The post Bhagavatam tenth canto study 28 – 10.5.15-20 When Krishna came to Vraja, so did the goddess of fortune appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Websites from the ISKCON Universe
The post Bhagavatam tenth canto study 28 – 10.5.15-20 When Krishna came to Vraja, so did the goddess of fortune appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
It was the middle of the night in the monsoon season and raining heavily, and there were auspicious omens present everywhere. Lakes were full of blossoming lotus flowers and the forests with singing birds and dancing peacocks. The demigods were showering an abundance of flowers from the skies. Shackled in the prison cell of her brother Kamsa, Devaki and her husband Vasudeva had long been anticipating the prophesied birth of their eighth child, and this was the night when, as foreseen, Lord Krishna would descend to this material world.
Read More...It was the middle of the night in the monsoon season and raining heavily, and there were auspicious omens present everywhere. Lakes were full of blossoming lotus flowers and the forests with singing birds and dancing peacocks. The demigods were showering an abundance of flowers from the skies. Shackled in the prison cell of her […]
The post Sri Madhava – He who is the Sweetest in the Whole World appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Adi Kesava, Syamarupa and their daughters live in Cairns and have regularly programs at their house, as well as other devotee’s houses.
They daily worship their deities, Sri Radha Syamasundara, Sita Rama Laksman, Hanuman and Gaura Nitai.
I visit every year and they organise nice programs where everyone comes together for arati, kirtan, lecture and prasadam. Cairns is a tourist town so we try to get new people along also.
The ISKCON Song (5 min musical video)
7 Purposes of ISKCON | The Hare Krishna Movement Mission.
This is a vibrant, beautiful song (in Hindi with English subtitles) - explains the 7 purposes of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Helps one understand what ISKCON stands for and what it does worldwide. Easy to memorize and remember too! Your feet will go tapping with the song…
George Harrison’s My Sweet Lord is Apple Records’ most played track this century!
George Harrison’s number one single My Sweet Lord has topped a chart of the most played songs this century that were released on The Beatles’ Apple Records label.
The single has received more public airplay since 2000 than Imagine by John Lennon and the Liverpool band’s Hey Jude, which was the first single released on the label in the UK 50 years ago.
My Sweet Lord went to number one upon its original release in 1970 and again in 2002 when it was re-issued following Harrison’s death.
Devotee Company Serves Out “Pure Bliss” to 500 Stores in the U.S.
Pure Bliss Organics distributes roughly a million servings a year of their unique brand of Krishna prasadam. They also donate a trail mix for the thrice weekly Harinama in Atlanta, and serve devotees by providing discounts on their products to traveling sankirtan parties and the Sadhu Sanga Kirtan Retreat.
All gluten-free and certified organic, their granolas include three no-sugar types sweetened with date paste, two grain-free with half the carbs, and one high-protein. Granola flavors include banana, cashew butter, peanut butter vanilla, maple cranberry, and carrot cake.
Pure Bliss also offers seven different energy bars such as acai coconut, lemon cranberry, white chocolate raspberry, and chocolate sun butter, as well as their extremely popular energy bites with the same flavors. Finally their gourmet nut mixes include conconut honey almonds, sesame honey cashews, and maple cinnamon mixed nuts.
To read the complete article please click here: https://goo.gl/XC3W11
Krishna Balarama - Queens, NY Rath Yatra (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: All glories to the all-blissful holy name of Sri ...
The Srimad-Bhagavatam contains many beautiful gitas or songs sung by various illustrious personalities. These songs inspire and enlighten us with spiritual knowledge of various levels. The following is a brief summary of the popular gitas found in the Bhagavatam, along with the contexts in which they appear. The titles of these gitas as presented below are found either in the Bhagavatam directly or in the commentary of the great acarya Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura. Continue reading "The Gitas Of The Bhagavatam
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Have you heard kirtana leaders say “Chant from the heart!”? What do they mean by this? We have three hearts: the physical pump, the emotional heart and the spiritual heart. Whenever we want to align ourselves to the chanting of the Holy Name we refer to the third heart, the heart in which we experience spiritual feelings. For instance, when you read the Srimad-Bhagavatam or chant, have you noticed that you feel relieved? You feel as though you are above the clouds? This is a reaction in the spiritual heart. Continue reading "Heartfelt Chanting
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The reliable recording format for professional and personal use. Tried and tested for 600 years. Opens in a millisecond. No electricity required. Totally independent of network connections. Protected from any sort of planned obsolescence. Extremely inexpensive. Still the best! Printed books thrive in the digital age! Continue reading "The Appeal of the Printed Book
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The post Bhagavatam tenth canto study 27 – 10.5.7-14 Krishna’s birth floods Vraja with joy appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Answer Podcast
Transcription :
Transcribed by: Keshavgopal Das
Question: If the temple atmosphere is conflict-filled, should we practice bhakti at home?
Answer: We live in the material world and due to materialistic tendencies of devotees a conflicting situation can arise within a temple community. Specifics and degree can vary from temple to temple. No community in this world is perfect, so conflicts are bound to happen. If we are waiting to find some perfect community then we may have to wait till eternity. Even if we are able to find a perfect community, we will not be allowed inside the community since we are not perfect also. We have to see what works for us and decide.
In general, for our spiritual practices, to get the energy to practice spiritual lives, we need to see what our needs are. Generally, people come to temple for three reasons (i) cultural (ii) social (iii) educational.
To some extent, educational needs – hear discourses, understand philosophy – can be met outside the temple also. Due to internet these days, there is lot of educational content available outside the temple also.
The cultural needs like taking darshan of the Deities, experience the spiritual atmosphere of the temple etc. can to some extent may be filled outside temple also. We may have to see how best we can serve these needs. For example, we can choose to come to the temple on a weekday for taking darshan. Or, set up a temple at our home.
As far as social need is concerned, we do have a need for devotee association, and we do need to work out how to manage this if we decide to not go to temple. If we become alienated with devotee community, then practically we do not have any social life. Since bhakti values are different from the mainstream society, we cannot fulfil our need for socializing outside the devotee community. Therefore, we need to have some community. Within broader devotee community, there are few devotees who are prominent, if we cannot get along with them, then it makes our life difficult. Now, I am not discussing here why such a situation arose or whose fault it is. That is a separate issue. People are people. Sometimes we get along with some people, sometimes not. We have to find out where can we get the devotee association. One way is to find a group of devotees who are also feeling similar. You can arrange to connect with such groups and try to discreetly meet outside the temple for getting the nourishment. You may not want to publicize for such meeting. The temple should not feel that you are creating a separate group which is a threat to them. However, you can get your spiritual nourishment with such a group.
ISKCON is a voluntary organization and ISKCON temples are inspirational places, and not legislative places. Generally, the best way to have association is to create association. You can start your own program in your community. Such a step will not only create association for you but also make you exemplary. Even in a community there are phases where things may not work for you. These phases may stay for some time, but then may phase out. If you keep the purpose of serving Krishna foremost in your consciousness, then Krishna will guide you.
End of transcription.
The post If the temple atmosphere is conflict-filled, should we practice bhakti at home? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
This class was given by Giriraja Swami and Devamrita Swami.
Hear is a clear recording of the discussion:
Chasing Sustainable Happiness (Right click to download)
SB 08.08.04-7 Living With Krishna 2013-05-31
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.8.4-7 Living With Krishna 2013-05-31
Auckland NZ: Giving out the mercy!! (Album of photos)
Oh holy names! You destroy the entirety of the suffering of Your surrend...
Revisiting the Still Point!
Today I would like to describe what has to happen for a normal conditioned soul to become a devotee. I would like to present the dynamics of transformation – how they are explained in the Vedas.
It is not an easy transformation. Someone who wants to keep things the way they are cannot really enter into spiritual life and undergo transformation. Sometimes spiritual life is seen as an addition to ordinary life, but if we take it seriously it becomes our life and the ordinary one dissolves itself.
