Bhakti Center Launches New Kirtan School

“Kirtan is very popular in the culture right now and is continuing to grow, but a lot of people aren’t clear on the history,” Doyal Gauranga says. “We also want to let people know that there are a lot of different ways to do kirtan, and explain to them how we specifically do kirtan as Gaudiya Vaishnavas, why we do it in that way, and what mantras and bhajans we chant.”

The so-called administrators are now bewildered by the influence of this age of Kali
→ Dandavats

“The so-called administrators are now bewildered by the influence of this age of Kali, and thus they have put all state affairs into disorder. Are you now lamenting this disorder? Now the general populace does not follow the rules and regulations for eating, sleeping, drinking, mating, etc., and they are inclined to perform such anywhere and everywhere. Are you unhappy because of this?”

Sacred Music and Hindu Religious Experience: From Ancient Roots to the Modern Classical Tradition
→ Dandavats

By Santosh Das

"Sanskrit words were not just arbitrary labels assigned to phenomena; they were the sound forms of objects, actions, and attributes, related to the corresponding reality in the same way as visual forms, and different only in being perceived by the ear and not by the eye.” True meditation on an icon thus involves both sound and image, leading us to the important role of music in Hindu religious experience. Moreover, the name of a deity was understood to contain all the spiritual potencies of the deity. Hence the well-known axiom, “Mantra (name) and Devatā (deity) are the same,” that is affirmed throughout the Hindu tradition, lending credence to Nām-Kīrtan, the chanting of divine names. Continue reading "Sacred Music and Hindu Religious Experience: From Ancient Roots to the Modern Classical Tradition
→ Dandavats"

Distribution update for HARE KRISHNA! – The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami who started it all
→ Dandavats

By Visakha Dasi

We have personally seen Srila Prabhupada's eagerness to preach to even one person. It is our honor, privilege and great happiness to continue to serve his desire in distributing HARE KRISHNA! to all parts of the world thus giving access to thousands to view his amazing life story and thus begin their journey on the path of lasting freedom. To date, HARE KRISHNA! has been screened in public movie theaters in 39 countries and has been viewed online in more than 100 countries. All in all, over 14,000 DVDs in the four languages have been distributed since January. Continue reading "Distribution update for HARE KRISHNA! – The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami who started it all
→ Dandavats"

WSN February 2019 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats

By Vijaya das

The Sydney temple has struggled in its book distribution for a few years because the government cracked down on people with religious visas, so many temple members had to leave the county, and some were book distributors. Now Sydney has made a comeback. It is the No. 1 temple among the Medium Temples, with almost 6,000 book points. Welcome back to the transcendental competition! Baltimore had a good month, too, placing No. 1 among the Small Temples. It did 5,336 book points, an increase of 317% over the previous year in February. Moscow now has three temples reporting, and they are in first, second, and third place in Russia. Moscow is fired up, probably because Srila Prabhupada visited Moscow. Continue reading "WSN February 2019 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats"

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Tottenham, Ontario

K is Boss, I am Das

The above phrase is something I expressed several times today, in a morning class, at an evening class—Tuesday sangha—and in the afternoon on a trail.

K refers to Krishna.  Dasin Sanskrit, means servant. Put it all together and you have words of truth.  "Krishna is boss and I am das."

Jay, Connor and I drove up to Tottenham to visit a family of farmers.  We drove north to offer some encouragement to Vishal and Yasomati who have started an agro/eco initiative involving gir and guernsey cows/bulls, and horses, as well. Together we sat down to discuss this spring's farmers conference which will be held in Quebec, just outside of Montreal, and is scheduled for Saturday May 18th, 2019.  We pulled ideas together with action plans.  It will be our third year doing a spring gathering.  It will be inspirational.

After our sit-down planning, we braved “The Great Trail,” (formerly called the "Trans Canada Trail") from Tottenham, north to the farm in Caledon.  I used the word "braved" because on the seven kilometre stretch which we trekked, where there were cedar trees, the sun was restricted, leaving lengthy ice patches.  Once we came to the areas of hardwoods, rays of warmth melted the snow.

The very good thing about taking to patches of ice is that it reminds us we are very vulnerable.  We are not in charge.  We are not the controller.  There are greater things than ourselves.  We are small—small but significant; that is when we admit to having a great boss and we are His servant.  We are Das. I am Das.

May the Source be with you!
7 km

Monday, March 25th, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

We All Touched Air...

