If the mind pushes us forcefully towards wrong, how can the mind be directable?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Kartik Home Program, November 27, Ojai, California
Giriraj Swami

Srimad-Bhagavatam mentions two words: parisram which means hard labor or great endeavor and Krishna krpa or Krishna’s mercy. Our acharyas explain that the two finger gap preventing Mother Yasoda from tying the rope around Krishna can be bridged by a combination of parisram — our hard labor and Krishna krpa or Krishna’s mercy. Whatever we do in our spiritual endeavors requires these two ingredients — our sincere efforts and Krishna’s mercy. By that combination we can bind Krishna or we can say Krishna allows himself to be captured and bound by us.”
Kirtan by Radhika
Talk by Dhananjay Dasa
Talk by Giriraj Swami

→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

With fall upon us, many special guests are making their way to Toronto to enliven and inspire everyone with seminars and more!

Parliament of the World's Religions: Nov 1-7, 2018

The 2018 Parliament of the World's Religions is taking place in Toronto. On November 2nd Our very own HH Bhaktimarga Swami and his drama troupe will be performing "Many Mothers and Many Fathers". HG Anuttama Prabhu & HG Rukmini Mataji will be also be participating in the event. 

To register please visit: https://parliamentofreligions.org/webform/2018-parliament-canadian-registration {For special discount, please use Code GRPFLASH}

HG Caitanya Charan Prabhu: Nov 1 - 5, 2018 

Chaitanya Charan prabhu will be making another visit to the GTA and will be giving the Sunday discourse at both ISKCON Brampton and ISKCON Toronto on November 4th. Prabhu will also be conducting a seminar at ISKCON Scarborough on Saturday, November 3rd; click HERE for more information. 
He is a member of ISKCON’s leading intellectual body, the Shastric Advisory Council, and is the associate-editor of ISKCON’s global magazine, Back to Godhead. He is the author of the world’s only Gita-daily feature, wherein he writes daily a 300-word inspirational reflection on a verse from the Bhagavad- Gita. He has written over seventeen hundred Gita meditations that are posted on www.gitadaily.com and are read through daily feeds by thousands from all over the world.

HG Gauranga Prabhu: Nov Nov 2 - 4, 2018 

Gauranga prabhu will be conduction a seminar on Four Principles of Community Development, click HERE for more Information. HG Gauranga prabhu will also be giving the morning Srimad Bhagvatam class at ISKCON Toronto On Saturday, November 3rd and Sunday, November 4th. 

HG Gauranga Prabhu is a Co Temple President of ISKCON Chowpatty temple, Director of Govardhan Ecovillage, Global Duty Officer of GBC, Trustee of ISKCON GBC College and member of GBC Organizational Development Committee and GBC Nominations Committee.

HG Vaisesika Prabhu and HG Nirakula Mataji: Dec. 14 - 19, 2018

Making one of their many trips to Toronto's Hare Krishna Centre are none other than His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu and Her Grace Nirakula mataji! They are truly members of our large community and we are very excited to have them once again to encourage our many sankirtan initiatives. Sankirtan refers to the process of sharing our spiritual culture through book distribution. Stay tuned for more information. 

New Sunday Program Timings
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

Please note the change in the timings of our weekly Sunday Program. The Sunday program will now be held between 4:30-7pm . The details are as follows :

4:30 pm - Kirtan
5:00 pm - Announcements & Class
6:00 pm - Arati 
6:30 pm - Sunday Feast ( vegetarian feast will be served)
7 :00 pm - Program Ends 

(All other Sunday services will remain unchanged including the 8 pm Arati)

→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

During this most auspicious month of Kartik (Oct 24 to Nov 22), you can invite Lord Krishna in the form of Bala Gopala (Damodara) to your home, offer beautiful lamps and hear about wonderful stories of baby Krishna.

You can book your 1-hour slot by contacting (416) 400-7001 or kartikbookings@gmail.com to reserve your spot during Kartik weekday evenings or weekends. Please note, limited spots are available. Please feel free to take this unique opportunity for your family.

Govardhan Puja: Thursday, November 8, 2018
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

On Thursday, November 8, 2018 Toronto's Hare Krishna Temple will be celebrating Govardhan Puja!

Also referred to as Annakuta, Govardhana Puja is a special festival which marks the time when the inhabitants of Vrindavan (Lord Krishna’s abode on Earth) held a harvest festival in honour of King Indra, the demigod who provided the rains essential for the harvest. One day, however, Lord Krishna wanted to teach Indra a lesson. He convinced th
e inhabitants of Vrindavan to honour Govardhana Hill instead, whose fertile soil provided the grass upon which the cows and bulls grazed, and to honour the cows and bulls who provided milk and ploughed the lands.

