Interview with Ranaka das
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit


Where is your hometown? 

I was born in Norfolk, VA where my father was in the Navy.  After his discharge from the duty, we relocated to my family’s home town in NW Iowa when I was 2 weeks old.  I lived in my family’s farm near Paullina IA until I graduated from High School at the age of 17 & moved to Denver CO in 1972, and then in the mountains near Evergreen until 1977.

What initially attracted you to Krishna Consciousness? 

I was  interested in Eastern Philosophy and had been going to lectures by different swamis, I became friends with a devotee who directed me to the Denver Temple.

When did you first meet devotees? 

I became friends with a devotee who had left the temple, he was living down the road from my place in the Evergreen, Co area in 1976. I visited and met the devotees at the Denver temple around December of 1976.

When & where did you first join ISKCON? 

I joined New Vrindaban in February 1977.

When & where did you get initiated? 

I was initiated in New Vrindaban in August 1977.

When & where did you get married? 

I got married with Elena, at the Wheeling Court House in August of 2000, and had a reception afterward at the Palace Restaurant, with many devotees in attendance.

When/where did you first hear about New Vrindaban? 

I heard from the devotees at the Denver Temple.

When did you move to New Vrindaban? 

I moved to New Vrindaban in Feb 1977.

What is your favorite part of New Vrindaban? 

Radha Vrindaban Chandra!

What were your main services in each decade, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, current? 

I was taking care of the cows and agriculture, from beginning to present.

What was your favorite service? 

It’s all been good.

Anything specific you’d like to mention about your family? (spouses, children, siblings, parents, etc.) 

My eldest son Kyle (Rama) is a high school math teacher, lives & teaches in SLO CA. He is married to Dara and has a one year old son named Riley.

My second son David (Raktak) has a vegan restaurant business, he also lives & works in SLO CA. He is married to Sarah and they have a 1.5 year old son named Arjuna and a newborn daughter named Amrita.

My third son Bryce (Ramesh) graduated from Wesleyan College in Middletown CT last year and is now enrolled in a tech school in Seattle WA, where he is seeking employment after graduation.

My fourth son Joshua Rama is 13, and is finishing his last year at Gopal’s Garden. He will move onto High School next year.

Any advice to newer and future residents?

Chant Krishna’s name and depend on Him in all circumstances, you will never be the loser.


Chakra Installation Invitation Flyer

Below is the official TOVP Invitation flyer for the Chakra installation ceremony on February 7th, 2018. You may print it for your temple and post it on the internet as you wish to help get the word out.

This historic and momentous occasion is probably one of the most important in ISKCON’s history. It heralds yet another milestone of achievement in our progress towards the fulfillment of Srila Prabhupada’s deepest desire to build the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium and establish Sridhama Mayapur as the spiritual capital of the world from where the distribution of Krishna prema emanates and the Yuga Dharma of Harinama samkirtan began. And it represents the end of a phase and the beginning of a new phase of construction as we march towards the Grand Opening ceremony of the TOVP in 2022.

You can also take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime event by sponsoring an abhisheka for one or both Chakras. Please go here to find out how:

Installation Ceremony Invitation can be downloaded by clicking the button below.


The post Chakra Installation Invitation Flyer appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

Prayers for Venugopal Dasa. Kurma Dasa: I received this…
→ Dandavats

Prayers for Venugopal Dasa.
Kurma Dasa: I received this Facebook Message from my dear Godbrother Venugopal Das this morning:
“I feel the time is nearing. To all my friends and loved ones, please do not lament. Be happy under Prabhupada’s shelter. Take the Holy Name with full faith and attention. Care for each other and try to serve the Vaisnavas in any way you can. Oh….and I have no intention of stopping off in heaven. My Home is elsewhere.”
Alarmed, I wrote to his devoted wife Nikunja Seva devi.
She confirmed the worst.
“Yes prabhu.. he has a few weeks at the most.
He has an aggressive type of Cancer.
Had Colon surgery on 2nd Nov but cancer was already in his Liver & Lymph nodes. Chemo was not an option as it was not going to solve the problem. Since then, the tumours have grown rapidly. He is pretty yellow. There was talk of seeing if there was a blocked duct in the liver and perhaps putting a stent which would have alleviated his jaundice but the scans last night showed that it was pretty futile to try anything.
He is in great consciousness - cutting jokes and counselling grief stricken devotees. He is pretty weak. He has lost at least 15 kgs recently but his focus and attention on what he needs to do is steadfast and strong.
We have been overwhelmed with the love and support from our devotee family all over the world.
Prayers are his main medicine so your heartfelt prayers would be most appreciated.
With respect and thanks
Nikunja Seva dd ”
SO please dear readers, send your prayers for Sriman Venugopal dasa ACBSP🏽

Catching frogs after church
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Mayesvara Das

Any parent who has raised a child knows they will sometimes get into mischief that may even be dangerous or problematic. In my case, I drove my mother crazy because I loved to play in the water. It was readily available in the stream that flowed down behind the neighbor's house and in a swamp located on the other side of the church parking lot. Simply telling me not to play in the water with my Sunday clothes on was never as dissuasive as my Dad calling me to go with him downtown to the local bakery after church. Continue reading "Catching frogs after church
→ Dandavats"

Boiling down the milk – Goodbye 2017
→ KKSBlog

With our Kartik memories fading and Vyasa Puja anticipation setting in, we approach the conclusion of a very energetic year. This is a good moment to reflect and share with you our 2017 FACTS AND STATS

Although we are not starting a trend ? the number of published articles in 2017 (232 articles) dropped again compared to last year (278 articles). As was the case in 2016, our focus was on quality new stuff and re-editing older published articles. On top of that, most of our team took a well-deserved break during the Vrindavan parikramas but even then, we managed to publish a ton of live videos on Facebook.

First and foremost, we would like to acknowledge the people who work behind the scenes to make KKSBlog possible:

  • Uddhava (Netherlands) – Webmaster
  • Ragalekha (South Africa) – Editor
  • Harsarani (England) – Transcriber
  • Naimisaranya (Netherlands) – Transcriber
  • Rai Kaisori (Mauritius) – Transcriber
  • Bhakta Vatsala (India) – FB live and audio recordings
  • Sesa (England) – Travel reports and audio recordings

Insights for 2017

You came and went in 2017. At the date of writing this post, we had 41720 visitors who read 232 published articles. The visitor count dropped slightly and this correlates directly to the number of articles published. But even with the slight drop in visitors, you viewed more articles (with an average of 2.8 views per visitor, the same as in 2016). So overall, with fewer articles we managed to catch your attention better and keep you glued to the content and that, in any sense, is the best way forward…

Throughout the year our strongest months were March, April and May most likely due to the Vyasa Puja and Kingsday festivals. October spiked a bit in the last quarter, probably due to the many Vrindavan parikrama posts published in that month.

And Facebook rules again as the source of where you came from, together with search engines like Google and Bing. Also, Dandavats is strong again this year for sending us traffic.

We are very happy with the continuous traffic that we are getting. That means we provide you with interesting content and is a stimulus for us to continue doing so.

Top 10 most viewed articles for 2017

Some quotes/stories of Kadamba Kanana Swami really stand out. The story about Kartik and Lokanath Swami who approached him during his already too full schedule is a fine example of that. And it seems you liked it too since its number 1 on the list. And the stars really ‘predict the future’ as it is again high on the list at number 6. (Last year it was on number 4!)

  1. Kartik – for the busy people!
  2. Recordings – July 2017
  3. A special initiation ceremony in Radhadesh, May 2017
  4. Recordings – March 2017: Updated
  5. Quotes from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
  6. Astrological compatibility
  7. Health Update: 17 March 2017
  8. Bhakti-tirtha Swami
  9. The Demons Represent Anarthas
  10. Recordings – April 2017

Top 10 most viewed articles of all time

Very interesting article topics pop up here! Compared to 2016 the top 10 is exactly the same except number 10. Last year at number 10, we had “Sexual Entanglement” instead. It seems like this top 10 is also a bit “entangled” ?

  1. Astrological compatibility – (3835 views)
  2. Health Situation of Kadamba Kanana Swami – (2177)
  3. Quotes from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura – (2114)
  4. To be or not to be… vegan? – (1751)
  5. Sex in Vedic culture – (1526)
  6. Health Update, 09 March 2016 – (1358)
  7. What’s wrong with sex? – (1276)
  8. Kirtan Mela Mayapur 2015 Videos – (1231)
  9. The brahmachari and the grhasta – (1114)
  10. Kirtan Standards by Jayadvaita Swami – (1099)

The New Order

India is again on top in 2017 followed by the United Kingdom and South Africa. The United States follows and Australia closes the top 5 visiting countries. Even Germany and Canada are also keeping up this year!

