Hungarian Leadership Sanga
Why humans are no longer the most intelligent species on the planet! (2 min video)
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Conversation with Yamuna (age 11) on how to focus in devotion
Amara Conference 2018 (Album with photos)
Super success of Amara…
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Amara Conference 2018 (Album with photos)
Super success of Amara service launched yesterday, 12th May 2018 at Amara Conference at ISKCON Leicester.
Nurses and doctors from many NHS hospitals attended the Amara conference.
There was also Kripamoya Prabhu’s book launch - “What to do when someone dies”
Bereavement Support for ISKCON devotees Leaflet.
Memory box now available.
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Transcendental art course in New Mayapur France
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A Mother’s Love
Giriraj Swami
“There are very exalted spiritual understandings in Krishna consciousness. They are not fictional, imaginary, or concocted. They are facts, and every devotee can have the privilege to understand and indeed take part in Krishna’s pastimes if he is actually advanced. We should not think that the privilege given to Mother Yasoda is not available to us. Everyone can have a similar privilege. If one loves Krishna as one’s child, then one will have such a privilege, because the mother has the most love for the child. Even in this material world, there is no comparison to a mother’s love, for a mother loves her child without any expectation of return. Of course, although that is generally true, this material world is so polluted that a mother sometimes thinks, ‘My child will grow up and become a man, and when he earns money, I shall get it.’ Thus there may still be some desire to get something in exchange. But while loving Krishna there are no selfish feelings, for that love is unalloyed, free from all desires for material gain.
“You should not expect anything in return. That is real love. Just like a mother is loving her child, not expecting any return. But she still she gives service. So, that is as a little sample of pure love.”
—Srila Prabhupada, talk on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.31, April 23, 1973, Los Angeles, and room conversation, July 13, 1976, New York
VedaBase 2018 Update & 1967 Original Audio.
→ Dandavats

VedaBase 2018 Update & 1967 Original Audio.
The Bhaktivedanta Archives is pleased to offer two new releases:
1. The 2018 VedaBase™ with 1967 transcription updates.
2. Original unedited audio for the year 1967.
To read the entire article click here:
Tuesday, May 8th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Monday, May 7th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Sunday, May 6th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Manipur Yatra ~ North-East India
→ Dandavats

The beautiful state of Manipur is in North-East India. Manipur has a unique culture and is also known as 'Land of Gandharvas' and 'Switzerland of East'. Manipur is a Vaishnava state with Krishna Consciousness been practiced widely amongst the common masses. “Royal families at Manipur and Tripura are descendants of Arjuna's son Babhruvahana”, as stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 1 chapter 12 verse 21 purport by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-acarya of ISKCON. Arjuna begot a son named Babhruvahana by the womb of Citrangada, the princess of Manipur. Continue reading "Manipur Yatra ~ North-East India
→ Dandavats"
Jagannath Ratha yatra at Cilegon Ethnic Carnival, Cilegon Banten
→ Dandavats

