Sunday, June 6, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto


Talks on the Grass


I had a great picnic with Parama, Rukmini and their young 19-month-old darling who was totally mesmerized by people, the dogs and the trees. It’s not that she hasn’t been to a park before. This one, Ramsden, according to her parents, is new and full of activity; something different.


The heat was on. That may account for the smaller than usual turn-out of people. Attendance did pick up in the evening, which was my second visit to the green space. At this point Nimai and Vishal joined me on the grass. We got down to serious talk.


My goodness, the things that were said. According to Nimai, a motel owner, among other things, expressed, “Covid is making it hard for my business in terms of just finding committed personnel to run the front desk.” He was talking about complacency in people.


Vishal joined in regarding the challenges behind animal farming. “How do you control the expansion of a herd of cows/bulls? It just keeps growing,” added Nimai in reference to a friend of his who’s going all out with his Indian breed of cows called gir.


It was also mentioned that our quality of food is poor. Nimai was talking about the produce shipped in. At least people should get more into gardening at home. Our discussion was concluded on the note that getting closer to the earth and a push toward harmonization of nature is tantamount.


May the source be with you!

2 km


New Govardhana Kirtan Mela
→ Ramai Swami

The Covid pandemic has affected ISKCON’s operations around the world, especially in regard to international travel. The New Govardhana devotee community usually has the Sacred Sounds festival in April every year, which devotees from around the world attend. However, the last couple of times a smaller local festival has been organised.

Nevertheless, around 500 devotees registered to come over the Queens Birthday long weekend and everyone was blissfully engaged in chanting the holy name of the Lord. The kirtans, association and prasadam were all wonderful and devotees left feeling very enlivened in their Krsna Consciousness.

Четыре ангела
→ Traveling Monk

Это первые преданные, которых я встретил в 1970 году на лужайке кампуса Мичиганского университета в Энн-Арборе, США. Четверо санньяси; Субал Свами, Вишнуджана Свами, Гаргамуни Свами и Брахмананда Свами. Я в вечном долгу перед ними. Гаргамуни Прабху вспоминает тот день в своей новой книге: «Гаргамуни – служа Шриле Прабхупаде, 1966-1977».
«Однажды к нам подошел студент: он заинтересовался, и мы попросили его устроить программу на его квартире. В тот день мы почти ничего не ели и поэтому сказали ему, что могли бы приготовить большой пир. Он получил от отца чек на 200 долларов на свое содержание, и я сказал: «Давай мне чек, я куплю все продукты». Я потратил его весь на продукты, а потом приготовил пир, так как уже готовил для Шрилы Прабхупады. На той программе я был поваром, Вишнуджана вел киртан, а Брахмананда проповедовал из Бхагавад-Гиты. Этот студент потом стал Индрадьюмной Свами. Он был первым, кого мы привели к сознанию Кришны после отъезда из Нью-Вриндавана».
Four Angels


These are the first devotees I met in 1970 on the lawn of the campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, USA. Four sannyasis; Subal Swami, Visnujana Swami, Gargamuni Swami and Brahmananda Swami. I am eternally indebted to them. Gargamuni Prabhu reminisces about that day in his new book: “Gargamoney – Serving Srila Prabhupada 1966-1977”


“One day, a student approached us who was interested and so we asked him to arrange a program in his apartment. We had hardly eaten anything that day and so we told him that we could cook a huge feast. He had gotten a $200 check for his maintenance from his father and so I said, ‘Give me that check and I’ll buy all the food.’ I spent it all on food and then cooked the feast as I had learned by cooking for Srila Prabhupada. At that program, I was the cook, Visnujana performed kirtan, and Brahmananda preached from the Bhagavad Gita. That student later became Indradyumna Swami. He was the first person that we brought to Krsna consciousness after leaving New Vrindavan.”

Chief Justice of India Seeks Blessings of Sri Sri Radha Govinda at Tirupati

On June 11th, 2021 the Honorable Chief Justice of India, Shri NV Ramana, sought the blessings of Sri Sri Radha Govinda at ISKCON Tirupati along with the presence of His Grace Roopeshwara Chaitanya Das, Vice President of ISKCON Tirupati. NV Ramana had talks with HG Roopeshwar Chaitanya Das in regards to the temple development and welfare activities. Their Lordships […]

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Gita Made Easy Course 2021

Study Gita-Chennai is launching Gita Made Easy Course 2021. This course is free of cost and T is available in both English and Tamil 18 Days 18 Session Certification Course. Gita explained in Easy and Simple language Powerful Life Lessons to practically live Bhagavad Gita Daily 60 Minutes Live session    For more information  registration, please […]

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Thank You For Another Successful TOVP 11 Day Matching Fundraiser

Ambarisa and Braja Vilasa prabhus and the entire TOVP Team wish to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to the hundreds of devotees who participated in the recent #GivingToPrabhupada 11 Day Matching Fundraiser from May 14 – 25.