Tom, Billy, Connor and I took to the ravine. It did not come as a surprise to us, that we would be dealing with several-months-old snow that’s on its way out. I personally deliberated on the curious stages of snow, from the freshly fallen, to the layers that pack down, to periods of melting and then freezing.  Now in the final stages of a winter season's duration, it is soaking the trail, and some of it has merged into the creek, to be later precipitating,  and then falling as rain, hail or snow.  It is quite the cycle.

Tom and I were chatting about local history, economics, people, Krishna and Tom's favourite, Vishnu.  Walking behind us, Billy and Connor immersed themselves in The Secret, to the laws of attraction, and also the all-attractive One, Krishna.

On our decline into the ravine, we baby-stepped our way down, if not slid down, ‘rolling with the punches’ of nature's way as the sun shine down upon us, and even laughing at our cumbersome slipping.  A convenient side-rail was there for holding onto for dear life.  All in al, it was a real good stroll and slide.

Tom downed some Kombucha, once we left the ravine, at the Natural Health Food Store.  Billy delighted in spring water while I chanced some root beer with plenty of ginger in it, and much too much brown sugar.

It was all good because we all touched air, sun, wind, earth and water and their diverse manifestations.

May the Source be with you!
5 km

“The Queen’s Secret” Moves Audience to Tears and Laughter in Mayapur
→ Dandavats

ISKCON Mayapur: One of the highlights of the Mayapur Gaura-purnima festival every year is, for some, the theatrical drama directed by His Holiness Bhaktimarga Swami. Every year, Bhaktimarga Swami works with a diverse cast and crew, many of them second or third generation ISKCON members, to create a dramatic performance for all of Mayapur’s visitors from around the world.

The Queen’s Secret” Moves Audience to Tears and Laughter in Mayapur!

One of the highlights of the Mayapur Gaura-purnima festival every year is, for some, the theatrical drama directed by His Holiness Bhaktimarga Swami. Every year, Bhaktimarga Swami works with a diverse cast and crew, many of them second or third generation ISKCON members, to create a dramatic performance for all of Mayapur’s visitors from around […]

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Srivasa Pandita Appearance
→ Ramai Swami

Srivasa Pandit represents the marginal living entity (tatastha shakti ). The devotees headed by Srivasa are described as Lord Chaitanya’s smaller limbs (His face, eyes, hands, disc, other weapons) 

They all took part in Sri Gaurasundara’s pastimes. With them, Lord Gauranga spread the sankirtana movement. Srivasa Pandit is the incarnation of Narada Muni.

Within Srivasa’s home, Lord Gauranga showed His divine form to all His eternal associates. The house of Srivasa Pandit served as the headquarters of Gauranga’s Sankirtana Movement. The daily Bhagavatam classes, nightly kirtans, and many confidential Vraja  pastimes of Lord Gaura Raya occurred here.

Sun Love Feast – Mar 31st, 2019 – Vedic discourse by HG Nand Maharaj Prabhu
→ ISKCON Brampton

Chant: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

And Be Happy!!

ayur harati vai pumsam
udyann astam ca yann asau
tasyarte yat-ksano nita

Both by rising and by setting, the sun decreases the duration of life of everyone, except one
who utilizes the time by discussing topics of the all-good Personality of Godhead.
 ~ Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.17

11.00 - 11.15      Tulsi Puja
11.15  - 11.30     Guru Puja
11:30 - 11:55     Aarti & Kirtan
11.55  - 12.00    Sri Nrsingadeva Prayers
12.00 - 1:00     Vedic discourse
  1.00 - 1.30      Closing Kirtan
  1.30 - 2.00     Sanctified Free Vegetarian Feast


Papamocani Ekadasi
Fasting.....................on Sun Mar 31st,  2019
Breakfast................  on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 b/w 6:00 am – 10:15 am

Kamada Ekadasi
Fasting.....................on Mon Apr 15th,  2019
Breakfast................  on Tue Apr 16th, 2019 b/w 6:34 am – 11:03 am

Every fortnight, we observe Ekadasi, a day of prayer and meditation. On this day we fast (or
simplify our meals and abstain from grains and beans), and spend extra time reading the scriptures
and chanting the auspicious Hare Krishna mantra.By constantly ‘exercising’ our minds through
regular japa we can train our senses to push the threshold of contentment.
English audio glorification of all Ekadasis is available here 


Adult Education At The Temple
ISKCON Brampton offers various courses and Seminars for adults. The courses take a personal approach to learning. It encourages the student not only to study thoroughly the contents of Srila Prabhupada’s books but also to clearly understand the philosophy and practically apply it. The course focuses on behaviour and character, nurturing students in appropriate Vaishnava values.
Professionally designed and presented, it draws on the principles of Krishna consciousness
and the best of progressive education. In this way, it is true to ISKCON’s heritage and at the
same time relevant to its mission in contemporary society.

