Sunday, January 7th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Burnaby, British Columbia

Listen, Reach and Leap

My defective left knee and the ongoing rain has made it restrictive for doing a daily stroll.  However there is no limit to the amount of service one can execute.

I was content to sit and receive an old friend, Jagadish, who is my senior in devotional terms.  He converted to Vaishnavism in Buffalo, New York, well before I knew anything about bhakti-yoga­.  He was always a calm person, a leader, a guide, an inspiration, and still is.  Currently he looks after his handicapped son, Nirmal, who years ago suffered after falling out of a tree, and also receiving serious burns from the spill of hot fluid from a commercial kitchen vat.

When I talked with Jagadish, I could appreciate his strong belief that family must help its members in all circumstances.  He also enjoys chanting.

After Jagadish’s visit, I was driven to the household of a young Brazilian family, where their six-month-old daughter was ready to receive her first grains.  A priest, that’s me, spoon feeds the child in a small ceremony called anna prasana.  Part two of this program is to lay out a book (shastra), such as the sacred text Bhagavad-gita, and next to it a small pile of coins.  Tradition has it that when the child is set to crawl and make a choice to touch either the book or the coins, it may determine their future inclinations.

Our little girl reached out for the coins.  Family and visitors took delight.  Her older brother by three years, Ravi, and I also got on well.  Later for the Sunday crowd, people were leaping for the stars, it appeared, during kirtan, and reaching new heights, I felt, at class time.

May the Source be with you!
0 km

Saturday, January 6th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Burnaby, British Columbia

Good Saturday

I’m amazed with what a quiet, tiny little lady from Mauritius can do.  Nishta is that wonderful person I’m speaking about.  Within practically twenty-four hours, she drew a crowd of people on a Saturday, when most folks have their parties and programs set. To cause everyone to readjust venues and events after listening to an enticing voice like Nishta’s, was an extraordinary feat, but she did it.

Her living room was going to be the place for a sanga, but as interest grew her modest quarters were not able to hold the capacity crowd.  With the local temple across the street, she shifted gathering places.

Now I was to be the honoured guest, Bhaktimarga Swami, also known as the Walking Monk’. I was introduced as such and to a hefty crowd of young children, all the way up to mature adults.  The challenge is to keep the whole cross-section of people happy.

My strategy in such circumstances is to keep the kids charged up, and then you will win the hearts of all.  The reading and charades of the “Killing of Dhenukasura” were a triumph.  Then I opened up the floor for a Q & A that went very well.  More adults participated in this.  Questions were superb and relevant, keeping in the context of spiritual growth.

By bedtime I was happily fatigued when Manu and Rene both took a crack at my legs, massaging with as best an effort as possible.  I’ve been limping, remember?

May the Source be with you!

0 km

Managing the mind 4 – Training the mind by dividing and castigating
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at Govardhan Eco-Village, Wada, Mumbai, India]



Podcast Summary


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Dear Godbrother
→ Ramai Swami

I am very close to my dear godbrother, Venugopal das, since we were young brahmacaris living and travelling together in the early days of ISKCON Australia.

Venu was diagnosed with terminal cancer a few months ago and will leave his body shortly.

Upon hearing of the situation I flew from Sydney with Pratapana, Jayasri and Camari to spend time with him at his home near New Govardhan. He was in such a Krsna Conscious condition that it was extremely blissful being in his ecstatic association.

Breathing Space. Ananda Vrindavaneshwari Devi Dasi: Last week a…
→ Dandavats

Breathing Space.
Ananda Vrindavaneshwari Devi Dasi: Last week a dry cough gripped my breath and made it short. I had the experience we all have - appreciating something when it’s gone or not working well.
Breathing is the in and out of life that happens unconsciously until it doesn’t. The idea of my last breath became a reality. What do I breathe? How do I breathe? Can I do it better when I’m better? These were all questions that stayed with me as I slowed down due to shallow breathing.
That experience helped me create some breathing space in my life - the gift of illness is the gift of time. Nothing became more pressing than healing the cough and yet I needed to give it time by giving myself time to slow down and rest. Who wants to be sick? Too much to do! I should push on! I also couldn’t hurry up the recovery - the illness itself needed breathing space to find its feet and work itself through.

Breathing space is needed when we are sick and it is key to keeping healthy when we are healthy. Exercise and rest create breathing space for the body, listening and meditation make breathing space for the mind, and philosophy and reflections on life and death provide breathing space for the intelligence.

