The King of Seasons : Vasant Panchami Darshan

jaya jaya sundara nanda-kumāra saurabha-sańkaṭa-vṛndāvana-vihita-vasanta-vihāra “O handsome son of Nanda, O Lord who enjoys springtime pastimes in the fragrant forest of Vrndavana, all glories to You! All glories to You!” – Srila Rupa Goswami   Vasanta Pancami usually takes place during the month of January or February, and marks the first official day of spring. The spring season signifies new life and joy, and […]

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Crushing Misconceptions At Krishna Village in Australia
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Hare KrishnaBy Mary Pratt

Byron Bay is hippie central through and through and so of course the Krishna Village Eco-Yoga Community would be based nearby. About an hour’s drive away, you’ll go from the breezy beaches or Byron to being nestled in rolling hills and lush greenery, with thick grass and fresh water creeks. This is Eungella, a town in New South Wales with a peaceful, back-to-nature vibe that’ll transform even the most plugged-in of urbanites, given enough time. Since one of my mantras is #lovelife, I thought, why not pay a visit to Krishna Village to get a taste of their joyous and mindful approach to life? Maybe they could help my brain stop whirring at top speed and get me to unplug and relax! Continue reading "Crushing Misconceptions At Krishna Village in Australia
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Unity in Diversity
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Hare KrishnaBy Anuttama Das

Today's (22-1-2018) SB class in Mayapur. We should respect, honor and appreciate each other's service and never minimize or belittle anyone's contribution in our collective endeavor to glorify Krishna and bring others to His lotus feet. We don't compromise our principles but whatever works for some particular country and class of people should be accepted. Srila Prabhupada wanted us to come in Mayapur every year and cultivate unity in diversity. Continue reading "Unity in Diversity
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Krishnanagar Nagar Sankirtan

The mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu reached the streets of Krishnanagar during the recent Harinam Sankirtan Procession conducted by Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha on the month of December 2017. Decorated with different varieties of colorful flags, festoon, banner etc,  two different  sets of Harinam Sankirtan team went on Harinam  procession as  Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu’s soldiers, distributing […]

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Rich in Vaisnava Culture – The Town of Bharatpur (Album of…
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Rich in Vaisnava Culture - The Town of Bharatpur (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Today we visited the town of Bharatpur in Rajasthan, just on the outskirts of Vrindavan. There we toured the Lohagarh fort built in the 18th century. Inside the fort are many beautiful old sandstone temples of Radha and Krsna, Ganga devi, Laxman ( the brother of Lord Ramacandra ) and numerous other temples with many ancient deities. The Lohagarh fort was built by a staunch Vaisnava King named Suraj Mal in the early 18th century. It is one of the strongest forts ever built in Indian history. Protected by deep moats on all sides, the fort was built to endure the repetitive invasions of the Mughal and British forces in the mid-1700’s in the region.
King Suraj Mal was a powerful king who ruled over the whole of Vraja and a greater part of North India in the 18th century. He was respected and loved by his subjects and was greatly feared by the Mughals. He was undefeated in battle. Songs and ballads of his chivalry and nobility, as well as his devotion to Radha and Krsna, are sung in different villages in North India. It was he who constructed the beautiful palace at Kusum Sarovara at the foot of Govardhana Hill. His samadhi is there.

As we walked around the town exploring the different temples, palaces and museums we were warmly greeted by many pious Vaisnavas. Everywhere people would call out, “Jaya Sri Radhe!” just like in Vrindavan. The whole day was a great adventure. As we left, I was in awe of the town and wondering how it was that in all these years I have never visited Bharatpur, which is so rich in Vaisnava culture and so close to Sri Vrindavan Dhama. Next weekend I plan to go back and take a large harinam party through Bharatpur to reciprocate with the warm welcome the people of Bharatpur extended to us.
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Bhaktivedanta Academy Alumni: Graduation of Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Dāsa…
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Bhaktivedanta Academy Alumni: Graduation of Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Dāsa and Kṛṣṇa Candra Dāsa (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “Go to Vrndavana and chant the Hare Krishna mantra constantly.” This is a solution to all sinful activities. Chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, be freed from all the complexities of life, and realize Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Engage in His devotional service and perfect your life so that you can return home, back to Godhead. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 25.198 Purport)
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ISKCON Belgaum Ratha Yatra on 20th Jan 2018 (Album of photos)…
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ISKCON Belgaum Ratha Yatra on 20th Jan 2018 (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “Haraye namah krsna yadavaya namah, gopala govinda rama sri-mudhusudana. This is another way of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. The meaning is as follows: “I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna. He is the descendant of the Yadu family. Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Gopala, Govinda, Rama and Sri Madhusudana.” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 25.64 Purport)
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Gita 15.18 Fragmentation is not the cause of illusion, disharmonization is
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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The Krishna Castle
→ simple thoughts


The Krishna Castle

London is not the oldest city but certainly the most important city in the world.

