Now online: “Gita changes” for Chapter Ten
→ Jayadvaita Swami

BBT Press release

The “annotated scans” for Chapter Ten of Bhagavad-gita As It Is are now online at

The scans for this chapter are the latest in a series that shows all the revisions done for the transliterations, word meanings, and purports of the second edition. Nearly every revision also has a note explaining why it was done, along with an image from the BBT’s oldest manuscripts, allowing you to verify the history for yourself.

Jayadvaita Swami did his revisions for the second edition on a physical copy of the first edition. The scans show that copy. (Revisions to the translations aren’t shown, because he edited them separately, not in the book itself.) Each chapter forms one downloadable pdf file.

The revisions to this chapter were extensive, so the scans for this chapter give you much to see.

  • You’ll see twelve Sanskrit quotations and several lost passages in English now recovered.
  • You’ll see various mishearings corrected. For example, in the purport to text 27 the demigods and the demons no longer take a “sea journey” in which nectar and poison are produced. In the manuscript the “sea journey” was a “journey of the sea,” which of course should have been “churning of the sea.” And in the purport to text 29 you’ll see that Aryama no longer mistakenly presides over a “planet of trees.”
  • You’ll see several places where the original editor misunderstood what the manuscript intended and the 1983 edition has recovered the correct sense.
  • In texts 28 and 29, you’ll see – from the original manuscript – why Krsna says He is Vasuki among serpents but Ananta among snakes.
  • You’ll see restored to the purport of text 36 a biting comment about an “unfortunate commentator who wants to cheat Kṛṣṇa and the public by saying that there is something greater than Kṛṣṇa.”

Apart from images for specific changes, the scans for this chapter include six complete sample pages from the original manuscripts.

Whether you’re for “the changes,” against them, or neutral, here’s another opportunity to see what the changes actually are.

For devotees who have been critical of the second edition but are thoughtful and open-minded, the scans for this chapter provide ample food for thought.

See for yourself in the annotated scans for Chapter Ten, now online at

The changes for the Preface, the Introduction, and the previous chapters are already online. See them all at

The post Now online: “Gita changes” for Chapter Ten appeared first on Jayadvaita Swami.

What’s Wrong with Using a Crutch?
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Navina Shyama Dasa

Sometimes the car becomes blocked. But some fellow pushes it. We have got this experience. What is that called? Chocked up? Then you get down and push the car and – brut-brut-brut-brut-brut – it goes. Similarly the bhakti-rasa [feeling of devotion] is there in everyone's heart. Nitya-siddha krishna-bhakti. Because we are part and parcel of Krishna. . . . So the fact is that we have got devotion for Krishna. That is a fact. But some way or other we are separated and we have forgotten. So as soon as, by this regulative principle, by the order of the spiritual master, by the injunction of the shastras, we begin devotional service Continue reading "What’s Wrong with Using a Crutch?
→ Dandavats"

The Leader of the Devotees of Lord Caitanya
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Iskcon Mayapur

Śrīla Prabhupāda describes in his purport to Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 4.11.1: “Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu has also given us a nice weapon for this age, as stated in the Bhāgavatam: sāṅgopāṅgāstra—in this age, the nārāyaṇāstra, or weapon to drive away māyā, is the chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra in pursuance of the associates of Lord Caitanya, such as Advaita Prabhu, Nityānanda, Gadādhara and Śrīvāsa.” This weapon of the holy name was utilized perfectly by Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura. He took complete shelter of the holy names of the Lord. It is described by Śrīla Vṛndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura that Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura and his brothers were constantly absorbed in singing the names of Lord Kṛṣṇa. It was in the home of Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura that Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu performed His most intimate saṅkīrtana pastimes. Those nocturnal kīrtanas are compared to the rāsa-līlās of Lord Kṛṣṇa, for they are the topmost and most ecstatic of the Lord’s pastimes. Continue reading "The Leader of the Devotees of Lord Caitanya
→ Dandavats"

Devotees like the Lord
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 17 August 2017, Radhadesh, Belgium, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.4.5-6)

We read about Vasudeva Datta who was such a great devotee. He wanted to deliver the entire universe by taking on the sinful reactions of everyone in the universe – he was ready to do that. Lord Caitanya was so impressed by Vasudeva Datta that he had said, “He has purchased me. He can sell me in the marketplace,” and then he said, “Whoever touches the body of Vasudeva Datta will go back to Godhead. Not only that, even the wind that has touched the body of Vasudeva Datta, if that wind now touches our body we will be purified.”

