Spiritual Relationships against impersonalism (video)
→ Dandavats

By Radha Dasi

No time to be personal, I have my "to do" list. How can we help and encourage each other if we don't take the time to know each other? There must be friendship among devotees and the time and space to develop it. Examples of friendship from the scriptures, Sudama, Arjuna etc. What is in our way is the tendency for impersonalism. Continue reading "Spiritual Relationships against impersonalism (video)
→ Dandavats"

Understanding the heart of Bhakti Charu Swami
→ Dandavats

By Mahatma das

A lot of times when we talk about ISKCON, people think that it’s just an organization, and organizations have so many problems, and I am devoted to Prabhupada, but not to ISKCON. Bhakti Charu Swami never made that distinction, he didn’t want us to make that distinction. He made it very clear that if you are criticizing ISKCON, you are criticizing Prabhupada. If you love Prabhupada, you will work to make ISKCON better. That’s really important because as ISKCON grows, there will always be people who will make that distinction - I am devoted to Prabhupada but I just don’t like ISKCON, I don’t like what the movement is doing, I don’t like where it is going, I don’t like the leadership. Continue reading "Understanding the heart of Bhakti Charu Swami
→ Dandavats"

How do we reconcile Bhagavatam cosmology with scientific cosmology?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Transcription :

Transcription: Suresh Gupta

Question: How do we reconcile Bhagavatam cosmology with scientific cosmology? For example, Bhagavatam cosmology talks about fourteen planetary systems whereas we have nine or ten planets, so how do we reconcile this?

Answer: We have a very simplistic notion of the cosmology that is given and explained in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Usually we say, heaven is up but if the earth is round and America and India are more or less on opposite sides of the earth then the question would arise – is the heaven above America or is it above India? There are two upper opposites. When the scriptures talk about heaven being up, that is not a simplistic geographical “up”. The Bhagavatam is talking about different levels of the cosmos. There are different levels of reality in the universe and we live at a particular level of reality. Within the Indian knowledge of cosmology, there are two broad systems of cosmological knowledge – one is called as Puranic cosmology and the other is called as Jyotisha cosmology. Jyotisha is also called as Siddhantic cosmology and Surya Siddhanta is one famous book from that set of books. Both these give very different vision of the cosmos and if we go to the Jyotisha cosmology, it gives many figures which are very similar to the figures that are in modern cosmology. For example – the distance between the earth and the moon and the earth and the sun as described in Jyotisha cosmology is found to be remarkably similar to what science has found in modern cosmology.

In the same system of knowledge, these two systems of cosmology were very closely connected. Astronomy is the study of planetary distances and astrology is study of their effects on people. For any astrological calculation, even the Vaishnava acharyas or devotee scholars have never used the Bhagavatam cosmology. They all use Jyotisha cosmology which shows that they knew that these two branches of astronomy existed. They themselves had their primary life dedicated to teaching the Bhagavatam, living the teachings of Bhagavatam, explaining the Bhagavatam, but when it came to astrology, they did not use the Bhagavatam cosmology, they used Jyotisha cosmology. What this means is that they too recognised that the Bhagavatam cosmology is not for functional purposes in this world, it is more for a vision of theistic universe (when I say vision, it does not mean that this is just a conception). It is a way of looking at the world which shows how God, devotion, dharma – are all pervading the universe. As far as operating in this universe is concerned, they used Jyotisha cosmology and they never put the two in conflict. Bhagavatam itself describes two important things in Canto 5. First is, studying this will enhance our devotion and second, ultimately because this cosmos manifests the glories of the Lord and since the Lord is infinite and cannot be completely understood, similarly the cosmos cannot be fully understood. Therefore, the Bhagavatam itself is telling that if we do not understand its vision of the cosmos, we do not need to agonise over it too much because the purpose is to enhance our devotion. For functioning in this world, we do use the modern cosmology and there is nothing wrong in that.

We need not position scripture as a competitor of science. Scriptures are primarily about spiritual knowledge, to learn how to evaluate our consciousness. When we position scripture as the competitor of science, we devalue scripture. Scripture has given us spiritual knowledge to elevate our consciousness and Science can give us some material knowledge about how to function in this world. There may be some areas of overlap or some contradictions and how to resolve all of them is for specialist to discuss. I have seminars on this where I have told how good scholars are already working on this but as far as we are concerned, we don’t have to unnecessarily highlight or aggravate this conflict because within the tradition itself there are the example of two different vision of the cosmos and both being used – the Bhagavatam cosmology for increasing ones focus on the Lord and the Jyotisha cosmology being used for doing practical functioning in the world.