Financial overview 2017

Total Sales / donations €1,574.26
Total Costs €866.47
Transaction fees €38.89
Balance €746.68


All of our sales and donations are not-for-profit. Most of the income is generated by the online shop and from spontaneous donations by visitors. Our annual costs are made up of hosting & software costs, shipping fees and product costs. PayPal and other service providers (like Bandcamp) charge us fees for using their services. This is covered in the transaction fees post. This year we managed to decrease the transactions fees by more than 50%! Overall it has been a good year financially and we are going into 2018 with a positive balance…

What will 2018 bring?

While we cannot predict the future and our astrological qualities are severely limited, we do intend to keep publishing exciting content, improve and update older articles. Time permitting we are thinking about publishing a series of articles with older audio recordings (1996 and older) that are currently only available on cassette tapes. Also, we are ramping up the publication of audio albums on iTunes, Amazon and other streaming media! Be sure to watch out for that!

Everything is possible, only time separates us…

From KKSBlog, we wish you a spiritually enlivening 2018! Regular blogging will resume next week.

“Hare Krishna!” – The legend of a spiritual warrior
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Purushottam Nitai Das

I was reluctant. What will be new in it? “I know the story, have seen multiple videos about him and moreover it will be available on youtube in few months.” But none of my arguments cut the ice with my wife, she was so eager to watch the “Hare Krishna!” movie that I had to finally relent. I was skeptical when I was entering inside the hall but was thrilled while coming out. My wife was too happy. We both soon started inquiring about the possibility of buying the next show tickets. It was a perfect wedding anniversary gift for both of us. The memory of the movie will remain with me for a very long period, may be till my last breath. It is a must watch for those who want to know how an old man struggled all alone to create a worldwide movement. Continue reading "“Hare Krishna!” – The legend of a spiritual warrior
→ Dandavats"

Harmonious Coexistence: Religions and Philosophies (Album with…
→ Dandavats

Harmonious Coexistence: Religions and Philosophies (Album with photos)
Gaur Gopal das spoke alongside His Holiness the Dalai Lama on 28th Dec 2017, at the Ideas of Harmonious Coexistence: Religions and Philosophies of India Conference at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Dehli today to an audience of 400 people.
It was an interfaith conference to highlight the diverse religious backgrounds that exist in India and what can be done to increase appreciation, acceptance, and tolerance of them.
“My gratitude to His Holiness Syedna Taher Fakhruddin Saheb, one of the prominent leaders of the Bohra Muslim community for organizing the event.”
Find them here:

Tuesday, December 26th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Thank you!

After hours of drama practice on a newer production, “Many Mothers, Many Fathers,” about the life of King Chitraketu, I needed to go for that—guess what?—walk, of course.

Ranesvara and I set out for Yonge Street.  The cold blast was initially like some monster biting off our faces, but then our bodies adjusted and we were okay.  After all, we live in a world of adjustment and it is on these terms or within this state of mind which allows me to keep going.

For fun, we also trekked through the Eaton’s Centre, Nordstrom’s and the Hudson Bay stores, all one long strip of allurement.  Most of what we see are clothing outlets.  I find it strange that youth put so much energy into attire and yet everyone often ends up wearing very drab and dull, greys and blacks.

Fashion should mean colour, frills, accentuated shapes and designs.  I find sarees and even Indian men’s wear to be stylish, but that’s not what I see.  Most people here are dressed up as if in mourning.  As if, “Are you going to a funeral?”  That’s today’s modern fashion, as far as I’m concerned.

I would like to take this opportunity, now that the year’s end is near, to thank wholeheartedly the following people who have been so helpful, this year, aiding in my personal efforts to advance the cause of Krishna via the Walking Monk network: Rajasuya, Abhidheya, Nitai Priya, Dhruva, Nick Pereira, Ananda Rupa, Vivasvan, Hayagriva, Marshall, Dharma, Manasi Ganga, Curtis, and more.

May the Source be with you!

7 km

Monday, December 25th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Mississauga, Ontario

Baby Blue

I went to visit Gelda’s residence. The family runs a food business that supplies Walmart, some airlines, and other outlets.  Of particular interest to me is their business supplies great alternative sugar substitutes, brown rice and a line of other pro-health products.

“The demand is on,” said Mukesh Gelda, one of the managers whose birthday happens to fall on mine, “People want to go more organic and wholesome.”  Sounds like food fit for God.

While at his home, he brought me to his altar where daily prayers take place.  We also looked outside the window to view the baby-blue vista—a fresh snowfall, icicles and a bright clear sky to give pleasure to the mind.