For further information, please contact HG Prema Gaurangi Devi Dasi @

Sunday School

To register,contact us

The Sunday School provides fun filled strategies through the medium of music, drama, debates,
quizzes and games that present Vedic Culture to children. However the syllabus is also designed
to simultaneously teach them to always remember Krishna and never forget Him.
The Sunday School follows the curriculum provided by the Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture (BCEC).

Monthly sankirtan Festival(MSF)
“One who has life can preach, and one who preaches gets life.”(Previous Acaryas)
Every member of ISKCON should have the opportunity to make advancement in Krishna
consciousness by preaching.We encourage everyone to come out and participate and make
Srila Prabhupada happy.

Please contact:
Dharma Dasa- and Brampton regions)

The Mentorship Program

Please note that registration in the Mentorship System is now a mandatory requirement for all initiation requests at ISKCON Brampton.It

1.Facilitates  and nurtures devotees aspiring for first and second Initiation.
2.One-on-One personal follow up on a regular basis.
3.Systematic training to devotees in matters of Philosophy, Sadhna, Vaishnava behavior, etiquette, Lifestyle and attitudes.

To find details please click here

Gift Shop

Are you looking for some amazing gift items which are less expensive and more beautiful for your
loved ones for festivals or many other occasions??
Our boutique is stocked with an excellent range of products, perfect for gifts or as souvenirs of your
visit. It offers textiles, jewelry, incense, devotional articles, musical instruments, books, and CDs
inspired by Indian culture.We're open on all Sundays and celebrations marked in our annual calendar.

Sun Love Feast – Apr 7th, 2019 – Vedic discourse by Her Grace Padmini Devi Dasi
→ ISKCON Brampton

Chant: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

And Be Happy!!

ayur harati vai pumsam
udyann astam ca yann asau
tasyarte yat-ksano nita

Both by rising and by setting, the sun decreases the duration of life of everyone, except one
who utilizes the time by discussing topics of the all-good Personality of Godhead.
 ~ Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.17

11.00 - 11.15      Tulsi Puja
11.15  - 11.30     Guru Puja
11:30 - 11:55     Aarti & Kirtan
11.55  - 12.00    Sri Nrsingadeva Prayers
12.00 - 1:00     Vedic discourse
  1.00 - 1.30      Closing Kirtan
  1.30 - 2.00     Sanctified Free Vegetarian Feast


Ramanavami Celebrations:

Sat April 13th(5.30PM-7.30PM)

Sponsorship opportunities :
Grand Feast - $301
Flowers - $251
Offerings - $201
Please contact us at the Front Desk.

Kamada Ekadasi
Fasting.....................on Mon Apr 15th,  2019
Breakfast................  on Tue Apr 16th, 2019 b/w 6:34 am – 11:03 am

Every fortnight, we observe Ekadasi, a day of prayer and meditation. On this day we fast (or
simplify our meals and abstain from grains and beans), and spend extra time reading the scriptures
and chanting the auspicious Hare Krishna mantra.By constantly ‘exercising’ our minds through
regular japa we can train our senses to push the threshold of contentment.
English audio glorification of all Ekadasis is available here 


Adult Education At The Temple
ISKCON Brampton offers various courses and Seminars for adults. The courses take a personal approach to learning. It encourages the student not only to study thoroughly the contents of Srila Prabhupada’s books but also to clearly understand the philosophy and practically apply it. The course focuses on behaviour and character, nurturing students in appropriate Vaishnava values.
Professionally designed and presented, it draws on the principles of Krishna consciousness
and the best of progressive education. In this way, it is true to ISKCON’s heritage and at the
same time relevant to its mission in contemporary society.

For further information, please contact HG Prema Gaurangi Devi Dasi @

Sunday School

To register,contact us

The Sunday School provides fun filled strategies through the medium of music, drama, debates,
quizzes and games that present Vedic Culture to children. However the syllabus is also designed
to simultaneously teach them to always remember Krishna and never forget Him.
The Sunday School follows the curriculum provided by the Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture (BCEC).

Monthly sankirtan Festival(MSF)
“One who has life can preach, and one who preaches gets life.”(Previous Acaryas)
Every member of ISKCON should have the opportunity to make advancement in Krishna
consciousness by preaching.We encourage everyone to come out and participate and make
Srila Prabhupada happy.