And the soul? How to make breathing space for soul? Answer: Intentional devotional service to Krishna, for His pleasure. Taking time to gaze at the beautiful Deity form of the Lord. Making a tasty vegetarian dish and offering it to Him with love and devotion. Joining a kirtan. Taking japa beads and walking or sitting with Krishna’s name. Listening to talks about Krishna. Sharing thoughts about Krishna through writing or speaking.

My favorite example of breathing space is Krishna providing it to Arjuna minutes before the great battle of Kuruksetra. It made all the difference for Arjuna. Keep breathing space close to the top of your new year’s resolutions list - to have some for yourself and to give to others. It’s guaranteed to make all the difference.

The Hard Problem does not have to remain hard
→ Servant of the Servant

According to modern psychology, the self is made of a combination of conscious and unconscious self. In the unconscious realm, there are collective and personal forgotten images. Images or memories that we collected from our culture, family and our own individual quarks over a period of time. We may not be aware of these intentionally but is a part of us. This is unconsciously present within us. The ego is a sum total of our conscious and unconscious self and this sum total (ego) is exhibited as our personality. Our likes and dislikes (personality) in daily life therefore are a reflection of our ego.

The model can explain many mundane attributes of a person,however, it does not answer what psychologists call the hard problem. Where does consciousness come in all of this? Scientists are not able to explain how a being experiences this phenomenal world. The quality of awareness (qualia) such as the redness in red or the sensation of taste or our passion for a particular work or person or love etc that which defines us is not quantifiable within the scientific community.

I am very astonished that the scientific picture of the real world around me is deficient. It gives a lot of factual information, puts all our experience in a magnificently consistent order, but it is ghastly silent about all and sundry that is really near to our heart, that really matters to us. It cannot tell us a word about red and blue, bitter and sweet, physical pain and physical delight; it knows nothing of beautiful and ugly, good or bad, God and eternity. Science sometimes pretends to answer questions in these domains, but the answers are very often so silly that we are not inclined to take them seriously. 
- Erwin Schrödinger - Nobel Prize Winning Physicist

In fact it is said that Schrödinger was so fed up with the mundanness of science that he gave up hard science in later stages of his life. This is a testimony to how science is good at collecting and interpreting data but falls way short on explaining what makes us human. Most scientists' (my opinion) therefore cannot appreciate the simple things in life, unfortunately. What to speak of an unknown and unseen God!

Anyways, consciousness according to vedic theory is the symptom of the existence of an ethereal substance called soul. The soul is as real as matter (body) but only it does not hold material qualities such as decay or change. It is not affected by material elements of heat, cold, dryness, wetness etc. It is also not subjected to sensual and mental feelings of pain, pleasure, anger, depression etc. So if we remove the sensual, mental and material layers of our self, whatever is remaining is the subliminal soul.

The soul is experiencing this phenomenal world and the quality of awareness stems from the soul. The soul or the actual person is completely independent and in fact entire sense of being (consciousness) of thinking (brain functions), willing and feelings (from our heart) comes from the soul. The body and mind and the ego are windows for the soul to experience and relate with this world. Modern science says that the body+mind+ego=self or person. Vedic science says that soul=self or person and it uses the body+mind+ego as a vessel to experience this world.

Science cannot make any progress in this field of consciousness till they agree to the existence of a completely independent substance called the soul. If they do agree at some point in the future, then the entire field of science has to be re-written.

Hare Krishna

Managing the mind 3 – Understanding inclination, infatuation and intention
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at Govardhan Eco-Village, Wada, Mumbai, India]



Podcast Summary


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Sastra Dana Sweden Report November/December 2017. Mukunda das:…
→ Dandavats

Sastra Dana Sweden Report November/December 2017.
Mukunda das: 360 “Bortom födelse och död”
15 “Perfekta frågor och perfekta svar”
10 “En mästares ledning”
8 Bhagavad-gita
1 Srimad Bhagavatam set
Shastra Dana programme in Sweden has now existed over eight years.
From August 2009 - December 2017 we have distributed app 19.500 böcker.
Srila Prabhupada wrote to Cyavana das 26 December 1971:
”Distribution of books and magazines is our most important activity.
Without books, our preaching has no solid basis”
Special thanks to the following devotees for supporting the book
HH Smita Krishna Swami, Sri Jayadeva das, Ella & Sune Hellström, Aja das & Pancavati dd, Magnus Hedström, Sten Bergil, Jayesh das, Muktarama das, Mikael Forian, Mikael Johansson, Robert Åkerman, Cathryn Claesson, Astasiddhi dd, Yogindra das, Bahulashva das, Dharani dd