In this way, we see how a devotee carries the qualities of Krsna. It is said that the devotee gradually develops the qualities of Krsna by being focused on service to Krsna. The devotee becomes purified and whatever is important to Krsna becomes important to him; we see this in Vasudeva Datta.

We see it also in Srila Prabhupada. We see the places that he touched became transformed. Prabhupada transformed places and transformed the world. He transformed the tree in Tompkins Square. What a place Matchless Gifts is – the walls are vibrating. What can we say? It is just surcharged with this transcendental energy; completely spiritualised by Prabhupada. A very intense presence of all the Krsna consciousness that was within Srila Prabhupada is within that one little storefront. That was where it was all happening and one can still experience that it is not an ordinary place. It does not take much to appreciate that. So yes, Krsna transforms his devotees.

Canberra Bhakti Vrksa
→ Ramai Swami

The Canberra Bhakti Vrksa program has been going on for over 10 years. I was a guest at the last one and quite a number of devotees and friends attended.

What is a “Bhakti Vrksa program?”.

It is when a small group of congregational devotees meet every week to practice Krishna consciousness and to plan preaching activities. In these Bhakti-vriksha groups the devotees learn how to nourish their spiritual creeper and to cultivate their service attitude in cooperation with others.

Every group member is also active in preaching and in bringing new people into the group. Upon reaching fifteen members the group divides into two. This system keeps the groups small, maintaining an intimate atmosphere of personal care and nurturing, not possible in large groups.

Monday, March 5th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Walking Indicators

I was thrilled to receive a message from my friend, Dr. Rakesh Bhandari, who joined me walking across Canada in 1996.  He caught up with me in Eastern Ontario by way of private plane.  He came back with this response after a recent discussion with him about my taking to the Bruce Trail this year. “Haribol Maharaj.  You are [now] a member of the Bruce Trail Association.  The trail guide will be shipped to the temple.  The app can be downloaded free.  Thank you.”

“Wow! An official member of a walking trail. It feels good,” I thought.  On this fuel of joy, I was moving lightly along Bloor Street, with companion Jay.  We encountered all kinds of reminders of walking as a virtue.

At Hot Docs Theatre, a promotion was posted showing a silhouette of Vietnamese peace activist and monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, for a documentary, “Walk With Me.”  As we walked farther on, a younger zestful fellow came up from behind us.

“The Walking Monk,” he said.  We turned around.  Sure, I recalled him—a lawyer, as far as I remember. “What are you doing these days?”

“Walking!” I told him.  (laughter)

“I love it.”

Kitty-corner from the Bata Shoe Museum, we met a street musician.  I could swear I met him on Danforth in the past.  He was just ready to strum his guitar and sing.

“Still walking?” he asked.

“I just finished the States last year.”

He offered his congratulations.  I was in bliss.

May the Source be with you!

6 km

Sunday, March 4th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Cleveland, Ohio

You Can Smell

“You can smell the sweetness of the earth,” said Michael, as he, Kaustubha and I tread alongside Rocky River in the Ohio State Metro Parks.  With the great thaw the water came gushing down.  Snow was vanishing.  Birds were appearing—cardinals, blue jays, red-winged black birds, just about every bird who reveals spring.  White sycamores, maples and wild cherry trees gave us company.  And the sun made all that would be blurry—clear.

There were people as well—dog sitters, joggers, just about everyone had come out of hibernation.

People had also become the topic of our discussion.  It was not gossip-oriented in the least.  Michael and Kaustubha are observant of the sufferings of humanity.  Both of them are quite expert in reaching out to those needing attention.  For instance, Kaustubha is quite active in keeping up networking with friends, old and new, who need to hear from his amiable side.  And just last evening, Michael organized a fund-raiser for a woman at work.  He and his group of Young Lions raised $20,000 for Kelly who’s going through the nightmare of breast cancer.  You can imagine the emotions that flared up at the event.  Michael, himself, was in tears, overwhelmed by the sense of humanity lurking beneath it all.