Please contact:
Dharma Dasa- and Brampton regions)

The Mentorship Program

Please note that registration in the Mentorship System is now a mandatory requirement for all initiation requests at ISKCON Brampton.It

1.Facilitates  and nurtures devotees aspiring for first and second Initiation.
2.One-on-One personal follow up on a regular basis.
3.Systematic training to devotees in matters of Philosophy, Sadhna, Vaishnava behavior, etiquette, Lifestyle and attitudes.

To find details please click here

Gift Shop

Are you looking for some amazing gift items which are less expensive and more beautiful for your
loved ones for festivals or many other occasions??
Our boutique is stocked with an excellent range of products, perfect for gifts or as souvenirs of your
visit. It offers textiles, jewelry, incense, devotional articles, musical instruments, books, and CDs
inspired by Indian culture.We're open on all Sundays and celebrations marked in our annual calendar.

GauraPurnima-Report from ISKCON Plainfield, NJ
→ Dandavats

ISKCON of Central New Jersey, Plainfield celebrated Gaura Purnima and Holi on Wednesday 3/20/2019. Gaura Nitai were adorned with a brand new outfit. The altar was decorated with a theme representing Navadwip Dham (nine islands of Navadwip) which signifies nine processes of Bhakti. Devotees started the program by singing melodious Gaura Bhajans.

The Night Train to Nowhere (A Gurukula Film)

A gurukula boy convinces his best friend to run away from school with him to meet his estranged father in the jungles of North India. But the adventure turns out to be much more than they bargained for when their train ride comes to an unexpected end and Sikkimese separatists enter the mix. This movie was written, filmed, directed, and starred in by the students and staff of Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur.

His Holiness Bhakti Sharan Shanta Mahäräja departed from this…
→ Dandavats

His Holiness Bhakti Sharan Shanta Mahäräja departed from this world yesterday in Lithuania.
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami: Here are a few words of appreciation for him.

I first met Maharaja in 1993 in Vilnius. He was a very serious devotee, and was always concerned to develop the preaching in Lithuania.

In those days he traveled with Hari Katha and Bilvamangala prabhus, and from time to time I would go with them also, visiting different towns and Nama-hatta congregations around the country. I was always impressed with Maharaja’s dedication and determination to present Srila Prabhupada’s message to the people of the country. I was also very impressed with his austerity and determination not to become caught up in the needs of the body.

After some time that program stopped, but Maharaja continued visiting the Nama-hattas and preaching regularly.

He took sannyasa in 2004 in the summer festival. Niranjana Maharaja was very instrumental in choosing his sannyasa name, based on the idea that Shanta Maharaja would give devotion (bhakti) and shelter (sharan) to many devotees, in a very peaceful (shanta) and loving way.

Around this time the New Govardhana project started, and Maharaja was always the central person there, encouraging the devotees to live a simpler life as a Krishna conscious community.

Perhaps his greatest contribution to Srila Prabhupada’s movement was the organization of the Lithuanian BBT. Under his direction the BBT here has produced many books and encouraged wide scale book distribution, far outstripping the book distribution in so many other places in the world.

I feel very fortunate to have been able to spend the day with Maharaja some weeks ago, one or two days before he went into a condition of withdrawn external consciousness. It has been the mercy of Srila Prabhupada that I have been able to benefit from the association and example of this very saintly and dedicated servant of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Now Srimati Radharani and Lord Krishna have chosen to take him back to Them, and I am praying that he will put in a good word for me there, for when my time comes to join him in Their service.

The Golden Avatara Continues to Glow in Wellington The primary…
→ Dandavats

The Golden Avatara Continues to Glow in Wellington
The primary purpose of Krishna’s descent as Shri Chaitanya was to relish the position of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī, who is the prime reciprocator of transcendental love of Śrī Kṛṣṇa. To spread this transcendental love, the Journey of Self Discovery (JOSD) Wellington, celebrated the 533rd anniversary of Caitanya’s appearance on March 22, 2019. It was for the first time ever in the history of Wellington, New Zealand that 7 pairs of Gaura Nitai came together from different corners of the Kiwi Capital to grace the occasion.
To read the complete article please click here:

Wandering in mystical Vrindavana (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats

Wandering in mystical Vrindavana (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: When a disciple asked Srila Prabhupada what he should do while in Vrindavan, Srila Prabhupada replied, “Just wander!” Today I took a small group of devotees to several holy places we had never been to. What an adventure it was! We first went to Encha Dauji [ Ram Ghat ] where Lord Balaram pulled the Yamuna river with His plow. Then we proceeded to Biharvan, where Radha and Krsna had many pastimes. The forest there is very much like it was thousands of years ago. Then we went Tapovan where the young gopi girls did austerities to please Katyayani to get Krsna as their husband. Finally went to Devi Attas, where Yogamaya appeared after flying out of Kamsa’s grip in the Mathura prison. What a wonderful day!

