Where have you been man? I have been looking for you!
→ Dandavats

Shastrakrit Das: I was at a supermarket aisle and this nice young man passes by me, I just said hello. He goes “where have you been man? I have been looking for you!“ I thought he had mistaken me for someone else. He goes “no you, you gave me a Bhagavad Gita last year and I read it twice already, I want to come and chant with you guys” I gave him a card & sure enough he came today for lunch with his wonderful girlfriend, we spoke for a while and they took home a full set of Bhagavatam home. Prasadam + book!


The 12 Principles and Values of Krishna Conscious Family Life
→ Dandavats

By The Grihastha Vision Team

Krishna Conscious family life is consistent with the teachings and example of Srila Prabhupada, which must be applied with consideration of time, place and circumstance. In the field of grihastha life, one should take into account the local culture with-out compromising Srila Prabhupada's teachings. One should not attempt to simply transpose practices from one culture to another without understanding the principles and values. underpinning them. Continue reading "The 12 Principles and Values of Krishna Conscious Family Life
→ Dandavats"

Social Care for Vaishnavas
→ Dandavats

By The Devotee Care Team

The life of the Krsna conscious society is nourished by these six types of loving exchange among the members. —Upadesamrta Provide pre- and post-marital counseling either done by trained devotees or through recommending specific people or organizations • At a certain level of community size, create a team of mature, successful grhastha trained to give premarital and post-marital counseling as well as giving help in finding spouses for devotees. Continue reading "Social Care for Vaishnavas
→ Dandavats"

(Interview) with H.G. Praghosa Prabhu: Books are the Basis
→ Dandavats


Srila Prabhupada: My first concern is that my books shall be published and distributed profusely all over the world. Practically, books are the basis of our Movement. Without our books, our preaching will have no effect. So I am so much engladdened that you are enthusiastic to please me in this way, and that you are very determined to continue translating profusely. If you can increase translating more and more, that will advance you more and more in spiritual life. Krishna will give you all help. Continue reading "(Interview) with H.G. Praghosa Prabhu: Books are the Basis
→ Dandavats"

Sravanam Week
→ Ramai Swami

The essence of the complete Vedic scriptures carefully handed down through the disciplic succession, has become ever so nectarean, being touched by Srila Prabhupada’s own lips. Prabhupada said:

“The books are just like sugar doll. Anywhere touch – it is sweet.”

Besides attending Srimad-Bhagavatam class every day, Srila Prabhupada wanted reading to be an essential part of every devotee’s daily sādhana. He wrote:

“All of my students should read our books very diligently at least one or two hours daily and try to understand the subject matter from varieties of angles.”

ISKCON’s ministry of education has embarked on an initiative called “Books are the Basis” – an initiative to encourage devotees all over the world renew their commitment to reading Srila Prabhupada’s books regularly. 

The Ministry has branded this Srila Prabhupada’s Book Reading Week as the Sravanam Week. 

The Ministry of Education acknowledges that devotees face several challenges in reading Srila Prabhupada books, such as lack of time, taste, etc. To address such concerns and enthuse the devotees to wholeheartedly take to reading, the ministry has arranged resources for ISKCON leaders to celebrate this festival in their respective centers.

There will be inspirational videos, webinar on reading habits, live interviews with ISKCON leaders, and much more. This will be made available through social media and the ministry website www.ISKCONeducation.org

→ Dandavats

>Once, in the company of her maidservants, Queen Rukmini was personally serving her husband, Lord Krsna, by fanning Him as He relaxed on her bed. Rukmini’s quarters were extremely beautiful, boasting a canopy hung with brilliant strings of pearls, as well as effulgent jewels serving as lamps.

(This post has been viewed 326 times so far)

Saved by the senses
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 24 September 2017, Camp de Masque, Mauritius, Sunday Program Lecture)

Remember our favourite song? What is the favourite song in the Hare Krsna movement? 

It is the prasadam prayers. 

sarira avidya-jal, jodendriya tahe kal,
jive phele vishaya-sagore
ta’ra madhye jihva ati, lobhamoy sudurmati,
ta’ke jeta kathina samsare

Very ecstatic! Most popular song in all of ISKCON. Without a doubt, number one (laughter). So if you allow me to translate it, these words say, “O Lord, this material body is a place of ignorance, and the senses are a network, leading to death …” So we are all very happy singing these words every time, just before taking prasadam. It is funny really, when you know the translation. But these words are a reminder that it is by the mercy of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, somehow or other, we can escape the senses. Because when all these senses are engaged in serving Krsna, and glorifying Krsna, and discovering Krsna’s unlimited qualities – then, we begin to love Krsna. It is inevitable!