Similarly, we can have for modern cosmology and Bhagavatam cosmology.

The Srimad Bhagavatam talking about fourteen planetary systems is talking about cosmos, seen from a different scale of perception, it is not a human centred scale of perception. If whatever Sukadeva Goswami was describing in the Bhagavatam was readily visible to the eyes, then Parikshit Maharaj could have simply looked at the sky and saw it. Sukadeva Goswami is describing it because that is not visible through the naked eyes. It is a different vision of universe, seen from a different scale of observation and the scale of observation can significantly change the object of observation. For example, if we have a chalk and charcoal and we mix them together, we will see grey powder but if we see the same thing under microscope, we would not see grey powder but instead would see black particles and white particles. So, the question arises, what is it really? Is it white particle or black particle or is it grey powder? Well, what it is, depends from where we perceive it.

Therefore, we see the universe a particular way through science which is from our level of perception. The Srimad Bhagavatam gives us another level of perception of the universe and we need not necessarily see them as contradictory because there is a different level and different kind of perception for different purposes.

End of transcription.

The post How do we reconcile Bhagavatam cosmology with scientific cosmology? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Sublime Symposium: 7 Day Festival Reaffirming The 7 Purposes Of ISKCON

The hallmarks of ISKCON, its seven purposes were reaffirmed through a series of interviews and dialogues by the exemplary leaders of ISKCON who personify these seven purposes in their own exquisite ways. COVID-19, a global pandemic might be a menace but ISKCON GBC SPT Team optimized the lockdown situation by utilizing the social media forum […]

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Sublime Symposium: 7 Day Festival Reaffirming The 7 Purposes Of ISKCON
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

<p><span>The hallmarks of ISKCON, its seven purposes were reaffirmed through a series of interviews and dialogues by the exemplary leaders of ISKCON who personify these seven purposes in their own exquisite ways.&nbsp;<span>This symposium was the brainchild of a brilliant disciple of Bhakti Charu Swami who embodied Srila Prabhupada&rsquo;s instructions and worked towards uniting everyone.</span></span></p>

A Struggle against Superior Arrangement
→ Dandavats

As I laid out the straw mat on the sunlit veranda to prepare for his massage, Srila Prabhupada drew my attention to some sparrows making a nest. They had chosen a hole in the wall behind the electrical circuit box just outside Prabhupada's sitting-room window. He said that their chirping disturbed him at night while translating his books. So before they could build a complete nest and settle in, I removed the bits of strew they had gathered.


How to propagate spiritual knowledge throughout the whole world? (video)
→ Dandavats

Let us hear from HG Tapana Mishra Das as he reaffirms the Purpose #1 of ISKCON (To systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all people in the techniques of spiritual life in order to check the imbalance of values in life and to achieve real unity and peace in the world)

(This post has been viewed 322 times so far)

2. Why and how to erect the places of transcendental pastimes of the Lord? (video)
→ Dandavats

By The ISKCON GBC Strategic Planning Team

Let us hear from HG Jagattarini Devi Dasi as she reaffirms the Purpose # 5 of ISKCON (To erect for the members and for society at large a holy place of transcendental pastimes dedicated to the personality of Krishna). Continue reading "2. Why and how to erect the places of transcendental pastimes of the Lord? (video)
→ Dandavats"

Pandemic Ratha Yatra in New Vrindaban
→ Dandavats

By New Vrindavana

Summertime is Ratha Yatra time! The Ratha Yatra festival is a celebration of reunion, when Their Lordships Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra, who had been separated from Their devotees during a two-week “sick” leave, finally return and are taken out on a pleasure ride in a gorgeously decorated chariot. On a deeper level, it signifies the ecstatic reunion of Krishna with the residents of Vrindaban after Krishna had been away for a long time on business in Mathura. For us at New Vrindaban, this year’s Ratha Yatra, which took place on Wednesday evening, was a reunion of all the devotees who had been separated from each other due to coronavirus lockdown restrictions. On all three levels, it was a joyful bringing together of the devotees with the Lord. Continue reading "Pandemic Ratha Yatra in New Vrindaban
→ Dandavats"

Sangam of Twelve Alvars in Srila Prabhupada
→ Dandavats

By the Srila Prabhupada Lila Team

"Swans have a proclivity to stick their long necks underwater and wrap them around the stem of the lotus flower. So King Kulasekhara is praying, "My dear Krsna, may the swan of my mind enter the network of the stem of Your lotus feet.' He is praying to do so now, at the present moment, while he is healthy and can chant Hare Krsna and entangle his mind in Krsna thought. Therefore, King Kulasekhara wishes that he may die immediately, because he fears that if he waits until later, when the time of death comes, he will be choking. The elements of his body will be disturbed, and there will be a death rattle, like "gar, gar.' How will it be possible then to remember Krsna? Continue reading "Sangam of Twelve Alvars in Srila Prabhupada
→ Dandavats"

Monday, July 13, 2020
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario


Palestinian Couple


“We have some questions,” asked a curious young couple, modest in appearance and child-like in inquisitiveness, as I sat there in the centre of the park. I slid over on the bench to make room for them.