Despite the horrific external world circumstances and challenges, we met with great success and a highly enthusiastic response from devotees worldwide who sponsored abhishekas for the installation of the new Prabhupada murti in the TOVP this October. Even as we speak, the data entry has not yet been completed, yet we are close to $400,000 in donations, not including Ambarisa prabhu’s matched amount of $150,000.

The dedication to serve the order of the acharya overcomes all material limitations and brings about amazing and miraculous results in the service of the Lord. This can be seen over and over throughout history and in the present situation.

We are determined to complete the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium and new home of Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancha Tattva and Lord Nrsimhadeva. With the blessings of our acharyas and cooperation of all the devotees in ISKCON this vision of Srila Prabhupada will become a reality very soon. Hare Krishna!

It should be noted that Ambarisa also generously donated $25,000 towards the Covid Relief Program in Mayapur and Bangladesh.



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Devotees Open Their Hearts for Mayapur and Bangladesh

On Saturday, June 5th, ISKCON North America came together to raise awareness and unify devotees and temples as a demonstration of cooperation and love for Srila Prabhupada and our devotees in the affected regions in India.   In Mayapur and Bangladesh, over 7,000 devotee families are suffering due to a lack of resources. There is an […]

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Srimad-Bhagavatam: A Comprehensive Guide for Young Readers Releases New Paperback Editions

New paperback editions of Srimad-Bhagavatam: A Comprehensive Guide for Young Readers Cantos 1, 2, and 3 are now available on, along with the just completed Canto 4. The first three cantos in the series, compiled by Aruddha Dasi, were originally each released in two parts starting in 2016. However the new editions, redesigned by […]

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New Vrindaban Launches Festival Season as Restrictions Lift in West Virginia

ISKCON New Vrindaban has started its festival season, which runs from May to September, and draws pilgrims, gives inspiration and association to visiting devotees, helps to maintain the temple, and provides engagement and financial support for devotee staff. During the pandemic, New Vrindaban, with its 2,200 acres, spacious temple room and strict following of Covid […]

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Saturday, June 5, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto


Guru Trust and Retreat


What a treat it was on a Zoom call with 45 colleagues who are influential bhakti yoga instructors from different parts of the globe. It was a planned, three-hour seminar for gurus in the dikshacategory. Presenters such as Bhaktivaibhava Swami from Germany, Atmanivedana Swami from India and Ravindra Svarup from America, spoke marvelously on the topic of challenges for a guru.


There was a Q&A session and a portion of time given to breakout groups. I was asked to facilitate. I’m bashful with these things but it went alright as a facilitator for one of these groups. After all, I am a member of the Guru Service Committee so I must render some service.


The sangha or association was invaluable. The group agreed to do more of these sessions.


A second Zoom call connected me with Mauritius where I was asked to read and comment on a chapter of the Prabhupada Lilamritaentitled “Beyond the Lower Eastside.” The section I read touched on the topics of the restrictions on sexual intercourse for a yoga practitioner. That becomes a controversial topic as it is now, to this day.


Can yoga adherents or teachers, whatever the yoga, impose restrictions on people who engage in this activity? One answer will be — if you want to have results then there has to be some discipline. We are not talking so much about suppressing the sex drive but rather regulating it. This is the practice of a guru.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Friday, June 4, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto


A Newness


Major demolition went on in our men’s ashram, which needed love and attention. Yes, it was time to pull out the parquet floor boards, toss out old furniture, including beds, and start out with a fresh look and feel. The pandemic is arranging for time to get some things done, which is great. Even the public washrooms are having an overhaul. When the renovations are completed, which should be in September, our community should be very happy. Thanks to them we are able to get these positive changes done.


It is important that the quarters in a spiritual place be very clean and presentable. Our hope is to have a facility that will draw the attention of “weekend monk try-outs.” Families, if they are small enough, could also take advantage. New classrooms will also be accommodated because, after all, the facility is to be a devotional/educational place.


I would say we have a lot of good people in our community and I hope and pray that we will maintain the “new” quarters very nicely.


Speaking of nice folks and nice places, just across the street is where I spend some time each day. Today a Mauritian family came to picnic in Ramsden Park at my suggestion. Aindra, Prema, as well as their son and his friend were out to enjoy the green space with me.


