Prabhupada was a master who never stopped learning
→ Servant of the Servant

Srila Prabhupada was a deeply compassionate soul where he put his life to spread the message of Krishna. He did that till the very end without stopping or slowing down. He still woke up in the dead of night to translate Srimad Bhagavatam as a service to his guru even when he was in his last days on earth. But such determination and durability in preaching is possible only if we know when to be fast and furious and when to slow down. When to pat the person in the back and give a moral instruction on material grounds and when to give a deep philosophical exposé. It requires intelligence with compassion.

At times, Prabhupada did not speak to his guests but letting his tape recorder speak instead. Sometimes, he just played the harmonium and sang bhajan and in that way preached and sometimes he was fast and furious like the lion going for its kill. Srila Prabhupada was a master of preaching who never stopped learning from his disciples and the environment around him. Otherwise, how else can we explain the impact an old Calcutta man had on the hearts' of misguided youth of America. We have to learn from him, take lessons from the memories given by his disciples and try to humbly follow.

But one thing is for sure, if Prabhupada showed anything, he showed us blind following or blind talking about Krishna will not change the heart of the person listening. He used his intelligence and presented Krishna philosophically, critically, musically, jovially, silently, cynically etc fitting the person, time and circumstance. He did whatever it took to bring the person into the fold!

To do this, requires for us to understand our own capacity (strengths and weaknesses) and depending on our capacity, we assess the environment around us and accordingly present. This takes time because we will make many mistakes, not being hard on our self or feeling discouraged, we should continue to learn from our mistakes and other's as well and gradually cultivate the art of being a good judge of time, person and circumstance. When we are in-tune with our self and surrounding, we will have the confidence to navigate the turf. Having said all this, it is our duty to be a devotee of integrity, practice what we preach and not compromise on the principles of bhakti as given in the Bhagavad Gita. When we are aligned internally and externally, always practicing the art of shelter to Krishna, our effort to present Krishna will never go in vain!

Hare Krishna

RATHA – YATRA Festival by ISKCON Dnipro, Ukraine (Album with…
→ Dandavats

RATHA - YATRA Festival by ISKCON Dnipro, Ukraine (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: When one is face to face with the sun, there is no longer darkness for one’s eyes. Similarly, when one is face to face with a sadhu, a devotee, who is fully determined and surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one will no longer be subject to material bondage. (Srila Prabhupada’s rendering of SB 10.10.41)
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Sensitivity in relationships 3 – Dealing with insensitive people
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at ISKCON, London, UK]



Podcast Summary


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How to get realizations
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class at Bhaktivedanta Manor, London, UK]



Podcast Summary



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Sun Love Feast – May 27th, 2018 – Vedic discourse by His Grace Anant Prabhu
→ ISKCON Brampton

Chant: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

And Be Happy!!

ayur harati vai pumsam
udyann astam ca yann asau
tasyarte yat-ksano nita

Both by rising and by setting, the sun decreases the duration of life of everyone, except one
who utilizes the time by discussing topics of the all-good Personality of Godhead.
 ~ Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.17

11.00 - 11.15      Tulsi Puja
11.15  - 11.30     Guru Puja                      
11:30 - 11:55     Aarti & Kirtan                    
11.55  - 12.00    Sri Nrsingadeva Prayers
12.00 - 1:00     Vedic discourse
  1.00 - 1.30      Closing Kirtan
  1.30 - 2.00     Sanctified Free Vegetarian Feast

Padmini Ekadasi
Fasting.....................on Fri May 25th,2018
Breakfast................  on Sat May 26th, 2018 b/w 5.42am – 8.12am

Every fortnight, we observe Ekadasi, a day of prayer and meditation. On this day we fast (or
simplify our meals and abstain from grains and beans), and spend extra time reading the scriptures
and chanting the auspicious Hare Krishna mantra.By constantly ‘exercising’ our minds through
regular japa we can train our senses to push the threshold of contentment.
English audio glorification of all Ekadasis is available here 


Adult Education At The Temple
ISKCON Brampton offers various courses and Seminars for adults. The courses take a personal approach to learning. It encourages the student not only to study thoroughly the contents of Srila Prabhupada’s books but also to clearly understand the philosophy and practically apply it. The course focuses on behaviour and character, nurturing students in appropriate Vaishnava values.
Professionally designed and presented, it draws on the principles of Krishna consciousness
and the best of progressive education. In this way, it is true to ISKCON’s heritage and at the
same time relevant to its mission in contemporary society.