The Romans founded London about 50 AD. Its name is derived from the Celtic word Londinios, which means the place of the bold one.
So today we will attempt to be bold for Krishna. Over the last two weeks so may volunteers came together to build the Krishna Castle in the heart of London, Holborn.

One of the main builders was “Bhima the Giant” ( over seven foot seven tall, a famous movie actor) and nothing short of a castle would be good enough, for him and the Pancha Tatva Deities.

This castle is located in the heart of the student area, so we plan to distribute 2,500 free healthy meals daily to the student community, by having 4 cargo rickshaws full of Prasad going to SOAS, UCL, LSE and Kings University. Along with the Prasad , we are building a mobile preaching exhibition, with books, weekly Harinam, festivals and programs.

Other jivas supported include the homeless and poor school children ( 25% of children from lower income families go to school hungry.)
We plan to be up and running in two weeks time. We are short of funds for the equiptment which we have ordered from Turkey, not possible to buy big cookers in the UK. This is the 11th hour for us, so please get involved.

JUST GIVING fundrasing Food For All

Your servants
Parasuram das and the Food for All team

The welfare of all the people of this world
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 08 November 2017, Mayapur, India, Russian Morning Class, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.6.10)

The spirit of giving the mercy to others should be our focus and we can do it in so many ways. Think of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples. They are interesting because they have a life behind them and somehow or other, each one of them wound up doing a particular service.

I am thinking of Yadubara who first came to Prabhupada as a professional journalist on an assignment. As part of his job, he started filming Prabhupada and then he never stopped. He joined the movement and made it his life’s mission to film Prabhupada. That was a priceless service! He is very humble about it. His films are so important because we can actually see Prabhupada ourselves. We can hear about Prabhupada but it is not the same as seeing him as we can in films. 

So whatever service we do, we should make a sacrifice – a sacrifice for the welfare of the world. Otherwise, if we are too absorbed in living a comfortable, pleasant, nice spiritual life then we will advance slowly. We are here in the holy dhama, in one purport Srila Prabhupada writes that the neophytes can stay in the holy dhama. Those who are more advanced can go out and preach. But of course, we can also preach in the holy dhama.

Anyway, I am not trying to find fault in anyone, maybe some in myself; seeing that this tendency to find a comfortable place in this material world is very strong in me. I am a little bit afraid of this because this tendency could bind me to the material world. So I hope I become more inspired to do something for the welfare of all the people of this world and in that way develop the mentality of a resident of the spiritual world.

Life’s Final Exam, January 18, Govardhan Urban Farm, Houston.mp3
Giriraj Swami

Giriraj Swami read and spoke from Bhagavad-gita Bg 8.16.

“Srila Prabhupada said to Tamal Krishna Maharaja that Krishna wants us all to go back to Godhead in this very lifetime. So, if a devotee needs more time Krishna may extend his duration of life so he may finish up what he needs to do to go back to Godhead in this lifetime. Krishna is the ultimate factor. Srila Prabhupada had one sister who was always worried about her health and another who was a devotee. The sister in bhakti yoga lived much longer. Srila Prabhupada said we take normal precautions. We don’t go into the jungle and put our head into the mouth of the tiger—becoming a devotee doesn’t mean challenge the laws of nature. Ultimately we have faith that Krishna is our final protector and everything depends on Him.”

Bhagavad-gita 8.16, Govardhan Urban Farm (Right-click to download)

Krishna Book Reading, January 17, Houston
Giriraj Swami

“The Krishna consciousness movement therefore issues a supreme call to all kinds of religionists, asking them with great authority to join this movement, by which one can learn how to love God and thus surpass all formulas and formalities of scriptural injunction. A person who cannot overcome the jurisdiction of stereotyped religious principles is compared to an animal chained up by his master. The purpose of all religion is to understand God and develop one’s dormant love of Godhead. If one simply sticks to the religious formulas and formalities but does not become elevated to the position of love of God, he is considered to be a chained animal. In other words, if one is not in Krishna consciousness, he is not eligible for liberation from the contamination of material existence.