Weekly, on Sunday, Krishna programs are held at the home of Krishnanandini who herself is recovering from surgery for cancer.  She could not come downstairs while we were conducting the chant / talk / eat program.

We pray for her.

May the Source be with you!

4 km

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Cleveland, Ohio

Did Something

I did something today that was rather abnormal.  I stayed in one place.  I didn’t even step into a car.  I did, however, take to the dry road and go clockwise on the crescent here in Olmsted Township.  Sidewalks weren’t fully cleared from results of the flurries.

With me was Kaustubha, a lad (devotee) whom I love to receive letters from.  He’s got this punk rock edge to his writing style.  Light humour is what comes out.  It’s entertaining.  No letter writing today, just some talking and walking in a snow-covered neighbourhood.

We did sit down at our host, Paurnamasi’s, home and along with Jake, read and reflected on “Memories” of a guru, Srila Prabhupada.  Those reflections are just the best.  The wisdom and gestures of the master are worthy of perpetual embrace.

Maureen came by with three-year-old Gerard.  Maureen’s partner, Arjuna, is in prison.  He has four more years and he’s doing great.  I managed to chat with him on the phone.  He’s seriously loved by the inmates.  I gave Arjuna initiation some years back.  His chaplain, Akilananda, gave recommendation,  saying he was worthy.  I wish him well.

Paurnamasi’s hubby, Michael, was also around in the morning.  I was trying to assist the two of them in pronunciation of our cherished Bengali and Sanskrit songs.  That was a major reason for cutting the recent CD, “Chants To Dance To” by The Walking Monk.

May the Source be with you!

5 km

How can we understand that we are servants of Krishna – Hindi?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast


Transcriber: Manju Agrawal Mataji

प्रश्न: इस भौतिक जगत में रहते हुए हम कैसे अनुभव करें कि हम भगवान के सेवक हैं और भगवान हमारे नियंत्रक?

उत्तर: हम अपने जीवन में अकसर अनुभव करते हैं कि हमारा जीवन केवल हमारे नियंत्रण में नहीं है। हमसे परे भी ऐसी कोई शक्ति अवश्य है जो हमारा जीवन नियंत्रित करती है। यह हम कुछ उदाहरणों के माध्यम से समझ सकते हैं।
एक टैनिस खिलाड़ी अपने एक कान में एक रिंग पहनता था और उसे पहनने के पश्चात वह अच्छा खेलता था। इससे वह यह समझने लगा कि वह रिंग ही उसके सौभाग्य का कारण है। इस बात से उस खिलाड़ी की मानसिकता का पता लगता है। कहीं न कहीं अपने मन में वह यह समझता था कि उसके नियंत्रण के परे भी ऐसा कुछ है जो उसके कार्यों के फलों का नियंत्रण करता है। उसका स्वयं का प्रदर्शन, उसका परिश्रम इत्यादि मायने रखता है, लेकिन वही सबकुछ नहीं है।

कई बार हम देखते हैं कि कोई क्रिकेट खिलाड़ी बहुत अच्छी बल्लेबाजी करता है पर कभी-कभी वह “आउट-ऑफ-फॉर्म” हो जाता है। उसमें क्षमता होते हुए भी वह अपनी क्षमता पर नियंत्रण नहीं रख पाता। ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि उसकी क्षमता उसके अकेले की नहीं होती है अपितु भगवान की कृपा से मिलती है। वह क्षमता भी सदैव हमारे साथ नहीं रहती। कभी रहती है, कभी चली जाती है। हमारी उपलब्धियाँ हमारे अकेले की नहीं किन्तु भगवान से भेंट स्वरूप मिलती हैं।