It’s the way the world should be — nice interior/exterior buildings and space for freedom; to have some recreation with Krishna at the centre.


May the source be with you!

0 km


Thursday, June 3, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Mount Sinai hospital


Rain and Food


Don’t worry, I just went for an appointment for x-rays on the knees; an assessment. Gabriel was kind enough to take me there. My short walk back, halfway, was a mere 1 km through drizzle. God knows we need some rain. Precipitation has been low in this part of North America. Better that we step up on sacrifice. According to the Gita anna, food grains, is a result of rain and rain is a result of sacrifice.


From this message we can appreciate that sacrifice is essential for humans to be sustained. Chapter Three addresses the need to give. From giving there is then receiving.


In the evening I had two Zoom calls. One of them was with the art group, BhaktiArts Hub SOS. Art here refers to performing arts, craft arts, culinary arts, visual arts etc. In our conversation Gaura Vani (the singer) responded to my remark about starving artist. He said that in the Hare Krishna movement you will not find a shortage of food. “We will not starve,” he said.


In the early days of our movement we were all relishing the new experiences of Krishna prasadam. Word went around that our guru’s guru called our culture “the kitchen religion.” That is not official, of course, but was said in jest to make a point. A big part of spirituality is in the eating of blessed food. Thank God!


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Wednesday, June 2, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto




A devotee from Brampton, Nanda Maharaj, drove all the way to our downtown ashram to deliver me prasadam, blessed food prepared by his wife, Ananda Mayi. There was packaged wraps and cooked asparagus. Delicious! We made a picnic out of it. That and some cut pineapple made the meal so complete. I invited Sarthak and he relished the outdoor meal, as well as Nanda. Everything tastes better in a natural setting.


Now, we are not the only ones with the picnic approach. Other neighbours shared the same idea. This simply reminds me of the lunch program Krishna has as a youngster. Sometimes referred to as tiffin hour, He and His buddies work, play and lunch together as their break. At certain times their meal consists of cut fruit, yogurt (ahimsa dairy) and rice.


Krishna sits at the centre on the pasture by a tree while His friends, the gopas, form a circle around him. They eat and talk. It’s a most relaxed atmosphere. It is a divine practice. Krishna is an enjoying God and He is inclusive about it.


Any group of people who dine together, making it a spiritual event, are having a holy experience.


One thing is, when I do have a bite to eat in the park, I find the squirrels and robins taking to the participatory program. Naturally we must share with them. They are getting prasadam.


May the Source be with you!

2 km


Tuesday, June 1, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto


Meeting Is Essential


It’s been a while since I met cousin Corry and our young Muslim friend, Victor, so we decided to meet again, as we used to before the dawn of winter and the Covid lockdown. A third person also came along; much to my surprise it was a distant relative, Jeanette. She’s not just an ordinary Jeanette. She’s “ScubaJeanette” and, as the name implies, she loves the water and has spent many seasons in clear and salty water exploring. She also has a shark scar bite on her left leg to prove her escapades in the ocean.


“Did it hurt?” I asked.

“Very much! I needed surgery.”


I remember Jeanette as a young girl. She was part of the Dutchie circle that our clans were connected to. After World War II many residents from the Netherlands settled in Canada and US. That was our experience as kids growing up — Dutch food, Dutch language, Dutch hospitality and work ethics. All good.


Anyway, we did reminisce those younger years. And not to leave out Victor; he went through challenges over the year but the worst is behind him. Actually, he is quite spiritual and it is that embracing of spirituality that has sustained him. Nice guy. We’ve done some walking together and we are ready to reset soon.


Actually, our group loves to talk about spiritual things. Gone with Covid chats.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Monday, May 31, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto


Chain Reaction


I put out a little slideshow on Instagram today with actor Godruma Gaura portraying verses 6.62-63 from the Gita in a sweet comedic way. Comments from viewers were:


“Great expressions.”

“Such a clever idea.”

“One of my favorite verses of BG.”

“So great.”

“I have experienced personally that sequence of actions and reactions.”


And the verses are:


“While contemplating the objects of the senses a person develops attachment for them and from attachment lust develops, and from lust, anger arises; from anger complete delusion arises and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool.”


I believe everyone has personally, more or less, experienced this chain reaction. The lesson to learn from this is to avoid, as far as possible, contemplating the objects of the senses. Save yourself a lot of trouble.


Thank you, Godruma G. And thank you Krishna for telling us the way it is.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Sunday, May 30, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto


So Happy


I was so happy to receive another submission from a godsister in Los Angeles. She had given her story of the early days in the movement in Canada, to add to the compilation of our upcoming book Krishna in the Maple Leaf. Her spiritual journey began at the young age of fifteen, when she heard about the Bhagavat philosophy. Interesting it is that the guidance counselor at her school encouraged her in her spiritual pursuit.


For myself it was just a pleasure to deliver two classes virtually for two locations – Scarborough and Toronto. I believe it went well. Because you’re not physically there it is hard to tell if there is as much attentiveness as desired. Judging by the questions that came thereafter, I consider there was a good response.


I was happy to see Gabriel came around. I have been giving him classes for a year now and he has been encouraged; inspired to move close to the temple for increased access to devotees. Gabriel has been inquisitive about life’s purpose for some time. This led him to inquire about the science of the self.


My day was full, as it often is on Sundays. I wound up with a much-needed walk through the park and several parallel streets. This was done after some massage and a physio session with Paramahamsa, a young father from Guelph, a city nearby.


I was blessed by receiving a call from a lawyer friend from New York. No, we didn’t discuss legal matters — only devotional subject matter.


May the Source be with you!

2 km


Saturday, May 29, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Room at 243, Toronto


A Marriage


Gopal had his wedding today. Finally. Like most younger chaps his age, when they hit thirty I’ll question them, if not their dad. “Well, is anything happening in terms of settling down?” It is never a hard pressure but more of a subtle one. Towards encouraging the next step for a younger generation to match and multiply.


Regardless, I’m happy for Gopal. Gopal finally tied the knot with a girl from Florida – Karuna Kunti. Gopal’s parents are extraordinary; deep into bhakti. They attended the wedding, being residents of Toronto. Her family and friends were abroad, mostly in the U.S., catching everything by Zoom.


I was asked to speak briefly and I was indicating to the small group (covid restrictions) that our guru, Prabhupada, married his students as the priest. Often his messages, through letters mostly, were encouraging couples to support each other in service. It’s a good way to keep absorbed in spiritual teamwork. Services of a devotional nature, an offering to Krishna, is the trick.


I do wish the couple well and success in their endeavor towards a wholesome life. I see them as quality human beings. Keeping the Supreme in the centre is key to the working relationship.


It was a happy event; short but sweet. Our priest was Ananda Gauranga and, as usual, he did a great job.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Friday, May 28, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto


Snow, Aging and the Flute


Believe it or not but despite the gorgeous weather of the last few days, snow came upon us. I was leading the chant at noon in the temple room, which I do every day at what’s called the raja bhoga arti(service), when I took a glance outside. To my surprise huge snowflakes descended on the other side of the window. Mind you, those unwelcome puffs of white melted upon reaching the warmed-up ground but it was a bit of a shock.


I had meaningful sessions today, not just about kirtanchanting but discussions such as one regarding a senior facility for our Krishna conscious community. It is beyond the dream stage to have such a facility for the aging sector since we have a local devotee care team established which has compiled a questionnaire. This survey has recently been disbursed with results coming in. It is quite the exciting project – a necessary one which addresses needs for the baby boomers of bhakti and also includes the generation X as well as the many more to come.


My day ended with a walk through the park and a reading of a chapter from “Krishna” entitled, “The Gopis Attracted by the Flute of Krishna.” This I read to Sarthak while he massaged my weak knees. This chapter was first read to me during Christmas of 1972 by B.B. Govinda Swami. Reading books by our guru, Prabhupada, is relishable. They are transformative.


May the Source be with you!

1 km


ISKCON Scarborough – Glories of Giriraja Govardana – class by HG Amarendra dasa – Sunday – 13th June 2021- 11 am -12 noon
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Date: 13th June 2021

Day: Sunday

Time: 11 am to 12 noon

Speaker: HG Amarendra das

Topic: Glories of Giriraja Govardana

Link to join the class:

HG Amarendra das

Amarendra prabhu is a diksha disciple of His Holiness Radha Govinda Dasa Goswami Maharaj, who is a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada, very well known for his classes on the Srimad Bhagavatam. As a disciple, Amarendra prabhu aspires to practice and preach the message of the scriptures far and wide as much as possible and in this endeavour has travelled to many cities around the world spreading Krsna consciousness in Universities, temple Congregations and social platforms such as Youtube, Whatsapp and  facebook.

As part of his student preaching endeavours, he has also been part of many student conferences and has contributed in areas such as Interfaith harmony and Science & spiritual synthesis. 

Academically, Amarendra Prabhu is a Masters in Electrical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts and spiritually holds a Bhakti Shastri degree from Mayapur.

ISKCON Scarborough

3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Scarborough, Ontario,

Canada, M1V4C7



Получить справку от Кришны
→ Traveling Monk

«Мы хотим получить от Кришны справку: «Этот человек кое-что сделал для Меня».