Srila Sridhara Swami has composed a nice verse in this regard: “Let others engage in severe austerities, let others fall to the land from the tops of hills and give up their lives, let others travel to many holy places of pilgrimage for salvation, or let them engage in deep study of philosophy and Vedic literature. Let the mystic yogis engage in their meditational service, and let the different sects engage in unnecessary arguing as to which is the best. But it is a fact that unless one is Krishna conscious, unless one is engaged in devotional service, and unless one has the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he cannot cross over this material ocean.” An intelligent person, therefore, gives up all stereotyped ideas and joins the Krishna consciousness movement for factual liberation.” — Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead

Krishna Book Reading (Right-click to download)

How our mind messes our relationships 2 – Focus on contribution, not expectation
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class at New Vedic Cultural Center, ISKCON, Pune]



Podcast Summary


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Wednesday, January 17th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

A Good Old Game

I got a little bold today with walking.  Temperatures have risen to a greater level of tolerance and my seized-up thighs were able to handle the more and more relaxed climate.  I walked out of Simon’s clinic, a place where Simon did some great work on me, with, once again, needles.  The left knee is irritable and when Simon, a man who knows his stuff, examined it, he saw there was an unwanted curvature to my left leg.

I immediately could identify the culprit or cause of this irregularity.  It is that notorious TT, the ‘Terrible Tilt’.  This last summer I struggled with walking the slant of the road’s shoulder.  Naturally, months of this will take a toll.

“Am I the only one with that curve or crookedness?”

“No! You’re not!” And that’s all Simon said.  It reminded me of a game as a kid—Simon Says.  So Simon says, “Sit down!”  So I did—this is not now a game.  Simon says, “Breathe in.”  So I did.  Simon says, “No, collapse.”  I did.  Simon says, “Breathe in.  Chest out.  Then collapse.”  I did all that Simon said.

I was feeling better after all he said.  With confidence I trod east on Bloor Street near High Park for some good city blocks.  I did thank Simon, by the way, and paid a modest fee.  I felt like my old self coming back with a minor limp.  I swore to myself that from here on I’ll avoid the TT and stick to level trails.

Keep that in mind Monk!  I take shelter of Krishna.

May the Source be with you!

4 km

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Montreal, Quebec

The Arotika

Practically every day of my life I walk to the nearest temple, regardless of distance, for the 4:30 a.m. arati, whether it’s down the hall from my bed or a few blocks away—as in Mayapura.  The exception would be on long walks where there may not be a room or building for honouring arati.

What is an arati?

It is a presentation of paraphernalia offered to the Supreme—things such as incense, a small dhiya (flame), water, flowers, etc.—all to symbolize appreciation to the Creator.  One very special part of the presentation is the offering of sound, a sacred sound—mantras.

Always done at an early hour, before sunrise, the arati sets a tone for the day.  Like any other day it is a space in time which is meant for ‘giving’.  The arati’s begin with the blowing of a conch, even before the mantras begin.  In many ways, this signifies the start of the day.

During the time of arati a small bell is consistently ringing by the shake of the priest or priestess’ left wrist.  Each article of paraphernalia is presented to the presiding deity of Krishna in the shrine.  With the right hand there is the wave or motion of the article being presented to the deity—usually in the form of a circle.  For instance, the article can be held and, with a circular sweep of the hand, directed in circles of three to the face, two to the chest, four to the feet, and seven swirled around the entire deity’s form.  The arati is completed with a final blow of the conch.  This morning Nandini Radha opened the curtains, blew the conch and proceeded with the arati ceremony.

May the Source be with you!

1 km

Fragrant Syrian Milk Pudding (Muhallabeya) Every Middle Eastern…
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Fragrant Syrian Milk Pudding (Muhallabeya)
Every Middle Eastern community has its own traditional flavorings and presentation for the ubiquitous Middle Eastern rice flour pudding known as Muhallabeya, some flavoring it with orange blossom water, or rose water, and sprinkling it with chopped almonds or pistachios. The Turkish version uses vanilla or lemon zest, whereas the Iranians prefer cardamom.
Kurma’s recipe:

Gita 15.17 Liberation is not just elevation out of illusion but also connection with the supreme reality
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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When India is the land of spirituality, why was it overrun by so many invaders – why does it still have a colonial mentality?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Is Reincarnation for Real – Evaluating the Evidence
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Youth Meeting at Vedic Cultural Center, ISKCON, Pune]