कभी-कभी उचित प्रयास और मेहनत के पश्चात भी हमें यश और सफलता नहीं मिलती। तब हम अपने भाग्य को दोष देने लगते हैं। भाग्य कभी हमारे अनुकूल होता है तो कभी प्रतिकूल। कई बार पर्याप्त मेहनत के बिना भी सफलता मिल जाती है। इससे हम समझ सकते हैं कि हमारा कर्म हमारे नियंत्रण में है किन्तु फल नहीं।

हमारी चेतना दो प्रकार की होती है- भौतिक और आधात्मिक। भौतिक चेतना में हम सोचते हैं कि जो हमारे नियंत्रण में नहीं है, वह हमारी असफलता और दुर्बलता का लक्षण है। यदि हम अपना नियंत्रण बढ़ाऐंगे, तो सफलता प्राप्त कर लेंगे। इसके विपरीत, आध्यात्मिक चेतना में हम सोचते हैं कि जो हमारे नियंत्रण में है और जो नहीं है, वे दोनों ही भगवान के नियंत्रण में हैं। जो हमारे नियंत्रण में है भी, उसे नियंत्रित करने की क्षमता भी हममें भगवान से ही प्राप्त होती है। भगवान की हमारे लिए कोई योजना है जिसका हमें अभी ज्ञान नहीं पर उचित समय पर प्रकट हो जाएगा।

वास्तव में हम सब परम नियंता भगवान के अधीन हैं। यदि हम भगवान की अधीनता स्वीकार नहीं करते तो धीरे-धीरे हम विपरीत बुद्धि के अधीन हो जाते हैं। ऐसा मनुष्य धीरे-धीरे अपने मन और इन्द्रियों का दास बन जाता है। गीता 15.7 में भगवान बोलते हैं कि हम सब उनके अंश हैं अर्थात उनके सेवक हैं। यदि हम भगवान की सेवा नहीं करते हैं तो हम अपने मन और इन्द्रियों की सेवा करने लगते हैं अर्थात इन्द्रियों के दास बन जाते हैं।

यदि हम स्वयं के जीवन के विषय में विचार करें तो पायेंगे कि हम सदैव एक सेवक ही तो हैं। हम राष्ट्र के सेवक हो सकते हैं, परिवार के सेवक हो सकते हैं, अपनी इन्द्रियों के सेवक हो सकते हैं, अपनी आदतों के सेवक हो सकते हैं। हम यह भूल जाते हैं कि – राष्ट्र, परिवार, इन्द्रियाँ इत्यादि – ये सब जिस परमेश्वर के नियंत्रण में है, वास्तव में हम उस ईश्वर के सेवक हैं। यदि हम यह स्वीकार कर लें कि हम वास्तव में भगवान के सेवक हैं, तो उपरोक्त सभी सेवाओं से मुक्त हो सकते हैं।
इस प्रकार आत्म निरीक्षण कर हम समझ सकते हैं कि हम वास्तव में भगवान के ही सेवक हैं।

End of transcription.

Snowing and Freezing in London, latest movie
→ simple thoughts


Dear Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Here is the latest snowy movie from The City of London’s new initiative.

There was a great Beast from the East,
With blizzards which never ceased.
But Krishna’s Castle was strong,
And all day long
They served out a great big feast.

Your servant
Parasuram das

Who is awarded the title Mahā-Bhāgavata
→ Servant of the Servant

alabdhe vā vinaṣṭe vā
aviklava-matir bhūtvā
harim eva dhiyā smaret

Even if a devotee is frustrated in his attempt to eat properly or clothe himself properly, he should not allow this material failure to disturb his mind; rather, he should use his intelligence to remember his master, Lord Kṛṣṇa, and thus remain undisturbed. - Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (1.2.114). As one becomes mature in this process of remembering Kṛṣṇa in all circumstances, he is awarded the title Mahā-Bhāgavata. - SB 11.2.49 Purport

Certainly not easy in this day and age!

Hare Krishna

Krishna conscious presentation at Primary Academy in Croydon
→ Dandavats

Hare Krishna Nabhinandan Das: Today we were invited to a Primary Academy in Croydon to make assembly presentations to 300 Year 4 and Year 5 students on Holi and Gaura Purnima. The pastime of Lord Nrsimhadeva and Lord Chaitanya was described to the children and they enthusiastically chanted the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. We demonstrated the throwing of colours on the teacher, which the children really enjoyed! After the assemblies, a workshop was done with Year 4 children regarding how in Sanatana Dharma, worship is done to the Lord. We showed the children how arati is performed and how everything we do can be an act of devotion, even cooking and eating. We explained the principles of vegetarianism and 30 Higher Tastes were distributed to the children, which were enthusiastically received.

“Humility is Power” by Mahatma prabhu (3 min…
→ Dandavats

“Humility is Power” by Mahatma prabhu (3 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: “Oh Govinda! Feeling Your separation, I am considering a moment to be like twelve years or more. Tears are flowing from My eyes like torrents of rain, and I am feeling all vacant in the world in your absence.” This is the perfectional stage of chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. (Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 8.51 Purport)

Deena Bandhu Das: My dear Godbrother, Premarnava Prabhu, left…
→ Dandavats

Deena Bandhu Das: My dear Godbrother, Premarnava Prabhu, left this world yesterday in Alachua after struggling with bad health. While he struggled continuously, he never stopped trying to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books whenever he could. He led the most ecstatic kirtans that got everyone dancing as you can see in this picture from New Vrindavan! I first met him in 1969 when I was a bhakta in Boulder Temple and he used to come for Sunday Feast.
Please join us in prayers!

→ Dandavats

FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE by practicing SOULFULNESS!! (2 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: “If one only chants, with some slight faith, the holy names of Lord Caitanya and Nityananda, then very quickly he is cleansed of all offenses. Thus as soon as he chants the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, he feels the ecstasy of love for God.” (Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 8.31)


Gaura Purnima Festival 2018, San Diego (Album of photos) Srila…
→ Dandavats

Gaura Purnima Festival 2018, San Diego (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “As a result of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, one makes such great advancement in spiritual life that simultaneously his material existence terminates and he receives love of Godhead. The holy name of Krishna is so powerful that by chanting even one name, one very easily achieves these transcendental riches.” (Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 8.28)
Find them here:

Krishna Holi 2018: Happy New Zealand police and Fire Brigade…
→ Dandavats

Krishna Holi 2018: Happy New Zealand police and Fire Brigade (Album with photos)
Auckland NZ. The New Zealand police and the fire Brigade are a big part of our Holi celebrations. They say it’s a great venue and way with the spiritual atmosphere of the Hare Krsna temple to help build and bring together the greater Community. Showing how people from all walks of life all ages all religions can come together under the banner of this Krishna Holi festival and be happy.
Both and Police and Fire Brigade do the service for free.
Find them here:

Prayerful Chanting (audio)
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Giri Govardhana dasa

There are many extraordinary benefits that come from chanting the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra, but in order for us to receive those benefits we need to endeavor to chant in the right way. If we approach our chanting not simply as a form of meditation, but rather as an encounter between the soul and the Divine, we will be able to bring a mood of heartfelt prayer to our chanting which can help us tremendously. Continue reading "Prayerful Chanting (audio)
→ Dandavats"

Avoid distractions using intelligence directed towards transcendence
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class at ISKCON, Alachua, USA]



Podcast Summary



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When people don’t offer us moral support but dishearten us by bombarding philosophy, what to do – Hindi?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post When people don’t offer us moral support but dishearten us by bombarding philosophy, what to do – Hindi? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

If our aesthetic side is not nourished by regimented bhakti practices, what to do?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post If our aesthetic side is not nourished by regimented bhakti practices, what to do? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

What can we do practically to make our devotional identity our defining identity?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post What can we do practically to make our devotional identity our defining identity? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

To transcend our emotions, we need to begin by accepting our emotions
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Sunday feast class at ISKCON, Alachua, Florida, USA]




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NYC’s Harinama Ashrama Reaches New People With Old School Formula
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Madhava Smullen