The BBT’s new Krsna Book app
→ Dandavats

By Kaisori Devi Dasi

With the full text in English, Russian, and German, with more languages being prepared. The text is fully - and quickly! - searchable in each language. Easy-to-read with many customizable features, including the ability to bookmark, highlight, and make notes. Full Sanskrit diacritics on the text and a glossary, just as in the print edition. Switch easily from one language to another - you can compare the Russian or German to the English or vice versa. Read in your own language or practice learning a new language using Srila Prabhupada's book as a guide. Continue reading "The BBT’s new Krsna Book app
→ Dandavats"

Lord Caitanya is not Worshiped Alone

Today is the appearance day of Srivasa Thakura is one of the most prominent devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and appeared in Mayapur along with Sri Caitanya in the 15th century. One of the most striking features of the Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir, ISKCON’s World Headquarters in West Bengal, India, are the Deities of Sri […]

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ISKCON Temple, Jaipur: A Window To The Spiritual World
→ Dandavats

By Arti

I have been a regular visitor to the ISKCON Temple in Jaipur, Rajasthan for almost an entire past decade. Rajasthan being my ancestral state, we make it a point to travel here once at least every year. To say then, that I have a personal affinity for this state, and the Jaipur ISKCON temple wouldn’t be an exaggeration… from being a simple small house many years back, it has been a joy to see the temple gradually evolve to a relatively bigger premise and stand in line along with some of its more famous contemporaries like Delhi. Continue reading "ISKCON Temple, Jaipur: A Window To The Spiritual World
→ Dandavats"

Krishna Lunches feed New Zealand’s Prime Minister
→ Dandavats

By Jambavati Devi Dasi

Yesterday in Dunedin New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was visiting a local Mosque comfort and reassure the Local Muslim Community after the recent terror attack in Christchurch where 50 Muslim worshippers were brutally murdered while praying. She then made her way to The Otago University Clubs and Societies Building where ISKCON Dunedin holds their Krishna Lunch Program. Daily feeding at least 250 hungry and very grateful students and staff..delicious nutritious prasadam. As the Prime Minister walked up the stairs Jahnava Mata dasi the Krishna Lunch coordinator greeted her with a smile and a copy of Kurmas Great Vegetarian Dishes which she graciously and thankfully accepted. Continue reading "Krishna Lunches feed New Zealand’s Prime Minister
→ Dandavats"

Rama at home in exile 2 – The power of diligence
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at ISKCON, Melbourne, Australia]



Podcast Summary



The post Rama at home in exile 2 – The power of diligence appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Rama at home in exile 1 – The power of acceptance
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at ISKCON, Melbourne, Australia]



Podcast Summary



The post Rama at home in exile 1 – The power of acceptance appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

ISKCON Scarborough – Special class by HH Bhaktimarga Swami – coming Sunday- 31st Mar 2019
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!
Please accept our humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

We are very pleased to inform you that HH Bhaktimarga Swami will be giving a special class coming Sunday at ISKCON Scarborough. The program starts at 10.30 am.

It is also Pamomocani Ekadasi coming Sunday.

About HH Bhaktimarga Swami:
Over forty years ago it was a youthful quest for the life that leads Chatham, Ontario born Bhaktimarga Swami, (formerly John Peter Vis), to adopt an Eastern order of monastic life that landed him in the Hare Krishna movement. Since that time, as a celibate monk, Swami has evolved as an instructor of bhakti-yoga and mantra meditation. His presentation on this subject of life, based on the popular Hindu text, “Bhagavad-gita” is lively, candid and informative.

With a background in fine arts, Swami also developed a passion for the performing arts. Even in the course of his duties as a monk, he expands his portfolio and manages to take an active role in theatrical productions from epics of ancient Indian origin. Casting, scripting, and directing morality theatre takes him annually to venues from North America to India and Africa.

Finally, Bhaktimarga Swami achieved a remarkable feat in 1996 when he went the way of a pilgrim and walked on foot cross country from west to east and then back for a return journey from Cape Spear, Newfoundland to Vancouver Island in 2003, going full circle. He likes to share his unique experiences and fond memories on the road after trekking 16,000 kms. Swami is a consistent feature in “The Longest Road”, a recent National Film Board documentary detailing the history of the people who shaped or were shaped by the Trans Canada Highway, the world’s longest continuous maintained road.

ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Email Address:
