Adiguru asks why there is no mention of the Goloka section of Goloka in sastras
Kirtan March 12th
Reading Bhagavatam 11.12
Why Krsna left?
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Krsna's heart is softer than - fresh butter. Therefore: I personally sustain such devotees, who for My sake give up all worldly duties. When we hear this, we think it does not refer to me, I am keeping something behind my back for myself! But no, Krsna speaks here about sadhana-bhakti. If one calls Krsna’s name ONE TIME, Krsna keeps this person’s name in His heart and His book. Continue reading "Why Krsna left?
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If we neglect all the emotions of the mind, are we being impersonalistic?
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Answer Podcast
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How did you come to Krishna consciousness – Hindi?
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Answer Podcast
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If wanting to do a lot of service spoils our health, how to stay balanced?
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Answer Podcast
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Choosing healthy emotions with intelligence, association and devotion
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[Teenagers meet at ISKCON, Silicon Valley, USA]
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Intelligence over Mind (3)
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Intelligence over Mind 3 – Conversion
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[Seminar at ISKCON, Silicon Valley, USA]
Podcast Summary
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Blissful Harinama in Russia today (Album with photos)
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Blissful Harinama in Russia today (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The holy name, chanting of holy name, if we act it prop...
Maha Gaura-purnima Festival Audio, March 10, Laguna Beach
Giriraj Swami
“If someone has sraddha—faith they can give you faith. That means they can make you a devotee because devotional service begins with faith—adau sraddha [Cc. Madhya 23.14-15]. So, the conclusion is that we should treasure and serve every devotee. Every devotee is special. That is Lord Caitanya’s instruction—always chant the holy name and serve the devotees. So, if we serve the devotees and always chant the holy name our pathway back to Godhead is cleared. Not only can we go back to Godhead but we can take many others with us. That is sort of the basis of the Panca-tattva. To taste Krishna consciousness and give it to others.”—Giriraj Swami
Vaisesika Dasa – Talk and Kirtan (Right click to download)
Giriraj Swami Kirtan (Right click to download)
Giriraj Swami Talk (Right click to download)
Janmanalaya Prabhu, Interview (7 min video)
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Janmanalaya Prabhu, Interview (7 min video)
A devotee artist in Almviks gård, Sweden.
Srila Prabhupada: A musician, because one has got a good attachment for music, he tries to perform it very perfectly. So love is the basis. Similarly, when you serve Krishna, if you have no love for Krishna, you cannot serve Him very nicely. And Krishna also does not accept your service if it is not done in great love and affection. London, September 12, 1973.
Sweeden Shastra Dana report January – February 2018.
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Sweeden Shastra Dana report January - February 2018.
Mukunda Das: We have distributed:
510 Beyond Birth and Death
15 Perfect Questions Perfect Answers
5 A Master’s Management
5 Bhagavad-gita
3 The Unknown India
From August 2009 - February 2018 we have distributed over 20,100 books.
Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation – August 22, 1976, Hyderabad: “To be quickly recognized by Krsna, this is the short-cut process. He never says those who are sitting in a secluded place meditating or chanting, doing nothing. He never says that “They are My very dear devotees.” But those who are preaching – na ca tasman manusyesu kascin me [Bg. 18.69]. Just like government takes more care for the soldiers, especially when there is fighting. They are giving life for the state. So their comfort–first consideration. In the warfield, enough supplies. Anything the soldiers require. Enough supplies.”
Special thanks to the following devotees for supporting the book distribution: HH Smita Krishna Swami, Sri Jayadeva das, Ella & Sune Hellström, Aja das & Pancavati dd, Magnus Hedström, Sten Bergil, Jayesh das, Muktarama das, Mikael Forian, Radha Priya dasi, Mikael Johansson, Robert Åkerman, Cathryn Claesson, Astasiddhi dd, Yogindra das, Bahulashva das, Bh Anders, Bh Filip, Madan Sri
Srimad Bhagavatam Class by H.G. Bhurijana Prabhu at ISKCON…
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Srimad Bhagavatam Class by H.G. Bhurijana Prabhu at ISKCON Vrindavan, 11.03.2018 (video)
Krishna Lounge 3/8/2018 Recording
→ Krishna Lounge
New Feature!