“What do you believe?” they persisted.


“We follow an ancient way from India called bhakti, it is a form of yoga-devotion.” I replied.


“You’re not a Buddhist?”


“No, we follow Krishna.”




“No, Krishna, the speaker of the, Bhagavad-gita. Do you both live here in Canada?”


“We just arrived. We are Palestinians. We love Canada.”


I could see by mannerisms and dress code I was speaking with a young couple who were a mix of ‘free spirit’ and a touch of ‘Islam orthodoxy,’ if that makes any sense. They continued to pleasantly probe.


“You are vegetarian?”


“Most definitely. Much of our values are placed in non-violence.”


“Not Buddhist?”


“Actually we are the origins of Hinduism—the longest, most resilient culture on earth…”


I offered them both my handy maha-mantra cards so they could leave with something. The card reads, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Translation: Oh awesome creator, allow me to be of blissful service to you and the world.”


After a lively dialogue I walked back to my destination—the ashram.


May the Source be with you!

6 km

Festival of India- Kids Contributions
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

This year's 48th Annual Festival of India from July 1-12 was a virtual one on account of the current pandemic situation. As in the past, the Krishna Funskool team hosted a range of children’s programs for the virtual Kids Area. We had yoga sessions, a cooking demo, puppet show, drama workshop, crafts and more!

There was also another way children could participate- by sending in videos of their performances dedicated to the theme of the festival. This came in along with some beautiful colouring and craft work. Please see below for the contributions. 


1. Rishi Vashistha Harsha, 4 yrs
Song: Neela Neela Megha Shyama
Composer: Saint Purandara Daasa
Raaga: Yaman Kalyani
Taala: Adhi
Language: Kannada
Type: Carnatic Vocal

2. Advaita Chakraborty, 10 yrs
Song- Vishnu Stotram
Classical dance- Bharatanatyam

3. Manvi, 6 yrs 
Raghuvamsha Sudha 
Classical dance - Kuchipudi

4. Avighnay Chakraborty, 5 yrs 
Playing Mridangam

5. Saanvi Vanam, 8 yrs

6. Avyukta Sri Ganesh, 11 yrs
Kuchupudi Dance

7. Avyukta Sri Ganesh, 11 yrs
Playing on the Harmonium

8. Eesha Anugu
Song: Aigiri Nandini - Mahishasura mardini stotram
Classical dance: Kuchipudi

9. Saanvi Vanam, 8 yrs
Hindustani Classical Music - vocal  
Song: Chanchala chala Krishna Kanha
Raag: Des
Taal: Dadra

10. Lakshmipriya, 10 yrs 
Cooking Demo: Almond Fudge

11. Bhavya Iyengar and Abhigna Kannakam, 13 yrs 
Song: Tere sang- Bharatanatyam

12. Pragnya Harsha, 11 yrs
Title: Narayana the Namo Namo

Arts and Craft: 

1. Advaita Chakraborty, 10 yrs, Chariot with Jagannath, Baladeva, Subhadra

2. Avighnay Chakraborty, 5 years

3. Saanvi Vanam, 8 years

Mayor of Port Phillip Council appreciative of Iskcon’s Food For Life
→ Dandavats

Mohan Das: Today I met the Mayor of Port Phillip Council on behalf of Food for Life, Melbourne. We had a great conversation regarding helping the community during the time of crisis. I shared the vision of Srila Prabhupada, where within 10 mile radius of our center that no one should go hungry. She was very appreciative of what we do here at Melbourne.

(This post has been viewed 325 times so far)

→ Dandavats

Rajesh Hirani: Finally, when Srila Prabhupada said to you strongly: “I will get better only when I die” You broke down crying. But he wished to bind you even closer: “Is this what you have learnt from me? The soul is always there – immortal!”