For further information, please contact HG Prema Gaurangi Devi Dasi @

Sunday School

To register,contact us

The Sunday School provides fun filled strategies through the medium of music, drama, debates,
quizzes and games that present Vedic Culture to children. However the syllabus is also designed
to simultaneously teach them to always remember Krishna and never forget Him.
The Sunday School follows the curriculum provided by the Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture (BCEC).

Monthly sankirtan Festival(MSF)
“One who has life can preach, and one who preaches gets life.”(Previous Acaryas)
Every member of ISKCON should have the opportunity to make advancement in Krishna
consciousness by preaching.We encourage everyone to come out and participate and make
Srila Prabhupada happy.

Please contact:
Dharma Dasa- and Brampton regions)

The Mentorship Program

Please note that registration in the Mentorship System is now a mandatory requirement for all initiation requests at ISKCON Brampton.It

1.Facilitates  and nurtures devotees aspiring for first and second Initiation.
2.One-on-One personal follow up on a regular basis.
3.Systematic training to devotees in matters of Philosophy, Sadhna, Vaishnava behavior, etiquette, Lifestyle and attitudes.

To find details please click here

Gift Shop

Are you looking for some amazing gift items which are less expensive and more beautiful for your
loved ones for festivals or many other occasions??
Our boutique is stocked with an excellent range of products, perfect for gifts or as souvenirs of your
visit. It offers textiles, jewelry, incense, devotional articles, musical instruments, books, and CDs
inspired by Indian culture.We're open on all Sundays and celebrations marked in our annual calendar.

Iskcon Communications Minister: Religious freedom is under attack in many parts of the world!
→ Dandavats

Iskcon Communications Minister: Religious freedom is under attack in many parts of the world!
On May 8, 2018, the Religious Freedom Institute (RFI) held a policy briefing on Capitol Hill with government leaders, academics, and experts on religious freedom issues, including ISKCON’s Minister of Communications, Anuttama Dasa.

To Be or Not To Be- Bhakti solves it all!
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Suhrit Krishna Das

ARISE with R.I.S.E!!! (Rupanuga Institute of Spiritual Education). The response at the time of registration was overwhelming, entries were very encouraging. Knowing the fact that this is happening for the first time in Auckland, gave enough confidence as to what could be expected. Even though it was a cold evening on Narsimha Chaturdashi yet devotees were enthralled with the idea, came up for registration and could not wait to attend the three session seminar on “ The Journey of Self- Discovery”, a systematic and scientific presentation on the essence of Bhagavad Gita. Continue reading "To Be or Not To Be- Bhakti solves it all!
→ Dandavats"

Nourishing the creeper of devotion 2 – Regulate attachment even to things that help in devotion
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Chaitanya Charitamrita class at ISKCON, London, UK]



Podcast Summary



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Sensitivity in relationships 2 – From judgment to encouragement
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at ISKCON, London, UK]



Podcast Summary



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What happens when someone genuinely seeks God?
→ Servant of the Servant

One who seeks God genuinely...

has to seek out a bona fide spiritual master and, under him, learn what Krsna consciousness is. The spiritual master can drive away all nescience, as the sun drives away darkness. Even though a person may be in full knowledge that he is not this body but is transcendental to the body, he still may not be able to discriminate between the soul and the Supersoul. However, he can know everything well if he cares to take shelter of the perfect, bona fide Krsna conscious spiritual master. One can know God and one's relationship with God only when one actually meets a representative of God. 
- Purport by Srila Prabhupada, Bhagavad Gita 5.16

