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A nice edited video with the highlights of today’s installation ceremony in Mayapur (2 min video)
Mohanasini Devi Dasi: Well, the Mardi Gras Marathon has begun…lots of Fortunate People this weekend. Please click on the pics for all the nectar!
Book totals for this weekend: 9 Perfection of Yoga, 10 Chant and be Happy, 86 Higher Taste Cookbooks, 1 Science of Self Realization, 78 Bhagavad Gitas, and 4 Srimad Bhagavatams Total: 188 books.
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Chakra Installation 7/2/18 (Album of photos)
Good morning from Sridham Mayapur on this most auspicious day for the bathing and...
The TOVP with its new cakras (Album of photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami: Today we had the most spectacular program at the Temple...
Drumila Dasa: This is Renes Rivera. He plays ‘Mark’ in a television series called ‘The Gifted’. Super nice, humble fellow. A pleasure to have met him.
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One of the most wonderful days in the history of ISKCON!
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A beautiful ceremony, attended by thousands of vaishnavas from the international community of Iskcon and from more than 1 million viewers through the TV stations which broadcast the's live transmissions, was concluded successfully this morning in Mayapur. The Central Government of India sent their congratulations for the event from New Delhi. Continue reading "All the video-recordings from the glorious Chakra installations today in the TOVP
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Over 100 new people committed to chanting at least one round of the Hare Krishna mahamantra everyday at a week-long Bhagavata Saptah discourse from 9th January to 15th January in Surat. Almost 1500 devotees thronged to hear the discourse based on the story of Prahalada Maharaja in the Srimad Bhagavatam, delivered by Chandra Govinda Das, an eminent exponent of Srimad Bhagavatam, who is a disciple of His Holiness Radha Govinda Swami. “The lectures started with melodious kirtan and bhajans every day,” said Ramanatha Das, one of the organizers of the discourse. “People listened to the story of Prahlada Maharaja and the glories of Lord Narsainghadev with rapt attention. We also served a sumptuous vegetarian prasadam dinner every day after the discourse.” Continue reading "Hundred people start regular chanting after week-long discourse in Surat
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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 19 September 2017, Petite Riviere, Mauritius, Lecture)
Srila Rupa Goswami said, “Do not go to Kesi Ghat if you have material desires.” But when Krsna plays his flute in Vrindavan how can one not go. We should all go to Vrindavan. Srila Prabhupada used to tell the story of the thief in a village…
Krsna is unlimitedly beautiful. One of His flutes is called sammohini, the bewildering flute. Krsna is always dressed beautifully and on His chest He has a big Kastubha jewel. Once a thief heard about that and he thought that his life would be made if he would have that jewel. He fantasised about stealing that jewel from Krsna. He searched for Krsna everywhere near Govardhan. He walked near Govardhan every day and then one day he saw Krsna covered with jewels. He said to Krsna, “Come on now! Give me all your jewels!” Krsna refused, he said, “Mother Yashoda will be angry if I give you my jewels.” Still the thief insisted that Krsna should give him all the jewels. Then finally Krsna gave him all His jewels and all desires that the thief had were fulfilled and he said to Krsna, “Would it be alright if I decorate you with these jewels!” When Krsna returned home, Mother Yashoda looked at him and said, “I did not dress you like that.” Krsna replied, “It was my devotee who did!”
Krsna does not look at what we give but He looks at what we are holding back.
Devotees from all over the world travelled to Mayapur to see the Chakras of the ToVP installed on the domes of Their Lordships, Sri Sri Radha Madhava/Panca Tattva and Lord Nrsimhadeva.
The ceremony started around 9.00am with a welcome from Braja Vilasa das, (chief fundraiser) and speeches from many of the leading devotees of the movement.
This was followed by a maha-yajna and abhiseka of the Sudarsana Chakras themselves. Finally, the Chakras were lifted by a giant crane and installed on each individual dome.
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Entering Into Mayapur Dhama (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: One way of entering into the dhama is to visit lilasthans; ho...