Podcast Summary



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Sunday Feast and Initiations, January 14, Houston
Giriraj Swami

“Eka krsna-namera phale pai eta dhana (Cc Adi 8.28) — Just by chanting one name of Krishna — we can imagine how much potency is in even one name. So, when we chant we must try to hear one name. My Godbrother Bhurijana prabhu says that when you chant chant just try to hear one mantra at a time. You cant hear the one you have just chanted and you cant hear the one you are going to chant next. You can  only hear the one you are chanting at the moment. So, by chanting just one name one very easily achieves these transcendental riches. So just hear one name, then the next then the next. And if your mind wanders — don’t worry about it, just bring it back. Just hear the mantra that you are chanting. That is called the clearing stage of chanting. When one consistently tries to hear the names that one is chanting that is called the clearing stage and from that we go to the pure stage.”

Sunday Feast and Initiations (Right-click to download)
Kirtan (Right-click to download)

Trusting with intelligence
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 14 November 2017, Mayapur, India, Nectar of Devotion Seminar)

We all feel friendship in our relationship with Krsna where we feel great trust that Krsna will always protect us and that he is acting as our friend and our well-wisher. No matter happens, we are not alone in this world, Krsna is with us.

It is said that in the past, sannyasis would give up the world and go into the forest to become fearless. There were two duties for a sannyasi. One was jñāna-yoga-vyavasthitiḥ (Bhagavad-gita 16.1), to develop knowledge and the other is abhayaṁ sattva-saṁśuddhir (Bhagavad-gita 16.1), to develop fearlessness. They would just go to the forest where there were snakes and other wild animals and would just rely on Krsna.

So trust in Krsna is important but not blind trust. We do not close our eyes and walk across the highway and trust in Krsna, not like that. We use our intelligence but we trust in Krsna at the same time for the result of our actions. He is our friend. He is definitely on our side.