It was really the only Christmas outing for me today and that’s fine.  I needed time to write and to pace—it so happened that it had to be indoors, just one more day.

I am truly drawn to the snow and the crisp challenge of it.  One call I received from Saskatchewan was their forecast for tomorrow, -51°C.  The one good thing about plummeting temperatures is that it brings everyone close together.  Body heat comes in handy at times.

As pointed out by Krsnadas, my good friend whom I’ve spent much time traveling with as monks, “This Christmas Day is the quietest day of the year.”  He’s right.  Fewer cars.  That is like heaven.

Could we have just one day without cars except for emergencies?  For Planet Earth’s sake?

May the Source be with you!

4 km

Sunday, December 24th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

J & K

Christmas Eve, for the Krishna followers, means Krishna carolling.  Our usual Sunday community converged on the temple for singing, dancing and feasting.  We were singing the praises of Krishna, although we do love Jesus, too.

Jesus came to the world as the Prince of Peace.  He traveled on foot from place to place, like a swami.  He is sometimes depicted as one carrying a staff, much like a walking stick.  He was determined to spread mindfulness and overall wellness.

Krishna had a similar agenda.  Three thousand years before Jesus descended, He was born in a prison, then transferred for his safety to a quiet village near a manger.  In Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad-gita, He  explains His purpose for coming—to establish dharma and finally prema (chapter 18).

As a babe, He was protected from the evils of King Kamsa.  In the life of Jesus, we hear that His foster parents, Joseph and Mary, fled with their infant to escape the atrocities of King Herod.

In the traditions of both Christianity and Krishna-icity, there is emphasis given to the power of sound, the name of the Divine, by the usage of words like ‘holy’ or ‘hallowed’.  In Sanskrit, the language of Krishna, the term used is shabda brahman, to denote spiritual sound vibration.

We encouraged our group of people to sing and chant as a way to purge the heart.  This is as Jesus and Krishna would have it.

May the Source be with you!

5 km

When neither distress nor taste motivates us consistently in bhakti, how can we become consistent?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post When neither distress nor taste motivates us consistently in bhakti, how can we become consistent? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Our beloved Srila Prabhupada conforms to the sastric description…
→ Dandavats

Our beloved Srila Prabhupada conforms to the sastric description of who exactly is a perfect devotee. His behavior is flawless, as his every word and deed is meant to glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna. He never deviates from that full attention to the Absolute Truth and he cannot be seen at any moment engaged in any frivolous talk or momentary material idleness. Each and every moment in a fully surrendered devotee’s life, even up to his last breath, is connected in some way to Krsna’s Name, Form, Instructions, or Pastimes.
Also, since he is no longer affected in any way by the three modes of nature, he is never forced to act, even for a moment. Everything is being directed personally by Krsna by His Internal Potency. Therefore, no one can ever find any fault because he is as good as Krsna Himself, and is completely under His care and protection at every moment. Krsna has all strength, all power, all everything. And He is never for a moment separate from such a perfect devotee but is eternally united with him through love and devotion.

So as we understand through hearing what transcendental characteristics describe a cent percent pure devotee, and as we see how he is spreading Krsna’s message all over the world, we gradually develop faith in such a rare soul. And if we are sufficiently blessed by Srila Prabhupada and by Krsna from within our hearts, we can develop unshakable faith in both Krsna and our spiritual master, at which time all the imports of the scriptures will be revealed to us. with all respect to the devotees, Mahananda dasa

Yet I hold back
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Madhumati Pushkarini Devi Dasi

Yes I hold back. There is every reason to surrender to You, every reason to hold on to You. Yet I hold back. This is my precarious condition, dear Lord. While I keep trying to coax my mind to understand what is good for me and what’s in it for me in surrendering to You, I come across this beautiful song by Purandara Dasa, Your unalloyed devotee. This is the song that helps me realize that indeed I have nothing really worth offering to You but still if I offer whatever I have, it is actually in my favor. Yet I hold back. Continue reading "Yet I hold back
→ Dandavats"

Was Srila Prabhupada intimidated with electronics?
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Gargamuni Das

So I thought, “Boy, how am I going to show Prabhupada how to use this thing? He’s from the village. In Vrindavan, they don’t know what a Dictaphone is.” So I brought it up to Prabhupada’s room, and I showed it to him. I showed him the mike, and he looked at it. I said, “Prabhupada, there’s an instruction book here how to use it. I’ll go through it with you.” He said, “No, that’s OK, I know.” I was shocked. And sure enough, Prabhupada knew. He pressed the right buttons, he was testing it, and I was shocked. He never even looked at the book. Continue reading "Was Srila Prabhupada intimidated with electronics?
→ Dandavats"

