Here’s How ISKCON Juhu Will Celebrate Its 40th Anniversary On…
→ Dandavats

Here’s How ISKCON Juhu Will Celebrate Its 40th Anniversary On Sunday.
It’s Iskcon Juhu’s 40th anniversary on Sunday. The celebration will follow a full calendar of festivities starting from January 13-16.
Inaugurated on Makar Sankranti day, January 14, 1978, the Juhu Temple shrine is the national headquarters of the order.
A vast Jagannath Rathyatra will be carried out on Saturday at around 2:00 PM. The yatra will comprise of three chariots which will lead through Lokhandwala Complex and culminate at Jamnabai Narsee ground in Juhu at 6:00 PM.
Temple president Braj Hari Das said that the prasad meals will be served to 10,000 people at night. Plays will be performed by various ISKCON temples. Approximately 100 senior sanyasis and devotees from the USA, UK and Australia have arrived for the event.
On Sunday, the deities will be adorned in new festive clothes. The evening will mark launches of two books, Bombay is my office and ‘Chasing Rhinos with the Swami’ at Jamnabai ground. Among the attendees of this event will be Union Minister Satyapal Singh, Nagaland governor P B Acharya, and actress-MP Hema Malini.
ISKCON Juhu, the second temple of the Hare Krishna order, was opened in 1978. The movement began in Juhu, however, the first temple was built in Varanasi. The land was procured by the founder of the temple Srila Prabhupada and the construction began in 1975.
Spokesperson Parijata Devi said anywhere from 5,000-10,000 devotees visit every day. The temple has lakhs arrive over Janmashtami and new year.

ISKCON Youth Spend Their Holidays Helping Puerto Rico Temple….
→ Dandavats

ISKCON Youth Spend Their Holidays Helping Puerto Rico Temple.
Three months after the category 4 Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico on September 20th, the U.S. territory’s infrastructure is still far from recovered. Only 20 per cent of traffic lights are powered; forty per cent of Puerto Ricans, especially in the countryside, are still without electricity, and many have barely any running water.
This includes the U.S. territory’s only ISKCON temple, which had its roof, veranda and porch ripped off in the storm. Devotees are still struggling to clean up and rebuild.
So from December 16th to 30th, nineteen ISKCON youth and young adults, aged 17 to 29, gave up their Christmas vacation to help clean up and repair ISKCON Puerto Rico in the wake of the hurricane.
Youth from all across the United States and Canada also paid for their own airplane tickets there, and contributed a further $300 each towards local transport and rebuilding supplies. The effort was organized by Manorama Das and Jaya Sri Radhe Dasi of ISKCON Youth Ministry, with local logistics arranged by Jaya Sita Dasi.
To read the entire article click here:

International Seminar on Bhagavad-gita: Spirituality and Heath care, Singaraja, Indonesia
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Hari Narayana das

Singaraja, known for its beautiful beaches and picturesque sites of natural wonders, is also the most important education hub in Bali, Indonesia. The Hare Krsna Centre or ISKCON at Banyuning, Singaraja or more affectionately called by the devotees there as Sri Radha Gopisvara temple, is unbelievably vibrant considering its small area and very small number of devotees. The main ornament of this centre is the group of very enthusiastic young boys and girls who never miss to conduct the mangal-arti, chanting their 16 rounds of maha mantra, guru puja,morning and evening classes, lively kirtans as well as cooking and cleaning the temple. Certainly a wonderful experience. Continue reading "International Seminar on Bhagavad-gita: Spirituality and Heath care, Singaraja, Indonesia
→ Dandavats"

Teamwork Makes UK Marathon a Resounding Success
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Madhava Smullen

The result was that for this year’s Prabhupada marathon, about 55 street teams and 220 individual devotees went out on book distribution throughout the UK and Ireland, distributing a total of 138,330 books. Temple devotees went out for 8 to 10 hours a day of their own accord, while many of the book distributors were working professionals with families, giving up their evenings and weekends to dole out transcendental knowledge. Continue reading "Teamwork Makes UK Marathon a Resounding Success
→ Dandavats"

A natural progression
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, August 2010, Lecture)

We cannot say that the four regulative principles in themselves constitute bhakti or devotional service. These are preliminary activities of renunciation and austerity. When we rise above and become attracted to Krsna and absorbed in devotional service, naturally the regulative principles will be followed!

A pure devotee naturally will not engage in sinful activities. He is not consciously thinking, “I should not engage in these things because they are sinful.” Sinful activities have nothing to do with pleasing Krsna and a pure devotee’s entire life is absorbed in pleasing Krsna.