The article " Saved by the senses " was published on KKSBlog.

HG Mathura Prabhu (ex sergeant in the Nigerian Air force and Iskcon Temple President) Departs
→ Dandavats

His Grace Mathura prabhu joined ISKCON in the early eighties in PH and served in different capacities as temple commander, temple president, a good Sankirtan devotee etc. He was a sergeant in the Nigerian Air force when he joined. Diving headlong into Krishna Consciousness, he had assured his siblings that he was doing this for their own interest and benefit.

(This post has been viewed 336 times so far)

(Interview) with H.G. Govardhan Prabhu: Books are the Basis (video)
→ Dandavats


Srila Prabhupada: Books are the basis of our Movement. Whatever appreciation we are getting on account of our books, it is because we are following the path chalked out by exalted devotees. Now these beautiful books have become the firm basis for our movement and any intelligent person in any part of the world cannot but fail to admire them. Continue reading "(Interview) with H.G. Govardhan Prabhu: Books are the Basis (video)
→ Dandavats"

Centralization, Decentralization and Dharma (video)
→ Dandavats

This is a second podcast with HG Govinda Prabhu, who is an exponent of Indian culture through the wisdom of Mahabharata, Ramayana and Bhagavatam. He has an experience of almost 30 years in Vedic education and counseling and travels extensively all over the world sharing his reflective knowledge and wisdom. Whether counseling children, guiding families or mentoring corporate and social leaders his profound insights are always practical, comprehensible and relevant to all cross-sections of the society

(This post has been viewed 332 times so far)

What Gunagrahi Maharaja Taught Me That He Didn’t Know He Taught Me
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Mahatma das

Maharaj was an amazingly good actor. When we did our course together in Vrindavana, we did some skits. We never rehearsed them, only discussed how the skit should go. Those who attended that class in 1993 may remember the skit, “Prabhupada’s Pizza Palace.” We played incompetent temple leaders who were going to take money destined for the BBT and use that money to open a pizza restaurant (one leader loved pizza and had the crazy idea that the world would become Krishna conscious through pizza). I was shocked how well Maharaja played his part. I thought I was a pretty good actor because I studied acting in college, but Maharaj was in another league. In fact, he was so funny that I couldn’t keep a straight face during the skit. Continue reading "What Gunagrahi Maharaja Taught Me That He Didn’t Know He Taught Me
→ Dandavats"

Prabhupada is Coming! To the TOVP!
- TOVP.org

In the memories of those devotees who lived and served during the physical presence of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, the expression, “Prabhupada is Coming”, became the clarion call whenever he visited a temple. Devotees would become overwhelmed with ecstasy and stay up all day and night in preparation for his arrival.

When Prabhupada would finally arrive, the storehouse of love would break open as devotees showered him with flower petals from the roofs of temples, garlanded him with innumerable garlands, receive his merciful glances, wash his feet, and sing and dance in the most spiritually drenched kirtans imaginable. These moments have become etched forever in their minds.

This February 25-27, 2021 Srila Prabhupada is indeed coming again, in his murti form, to be installed in a grand three-day celebration in the TOVP. Five kinds of abhishekas are planned, including sacred waters and copper, silver, gold and platinum coins, as well as a maha installation yajna. The first two days will include the observance of Nityananda Trayodasi on the 25th, and the official opening of the samadhi of His Holiness Bhakti Charu Maharaja on the 26th. The ceremony will also commemorate Srila Prabhupada’s 125th Appearance Anniversary Year celebration.

February 25 – Nityananda Trayodasi / Worldwide Prabhupada Abhisheka

February 26 – Bhakti Charu Maharaja Samadhi Opening

February 27 – New Prabhupada Murti Installation

This unprecedented and historic event will bring Srila Prabhupada, our divine master and ISKCON Founder/Acharya to the forefront of the TOVP where he can personally observe, manage and direct our progress until the Grand Opening in 2022. It also represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for all devotees to honor His Divine Grace being installed in the TOVP by sponsoring one of five kinds of abhishekas. It is a worldwide, combined Guru dakshina offering from each and every member of ISKCON in gratitude for his mercy and the eternal gift of Krishna consciousness he has given us.

Go to the TOVP website and make your offering by sponsoring an abhisheka, especially during the most auspicious month of Purushottama beginning September 18th.

Click here to go to the sponsorship page.

My dear Gunagrahi Maharaja
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Kalakantha das

You have always been most kind and a dear friend to me and so many others. When we met in 1978 you had established the beautiful San Diego temple and were transitioning to being the bhakta leader so you could concentrate on recruiting and training new devotees there. As I had the same service in Los Angeles, we naturally began visiting and calling each other regularly to compare notes. During those turbulent days in ISKCON following Srila Prabhupada's departure you were a calming presence in my life, unwavering in your focus on spreading Krishna Consciousness in fresh and innovative ways. Continue reading "My dear Gunagrahi Maharaja
→ Dandavats"

The Monk’s Podcast 66 with Devamrita Maharaja – Pandemic – Reimagining the human project
→ The Spiritual Scientist




The post The Monk’s Podcast 66 with Devamrita Maharaja – Pandemic – Reimagining the human project appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

(Interview) with H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami (video)
→ Dandavats


Srila Prabhupada: Practically, books are the basis of our Movement. Without our books, our preaching will have no effect. Without books and magazines, what authority or what basis have we got for preaching? Now these beautiful books have become the firm basis for our movement and any intelligent person in any part of the world cannot but fail to admire them. Continue reading "(Interview) with H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami (video)
→ Dandavats"

Sikkim Yatra – North-East India
→ Dandavats

By Chandan Yatra Das

The state of Sikkim is remotely located in North-East India amidst the Kanchenjunga ranges of Himalayas. Far flung from mainland India, Sikkim is endowed with Lord Krishna’s amazing enchanting natural scenic beauty and spectacular views of formidable majestic mountain peaks of Kanchenjunga. It is 100% organic state of India and is bordered by China, Bhutan and Nepal. Continue reading "Sikkim Yatra – North-East India
→ Dandavats"

Saturday, September 5, 2020
→ The Walking Monk

Thunder Bay, Ontario


Before the Fest


Jim is a First Nations person, who had cycled over the creek’s bridge when he stopped to ask, “Are you a monk? Have you been to Tibet?” So I answered. He knew I was about to cross the bridge myself and mentioned there are lots of spirits that go to this bridge. When I handed him my mantra card and the mantra’s translation, he liked the word, “Creator.”


“Do you believe in a creator?” I asked.




A young man, about twenty-five, Ray, was my next encounter. There was no intro or protocol. He just opened up over the course of our walking. We communicated on the topic of spirituality, him being a Catholic in belief and perhaps practice. Mutual respect came out of that five minute interaction. It was great. I then gave him the mantra.


Further along I met Anshul, a student at Confederation College. He holds two jobs, apart from his studies, and it was his legitimate reason for passing on attending “The Festival of India,” which was my purpose in coming to town. I left him with the mantra, to which he was grateful.


Then Stephanie, who, on one of those electric bikes, made a U-turn to come over and check me out. She simply asked if there was anything she could do to make my stay more convenient. I took from that, and the spirit of all others I encountered on this walk, that greeting and gratitude is what makes a human.


By the way, The Festival of India was a success, despite Covid 19. Approximately 130 cars were parked in front of the outdoor stage to view and hear excellent dance and music presentations.


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Saturday, September 5, 2020
→ The Walking Monk

Thunder Bay, Ontario


Before the Fest


Jim is a First Nations person, who had cycled over the creek’s bridge when he stopped to ask, “Are you a monk? Have you been to Tibet?” So I answered. He knew I was about to cross the bridge myself and mentioned there are lots of spirits that go to this bridge. When I handed him my mantra card and the mantra’s translation, he liked the word, “Creator.”


“Do you believe in a creator?” I asked.




A young man, about twenty-five, Ray, was my next encounter. There was no intro or protocol. He just opened up over the course of our walking. We communicated on the topic of spirituality, him being a Catholic in belief and perhaps practice. Mutual respect came out of that five minute interaction. It was great. I then gave him the mantra.


Further along I met Anshul, a student at Confederation College. He holds two jobs, apart from his studies, and it was his legitimate reason for passing on attending “The Festival of India,” which was my purpose in coming to town. I left him with the mantra, to which he was grateful.