Managing the mind 2 – Understanding how the mind affects our free will
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at Govardhan Eco-Village, Wada, Mumbai, India]



Podcast Summary


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Founder-Acarya Foremost on ISKCON Temple Websites
→ Dandavats

By the GBC

ISKCON center officials shall be responsible to ensure that any and all web sites published by the center prominently feature a picture of Srila Prabhupada on the introductory page. This picture should be larger than any other individual’s photo (such as the GBC, center President, or guru). Srila Prabhupada should be addressed by his formal name and title: “His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness,” or “ISKCON Founder-Acarya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada”, or an equivalent translation. Continue reading "Founder-Acarya Foremost on ISKCON Temple Websites
→ Dandavats"

Sound Systems Guideline
→ Dandavats

By the Governing Body Commission of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

The GBC Body hereby encourages ISKCON managers to monitor the levels of the sound systems in use at their centers. The sound system should be adjusted so that it sounds clear, sweet and attractive as opposed to overly loud, distorted or painful. Whenever possible, the sound pressure levels should regularly be measured using sound pressure level meters to make sure that dangerous sound pressure levels are prevented. Such meters are available on mobile devices. Continue reading "Sound Systems Guideline
→ Dandavats"

Togo Padayatra
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Bhakti Carudesna Swami

On Saturday, 23rd of December 2017, Iskcon Lomé, Togo, West Africa organized its second Padayatra. Around 45 devotees from different countries of West Africa met in Lomé, the capital of Togo. We had devotees like Bhakti Carudesna Swami from Côte d ‘ Ivoire, Yuga Prabhu, the west African Council chairman from Ghana, Vrajendra Dhulal and Tribhuvanath Prabhus from Nigeria, Candrasekar Prabhu and Bhakta Séverin from the Republic of Benin and many others from Togo like Atmattva Prabhu, Akincana Prabhu, Mother Abla Amouzou etc. Vrajendra Dhulal Prabhu from Nigeria a disciple of Lokanath Swami Maharaja, was on his way to Nigeria but decided to stay for the program. He said: “Padayatra is my Guru Maharaj’ s program, I can’ t afford missing it. I must stay to attend to it.” Continue reading "Togo Padayatra
→ Dandavats"

Have Darshans of the Most Holiest site of Naimisharanya! (Album…
→ Dandavats

Have Darshans of the Most Holiest site of Naimisharanya! (Album with photos)
Chakratirtha, considered to be the holiest site in Naimisharanya, is also believed to be the epicenter of Prithvimandala (Earth). In the Satya Yuga, some of the most prominent rishis used to perform continual yagnas here, including- Maharishi Shringi, Maharishi Dalabhaya, Maharishi Udallak, Maharishi Shikamketu, Maharishi Pravaan and many others. It is believed that a huge Manomaya Chakra (wheel) fell on this site and created a round “Kund”, which is known as Chakra Tirtha. Devotees taking bath in this Kund are believed to have their soul cleansed and those who perform charity gain wealth benefits. The body is purified through meditation and people who donate “Pinda” are believed to attain the state of Moksha.
Find them here:

When something happens to us, is it karma or Krsna?
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 04 June 2012, Leicester, England, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.7)

When something happens to a devotee, is it karma or is it Krsna acting? This is a big question. Sometimes, we hear, “It’s your karma, Prabhu?” Then at other times, you are told, “Isn’t it Krsna who is behind this?”

Srila Prabhupada explained about how karma works for a devotee in The Nectar of Devotion – the fan (analogous to karma) is spinning and at the time you take up devotional service, the electricity is turned off but the fan continues turning, therefore we are getting diminished reactions.

So are we under the influence of karma or are we directly under Krsna’s influence? Is the pure devotee under the influence of Krsna and is everyone else under the influence of diminished karma? Giriraj Swami has shed some light on this matter:

As Prabhupada said, there is that diminished reaction but Krsna is behind it and Krsna is sort of watching that karma – that diminished karma. Sometimes he interferes and at other times he just lets it act and he watches, anumantā upadrasta (the permitter and the overseer, Bhagavad-gita 13.23). He just witnesses it and oversees everything. As anumantā, he gives ājñā diba – permission. So, in this way Krsna permits it or sometimes Krsna says, “No, scrape off the bill. That is okay, there is no need for that.”

