instructs Yudhisthira that the leaders of society must take responsibility for the happiness of the citizens. And who are the citizens? Not only the human beings, but even the animals, birds, and the trees. In the Bhagavad-Gita (12:13), the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna expands on this point, urging us all not to be envious, but to be a “kind friend to all living beings.” Krishna goes on to declare that a person who behaves in this way is very dear to Him. 

In instructing the warrior prince Arjuna, Krishna gives us all a simple criteria to understand His teachings. Krishna mentions it repeatedly. Gita 4:3 “Because you are My devotee and friend, you can therefore understand the transcendental mystery of this ancient science.”
Gita 9:1 “Because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence.”
Gita 18:64: “Because you are My very dear friend, I am speaking to you My supreme instruction, the most confidential knowledge of all.”

Krishna tells Arjuna not to be envious, to be a friend to all, to see the Supreme Lord everywhere and in all things, to accept His illuminating guidance, and to understand we are eternal, spiritual beings, not a lump of mundane desires and impulses. So without this type of guidance how can we have a peaceful society? 

Kindness, compassion, and being a friend to all are foundational principles for those on the path of Bhakti. True kindness begins with respecting all life, to see every living entity as a person. But this is not possible in a society that maintains so many slaughterhouses and torturing animals who are dying in agony. Slaughterhouses are a great disturbance. Srila Prabhupada explains in his purport of Srimad Bhagavatam 1:17:3, they are “responsible for all the troubles in present society.” We can live healthier and calmer lives, personally and as a society, without slaughterhouses.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna is giving profound knowledge to Arjuna, and to us as well. And like the warrior Arjuna, we can also be a warrior by being a kind friend to all living beings. This year let us resolve to understand, act in, and teach real kindness. 

I pray the new year finds you in good health and spirits. May all be well. Walk in love and joy and gratitude. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare / Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Sankirtana Das is a longtime resident of New Vrindaban, and an award-winning author and storyteller. His book, Mahabharata: The Eternal Quest, is acclaimed by scholars and devotees alike. For more info about his work see

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Markar Sankranti January 14th 2022

Today is “Makara Sankranti” which is celebrated when the Sun begins the northward journey, marking the beginning of the “uttaraayaNa puNyakaalam”. Sun enters the sign of “Makara”, (Capricorn) from Cancer currently. (This is also called equinox when the day and nights are the same). Starting from this day, the duration of day starts to increase […]

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Was Lothal A Vedic City? The Evidence from Vastu

Published in: Michael Cremo (2010) The Forbidden Archeologist, Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing, Los Angeles, pp. 215—219. Originally published in Atlantis Rising magazine in 2008.

My main interest is archeological evidence for extreme human antiquity. But I am also interested in other questions. One of them is the history of the Vedic culture in India. By Vedic culture, I mean the culture based on the Vedas, the original Sanskrit books of knowledge, and the books derived from them. The current opinion among mainstream scholars is that Vedic culture came into the Indian subcontinent around 3,500 years ago, from the northwest. But the traditional opinion among followers of Vedic culture is that it has always been present in the Indian subcontinent. In this article, I want to consider some archeological evidence that favors the latter point of view. It appears that ancient urban centers in the India subcontinent, which are more than 3,500 years old, show signs they were designed according to a Vedic system of architecture called vastu.

One of the earliest mentions of this system of architecture is found in the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, which according to the text itself was composed about five thousand years ago in India (modern secular scholars give it an age of three thousand years). Vastu can be used in the construction in individual structures, but it is also used for urban design. A main element of vastu is the concept of the vastu purusha, the personal form of vastu. There are various accounts of the origin of the vastu purusha. One goes like this:  At the beginning of creation, there was an asura (demon) who opposed the demigods. The demigods led by Brahma pushed the demon down onto the earth’s surface, and the demigods took their places on his form to hold him there. Brahma named the demon vastu purusha. Offering the vastu purusha a kind of redemption, Brahma ordained that anyone building any kind of residence would have to pacify him with sacrifice and worship.