Then Stephanie, who, on one of those electric bikes, made a U-turn to come over and check me out. She simply asked if there was anything she could do to make my stay more convenient. I took from that, and the spirit of all others I encountered on this walk, that greeting and gratitude is what makes a human.


By the way, The Festival of India was a success, despite Covid 19. Approximately 130 cars were parked in front of the outdoor stage to view and hear excellent dance and music presentations.


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Friday, September 4, 2020
→ The Walking Monk

Thunder Bay, Ontario


Been Six Months


It’s been six months since my last plane ride. A West-Jet aircraft took tabla player, Ananda, and me to Thunder Bay. Before embarking on this two hour, seven minute flight, the attendant at the entrance offered each passenger a sanitized white cloth.


 “This is for your seat,” she said. However, the mask over her mouth muffled the sound that came out. I thought I heard her say, “This is for your feet.” I heard her say it to the passenger in front of me, to me and to Ananda just behind me. “For your feet,” is what I heard. That’s strange! It seems like the world is becoming more Vedic or Indian after all. My mental image painted a picture of people washing each other’s feet. How extraordinary! When I saw one chap giving a wipe to his seat my delusion was dispelled. I was just in a twilight zone for a few seconds, I guess.


Bearing a mask across the face while on the plane was not so easy. They are quite strict about paraphernalia blocking one’s mouth and nose. We should appreciate that, however, it is for everyone’s safety.


Prem Kishor, who manages the annual “Krishna Festival of India,” had come to pick up Ananda and me from the Thunder Bay Airport and then bring us directly to a newly purchased building, a Masonic Temple, built in 1972. It will be transformed into a Vedic Cultural Wellness Center and will include living facilities and a temple area for meditation and therapy. The project is most inspiring.


May the Source be with you!

0 km walking, however, effective physio-therapy was done before departing for Thunder Bay.


Thursday, September 3, 2020
→ The Walking Monk

Christie Pits, Toronto


To Encourage the Practical Connections


The very good news we received is that Gopal Krishna Goswami, who was Covid 19 positive, is now safe, returned from the hospital, and is placed in a restful situation in Delhi. The collective prayers by devotees worldwide have had their effect. We are grateful to God!


Our staircase kirtan,over the past few days, have been dedicated to his recovery and today a few more participants came around, specifically for the experience of chanting; some of whom come for a meal at “Govinda's” as well as chances for chanting on the side. Pedestrians noticed. Neighbours are approving by their nods. Motorists who stop at the corner, where the kirtanis vibrantly alive next to them, become surprised that someone is out there singing. What for? That’s anyone’s guess.


Of those chanters, a third of them came to also accompany me on my japa walk to Christie Pits Park, including Chris from Hamilton. Rain descended, but in spurts. Actually the cool wetness was very much welcome and it was as if the gods from heaven were showering flowers upon us.


We met with Vishal at Christie Pits Park and we indulged in our usual topic of community development; especially in the rural areas. Being in the core of the big city, despite having green space, we are far removed from farmland. However, we concluded that it is a challenge for most people to take to the simple life, although it is possible to encourage practical connection between the urban and the rural. May divinity be at their centre.


May the Source be with you!

6 km


Wednesday, September 2, 2020
→ The Walking Monk

Yorkville, Toronto


Do Something That Excites


It happens infrequently but there are times when I feel trite and dried-up. This life of bhaktiis very exhilarating, but there are moments when the fuel seems to run out. Such slump periods are only beckoning for a slight change in the grasp for fresh air.


I have found over the years that I sometimes have to shift gears and do something that excites. For me that is drama. Steven, Balarama and Savyasacin came over last night, masked, and we began to go over our lines on the latest production, “Rolling the Dice.”


Essentially it is a story of greed. I am reminded of the play, “The Little Foxes” by playwright, Lilian Hellman. Whether it is Duryodhana in the Mahabharata or Regina in “The Little Foxes”, the lust for power or position are at the heart of this “want.”


Our endeavour, theatrically, is a service and an offering to Krishna. I recall how fond our guru, Prabhupada, was of dramatical presentations. That then became an impetus for me to give some attention to this very special service.


Duryodhana has a blind father, who happens to be the king. Being blind, physically and spiritually, can be most overbearing. As the story goes, the whole population of the kingdom suffers for this. Whatever the leader does, in their behavior and decisions, impacts all the citizens. When Krishna reigned as king of the district of Dwarka the people were very content. They loved him.


May the Source be with you!

3 km