Once the genuine seeker understands his or her relationship with God from a bonafide guru, the seeker will engage in Bhakti/seva to Krishna or God. As as result of bhakti or seva to Krishna, the following will happen;

For one who worships Me, giving up all his activities unto Me and being devoted to Me without deviation, engaged in devotional service and always meditating upon Me, who has fixed his mind upon Me, O son of Prtha, for him I am the swift deliverer from the ocean of birth and death.
- Bhagavad Gita 12.6-7

The story of Dhruva Maharaj illustrates these two points nicely!

Hare Krishna

Monday, May 21st, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia

At the Cove

Peggy’s Cove is one of those iconic places in Canada which is a destination point for tourists.  It’s a charmer of an old-time, quiet, fishing village.  Hordes of people come here to have a look and a feel.  The weather was perfect, above 20°C.  The sun was shining on the cove and all the visitors.

The three brahmacharis, Prana Gauranga, Bhakta Marshall, Bhakta Samuel, and myself decided to do our morning sadhanahere, and include breakfast, some kirtanand some boulder hopping.  We were smart about it and got there before the world descended on the place, doing the hopping—as mentioned—viewing the old lighthouse, and listening to the bag-pipers playing their melody.  We weren’t the only guys in skirts.  The highlanders wore kilts.  Buses of people on cruises came over, as well as motorists, bikers and cyclists.

Anyway, it was heaven at 8:00 a.m.  By 11:00 a.m., the huge, worn boulders looked like anthills, only here people were scurrying about on them.  The boys valued the place though, with its clean ocean air and everyone being in a great mood.

Back in Halifax at Yassin Saukar’s home, which is atop a hill, a satsangwas held at 5:00 p.m.  Father Alfred, from a local Catholic parish—who is in charge of three churches—came to listen and discuss matters of spirituality.  It was hard to see his deterioration of sight. He’s becoming blind, yet he appeared resilient in some way.  Discussions centred around the Gita’sexplanation of four seasons for coming to God, as well as the acceptance of God as both the Divine Father and Divine Mother.

I told of ‘Walking Tales’, naturally.

May the Source be with you!
5 km

Sunday, May 20th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Connections with Victoria

This is a long weekend in honour of Queen Victoria.  In her 40,000 plus pages of diary, she mentions nothing about Canada’s independence from Britain in 1867.  Her father, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, was stationed in Halifax in the late 1700s at the Royal Navy’s North American headquarters, right here.

At the one end of Hemlock Ravine Trail, Prince Edward had a garden which is no longer there.  He also had a mistress, prior to his marriage and the birth of his daughter, Victoria. The two spent time at this former garden which is now a pond of water shaped like a heart.  Our friend, Cory, from Halifax, led us to the trail and then the heart-shaped pond.

Why the heart?  I think we can all guess.

An older couple told our walking group,, of today, part of the story of Prince Edward when he was younger and single.  “A mistress for over twenty years,” they said.

Cory was kind to take us down this exquisite trail.  A mix of hard and softwood trees pervade the forest here.  Cory also came with us to the Vedanta Society for an evening dance-chant-hear-and-speak program.  Victoria would have been pleased.  I understand she liked to dance.

The latest film about her centres on an infatuation she had for a Muslim man, Abdul Karim, whom she met in India, when she was widowed, and her later companion, John Brown, was also deceased.

Canadians are content to celebrate with a holiday on Monday—tomorrow.  Fireworks go off to honour the Queen of the British colonies, Canada being one.

I do believe that when your senses are tucked in, you are a king or a queen, in your own right—a hero of sorts.

May the Source be with you!
5 km

Saturday, May 20th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Fredericton, New Brunswick

She Remembered

I met Mary from New Brunswick.  She remembered seeing me on the road years ago when she was in Grade 6.  We both calculated that the year was 1996.  She said something about seeing me from the school yard.  I guess it left a strong impression.