Sunday night, Cilegon was hot. The moon is not round yet, dimly lighted lights on both sides of the road stretching approximately 250 meters full of people on both sides. Young-old, male-female. All liked getting out of the corners of the City. At 07.00 PM the music thrashed. All participants gathered behind the stage except the Lord Jagannath, Lord Baladeva, and Subadra Devi sat on the chariot beside the honored guest stage. Continue reading "Jagannath Ratha yatra at Cilegon Ethnic Carnival, Cilegon Banten
→ Dandavats"
Succeeding in surrender
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 18 March 2018, Durban, South Africa, Sunday Feast Lecture)
The process of surrender is meant to be dynamic and continuous. To accept favourable things and reject the unfavourable things, however is not an easy process. Even if we know that ultimately Krsna protects us, it is still not easy to surrender in the moment.
Kadamba Kanana Swami:
Let me read that again and start commenting; “The process of surrender is meant to be dynamic and continuous.”
Well, sometimes it appears that the process of surrender is not so dynamic. Sometimes it seems that it is just not moving at all. What to do we do at times like that when spiritual life seems to be a little dry and stale? Well, during such times, the process of surrender means to be faithful. It is not always that the process of surrender is exciting. Sometimes, the process of surrender is just to be dutiful. Sometimes, the process of surrender is to carry on even when we are weak, to never give up; if we ever slip, which we will, we are to start again!
The process of surrender is not always a glamourous story where in shining lights it reads, “Surrender to Krsna!” Not quite. Sometimes the process of surrender appears to be impossible. Sometimes it looks far. However, if it is far, turn around and get close again. Pick up if you fall. Srila Prabhupada would say, “Failure is the pillar of success.” When there is failure, we must stand up. So surrendering means to never stop. Whatever we do, we must not stop! We must carry on, regardless of what is happening is good or bad, glorious or infamous. Whatever we do, we must never give up the association of devotees – never! We must never give up on Srila Prabhupada, never give up devotional service, never stop chanting! When the principles start slipping, we must return to them and start practising again.
Let these be our default settings: Chanting sixteen rounds and following the four regulative principles. Default settings means that no matter what, we always return to those settings. So surrender may come in many forms. It may come in something dynamic and glorious or it may come in something where we drag our feet. But regardless, we must stick to it. Such a commitment has to be made!
The article " Succeeding in surrender " was published on KKSBlog.
Can karmic reactions come at the mental level?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
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How can we help a non-Krishna conscious person overcome depression?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
Transcription :
Transcribed by: Suresh Gupta
Edited by: Raji Nachiappan
Question: How can we help a non-Krishna conscious person to overcome depression?
Answer: Ideally speaking, the physical reality outside should be replicated on the inner screen, which is our mind. The screen, or the mind, is meant to act like a window which shows us what is outside. However, at times the inner screen starts acting like a TV and takes us on a journey to the past or future or sometimes all over the world. That is when we get absent minded, which means we are physically somewhere but the mind is elsewhere. When this screen starts going to the past and shows us all the bad things happened to us, that is when we get depression.
Basically, there are two major mental disorders, one is depression and the other is anxiety. In depression, the mind goes off the path and depicts how multiple things have gone wrong in the past, and therefore how the future is also going to go wrong. In anxiety, the mind or the inner screen goes into the future, and is constantly wondering about what if things go wrong. This causes fear, worry and can lead to panic attacks.
Firstly, we need to understand that bad things happen to all of us. For some of us, more bad things may have happened. However, we also need to understand that good things have also happened to us without which we will not be where we are right now. The very fact we are living today means that some good things have happened to us.
Despite all of this, sometimes, our mind is somehow set to look only at the bad things that have happened. Hence, the key is, when the mind becomes like a TV screen playing only bad things, it is needed to get it back to the present. What has happened in the past is history and we should try not to think about it too much. Of course, it is not possible to not think about something. Therefore, we should have something purposeful to think of and something tangible to do. Therefore, in depression, if people have something which they like to do, which is not just casual entertainment but something valuable for them, they should engage in doing that. Often, depression is caused not so much because many bad things have happened in our life or their memories, but because we do not have a worthwhile purpose in our life.
A materialistic vision of life that defines our self-worth is based on our possessions. A spiritual vision of life defines self-worth not based on our possessions but by our contribution. There is a simple way to understand the difference between material and spiritual consciousness. If we are in material consciousness, when we see another person, we wonder what this person can do for us. Whereas, in spiritual consciousness, we think what we can do for this person.
Hence, if we can help the person find out what is it, they would like to contribute, that can be very helpful. These things should not be superficial e.g. just going to Disneyland for entertainment. We have to find out what would they like to be remembered for at the end of their life. That will give them something worthwhile to do. In this way, we bring them to the present and find a purpose for themselves in the present.
Slowly, the spiritual aspect can be introduced. Actually, we are all eternal indestructible beings. Bad things may have happened to us, however, we are much bigger than our situations and emotions, hence we do not have to be as affected by those. Then, we can slowly bring in Krishna. We have to make them understand that whatever happens, ultimately, God is our well-wisher who always wants our best. What we are is God’s gift to us and what we become is our gift to God. Hence, we have to look at the good things in their life, show them that these are God’s blessings and encourage them to make best use of that. If we can somehow help them understand that God exists and cares and that even if bad things are happening, good can come out of it, it will be very helpful.
In this manner, when we focus on small things, do things one by one, gradually we will realise we have done a substantial amount. Gradually, the depression will decrease.
End of transcription.
The post How can we help a non-Krishna conscious person overcome depression? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Wedding at New Varshana
→ Ramai Swami
On Friday before our AGM in Auckland, two devotees, Krishna das and Sangita Priya dasi had their wedding ceremony in the temple room. Both are from devotee families.
Their Lordships, Sri Sri Radha Giridhari, Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra and Gaura Nitai gave Their darshan to more than two hundred devotees who came for the function.
Everyone was happy as the newlyweds exchanged vows and sat in the yajna performed by local devotee, Govinda das. At the end a sumptuous feast was served celebrating the occasion.
A Tribute to Our Mothers
→ Life With the Cows and Land
The cow is like our mother. Here is a tribute to three special mothers in the ISCOWP herd. They have been through significant difficulties living in the same dairy before they were rescued by ISCOWP members. Through grace and courage, they have forged relationships with each other and other members of the herd. They are noticeably motherly to many of the younger cows and oxen in the herd which helps relieve the sorrow of the children who were taken away from them while in the dairy. Happy Mother's Day to them and all of you! You can adopt a cow for Mother's Day, a great gift. Go to
Nice kirtan in New Vraja Dhama, Hungary
→ Dandavats

Video of HH Sivarama Maharaja and HH BB Govinda Maharaja leading kirtan on Nrsima Catudarsi 2018 in New Vraja dhama, Hungary (video...
Sadbhuja Das: Please see the images on the progress of the wall…
→ Dandavats

Sadbhuja Das: Please see the images on the progress of the wall work in the temple room.
Previously we saw the 6 walls on the ...
Iskcon New Govardhana: Harinama at Nimbin Mardigrass – Part 1 of…
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Iskcon New Govardhana: Harinama at Nimbin Mardigrass - Part 1 of 2 - 06 May 2018 (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: When Lord Caitanya asked Ramananda Raya what is the most painful experience in human society, Ramananda Raya replied that separation from a pure devotee is the most painful experience. In other words, when there is no devotee of the Lord present, there is great suffering in society, and association with other people becomes painful. In Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.30.6–7) it is stated that if one who is bereft of the association of a pure devotee tries to become happy through society, friendship and love devoid of Krsna consciousness, he is to be considered in the most distressed condition. In the Brhad-bhagavatamrta (1.5.54) it is stated that the association of a pure devotee is more desirable than life itself and that in separation from him one cannot pass even a second happily. “The Teachings of Lord Caitanya” by Srila Prabhupada
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Motel-Gita (Placement of Srila Prabhupada’s books in…
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Motel-Gita (Placement of Srila Prabhupada’s books in Motels) (Album with photos)
Super8 Montgomery welcomes Bhagavad Gitas!
Lisa Monfee who is Sales Manager at -Super 8 Prattville Montgomery says she is very excited to have Bhagavad Gitas in her motel as people always like to try new & different things.
She has put them in all the rooms & lobby so people who are really interested can take a copy along with them.
Respecting Our Women In Iskcon
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For some reason the subject of womanhood and the roles they play within our midst has raised strong feelings, usually centred on celibacy and the potential for victimisation. This shows that women are not really the problem - our inordinate fixation on matters 'celibate' is the problem Continue reading "Respecting Our Women In Iskcon
→ Dandavats"
A Tribute to our Mothers
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Lord Chaitanya From Bengali To Tamil!
→ Dandavats

Many prominent Sri vaishnava Scholars and many eminent Social leaders and eminent media celebrities also graced the event. They spoke on the need for more information and awareness on God consciousness of ancient India and congratulated Sri Giridhari Prabhu for his work in this field. The honorable chief minister of Tamilnadu though couldn’t make up for the event but send an appreciation note. A part of which is as follows “I appreciate the activities of ISKCON spreading devotion to all without any discrimination of caste or religion. “I believe that release of this Chaitanya Caritamritam in Tamil will establish peace in society and serve as a great contribution to Tamil literary world. ” Continue reading "Lord Chaitanya From Bengali To Tamil!
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This year’s Vyasa-puja address
Sun Love Feast – May 13th, 2018 – Vedic discourse by His Grace Kratu Prabhu
→ ISKCON Brampton