Bhima meets Hanuman. Romapada Swami: As the Pandavas made their…
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Bhima meets Hanuman.
Romapada Swami: As the Pandavas made their way from one holy tirtha to another, they finally came to Badrikashrama in the Himalayan Mountains. It was a very scenic spot that could hardly be described in words. The flowers that bloomed there could not be found anywhere else in the world. One day, as Draupadi was gazing on the beautiful scenery, a strong wind arose and blew a thousand-petaled lotus flower into her lap. The flower had a celestial effulgence, a captivating aroma, and its beauty was unearthly. She took the flower to Bhima and requested, “Behold, O Bhima, this most celestial flower. O repressor of the foes, it has gladdened my heart. I shall present this one to Yudhisthira. Will you also obtain others for my satisfaction so that I may carry them to our hermitage in Kamyaka?”
Bhima was delighted to please Draupadi in some way, and he proceeded to follow the path the scented flower had left. He traced the perfumed air for some time, and suddenly he realized he had covered a long distance. When he blew his conch shell, rousing the lions in the area, he then heard a loud pounding that caused the earth to tremble. As Bhima approached that pounding sound, which was like a challenge to him, he suddenly saw a huge monkey lying on a stone slab. The monkey was waving his tail in the air and dashing it against the ground, causing the tremendous noise that spread in all directions. Bhima was completely amazed, for he had never seen a monkey like this before. The monkey was sitting there with half-opened eyes, calmly blocking the way. As Bhima approached, the monkey advised him, “Young man, why do you make so much noise? Most of the animals in this region were sleeping peacefully, and now you have awakened them. Please be more considerate, and do not be so cruel to the inhabitants of this region. Beyond this point, the forest is impassable. It is a path leading to heaven and cannot be taken by ordinary mortals. Rest awhile here and eat some fruits. After your fatigue is relieved, you may return to your residence.”
Bhima was surprised that the monkey could talk like a human being, and questioned him, “May I know who you are? What monkey speaks like a human being? You must be some demigod in disguise. As for myself, I am the son of Vayu, and my mother is the chaste Kunti. My name is Bhima, and I am one of the Pandavas.” Bhima then told him the history of how they were exiled to the forest. He also informed the monkey that at the present moment they were waiting for the return of their brother Arjuna from the heavenly planets. The monkey smiled when Bhima told him all this, and said, “I know that I am obstructing your path, but I have become ill and cannot move. If you want my advice, you should return via the path by which you came.”
Bhima’s eyes reddened in anger, and he became very impatient. “I do not want your advice,” he said. “Move out of my way, or I will have to move you myself.”
The monkey replied, “I have grown too old to move and most of the time I simply lie here. If you insist on going further, then you can do so by leaping over my body.”
Bhima was becoming frustrated with the whole matter. He said to the monkey, “You are an elderly personality, and you are lying on my path. It is not proper for me to jump over your body, for the Supreme Soul exists in everyone. It is also disrespectful to elders. If I had not known that Supreme Lord exists in everyone’s heart, then I would have leapt over your body and this mountain as the great Hanuman did when he crossed the sea to Lanka.”
The monkey inquired, “Who is this Hanuman who bounded over the ocean? You speak of him with respect. His name comes with affection from your mouth. Have you met him before? Can you relate something about him?”
The monkey looked at Bhima with a smirk on his face, and Bhima became furious. He exclaimed, “You are a monkey, and you do not know who Hanuman is? Hanuman is the greatest of all monkeys. He is also the son of the wind god Vayu and is, therefore, my esteemed brother. He is famed for his devotion to Lord Ramachandra. He is the illustrious chief of the monkeys, who is renowned in the Ramayana. When Lord Ramachandra lost his wife Sita, that brother of mine leaped across the sea to Ravana’s abode and discovered her whereabouts. He then set the city of Lanka on fire. Later, he killed many raksasa generals in the battle of Lanka. He even carried a huge mountain from the Himalayas just to save the life of Lord Ramachandra’s brother, Lakshman. I am insignificant in comparison to his strength, but I am able to fight with you if I have to. I must proceed further into this forest, and you must clear the way.”
The monkey smiled calmly when he saw Bhima’s impatience. He said, “Please do not be angry with me. I tell you the truth when I say that I am too old to move from this spot. If my tail obstructs your path, then just move it aside and go on your way.”
Bhima, thinking that the monkey was failing in energy, thought “I will take hold of his tail and throw this monkey, destitute of strength, to Yamaraja’s abode.” Assured of his prowess, and smiling, Bhima approached the tail, and with his left hand he tried to move the tail as if it were a twig on the ground, but the tail would not move. He tried with both hands, but still he could not lift the tail. He tried again and again, but still he could not budge the tail so much as an inch. The monkey was smiling in amusement, which only increased Bhima’s anger. Bhima tried repeatedly to lift the monkey’s tail till his face was completely red, his eyebrows tightened, his eyes rolled, his face was contracted in wrinkles, and his body was covered with sweat. Finally, Bhima had to admit his defeat. He went before the monkey and prostrated himself, saying, “Please forgive my harsh words. Out of ignorance I have transgressed the conduct of good behavior to elders. Your power is greater than mine, and therefore, you must be some demigod descended from the higher regions. Please tell me who you are.”
The monkey smiled at him and said, “I will gladly tell you who I am. I am the son of the wind god, Hanuman.”
With these words, they tightly embraced each other, and tears of joy came from their eyes. They talked for a long time, and Bhima was thrilled beyond words that he had finally met his brother, whom he had only heard about previously.
Before their departure, Hanuman bestowed a boon on Bhima,
vijayasya dhvajasthas ca nadan moksyami darunan
satrunam ye prana-harah sukham yena hanisyatha
“Staying on the victory flag [of Arjuna], I will shout out fiercely in such a way that it will make the enemies almost lifeless, and thus it will be easy for you to kill them.”
After Hanuman gave this boon to the Pandavas, the brothers embraced and departed.

How our mind messes our relationships 1 – Understanding instincts and impulses
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Podcast Summary


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Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka by Krishna-kripa das. Travel…
→ Dandavats

Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka by Krishna-kripa das.
Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk.
I share quotes from Srila Prabhupada’s books and lectures. I share insights from classes by Jayadvaita Swami, Adi Purusa Prabhu, Rama Raya Prabhu, and Jaya Jagannatha Prabhu in New York City. I share notes on lectures by Adikarta, Nagaraja, Ramiya, and Sesa Prabhus of Alachua. I share quotes from Back to Godhead articles by Badrinarayana Swami, Caitanya Carana Prabhu, and Giriraja Govinda Prabhu. I include notes from a conversation with Adi Purusa in which he tells how devotees can, by doing bed and breakfasts, survive in an expensive Western city and share Krishna with others. I share a nice point by Mother Mukhya and another by Mother Vegavati. I tell a nice story about sharing Krishna wisdom at the airport.
To read the entire article click here: