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The post How can we use fear in Krishna’s service? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
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The post Can affirmations helps us to manifest our destiny? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
[Seminar at Microsoft, Seattle, USA]
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Safari devotees at Sylhet, Bangladesh, the birthplace of Jagannath Mishra (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Because people are suffering for want of this knowledge, therefore our Krsna consciousness movement is the only movement – I can declare very proudly -which can actually do some benefit to the human society. It is the only movement. All other, bogus movements, I declare. Let them come and study the sastras and decide for themselves. They’re all cheating. Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.5.30 – Vrndavana, August 11, 1974
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ISKCON has to be a very friendly movement.
Kadamba Kanana Swami: A very accommodating movement that is ready to give everyone a chance; ready to not find fault in others. To not find fault in others is hard. We may catch someone lying and say, “He is a liar! Shame! This person needs to be rejected!” Well, have we ever lied? Never, ever? That is a lie! So yes, even if we catch someone lying, it does not mean that that person has some weakness. It does not mean that we can say, “This person is a write-off! I do not want to deal with such people!” Because then, we cannot deal with ourselves either. We are all fallen. We are all simply here by the mercy of great devotees and by the mercy of Lord Krsna.
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Community members are providing accommodations for devotees and supplying grass for the oxen, contrary to my expectations. I thought that getting accommodations and grass would have been difficult in the cities but by Caitanya MahaPrabhu mercy we are getting these easily. The difference between villages and cities is that in cities we have to purchase grass. We get plenty of vegetables in vegetables markets, but only after 8.30 pm, when people go home with what was not sold. Srinivas Sevananda brahmacari feeds the oxen with different vegetables, wet grass, dry grass and paddy; as a result they are very healthy and strong. Some devotees Dilsukhnagar congregation participated with us in the Telephone Colony nagar sankirtana. Continue reading "Telangana Padayatra Still Going Strong
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In response to several requests, we are happy to announce the launching of a 24-hour radio “Chaitanya Charan” that will make it easy for you to hear the audios of Chaitanya Charan.
You can hear the radio on tune-in at:
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Temple Opening Ceremony at Khulna, Bangladesh. March 07, 2018 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Convey my ardent affection and blessings for all the boys and girls. I am very much hopeful of my movement. Please keep steady, follow all my instructions scrupulously, chant Hare Krishna and Krishna will give you all strength. (From Srila Prabhupada’s letter to Brahmananda - 24 July 1967)
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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 18 October 2017, Melbourne, Australia, Srimad Bhagavatam 4.3.17)
ISKCON has to be a very friendly movement. A very accommodating movement that is ready to give everyone a chance; ready to not find fault in others. To not find fault in others is hard. We may catch someone lying and say, “He is a liar! Shame! This person needs to be rejected!” Well, have we ever lied? Never, ever? That is a lie! So yes, even if we catch someone lying, it does not mean that that person has some weakness. It does not mean that we can say, “This person is a write-off! I do not want to deal with such people!” Because then, we cannot deal with ourselves either. We are all fallen. We are all simply here by the mercy of great devotees and by the mercy of Lord Krsna.
But then, “How do you correct someone?”
Chanakya Pandit has mentioned that you cannot correct anyone unless you are in a senior position to that person. And even when you are in a senior position to that person, you cannot correct them unless you have a heartfelt friendship with them. If you are not senior and do not have a heartfelt relationship, then you do not correct them. Instead, you go to someone who has that relationship and say, “Well, these things are going on. I do not know what to do, but if you think something should be done… I just want you to know.” That is all!
It is not that we go around, “That is not really right, Prabhuji. That is not our standard… That is very offensive!” Through this, we just create a movement that nobody wants to be a part of it for a long time. If it is fine to tell everyone off then we cannot live in such a movement for a long time.
We need a movement which is based on deep friendship and deep appreciation. We do not need a boarding school. If we create a movement which is like a boarding school where everyone is looking at everyone else like, “Prabhuji, are you doing this correctly? That should go over there!” Then, in one’s mind, one may start to think, “I want to break loose. I want to run free. I want to go.”
We become split personalities in such an environment. We have a façade and the façade is all external rules, regulations and standards. And behind the closed curtains, the real self comes out. No, we do not want that. We want a very mature movement. A movement with deep friendships amongst everyone. And then, we help each other and we realise, “Today I help you and tomorrow you help me.”