Outraged, Indra retaliated with terrifying thunderstorms. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, calmly lifted Govardhana Hill with the little finger of his left hand. For seven days and seven nights the Lord held up Govardhana Hill, providing a giant umbrella to shelter the inhabitants of Vrindavan from the torrential rain.

Govardhan Puja celebrations at the Hare Krishna temple have always been popular and this year's festival will once again feature a grand "Govardhana Hill" made entirely of sweets in the middle of the temple room! Please join us for festivities from 6:00pm to 9:00pm on Thursday, November 8, 2018 to celebrate this wonderful festival!

We hope to see you and your family at the Hare Krishna temple for this spectacular festival!

Community Development Seminar with H.G. Gauranga Prabhu
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

Gauranga prabhu will be conducting a seminar on Four Principles of Community Development on November 2nd and 3rd, 2018. Gauranga prabhu will also be giving the morning Srimad Bhagvatam class at ISKCON Toronto on Saturday, November 3rd and Sunday, November 4th, 2018. Please see the poster below for more information!
HG Gauranga Prabhu is a Co Temple President of ISKCON Chowpatty temple, Director of Govardhan Ecovillage, Global Duty Officer of GBC, Trustee of ISKCON GBC College and member of GBC Organizational Development Committee and GBC Nominations Committee.

The Gita Contest 2018
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

Krishna's Funskool at ISKCON Toronto is pleased to announce the Gita Contest 2018 – Bhagavad Gita competitions for children.

Event Date: Saturday, December 8th, 2018
Venue: The Hare Krishna Temple, 243 Avenue Road, Toronto

Category 1: Age 3-5 years - Recitation and Translation
Category 2: Age: 6-8 years - Recitation and Translation
Category 3: Age: 9-12 years - Recitation, Translation and application
Category 4: Age: 13-17 years - Chapter study - MCQ and a short presentation

Please register by filling the Registration form here.
Last date for registrations is Saturday, 1st December, 2018 midnight.

Please note: The selected verses will be sent by email to the participants on completion of registration

  • Assured prizes and Certificates of Participation for all contestants
  • For Gita verses and translations, please refer only to 'Bhagavad-gita As it is' by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
  • Registration fee is $20 per child (can be paid online at torontokrishna.com, by Cheque, EMT, or at the registration desk at the Toronto Hare Krishna Temple on Sundays between 4:15 and 7:00 p.m.)
For details about content for Bhagavad Gita contest, registration and other information, contact us at 416-830-6850 or email us at kids@torontokrishna.com.

Happy Cows Arati
→ Life With the Cows and Land

All the cows were resting under a group of Live Oak trees which gave them a lot of shade on the hot Fall day. Almost all of these cows in the ISCOWP herd were saved when they were about to be slaughtered. While the cows were in a restful mood, Balabhadra das offered Arati to the ISCOWP Diety Giiraj and the ISCOWP herd. In celebration, the herd was fed alfalfa cubes as treats and the younger members of the herd were given access to a pasture they never roamed before. All herd members were joyful either eating alfalfa cubes or running and kicking their heels exploring the new pasture.

Asta Krosh Parikrama 2018 Invitation
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaWe invite worldwide devotees to take part in Asta Krosh Parikrama, from 16-19 November 2018. Following the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who used to perform Asta Krosh Parikrama on Ekadasi days, we shall be visiting five islands of Navadvipa dhama – Antardvipa, Simantadvipa, Godrumadvipa, Koladvipa & Rudradvipa.

The spirit of Vrindavan
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, October 2011, Melbourne, Australia, Lecture)

During the month of Kartik, there is the chance to make special advancement. Especially whoever goes to Vrindavan is very fortunate because in Vrindavan, during Kartik, one can make many times more advancement under than under normal conditions!

Therefore, being in Vrindavan during Kartik is very, very special. But not all of us have the opportunity or the time to just leave everything and go to Vrindavan for Kartik but one can at least go in consciousness because the acaryas like Srila Jiva Gosvami have. mentioned, “Mathura is not a place. It is a state of consciousness.

So the consciousness of Mathura or Vrindavan is what really transports us there! Therefore we can also invoke that atmosphere from wherever we are and in that way, one can reside in Vrindavan by remembering Vrindavan because remembrance on the spiritual platform is as good as being there, and we simply remember the spiritual world. So this is a month to meditate on Krsna!

