Lessons on life
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 03 September 2016, Cape Town, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.9.25)

In this chapter, the passing away of Bhismadev, in the purport to this verse there is a list of challenges for society at large to improve their quality of life. The first challenge is, “Not to become angry!” We remember Upadesamrta, the Nectar of Instruction Verse 1, vaco vegam manasa krodha vegam, one must control the pushings of anger. So even when anger is pushing, one must somehow or other subdue it. Bhismadev also said that in order to conquer anger, one must learn to forgive because it is very difficult to judge with two types of measurements – measurement for others and different measurements for ourselves. For ourselves, there are so many explanations for our mistakes, “It wasn’t really my fault. It was just circumstances. I didn’t intend it that way…” whereas for others, “How could they do that! This is outrageous.” We judge them different and the same extenuating circumstances are not being considered so Bhismadev points out that we must learn to forgive. We have to see that others make mistakes because then we can overcome anger.  

Forgiving is not necessarily the same as forgetting. If someone has committed an abominable activity, we may forgive but it does not mean that we forget. We will remember but we will also keep a special eye – if someone puts his fingers in the money box then after that we keep him at a distance from the money box obviously. So forgiving and forgetting is not necessarily the same. Also, there may be a point when we forget, it depends on the seriousness of the offence.

Sometimes though, anger is required. Sometimes, it is necessary to send out a signal that from now it is too much. This has to stop. BANG, fist on the table! Everyone needs that also. It is not that anger per se is bad. Those who are envious sometimes deserve anger. Those who are envious of devotees, we need to sometimes check it with anger. That is also there. But Bhismadev is referring to uncontrolled anger. Controlled anger has a place. Srila Prabhupada would also get angry at times but his anger was always related to Krsna and to whatever was favourable to Krsna. When there was neglect, Prabhupada was not tolerating that. He would point it out!

Villaggio Hare Krsna ceiling mural (Album with photos)…
→ Dandavats

Villaggio Hare Krsna ceiling mural (Album with photos)
Rudradeva Das: “This large ceiling mural, comprised of 56 wooden panels, each approximately 200cm X 150cm X 1cm, has been my most ambitious painting project to date. It also took the longest amount of time to complete, around 5 years. The process went like this: After staining all panels with a terra-cotta colored gesso, I employed a small opaque projector in my darkened studio, to project my miniature drawings onto the proper positions of all panels, and then laid out the design with white pencil. Next it was time to block in the underpainting for all 56 panels. Unlike the ceiling I did in Prabhupadadesh 10 years earlier, where I used oil paint for all layers, this time I employed fast-drying acrylic from jars to get the underpainting laid-in. This worked well, in that this acrylic under-layer dried very fast, and if I blocked-in one panel, it was completely dry and ready for adjustments or changes within 20 minutes time. In the final steps of the overpainting and details, I used artists’ grade oils from tubes, Rowney and Winsor-Newton mostly. When all my painting work was finished, the panels were then affixed to the ceiling by Krsna-ksetra prabhu, employing an ingenious method of using scaffolding, beams, lifts, and precise measuring of spacing in between the panels, to achieve, with a minimum of touch-up by the artists, the appearance of a nearly-seamless mural spanning the entire length and width of the temple ceiling.

All-in-all, this lengthy project provided wonderful substance for meditation for an artist. On one-half of the mural: Krsna & Gopis, Krsna & His cowherd friends, baby Krsna & His parents, and Krsna accepting service from His devotees. And on the other half: The Six Goswamis, The Panca-Tattva, the modern Parampara, and modern-day devotees on Harinam sankirtan. So although ambitious and not always easy, this project was one of the best and most enjoyable services I’ve performed.

During the process, the temple president-GBC-overseer Madhusevita prabhu set deadlines for completion a couple times, but I was unable to meet them, so he kept giving me extensions. But the last one, to have it ready for Janmasthami 2014, was very tight and could not be again compromised. So when I saw that my pace was still too slow to meet this final deadline, we decided to audition some artists to assist me in the final stages. In this way, we finished in time, and the panels were mounted on the ceiling when guests arrived for Janmasthami Day. The aftermath of the project was me and my main assistant, Bhakta Francesco, climbing the scaffolding and touching up all the screw holes, joins, and last-minute corrections and minor improvements. This was done in the 2 months after Janmasthami. Below are some excerpts from an article in "Movimento ISCKON”, the devotee newsletter of the Italian community, Published a few months prior to the unveiling, by Vasudeva datta and Lalita devi dasi:


This is how Srila Prabhupada defined the conscious art of Krishna: a chance to look beyond the material. The name, the form, the pastimes and qualities of Krishna are situated on the absolute level. The artistic expression that translates painting a picture of Krishna and His devotees encompasses all these revelations and only a matter of realization divides us from receiving these gifts. Rudradeva Prabhu is undertaking a large painting service, with the collaboration of Bhakta Francesco, producing 56 panels that will occupy the area of ​​about 200m2 of the temple of Sri Sri Radha Ramana ceiling. The ceiling will be divided lengthwise into two halves: in one of these halves, there will be a further division of four parts to represent the four main rasas: Madhurya, Vatsalya, Sakhya, and Dasya. The other ceiling half will be comprised also of four equal divisions: The Panca tattva, the six Goswamis, the Parampara, and an ecstatic modern-day Harinam procession, staged in front of Srila Prabhupada’s present-day Samadhi Building, at ISKCON Vrndavana’s temple complex. Rudradeva prabhu humbly hopes that the final work will help devotees and people in general, to become inspired to continue or increase their spiritual quest, and upon entering the temple room and viewing these depictions on the ceiling, feel compelled to learn more about Srila Prabhupada, and Krsna and His associates.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/gvVPZN

Harinama at Coolangatta (the southernmost suburb of City of Gold…
→ Dandavats

Harinama at Coolangatta (the southernmost suburb of City of Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia) - 12 November 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The powerful hari-nama is so strong that even if one unconsciously or consciously they imitate; “Hare Krishna.” They have no intention to chant the holy name of Krishna, but they imitate or criticize, “Hare Krishna.” That also has effect. Calcutta, January 10, 1971.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/HN85ro

A devotee from Radhadesh, disciple of Prahladananda Swami, left…
→ Dandavats

A devotee from Radhadesh, disciple of Prahladananda Swami, left his body.
Hrdaya Caitanya Dasa: Dear devotees, Hamsa Avatara Prabhu left his body today at 2 am, Indian time, in the hospital of the auspicious Mathura Vrindavan Dhama, while the devotees in Radhadesh were doing kirtan on his behalf.
Hamsa Avatara Prabhu’s mother, on the advice of the doctors, agreed to stop the life support machine, this was done yesterday at 10 pm Indian time, four hours later he left his body. For the last four hours he was constantly listening to Srila Prabhupada bhajans. He was in the ICU ( Intensive Care Unit ) but on the request of Madhavi Mataji they had moved Hamsa Avatara Prabhu to the next room so that they could chant for him freely. They were also informed by the doctor just before 2 am that he had only a few minutes to live. He left this world in the presence of his mother, Madhavi Mataji and two doctors.
Hamsa Avatara Prabhu joined ISKCON in the early 90’s, took initiation from Prahladananda Swami and dedicated himself for many years to book distribution in the Benelux.
He also took pleasure in studying Srila Prabhupada’s books and was invited in the different preaching centers and Namahatta centers to give lectures. He was very close friends with Prema Siddhi Ananda Prabhu from Radhadesh and Premarnava Prabhu who is now serving ISKCON Soho.
Later on he was requested to serve as Temple President in Amsterdam, in difficult circumstances, where he met Bhaktin Paula, who became his wife and they have three nice children ( Mira, Maya and Abhaya ). He was also a member of the ISKCON Dutch Council.
Recently, in the month of August, when he got to know that he had cancer and that the cancer was already in a developed stage, he became very serious about his spiritual life. He was so happy to meet his Spiritual Master in Radhadesh, on the 26th of September, he had a long meeting that really pacified his heart and he was now ready to go to Vrindavan with his blessings.
Nobody had thought that his last journey would be so short but some or other, he had rented an apartment near the ISKCON tempel and three days ago his health was deteriorating so fast that the guards informed the devotees and they brought him next day to the hospital on the way to Mathura where he was only for last two nights.
Devotees in Vrindavan, this morning after Mangala Arotika announcement chanted loudly the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra for his spiritual benefit.
Madhavi Mataji ( sister of Pitambara Mataji from Den Haag ) was looking after him in the hospital and she is also making arrangements with the authorities for the cremation, she thinks that things will be clarified with the Dutch Embassy and the FRO tomorrow and that the cremation should be taking place on Tuesday morning.
Hamsa Avatara Prabhu did a lot of service for the ISKCON Benelux and Srila Prabhupada’s mercy is with him. Krsna reciprocated so much with him to allow him to leave his body in Vrindavan Dhama in auspicious circumstances. Our prayers are with him.
Your servant,
Hrdaya Caitanya dasa

“Could I be Krishna conscious and still be a soldier?” Pragosh…
→ Dandavats

“Could I be Krishna conscious and still be a soldier?”
Pragosh (ACBSP): When I was introduced to Prabhupada in Washington, Hari Sauri said, “Prabhupada, Pragosh was trying to learn how to sell your books like full sets like an encyclopedia.”
Prabhupada asked, “So how did that go?”
I said, “Well, Srila Prabhupada, Tamal Krishna Maharaj and I had attempted this but it was pretty clear that the BBT didn’t have all the full sets in stock. Also, generally speaking, the common man is not going to be able to buy this many books at one time.”
Then he said, “So what are you doing now?”
I said, “Well, I went right back to the airport, Srila Prabhupada, like I was for the last few years.”
Prabhupada looked at me for a second and he kind of smiled and said,
“Yes, whatever increases book distribution, we accept. Whatever decreases it, we reject.”
It was a simple statement and I took it as a sort of a very specific instruction, which I look back on my life and I realize that I made many decisions that really didn’t increase my book distribution.
Another thing that Prabhupada said in that particular time was when he asked about prasadam distribution in New York.
He asked, “So they are selling prasadam in New York City on the street?”
I said, “Yes, Srila Prabhupada.”
He said, “What are they selling?”
I said, “I don’t know Srila Prabhupada. I’m not sure.”
Then he looked at me and asked, “Kachoris? They are selling kachoris?” His eyes got big.
I said, “I don’t know Srila Prabhupada if they are selling kachoris.”
Prabhupada said, “Oh, they must, they must. First class kachoris cooked in ghee. Then the meat eaters will lose their taste for meat naturally.”
We had all heard about Srila Prabhupada as “kachori mukha” as a child liking kachoris.
Then he asked me, “Do you stay here in Washington?”
I said, “No, Srila Prabhupada, I am living in New York.”
He said, “Oh, I began in New York”, again very childlike.
Then he asked, “Are you coming to Ratha-yatra?”
I said, “I wouldn’t miss it for anything, Srila Prabhupada.”
He said, “Yes, Ratha-yatra in New York City has always been my dream. America is the most important country in the world, and New York the most important city in America. And 5th Avenue is the most important street in New York.”
It was just a very warm and friendly kind of revelation.
It was a very personal interaction.
Previously when I told Srila Prabhupada about the soldier who had given me eighty dollars and took four books, the soldier asked me,
“Could I be Krishna conscious and still be a soldier?”
Srila Prabhupada looked at me and asked, “So how did you answer?”
I said, “I told him that the Bhagavad-gita was spoken to the greatest warrior in human history.”
Prabhupada was charmed because he looked over at Hari Sauri as if to say,
“This guy really knows how to lay it on.” (laughs)
Then he looked back at me, waited for a second and then said,
“You have answered rightly. Arjuna was a military man.”
Just like that.
He was enlivened by the simple frankness of it.
And Prabhupada confirmed it.

Grammy Academy Award for Havi das
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Admin

Havi das (Ilan Chester), a disciple of Srila Prabhupada received recently a Grammy Award in Las Vegas for his extraordinary musical career as a musician, singer and composer. Millions of people attended or watched the ceremony while Havi das took the opportunity to include Krishna conscious messages in his speech of acceptance, translated into English in this report. Continue reading "Grammy Academy Award for Havi das
→ Dandavats"

A Belated Appreciation Of Srila Prabhupada’s Spiritual Daughter And Disciple – HG Gayatri Devi Dasi
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Amarendra Das

While in Gainesville, Gayatri convinced countless students and young people to join Krishna consciousness. Simultaneously, she made more true friends than I can ever recount. However, it was after we moved to the Los Angeles in July, 1982, that Gayatri’s true character fully blossomed. In addition to the hundreds of friends that Gayatri had made in Gainesville and all over the world, including and especially Srila Prabhupada’s sister, Pishima (who often referred to Gayatri as her “daughter”) she made hundreds of new friends on the West Coast, and developed a special bond with devotee children. She was also the “Inventor” of the modern version of Gauranga Potatoes, and is famous for the renowned “4:00 offering” that she would cook everyday for Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai when the Gainesville Temple was located on Depot Avenue. Continue reading "A Belated Appreciation Of Srila Prabhupada’s Spiritual Daughter And Disciple – HG Gayatri Devi Dasi
→ Dandavats"

If bhakti doesn’t protect us from troubles, then what is the point of practicing it?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post If bhakti doesn’t protect us from troubles, then what is the point of practicing it? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Bhakti Tree
→ Ramai Swami

The famous kirtan leader, Sri Prahlada, was scheduled to head up the chanting at the Bhakti Tree in Newcastle on Friday evening, but everyone was pleasantly surprised when Indradyumna Maharaja accompanied him and gave a talk as well.

Maharaja was visiting Australia to see his friend, Agnideva Das, who was in hospital and also attend the wedding of his disciple Vraja Kumari Devi Dasi and her husband Prahlada das.

Positive and negative impetus for Bhakti
→ Karnamrita's blog

Karnamrita Das

(this blog is recorded on the full page: quick time player needed)
[Reposted from 10-29-2007]
In the Gita's 7th chapter Shri Krishna tells us that four kinds of pious people approach him to render service: the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of he Absolute. And once we have come to Krishna, Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakur describes four levels or motivations for service: fear, prospect, duty, and love. One point in these two types of analysis is that there are many ways people come to Krishna, and different stages to aspire for once we do---the highest being serving out of love.

Another way to look at how we are motivated to serve Krishna is by dividing them in two broad categories, of positive and negative.

Negative impetus for serving Krishna is by our experience of the miseries of the material world. Preaching based on this emphasizes how bad the material world is, entangling its' relationships, simply awful and gross the body is plagued by, bad smells, imperfections, disease, old age, death, and even birth (which is touted as being such a happy thing).

read more

Srila Prabhupada’s Transcendental Book Distribution ki…
→ Dandavats

Srila Prabhupada’s Transcendental Book Distribution ki jaya! (Album with photos)
This is Shyam das. He is 9 years old. He is originally from Ukraine. While we were out on Harinama on the campus in Mayapur, I happen to notice him distributing small books to onlookers. I could see “That Look” in his eyes as he approached people. He had the determination and enthusiasm to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books. He accepted his invitation to do Big Books in the morning with us. His second day of distributing he managed to do 8 sets of books. There was no quit in Shyam das. He kept on with his seva till there were no guests around. Then and only then did he stop.
Come enjoy his and others association as we give out the nectar every day at 6am in the temple room. It will be a very rewarding 15 minutes of your day.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/C6hAev

Distributing books at Dreamforce, a salesforce conference (1 min…
→ Dandavats

Distributing books at Dreamforce, a salesforce conference (1 min video)
At this conference, held from November 6-9 in San Fransisco, I had these experiences.
On the first day, a person came up and told me, “I have read the whole Bhagavad-gita, and I wanted to meet other devotees. It is a miracle that is happening.”
He told me that he chants Hare Krishna whenever possible, and he has never met a devotee before or been to a temple. He took some books and gave a donation.
On the second day, he came again, and we talked for a while and he accepted some prasadam.
On the third day, during the closing hours of the conference, we were talking again, and I casually suggested that he come to the temple with me in the car. He agreed, and he heard the Wednesday evening class given by Shubha Vilas Prabhu. At the end of the serving of prasada, he asked whether he could render service and help clean the kitchen.
Through all the conversations we had, he never looked as though he were a person new to Krishna consciousness. He was saying that before reading Bhagavad-gita As It Is, he read five other editions, and none of them made any sense to him. He was also telling how he has read about many of the sciences of the world (being in the technological field for eighteen years), and this was the culmination of all the sciences he has read.
Here is a video of him speaking about the value of the Bhagavad-gita: https://youtu.be/1Jq9p6joYls
Your servant,
Madhava Govinda Dasa

The Power of Prayer. For the duration of last year’s Srila…
→ Dandavats

The Power of Prayer.
For the duration of last year’s Srila Prabhupada’s book marathon I was traveling with Hriman Krishna in the South Island. When we stayed in Dunedin, Hriman Krishna suggested that I do a day trip to Oamaru which is roughly an hour and a half drive north of the city.
When I arrived in Oamaru I grabbed my book bag and enthusiastically jumped out on to the street. For the next 3 hours all I heard was “No!!, I don’t want to know!!” “Go away!!” “Your doing the work of the devil!!” By lunch time I’d had enough, I was thinking that I have driven all this way, a 3 hour round trip and no books are going out. The previous day I had watched a you tube Video of Kripa Moya prabhu explaining that when you are having a tough day on book distribution pray to Narada Muni, Srila Vyasadeva, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the Parampara to please make me a suitable instrument to pass on this transcendental message to others.
By lunch time, I was definitely ready to offer a sincere prayer. So I begged for the mercy of the Parampara took some Prasad and tried again. It was amazing!! Everything changed! $20 bills were flying out of the wallets of the conditioned souls in to my bag and they were walking away with stacks of books. One exchange was particularly rememberable.
I was at the van reloading with books when I saw a camper van enter in to the car park. the car park was practically empty and of all the places it could have stopped, It parked right in front of me, as the drivers door flung open I raised my arms and shouted “Congratulations! Well done! You made it to Oamaru!”
The lady laughed, I walked over and I placed a ‘Science of Self-realisation’ in her hand and told her that it was a book on yoga and meditation.
Her jaw dropped and she exclaimed “I knew there was a reason why I parked here!”
Laura told me her story. She was from Oxford in England and was engaged to marry a multi millionaire, she had all the wealth and security that a young lady would want in life, but she realised that she wasn’t happy. After breaking off the engagement and selling all of her possessions she moved to New Zealand. It was her hearts desire to start an eco-village in New Zealand but when she found out about the mass carpet bombing of various chemicals throughout the land which had polluted the soil and water, it burst her bubble. That’s when she started seeking for genuine spiritual knowledge.
Extremely elated to have Srila Prabhupada’s books in her hand she happily gave $20 and took an ‘Hiding in Unnatural Happiness’ as well.
Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental book marathon Ki! Jai!
Your servant
Stambha bhava das

Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education – VIHE (Album with…
→ Dandavats

Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education - VIHE (Album with photos)
In the sublime atmosphere of Giriraja Govardhana, devotees immersed themselves in the magical world of Krsna’s pastimes in the association of HHSacinandana Svami, HG Bhurijana Prabhu, HG Jagattarini Mataji, HG Madhavananda Prabhu and HG Adi Purusha Prabhu (Retreat Organized by VIHE).
Find them here: https://goo.gl/X99iax

Words of Transcendence
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Radhanath Swami

When you advance in Krishna Consciousness, it is more difficult to tolerate being honored than to tolerate being dishonored. The world will appreciate you if you give time to Maya and devotees will appreciate you if you give time to Krishna. So you decide whom to serve. Fighting against Maya is a blissful thing in the world. For a non-devotee, Maya convinces not to surrender unto Krishna. But for a devotee, she convinces to postpone the surrender. The happiness of the material world also disturbs us because it makes us forget Krishna. There is enough happiness in this world to keep you attached to your sufferings. The only way we can make this world a better place is to transcend it. Continue reading "Words of Transcendence
→ Dandavats"

Havi das, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada received recently a…
→ Dandavats

Havi das, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada received recently a Grammy Award for his extraordinary musical career in Venezuela. This is his speech during the ceremony of his Grammy Award: “ Good morning to all, thanks to the Grammy awards for recognition.
As time is limited, I prefer to put the thanks, which are extensive, on social media. But if I would like to take this opportunity to offer Venezuela my most heartfelt gratitude and a loving and special appreciation to my wife Merci Majorca for her talent, her dedication and her enormous contribution to the work that together we did these almost 20 years.
On one occasion Dustin Hoffman asked actor Laurence Olivier: ” what motivates us to do this work we do?“ and Olivier replied: ” it’s very simple: look at me, look at me, look at me!“
And since you are looking at me and listening, I would like to share a short reflection inspired by the sacred texts of India which I consider important.

We talk about democracy, equality, freedom, when since the United Nations project was set up in 1945, we humans have fought 140 wars. Only 240 million people died in world war I. On the other hand, very few are aware that 65 billion animals are slaughtered annually in the name of protein and good food. We sing and talk about love when since 1980, 1.5 billion abortions have been carried out. Not to mention the levels of consumption of alcohol, drugs, pornography, racial discrimination, paedophilia, systematic destruction of forests, water pollution… these are just some of the symptoms of the disease. And nature responds, because every action that is not in harmony with the laws of God and nature will inevitably result in suffering; individual and collective suffering. Karma is stored and when it comes to a critical point, it blows and something happens… conflicts, wars, diseases, earthquakes, tsunamis, miserable governments, etc.

I have a friend, a great devotee of Krishna whom I love and admire. On the occasion of recognition in Las Vegas I told him that I would have liked to say something substantial, something important for the benefit of those who could be watching or listening. At 15 minutes I command this text with which I fully identify:

” there are undoubtedly great causes in this world but the great cause is the one that has the ability to lead us to freedom, looking inward.
Beyond the skin and the bones, it is to discover that we are spiritual and eternal beings as parts of divinity. Only so, from this crucial discovery is that we can be truly useful, by offering the world the best version of ourselves.“

Thank you very much.

Iskcon devotees meet with the King and Queen of Belgium to…
→ Dandavats

Iskcon devotees meet with the King and Queen of Belgium to petition official recognition of their religious status.
A delegation from the Hindu Forum of Belgium (HFB), including two ISKCON devotees, met with the King and Queen of Belgium as well as many influential Indian politicians last week in Delhi, India. Their aim was to gain support to make Hinduism an officially-recognized religion in Belgium.
While all religions have the freedom to operate in Belgium, only six are officially recognized: Catholicism, Protestantism, Anglicanism, Orthodox, Judaism, and Islam. Buddhism is soon to be recognized too. But Hinduism, the third largest religion in the world, is not – yet.
In the photo, Iskcon representative Mahaprabhu Das (left) speaks with King Philippe of Belgium.
To read the entire article click here: https://goo.gl/FBRtvh

Traveling Monk 2017-11-18 05:54:05
→ Traveling Monk

Two days ago I left Vrindavan for a short preaching tour in Australia, which will conclude with the wedding of one of my disciples next week. Shortly after, I will go to South Africa for a large public festival program in Durban. So happy to be sharing the mercy I received while staying two months in Vraja. The words of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati give me great inspiration:
“Everyone’s auspiciousness will come by preaching about Lord Caitanya. Like itinerant merchants you should take the wares of Caitanya-vani throughout the globe. If necessary, go to all four corners of the earth. Violence to oneself and others under the name of nirjana-bhajan must be stopped. Every single door must be knocked on at least once. If the inhabitants sincerely inquire as to which manner of hari-bhajan may be performed aright, tell them that the only way is through the bhaktivinode-dhara, the line of Bhaktivinode Thakur.”
[ From an address at the disappearance festival of Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode in 1936. Quoted in Bhaktisiddhanta Vaibhava, volume 1, by Bhakti Vikas Swami. Also in Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindhu, issue no. 412 ]

Два дня тому назад я уехал из Вриндавана на недолгий проповеднический тур в Австралии, который завершится на следующей неделе свадьбой одних моих учеников. Чуть погодя поеду в Южную Африку на большой фестиваль в Дурбане. Я счастлив делиться милостью, которую получил за два месяца во Врадже. Меня очень вдохновляют слова Шрилы Бхактисиддханта Сарасвати:

«Благоденствие кого бы то ни было идет от проповеди о Господе Чайтанье. Подобно странствующим купцам, вам нужно развозить товары Чайтанья-вани по всему земному шару. Если понадобится, идите по всем четырем сторонам света. Принуждение себя или других под именем ниржана-бхаджана нужно остановить. В каждую дверь нужно постучать хотя бы раз. Если вас искренне спросят, каким же образом хари-бхаджан можно проводить правильно, говорите, что единственный путь – это бхактивинод-дхара, линия Бхактивинода Тхакура».

[ из обращения в день ухода Шрилы Тхакура Бхактивинода в 1936 году. Цитируется по “Бхактисиддханта Вайбхаве” том 1, Бхакти Викаши Свами. Также в “Шри Кришна Катхамрита Биндху”, выпуск 412 ]



Wednesday, November 15th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Fresh New Body

Kaustuba from Ohio sent me a comic image of two monks.  One is the student, the other the master.

Student says humbly, “O Master, is it proper for a monk to use e-mail?”

Master answers, “Sure…as long as there are no attachments!”

I shared this laugh with the others in our room where we hold the morning class.  Today’s was a recording of our guru, Prabhupada, speaking from the Bhagavad-gita, 2.14, giving emphasis to the fundamentals of wisdom.

“The ultimate check is death,” he said in regard to the verse.  What is to be considered is the lengthy journey all souls traverse through, from one body to the next, until making good of life.  The verse is one of the strongest endorsements of the soul’s transmigration.

I recall in the summer of ’73, some months after I joined the ranks of monks in Toronto, how a few of my hometown friends sought me out in our humble abode at 187 Gerrard Road, in a rented house.  Bill Wicken was one.  He was one grade my junior in high school.  He was super curious to find out about life’s mysteries.  There was also Ted Van Grinsvan, a family friend, also eager to know what direction to take with this existence.

In both cases, I was making the point from this verse—the word of Krishna—that the embodied soul continually passes from childhood, to youth, to old age.  At death, the process continues.  The atma, soul, moves on into a fresh new body.

I don’t know if I convinced Bill and Ted of these concepts.  I wonder where they are now?

May the Source be with you!

0 km

Tuesday, November 14, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

What A Life!

I’m feeling a bit grounded just being in one place for two consecutive days.  It’s a good feeling.  With that is a sense of privilege as a resident of an ashram (monastery).  What an honour it is to live the life I am living, sometimes on the road and sometimes not in the field but in a safe home!

How fortunate I am to be that early riser and to live out that opposite kind of existence.  Like the verse from the Gita which expresses such uniqueness.  It is from Chapter 2, Verse 69:            
ya nisa sarva-bhutanam
tasyam jagarti samyami
yasyam jagrati bhutani
sa nisa pasyato muneh

            “What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled; and the time of awakening for all beings is night for the introspective sage.”

I was reflecting on this in the course of my evening walk just before I should have been in bed.  I was thinking, You lucky dog! You have a lifestyle that allows you peace and mental comfort!

The major pain I feel, frankly, is the conflict I see in others.  As I walk along Yonge Street, which at 9:30 p.m. is mostly a time for the young and a place for the young.  I hear quite prominently the two words “like” and “f—-” coming from the mouths of the pedestrians around me.  My ears have a hard time with those too-often expressions.  Again I think how blessed I am to have the uttering of God’s names in the environment I’m usually in.  In the ashram, no problem.  On the street, no problem also because I’m chanting in the course of my walking.

What a life!

May the Source be with you!
6 km 

Monday, November 13, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario
Getting the Best Food Out
Hardcore for Humanity: Life Giving Meals Funded by Hardcore, an article by Brittany Rudyck from Friday, November 10, 2017, for Beatroute http://beatroute.ca/2017/11/10/hardcore-for-humanity/ 
“EDMONTON – The connection between hardcore music and the Hare Krishna tradition can be traced back to ‘80s to bands like Youth of Today, Shelter, and of course, Cro-Mags. The tradition, once hailed by bands like the Beatles, caught the eye of those in heavy scenes around the New York area seeking a lifestyle free of intoxicants, animal products or liberal sexual lifestyles. Known by many as “Krishnacore,” the fad appeared to peter out by the early ‘90s, at least in mainstream recognition.  
Fast forward to 2017 in Edmonton, where Mattie Cuvilier, who has been a motivating force in the Edmonton hardcore scene for years, has been hosting Hardcore for Humanity since 2010 with hopes of raising money and helping the less fortunate.  
“We’ve worked with a number of different charities; it changes year to year,” explains Cuvilier. “The last two years we’ve been working with Food for Life. With this organization, it all goes to the food and can have a bigger impact. You can see it all at work. It’s an open book.” 
Guitarist/vocalist for Cruciferous, Johnny Jagajivan has a long and fascinating relationship with punk rock and the Hare Krishna movement, one that perhaps could be its own article.
Jagajivan has been with Food for Life since its Edmonton inception in 2014. The international non-profit food relief organization now serves meals once a month at Boyle Street Community Centre. 
“Food for Life itself is interesting with its history and ties to ‘80s hardcore,” explains Jagajivan. “I’ve been to all of the Hardcore for Humanity shows and played – I think – the second one.
We’re feeding 150 people with three hundred dollars and it’s a serious meal: rice, a dish called choley (also known as chana masala) which is chick peas and tomato sauce with Indian seasoning, a samosa, a salad and an Indian dessert with sugar, cinnamon and raisins.” 
Hardcore for Humanity serves this meal before the live music aspect of the event to be transparent and also to share the sense of community it hopes to foster. Adding the hardcore bands to the event is also part of Cuvilier’s dream of bringing the Edmonton local hardcore scene back to life. 
“This upcoming event has one of the most hardcore line-ups we’ve done in awhile,” he says.
“I wanted it to be about the charity but also about hardcore. Devoting energy to the scene in Edmonton and giving it space.”  
Enjoy a vegan meal with your family November 17 at the Sewing Machine Factory (Edmonton) at 7 p.m. The all-ages meal is a suggested $10 donation; all proceeds go to Food for Life. The show is 18+ and features performances byFeeding, Suffer Me, Cruciferous, and Underbite.”

Additional Note from the Walking Monk: Food For Life has been in operation by Krishna devotees and helpers since the ‘70s and was initiated by the Hare Krishna leader A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

May the Source be with you!
5 km

Sunday, November 12, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Bragg Creek, Alberta

Wanting to See

Jagajivan and I were hoping to spot some elk, or maybe a moose.  The sign on Highway 762 reads, “Moose next 10 kilometres.”  Okay, let’s hope.  It’s early.  The sun’s not up yet.  It’s quiet.  We’re making no noise except for the gentle footsteps made on the road, and the snow laying on the pavement muffles any sound.

For me, sighting wildlife of the magnitude of moose, elk or caribou is auspicious.  It excites me.  It would not be like having a vision of a coming avatar, but it’s getting there.  Seeing an avatar, God Incarnate, would be Divine Darshan, a spiritual vision, a genuine God experience.

I guess I will settle for a viewing of His reps, the devotees.  In yesterday’s session of meetings, I had the pleasure to see all twenty-five of them, men and women with a mission, a focus on improving performance in life skills.

Prabhupada, our guru, compiled a statement on the seven purposes of his mission, ISKCON.  The first purpose addresses checking the imbalanced lives in which we live.  To clarify the point, most of us give little of no attention to our spiritual cultivation, rather we are focussed on the physical end of things.  To gain an equalizing balance, it is necessary to invest in the soul.  Two souls.  The one which is in the heart and a second one at the ends of the legs—spelled sole.  Heart and feet.

Well, we did not see wild ‘game’, as hunters would say, but we did see angels.  In fact, we spent hours with them—Krishna’s devotees.

May the Source be with you!

5 km

Saturday, November 11, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Bragg Creek, Alberta

Remembrance Day

I recall my dad telling wartime stories of the Nazi invasion into the Netherlands (his place of birth), of loss of life, of mistrust, of curfews and scraping by on meagre means.  He was 20 and wasn’t aware of his future, whether he would live out the war or whether parents and siblings would survive.  It was a great time of uncertainty and fear, and you weren’t sure where your next meal was coming from.

Fortunately for the Dutch, it was a homeland of innovation and greenhouses, but still many folks in the cities did not have those commodities that the rural areas had. Rationing of food, living frugally and resorting to the tulip bulbs as food is a hard reality for post-war kids to wrap their minds around, what to speak of millennials and those in-between.

My description almost makes light of the gruesomeness of war but it is an inevitable reoccurrence within humanity.  On this day, Canadians honour Remembrance Day, a meditation for the soldiers who gave up theirs lives, and those who sacrificed in other wars in recent times, and to my mind, ancient times right up to the ancient epochs, including our Indigenous First Nations. The minute or more of silence designated for the lost lives and the wounded cannot suffice for the sacrifice done.  We are speaking of a countless number of entities—countless.

The red poppy has been the symbol of our fallen warriors for years now.  More recently the white poppy has come into use, and stands for the medics, chaplains, peripheral workers etc. who gave their all.  And with the hopeful coming-into-mainstream, the purple poppy, that acknowledges the innocent animals who perished in the cross-fire and on the front lines as part of the armed forces.  These images represent the truth of ultimate giving.

May the Source be with you!

5 km

Friday, November 10th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Bragg Creek, Alberta

A Soul is a Soul

Vincent and I took to the trail beyond Folk Tree Lodge.  Balance is the name of the bushy white dog who accompanied us.  Oh, he blended into the snow alright.  We could tell of his whereabouts by his bark.  The spruce around us also concealed.  The guy is friendly.

I'm just guessing it’s a he and made no effort to research the gender.  A dog is a dog.  A soul is a soul.  We are all souls for that matter.

The retreat at Folk Tree is a gathering of leaders from ISKCON Canada.  Same-gender relations was one topic we discussed.  The actual discussion surrounding same-sex persons began with a question.  “How do you, as a bhakti-yogi, a leader, respond to the query of acceptance of same-sex people versus rejection?”

The discussion led to this:  Regardless of one’s sexual orientation, everyone should have the opportunity to serve and love Krishna within an encouraging environment.  To advance the subject more, it was pointed out that those sexually active, whether hetero or homo, enwrap themselves in service to God and to the world.  The activity of seva, service, purifies, and hence, physical intimacy reduces.

With age and maturing we all tend to downscale on physical, or sexual, activity, unless of course you’re a monk and you abstain altogether.  That’s been my path all along and I'm totally at home with it.

At our retreat, more topics were held but that was one which is pertinent, in our modern times especially.  Let’s remember—a soul is a soul.

May the Source be with you!

7 km

Sunday Love Feast – Nov19th, 2017 – Vedic Discourse by His Grace Kratu Prabhu (Disciple of Srila Prabhupada)
→ ISKCON Brampton

About HG Kratu Prabhu
Kratu Prabhu was born in aristocratic Gujarati Gaudiya Vasihnava family on July 5, 1944.
His first exposure to ISKCON happened in 1970, at St. Louis. He later joined full-time in 1974, in Toronto. He met his Guru, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada in 1976, from whom he received a direct order for preaching Krishna consciousness. He and his wife were initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1977 in Toronto, Canada.

While in West, he worked as professional engineer for five years in Toronto. In Chicago he worked for Chicago temple as director of congregational preaching. He then became temple President of Vancouver temple in 1987. In 1993, he moved to Baroda, Gujarat and conducted college and school preaching. He also started a book distribution program by Bullock Cart for every town and village. In 1997, he became temple President of ISKCON, Delhi and continued house and pandal preaching programs.

In 2002, he became an initiating spiritual master in ISKCON and is ever since vigorously travelling and preaching all over the world and regularly visiting USA, Canada, UK, Europe and continuously preaching in India, conducting pandal programs, educational programs and devotional tours.

 11.00 - 11.15      Tulsi Puja
11.15  - 11.30     Guru Puja                                    
11:30 - 11:55     Aarti & Kirtan                                  
11.55  - 12.00    Sri Nrsingadeva Prayers         
12.00 - 1:00     Vedic discourse
  1.00 - 1.30      Closing Kirtan
  1.30 - 2.00     Sanctified Free Vegetarian Feast


Moksada Ekadasi
Fasting.....................on Wed Nov 29,2017
Breakfast................  on  Thu Nov 30 ,2017 b/w 7.21am-10.21am

Every fortnight, we observe Ekadasi, a day of prayer and meditation. On this day we fast (or simplify our meals and abstain from grains and beans), and spend extra time reading the scriptures and chanting the auspicious Hare Krishna mantra.By constantly ‘exercising’ our minds through regular japa we can train our senses to push the threshold of contentment.
English audio glorification of all Ekadasis is available here 


Japathon-Congregational Mantra Meditation

Next date is to be announced shortly!

The chanting is a spiritual call for the Lord and His Energy to give protection to the conditioned soul.japa, when performed with focus and attention, can subdue the agitating effects of one’s mind and senses. The senses, of which the mind is also one, are constantly being stimulated by the external world  - by gross and subtle matter.
If you have not chanted before, and would like to participate in this program, we will be very happy to show how you can do this.
All welcome. We’ll loan you a set of Beads!

Sunday School
To register,contact us

The Sunday School provides fun filled strategies through the medium of music, drama, debates, quizzes and games that present Vedic Culture to children. However the syllabus is also designed to simultaneously teach them to always remember Krishna and never forget Him. School
The Sunday School follows the curriculum provided by the Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture (BCEC).

Monthly sankirtan Festival(MSF)
“One who has life can preach, and one who preaches gets life.”(Previous Acaryas)
Every member of ISKCON should have the opportunity to make advancement in Krishna consciousness by preaching.We encourage everyone to come out and participate and make Srila Prabhupada happy.

Please contact:
Dharma Dasa- dharandev58@gmail.com-647.892.0739(Mississauga and Brampton regions)

The Mentorship Program

Please note that registration in the Mentorship System is now a mandatory requirement for all initiation requests at ISKCON Brampton.It

1.Facilitates  and nurtures devotees aspiring for first and second Initiation.    
2.One-on-One personal follow up on a regular basis.
3.Systematic training to devotees in matters of Philosophy, Sadhna, Vaishnava behavior, etiquette, Lifestyle and attitudes.

To find details please click here

Gift Shop

Are you looking for some amazing gift items which are less expensive and more beautiful for your loved ones for festivals or many other occasions??
Our boutique is stocked with an excellent range of products, perfect for gifts or as souvenirs of your visit. It offers textiles, jewellery, incense, devotional articles, musical instruments, books, and CDs inspired by Indian culture.We're open on all Sundays and celebrations marked in our annual calendar.

Syama Kunda’s Brijabasi Spirit Interview – November 2017
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit


Where is your hometown? 

Syama Kunda was raised in Cambridge, Maryland.

When & where did you get married? 

While living in Maryland in 1969, Syama Kunda met his wife Girindra Mohini, the youngest girl of 10 siblings. When he was 16 and she was only 15, they were married by her minister father.

When did you first meet devotees?

Syama Kunda initially saw the devotees chanting on the streets of Greenwich Village, New York City while on his way to Canada. He thought they had taken too many drugs. Later, while in a mall in Denver, CO, Syama Kunda and his wife met Kamalavati Dasi (also a long time NV resident), who gave them their first book: “Krsna, The Reservoir of All Pleasure.”

What initially attracted you to Krishna Consciousness? 

Syama Kunda was a Beatle kid and had been listening to George Harrison’s “My Sweet Lord” regularly. In 1971 while working in Denver, he met some vegetarians. One day while visiting their home, he saw a Krsna Book on their counter. The attractive red picture of Radha and Krsna standing together, grabbed his attention and he asked:  “Where did you get this?” They said a few Hare Krsna devotees had come by yesterday. Syama Kunda was searching for real love, the love of sisters, brothers and friends. The Beatles songs inspired Syama Kunda & he felt if the Beatles were into Hare Krsna, it was worth checking out.

When & where did you first join ISKCON? 

After receiving the booklet on Krsna in the mall, Syama Kunda and his wife decided to go to the Sunday Feast at the Denver temple. Here Syama Kunda approached the Denver temple president about moving in and becoming a full time devotee

When/where did you first hear about New Vrindaban? 

Syama Kunda first read about New Vrindaban in a Back to Godhead magazine. The temple president of ISKCON Denver, who happened to be Tulsi das (who lives in NV), suggested that since Syama Kunda was a married man with a son, they go to New Vrindaban where there was space for families and that his talents as a carpenter would also be much appreciated there.

When did you move to New Vrindaban? 

Syama Kunda and family moved to New Vrindaban in 1971.

When & where did you get initiated? 

Syama Kunda was initiated on Janmastami day, 1972 at the Bahulaban temple in New Vrindaban during the Bhagavat Dharma Discourses given by Srila Prabhupada. Both he, his wife, along with Mother Kunti devi (Karnmarta’s mother) were all initiated the same day.

What is your favorite part of New Vrindaban? 

In the early days at New Vrindaban, Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra were Syama Kunda’s favorite part. Currently, his favorite part is Radha Kunda at Govardhan Hill near the Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Temple. This Holy Dham is non-different from Krsna. And when everyone is engaged in devotional service, New Vrindaban is non-different from the spiritual world.

What were your main services in each decade, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, current? 

Since Carpentry was his forte, in the 70’s Syama Kunda was instrumental in the construction of the facilities at Bahulaban which were needed to expedite the building of Srila Prabhupada’s palace: This included the first barn (the home of the first cows and many of the first devotees), the utility building (which comprised housing, the mold shop, the marble shop, the wood shop), along with the guest house. After leaving New Vrindaban in the 80’s, Syama Kunda went on to renovate the Tucson, Arizona temple and later on he spent considerable time in the Los Angeles temple working on a number of renovations, including Srila Prabhupada’s bookcase in the temple room.

What was your favorite service? 

Although he only spent his early years in New Vrindaban as a pujari, it was by far his favorite seva. He fondly remembers waking The Deities every morning before work and then putting Them to rest in the evenings. Sunday was the most special day. He would roam around New Vrindaban to gather flowers, branches and even moss to decorate the altar so that it would appear just like the forests of Vrindavan. Each Sunday he would strive to make the decorations more and more opulent.

Anything specific you’d like mentioned about your family?

Syama Kunda was happy that 8 of his children were born in New Vrindaban Dham. His daughter Vishakha was the first girl born here. He was also very grateful that his son, Kiba Jaya, had the opportunity to personally stand near Srila Prabhupada and receive a cookie from his hand. Kiba jaya also got to travel to India. Syama Kunda feels very grateful that his family had the opportunity to participate in Krishna Conscious village life in the early days.

Anything in particular you’d like us to highlight not covered above?

Although Syama Kunda began his devotional life in New Vrindaban, after leaving he spent a lot of time in the Los Angeles temple which became his 2nd home. The more he gazed upon Rukmini on the altar (Rukmini-Dwarkadish), the more She captured his heart. She made Syama Kunda cry for Krsna. So the highlight for him was working at the LA temple while begging for the mercy of Sri Sri Rukiimini-Dwarkadish.

Any advice to newer and future residents?

In the beginning of New Vrindaban, reading Srila Prabhupada’s books was put on the back burner in order to do the needful for the development of this Holy Dham. He felt there was a lot of misunderstanding of Prabhupada’s teachings that has since been rectified by the increase of focus on reading Prabhupada’s books. Please take 20 to 30 minutes every day to read HDG Srila Prabhupada’s books. This keeps us in a personal relationship with him.