(This post has been viewed 322 times so far)

Ministry of West Bengal facilitates the final journey of HH Bhakti Charu Swami
→ Mayapur.com

Ministry of West Bengal Facilitated the Final Journey of Our Spiritual Hero HH Bhakti Charu Swami Very Smoothly The Honorable Chief Minister of West Bengal Sushri Mamta Bannerjee personally arranged different NOCs of the Government of West Bengal which were necessary for bringing His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj’s Vapu from the USA to Mayapur. […]

The post Ministry of West Bengal facilitates the final journey of HH Bhakti Charu Swami appeared first on Mayapur.com.

With gratitude!
→ Mayapur.com

Dear Devotees, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Early this morning, 13th July 2020, on the auspicious day of the disappearance of Srila Lokanatha Goswami and the incorporation of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Vapu of HH Bhakti Charu Swami entered […]

The post With gratitude! appeared first on Mayapur.com.

Iskcon’s Holy Name Monastery in Lithuania Destroyed In A Fire
→ Dandavats

The Holy Name Monastery (Lithuania) brahmacaries were on a traveling preaching tour, doing 1-2 public Harinama Sankirtana Yajnas per day. In different cities across the Baltic countries. They returned to the monastery late on Sunday (12th of July). During the night time hour, around 1:30 AM, on the 14th of July, one brahmacari heard a cracking sound and went to check it. He saw the temple building on fire. Brahmacaries quickly took out the Deities from the burning building out to safety. Since the Holy Name Monastery is located inside a forest, the fire brigade arrived too late. The temple building was completely burned down by the fire.

(This post has been viewed 361 times so far)

Time Sensitive-Profitable Preaching Five Day Challenge
→ Successful Vaisnavas – Personal Development for Hare Krishnas

The Profitable Preaching 5 Day Challenge —Share Mahaprabhu’s Mission and Prosper Thursday 16th- Monday 20th July (EST) I will be running a 5 Day Challenge starting this week… It is about how devotees can use principles of business to generate income in a way that is compatible with Krishna consciousness and to preach effectively. Over […]

The post Time Sensitive-Profitable Preaching Five Day Challenge appeared first on Successful Vaisnavas - Personal Development for Hare Krishnas.

On Grieving a Beloved Vaishnava
→ Dandavats

By Garuda Das

Questions of auspicious or inauspicous deaths, devotional status, popularity, etc. are irrelevant. The bhakta has already transcended these considerations. Parikshit died by the bite of snake-bird “Let the snake bird bite me at once. I only desire that all of you continue reciting the glorious divine acts of Lord Vishnu.” Srila Prabhupada has addressed this issue of how unimportant auspicious elements are or the manner of death: However, for the pure devotee in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, there is no fear of returning, whether he leaves the body at an auspicious or inauspicious moment, by accident or arrangement Continue reading "On Grieving a Beloved Vaishnava
→ Dandavats"

Sunday, July 12th, 2020
→ The Walking Monk

Kensington Market, Toronto




Raccoons can be seen during the day or night, but, like most party animals, they seem to prefer the nocturnal time of a twenty-four hour cycle. On my return journey from Bellevue Square Park, I heard the familiar sound of scratching claws against the bark of hardwood trees. There, at George Street, my eye captured three little guys at the same tree, each on different levels.  


Partying? I guess. Exploring? For sure.


Anyway, I had just come from the park and was personally disgusted with what human party-people have done to the place. Last year it was newly renovated—new sidewalks, landscaping and a kid’s play area—all with taxpayer’s money. One year later and it looks disheveled with spray-paint on the walkway. The new public washroom has been defaced with the same dynamic. I mean to say, what’s left is not ‘artwork.’ Put an ‘f’ in front of the word and you would be more accurate.


I would attribute most of the fiasco to drug consumption and mental instability; a down-and-out culture of directionlessness. Only the trees and grass save the place. If you’re going to put graffiti on surfaces then at least let it have aesthetic quality.


I do feel let down by such gestures of disrespect, and I am somewhat perturbed by party-people; most of whom are unemployed or have a lack of engagement. I know I sound like a grumpy old man. Indeed I am. However, I feel totally justified in the aforementioned remarks.


May the Source be with you!