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TOVP: Final preparations for the installation of the main Sudharsana Chakra tomorrow (7 min video)
The ceremony begins 8:30 AM ...
Here is a glimpse into a Krishna conscious program in Orlando held at Ayurbeauty Wellness Center (2 min video)
Chanting, Japa, and spreading KC to newcomers. What’s more fulfilling than that?
Ananta Angie Roix did an awesome job giving class.
Krishna-kripa Das: I show and tell about chanting Hare Krishna in Tallahassee at a home program, Florida State University, and Lake Ella. I show videos of devotees chanting Hare Krishna before, during, and after the first-ever Gasparilla Parade of Pirates Ratha-yatra in Tampa. I share all kinds of kirtans in temples and in public on Lord Nityananda’s Appearance Day. I also show kirtans at Krishna Lunch and tell about a visit to the University of North Florida in Jacksonville with Adikarta Das. I share insights from Srila Prabhupada’s books and lectures and notes on classes by Sacinandana Swami and Adikarta, Kalakantha, and Tamohara Prabhus and others. Please at least glance at my last report:
Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur was the president acarya and also the founder Acharya of the gaudia mutt. In the gauida magazine it was described that Srila Bhakti Siddhanta is the instrument and the counterpart for the gaudia mutt rather, for the gaudia mutt is the instrument in the counter part of the Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur and that the mutt lives and moves and has its very being in the founder Acharya. The institution is identical to the founder Acharya and the associates and devotees who are within the institution are the limbs of the founder Acharya. Continue reading "Srimad Bhagavatam class in Mayapur by Bhakti Rasamrita Swami, 05 February 2018
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The glorious “Krishna Lunch” and “Krishna House” in Gainesville, Florida (Album with photos)
Giridhari Swami: After the Dallas Kirtan 50, Rtadhvaja Swami Maharaja, Nitai Caran and I traveled to Gainesville, Florida. We stayed with Brahmatirtha Prabhu and his good wife Bhakti (who won’t allow us to call her mataji or prabhu for three days.) They are such wonderful devotees! For those of you who don’t already know, Brahmatirtha Prabhu met Srila Prabhupada in India, while working for the US Peace Corps. His conversation with Srila Prabhupada was later immortalized in the book, “Perfect Questions Perfect Answers.” Gainesville is also home to the University of Florida, where devotees led by Kalakanta Prabhu have established “Krishna House.” There, students rent rooms, follow certain aspects of sadhana -bhakti, get good association and have the opportunity to progress in their practice of Krishna consciousness. Krishna House is also the base for the amazing “Krishna Lunch”, which has been distributing 1200-1500 prasadam lunches to students for more than 20 years. From Gainesville, we drove to Daytona Beach to visit my two sisters and their families. We had one big and lively family get together, and our dear Malati and her good husband Radha Raman Prabhu drove two-hours from Gainesville to personally cater the event with excellent Italian fare. Suffice to say that the prasadam was a big hit and we thank Malati and Radha Raman for helping us out with this. It really made all the difference in the world!
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Conquering The Iron Fort (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: As promised, we returned to the town of Bharatpur, one hour drive from Vrindavan, with with a large harinam party. Bharatpur is famous as the “Iron Fort.” Due to its heavy defenses, it was never conquered by Muslim invasions or during British rule. Not conquered that is until we flooded the town with the nectar of the holy names of the Lord! People we initially stunned to see us but were soon waving and smiling as we passed by. A number of citizens joined our chanting party and danced with us in great happiness. We distributed many books and thousands of pieces of prasadam. Afterwards, we visited a newly opened museum in the King’s Palace. What a joy to spread the holy names here, there and everywhere!
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Can it be harmful to others, what is the role of responders to the kirtana leader, how to know if kirtana is service or sense-gratification?