Ambition, Satisfaction & Devotion 1 – Outside-in Ambition vs Inside-out Ambition
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at Singapore]



Podcast Summary


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You Will Be Forgiven For Your Sinful Reactions!
→ Dandavats

After some time, Lord Nityananda was approached by Madhai, where he said that “My Lord, You’ve pardoned me, You’ve given me Your mercy, but I am haunted by the idea that with my hand, I have struck You and I have caused You to bleed. And I am just obsessed with this thought that I have committed this offence to You and how can I actually be forgiven. Even though You’ve pardoned me officially, still I was thinking that I am so rotten, I am so fallen, I am so envious that I could have done such a thing.


The Hare Krishna tree of New York in the news. At a recent New…
→ Dandavats

The Hare Krishna tree of New York in the news.
At a recent New York Times article a famous young businessman says: “ After brunch, I go to Tompkins Square Park, where I sit on a bench underneath a tree called the Hare Krishna Tree. The Hare Krishna movement was founded in the park in the 1960s, and I am always inspired when I’m in there. ”
As Sikhi Mahiti das observes: I often judge the result of our ISKCON outreach in terms of who is coming to our temple and how many. But, Srila Prabhupada has affected the lives of millions of people in ways we don’t normally hear about.
Here is an article about a high achieving entrepreneur who takes his inspiration for business by sitting under the Hare Krishna tree in New York City:

Srila Prabhupada Lila Reading Guide
→ Dandavats

By Shrutadev Das

After I had read many of the books about Srila Prabhupada for a second or third time I found myself thinking, “Didn’t it say something about that pastime in another book?” And I would pull out a different book and read about the same event or time period from a different perspective. Or whereas in the Lilamrta it might say that Srila Prabhupada traveled to Australia and then back to Bombay but not give any details, in another book it would give the details of his trip. It was very enlivening, so I started to compile an outline of my readings. Gradually it developed into the Srila Prabhupada Lila Reading Guide. Continue reading "Srila Prabhupada Lila Reading Guide
→ Dandavats"

Vyasa-puja 2018
→ KKSBlog

The new year marks the organisational start of the Vyasa-puja & Kingsday festivals. In April 2018 we will again meet for two wonderful festivals and, of course, the mega harinama in Amsterdam during the Kingsday celebrations. You are again invited to join the party! Reserve your tickets and plan a trip to Radhadesh. Read more info on the official VP pages.

Don’t want to miss any news? Join the Vyasa-puja/Kingsday Newsletter

Festival dates

Join us from 26-30 April 2018 in Radhadesh. The Kingsday will be on Friday 27th and Saturday we will celebrate Nrsimha Caturdasi…

Thu 26 Apr Arrivals & start
Fri 27 Apr Kinsgday
Sat 28 Apr Nrsimha caturdasi – Initiations & Cultural Program
Sun 29 Apr Vyasa-puja
Mon 30 Apr Departures (11:00 checkout)


We are happy to have Gopali dd again to oversee the fundraising for both festivals. You can already donate towards the festival.

For fundraising questions:

Vyasa-puja book

The Vyasa-puja book planning has started. You can send your offerings to be included in this book.

>> Send your offerings

The deadline 1st Feb 2018

Festival Registration

Starting from the 1st Feb 2018 you can register again for the festival and accommodation. Visakha dd will again, with her team, help to make your stay pleasant and as comfortable as possible.

You can reach her on


Miracle in Puerto Rico!
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Abhimanyu Das

It is a miracle that this Rathayatra in San Juan on December 30th still happened this year after Hurricane Maria wreaked havoc on the island of Puerto Rico. New Govardhana, the only Radha-Krsna temple in the Caribbean, had part of the roof of the main temple ripped off and debris was scattered all over the property. For some time, the devotees didn't even have running water, and they still don't have electricity. Despite all of these hardships, the dedicated New Govardhana community headed by Arisudana Prabhu has maintained the service of their Lordships Sri-Sri Gaura-Nitai, Sri-Sri Krsna-Balarama, Sri-Sri Prahlada-Nrsmhadeva, Sri Giri-Govardhana, and Sri-Sri Radha-Syamasundara. This was the fourth annual Ratha Yatra in Puerto Rico. Continue reading "Miracle in Puerto Rico!
→ Dandavats"