We in ISKCON may feel that times have changed; that we must use very different methods to deliver our message to people. But in New York City’s Harinama Ashrama, a group of devotees is using the most “old school” approach – simple Harinama and book distribution for hours every day – to impressive effect. And nowhere was this more evident than during the Prabhupada marathon this past Christmas. Rama Raya Das, formerly of the 24-Hour Kirtan Mandali in Vrindavana, India, started Harinama Ashrama on the instruction of his late friend and guide, Aindra Das. Aindra had said, “If you just sit on the streets of New York and do sankirtana, you’ll see where your realization will be.” Continue reading "NYC’s Harinama Ashrama Reaches New People With Old School Formula
→ Dandavats"

The movement of nectar bhaktas
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 23 March 2016, New Jagannath Puri, Durban, South Africa, Gaura Purnima Evening Lecture)

Before the Ratha Yatra performed, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu engaged in the pastime of the cleansing of the Gundica temple. It is said that all the devotees were engaged by Caitanya Mahaprabhu in sweeping the dirt. Mahaprabhu himself would sweep up the most dirt and at the same time, he would check on everyone else. If they did not do enough, he would tell them, “Is that all?” In this way, he pushed everyone to sweep up more dirt but he swept up more than everybody else together. After sweeping twice, they started to throw water around the temple. Everyone brought pots of water and the devotees were running up and down from Indrayumna Sarova which was next to that temple. They were only saying, “Krsna! Krsna! Krsna!” and they understood each other. Instead of saying, “Bring a pot!” they said, “Krsna! Krsna!” And someone says, “Krsna!”, which means, “Yes, the pot is coming,” or something like that. Everyone understood each other and the name of Krsna was echoing everywhere.

The water was being thrown around the temple and it was an ocean of water and it was total ecstasy. One devotee from Bengal, he took a pot of water and instead of washing the temple, he threw it on the feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and drank the water. Well, Lord Caitanya was seeing that he was a devotee from Bengal called Svarupa Damodara and said, “This Bengali devotee of yours, look what he has done!” Svarupa Damodara punished him and said, “Out! Out! Rascal.” Meanwhile, he was ecstatically dancing away because he drank the water of the lotus feet of the Lord.

So this is very interesting because in this particular pastime of the Caitanya Caritamrta, the exchange with Caitanya Mahaprabhu shows us that we should not just passively wait for the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to flood the whole world. Patiently waiting, “The flood did not come to my home yet but I guess it is gonna reach one of these days.” No, we should think of ways to go after it and to get extra mercy and that, that is the movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Yata yata piye, trishnā bādhe anukshana (Caitanya Caritamrta Adi 7.20.20-21). As the devotees plundered the storehouse of love of God, their thirst was increasing and as their thirst was increasing, the devotees became more and more alert and were looking more and more. “Where is this mercy to be found?” They became nectar bhaktas, always looking everywhere for some mercy and that is actually the movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

What profit in all our labors?
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Hare KrishnaBy Jayadvaita Swami

In the Bhagavad-gita Krishna says, “Enjoyments born of stimulation for the senses are themselves the very sources of misery. They have a beginning and an end, and one who is wise does not delight in them.” Yet it is those enjoyments, those “gifts of God,” that religious believers are often keen to receive. By prayers, by rituals, by following commandments, by “being good,” they hope that God will grant them the gifts of good fortune, of peace and prosperity, of a bountiful life in which they can eat and drink and take pleasure in all the results of their work. Continue reading "What profit in all our labors?
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Naam Ruchi – “Cultivating taste for the Holy Name” Author:…
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Naam Ruchi - “Cultivating taste for the Holy Name”
Author: Keli-Sundari Dasi
Photographs by: Arjun Bhattacharyya
“Spirituality does not come from religion. It comes from our soul.” – Anthony Douglas Willams
Our soul is the emotional or intellectual energy or intensity; it is often revealed in something we are passionate about. For the younger generation of ISKCON, our soul is called The Holy Name of Krishna.
The festival took place from the 15th to the 18th of December 2017, at the New Jagannath Puri Temple, Phoenix, South Africa. Leading kirtaneers of ISKCON graciously accepted our invitation to participate. The likes of His Holiness Bhakti Bringa Govinda Swami, His Grace Deena Bandhu Prabhu, His Holiness Bhakti Anugraha Janardana Swami, His Grace Akincana Krishna Das and His Grace Ojasvi Das. As devotees we understand the pull Maya has over the material world, in order for us to attain prema-bhakti we have to indulge the mind in the Holy names of Krishna. The mindset of Naam Ruchi was to allow devotees to be absorbed in the Holy Name of the Lord in the association of such great kirtaneer’s.