The article " The spirit of Vrindavan " was published on KKSBlog.

History of Sri Jagannath Temple, Rajapur Video
→ Mayapur.com

In this video, the head pujari of ISKCON Mayapur, His Grace Jananivas Prabhu, and the temple president and manager of the Rajapur Jagannatha Mandir, His Grace Nirmala Caitanya Prabhu, speak in great detail about the history and glories of Lord Jagannatha, and how He came to reside in Sridham Mayapur. Please help spread the glories […]

The post History of Sri Jagannath Temple, Rajapur Video appeared first on Mayapur.com.

Kartik Parikrama 2018, Vrindavan Temples (Album of photos)…
→ Dandavats

Kartik Parikrama 2018, Vrindavan Temples (Album of photos)
durlabho bhakti-yogo me mama vasya-vidhayakah
karttike mathurayam ca vratenanena labhyate
“Pure devotional service to Me which, because it places Me under My devotee’s dominion, is very difficult to attain, is easily attained by following this vow in Mathura during Karttika.”
“To they who worship Krishna in Vrindavan, the Lord gives them their original spiritual forms. The perfect atonement to purify the sins of a lifetime is to worship Lord Damodara in Vrindavan during Kartik. The month of Kartik spent in Vrindavan brings the supreme destination.” -Srila Rupa Goswami, Mathura Mahatyam!
Find them here: https://goo.gl/kzryKd

What To Do and When
Giriraj Swami

As part of our evening program in Carpinteria during Kartik, we are reading from Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.9, “Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Krsna,” and tonight one verse and purport struck me as especially instructive:


tam ankam arudham apayayat stanam
  sneha-snutam sa-smitam iksati mukham
atrptam utsrjya javena sa yayav
  utsicyamane payasi tv adhisrite


Mother Yasoda then embraced Krsna, allowed Him to sit down on her lap, and began to look upon the face of the Lord with great love and affection. Because of her intense affection, milk was flowing from her breast. But when she saw that the milk pan on the oven was boiling over, she immediately left her son to take care of the overflowing milk, although the child was not yet fully satisfied with drinking the milk of His mother’s breast.


Everything in the household affairs of Mother Yasoda was meant for Krsna. Although Krsna was drinking the breast milk of Mother Yasoda, when she saw that the milk pan in the kitchen was overflowing, she had to take care of it immediately, and thus she left her son, who then became very angry, not having been fully satisfied with drinking the milk of her breast. Sometimes one must take care of more than one item of important business for the same purpose. Therefore Mother Yasoda was not unjust when she left her son to take care of the overflowing milk. On the platform of love and affection, it is the duty of the devotee to do one thing first and other things later. The proper intuition by which to do this is given by Krsna.

tesam satata-yuktanam
  bhajatam priti-purvakam
dadami buddhi-yogam tam
  yena mam upayanti te
        (Gita 10.10)

In Krsna consciousness, everything is dynamic. Krsna guides the devotee in what to do first and what to do next on the platform of absolute truth.


After reading this purport, I prayed that I may always be situated on the platform of absolute truth and be guided in what to do and when—by Srila Prabhupada and Lord Sri Krishna’s grace.

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

Disappearance Day of Srila Narottam Das Thakura
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaAppearing as the son of a king, Shri Narottama Dasa Thakura (Shri Thakura Mahasaya) showed all the bodily symptoms of a mahapurusha (an exalted divine person). He had long arms, a deep navel, golden-complexion, beautiful eyes shaped like the lotus petals. In school, he was a sruti dhara (able to memorize whatever he hears) Although he quickly mastered Sanskrit and the Vedas, he hankered to serve Krishna. He was a lifelong brahmachari. By the mercy of the Holy Name Gaura-Nitai, Narottama became detached, left his opulent family, and ran to Vrindavana. He took diksha from Shri Lokanatha Goswami and siksha in Gaudiya philosophy from Shri Jiva Goswami.

Gita 01.25 What catches ouar attention is determined by what is prominent in our external situation and in our internal disposition
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Is our real problem the original sin in the heart – not the mind – and is believing in Jesus the only solution?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Narottama Das Thakur Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

Appearing as the son of a king, Narottama Dasa Thakura showed all the bodily symptoms of a mahapurusa. 

In school, he was a sruti dhara, able to memorise whatever he heard. Although he quickly mastered Sanskrit and the Vedas, he hankered to serve Krishna. He was a lifelong brahmacari.