The GBC meetings continued today with an amazing two hour presentation on book distribution from Vaisheshika prabhu, one of the main leaders of the resurgence of the distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books around the world. All the GBC members were deeply affected by his sincerity and heart felt commitment to this most essential program of His Divine Grace. The enthusiasm generated in the room was quite overwhelming, and many of the members, who previously had done a lot of book distribution, spoke of their experiences and desires to see it come to the same levels it was at in the time of Srila Prabhupada's physical presence. Continue reading "2nd day of the GBC meetings
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Sridham Mayapur 2018: A historical event! (Album with photos)
Chakra placement for tomorrow’s installation.
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Ambarish Das, better known as Alfred Ford, said on Monday that a gold-plated stainless steel giant wheel or chakra would be installed on the top of the massive dome of the under-construction Temple of Vedic Planetarium on Wednesday. Alfred Ford, the grandson of Henry Ford, is the chairman of the project that is building the Rs 700 crore temple of the Iskcon in Nadia's Mayapur. An Iskcon source said: "The gold-plated chakra roughly costs around Rs 15 crore." Speaking about the planetarium, Ford, an Iskcon devotee, said it would attract millions of tourists. Continue reading "Interview of Ambarisa Prabhu in Newspaper
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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 19 September 2017, Petite Riviere, Mauritius, Lecture)
All our material activities, our karma, leave many impressions on our mind. All our actions in all our past lives have left impressions on our mind. All these impressions are still in our subconscious and they still affect us. It is just like eating sugarcane. We chew and remove all the juice but still, we keep on chewing – chewing the chewed. Like that, we have so many desires. Again and again the same desires. Even something that we may not like, still we will accept it out of fear of losing that also. All fears and attachment are removed by chanting the holy name. We just have to be attached to the holy name and Krsna.
QUESTION There is no one like Shri Radha, and there will never be anyone like her. No one makes Krishna happy the way she can. From this, it follows that somehow or other, one should help unite Radha and Krishna.
Up to here what you are saying makes perfect sense to me.
Therefore one would think “I would like to please Krishna by serving Shri Radha rather than directly desiring to please him (by uniting/kissing/embracing)”.
This makes sense, but is still better if we phrase it like this: “Rādhārāṇī pleases Krishna the most. Since I love Krishna, I should help her please him rather than try to please him without her.”
We should stop putting “I” as the subject of our sentences, for that is the dominant grammatical position. Let us frame “I” as the object. Do not think “I will kiss Krishna.” Think “Krishna will kiss me.” Don’t think “How will I please Krishna?” but “How will Krishna want to get pleasure from me?” Don’t think “how will I serve Rādhā?” think, “What service will Rādhā entrust to me?”
Is this why Radha’s Manjaris are all about trying to serve Shri Radhe but never desiring to directly please Krishna?
Yes, but this is subject is arcane and sophisticated, and statements about it (such as the one you just made) are always easy to misunderstand.
The better and more intimately one understands Krishna, the more emphasis and importance one will naturally feel for Śrī Rādhā – the original divine lover of Krishna. The Gopīs understand Krishna more intimately than anyone, and that is why they value Śrī Rādhā above anyone – in a sense even above him!
So the gopīs never desire to please Krishna without Śrī Rādhā.
The Gopis have romantic feelings for Krishna. Reading and even slightly understanding them may generate strong desires to be like them. That may in turn generate romantic feelings for Krishna. Are these feelings wrong?
This implies there are Gopīs who interact with Krishna without Rādhā as the central focal point. There is no such thing. Such a gopī does not and can not exist. All the gopīs, even Candrāvalī (who is ostensibly Śrī Rādhā’s rival) are absolutely absorbed in Rādhā-dasya (service of Rādhā).
Even outside Vraja, in Mathurā, Kubja’s maids must have interacted with Krishna amorously, but only with Kubja as their “commander”/ coordinator. In Dvārakā Krishna has thousands of wives, but Rukmiṇī and Satyabhāmā coordinate and command them all. In Vaikuṇṭha there are limitless Lakṣmī, but there is one original lakṣṁī at Viṣṇu’s feet, coordinating all the others, as their focal point for their service to Viṣṇu.