Siberian Altai Festival (Album of photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami! Some days ago we were in the Altai Mountains in Siberia for ...
The original roots of an organisation – the regional headquarters or a national office – serve its branches and the branches serve the head office, or in our case the head temple or national ISKCON structure. If the head office provides nothing for the branches, they become weak and stop growing. If the branches provide nothing for head office it also becomes weak, or in many cases, begins to conserve valuable resources for itself. It gets weak all the same; it just takes a little more time. Only by each part of an organisation performing mutual service for the other parts can natural growth happen. How do they work together? Continue reading "What is the relationship of the small group of devotees to ISKCON?
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You have to tear yourself between what you think is real life and your spiritual application. But that’s only because you’re in the illusion that whatever you’re doing is real because you feel you need to do it, not because it’s connected to Krishna. And this is an illusion because that’s not true – it’s that simple. So if you want to progress, it means that whatever you’re doing now – it doesn’t matter what it is – you have to see Krishna in it. That’s the only definition of Maya: that which you think that functions without Krishna. Continue reading "Material and Spiritual – What’s the balance?
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Just as Narada had guided Dhruva, Srila Prabhupada encouraged people to serve God, thus delivering the remedy for their unsatisfied hearts. Whether they were full of material desires, just curious, or seeking genuine spiritual cultivation, the practice of bhakti-yoga – the means to rekindle one’s love for Krishna – gave them lasting happiness and satisfaction. Serious practitioners were able to give up their bad habits and addictions. Having received a valuable jewel, they lost their attraction to broken glass. Continue reading "Finding Ultimate Meaning
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“Someone may say. ‘What is wrong with taking birth in this material world? I have taken birth here and I am happy.’ There could be some truth to that but our pleasure is always mixed with pain. In this physical body we cannot experience pure unadulterated pleasure. Of course, the pleasure we experience from bringing the senses in contact with the sense objects is a relatively low grade of pleasure anyway if you compare it with the spiritual pleasure that devotees experience. Even if you take it as pleasure, it is temporary. We want everlasting pleasure and that can come only in a spiritual body. We are actually the spirit soul. We are not the body. As long as the soul is in the body there is life. We say the body is alive but the body is never actually alive because it is a machine and we are the operators. If the spirit soul leaves the machine it will not work any more. That spirit soul is by nature sat cit ananda vigraha — eternal, full of bliss and full of knowledge. The body is by nature the opposite — temporary, full of ignorance and suffering.”
Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.1.11 (Right click to download)
The post Bhagavatam tenth canto study 26 – 10.5.1-6 Let celebration center on purification, not gratification appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Answer Podcast
Transcription :
Transcribed by: Keshavgopal Das
Question: Is the voice of conscience always the voice of God?
Answer: God sometimes speaks to us through the voice of conscience. It does not mean that whatever the conscience speaks to us is always the voice of God. Sometimes, the voice of conscience, because of our conditioning, become disconnected with God.
Basically, it’s a matter of reciprocation. Just like radio (now a days FM), the more we tune in to the frequency the better we get the broadcast. The more we tune out of the station the less we get the broadcast. In the radio sets, there is a main tuning button and a fine-tuning button. The main tuning button changes the frequency more rapidly, but the fine-tuning button will change the frequency slowly to get more clarity of the sound. Similarly, although God is present within us, he speaks to us. However, some of us may be completely tuned out of God. If our consciousness is working at an entirely different frequency, then we cannot hear the voice of God.
For example, a shining jewel is effulgent in itself, but if it is covered by some paper, its effulgence will come out only partially. If it is covered with a cloth the effulgence may come out even less. If a jewel is covered in a stone box, the effulgence may not come out at all. Similarly, we may have different level of conditionings. If the conscience is deeply covered like a stone box on a jewel, the people may not even know that there is jewel inside.