At other times, Krsna puts in an extra test. According to our karma, something was not supposed to happen but Krsna put it in there! So it’s interesting how we, as devotees, are simultaneously under the influence of Krsna’s direction and karma. Krsna is the ultimate cause and therefore we always see Krsna behind it. Whenever something happens to us, we see Krsna as pūruṣa, our maintainer, who is with us at every step of the way. He is caring for us; there is no doubt! He does not leave us alone. Although he puts us through things that we really do not want to go through it, still it is good for us. He is prodding us, activating us like a buffalo because after all, we have become like buffalos!

In India you see the buffalos walking in the street and when cars come from behind, ‘Honk! Honk!’ as Indian cars do, the buffalo does not move an inch and just keeps on walking. Even when a car touches the buffalo a bit, it does not move but with anyone else, they would have moved, So we have a bit of that buffalo consciousness. By being under the influence of the three modes of material nature, we have become dull; we have lost our sensitivity.

When things are happening in our life, it is Krsna prodding us. Gradually, we awaken and we rise above. Sometimes you see a little boy or a little girl walking next to the buffalo with a stick – they are not shy and ‘whack’ with a stick and that’s what gets the buffalo going. Sometimes Krsna also does it to us!


ISKCON Scarborough – Special 2-hour kirtan followed by seminar on "Peace in adversity"
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!
Please accept our humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

On Saturday 13th Jan 2017 at ISKCON Scarborough, we will be having a grand kirtan by HG Ajamil das and other kirtaneers in memory of and towards the onward spiritual journey of Kiran prabhu (Srimathi mathaji's son) who left his body recently. This 2 hour kirtan will be followed by a wonderful seminar by HG Sankarshan das Adhikari on the topic of "Peace in Adversity".

This will be the 7th seminar conducted by HG Sankarshan das Adhikari prabhu at ISKCON Scarborough:

2012- Nectar of Devotion, 2013- Present day Paramahamsa, 2014- Stop worrying, start living, 2015- Bhagavad Gita is for everyone, 2016- Progress in Krsna Consciousness, 2017- Karma, Destiny, Free will and reincarnation

The schedule for coming Saturday 13th Jan 2018 is follows:

8 am - 10 am: Kirtan by HG Ajamil das and other ISKCON Scarborough devotees
9 am - 10.30 am: Free breakfast prasadam
10.30 am - 11.45 am: "Peace in Adversity" seminar - 1st session
11.45 am - 12 noon: Short break
12 noon - 1.30 pm: "Peace in Adversity" seminar – Final session
1.30: Lunch prasadam

We invite you, your family and your friends to take part in the programs coming Saturday at ISKCON Scarborough.

ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,
Scarborough, Ontario,

Email Address:


Watch Online the Live Broadcast of the Historic TOVP Chakra…
→ Dandavats

Watch Online the Live Broadcast of the Historic TOVP Chakra Installation Ceremony
The TOVP management has arranged for a live broadcast of the Grand Installation Ceremony of the Chakras onto Sri Sri Radha Madhava’s and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s domes on February 7th, 2018 through MayapurTV. Now every devotee will have an opportunity to view this occasion live right from the comfort of their own home and with their entire family.
This momentous and pivotal occasion, perhaps the most important in ISKCON’s history to date, represents the completion of a seven year phase of construction and the beginning of the remaining phase of construction of the TOVP as we approach the Grand Opening in 2022. It heralds yet another milestone of achievement in our cooperative effort to fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s strong desire to build this unique temple and establish Sridhama Mayapur as the spiritual capital of the world, nay, the universe, from whence the sankirtan movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began and Krishna prema flows.

The address to access MayapurTV is:

A link to download the Schedule of Events is below and we request you print it to post at your local temple and share on your Facebook Page and other social media. Become a TOVP Ambassador and spread the word.