The form of the vastu purusha is depicted graphically in the vastu purusha mandala. The mandala, or diagram, is square. The square form represents the divine order whereas the circle represents unordered material reality. The purusha is depicted as a male, lying  face down. The head occupies the northeast part of the mandala, and the feet are in the southwest. The right knee and right elbow meet in the southeast corner. The left knee and left elbow meet in the northwest corner. The form of the vastu purusha is thus contorted to fit in the confines of the square. The main square of the mandala is divided into 64 (8 x 8) or 81 (9 x 9) squares. Each square is inhabited by a demigod, each one taking its place on the form of the body of the vastu purusha.

Vastu and City Design

The first step in the construction of a new town is to level the ground. After the site is leveled, the vastu purusha mandala is drawn upon it, and this forms the basis for the design. A very common form of this mandala is the square. Many Indian cities, like Jaipur, show signs of vastu design.

Over the past century, many ancient towns have been excavated in India, dating to four or five thousand years ago. The most famous of them are in the Indus Valley region (now part of Pakistan), including Mohenjo Dharo and Harappa. The latter site is generally used by scholars for the whole culture that produced these towns (the Harappan). Scholars have different opinions about the exact nature of the culture. Some say the culture was Vedic, the culture of the majority of Indians today. Others say that the culture was not Vedic, and that the people of Vedic culture entered India in much later times, no earlier than about 3,500 years ago. One problem is that the script of the Harappan culture has not been deciphered to the satisfaction of all scholars. Some have proposed Vedic decipherments and others have proposed non-Vedic decipherments. While this matter continues to be debated (I myself support a Vedic decipherment in principle), it may be useful to look for archeological evidence about the nature of the culture. In the spring of 2008, I went to India to investigate the design of the “Harappan” city of Lothal in Gujarat, India, which dates to the 3rd millennium BCE, to determine whether or not the design conforms to vastu principles. The answer to this question has implications for our understanding of the people who built Lothal. If the city was designed according to vastu principles, that would signify it is likely the people were part of the Vedic culture.

At Lothal, I looked at the site and the site plan for Period A, which goes back as far as 4,400 years ago, supposedly 1,000 years before people of Vedic culture entered India. The plan shows that Lothal was laid out in square form, with sides oriented to the  cardinal directions. This corresponds to one of the standard vastu grids. According to vastu principles, an ideal site for a town is higher in the west and south than in the north and east. At Lothal, there is a definite elevation in the south, sloping down to the north and east.  Experts in vastu say that houses facing the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) are good, while those facing the corner points are exposed to evil influences. At Lothal, all the buildings face the main directions. Roads are oriented north to south, and east to west, another feature of vastu town design. According to vastu texts, waste water should drain to the north or east. I found that the main water drainage system at Lothal, in the area of the citadel,  did drain to the east, as also noted in the site report.

According to vastu principles, the four social classes (workers, merchants, rulers, and priests) should occupy the western, southern, eastern, and northern sides of a town respectively.  Workshops are found primarily on the western side of Lothal. The southeastern corner, Lothal’s center of trade, is occupied by a structure identified as a warehouse. The site plan shows the acropolis, identified as the residence of the town’s rulers (kshatriyas), extending from the central part of the site to the site’s eastern side. In the middle of the northern boundary of Lothal is a structure identified as a public fire altar, which would likely have been attended by priests (brahmanas). So the structures identified with the four classes seem to be located in the appropriate directions. The principal deity of the northern side of the vastu purusha mandala is Soma, the moon, and the quarter over which the moon rules is known as the “quarter of men.” The Lower Town of Lothal, which includes most of the residences, is in the northern half of the site, whereas the southern half of the town is occupied by the warehouse trade area, acropolis government area, and the workshop areas.

The Lothal site plan shows a cemetery outside the northwestern boundary wall, and S. R. Rao, the archeologist who excavated the site, said that the number of skeletons found there is quite small for a town the size of Lothal. He estimated the population at fifteen thousand. So he considered it likely that cremation was the most common form of dealing with dead bodies. The deity of the northwest corner of the 81-square vastu purusha mandala is Roga, disease; just below Roga is Papayakshman, consumption; and just below Papayakshman is Shosha, emaciation. A possibility that deserves consideration is that the northwest cemetery burials could represent cases of special burial for persons who suffered from diseases considered particularly inauspicious.  Such persons might have been judged not fit for cremation. Based on the vastu purusha mandala, one might venture an archeological prediction, namely that a cremation ground might be found outside the southwest corner of the Lothal settlement walls, near the bank of the now dry river that once ran there. The southern side of the vastu purusha mandala is ruled by Yama, the lord of death. The southwest corner specifically is occupied by Pitarah, the lord of the ancestors, or Nirritih, the lord of dying, exiting from life. This would make sense because the river flowed from north to south, and typically in Hindu towns, the riverside cremation grounds are usually located so that the river carries contaminated water away from the inhabited areas of the town.