(Шрила Прабхупада, утренняя прогулка, Бостон, 1968 г.)


Мой дорогой духовный учитель, мое желание – это однажды получить справку, что я сделал что-то стоящее, служа тебе.


“We want to get a certificate from Krsna that, ‘This man has done something for Me.’”

( Srila Prabhupada, morning walk, Boston, 1968 )

My dear spiritual master, my desire is that one day I may receive such a certificate that I have done something worthwhile in service to you.

TOVP Book of the Week #11

Puranic Cosmology, Volume 1

By H.H. Danavir Goswami (Dr. Dane Holtzman)

Includes the cosmological sections from Visnu Purana, Vayu Purana, Makandeya Purana and Linga Purana. Compiled by Srila Krsna-Dvaipayana Vyasa.

A virtual storehouse of scientific wisdom waiting to be discovered by modern thinkers. Questions which have baffled the world s best brains for centuries are answered here as easily as ABCD. This book will play a profound role in reshaping our view of the cosmos. The translation was painstakingly done by erudite Vaishnava scholars and edited by His Holiness Danavir Goswami. (400 pages, 8 color pages of illustrations, hardbound stitched binding, Sanksrit devanagari, English translations and glossaries.)

Author: By Dr. Dane Holtzman
Published: January 1, 2007
Book size: 794 pages
Formats: Hardcover


  Residents of India will have to search for this book on



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TOVP Vijaya Murti Progress Report

As you may remember, a few months ago we gave progress reports on the deity of Jaya (the gatekeeper of the main entrance of the TOVP) being FINISHED and ready for installation. Now we are working on the deity of Vijaya.

The work is going on full speed. It’s coming out very nice and we hope that soon we will finish Jaya also. Please have a look at the few photos of completed Jaya and Vijay in working progress. The current painting service for Vijaya deity is being done by two Russian artists, Ambhoda devi dasi and Premalata devi dasi.

[See image gallery at]



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Mother Balai—A Very Dynamic Devotee, by Nama Cintamani Dasi
Giriraj Swami

I met Mother Balai through my sister Padyavali, who lived in Kinross in the Eastern Transvaal. Whenever I visited Kinross I would do as much sankirtana as possible, and soon, through the effort of the devotees, a nama-hatta was established.

Padyavali regularly brought prasadam for Mother Balai and her family, and soon Balai; her good husband, Lenny; and her children, Shamenderan and Priyenderan, took up the process of Krishna consciousness.

Mother Balai and the devotees, including two devotees from nearby towns, Their Graces Raghunath Prabhu and Uddhava Prabhu, started a regular Food for Life (FFL) program.

Mother Balai was an excellent cook, and she and her team used to prepare nutritious meals and distribute them enthusiastically while a group of devotees performed kirtan.

Mother Balai met His Holiness Giriraj Swami Maharaja at the Hillbrow temple and later accepted him as her spiritual master. He described her as a very dynamic devotee. She became very attached to Maharaja, and he became her life and soul. Once, she was alone in Kinross and was very frightened. She took shelter of chanting the holy names, but she was still frightened. She then was inspired from within by Guru Maharaja and started chanting Guru Maharaja’s pranama-mantra and focusing on his picture. She soon overcame her fear, and after that she always took greater shelter of Guru Maharaja and the holy names, and her faith increased more and more.

She loved Srila Prabhupada and wanted to do more and more service. Their Holinesses Krishna Das Swami, Partha Sarathi Das Goswami, and Giriraj Maharaja stayed at her home when they came for big preaching programs in Kinross. She served them and all the sankirtana devotees with heart and soul.

She was very kindhearted. She had a helper who had a five-year-old son who had AIDS. Mother Balai taught him to chant, and he became very attached to her and the devotees. He enthusiastically took part in all the spiritual activities and received special mercy from the maharajas. Mother Balai took care of him until he left his body at a young age.

When she came, with her devotee friend Shakila, on a pilgrimage to India with His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami, she was so blissful visiting the holy places. She and her friend went out collecting Vraja raja (dust) in the early hours of the morning they were leaving for South Africa.

Until recently, Mother Balai served in the restaurant in Gauteng. She always was very eager to serve in any way she could.

I thank Mother Balai for taking such loving care of us during our sankirtana activities in Kinross. I will miss her sweet, loving association.

Mother Balai, please forgive me for any offenses. I am praying for your auspicious onward spiritual journey and offer my sincere, deep, heartfelt condolences to your family.

Your grateful godsister and friend,
Nama Cintamani dasi