This is a little foreign to us, because we grew up in monogamist culture. We have little natural concept for how non-monogamous relationships actually work. Truthfully, that is probably the least of our worries. We have much deeper and more immediate problems in understanding how divine love works in an erotic romantic context with the Supreme Being.
Is it true that one should always serve Shri Radhe but not try to be like her?
No. You cannot serve someone without being like them. This is why fire is offered to the sun and water offered to the Ganga. Śrī Rūpa Mañjarī is described as being almost exactly like Śrī Rādhā.
But if you very slightly edit the statement, it is perfect, “One should serve Śrī Rādhā, and not try to be her.” (change “like her” to “her”, change “but” to “and”.)
Do the servants of Shri Rādhā have sexual-romantic feelings for pleasing Krishna?
There are so many misconceptions about sexual love, even in this world with normal people. Sex is potentially the most powerful force of conciliation and unification in our world, but in practice it turns out to often be one of the most powerful forces of vice and distress.
If even in this world sex is such a perplexing topic, it is easy to estimate how fathomlessly baffling it must be in relation to Param Brahman, the Supreme Transcendent Conscious Being. We cannot really expect to speak about the divine sexuality of the Supreme Being without having to wend through a maze of baffling misconceptions. This is probably why a lot of very wise people refuse to talk about these subjects, and the Vedas do not directly speak of it, and in the history of time only a single, exceedingly rare avatāra ever reveals it in much detail.
The biggest misconception is that essence of sexual love (mādhurya-rasa) is different from the essences of protective love (vātsalya), friendship (sakhya), servitude (dāsya), and selflessness (śānta-rati). Without understanding this, we will not really understand anything about gopīs, even if we organize and understand all the facts and figures about them correctly.
To directly answer your question – Radha’s maids are just like her. They have ardent passion for Krishna, just like she does. But they are Radha’s expansions, not Rādhā herself, so they express their ardent passion for Krishna in coordination and harmonious, beautiful submission to Śrī Radha’s. Their passion for Krishna follows her passion for Krishna like sents follow the breeze.
It is a great concert. Each individual musical instrument plays itself in coordination with its conductor. Each conductor is herself an instrument, making music in concert with her group under the coordination of a higher conductor, and so on infinitely, till we come to the Supreme Conductress of the entire symphony, Śrī Rādhā.
All the instruments are tuned to the same “sa” (key) and all play the same rāga (key signature) harmoniously, and the focal point of all the beautiful sound is the supreme divine mystery known as Śrī Rādhā.
King Pṛthu is herein compared to the earthly planet as far as his tolerance is concerned. Although the earth is always trampled upon by men and animals, it still gives food to them by producing grains, fruits and vegetables. As an ideal king, Mahārāja Pṛthu is compared to the earthly planet, for even though some citizens might violate the rules and regulations of the state, he would still be tolerant and maintain them with fruits and grains. In other words, it is the duty of the king to look after the comforts of the citizens, even at the cost of his own personal convenience. This is not the case, however, in Kali-yuga, for in Kali-yuga the kings and heads of state enjoy life at the cost of taxes exacted from the citizens. Such unfair taxation makes the people dishonest, and the people try to hide their income in so many ways. Eventually the state will not be able to collect taxes and consequently will not be able to meet its huge military and administrative expenses. Everything will collapse, and there will be chaos and disturbance all over the state. Continue reading "Srimad Bhagavatam class in Mayapur by Devakinandan Das, 04 February 2018
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Speaker: HG Devakinandan Das Srimad Bhagavatam 4.16.7 Date: 04 February 2018 Mayapur Dhama titiksaty akramam vainya upary akramatam api bhutanam karunah sasvad artanam ksiti-vrttim: titiksati — tolerates; akramam — offense; vainyah — the son of King Vena; upari — on his head; akramatam — of those who are trampling; api — also; bhutanam — to […]
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