In examining Lothal, a Harappan city in India, we see that it is laid out in a manner consistent with vastu principles. This city is from the 3rd millennium BCE. Vastu, which is mentioned in the Mahabharata, is considered a part of Vedic culture. So this would indicate that the city was part of the Vedic culture.  It also suggests that the Mahabharata may be traced back to the same period of time.

Srila Prabhupada Views the First Model of the TOVP: 1971

Pictured below are some images of the first model of the TOVP, made under Srila Prabhupada’s personal guidance and direction in 1971. Later, he changed the design to include a dome that resembled the US Capitol Building dome in Washington, D.C.. Below is Bhavananda’s recollection of this first showing of the TOVP model by ISKCON’s original fundraiser, Srila Prabhupada, as he unveiled the model before a group of potential donors.

“The photos are circa November, 1971 in the temple room of the Alberta Rd. ISKCON temple in Calcutta (now known as Kolkata). Prabhupada was initiating a few devotees. Everything was very simple at that time. The model being displayed is the Mayapur project.

In August of the same year at the Bury Place temple in London, Prabhupada would meet with Ranchor, Nara Narayan and myself every morning and he would describe what and how the temple should look, and Ranchor would do the drawings which Prabhupada would look at. When we all arrived in Calcutta a few months later via Nairobi, Mombasa and Bombay, Prabhupada had the model made and displayed in the temple room for fundraising.

The model had four guesthouses at the rear of the land of which the present Lotus building was the first, and the temple filled the balance of the ISKCON land with the entrance from Bhaktisiddhanta Road. Of course, things have changed somewhat, but height and grandeur have remained. Prabhupada’s main desire for a “big dome” has always been the main feature of the temple.”

Some of Srila Prabhupada’s Instructions for the TOVP Architecture:

Prabhupada: We are just attempting a big planetarium in Mayapur. We have asked government to acquire land, 350 acres. That is negotiation going on. We shall give a Vedic planetarium.
George Harrison: Is that the one you were talking about? With all the…
Prabhupada: In the Fifth Canto.
Gurudasa: The planetarium will be 350 feet high and show the cosmology of the spiritual world.
Prabhupada: The construction will be like your Washington Capitol, like that.
George Harrison: A big dome.
Prabhupada: Yes. Estimated eight crores of rupees.

Room Conversation — July 26, 1976, London


We must have a nice center at Mayapur because we are expecting there students from all over the world. Plans of the temple have already been made and you should have received them by now. The buildings should be exactly in the same pattern. The size may be changed according to the engineering technology. I have shown in London the Westminster Abbey to Syamasundara, Bhavananda and Nara Narayana. Perhaps you have also seen it. I want the inside just like the Westminster Abbey. You will understand from the plans what is my desire in this connection.

Letter to Tamala Krishna — September 16, 1971, Mombasa, Kenya


Prabhupada: I wanted both of you to take various detailed photographs of that Capitol.
Yadubara: The Capitol Building. For what purpose, Srila Prabhupada?
Prabhupada: We shall have picture, planetarium in Mayapur.

Room Conversation — July 6, 1976, Washington, D.C.

To view the entire collection of photos, go to the First TOVP Model page on the TOVP website.

Monday, January 10, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

243 Ave. Rd., Toronto


The family of four came from Welland. Dad is Abhiram, Mum is Nikunja and their two boys are Gauranga, who’s four-years-old, and Nimai, a few months. The family recently moved to Canada from Connecticut and they are playing a role in the management of our Niagara Falls branch. They had come at noon for the young one’s consuming of his first grains in what’s called kheer.

Tradition holds that it is a priest who serves the preparation of milk and rice. That was me, and while Dad held young Nimai in his arms, I spooned in three conservative mouthfuls of the good stuff. Boy, did he like it.