On the railway bridge, so many people trekked along.  I was happy to see people taking to the walking culture and taking it seriously.  After the bridge I veered left, next to Waterloo Row and Lincoln Road.  The pathway next to these streets is actually The Great Trail, established last year on Canada’s 150th, and, what is apparently, the longest trail on the globe.

A cyclist slowly passed by, “What’s shakin’ up, Buddy?  What’s shakin’ up?”

“Not a great deal,” I shouted as he cycled on with his son.  “Enjoy the long weekend.”  It’s Victoria Day weekend in Canada.

Our host at the Norfolk Motel, Sema, had fifty people over.  Most of the folks were Bengalis.  That always brings me close to my guru, Prabhupada, who hails from Bengal—Kolkata actually.

We had kirtantogether.  We reflected on Chapter 10 of the Gitawherein the opulence of the Absolute is detailed.  I also spoke about Prabhupada himself, his struggles in the beginning, his successes, and the relevance they have to the world.

Today’s audience was different.  Chanting mantrasand quoting from sastrais not unfamiliar to them.  I believe some of them stay tuned by watching panditsspeak their words broadcast directly from Kolkata.

From Fredericton, we drove the long haul to Halifax.

May the Source be with you!
6 km

Friday, May 18th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Fredericton, New Brunswick

Goin’ to the Chapel and I’m Goin’ to Give a Message

The evening’s program was held at Holy Cross Chapel, on the St. Thomas University campus.  Like yesterday’s experience in Sussex, there were good vibes, good people and especially tonight, good questions.  The venue here was a different layout.  The boys and I stationed ourselves on the altar with its crucifix on the wall.  It was less conducive to dance, as was our format yesterday in the fitness centre.  The place was holy.

I capitalized tonight on walking pastimes and touched on, not only the spiritual power behind the practice of pilgrimage, but also the difference between trekking in Canada, as opposed to the U.S.

Questions from attendees rolled out most favourably.  I hardly receive any challengers in these events.  If one was to turn up, it would be fine, even if the boat would be slightly rocked.

Prana Gauranga, our monk from Quebec, made a stupendous pasta, garnished with olives and fiddleheads.  The prep was a big hit, and I wish we could have shared it with the universe.

I must mention that my dear friend, Professor Tom Parkhill, came to hear us in Sussex.  That night, Gary came, a local engineer, who had invited me to his office ten years ago, where he fed me a salad and also took interest in the walking project I was on when I came through the Fredericton area.

Tomorrow we are expected to meet a fairly close relative of Paramahamsa Yogananda, a woman who settled here in the city with her family.

All is good!  I'm lovin’ the Maritimes tour.

May the Source be with you!
5 km

“The More Anxiety the Better” by HG Mahatma Prabhu
→ Dandavats

“The More Anxiety the Better” by HG Mahatma Prabhu (5 min video)
Vishnujana: How do we render perfect service to Krishna?
Prabhupäda: By your anxiety. If you are anxious to serve Krishna, that is the real asset. The more you increase your anxiety to serve Krishna, the more it becomes perfect. ‘How I can love Krishna more and more.'Laulyam, simply your eagerness, that’s all.“ So if you have a pinch of that anxiety, "How I can serve Krishna?” you must know you are the most fortunate man.

Lord Chaitanya’s Moon Is Rising by TKG Academy Students
→ Dandavats

Lord Chaitanya’s Moon Is Rising by TKG Academy Students (6 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: We are confident what is God, what is His father’s name, what is His name, what is His address – everything. No samsaya, no doubt! Everything complete. Asamsayam. We are confident that we are going to Krsna, back to home, back to Godhead. There is no doubt. -From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.1 – March 9, 1975, London

