Ramsden Park, Toronto
Turned 32
Dwarkanatha turned 32 today. He gets to cut the cake and has the first bite. It’s now a tradition that someone (in today’s case it was me) takes that piece in hand and almost forcefully presses it to the birthday boy’s mouth. Congratulations, Dwarka, for being who you are – a great cook, musician, human being, devotee.
Hmmm! Great cake! Did he bake it? No! It was a secret little party that took him by surprise!
We then went to the park for lunch and there met Pabsung and Dipti. A lovely couple. The veggie burgers were her first attempt. Quite nice! The homemade mustard was nice. A bit strong. Can’t complain about the lunch, which was healthy and tasty.
I met Mahabhagavat today at the front steps. He and his family are gearing up for an 18 kilometer walk from home to destination: the temple/ashram. That feat they will take up tomorrow.
I wish them the best. Mahabhagavat makes this a regular feature of his life in addition to executing kirtan in public places. That he does with the greatest enthusiasm. He has got the right spirit – the spirit of Chaitanya – one of sharing.
In the Bengali text “Chaitanya Charitamrita,” it is said that in every town and village the sound vibration of kirtan will be heard. It is happening because of people like Mahabhagavat. Thank you!
May the source be with you!
2 km