8 km

ISKCON Scarborough – Virtual multimedia class – HG Dravida das – Sunday 19th June 2020 – 11 am to 12 noon-"Lord Kapiladeva’s Sadhu-sangastaka: Eight Verses from His Teachings to His Mother in Srimad-Bhagavatam on the Glories of Sadhu-sanga"
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!
Please accept our humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Date: 19th June 2020
Day: Sunday
Time: 11 am to 12 noon
Topic: "Lord Kapiladeva's Sadhu-sangastaka: Eight Verses from His Teachings to His Mother in Srimad-Bhagavatam on the Glories of Sadhu-sanga"
Speaker: H.G. Dravida das

Link to join the class from your desktop or laptop:

If you click the above link from your desktop or laptop, you will be able to join directly

If you click this link from your cell phone or IPAD etc, you will have to download the Zoom application (less than a minute to download)

H.G. Dravida das

A disciple of Srila Prabhupada, Dravida dasa joined ISKCON in 1973 and has served as an editor and proofreader for the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust for over 45 years. From 1983 to 1989 he was part of the team that completed Srila Prabhupada’s magnum opus: a commentated English translation of India's jewel of Vedic wisdom, the 18,000-verse Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata Purana). He also helped produce the revised editions of Srila Prabhupada’s Isopanisad, Krsna Book, Caitanya-caritamrta, and Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and he is part of the team that produces Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa-puja book every year. In addition to his editing work, he teaches Bhakti Yoga classes at ISKCON’s San Diego temple and other centers in North America.

Throughout all this immersion in transcendental literature, Dravida Dasa developed a love of the Sanskrit language, and especially the elaborate verses of the Bhagavatam and other works of bhakti literature.

His devotion and expertise in chanting form a marvelous combination. He has a been brahmacari throughout his devotional career.

ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,
Scarborough, Ontario,
Canada, M1V4C7
Website: www.iskconscarborough.org

Incorporation of ISKCON
→ Ramai Swami

ISKCON (the International Society for Krishna Consciousness) was incorporated in New York City, in the State of New York in the US, on 13 July 1966, around 54 years ago. This first incorporation of ISKCON was executed at Srila Prabhupada’s behest – then known to his followers only as ‘Swamiji’ and to others as A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. 

The lawyer under whose aegis the fledgling movement was officially instituted was Mr Steven Goldsmith, an attendee at Srila Prabhupada’s Second Avenue lectures. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect Mr Goldsmith’s legal fees were low or non-existent. 

One early (for me) morning in July of 1966, I was awakened and asked to sign papers pertaining to the incorporation of ISKCON. As a US citizen and resident, my signature appeared to be necessary. So I rather perfunctorily signed the document, thinking at the time it was a sort of ‘flight of fancy’ of Srila Prabhupada’s. Later I was instrumental in getting ISKCON incorporated in the State of California (US), as well as in England and India. 

The constitution of these other three corporations was based on that of the original New York Corporation. I’ve drawn the conclusion that Srila Prabhupada’s vision in doing this was for ISKCON to endure in the face of his own and his followers’ inevitable physical disappearances. ‘Built to last’ was a slogan that wasn’t lost on Srila Prabhupada’s institution. In pursuance of Srila Prabhupada’s vision, as far as I know the highest administrative levels of ISKCON have been discussing and examining the ‘culture of succession’ principle.

From Mukunda Maharaja’s book, “Miracle on Second Avenue.”

Sky of Bhakti
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 27 June 2020, Radhadesh, Belgium, Caitanya Caritamrta Lecture)

When we fly to greater heights in the sky of bhakti, we become free from darkness in ourselves.

ākāśa — ananta, tāte yaiche pakṣi-gaṇa
yāra yata śakti, tata kare ārohaṇa

(Caitanya Caritamrta Antya Lila 20.79)
The sky is unlimited, but many birds fly higher and higher according to their own abilities.

I started thinking about the sky as the sky of devotional service and how different birds are flying at different levels of devotional service. In the beginning, the weight of old habits is strong. They weigh us down but we carry on. First, through a process following rules and regulations, and then, as the burden of previous sinful attachments falls by the wayside, we are just awakening. Awakening our love for Krsna, our attachment in seeing the beauty and purpose of the whole creation, and so, we go forward. And then that love will grow and Krsna will reciprocate.

In this way, we progress on the spiritual path to greater and greater heights in the sky of bhakti and we are free in that sky. Free from the chains of material existence, free from greed, free from lust, free from anger, free from all the ugliness, free from the darkness in ourselves. And so, love awakens more and more, and service grows more and more and we worship Krsna, His devotees, His paraphernalia and so on. Bhakti is the complete natural expression as we stand before Krsna, and as we grow in our love and surrender, we are perceiving more and more of His glory and He is revealing to us that everything in this world is insignificant, and no matter what happens, we are on the way to immerse ourselves into the unlimited ever-growing ocean of love of God which is extending in all directions.

Watch the full video below or on our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD6ChanKqL4

The article " Sky of Bhakti " was published on KKSBlog.