Wedding of Sudarshan & Rukmini in Mayapur (Album with…
→ Dandavats

Wedding of Sudarshan & Rukmini in Mayapur (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The basic principle is love. So similarly, our full surrender, full Krsna consciousness, can be achieved when we develop our love for Krsna little by little, little by little, and then come to the perfection. When we come to the perfection, then we cannot live without Krsna. Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught us. In the last stage of His life He exhibited such manifestation of love that He was dying without Krsna. Sunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda-virahena me [Siksastaka 7]. Sunyayitam. Sunyayitam, “everything is vacant.” Sunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda-virahena me. “Without Govinda, I see everything vacant.” Sometimes we have got experience. If we lose a friend, a son, at that time everything becomes vacant without my son, without my lover. That is practical. So Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was exhibiting that type of love for Krsna, that He was feeling that “Without Krsna, everything is void.” Sunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda-virahena me. This He taught personally, how to raise oneself to the topmost stage of love for Krsna. That is the ultimate aim and object of life. -From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.26.40 – January 15, 1975, Bombay
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Social Media made easy
→ Dandavats

Hare Krishna Around fifty devotees gathered together at Bhaktivedanta Manor in the UK for the daylong course, which began with Ajita Das encouraging attendees to examine deeply, what they personally felt, was the biggest problem Krishna Consciousness could solve.

Does developing a devotional self-conception require a lot of preparation before it can be lived?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post Does developing a devotional self-conception require a lot of preparation before it can be lived? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Sensitivity in relationships 1 – Why we need to be sensitive and why we aren’t
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at ISKCON, London, UK]



Podcast Summary



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Nourishing the creeper of devotion 1 – The danger of becoming religious but not spiritual
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Chaitanya Charitamrita class at ISKCON, London, UK]



Podcast Summary


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What is the difference between varnashrama, daivi varnashrama and pure devotion?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post What is the difference between varnashrama, daivi varnashrama and pure devotion? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

What is the scriptural basis for the idea that only desire and endeavor are in our hands?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post What is the scriptural basis for the idea that only desire and endeavor are in our hands? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Anyone qualified can realize the Supreme Truth – what is the qualification?
→ Servant of the Servant

In my last post I alluded little bit to other religions and scriptures. I also spoke about Bhagavata Puranam. The reason Bhagavata puranam and the Vedic scriptures are considered supreme than other paths or religions is because it was once (not anymore) taught by pure Brahmana devotees of the Lord whose only business was self-control and glorification of the Lord.

The Supreme Lord who is otherwise inconceivable becomes conceivable to these great Vaishnava brahmanas. So with realization, these great brahaman devotees establish truth and ethical and moral principles for common man to follow. The following qualities characterize a brahmana and only to such elevated souls Krishna reveals Himself from within their hearts thus bridging the gap between the visible and invisible.

Brahmanas are always situated in the sattva guna. They possess qualities of;

  1. śama - equal mindedness or mind control
  2. dama - sense control or restraint
  3. satya - truthfulness
  4. anugraha - mercy
  5. tapasya - penance
  6. titikṣā - tolerance
  7. anubhava - personally realize the Lord 
Therefore, this is not a sectarian ideology. Anyone trained in these qualities can realize the supreme truth and is considered a brahmana. It is not an entitlement or birthright. 

The Vedas are My eternal transcendental sound incarnation. Therefore the Vedas are śabda-brahma. In this world, the brāhmaṇas thoroughly study all the Vedas, and because they assimilate the Vedic conclusions, they are also to be considered the Vedas personified. The brāhmaṇas are situated in the supreme transcendental mode of nature — sattva-guṇa. Because of this, they are fixed in mind control [śama], sense control [dama], and truthfulness [satya]. They describe the Vedas in their original sense, and out of mercy [anugraha] they preach the purpose of the Vedas to all conditioned souls. They practice penance [tapasya] and tolerance [titikṣā], and they realize the position of the living entity and the Supreme Lord [anubhava]. These are the eight qualifications of the brāhmaṇas. Therefore among all living entities, no one is superior to the brāhmaṇas. - SB 5.5.24

Hare Krishna