By the mercy of the holy name of Gaura-Nitai, Narottama be­came detached, left his opulent family, and ran to Vrndavana. He took diksa from Lokanatha Goswami and siksa in Gaudiya philosophy from Jiva Goswami.

The Disappearance of Sri Narottama Das Thakura

Srila Narottama Thakura was constantly absorbed in singing the glories of Gauranga and Nityananda. Taking the blessings of Narottama, Ramacandra Kaviraja went to Vrndavana Dhama. After a few months there, he entered into the eternal lila of Sri Radha and Govinda. 

This extremely terrible and unbearable news came to Srinivas Acharya, and, unable to bear the separation from his dear disciple, he too passed away from this earth and entered into the eternal pastimes of Radha and Govinda.   

Hearing all this terrible news, Srila Narottama plunged into the ocean of separation where he began to drown. In the great and unbearable agony of separation he wrote the song, “ye anilo premadhana.”  

Barely able to keep afloat in the ocean of separation, Srila Narottama Thakura went near the banks of the Ganges in a village called Gambhilaya and entered a temple of Mahaprabhu. Narottama ordered the devotees to perform kirtan.   

The devotees began performing Samkirtan. After Samkirtan, Narottama Thakura went to the river’s edge, and with tears in his eyes took darshana of the Ganges, offering his obeisances again and again.   

At that time, he entered the waters of the Ganges. After entering a short distance into the water he requested all the devotees to fill the four directions with loud chanting of the holy name. At that time, Ramakrishna Acharya and Ganganarayana Cakravarti began two kirtans in two different places. 

In the midst of all this, the Thakura told them, “Pour the water of the Ganges over my body.” Saying this, everyone was immersed in the waves of kirtan. When they were ready to pour Ganges water over his body, Narottama Das Thakura, who was absorbed in chanting the holy name, merged into the water of the Ganges and vanished from worldly view.

Attention all Devotee Graphic Artists – Artists Needed for TOVP Online Gift Store
- TOVP.org

In an effort to increase awareness of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) within the ISKCON devotee community and the importance of completing the project by 2022, the TOVP management wants to create an online gift and paraphernalia store through the Zazzle.com website platform.

The TOVP store will provide devotees with beautiful memorabilia that they can gift to others or use themselves as reminders of this wonderful project, and will include popular products like shirts, jackets, hats, buttons, watches, clocks, phone covers, keychains, posters, canvas art, and many more items with artwork depicting the TOVP and other designs related to the project. Products ordered from the store can be shipped to any part of the world as gifts for personal use, as prizes for book distribution leaders, or many other uses. The ‘store’ has no stock. Each item is created ‘on-demand’ and shipped accordingly as ordered.

To accomplish this service we are seeking talented and experienced graphic artists who would like this opportunity to offer their time to create artwork for this purpose and serve the TOVP, Srila Prabhupada and Mahaprabhu in this unique way.

Please contact Sunanda das at tovp2016@gmail.com for more information and to offer your help. Kindly provide some samples of your artwork with your submission. All responses will be seriously considered. Please note this is a voluntary service and not a paid position.



Visit us at: www.tovp.org
Follow us at: www.facebook.com/tovp.mayapur
Watch us at: www.youtube.com/user/tovpinfo
Phone App at: http://tovp.org/news/announcements/new-tovp-phone-app-goes-live/
Mailing List at: https://goo.gl/forms/ojJ2WcUUuqWh8bXt1
Support us at: www.tovp.org/donate/seva-opportunities

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The TOVP and Your Last Will
- TOVP.org

For a devotee, death means leaving everything behind and continuing our wonderful spiritual journey of gradual progress back to Godhead. Although during our life we know everything really belongs to the Lord and we use it in His service, when leaving our body this fact becomes even more clear. It therefore behooves those of us who have significant assets to decide how they will continue to be used in His service in a responsible way when we leave this world for the next.

Donating to charities, non-profits and religious/spiritual organizations in one’s Last Will and Testament is a common and respectable act. Within ISKCON this has also become a regular affair and the results can make a very significant difference to a temple in need. We hope those with the means will consider the TOVP in their thoughts when creating their final distribution of wealth.

Click to read a short and simple explanation of three different types of contributions you can make in your Last Will: Fixed Sum, Specific Legacy and Residuary Legacy.