Some people may be so conditioned that they may not feel any presence of God at all. That is why, we first will have to tune ourselves to God. That tuning comes by living a life in harmony with God’s ways. God, before he reveals himself through the inner voice, first reveals himself through the outer voice. The outer voice is the word of God which comes through spiritual teachers, saintly people, books etc. To the extent we align our life to the principles of morality and spirituality, to that extent the gross tuning happens. We cover the right stations and as we refine our consciousness by spiritual practices further then only we tune in to the inner voice.
God is present within us to guide us but if we are not interested in the guidance then he will not force his guidance on us. God speaks to us through the voice of conscience but that does not mean whatever voice is coming within us is the voice of God. That voice may be socially, culturally, educationally conditioned and it may be a distorted voice not the divine voice.
End of transcription.
The post Is the voice of conscience always the voice of God? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
ISV Harinaam in Palo Alto - August 17th 2018 (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: It is the duty of the mahatmas to chant the H...
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, October 2009, Vrindavan, India, Lecture)
Love means to put our ideas aside for someone else. When we love someone, we will put our own agenda aside and just try to please that person and we will only do for that person what he desires. So, our love for Prabhupada has to show in how much we are ready to put our own agenda aside and embrace his agenda and do what is dear to him. That is where our love will show…
The article " Our love for Prabhupada " was published on KKSBlog.
Rathayatra Festival by ISKCON Latvia (Riga etc) (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “Even while engaged in various activities, devotees whose minds are completely absorbed at Your lotus feet, and who constantly hear, chant, contemplate and cause others to remember Your transcendental names and forms, are always on the transcendental platform, and thus they can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 10.2.37).
Find them here: https://goo.gl/jYKEPY
UCF Orlando 2018 - Festival of Chariots (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The mango fruit is different from the name of the mango. One cannot taste the mango fruit simply by chanting, “Mango, mango, mango.” But the devotee who knows that there is no difference between the name and form of the Lord chants Hare Krishna, and realizes that he is always in Krishna’s company. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 10.2.36 Purport).
Find them here: https://goo.gl/vHQ5Qc
Shivananda Sen, he was taking all the 200-300 devotees from Bengal to Puri. They were walking so many days. And a little dog just started following. And that dog… he wasn’t a kind of pedigree, beautiful kind of dog. He was just the kind of dogs that you find in the streets of India. He followed. He followed. And Shivananda Sen just saw with such compassion – “If this spirit soul in this dog, if he sees Lord Chaitanya, how much he will benefit! I must serve him nicely.” Continue reading "Differentiating material and spiritual attachments
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"Prabhus," the temple president said, "I have incredible news. I have just been told, without any room for doubt or question, the following. A pure devotee is amongst you!" Vaishnava das, a faithful servant of Srila Prabhupada, for many years serving as temple president in a temple community of devotees, had just returned from a visit to a nearby hut which an older sannyasi had chosen as his base for his writing in preparing for his next preaching tour duties. He had approached him with heavy heart to get some advice for the difficult times his temple was going through. A famous Iskcon temple had fallen on hard times. Continue reading "My dear fellow prabhu/mataji, is it you the pure devotee? An ancient story retold for the devotees
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The dialogue of Bhagavad-Gita was transmitted as a live commentary from the heart of Sanjaya to Dhrtarastra. Such mystical ability did not require communication masts or radio waves, but the grace of Guru, in this case Srila Vyasadeva. Srila Prabhupada writes: “….one has to understand Krsna not directly but through the medium of the spiritual master. The spiritual master is the transcendental via medium, although it is true that the experience is still direct. This is the mystery of the disciplic succession. Therefore by the grace of Vyasa, Sanjaya’s senses were purified, and he could see and hear Krsna directly." Continue reading "Mystic Understanding
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The post Bhagavatam tenth canto study 25 – 10.4.38-46 Bad disposition with bad association is brutally bad appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
The post Gita 18.68 The bhakti cure cures more those who share the cure more appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Answer Podcast
The post Where does hostility towards God and the godly come from? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.