Lord Caitanya in the Land of Islam (Album of photos)…
→ Dandavats

Lord Caitanya in the Land of Islam (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: I had many wonderful and amazing experiences while living in Vrindavan the past 4 months but yesterday’s program in the United Arab Emirates was no less profound or enlightening, for yesterday in Dubai we installed the deity form of the Lord. It wasn’t the first time and it won’t be the last; a number of devotees living here have deities. But just the fact that another two sets of Gaura Nitai deities were officially installed in the heartland of Islam was overwhelming for me. There are obviously restrictions here; mainly that we cannot preach Krsna consciousness to people of Muslim faith. But as our joyful kirtan in a small apartment merged with the sound of loudspeakers calling the faithful to the local mosques, my hair stood on end.
[ Photos by myself and Mohammed Ali Rashid ]
Find them here:

With artificial intelligence advancing rapidly, what will differentiate humans from future machines?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post With artificial intelligence advancing rapidly, what will differentiate humans from future machines? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Srila Prabhupada: Do you think it was easy for me?
→ Dandavats

Srila Prabhupada: Do you think it was easy for me?
“The mood was very sober, but Srila Prabhupada wanted to hear from everyone. He went around the room and asked each devotee what they thought was wrong in the temple. And each person gave their realization, and everyone else listened to that realization. And then Srila Prabhupada spoke. He said that we were all here because he had followed the instructions of his Guru Maharaja and come to the West. And then he added with great emphasis: ‘Do you think it was easy for me to leave India all alone and come to America?’ And none of us had ever really thought like that - whether it was easy or hard. We had just assumed that he had done that by Krishna’s mercy. Then he continued, 'Do you think it was easy for me when I was in Butler, Pennsylvania, and I opened the refrigerator, and there was cat food next to my vegetables? Do you think that was easy?” And all the devotees began to cry, because they began to understand what Prabhupada did for us, and it wasn’t easy. He came from a place where his mother was carried in a palanquin from one house to the other. He was from another culture, almost like another planet; and he yet came to the West with a trunk full of books and seven rupees.“

~ HG Yamuna Devi - A life of Unalloyed Devotion


Can Sexuality Be Spiritual?
→ Dandavats

Can Sexuality Be Spiritual?
Principles of Freedom - By Rukmini Devi Dasi.
“What’s the big deal about sex?” asked a student, “Why does religion demonize what seems to be a natural human expression? How can we expect the world to imbibe such a restrictive philosophy? Is it not harmful to our physical and psychological development if we exert such repression? Is sex not a spiritual experience?” A Bhakti Yoga session at university can sometimes feel like a battlefield. Our theme for the month, “Spirituality and Sexuality” had really stirred the arsenal. Honesty is usually the best ammunition yielding a thoughtful approach towards sacred texts and a broader vision of the world and ourselves. With this in mind, we approach the last principle of freedom: avoiding destructive sexual activity. Does spirituality deny sexuality?


Congregational Book Distribution: Monthly Sankirtan…
→ Dandavats

Congregational Book Distribution: Monthly Sankirtan Festivals
“Monthly Sankirtan Festivals are a great way to engage the entire congregation in book distribution,” says Vaisesika dasa. “At our temple, we combine the festival with a holy day on the Vaisnava calendar. Our meditation during the Monthly Sankritan Festival is that the sankirtan results are our special offering to the Lord.”
Sankirtan is a Sanskrit term which means the congregational chanting and sharing of the names and glories of Krishna, which is the recommended process for spiritual success. In the Hare Krishna tradition, sankirtan is associated with sharing our spiritual culture with the public via the timeless books, translated by Srila Prabhupada.
Vaisesika Dasa is the Temple President of the ISKCON Silicon Valley (ISV) temple as well as the North American Sankirtan Strategist. Over the last seven years, he has used ISV as a testing ground for different book distribution strategies. The Monthly Sankirtan Festival has proven so successful that Vaisesika is now training other temples in this strategy. The Monthly Sankirtan Festivals have spread to Boston, Houston, New York City, Washington, DC. , Toronto and now to Alachua, FL.
Vaisesika says that the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, wanted everyone to conduct book distribution. He remembers that in the early days of ISKCON, the temples were managed so that even the cooks and pujaris had days when they went out on book distribution.
Why did Srila Prabhupada want all of his disciples to engage in book distribution? “Book distribution has so many benefits,” says Vaisesika. “The most important benefit is that it purifies the distributor. All service, including book distribution, should be performed in a way that purifies the servant. Then, the service expands to purify others who are able to take advantage of the sankirtan movement.”
At ISV, before a devotee is allowed to go out on book distribution, he/she must participate in a training seminar. The seminar focuses on how to perform book distribution in a way that is purifying. The most important principle is that we want to leave everyone with a good impression of devotees. This means that devotees must develop the intelligence to know who to approach and who to leave alone. Leaving everyone with a good impression also means freely distributing prasadam. Vaisesika says, “Book distribution is very purifying if we see ourselves as instruments. It forces us to see others as spirit souls and to treat them respectfully.”