Radha Kunda Seva: December 2017 Photos and Updates (Album of…
→ Dandavats

Radha Kunda Seva: December 2017 Photos and Updates (Album of photos)
It is with great joy that we welcome the New Year with this announcement, “Apsara and Navala Kundas are clean!” It took over two weeks for our crew to tackle the buildup of trash there. Now we’ve transitioned to daily maintenance cleaning and moved on to another place badly in need of care. We have started cleaning Dananivartan Kunda situated just about a kilometer south of the Danghati Temple in Govardhan Town. From there, we are slowly working our way south down the side of Govardhan Hill. Our crew is very happy to do this work. In wonder, they expressed how perfect it is that they are earning a livelihood and performing a most important service to Govardhan at the same time!
We had a hope that the Forestry Department would give us some land to care for, but asking the Forestry Minister via mediaries didn’t seem to be going anywhere until… the minister himself showed up as we were cleaning the area near Dananivartan Kunda! Way to get his attention! He was happy with our work and is going to try his best to get us a lease on that tract of forest! If anything, the meeting was certainly a green light for us to continue cleaning right near Govardhan!
For years, we’ve been working with Food for Life Vrindavan to support the construction and running of a girls’ school here in Govardhan. Though that construction has been delayed due to issues with the land, we have decided to offer some classes at local schools in the meantime. Specifically, we are teaching classes in classical Indian dance, Bharatanatyam. The girls are so eager to learn! Dancing and singing about Radha and Krishna comes naturally to them since love of Radha and Krishna is the foundation of their lives and culture here in Vraja.
As the new year dawns, our cleaning and prasadam distribution continue. We are deeply grateful for your blessings and support due to which this service is thriving and expanding.
Please browse our latest photos and join our efforts by visiting We are dependent on your help. Your servants, Campakalata Devi dasi, Padma Gopi Devi dasi, Sri Arjuna dasa, Urmila Devi Dasi, and Mayapurcandra dasa.
Find them here:

ISKCON devotees’ 7-year-old daughter Vasilisa Yashenko has…
→ Dandavats

ISKCON devotees’ 7-year-old daughter Vasilisa Yashenko has been recently filmed in a major Russian TV talent show for children entitled as “Luchshe Vseh” or “Best Of All”.
The audience, as well as the host Maxim Galkin - a famous TV-star, husband of Russian primadonna Alla Pugachova, - were responding to Vasilisa’s performance of an Indian dance with great enthusiasm.
Watch Vasilisa’s heart-warming TV performance here:

Spiritual Picnic

Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha’s Annual Spiritual Picnic: Welcoming the New year, around 800 prospective devotees from Krishnanagar, Dhubulia, Dharmada, Srirampur, Swarupganj etc. took part in Annual Spiritual Picnic, conducted by Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha on 17th Dec 2017.The program took place on the bank of Ganges “ Shree Kunja”, mayapur; a beautiful environment alike the forest of […]

The post Spiritual Picnic appeared first on

What is ISKCON? Who is a member of ISKCON?
→ Dandavats

By Urmila Devi Dasi

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada established ISKCON when it consisted of one rented storefront in New York City. He wrote purposes for his new society—to teach spiritual knowledge, consciousness of our existence as a soul part of the Supreme Godhead Krishna, and a simpler natural way of life Continue reading "What is ISKCON? Who is a member of ISKCON?
→ Dandavats"

Being merciful to others
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 08 November 2017, Mayapur, India, Russian Morning Class, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.6.10)

In the Bhagavad-gita (7.4), we find a list of material elements: earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and the false ego. These are Krsna’s separated energies. Then we find in the next verse (Bhagavad-gita 7.5), a description of the living being and what they are doing. They are exploiting the universe. We like to think of ourselves as innocent people who are misunderstood but Krsna, in the Bhagavad-gita, has another judgment. According to Krsna, we are manipulative and exploitative and somehow or other making so many arrangements to manoeuvre ourselves to a greater position. If others are suffering, we do not really care that much. We care a little because it feels good to be charitable.

We see on the news how people are dying and go on having a cup of coffee and a piece of cake. You have to be quite insensitive to do that! So a change of heart is required to start thinking of the welfare of others. This is why sankirtan is very powerful. This is why book distribution is a very powerful tool in this movement. Not only is the book itself powerful propaganda, it is also fully transcendental and anyone who touches a book can become purified.

Prabhupada was reading the Krsna Book and said to Srutakirti, “This is such a wonderful book. Anyone who reads this book, they will become a pure devotee! Anyone who reads one chapter of this book can become a pure devotee. Anyone who reads one page of this book can become a pure devotee. Not only that, anyone who reads one sentence can become a pure devotee.” And then Prabhupada said, “Anyone who reads one word can become a pure devotee.”

I met Srutakirti in Vrindavan and we were talking about this pastime. Srutakirti said, “Yes, Prabhupada said it to me several times about different books – about the Krsna Book, about Nectar of devotion and other books.” Srutakirti then said, “Obviously Prabhupada knew that I wasn’t reading.”

Anyway, so these books are very potent and anyone who gets such a book is greatly benefitted. But the person who distributes the book is even more benefitted because that person is taking austerity for the welfare of others and is finally learning how to stop manipulating things for their own advantage and is making a sacrifice to give out the mercy.