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In general, people like gold. It represents wealth and success. A golden age refers to an era of goodness and plenty, acknowledged in Greek, Roman, and Indian cultures. If you have everything, you were born with a golden spoon in your mouth. The Golden Rule is the epitome of cosmic justice or fairness: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. As the saying goes, "As good as gold." In Krishna consciousness we have the Golden Avatar, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the best of divine incarnations. He is Radha and Krishna combined, and it doesn't get any better than that. To be more specific, He is of golden hue because, though Krishna, He has taken on Sri Radha's mood and complexion (radha-bhava-dyuti suvalitam). Thus, He is female and male, a particularly profound manifestation of the supreme. His golden complexion is emblematic of His intense beauty. Continue reading "Krishna Consciousness: The Golden Opportunity
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Lokanath Swami: New Jewar Airport.
Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
The ...
On 15th March, Gaur Gopal das addressed 500 most influential personalities from 35 different countries at the 12th Annual Mountain Partners Network Event Unternehmertag at Lake Tegernsee, Germany. He spoke on “Impactful, purpose-driven success.”
As global Company Builder headquartered in Zurich (Switzerland), Mountain Partners manages more than 90 investments in the e-commerce and web services, digital payments and fintech, and technology and security sectors.
Thanks to Dr Cornelius Boersch, Founder & Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors at Mountain Partners Group
(Album of photos) Find them here:
Jaya Sri Radhe! (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Yesterday we strolled around Varsana, meeting the people who live in that sacred place and taking darshan of the deities they worship. Varsana is Srimati Radharani’s eternal home, so everywhere we went people greeted us with, “Jaya Sri Radhe!”.
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Over the next weeks and months, Sruti Dharma will undergo both radiotherapy and chemotherapy supported by a host of holistic treatments. He has a superb team of health care professionals who are evaluating further treatments available outside of the UK. During this time of treatment he requires to rest and recuperate. He is at home with family and still very much keeping up with temple matters and the construction plans for the Shree Krishna Haveli community facility. The family is grateful for the unprecedented support from the community, and they remain optimistic. We ask everyone to respect the family’s privacy at this time. Continue reading "Sruti Dharma Das Begins His Fight Against Cancer
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Answer Podcast
The post How can we be authentic while living according to others’ expectations? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Answer Podcast
The post How are some people such as skydivers more fearless than devotees? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
[Program at ISKCON, Portland, USA]
Podcast Summary
The post Understanding how bhakti addresses anxiety appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Harinama by ISKCON Ljubljana devotees, Slovenia, 10 March 2018 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The Supreme Personality of Godhead is so kind to the conditioned souls that if they call upon Him by speaking His holy name, even unintentionally or unwillingly, the Lord is inclined to destroy innumerable sinful reactions in their hearts. Therefore, when a devotee who has taken shelter of the Lord’s lotus feet chants the holy name of Krsna with genuine love, the Supreme Personality of Godhead can never give up the heart of such a devotee. One who has thus captured the Supreme Lord within his heart is to be known as bhagavata-pradhana, the most exalted devotee of the Lord. SB 11.2.55, text
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Japa Seminar by Mahatma Prabhu (video)
Improving the quality of the hearing and chanting of the Holy Name is the interest of al...
Bhaktivedanta High School Construction.
Ramai Swami: Bhaktivedanta Swami Gurukula at New Govardhan is in the process of constr...
A senior member of Mayapur passed away.
Senior resident brahmacari of Mayapur & a disciple of HH Jayapataka Swami, HG Narottam Das Brahmacari passed away on the auspicious Papamochani Ekadasi day (13th March) at Mayapur.
You see, the horrible truth to the matter is that every devotee is a potential maha thief. It is hard to trust anyone, save and except the self-realized souls, to be alone in the same room with maha prasadam. That is why the maha cabinet is necessary. Without it, none of the maha prasadam would ever live to see the sun rise. I believe that the situation is much more acute at New Vrindaban than in other temples around the world. I remember that in the first temple I stayed, there was a refrigerator full of left-over prasadam that was always open to the public. But in New Vrindaban, it is pretty hard to come up with anything in-between meals. Continue reading "Confessions of a Prasadam Addict: Every devotee is a potential maha thief
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