Kratu Prabhu was born in aristocratic Gujarati Gaudiya Vaishnava family.
His first exposure to ISKCON happened in 1970, at St. Louis. He later joined full-time in 1974, in Toronto. He met his Guru, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada in 1976, from whom he received a direct order for preaching Krishna consciousness. He and his wife were initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1977 in Toronto, Canada.
While in West, he worked as a professional engineer for five years in Toronto. In Chicago, he worked for Chicago temple as director of congregational preaching. He then became temple President of Vancouver temple in 1987. In 1993, he moved to Baroda, Gujarat and conducted college and school preaching. He also started a book distribution program by Bullock Cart for every town and village. In 1997, he became temple President of ISKCON, Delhi and continued house and pandal preaching programs.
In 2002, he became an initiating spiritual master in ISKCON and is ever since vigorously travelling and preaching all over the world and regularly visiting USA, Canada, UK, Europe and continuously preaching in India, conducting pandal programs, educational programs and devotional tours.
Akuti Dasi, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada from Canada left this…
→ Dandavats

Akuti Dasi, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada from Canada left this world at 3:30 pm on Apara Ekadasi, at the Bhaktivedanta Hospice in...
A Reflection on Friendship
→ Seed of Devotion
C+M+S+PE = Friendship
An Unhappy Soul – A Short Film
→ The Spiritual Scientist
This film is made out of service to His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder acharya of ISKCON.
The post An Unhappy Soul – A Short Film appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Bhagavad-gita and Modern Psychology – 2 – Where mindfulness works and where it falls short
→ The Spiritual Scientist
[Seminar at ISKCON, Towaco, USA]
Podcast Summary
The post Bhagavad-gita and Modern Psychology – 2 – Where mindfulness works and where it falls short appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Should we pray that other devotees overcome their demonic qualities or not see any faults in devotees?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
The post Should we pray that other devotees overcome their demonic qualities or not see any faults in devotees? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
How can we distance ourselves from jealousy?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
The post How can we distance ourselves from jealousy? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Mercy office
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 18 October 2017, Melbourne, Australia, Srimad Bhagavatam 4.3.17)
Question: What is the highest act we may perform to attract the mercy of Radharani?
To serve Lord Nityananda. Radharani is so exhalted and pure that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati instructed that only those who are liberated and in the madhurya-rasa can go to Srimati Radharani, while everyone else must go to Lord Nityananda. You can think of it as two counter windows at the ‘Mercy Office’. On Radharani’s counter, there is a sign that reads ‘Liberated souls only!‘ And then you have Lord Nityananda’s counter, which has a very long queue, where he is calling out ‘Oye mate, get your mercy over here!‘ So the rest of us must go to his window to get our mercy.
The article " Mercy office " was published on KKSBlog.
Sivarama Swami on the necessary standards to lead Kirtan (3 min. video)
→ Dandavats
A special way to celebrate a birthday (Album with photos)
→ Dandavats

A special way to celebrate a birthday (Album with photos)
Dear Devotees. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sr...
Chanting on Ekadasi
Giriraj Swami
In a talk with Srila Prabhupada in Chicago, on July 5, 1975, Tamal Krishna Goswami asked him about Ekadasi. “Sometimes we have heard that Ekadasi is an inauspicious alignment of the planets and that therefore one has to counteract this inauspiciousness by chanting more.”
Prabhupada laughed. “No, no. It is the most auspicious. And chanting is more effective.”
“I remember you were instructing once that all of your initiated disciples should chant twenty-five rounds . . .”
“Minimum on this day. Is that a rule that we should all follow in our temples?”
“We are sixteen rounds.”
“No, I mean on Ekadasi.”
“Oh, yes. Ekadasi, simply you should chant. No other business.”
Later, in Mayapur on February 11, 1976, Tamal Krishna asked for further clarification: “We should always chant twenty-five rounds on Ekadasi if initiated?”
“Initiated? Everyone. Why initiated?”
“So, that should be standard for our movement on Ekadasi day?”
“Standard is sixteen, but if one can chant more, then he is welcome.”
“It’s not mandatory for Ekadasi.”
“No. Ekadasi means that—fasting and chanting.”
“Sometimes I’m wondering, because our men have to go out on book distribution.”
“No, no. That is also preaching work. For that purpose you can stop this. But generally, one who has no preaching work, he can chant.”
“Yes, extra.”
“I see.”
Hare Krishna.
TOVP Euro Tour Overview
Miracles are not uncommon in the…
→ Dandavats