I was really appreciating the loving exchange between the family members. Four-year-old Gauranga is very much loving his sibling. Gauranga also participated in Vidya observance; a learning challenge. He wrote on his paper pad his name while his crawling brother made for a similar challenge as to what his vocational destiny would be. It was a simple reach for the choice of either a pile of coins or the book, Bhagavatam. The kheer-nourished toddler grabbed for the book. That brought on all the “jayas” from the family and myself. “Jaya” is a phrase that means “victory.”

This exercise or little ritual can indicate a child’s inclination. I have sat through these types of ceremonies and from time to time a baby might choose to grab for the coins, which could indicate a child’s business sense. On such occasions, we will also hear people shout, “Jaya!”

May the Source be with you!


Sunday, January 9, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Yorkville, Toronto

It Was 2 am

It was 2 a.m. I could not sleep well so I decided to hit the pavement, or rather the side-walk. I opened the loading door as my exit from the temple/ashram where I live and there lie a man in prostrations, in other words, head and stomach down. I don’t know how long he lay there but as soon as I swung open the door he noticed me and offered an apology saying, “I’m coming back from work and I just wanted to get the Lord’s mercy.”

“Fine!” I said, “But you did shock me.”

“I’m sorry.” He went right back to his obeisance while I went to commence walking. I thought that perhaps there is something genuine to what he was doing. The ground he lay on was cold. It was minus seven Celsius at the time. Some people value tapasya, austerity.

It was indeed a chilly morning. The sky, being clear for the most part, accommodated whitish clouds pushed from the north. I could detect some biting currents coming from the west. Cardboard scrap was being tossed about and the north/south bus on Yonge was covered with dirt-salt film. Winter can bring on a gloomy aspect at times.

The day, however, was one of warmth and satisfaction. I consider that so having delivered five classes on bhakti, the first and last were in person and the in-between were live-streamed. For me, it is always gratifying to share wisdom and when questions flow from the listeners I know I’ve made a tiny impact.

May the Source be with you!

4 km


Saturday, January 8, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

U of T, Toronto

Getting Around, Looking

While I strolled through some of the U of T campus, I also included meandering through swanky Yorkville, a dodgy strip of Yonge St., the platinum strip on Bloor, and a section of historic Annex. I observed the flow of pedestrians during the course. I was surprised by the turnout of shoppers. January sales is the draw. Despite covid restrictions, many folks are not deterred; despite the weather conditions being not the friendliest. Temperatures have been down, but the sun has been up offering a burst of optimism.

One really good thing about winter is the traffic is slower. Rough sounding engines so prevalent in the summer are somewhat muffled by snow during the lull in people’s passions. It’s much more peaceful. I was never for those barracudas on wheels. Fearsome they are. And I never could understand why tickets aren’t issued to those on Harley Davidsons. Why is it that they can get away roaring through the summer and no one else can? I guess they’re tough guys and gals and police are reluctant to mess with them.

My morning was calm. Our small crew of monks and two guests tuned into the beautiful words of the Bhagavatam, Canto Eleven, where a monk talks about his twenty-four gurus within nature. On top of the list is the mountain noted for its charitable disposition of offering water from snow. That pristine H20 is the most generous of gifts. Mountains do give.

May the Source be with you!

4 km


Creating E-Commerce Websites

Creating e-commerce websites can be quite a great intimidating job, but if you follow a couple of simple steps, the task can be a breeze. The first step is to pick a domain name. You can choose a top-level domain like a. com, store, solutions, or perhaps your provider’s name. Your best option for your webpage will depend on what you hope to offer and what their customers expect from your site.

The next step is to incorporate contact information for your business. You can provide a phone number or email, or you consist of online discussion, Skype, or WhatsApp. You may also include a position map in your website to raise your credibility. Once you have came up with the site, the next navigate to this web-site stage is to make the software and commence testing. Quality assurance engineers will check the software for the purpose of errors and bugs, and developers is going to fix any problems they will find. When your product is ready, you are allowed to launch it in the market.

Design and operation are the following steps in creating e-commerce websites. You will have to make your website as user friendly as possible for your consumers. Your website need to be easy to browse and easy to work with. Having an intuitive design will increase conversion rates. Similarly, features means producing your site user friendly for your clients. Your website should be functional permitting customers to execute certain jobs. For example , it will allow consumers to search for products, compare these people, communicate with managers through a conversation, and purchase these people. Your ecommerce site must also allow users to track the delivery of their purchased items.

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