The Krishna Lounge will now be recorded each week and the audio made available online. You can find it hear on the Krishna Lounge website, on SoundCloud under the user “SukhiBhaktaDasa”, and on the Krishna Lounge FaceBook page. Here’s last week’s audio, with kirtans by Sukhi Bhakta and Karuna Mayi, and a talk on courage in spiritual life by Hasya Grami:
The holy dhamas
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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 14 November 2017, Mayapur, India, Nectar of Devotion Seminar)
In the Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 13, we are talking about residing in Mathura dhama or Mathura mandala which refers to the holy dhama of Vrindavan. Mayapur dhama is non-different. “So this attainment of transcendental loving devotional service to the Lord is the goal of life and it can be achieved very easily for one who lives in Mathura mandala even for a few seconds.” EVEN FOR A FEW SECONDS! Just see all the benefit we are getting by being part of this Movement and understand why Srila Prabhupada wanted to develop projects in these holy dhamas where we could stay.
Of course, the Navadvipa Dhama Mahatmya is pointing out that in the age of Kali, Vrindavan will become less and less manifest and Mayapur will become more and more manifest – not that it is any less transcendental; Vrindavan will stay equally transcendental but less manifest to the perception.
So gradually that will happen; materialistic society will enter into the layer that is covering Vrindavan – the layer of yoga-maya, the illusory energy. That layer then becomes polluted and then that layer which covers the dhama is less transparent. The dhama itself, of course, cannot be touched by anything material or by Kali-yuga but the dhama will be less visible. But still, we appreciate it.
It used to be so nice… When I went to the Krsna Balaram mandir, it was so nice. We had neighbours on either side and then on either side of that was open space. Across the road was a big park. After us, basically, Vrindavan would end. Then at the back was Raman Reti – you could see sixty peacocks in Raman Reti. There were even peacocks on the side of the road. The road was small and there would be one car a day going by. There were no scooters, nothing like that. Cycles and tongas, horse carts with wobbly wheels and tiny little horses, that was it.
In Loi Bazar, the shopkeepers would be sleeping. If you wanted to buy something, you had to wake them up. That is how it was. A totally different Vrindavan than what it is now. What can I say? There were no Western things. And there were not all these other people; just people who were coming for a yatra, for a pilgrimage. There were no hotels and guesthouses. There were ashramas. People would stay in ashramas. There was no television so in every house, at night there was kirtan. If you just walk to anywhere in Vrindavan at night, there was kirtan. Forty years ago – a different time. So now, I can see how Vrindavan is becoming more covered; like Yamuna, little bit polluted and so on. What can we say? But Mayapur will become more and more manifest.
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Daily Harinam Sankirtan in Hong Kong, China (Album with…
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Daily Harinam Sankirtan in Hong Kong, China (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: By chanting the Hare Krishna mantra without offenses, one increases his love for Krishna. As stated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, preme pum-artho mahan: one’s main concern should be to increase one’s attachment to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and to increase one’s love for Him. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.3.24 Purport)
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Governor General of Australia Visits ISKCON New Delhi
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"And who are those exuberant people singing and dancing"? His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter John Cosgrove, Principal Knight and Chancellor of the Order of Australia, Military Cross, enquired about the more than 100 temple residents and guests who received him and other dignitaries with enthralling Kirtan amidst tight security while hundreds of visitors waited outside the ISKCON Temple at East of Kailash, New Delhi. His Excellency who visited ISKCON's Sri Sri Radha Parthasarathi Temple at New Delhi on the 12th of March, 2018 is the first ever Governor General of Australia to visit any of the 650 ISKCON Temples which are present across the world. Accompanying him were his good wife Her Excellency Lady Cosgrove, Her Excellency Ms. Harinder kaur Sidhu, the Honorable High Commissioner of Australia to India and a team of nearly 15 Australian High Commission officials and security staff. Continue reading "Governor General of Australia Visits ISKCON New Delhi
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Gaura Nitai asks questions about guru-tattva, such as how does Krsna empower a devotee to initiate
And also about saligrama worship and understanding Jagannatha’s mood.