In some parts of our movement, book distribution is a little out of fashion. There are many other ways to reach out to people. Times have changed and there are other interesting strategic ways to reach people and all good. But, book distribution is like a cold shower whereas some of these other preaching tactics are nice, warm showers. Cold showers get the blood circulation really going. We can consider that there is a special purification when doing book distribution. It is this spirit of giving the mercy to others which should be our focus.

The Peace Formula Retreat – Jan 11 – 14, 2018
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

Toronto's Hare Krishna Temple is excited to welcome back Sankarshan Dasa Adhikari to the Greater Toronto Area from Jan 11-14, 2018.  Traveling across the globe, Sankarshan Dasa Adhikari is a teacher, author of several books, and personal mentor and guide to tens of thousands in over 100 countries.  He explores and makes knowledge from the ancient Vedic scriptures relevant to us in modern times.

Together with his wife and teaching partner, Vishnupriya Devi Dasi, he brings the purity of an ancient tradition, makes it easily accessible and applicable, and lays out a clear process to escape the clutches of our difficult lives.

He shares deep spiritual insights and practices through his famous Ultimate Self Realization Course, a combination of email education, live classes over the Internet, and in-person live classes, seminars, workshops, all delivered lovingly as a service to humanity, without any barriers of fees or commercial exchanges. For an archive of his teachings, see

Sankarshan Das Adhikari joined the Hare Krishna movement and received initiation from His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1971. Since then, he has been serving his spiritual master's order sincerely and enthusiastically. He is an initiating spiritual master within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

The schedule is listed below as well as links to register for these amazing seminars:

Special Lessons - Mantra Meditation for Inner Peace
Daily from January 11 - January 14
4:30am - 7:00am
Register Here

Srimad Bhagavatam Classes
Daily from January 11 - January 14
7:30am - 9:00am
Register Here

Brampton Seminar: Peace Against all Odds
Friday, January 12
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Register Here

Scarborough Seminar: Peace in Adversity
Saturday, January 13
10:30am - 12:30pm
Register Here

Toronto Seminar: Peace Within Peace Without
Saturday January 13
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Register Here

The Value of Time, January 7, Dallas
Giriraj Swami

Giriraj Swami read and spoke from Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.18 during the Sunday program.

“The materialistic man of the modern age will argue that life, or part of it, is never meant for discussion of theosophical or theological arguments. Life is meant for the maximum duration of existence for eating, drinking, sexual intercourse, making merry and enjoying life. The modern man wants to live forever by the advancement of material science, and there are many foolish theories for prolonging life to the maximum duration. But the Srimad Bhagavatam affirms that life is not meant for so-called economic development or advancement of materialistic science for the hedonistic philosophy of eating, mating, drinking and merrymaking. Life is solely meant for tapasya, for purifying existence so that one may enter into eternal life just after the end of the human form of life.” SB 2.3.18 purport

The Value of Time (Right-click to download)

Friday, January 5th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Saranagati, British Columbia

Family Life in the Valley

You might wonder if a monk has any interest in family values.  The answer is a resounding, “YES!”  At least this one finds it a favourite topic.  My hosts, Partha and Uttama, and I carried on with a casual discussion on the strength and stability behind a solid family unit.  Everyone wants it but the rate of separation within couples is astounding.

“Let’s get behind it,” is their method,  and I might add, that to their credit, they are world travellers who present seminars on successful marriages.

One admirable couple in the valley are Mark and Sunny who are putting the finishing touches on their own designed home atop a mountain.  Mark has built it himself with local materials—pine, fir, cedar and more.  Their two kids are loving their domain.

Bala Krishna and Hari Lila, living at the north end of the valley, are the most progressive growers of edible plants.  Called Bhumi Farms, their endeavour in living the organic life and providing fantastic veggies and fruits is enviable.  Of course, at this time of year one resorts to more root cellar food.  A visit to their patch and pad of Krishna consciousness is what I always look forward to.

From Bhumi Farms, I trekked—yes, the roads have been cleared—to Manu and Satarupa’s place, another home on the way to rustic completion.  Manu is a fine cook.  I was a little overzealous on the local “Fear the Heat” peppers sprinkled on my soup.  Some dilution of the prep made it less intense.

Gopinatha and Ananda from Colorado are into health, and presented a talk on the panacea of good diet to include chanting.  Their experiment, where they surveyed volunteers on chanting the maha mantra over a period of time, produced remarkable results.  They shared that with us in the Govardhan School.

Good Stuff!

May the Source be with you!

6 km