A second benefit of book distribution is that it enlivens the devotees. Vaisesika quotes one of our previous acharyas, who said, “One who has life can preach, and one who preaches gets life.” One who “has life” does not identify with the body, which is dead matter. Instead, he identifies as a living, conscious spirit soul. The third-class devotee identifies with the body. The second-class devotee, however, identifies as a spirit soul. Book distribution is the best preaching for a third-class devotee. By engaging in book distribution, the third-class devotee can advance very quickly to the second-class level and “get life.”
A third benefit is that book distribution forces devotees to move out of their comfort zone. Vaisesika says, “Book distribution is good practice for the time of death, when many of us will be out of our comfort zones.”
At ISV, the leadership emphasizes Vaisnava holy days as special opportunities to receive the Lord’s mercy and purification. Thus, the congregation enjoys the Monthly Sankirtan Festival even more than the traditional feast, because the members know they are on the fast-track back home, back to Godhead. The majority of the congregation participates in the Monthly Sankirtan Festival. On large festival days such as Gaura Purnima, over 240 congregational members will be on the streets, performing sankirtan. Vaisesika says that every member of ISKCON should have the opportunity to make advancement in Krishna consciousness by preaching. He says that he has tested the Monthly Sankirtan Festival concept at ISV, and it is now proving successful in other communities.

ISKCON Temple of Gujarat in Kathwada, Ahmedabad- Enlightening and Elevating
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Hare KrishnaBy Sakshi Mohan Das

None other than HG Jashomatinadan Prabhuji Disciple of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada himself odered the construction of the ISKCON Temple in Kathwada in 2016. Known as the Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar Gaudham, the Vaishnav Temple has vigraha of Lord Krishna and Radha along with those of Jagannath, Baladev, Subhadra and also vigraha of Nityananda Prabhu, Srila Prabhupada, Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. This is the first ISKCON temple in wich cow is worshipped along with Radha and Krishna. Themple is located on Sardar Patel Ring Road at the Kathwada village and it is a popular attraction not only for Krishna bhakts but also for tourists. Continue reading "ISKCON Temple of Gujarat in Kathwada, Ahmedabad- Enlightening and Elevating
→ Dandavats"

TOVP Chakra Installation Schedule of Events

The Schedule of Events for the Grand Chakra Installation Ceremony on February 7th, 2018 is now official. You can download it from the link below and view the entire event live on MayapurTV at:

We request you also print it to post at your local temple and share on your Facebook Page and other social media. Become a TOVP Ambassador and spread the word.

Please note that the schedule times are for India and you will have to adjust that for your own time zone.

To sponsor an abhisheka for one or both Chakras go to:

Schedule of Events can be downloaded by clicking the button below.


The post TOVP Chakra Installation Schedule of Events appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

How can we communicate the need of regulation to people who are gung-ho about freedom and rights?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post How can we communicate the need of regulation to people who are gung-ho about freedom and rights? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Monday, January 8th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Burnaby / Toronto

Young Seeker

Rene is a young seeker who describes himself as a “free soul.”  His free soul-ness has recently brought him to Krishna.  I handed him a set of japameditation beads.  He left his set in Mexico where he resides.  Vancouver is a stop-over.  Next he’ll be in Japan.  Free soul for sure.

He came to my door at 4:00 a.m. after a rain-full walk on steep Royal Oak.  Outside my door I heard a strange sound, something like a dog had come from a swim and was shaking off the water.  That was Rene jiggling rain off his umbrella.  Then I heard his knock on the door.

Precious guy!  He’s serious about his spirituality and has been asking questions galore since I came to British Columbia.  But now I’m leaving and I hope Rene will remain in touch.

I left Vancouver in the dark at 7:30 a.m., and arrived in Toronto just before the sun goes into hiding at this time of year.  At 4:00 p.m. he was slowly descending.  The stay in Vancouver was fine.  Being home is fine, especially with Ugresh offering the best massage for a pair of legs that have been unsteady (knee challenge) since New Year’s.

A kind fellow in Vancouver handed me an excerpt from the American woman known as “The Peace Pilgrim,” who had walked the U.S. almost seven times before her death in a car accident.

“All of a sudden I felt uplifted, more uplifted than I had ever been.” She said this one morning while walking.  “I knew a oneness with the rest of creation… And most wonderful of all a oneness with that which permeates all and binds all together and gives life to all.  A oneness with that which many would call God.”

May the Source be with you!

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