Equipoised Attitude Of A Devotee
Srimad Bhagavat Katha Yajna by HH Radha Govinda Goswami
On the banks of Ganga, HH Radha Govinda Goswami Maharaja ‘s Srimad Bhagavat Katha Yajna is taking place from 12 Nov.In a grand inauguration organised by Mayapur Ganga Puja Seva Committee, Maharaja was welcomed in a colorful procession with auspicious sounds of conch and vedic mantras and shower of flowers. For the next seven days,Maharaj […]
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Daily Darshan: November 13, 2017
The post Daily Darshan: November 13, 2017 appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Last night we went to the screening of Yadubara Prabhu’s film on Srila Prabhupada
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Scene’s from last night’s film preview
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Virtual tour of the upper section of Srila Prabhupada’s…
→ Dandavats

Virtual tour of the upper section of Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi in Vrindavana by Kavicandra Swami (3 min video)
Beautiful bass relief panels!
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/QRe8Cj
Large gathering of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples in Delhi…
→ Dandavats

Large gathering of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples in Delhi (Album with photos)
Deena Bandhu Das: Most amazing experience seeing the premiere showing of the Hare Krishna Film in Delhi at Siri Fort Auditorium. All our Braja Blessings to Vishakha and Yadubara! Just see how many Godsiblings were there!
Find them here: https://goo.gl/ewqTTf
Srila Prabhupada Book Marathon 2017 (6 min promo…
→ Dandavats

Srila Prabhupada Book Marathon 2017 (6 min promo video)
It’s My chance, It’s My opportunity.
It’s our offering to Srila Prabhupada by ISKCON PUNE.
After the success of the 159K Effort in 2016, ISKCON PUNE is striving in the words of His Divine Grace to “Double it” and distribute 200,000 books this marathon! Isn’t Srila Prabhupada worth the endeavor? Get in touch & get involved to know how you can contribute to Srila Prabhupada by ISKCON PUNE. Sankirtan Yajna ki Jai!
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/H6Gbji
Prasadam distribution in Bali (Album with photos)
With love from…
→ Dandavats

Prasadam distribution in Bali (Album with photos)
With love from Sri Sri Jagannatha Gauranga Temple, Bali.
Today we distri...
ISKCON Birmingham, UK, volunteers preparing for the book…
ISKCON Birmingham, UK, volunteers preparing for the book distribution Marathon (Album with photos)
Thank you to all of yesterday’s volunteers who took out their time to assist in packing 2300 of Srila Prabhupada’s books which will be distributed in December as part of the 5000 effort.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/ZsrVEi
TOVP Australia-NZ-Fiji Tour
By TOVP staff
Latest updates from the ToVP fundraising tour: Perth devotees pledge $270,000. Adelaide devotees pledge $164,000. Melbourne devotees pledge $500,686. Continue reading “TOVP Australia-NZ-Fiji Tour”
Tribhuvanatha Appearance Day 2017 Harinama Sankirtan in London…
→ Dandavats

Tribhuvanatha Appearance Day 2017 Harinama Sankirtan in London (Album with photos)
An afternoon programme of talks, kirtan and ...
“Hare Krishna” movie premiere release in India…
“Hare Krishna” movie premiere release in India (Album with photos)
Sri Fort Auditorium, Delhi.
A heart’s delight… don’t miss it.
All India Release in PVR cinemas on the 10th of December.
The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami who started it all was appreciated by many great souls including the Vice President of India Mr. Venkaiah Naidu and the hall was filled with a maximum number of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!
Find them here: https://goo.gl/upy154
Is it selfish to want others to change so that we can be more comfortable?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
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Gita 15.13 The existence of multiple factors congenial to our existence points to transcendence
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
The post Gita 15.13 The existence of multiple factors congenial to our existence points to transcendence appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
In the playground of Nimai!
→ Mayapur.com
I have come to Mayapur many times over the years. The first time was in 1974. Between then and the 90’s I went on the Nabadwip Mandala parikrama six times without shoes! But in all the times I’ve come to Mayapur and all the parikramas I’ve gone on, I have never felt so close to […]
The post In the playground of Nimai! appeared first on Mayapur.com.
How spiritual life relates to our material life (2)
→ The Spiritual Scientist
The post How spiritual life relates to our material life (2) appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Prabhupada life-story 13 – Fearless amidst disturbed and disturbing audiences
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Audio Podcast :
Video :
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Making sense of senseless suffering – Understanding why devotees face fatal accidents
→ The Spiritual Scientist
[Congregation program at Brisbane, Australia]
Podcast Summary
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PAST acronym – How to get past our past
→ The Spiritual Scientist
[Hall Program at Brisbane, Australia]
Podcast Summary
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Krsna Village
→ Ramai Swami
A lot of people visit New Govardhana and stay in either the asramas, (for the serious ones) the cabins, retreat facility, or perhaps down at Krsna Village for Wwoofers and yoga aspirants.
The devotees have regular programs of lecture/seminar, kirtan and prasadam at the village and recently I went and led kirtan giving the explanation and meaning of the mantras.
Dealings with peers. Disrespect, disregard, hatred and criticism…
Dealings with peers. Disrespect, disregard, hatred and criticism are forbidden.
A devotee should not ignore any living entity. The devotee must know that in every living entity, however insignificant he may be, even in an ant, God is present, and therefore every living entity should be kindly treated and should not be subjected to any violence. [SB 3.29.22 purport]
In this verse, two phrases, bhutesu baddha-vairasya (“inimical towards others”) and dvisatah para-kaye (“envious of another’s body”), are significant. One who is envious of or inimical towards others never experiences any happiness. A devotee’s vision, therefore, must be perfect. He should ignore bodily distinctions and should see only the presence of the part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and the Lord Himself in His plenary expansion as Supersoul. That is the vision of a pure devotee. The bodily expression of a particular type of living entity is always ignored by the devotee.
It is expressed herein that the Lord is always eager to deliver the conditioned souls, who have been encaged within material bodies. Devotees are expected to carry the message or desire of the Lord to such conditioned souls and enlighten them with Krsna consciousness. [SB 3.29.23 purport]
We may offer many valuable items to the Deity, but if we have no real sense of devotion and no real sense of the Lord’s presence everywhere, then we are lacking in devotional service; in such a state of ignorance, we cannot offer anything acceptable to the Lord. [SB 3.29.24 purport]
VCT writes in his commentaries on how to deal with devotees and how not to deal:
However, in such bhakti, offence creates restriction. Offence generally stems from disrespect to the great devotees. Though such devotees are difficult to see, many exist. In order to avoid offences to them, one should pay respects to all living entities, thinking that the Lord is present in all of them. Without doing so, even worshiping the deity forms of the Lord will not give any result. Since he is the Supreme Lord, Kapila then speaks in six verses somewhat angrily, out of affection, to benefit his devotee who does not respect all beings. In these verses disrespect, disregard, hatred and criticism are forbidden. This person performs imitation worship of my deity forms (arca-vidambanam). [SB 3.29.21 purport]
Sridhara Svami explains: he does not behave well with the devotees and even with other people. Prakrta means “new or unrefined in nature.” Now, in verse 25, it will be explained that the new, immature devotee gradually becomes the highest devotee.
Bhinna-darsinah means one who does not recognize that his own suffering is also felt the same way in others.
Avamaninah means “of one who criticizes.” One who criticizes others is worse than one who hates others because it is said:
na tatha tapyate viddhah puman banais tu marma-gaih
yatha tudanti marma-stha hy asatam parusesavah
Sharp arrows which pierce one’s chest and reach the heart do not cause as much suffering as the arrows of harsh, insulting words spoken by materialists that become lodged within the heart. SB 11.23.3
Since those practicing pure bhakti by their nature have pure antahkaranas, they generally do not disrespect any living being. However, karma-misra-bhaktas can disrespect other living entities. Until the impurities of the antahkarana no longer remain disrespect is possible. When the antahkarana is pure, disrespect is not possible. At that time he should no longer perform karma with his bhakti. Sva-karma-krt means the person performs karma-misra-bhakti in sattva-guna. With the appearance of the state of seeing the Lord in all beings, the person should no longer perform karma-misra-bhakti, since he is no longer qualified for karma. Performing jnana-misra-bhakti, he should worship my deity form.
They should not abuse those who criticize them and try to beat them because they are hungry. They should respect them with praise, giving them greater respect than themselves. The Lord himself says:
ye brahmanan mayi dhiya ksipato ‘rcayantas
tusyad-dhrdah smita-sudhoksita-padma-vaktrah
vanyanuraga-kalayatmajavad grnantah
sambodhayanty aham ivaham upahrtas taih
Just as I am controlled by you, I am controlled by those who worship the brahmanas who have offended others, who see those brahmanas as non-different from me, who remain pleased in heart in spite of their harsh words, showing lotus faces moistened with sweet smiles, and who pacify them by praising them with words filled with love, just as a son praises an angry father. SB 3.16.11
They should treat them as friends, equal to themselves, without speaking and with sincerity, for the Lord, treating all beings without duplicity, situated within, does not get angry, even though people become angry at him.
Radheshyam Dasa
Harinama in Argentina (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada:…
→ Dandavats

Harinama in Argentina (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Sometimes the members of the Krsna Consciousness Society are afraid of the impending danger of world war and ask what would happen to them if a war should occur. In all kinds of danger, they should be confident of their protection by the Visnudutas or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati). Material danger is not meant for devotees. This is also confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam. Padam padam yad vipadam na tesam: in this material world there are dangers at every step, but they are not meant for devotees who have fully surrendered unto the lotus feet of the Lord. The pure devotees of Lord Visnu may rest assured of the Lord’s protection, and as long as they are in this material world they should fully engage in devotional service by preaching the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Krsna, namely the Hare Krsna movement of Krsna consciousness. [Srila Prabhupada; Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.3.18 purport]
Find them here: https://goo.gl/n3oGN9
Daily Darshan: November 12, 2017
→ Mayapur.com
The post Daily Darshan: November 12, 2017 appeared first on Mayapur.com.
The Deities in Mayapur As you’ve never seen them before!…
→ Dandavats

The Deities in Mayapur As you’ve never seen them before! (8 min video)
A meditation on the exquisite forms of Sri Pancha Tattva and Sri Sri Radha Madhava.
Amazing new video by Prananatha prabhu done with his drone. Such wonderful darshan of Radha Madhava and Pancha Tattva!
The Radha-Madhava Deities in Mayapur: what are they made of?
“Jananivasa told me about a conversation he had had in the temple with a middle-aged Bengali guest who had asked him, “Are Radha-Madhava made of brass or gold?”
“Well, what are you made of?” Jananivasa replied.
After a pause, the gentleman answered, “Flesh and blood.”
Jananivasa told him, “As long as you think you’re made of flesh and blood, then you’ll think the Deity is made of one metal or another. But if you can understand that you’re not the body, that you’re spirit soul, and also that the soul is part and parcel of God, then you’ll understand that you’re of the same nature as Krishna.”
The man wasn’t sure that he had understood, so Jananivasa continued, “Do you accept that God is in your heart?”
“So what’s He made of there, brass or gold?”
The man didn’t know.
“On the basis of the revealed scriptures,” Jananivasa said, “we can understand that God’s form is eternal and full of bliss and knowledge. That form, which is present in the heart of every living entity, is made of pure spirit, and that is what the Deity in the temple is also made of. You can’t see the Deity in your heart,” he explained as the gentleman nodded in agreement, “you don’t know who He is. So the Lord comes in a form you can see. Radha-Madhava appear to be material, but They are purely spiritual, and to the extent that you realize your nature is spiritual, to that extent you will understand that Krishna Himself is personally on the altar.”
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/gUWGV4
“Ask a Hare Krsna” (27 min video)Speaker Intro:…
→ Dandavats

“Ask a Hare Krsna” (27 min video)
Speaker Intro: Hari Parshad Prabhu holds a degree of Masters in Computer Engineering and is working as a professor teaching computer science.
He came in contact with Krsna consciousness in the year 2001 and he is a initiated disciple of HH Radha Govind Goswami Maharaj who is a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada, the founder-acharya of the International Society for Krsna consciousness.
He served in ISKCON youth forum the IYF for 7 years later due to his excellent hold in the Sanskrit language, he was appointed as a member of ISKCON’s Shastric advisory board & currently he is serving there.
Hari Parshad Prabhu is also serving as an assistant editor for Gopal Jiu Publications, which is very famous across the globe for publishing various Spiritual books & magazines.
Questions answered in this episode:
1. The Bhagavad Gita clearly states that the soul retains its individuality. When the soul merges into Brahman seems to forget his individuality. What cause that forgetfulness? And what determines when they become bored and come back down to the material platform?
(Asked by Ranjan from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India at 01:31 min)
2. How did Parshurama exist at the same time as another avatar Lord Rama? Why did he oppose Rama?
(Asked by Neha from Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India at 06:08 min)
3. In Srimad Bhagavatam Lord Shiva is considered as the topmost Vaishnava - vaiṣṇavānāṁ yathā śambhuḥ but why do our acharyas state that Srimati Radharani is the greatest Devotee of the lord?
(Asked by Rahul from Pune, Maharashtra, India at 11:48 min)
4. Srila Prabhupada condemns the Mayavadis as muddhas because they want to become God. The Brahmavadis accept Krishna’s form but consider the impersonal aspect superior. They also want to become one with God, yet their position is not condemned in Bg. Is the reason that Mayavadis consider Krishna’s form to be material the main reason of their being condemned (Bg 9.11)? I cannot visualize the Brahmavadis. Have they not read the Bhagavad Gita? Have they not heard about Krishna? Since the Mayavadis are considered offenders because they misinterpret the BG, why are the Brahmavadis not condemned? They accept Krishna’s form to be transcendental, yet they reject devotional service. Why? Is that not some form of envy?
(Asked by Mukesh from Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir, India at 14:47 min)
5. If all four bonafide Vaishnava sampradayas lead to the perfection of life then why their philosophy or Tattvas varies from one another?
(Asked by Vijay Patel from Surat, Gujarat, India at 22:58 min)
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/MvB8nx
The news today: passing away of another Vaisnavi
Hare Krishna Story Chaser: Interview – Sumati Devi – joined in…
→ Dandavats

Hare Krishna Story Chaser: Interview - Sumati Devi - joined in 1970 DC (audio)
Mitra Dasa: Hey it’s your lucky day! You get the chance to hear what it was like for Hare Krishna people in 1970.
I interviewed Sumati Dasi a couple weeks ago.
She found the temple in Washington DC, then moved on to the Boston temple.Hey it’s your lucky day! You get the chance to hear what it was like for Hare Krishna people in 1970.
Gaura Shakti das: Yesterday we held a memorial service in New…
Gaura Shakti das: Yesterday we held a memorial service in New Vrindavana for a departed Vaishnava and godbrother, Syamakunda prabhu, who left his body Friday afternoon. His body had been overcome by cancer. His extended family attended, many of whom were born and raised here. Many of his sons and daughters spoke [he has 10 children] as well as his godbrothers and godsisters.
Dedicated wife! (1 min video)How to practice Krishna…
→ Dandavats

Dedicated wife! (1 min video)
How to practice Krishna consciousness together during Dandavata Parikrama.
Iskcon community is mourning the loss of a young devotee loved by all for her sincere service mood
→ Dandavats

"Those in Vraja-maṇḍala bitten by a snake, killed by animals, killed by fire, water or any unnatural cause become residents of my own planet." (Skanda-purāṇam, Mārgaśīrṣa-māhātmya, Chapter 17, Verse 50) Govinda Swami: Yesterday we lost an effulgent young Vaisnavi here in Vrindavan. Braja Vallabhi, a disciple of HH Indradyumna Swami, passed from this world to Radhe Shyam's world, in a traffic accident near Radha Kund, Govaradhan. She was ever bright, decorated with a beautiful smile, always devoted to her guru, vaisnavas, and a real lover of Radha Raman. She was just 23 years of age. Now she will be a much younger girl, an ever fresh Kishori in Vrindavan, to serve Sri Radha as She serves her Ramana. Continue reading "Iskcon community is mourning the loss of a young devotee loved by all for her sincere service mood
→ Dandavats"
Sunday Love Feast – Nov12th, 2017 – Vedic Discourse by HG Bhagwat Prabhu
→ ISKCON Brampton

Chant: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare And Be Happy!!

sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
moksayisyami ma sucah

11.00 - 11.15 Tulsi Puja
11.15 - 11.30 Guru Puja
11:30 - 11:55 Aarti & Kirtan
11.55 - 12.00 Sri Nrsingadeva Prayers
12.00 - 1:00 Vedic discourse
1.00 - 1.30 Closing Kirtan
1.30 - 2.00 Sanctified Free Vegetarian Feast

Fasting.....................on Mon Nov 13,2017
Breakfast................ on Tue Nov 14 ,2017 b/w 8.14am-10.11am
Every fortnight, we observe Ekadasi, a day of prayer and meditation. On this day we fast (or simplify our meals and abstain from grains and beans), and spend extra time reading the scriptures and chanting the auspicious Hare Krishna mantra.By constantly ‘exercising’ our minds through regular japa we can train our senses to push the threshold of contentment.

Next date is to be announced shortly!
The chanting is a spiritual call for the Lord and His Energy to give protection to the conditioned soul.japa, when performed with focus and attention, can subdue the agitating effects of one’s mind and senses. The senses, of which the mind is also one, are constantly being stimulated by the external world - by gross and subtle matter.
If you have not chanted before, and would like to participate in this program, we will be very happy to show how you can do this.
All welcome. We’ll loan you a set of Beads!

I am useless – Is this feeling in ignorance or in transcendence?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
The post I am useless – Is this feeling in ignorance or in transcendence? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Gita 15.12 We need the eyes to see what our eyes need to see
Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
The post Gita 15.12 We need the eyes to see what our eyes need to see appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
GitaWise Bhakti Vrksha Group Wisely Support the TOVP
GitaWise – is a Bhakti Vrksha program in Cumming, Georgia, U.S.A. that involves many families in devotional activities and learning experiences through the teachings of Bhagavad Gita As It Is and Srimad Bhagavatam. Part of the education is to learn to contribute to worthy causes. They have donated previously to the TOVP, and recently they sponsored a Chakra abhisheka for Sri Sri Radha Madhava at the Chakra installation ceremony on February 7th, 2018.
Please read more below about this inspiring group of devotees and what they are doing to make a difference in the world by learning and teaching the principles of Krishna consciousness from Bhagavad Gita.
Written by Amrta Gaurangi devi dasi
Motivate and Inspire, Inc. is a non-profit organization registered in the state of Georgia, U.S.A.. Started over 3 years ago in Atlanta, Georgia by Anirudh Bikmal (current Sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania), and Anish Bikmal (current Junior at South Forsyth High School), the non-profit organization aims at involving youth in giving back to the community through Krishna conscious activities by harnessing their talents. One such activity is the Motivate and Inspire Educational Academy, an Academy that provides quality academic help to students in all grades while raising funds to serve those in need. So far close to $30,000 has been raised which has been donated to various projects such as Govardhan EcoVillage, BhaktiVedanta Hospital, Food for Life Global and the TOVP. Inspired by his visit to the TOVP in Mayapur last summer, Anish donated his prize money of $1000 from winning an event at the Future Business Leaders of America’s national conference to the TOVP (https://tovp.org/fundraising/15-year-old-anish-bikmal-donates-1000-tovp/).
More information about Motivate and Inspire Educational Academy can be found at www.mieduacademy.weebly.com.
GitaWise-Kids and GitaWise-Teens (part of Motivate and Inspire, Inc.) are programs that motivate young kids and teenagers to learn Bhagavad Gita verses with their translations in English as given by Srila Prabhupada. Started over three years ago during the summer as a six week program, it eventually became a yearlong weekly program. There are close to thirty enthusiastic elementary and middle school students that come together every Sunday for two hours. In addition to memorizing and reciting a verse every week, the children also play fun Krishna conscious games, learn dances and perform dramas from the messages of Bhagavad Gita. During a recent Janmastami celebration, we showcased our kids’ shloka recitation skills, dances, and dramas.
Bhagavad Gita is the supreme knowledge source that will guide kids and teens to lead a life based on virtue. Young kids learning Bhagavad Gita is not as emphasized as kids learning academic subjects because we have not deciphered the values hidden in this supreme treasure. GitaWise attempts to make Bhagavad Gita part of children’s life from a young age so they can first memorize, then understand, and eventually apply these values in their life. Simple but essential values like respecting time by not wasting it, being loving and polite to others, and being grateful by counting our blessings are re-enforced through these sessions. For middle school children, the GitaWise-Teens program aims to give them an opportunity to learn the Bhagavad Gita in its entirety before graduating high school and also read inspiring stories from Srimad Bhagavatam. Initially it might seem like a daunting task to memorize Sanskrit verses, but young students have wonderful learning capabilities that just by spending ten devoted minutes each day they are able to memorize verses. Thus far students have memorized verses in chapter 12, chapter 13 and close to 75 verses from various other chapters of Bhagavad Gita.