Harinama in Argentina (Album with photos)
Palermo Soho vibró al…
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Harinama in Argentina (Album with photos)
Palermo Soho vibró al compás del Maha Mantra. Viernes 9 de Marzo.
Srila Prabhupada: In the sastras it is said that if a person only once chants the holy name and completely surrenders unto the lotus feet of the Lord, the Lord immediately considers him His ward and is always inclined to give him protection. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.2.49 Purport)
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Transcendental Sankirtan by the Sankirtan Weekend Warriors in…
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Transcendental Sankirtan by the Sankirtan Weekend Warriors in Sutton, London (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: A grihastha ...
Chakra Installation Photo Gallery
The following Chakra installation ceremony photo gallery is another inspiring chronological look back at the recent historic installation ceremony of the two remaining Chakras onto the TOVP.
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Are the past and the future illusions – is the present the only reality that we should live in?
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Answer Podcast
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We often direct our anger towards those who can’t hurt us – how to avoid getting angry – Hindi
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Answer Podcast
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When happiness is a subjective experience, can there be any absolute happiness?
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Answer Podcast
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Daily Darshan: March 11,2018
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Second chances
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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 18 October 2017, Melbourne, Australia, Srimad Bhagavatam 4.3.17)
When someone is caught stealing red-handed and you talk about it, “That person is not honest because he is a thief. He was caught red-handed.” Well, that may be true but are you just going to label the person a thief forever!
The proof is there; he was caught red-handed. Okay, maybe he was a thief and maybe he has a weakness in that field. But maybe he can be protected; maybe one day he will come around. We see that the great Valmiki became a great devotee. He was a chor, a thief, but then he became a great exalted sage.
This process of devotional service can change anyone; we are ready to engage everyone. But that does not mean that you make the chor in charge of the money, you engage them in some other way.
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Maha Gaura-purnima Festival, March 10, Laguna Beach
Giriraj Swami
Ravanari Das ACBSP left his body
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Srimad Bhagavatam Class by H.H. Radha Raman Swami at ISKCON…
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Srimad Bhagavatam Class by H.H. Radha Raman Swami at ISKCON Vrindavan, 10.03.2018 (video)
What to ask Mahajan Yamaraja for
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Caturatma das: Yamarāja is one of the twelve Mahājanas. These are the personalities that give us our understanding and our standards in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness. We can greatly benefit from that. Now for the non-devotee, for those not interested in their spiritual upliftment, Yamarāja has one purpose, he’s the lord of death. He’s feared by everyone who is not in their devotional position and he is the source of anxiety and stress when an individual who is not a devotee is leaving this world. But for those of us who are taking those instructions that he gives in our Kṛṣṇa Conscious development, he actually becomes our friend.
Ideal Family Life
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Power of the holy names
This ant began dancing 45 minutes before the end of kirtan, and continued even after we had all left.
Kirtan March 10th eve
Sorry the recorder fell off the speaker towards the end.
Reading Bhagavatam 11.11 (Part 2)
Here is our neighbour cuckoo singing two of his tunes
Higher Taste given to children in 3 schools in South London
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Iskcon of Silicon Valley: Gaura Purnima – March 1st 2017 (Album…
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Iskcon of Silicon Valley: Gaura Purnima - March 1st 2017 (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: A grihastha or householder like y...
Preaching program at ISKCON Singapore (Album with photos)
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Preaching program at ISKCON Singapore (Album with photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami: Last night we participated in the main weekly program at ISKCON Singapore. Srila Prabhupada’s movement has been active there for many years, and there are some very senior devotees such as Sudarsana prabhu, Bala Krishna prabhu and others, who have been devotees for more than 30 years. It was a nice program, and I was happy to see the devotees after being away for one year.
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