Visit us at: www.tovp.org
Follow us at: www.facebook.com/tovp.mayapur
Watch us at: www.youtube.com/user/tovpinfo
Phone App at: http://tovp.org/news/announcements/new-tovp-phone-app-goes-live/
Mailing List at: https://goo.gl/forms/ojJ2WcUUuqWh8bXt1
Support us at: www.tovp.org/donate/seva-opportunities

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Sankirtana During Navaratri | ISKCON Kathwada
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaThe effect of chanting the names of Radha and Krishna is beyond material conception. We cannot describe it satisfactorily. Krishna is so compassionate that if anyone calls His name even once, He destroys innumerable sinful reactions in their heart. So kind is He that even if someone speaks his name accidentally, or even unwillingly, Krishna purifies them from millions of years of conditioning.

From sentimentalism to sentiment 2 – FEEL acronym – Expression and Learning
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at ISKCON, Hillsborough, North Carolina, USA]



Podcast Summary


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From sentimentalism to sentiment 1 – FEEL acronym – Firmness and Education
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at ISKCON, Hillsborough, North Carolina, USA]



Podcast Summary


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Immigrating to the spiritual world
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Congregation program at Cary, North Carolina, USA]



Podcast Summary



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Iskcon Surat Holds Inaugural Three-day Padayatra
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaEvery evening there was a programme in the villages that included sandhya-arati and darsana, kirtana, lectures by senior devotees, a Hare Krishna movie, classical dance, drama, and at the end sumptuous prasadam – a blissful experience for guests and devotees alike. We distributed a total of 1041 copies of Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental books and prasadam to everyone on the roads and in the villages. Vrindavana dasa was so pleased he instructed us to hold at least two padayatras a year, and Murtiman prabhu invited us to arrange a padayatra for ISKCON Varachha.

Gita 01.24 The position of maximum visibility is also the position of maxiumum vulnerability
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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When facing serious problems, should we first focus on solving problems and then practice bhakti?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

Transcription :

Transcriber: Bhakta Sharan

Question: When facing serious problems, should we first focus on solving problems and then practice bhakti?

Answer: Each problem is different. To have a heavy workload is one kind of problem and going through a major health crisis is another. Similarly, having a traumatic relationship conflict is a problem of its own kind. Each of these problems pose different obstacles on our bhakti path.

If we have a sore throat or our leg is fractured and the doctor has advised us to not exert pressure, and still we continue to sing loudly in kirtan or climb a mountain to go to a temple, then such action is foolhardy. We might have to stop a particular devotional service until our physical capacity is restored. We have to follow all the prescribed exercises and medications till we are physically fit.

In case of excessive workload where we have to meet deadlines, postponing our devotional engagements for some time is understandable. Simultaneously we need to check whether working more hours really translates in progressing towards meeting our deadline. Sometimes more hours at work does not necessarily mean more productivity at work. Being alert and taking breaks could actually help us to be more productive. What one does in those breaks could vary from person to person.

Doing activities like hearing kirtan, studying philosophy, listening devotional lectures etc. could actually help sharpen our mental faculty and reduce stress which helps in boosting productivity. One should not think that because I am so busy therefore, I cannot do my devotional activities. Rather, one should be open towards the perspective that my devotional activities could in fact help me do my work better.

In a relationship conflict, emotional pain experienced is much more than the physical pain. Amidst such trauma, one can think that after this gets over, I will practice bhakti. It is understandable that in such situation one should stay focused and purposeful without which it will be very difficult to remain in an emotionally well-balanced situation.

Problem solving is not like weight lifting where the more pressure we exert the more weights we can lift. Problem solving is like applying the right kind of voltage for the right device. If a device receives less power than what it needs, then it cannot function properly. However, at the same time if the device gets more power than what it needs, that will also be a problem. Similarly, we need to find out what amount of thinking help us solve the problem and what amount of thinking starts affecting us negatively. Unless we recognize this dynamic difference, we will continue to think about the problem understanding that the more we think about the problem, the more we will be able to deal with it. At one level this may be true because we need to think to solve the problem. However, we need to understand that thinking endlessly about the problem will also not help. Our thoughts need to be sharp and alert so that our thinking is effective to find constructive paths for dealing with the problem. That is why for emotional problems, it is vital that we create the necessary distance and detachment by directing our thoughts elsewhere so that we can get positive energy to help us deal with the negative energy.

This can be done by thinking about Krishna and practicing bhakti activities. Not ritualistically, but in a way that we can absorb ourselves in it. Doing that activity could help us in a significant way in moving towards Krishna and growing internally by calling out to him in a mood of dependence. Consequently, getting the required clarity that could help us solve the problem more effectively.

End of transcription.

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