This program is free of cost; however, upon the recommendation of several parents to charge a fee, we decided to raise funds instead in this context. Each student contributes $10 per month towards Motivate and Inspire which will be donated for a social cause. Funds have been raised since November, 2016. So far, we have raised $2,250, $1,000 of which has been donated to Food for Life Global and $1,250 to the TOVP – Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.
GitaWise programs are run by Subal Sakha Das (Suresh Bikmal) and Amrta Gaurangi Devi Dasi (Aruna Bikmal) – disciples of HH Gopala Krishna Goswami. They are the parents of Anirudh and Anish – founders of Motivate and Inspire, Inc.. In addition to teaching Bhagavad Gita to children (via GitaWise-Kids and GitaWise-Teens), they also host Bhakti Vrksha programs, GitaWise-Ladies and GitaWise-Families on Thursday and Friday evenings respectively. They have been inspired by their siksha gurus, Gita Govinda Das and Gita Devi Dasi, to do these various programs and are immensely thankful to them.
Watch this short video compilation of aratis from the month of Damodar: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QT65LOrlbm4&feature=youtu.be
GitaWise Families – Students
Pankaj and Archana
Vijay and Manisha
Viren and Ami
Ritesh and Preethi
Yogesh and Rasika
Nanda and Hema
Amol and Jui
Subal Sakha Das and Amrta Gaurangi Devi Dasi
GitaWise Kids – Students
Sahana Kandasamy
Supreet Siddani
Lohit Maddu
Srihan Gundubogula
Aditya Adigopula
Abhinav Adigopula
Arnav Pareek
Akhil Mahankali
Swara Mahankali
Shrika Gandra
Joshita Kalakota
Krish Nallapu
Sreenya Audireddy
Satvika Bollimuntha
Karthik Bollimuntha
Abhi Singh
Keertana Kolluri
Kriti Kolluri
Saanvi Tatipalli
Karthikeya Kanneganti
Varshini Reddy Gundla
Arush Gudipati
Agastya Gudipati
Anish Dosapati
Aditi Dosapati
Dhatri Thatikonda
Anika Royyala
GitaWise Teens – Students
Tushar Singh
Anuraag Nallapu
Ved Rao
Vishnu Rao
Raj Gundubogula
Rasagna Vuppala
Dhriti Tummala
Sonika Tatipalli
Sreeja Audireddy
Anirudh Thatikonda
To sponsor a Chakra abhisheka for Sri Sri Radha Madhava and/or Lord Nrsimhadeva please go here: https://tovp.org/donate/once-in-a-lifetime-chakra-abhisheka-seva-opportunity/
The post GitaWise Bhakti Vrksha Group Wisely Support the TOVP appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.
TOVP Australasia Tour, Day 2 – Adelaide, Australia
- TOVP.org
The Adelaide, Australia temple, like Perth, is a very small community of about fifty devotee families and congregation members. We were not expecting any major contributions here but were happy to come and bring the blessings of Lord Nityananda and Lord Nrsimhadeva to the devotees. To our great surprise we miraculously collected $165,000 in pledges from these dedicated devotees who sacrificed so much for Srila Prabhupada.
We thank Co-Temple Presidents Adi Purusha Krishna and Sitaram prabhus for their support and cooperation in organizing the event and our stay in Adelaide.
To make a donation and sponsor an abhisheka for Sri Sri Radha Madhava’s and/or Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Chakra during the installation ceremony on February 7th, please go here: https://tovp.org/donate/once-in-a-lifetime-chakra-abhisheka-seva-opportunity/
The post TOVP Australasia Tour, Day 2 – Adelaide, Australia appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.
Young devotee passes away in a car accident in…
→ Dandavats

Young devotee passes away in a car accident in Vrindavan.
Indradyumna Swami: Dear disciples, friends and well-wishers, today my...
Mind, body, soul (video)Lecture by HH Jayadvaita Swami given…
Mind, body, soul (video)
Lecture by HH Jayadvaita Swami given Wednesday, 8 November 2017 at Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK.
Ecstatic Harinam Sankirtan and book distribution at Jackson…
→ Dandavats

Ecstatic Harinam Sankirtan and book distribution at Jackson Heights station, New York City (Album with photos)
Friday, Novembe...
The Gita’s two endings point to the same end
→ The Spiritual Scientist
[Bhakti Shastri class at Wellington, New Zealand]
Podcast Summary
The post The Gita’s two endings point to the same end appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.