The layout of the programed was designed that each minute of the day, the mind was absorbed in the transcendental names of the Lord and his pastimes. The day began with Mangal Arati, and continued with morning class, followed by an exquisite breakfast, Sri Harinam Cintanmi by Srila Bhaktivionda Thakur, was discussed before devotee partook of sumptuous Prasad, each day offered a different cuisine, driven by kirtan by both national and international devotees,a trip to Sri Vrndavan Dham with His Grace Deena Bandhu Prabhu of narrations of the Lord’s pastimes, Guru puja Krishna Balaram style by His Holiness Bhakti Anugraha Janardana, and Gaura Arati from Goloka Vrndavan as His Holiness Bhakti Bringa Govinda Swami, His Grace Akincana Krishna Prabhu, and His Grace Ojasvi Prabhu lead us through kirtans that held no concept of time and final kirtans that made the hair on your body stand as you were transported to a realm beyond the imagination of the mind. the sounds of tumultuous kirtan resounded as you entered the temple room, hundreds of voices in never breaking kirtan. It was finally here. Naam Ruchi 2017!

A year of planning by the Prabhupada Sena Youth Group, the vision to cultivate attachment and taste for the Holy Name. The plan: bring together young and old alike in a festival of glorious kirtan. Despite these young individuals having to focus on their jobs, studies, and other responsibilities, they executed the vision and plan set.

With great memories, new friends, new ideas, new menus and bigger festival we welcome Naam Ruchi Festival for 2018, the dates for 2018 are 14th- 17th December.

We look forward to serving everyone.
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Does Asana Equal Yoga?
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Hare KrishnaBy Satyaraja Dasa

If you ask the average yoga practitioner in the West what yoga is all about, you'll probably hear answers like, "It makes me feel good," "It's stimulating," "It's relaxing," "It's quite a workout," or "It keeps me in shape." Nearly every response refers to the physical aspect of yoga practice. One would think yoga merely another exercise regimen, or at best a way to keep body, mind, and soul in some sort of integrated harmony. The fact is, this body-centered focus is something new. Traditionally, yoga is a spiritual discipline. Even the ancient authority Patanjali deemphasized the asana (postures) and pranayama (breath control) parts of the practice, so popular for today's yogis. Continue reading "Does Asana Equal Yoga?
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Boat Pastime at Manasi Ganga. Dhirasanta Das Goswami: During…
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Boat Pastime at Manasi Ganga.
Dhirasanta Das Goswami: During the time of Krishna, Manasi Ganga was very big in size. Once Srimati Radharani and Her friends came to the bank of Manasi Ganga to cross by boat. They were carrying pots of yogurt and other milk preparations to sell in Mathura. The boatman agreed to take them across the water and they settled on a price of some sweets and butter.
The boatman rowed the boat for some time and then stopped. Srimati Radharani and the gopis asked him why he had stopped. He told them that he was tired and hungry and could not go any further if they did not feed him, and so the gopis offered the boatman their milk products. He ate everything then told them that he would take a nap and they should massage his arms and legs. The gopis told him that if he did not keep rowing the boat they would throw him overboard, and so the boatman continued rowing.
After some time, however, he again stopped the boat, and the gopis again asked him why. He told them, “My boat is old and the water is coming in due to the weight it is carrying. You will have to throw some things overboard, otherwise, we will sink!” So the gopis threw their yogurt pots overboard. But still there was too much weight, and the boatman said, “It is not enough. The water is still entering. You will have to surrender more to the waters of Manasi Ganga.” So the gopis threw their heavy jewelry overboard.
Then a storm came. The wind began to blow and the waves upset the boat. At the same time, the boatman also started rocking the boat. Radharani became frightened and put Her arms around the boatman. At that time She realized that the boatman was Krishna. Radharani then pulled Krishna’s flute from under His clothing and then all the gopis could understand that the boatman was Krishna Himself.