TOVP Euro Tour Overview
Miracles are not uncommon in the pastimes and seva of the Lord, and certainly the TOVP Euro Tour is a current example of how the Lord reciprocates with His devotees, blesses them and simultaneously fulfills His own purposes, in this case the building of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium and manifestation of His own prophecy of the adbhuta mandir.
From April 10th – 27th, history was created as Jananivas and Braja Vilas prabhus, led by Lord Nityananda’s Padukas and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Sitari, traveled to twelve European temples inundating the devotees with the Lord’s mercy and MISSION 22 to complete the TOVP by the year 2022. Unexpected by all the leaders was the incredible outpouring of financial support by the small numbers of devotees in most of the European temples, many of them considered poor by material standards. The total collection in pledges was 1,240,150 Euros/1,470,290 USD!!! Never before has such a fundraising fervor taken place in the European countries. This overwhelming enthusiasm and support was an indication that Lord Nityananda is in everyone’s heart as Supersoul and is inspiring devotees to serve Lord Gauranga by helping to build His temple, the adbhuta mandir from which His service and Krishna prema will spread to all corners of the universe.
To read the entire article click here:
Nepali Actresses Jharana Thapa, Suvekshya Thapa and family visit…
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Nepali Actresses Jharana Thapa, Suvekshya Thapa and family visit the local Iskcon temple (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada:...
Srila Prabhupada Memories by Sauri Das (video)
→ Dandavats

Srila Prabhupada Memories by Sauri Das (video)
Nectarine interview of devotees who have had a personal association with His Di...
“Servant Leaders Applied Training and Education…
→ Dandavats

“Servant Leaders Applied Training and Education (SLATE)”
For the first time, by the presence of all prominent ISKCON Leaders of Bangladesh, “Servant Leaders Applied Training and Education (SLATE)” camp are successfully completed this week. The whole camp was conducted by H.G. Radheshyam Das, Youth revolutioner, and president of ISKCON Pune, India. All the youth leaders of Bangladesh, especially general secretory of ISKCON Bangladesh, H.G.Charuchandra Das Brahmacari, joint secretory of ISKCON Bangladesh, H.G.Jagatguru Gouranga Das Brahmacari, ISKCON Chittagong Divitional secretory, H.G.Chinmoy Krishna Das Brahmacari, President ISKCON Cox-bazar H.G.Radha govinda Das Brahmacari, President ISKCON Nandankanon Radha Madav Temple, H.G.Pandit Gadadhar Das Brahmacari, Councellor (IYF) ISKCON Dhaka H.G.Mitragopa Das Brahmacari, Sylhet IYF Director H.G.Deborshi Sribas Das, Noakali IYF Director H.G.Hariprem Das Brahmacari, H.G.Tribanga Shyam Das Brahmacari, H.G.Mukunda Bhakti Das Brahmacari and many more various place of Bangladesh (in total 75) attended the camp at Sri Sri Pundarik Dham, the birth place of Sri Pundarik Vidyanidhi. It was a six-day camp with discourses, group presentation, Drama etc. Out of 64 topics of SLATE, Six topics covered this year as follows-Learning to see good in others and overcoming fault-finding tendency, IS competition in devotee circle good or bad, Overcoming insecurity and developing Confidence in Krishna, Balancing the extremes in guiding, Rising above the mental concoction of friend and enemy, and art of revealing mind with confidence.
In the holy land of Bangladesh, by the Instruction of HH. Jayapataka Swami, and by the inspiration of HH. Bhakti Purushottam Swami, youth preaching is going on very vigorously for 14 years. Bangladesh youth preachers, especially ISKCON Nandankanon, are following the exact model & structure provided by H.G.Radheshyam Das Brahmacari. So all the youth preachers considered this camp a great boon and success. All prominent youth Leaders now have become rejuvenated by the rare association of H.G.Radheshyam Prabhu. ISKCON Chittagong devotional committee expresses its gratitude to H.G. Radheshyam Prabhu for visiting Chittagong, Bangladesh. All leaders and devotees of all temples had requested him to come at least once in a year in Bangladesh and inspire and guide them in devotional service to Lord Krishna.
Mukunda Bhakti Das Brahmacari