Can Kirtan be a source of maintenance for the body, mind and soul?
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Kripamoya Das

Sometimes devotees ask: "Can we be paid for doing kirtan?" and the reason why this question comes up is because many of us, especially young people, would like to lead a life of kirtan sharing kirtan with others. There are two considerations, one is that nothing should ever be done in Krishna consciousness for a profit motive. We don't give Srimad-Bhagavatam class for instance and then pass around the hat asking everyone to give a contribution for the class. We don't distribute prasad and ask for a a contribution. Continue reading "Can Kirtan be a source of maintenance for the body, mind and soul?
→ Dandavats"

Kirtan from Vrindavan!

Sri Prahlada is spending some time in the holy land of Vrindavan, India. Check out this amazing Kirtan from an home program at Indradyumna Swami’s house!   Posted by Kartik Parikrama with Indradyumna Swami on Friday, 22 December 2017

Barefoot Yoga Kirtan and talk

There was a wonderful event at Barefoot Yoga in Paddington, Sydney to close the year with a bang! Sri Prahlada gave an amazing talk on living a conscious life and led a wonderful Kirtan which had everyone dancing! Stay tuned for more events like this one early in the new year.

How can I overcome my attraction to watch every detail of my favorite actress?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post How can I overcome my attraction to watch every detail of my favorite actress? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Saturday. December 23rd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

The Road Not Taken

Another one by Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken.”  It’s somewhat appropriate for me because I did not take a road at all today, but just a church’s balcony; pacing back and forth.

I really love this one.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

May the Source be with you!

5 km

Friday, December 22nd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Something from Robert Frost

La neige—snow—finally did come and it compelled some of us, Nick, Vijay and I to strap on our boots, pull out the shovels and start clearing the outside stairs and sidewalks.  Neighbours love it when you remove the excess stuff lying on the paths and walkways.

We see it as a service to the community.  We extended the favour and shovelled the drive and walkways next door, which is known as Grant House, a facility for women implicated with the law and who are starting a new life.

When the job was completed and we entered the cozy warmth of our ashram, I saw I was sent a poem by Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.”

Whose woods these are I think I know.  
His house is in the village though;  
He will not see me stopping here  
To watch his woods fill up with snow.  

My little horse must think it queer  
To stop without a farmhouse near  
Between the woods and frozen lake  
The darkest evening of the year.   

He gives his harness bells a shake  
To ask if there is some mistake.  
The only other sound’s the sweep  
Of easy wind and downy flake.  

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,  
But I have promises to keep,  
And miles to go before I sleep,  
And miles to go before I sleep.

May the Source be with you!

0 km

Rathayatra Makes Devotees! Hello, my name is Ian Somerville. I…
→ Dandavats

Rathayatra Makes Devotees!
Hello, my name is Ian Somerville. I am a devoted young man in search of true enlightenment. Throughout the course of my life, I have personally studied and practiced many world religions. But the one that ignited that withered flame was Krishna consciousness.
During my spiritual journey, I have read many religious texts, but none can compare to the Bhagavad Gita. This book is not a Shakespearean playwright or a book of dreamy poetry, but a book in which Krishna, the supreme being, god of all gods, truly shows us how we can gain a life of spiritual perfection. Within the boundaries he has set in place for us He shows how to separate our material and spiritual worlds. Without a spiritual world, there can be no material world.
Let me give you a brief tour into a recent miraculous event that occurred for me. Recently, I had checked out a copy of Bhagavad Gita from the library. Following that I prayed ‘God, please give me a sign that this is the path I should pursue’. Two days later I happened to be walking down the Baltimore Inner Harbor and as I turned around I saw a sign that read, ‘Festival of India’. So I walked to the event, turned around, and before my two eyes I saw the sign, ‘Bhagavad Gita’! My prayers were answered almost immediately.
Everyone who has grown up has to find an identity, not only that but a personal faith. May Krishna bless all.
Don’t ever forget to chant:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Appreciative Love (22 min video)..
→ Dandavats

Appreciative Love - Rukmini Devi Dasi | Gratitude | Christmas Special (22 min video)
Rukmini Devi Dasi joined the ISKCON society in San Francisco in 1968. She then traveled to Montreal to meet Srila Prabhupada with the six devotees who were on their way to open the temple in London. She was initiated in Montreal and later served in Boston as an artist and then pujari there and in New York City.